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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 May 1967, p. 10

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10 - THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 6, 1967 Dear Ann Landers: My hus- band is smart in business, makes a fine living and is active In -eivic affairs, But he has a habjt that is driving me nuts. He_talks to himself. Hf someone pays him a com- pliment during the day, he will waik around with a silly grin, tating the compliment and enjoying it all over again. If he has"had an argument at the of- fic, he will rehash the conver- sation, repeat what he said, what the other fellow said, and ANN LANDERS She Should Realize His 'Case' Is Mild Our son says I can't come over without his mother. His mother refuses to go more than four nights a week. We are hav- ing some terrible arguments over this and I wish you would straighten her out.--New Jersey Dear Jersey: You sure rattled the wrong cage, Bub. I am the founder of the Leave Your Mar- ried Kids Alone League. Four nights a week is too often to it anybody, Go to your children's home thes add what he should havej When they telephone and invite said. Hé makes no attempt to keep his voice down, It is almost as if-he is performing for me and the children. Tonight he went into a monologue on what he plans to say to his .supervisor tomorrow if he gets criticized for the way he handled a deal. It is creepy to hear this man talking to himself in full voice, Please tell me if you think he is losing his buttons?--Greens- boro Dear Greensboro: In the past three weeks I have received over 2,000 letters from women whose husbands like to sleep in lace nightgowns and wear ladies' un- dérwear. One loon asked his e to make him some silk dresses to wear while watching TY. And you are complaining beeause your husband talks to lf! Comparatively speak- ing,-he's in good shape. bo Ann Landers: Our son, le and children live in a néfghboring subdivision. I like to..go there every night for a beer and a little conversation. My wife says seven nights a week is too often. I say so long aspeople enjoy each other it is.mot too often. you. Dear Ann Landers: I was in- terested in the women who could not get their husbands to fix things because I grew up in such a home. My father did not fix anything whatsoever and he was a carpenter by trade. My mother and I took the kitchen stove apart and put it back together, We fixed the roof, the chimney, replaced broken windows, painted,, plas- tered, and even repaired the plumbing. Just name it and my mother and I did it, I married a man who is just like my father, but I decided I wasn't going to be a workhorse like mama was. When some- thing needed fixing I would ask my husband to do it. If within three days it wasn't done I'd hire someone. When he got the bill he'd blow up. My response was, "I'd rather pay out the money than nag, you, dear." In the last few years he has done all the repairs and I have never asked him more than once.--The Foxy One Dear Foxy: You make a lot of sense, girl. I recommend your plan as an anti-nag measure for all wives everywhere. Iron Utensils Are Pre - Treated To Make Them ' By ELEANOR ROSS In our continued review of the eare of cooking utensils, let's get after e more cookware. Unless iron utensils are label- led as pre-treated, they should be seasoned for rust resistance when new. To do this, first scour each piece with a household cleanser On a sponge or cloth--never use steel wool on iron. Then wash thoroughly in hot suds, rinse with hot water, and wipe dry right away. Finally, spread melted butter, shorten- ing or unsalted vegetable oil over the entire inside of the utensil and its cover, us' a pastry brush or paper toweling. 'Heat the piece for two or three hours in a 250 degrees Fahrenheit oven or over low heat on top of the range. It may need two-such treatments be- fore use--and possibly a third if 4t is inclined to rust. Daily consists of washing iron- in hot suds and rinses promptly after use. Dry thor- opghly to prevent rust. COAT WITH OIL tIf food sticks to the surface, sbak for 15 minutes in warm sds; then scrape with a wooden Rust - Resistant scouring with a cleanser is nec- essary, then the piece must be seasoned again. If it is to be stored for some time, any iron pot or saucepan should first be coated with unsalted vegetable oil or shortening. Pewter should be washed in warm suds, rinses, and polished with a soft cloth. If very old pieces become spotted, soak them in a strong solution of lye for 15 minutes, remove with tongs, scrub with a stiff brush dipped in suds, rinse with hot water, then polish with a soft cloth. Repeat this treatment, if |mecessary. A heavily tarnished piece should first be washed in, hot suds, rinsed and dried. Cover the utensil with silver polish, and while this is still wet, apply a thick soap or detergent lather. Rinse in hot water and polish with a dry, soft cloth. This should do the trick. Silver, either sterling or plated, should be washed with hot suds and rinses after each use to delay tarnishing. 