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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 May 1967, p. 16

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- ® 76 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 6, 1967 20--Real Estote for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale CHOOSE YOUR NEW HOMESITE IN BEAU VALLEY - NOW - A limited number of fully "serviced lots are now available in Oshawa's finest location. '60' Lots -- $7,500 Nowhere in Oshawa con you buy better lots for less money. If you are planning 'en building this spring, NOW Is the time to choose the plan you like best. / Over 100 different plans "available. Or bring your * own plan and have it 'priced for you -- no wbligation -- free valuation »on-your present home -- Trades accepted ---- Mortgages arranged. BUY the BEST -- BUY a KASSINGER built home. Gall 723-2265 for fast courteous service. SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. PRIVATE SALE 4 bedroom family bungalow, attached garage, broadioom in living, dining, hall. Fire- place. Newly decorated. Close SCHOOLS. Modern three bed- room bungalow, large kitchen, two piece and four piece washrooms, basement com- pletely finished, extra large lot, close to bus and shops, down payment $3,000. Pri- vate. 725-9801. Orono Main Street Four bedrooms, bathroom, 2 storey house, garage. $1,500 down. Full price $10,500. 7% mortgage. Orono 983-5709 to public and separate $1,000 DOWN will buy this _seven-room schools, buses. Very best, |brick two-storey in good condition, mod- eost end location. A country |$iny KIER, O95 Ahan ea setting in the city. Price Estate. $19,500. | 7 728-6537 20a--Summer Properties NORTHWEST -- NEAR For Sale or Rent |20--Real Estate for Sale '26--Apartments for Rent 26--Apertments for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent '26--Apartments for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent + 30--Automobiles for Sale | BASEMENT APARTMENT -- $17,900 @ |sacrifice, six-room ranch with fine car driveway, four-room apartment 'makes |your payments. Try $2,000 down. Call H. |Kelth Ltd, Realtor, 725-4841. peta BRICK Bungalow. Three bed- ie bad large kitchen and living ropm. Nor h-east location. Only $1500 down for a quick sale. Call Les Hall, evenings 728- |5513 or at J. B. McMullan and Co., 725- Two bedroom showroom cot- tage on northeast side of | COTTAGE Lake Scugog. 20 ft. picture window ond all modern in- side conveniences. Large lot, | 100 ft. water frontage. Good | fishing and swimming near- | by. $6,500. Telephone 723- 6055 between 6-9 p.m. |RICE LAKE, Bebe Beach, two miles east of Baillieboro. Four-bedroom fur- nished cottage. Phone 725-7284. |MAIJAC COTTAGES for rent, | housekeeping, all facilities. Swimming, | skling, fishing. 725-2909 or 723-8487. EEPING COTTAGES on Stur- SPLIT LEVEL house, four bedrooms, off | Park Road N. For information call 723- 4674. NEW three-bedroom . bungalows. $17; 990 | and $18,469 full price with 62 and 6% per cent mortgages. The lowest priced new homes in Oshawa. Call Frank Smith el Has 3533 or 725-3557 at J. B. McMillan} ~ Situated | . This is 8 |geon Lake, Abe and three bedrooms. nc Tele- jphone 623. ayn |CHANDOS LAKE (A (Apsley), three-bed- }room cottage for rent, $60. weekly, 15 |horsepower motor and 16-ft. boat, $10 jextra. Telephone 655-3461. HOUSEKEEPING cottages for rent, $25- |$75 weekly. Bancroft area. Excellent [beach tn fishing. Telephone Oshawa 9 deal, To mspect and buy call Frank) Smith 723-3533 at J. B. McMullan and Co. Realtor or 725-3557. 2: BASKETT & PEGG LTD. Real Estate Brokers BROUGHAM 942-0931 EXECUTIVE TYPE HOME Custom built on high scenic land north of Oshawa at Raglan. Extra quality con- struction and convenience. Very large living room, fire- place, best quality broadioom, '90' mers balcony, two four- ece baths, one two-piece, ) bedrooms, large kitchen, ponelled rec. room, two cor heated attached garage, four ear unheated garage. Asphalt drive, unlimited water, patio 24 x 70, cedar hedges, fruit trees, two gardens, completely fenced, magnificent view. Must be seen to be appreciat- ed For appointment to inspect coll Bessie Pegg, 640-1303 or 942-0931. or after hours call 728-5513. $12,900 LIST PRICE, 11-y three- bedroom bungalow, -- thr bath, carport, aluminum storms, screens, TV tower, large lot, 66 x 136. J. B. Mc. Mullen and Co. Realtor, 668-6201. STEVENSON RD. N, bungalow with basement apartment. Just listed this excellent home in thi exclusive area. Drive by and then call us to inspect this lovely home. Call Jerry Coady at 728-7576 now. Sibby's Real Estate Ltd. NEAR NORTH GM PLANT. We have 8 1% storey three - bedroom home_ lo cated in a desirable central area. This is a beautifully decorated and clean home with garage and paved drive, Douglas J. M. Bullied Realtor. 