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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 May 1967, p. 13

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NEWS FROM THE CHURCHES HUR cH Masonic Service THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 6, 1967 J3 : it |, continuing a traditio extend! Panel Discussion | Mission Evening _ BA. S d T ; Pl d of the masonic lodges | ye PR eee aay and gine bb ee -- Women's Mis | - cuits O UEEEERERG © RCT R TO i ete as ete ee i eo ser Arcee ner Laem ot Gre at ne Lord's Supper ° e eee coeeie. tan GAG, &lasmetiec haiia codon, nites werk smacg Ceoatiis' te members. Mellow, minister of 'the church, hair and communication will be dians. The cpentee will be Edith: XRAL ISSUES OF Vy Ingsv1lew urc will deliver the add di d Whetung. Bae in Ethics A sod turning ceremony willjby fire of their church, whereJers were called last. month and Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada be held by the congregation of|they had worshipped for more|were opened this week. 00 AM. Kingsview United Church at 3jthan 0 years. The board of EMMANUEL Cc : 34 Pm constraction of 'thelt. new|the fire to make plans for re BAPTIST CHURCH ALVARY DMAPTIST church building. It is expected|building or erection of a new Coeee line & Ccnae ack o construction will commence at/church. Sree ») CHURCH once. sg Riaglle pragy ve A five-acre site was finally vy dees ER e i LAND RD.) swa Citadel of the Salvation| Purchased from ppl gtd stillachis teal BA. DD: Army Citadel will play. southwest corner o! on Roa : BP a ag : In late January, 1966, the con-|and Adelaide Avenue. An arch- t gregation of King Street United|itect was chosen last fall and sa Church was saddened by the loss|suitable plans approved. Tend- Reveals the startling signi- ' tel a ; C H R I S T I A N x C I E N C E -- 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES . ag Monday to Saturday The Bible Is Our Text Book ied FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST. EAST 9:05 - 9:35 P.M. epg , Branch ef The Metre Ct The 2 Few' Chueh of Christ Sclentist * Bible Schoo! for ell ages |! 1:00 A.M.--"SPIRITUAL AFFLUENCE" ; SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 AM. 10:30 - 11:00 P.M. vee al 7:00 P.M. a SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. 1380 RADIO Bes gb ROE do RO eh " 7:00 P.M-- Special Musie--Calvary Chole; Calvary O Youble Chub. "ADAM and FALLEN MAN WORSHIP. and EVENING SERVICE BROADCAST OVER CKLB RADIO SERVICE Wed. Service (Includes testimonies) 8 P.M. COMMUNION Trea STE Tob on WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH SCENE OF INAUGURAL SERVICE READING ROOM--CORNER ONTARIO AND BOND STS. ' WED. 7: aS * Noah Study acu Geet eid eee} sie BAL ich Monday to Friday -- 12 noon - 5 p.m. ' wind | THE Pearegee gota AM, Every Sunda Listen te: The Bible a oe You " wery Sunday ALBERT STREET GOSPEL HALL || -- Wesleyan PprppbpadrbenarsavsrosppLpaspvsrovrvabae wove C 150 Albert St., Oshawa Methodist oe | ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH | 1967 CENTENNIAL WORSHIP ORDER OF MEETING SUNDAY Charch ® Ws] ' "HURCH, 10:00 A.M.--Remembering The Lord |: Ogee ree ee cic a ie BUSINESS and SERVICE DIRECTORY pane LY FAMILY CHURCH 12:00 P.M.--Sunday School--Adult Bible Class | ye g teed and Siig The Reverend R. G. Brooks S, Th. -- Assistont bs Inieter 7:00 P.M.--Gospel |} 9:45 a,m.--Sunday Schoo! SUNDAY, MAY 7th, 1967 -- EnssesssrasssossosensssSsonoonsossaseescessoi8 id Organist Tuesday -- 7:30 P.M. Prayer & Bible Study Classes for all SUNDAY AFTER ASCENSION DAY Scturday -- 7:30 P.M. Ministry Meeting 11:00 A.M. ... A REALLY GOOD PLACE TO BUY A FINER USED CAR!) SERVICES: 9:00 A.M.