'While still warm, buff each piece with a soft towel. When polishing is necessary, use your favorite brand and method. But do use spoon or rubber scraper. If a your silver; it becomes beauti- F ANCY Everyone loves hand- knitted socks, especially those with patterns. You can choose between easy- to-knit diamonds or open work design, Either pair can be knitted in standard or the shorter summer SOCKS length. If you wish instruc. tions please send self- addressed stamped envel- ope and ten cents to cover cost of handling, to the Needlework Department of this newspaper asking for Leaflet No. 6-67. For Changes In ROME. (Reuters) -- Divorce, birth control and sex educa- tion have become big issues in Roman Catholic Italy. Times are changing in this Catholic country, though a mini- skirt is still enough to make young men turn their heads and grandmothers shake theirs in disgust. In general, there is less reti- cence these days about arguing gg and social issues in pub- ic. Left - wing members of the Chamber of Deputies, actively supported by thousands of cou- ples forced to live in illegal un- ions with illegitimate children, are clamoring for changes in the law banning divorce. is put in service. WASH IN HOT BUDS Stainless steel should be washed in hot suds promptly after use to maintain its luster. Rinse with hot water and thoroughly because moisture le! on the surface Causes a cloudy film. Soak in warm 'suds if food deposits are left: Then the uten- sil should be scrubbed with a cloth or sponge. If brownish or vari - colored "heat tints" appear on the bot- tom of pots and pans, rub at once with a fine abrasive; then wash in hot suds, rinse in hot water, and dry. To avoid such marks, always cook at moder- ate heat. Tin utensils need only wash- ing in hot suds and rinses, plus thorough drying. Tin absorbs heat better when it develops a bluish tone and becomes dull with use. Do not try to scour utensils made of tin. Just follow the ways recom- mended for cleaning your pots and see if things don't pan out fied with # soft patina when it|™ Roman Catholic Italy Clamors Social Laws Demands for legalization of divorce started a fierce church- state dispute, in which Pope Paul has described divorce as "a sign of moral decadence" and a violation of Italy's 1929 concordat with the Vatican. MADE RECOMMENDATION Health ministry experts, after. long study, recommended that a ban on birth control publicity be lifted and sex education be given in schools. The sale of contraceptives in Italy is prohibited, although the "pill" can be bought under other names, such as hormone preparations. The divorce issue, however, is the most explosive--and the hardest for politicians to han- le. An estimated 5,000,000 Italian men, women and children are members of families which have no legal status because at least one of the parents is un- able to divorce a former part- ner. A recent national opinion poll showed that 30 per cent of Ital- jans today would support di- yorce, an incrense of six per cent compar a figures o! tained 12 months ago. : Opponents of divorce have dropped to 56 from 71 per cent, and there are many more "don't knows." BILIS UNDER STUDY E Two bills to introduce limited divorce are before the Italian BIRKS recommend HAGER Silver Care better. 2 ONLY "ain SKIRTS (Pleats Extra) WITH REGULAR DRY CLEANING ORDER Limit 2 per customer ARNOLD PALMER'S ~ \Jhis Week's Dollar Savers! "OFFER GOOD MAY Ist, TO MAY 6th. INCLUSIVE ONLY a eee WINTER 13 WITH REGULAR DRY CLEANING ORDER PLUS FRE FREE " REGULAR 1.25 VALUE TOP QUALITY 'GOLF BALLS WHITE DRESS Shirts 5 for 1.00 with dry cleaning order or 30 each PICK-UP & GARMENTS, BLAN 40-Lb. Limit WITH ANY SHIRT OR CLEANING ORDER OLD PALMER'S, CLEANING CENTRE King Park Plaza -- King St. West AT PARK ROAD DELIVERY CALL 723.0961 -»+ BOX STORAGE KETS, ETC. vn 50? \\ THE STARS SAY xception: generous plan- etary influences should make Sunday a@ memorable day, Es- favored: Domestic in- terests, outdoor activities, travel and romance, Some unusually good news also likely. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If Sunday is your birthday, your chart promises an. ex- tremely viene year. While job interests may follow a more or less routine line during the next two months, you can look forward to some nice oppor- tunities for advancement and recognition for past efforts dur- ing the latter half of July and September, with further boosts indicated in early December, next . January and February. And, where financial matters are ¢oncerned, stars promise fine chances for gain during the first two weeks in August and between Sept, 15 and Nov. 15; also, in early December, next February and March. De- spite such glowing prospects, however, it will be important that you manage conservatively during intervening periods--es- pecially during the first two weeks of September. No spec- ulation! No ravagance! Your personal life is also gen- erously aspected, with empha- sis on romance and lively social doings between now and Sept. 15; also between Nov. 15 and Jan, 1; next April and May. If travel's on your mind, don't count on too much for the bal- ance of 1967, but the early part of next year will be highly pro- pitious--especially if you plan ito embark on a long journey. A child born on this day will be unusually sympathetic to- ward his fellowmen -- a true humanitarian who, with unlim- ited capacity for self-sacrifice would make an excellent doctor or nurse, Domestic concerns will cori- be generously influ- enced on Monday so plans made for the benefit of family and the home environment should go ex- ceptionally well. Also, a good period for making new friend- ships, for romance and travel. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If Monday is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that it would be advisable to take ad- vantage of all opportunities to advance your job status during the next two months, since July promises pleasing recognition of your efforts and some new chances to get ahead. Further boosts along this line are 'in the stars" during September, earl yDecember, next January and February. On the financial score, look for a good period to make gains between Aug. 15. Another excellent cycle between mid-September and mid-Novem- ber (with October outstanding); other good boosts in early De- cember, next February and March. Do be conservative dur- ing intermittent periods, how- ever--especially throughout the first two weeks of September. Romance and stimulating so- cial activities should enliven your personal life between now and Sept. 15; also between mid- November and Jan. 1; next April and May. If you will try to avoid friction in domestic circles in mid-December and throughout April, you should find the year one of great hap- piness in family relationships. A child born on this day will parliament. The first would per- mit divorce after long legal sep- aration, where one party had spent five years in a mental in- stitution or had been sentenced to five years' imprisonment for sex or vice crimes. This bill passed its first hur- die when a parliamentary com- mittee ruled it constitutional. It could reach the floor of the House within the next year. An alternative bill would per- mit divorce after five years of legal separation. Both bills would permit di- vorce where one party was a foreigner and had already. ob- tained a divorce abroad. The health ministry report calling for a relaxation of regu- lations on birth control was sub- mitted to a special government commission studying the case for and against changing the law. In support of their case, the experts said that more than 500,000 secret abortions take place in Italy each year, with a loss of hundreds of mothers' ives. EXPERT RE-FINISHING On all Types of Furniture French Polishing - Restoration of Antiques Oshawa Upholstering Co. 725-0311 tients. Co - Ordination Needed, VON Told OTTAWA (CP) -- A federal |lits sactivities to the total picture|order. government hospital adminis- trator told the annual meeting of the Victorian Order Teed ett are nesded ty|thal. create the need for healthlby $,636,583 to 5,401,717, health services organizations to meet the total needs of G. B. Rosenfeld, senior con- sultant in hospital administra- tion for the health department, |services and their causes," he said' the board of health agency |said. Earlier in the day, Dr. G. D. hag; # responsibility to relate W. Cameron of Peterborough thes function of the agency and|was re-elected president of the and} not limit it to one segment. "9W¥e must understand the re-/ WOMEN OUTNUMBERED of|latitenship between poor housing} Men outnumber women in (and illness, between all factors Tokyo, the world's largest city, Tt BRN bide sh FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made almost pee cases, will 'be inclined along both artistic and scientific lines and, what is in such 1 also be extremely practical in business matters, DRAPES in the latest Shades end fabrics... 