-11:00 A.M.-7:00 P.M. ALL ARE HEARTILY WELCOME Morning Worship | ) | | "~&_ CONSUMING | cs CONFIDENCE" LIFE- Nursery facilities available ot the 11:00 A.M. Service . 7:00 p.m.--Evening Chopel A, Ob. United Pentecostal Church ee RECITAL OF CHORAL MUSIC -- 8:30 P.M. 166 KING E. BOWMANVILLE, ONT, 628-3996 320 Ritson Rd. $. (Near Olive) uu he ee St. George's Choir -- Chamber Orchestra Oshawa i : --Schubert ALL ARE INVITED Thursday, May 11th -- Holy Communion -- 10:00 ¢.m. AN AN Unfesten Your Eet Belt for . . . SUNDAY-- va org CHIPS'N GRAVY BEATTY SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 A.M, OR , MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 A.M. © MEDentnips ENGLISH STYLE HAULAGE view United Chane EVANGELISTIC 7:00 P.M. SPA ARYOUPLAY, ctl | & freavetine e St. E, and ihe WEDNESDAY-- ) 27 HOLes a Gi % Send, Grevel, ay 14th. The Solve BIBLE STUDY ond PRAYER 8:00 P.M. Becerra ph tig Y S Loam et er members of FRIDAY-- | Coll skip Williams 5 ¥ Toeanepiog. nt_ members of the 4. YOUTH SERVICE 8:00 P.M. oe DRIVE-IN-RESTAURANT 725 cordially invited to. | transportation avaliable, | . Simcoe St, N. et Teunton Rd, "2156 " EVERYONE 'WELCOME HURCH ST., PICK! ar , re PICKERING "THE BIG 'M" DRIVE-IN" Tounton Ré., Oshewe AB'S MOTORCYCLE SHOP | Introducing: The KAWSAKI @ BSA. @ Triumph © Duceti ' Complete Service & Accessories i 114 Stevenson South -- 728-7780 vat OSHAWA SPIRITUALIST CHURCH J. V. AVIATION will be held in the Little Chopel of Albert Street United Church (Olive Ave, entrance). PASTOR---REV. EB. McGRATH v't, SJ pavers Instruction Aire % Charter end Private Thighte Oshewe Municipal Airport 728-3191 Comers stying see its 2:30 P.M.--HEALING and MESSAGE Oshawa Monument s Joe's Color TV TED'S AUTO | | : : pring Is rf 7:00 P.M.--DIVINE SERVICE Company @ Mere! and bulks Siikn BODY . Designers and Creators of yee Slap netiaya id Al Ln AW AY C 0 Pp IES of Monument Markers in -- Heve Your ear come ae y, Prange vest Free Estimates of RIES ON A We design engrave ft ' the Spring! ane: seociaiite BODY Ba FENDER rome CHES Pee 0 oe ye Penne Sie Snir" eames || Kerri. Boe GERRY |) [RIOR] + nrc ae e ' modalx® SPRAY PAINTING i EVERYONE WELCOME ai vay eens cesring wn STATHAM'S BA Psy week SPECIALISTS he oe sly mit Zim 6 ing 5 255 King £. 723-4733 ond W. R.R. No. 4 (King E.) 728-3407 |. Yp wile njoy t Y; / MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 7 9 | 4 THAT ng AV 14 CN. LCOS | 21 KING ST., OSHAWA 7asead | + is 5 VE" CHU, R C 17] ARMSTRONG HOMES | 1. rear of the surf on some sheltwed Pacific nlnd . - « the tiling * Etatom 'ull hnssai . wherever in 'ts Wide wide borg plan te go we rl preg Darlin Upholstery | 10:00. A.M | FOREST GLEN your fn step Iso pd or @ call to agate -- leah) cee on 1 w, ' : AVA. e 1 persona! ion q ' 1 MUSICIANS CHRISTIAN EDUCATION HOUR HEIGHTS ef Manager Jack Cummings, a sowianvil NonY Sega 11:00 A.M, WORSHIP SERVICE i% ort Be rooms iced fre | sel exset aren the mon? mite jewel deel an rereforma Ree seem | Sittele oan eo, fe ! You Welcome 7:00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE , | " $18,700.00 Fg wife ett Sete Smeal, and Toddlers Paradise | | * ° P r { 1:15 CKLB-1950 83 BYNG AVE. WEST OF SIMCOE ST.N To Be Published June 20th 1967 "Hae Since, 1920 Meadows Travel Service, @ subsidiary of Themes Meadows & SHO el PREG APRING $40 1 ghia. NHA Mertganse | Siclarien, 19) HS, oifeas Te Peters Vente Ses Cahewe | Bee or RN STOR "tor Father jie Soave J, Jock Cumming of the Meadows Travel Serviea in Genow 2 goined hie veo ay | ata | 3 f or onl ? 