6 SOU 8 WARD'S 725-1151 THE 1967 STYLES IM SPORTSWEAR © 'Sabre' Slims ® 'Sabre' Shorts ®@ 'Cole' Swim Suits Now on Displey Simece St, at Athol Quolity Since 1919 Mé&C Dry Goods & Draperies EXPERTLY INSTALLED DRAPERY TRACKS '74 CELINA STREET 723-7827 "Free Customer Parking While Shopping ot Our Store | 15 DAY ESCORTED TOUR TO : Calgary Stampede and Canadian Rockies Available At of 3 er Mere So OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. £., Oshewe 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each 5x 7 -- 1,25 each 20% Discount on Orders Pictures | TOUR LEAVES ON SAT., JULY Ist #Accommodations in first class hotels and motels, Completely tescorted from start to finish. Travel through Ontario, Manitoba, Waekotchewan and Alberto. Only $235. (Twin or Double) ny more tours available. Check with us for other departures, ' 'MITCHELL & WAITE ! Travel Service 4% PRINCE ST PHONE 728-7395-6 ' Club and Team %, « " OF QUA WESTERN ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL WIRING QUALIFIED Electric Heoting Contrector Certified Lighting Consultent. WESTERN ELECTRIC "Sour" 728-0842 electric P heating Warming an extra room becomes a quick and easy job with electric heating. It won't over-tax your present heating system. Or your budget. But it will deliver quiet, draught-free warmth to any chilly room in your home. Like to know more? Just ask your hydro. live better electrically HONE 723-4624 -- In Co-operetion with -- can make an extra room extra cosy . Oshawa Public Utilities Commission WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ... TELEPHONE 668-5878 PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION .. TELEPHONE 942-2930 BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION TELEPHONE 623-5471 ' JACKETS WWdeally suited for Hockey, Basketball, J Bowling, Baseball and Football. oo , TEAMS and LEAGUES SERVICE | CUSTOM \Ve will design a jacket ty> your -- individual tyastes. 'tall ' Workmanship {Unconditionaily , Guaranteed. [> \ 36 KING STREET EAST OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ' Special Clearance __ "One Week Only! ] DRESS and WALKING b Fae y \"NATURALIZER" and "JOYCE" \pVe have token H broken lines «and discontinu- ae styles and in these two femous tunakes end re- (uced them to 'ine money « waving prices F é ; Reg. 15.95 to 17.95 95) | SALE PRICE : i OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. DAVIDSON SHOE STORE ' DESPITE ALL t and queries, Eas legiate auditorium | as "sold out' for Concert to be pre the National Ballet on Monday night auspices of the Can cert Association (0 This is great nev when such talentec ers as Lois Smith, and Martine van H was voted the outst lerina in the in competitions at year, are ready a to perform here, a should welcome thi full house. Does this really Oshawa citizens a ing more culture cc that some of us dragged in by the In any case it d to consider wha about. Ballet is consider mination of all the out the spoken w volves drama by story. It is a vis that the forms an created by the da pose a picture. Th of dancing and m indissoluable one, plimenting the 1 statements of the the showmanship of any of the perfo! IF YOU'RE STIL I'd like to pass a program notes fe night. You won't on the program bu be helpful. The b in Five' is a saucy; play between four a girl ,set to th music of Johann § Don't be afraid t loud during the I coso; it's meant te It depicts the com} tween an old and lerina. Both have both want to stea light and dance wit ing male dancer. tongue-in-cheek fr place to Rossi wind quartettes | No. 1. "Solo" has bee especially to exhibi ical technique o van Hamel. Set te Mozart, watch fo vura (bold) style, control. Remember a Ba sigur =r _ r the stren fa of the perfor appears effortless demanding. "Death and the a legend. In this | let to Franz Schub you will see a be gradually submit 1 ing figure ofdeat In Concerto Ba girls represent vic orchestra and the scribes the interpl the violins and the represented by th ballet. The modern ba introduces all kin characters includii and a silly bride, tumes of the 1920's and wood-wind | by Francis Poulen ply 'a happening the show. Mrs. Per Presiden Mrs. Percy Mou stalled as presider moresque club for its recent meeting Other officers in past - president, Forrest; vice - pr Murray Chute; se James McConnell; Miss Pat McConne 'Pill' User. Little Risk LONDON (AP)- Medical Research Friday birth contr have been respon deaths of 20 wom last year. That would mak three for every 1 who used oral cor just half the ris women had of be an auto accident, port published in Medical Journal. ' It concluded: '1 no reasonable dou types of thrombo order--blocking of by clots--are ass the use of oral co The report came based on cases il don hospitals and the College of Gé tioners and the ¢ Safety in Drugs. EDGAR'S DECOR Ci 34 KING § @ Color Unlimite @ Decoration to YOUR BU See Us For Point Phone 723 beeen Pe

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