5: vanes sy ore) New York before paring 'he Oshawa office in 1948, The fee ie EXPERIENCE. = mani fer ae Now secaptine reg anaes $e oe hy 723-8144 Born In Toronto Jack was educated there and was @ student ot Riverdale | 1967-68 von, ve oS RCH Jhe Chustian. and. Bae y 942-3310 srt an ond tended shows Business coisa, he i married rs ys a a pata: | Missi Alli. (Si PIES 10¢) me » 7286662 489 Bond Street East Oshawa MAILED ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD pos AJ MOVING ; COMPLETE Rey. Richard J. Barker, Minister | j Me LESS MONEY "ane Uniformed ANDSCAP| 'i iy a 1 DAY SUNDAY At lees then 106 per copy (postage Included), thle Plonts & Fertilizers sessed te --_ 9:45 AM.--BIBLE SCHOOL big, Souvenir Editien prevides en exesllent epper- * Tools * Patio Stone BONANZA SALE | *™™ Specteliete : 11:00 A.M.--COMMUNION ---- 'unity te remember forlly.end frlends In for awey \"TRNSSEN Terme Avrenoed 7S mon on "The Reconciling of The Werld" claces. These who have formerly lived in this eree Garden Contes PELESHOK Motors Ltd. for ewtimere, -- GUMARING No. 1 In @ gerles of Reconcilistion. will. epeteciet the shptes-end sows (ina Sat 843 King W. 728.9429 He 'aad Ra AJAX 942-6300 728-5930 612 crore 4 Ld rwoed Station le ea ALES 7:00 agar Bie PROMISE OF Ap FATHER will tell In @ most Interesting way the history of - - . ah serieg em "Evengetize; Evangelion" Onterle and Durham Counties, and their eontribue WEDNEIDAY 7:45 PAM. <= PRAYER SERVICE ton to Canede during 100 year since Conadere 3 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER "Where You Are Always Welcome" " Oo a a ce & Soft Ice Creom + Milk Shakes > Sundees all at é ; 2 iy eden 1347 Simcoe N., Oshawa -- 235 Simcoe S., Oshews \ : 100 YEARS -- te an ne ee 1003 BUNDAS HWY. £, WHITEY _ | ERIE STREET FREE METHODIST vie men bling ie etondng St. fter Bloor) y Miniter -- Rev, ©. M. Bright 725-9872 OSHAWA MODERN GRILL (3s OSHAWA ny friends PROGRESS LAUNDRY & (UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT) Sad TUNE UP CENTRE angelistic : jas}, Inge' Junior Church Up Te 11 Years Provided ; ' DRY GLEAMING mh EUROPEAN FOODS! -Tune-tip & P.M 10:00 A.M, --- FAMILY SUNDAY SCHOOL HERE'S ALL YOU DO: ehe CASH BICARRY y \! ¥ ty & Dixie Lee Chicken xi 4 Bele ° ° * Electrical 11:00 A.M.--FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE Make out 4 list of Names and eddresses of those to whem you wish the Souvenir PHONE TODAY eg es Sig? % Groceries and Smokes p \e ae & "POVERTY THAT MAKES RICH" Edition to be mailed, along with a cheque or cash ot 3 copies for 25¢ ond Mall or bring | 723-1471 | Crgn, 24 teure Mon. oft PAM, Sat. & Sun, Delive to THE TIMES CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT. All orders will be mailed promptly on 50 Mill St. A 345 Ritson S. 725-3887 222 King W. 728-0817 day of publication. ALL ORDERS WILL BE HANDLED BY THE TIMES CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT eu : 7:00 P.M--FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR Tussdey 7:30 P.M.---Preyer Meeting end Bible Study Thuredey 7:30 p.m.--Sundey Schoo! Boord Meeting Fridey 7:30 p.m.--F.M.Y. "A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU" W. B. BENNETT Paving and Materials Ltd. * Play Grounds * Subdivisions 728-4661 COMPLETE ASPHALT Pat temmi® Driveways SERVICE i' Parking Lots 1290 Somerville Meadows Travei Service A Complete Trevel Service * Tours * Cruises %* Accommodation Lond -- Sea -- Air 25 King E. 723-9441 TRAVEL BUREAU om... 9 _ -- - Sa atl

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