723-1168, five-room brick |W RANCH STYLE house, four years old, brick, suitable for large family, rec. room, basement. Down payment $86,000- NEW HOMES, NORTH OSHAWA --|\miles from highway, accessible all $2500 down' payment if yeu qualify. year. 728-2926. Three bedrooms, large Kitchen. All|GLEARED LOT on Crowe Lake (Mar- underground eee early Pr peongagl mora), 75 x 250, hydro and road, Call Les Hall ry all particulars at . Tel 472-281 iq TB, MeNulion "Real Estate, Tassie? [Conc eleorone, Mle aNNE ain Mc-ling, creek. paivait -- three-bedroom coftage, jnorth of Peterborough on Lake Papin- leau. Good swimming and fishing, two 21--Farms for Sale |114 ACRES, good clay loam, good bulld- Asking $20,000 * with terms. 725-8010. Rigg Lindsay. Call John Sandy, . O. Martin Realtor. 22--Lots for Sale 10 ACRE LOTS within 15 minutes drive of Oshawa and Whitby. Some clear, others with bush and stream. Call Frank Smith 723-3533 or 725-3557 at J. B. Mc- Mullan and Co. Realtor. DUPLEX LOT 55' x 145'. Cash pri $4,000, Suitable for single family home. Semi-detached or duplex. Call Frank Smith at 723-3533 or 725-3557 at J. B. McMullan and Co. Realtor. NHA APPROVED building lot in north end of city. All services prepaid. Terms garage. Will show these homes by ap- pointment only. So please call Willard Johnston, 728-1066, Schofleld-Aker Ltd. NEW THREE ow, close $10,000. 728-5264. reasonable. Telephone 723-1191. $3,700, DOWN will buy beautiful new|/FIVE SERVICED lots, NHA approved, NHA Kassinger bullt home in northjunderground wiring. Name your own pee oP iad tg fete nly pay-iterms. Telephone 723-1191. ments, Can give you either ree- oF four-bedroom home with or without LOT FOR: SALE in Downsview Park, all services prepaid and underground. Telephone 728-0194. 150' X 200' PARTLY wooded lot on paved road, Zion. Telephone 725-1778. to downtown, 614 NHA mortgage. Large kitchen, prepaid services, oll heat. $2500 down payment if you qualify. Call Les Hall at J. B. McMullan and Co. Real Estate 725-3557 or after hours call 728- 5513. LAKE SCUGOG area, Oshawa 20 miles, 25-acre jots, wide river, $5,900 full price. Box 64714, Oshawa Times. CARRIES FOR $65 MONTH, PI. brick bungalow, south-west area, three room, dining room, Older OPEN HOUSE 1 p.m. -- 6 p.m. INVESTMENT DUPLEXES 2 {Let us show you how to have =>low monthly payments of $60 ineluding toxes. a) ELECTRIC HEAT - Ig just one of the extras fea- tured In these quality built N.H.A. duplexes. a TRADE Yes, you can trade your pre- * sent ee or lot. Free Ap- praisal and no obligation. SEE YOU AT CENTENNIAL ACRES Dwight Avenue Wentworth Street to Cedor ving 'arge kitchen, well landscaped lot, 75' x 145', plenty of shade trees. List price $13,400, J. B. McMullan and Co. Realtor, 668-6201. SEVEN-ROOM house on six acres, out buildings, small pear orchard, close e schools and towns. All conveniences. Ideal jocetion. 983-5129. FOR SALE or rent. meh cit brick, two kitchens, paved drive, gar Ap ply 259 Farewell. No agents pl se. MARY ST. and Connaught Wonder- ful buy, in older two-storey dream house, fireplace, broadioom, 40-ft. trees. Estate sale. Only $18,900, suitable for gy or lawyer. Call Doug Carmichael, 25-4841, H. Keith Ltd. Realtor. paivavi SALE -- four-bedroom spilt- level, family room and rec room. Elec- tric heating, separate laundry, Extra washroom and real Concrete drive. Garage. Lots of @ is. Hal ile north of K-Mart. Public "and separate schools. Sa.900. 728-2280 PRIVATE -- er six-room house and near hospital, completely re- taxes. Suitable for du- EAST OF CITY -- Io' bedroom bungalow with half $1,500 down. Owner ay anxious sell, Call 728-5103. W. O. Martin Realtor. W-ACRE LOTS and 100 x 150' lots. Ideal location. All conveniences. Tele- phone 983-5129. FOUR BUILDERS' LOTS from which to choose. Telephone 725-2159. LOTS FOR SALE. -- 58 x 115, fully serv- iced, ready for bullding, good location, builder's terms. Call Cec. Elliott, 723- 113 or 725-9442. Carl B. Olsen Real Estate. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS for sale. Various sizes and prices. Apply sub- divider and owner, Walter Parrinder, RR 1, Hampton. Telephone 263-2346. ;|23--Real Estate Wanted TORONTO POPULATION EXPLOSION You will see our sold signs on 7 properties in Oshawa and Whitby this week, sold to out of town buyers. Due to the current desperate housing shortage in Metro we have Toronto buyers waiting to buy your home. Call an H. Keith Ltd. rep. 725-4841, "One of Toronto's Largest Realtors'. We have buyers for reason- 5512 Ritson - Street and south to our |§9,900 FULL PRICE on ably priced properties, city models. bedroom Cad Gea and suburban, bungalows, xO! jue, j this one! Call now, 728.5103, W. 0. Mar-| 'WO storeys, income homes, 725-3557 tin Realtor. apartments, farms. For free GLADSTONE AVE. -- lust listed, love-| evaluation call Don Stradeski 8 ly three-bedroom bungalow, one year] Real Estate, 63 King Street old, fenced and sodded yard, shrubs. West, 723-4651. d c Asking only $18,900 with terms. Call | 'MeMullan an ©. |John Sandy, 725-8010. W. ©. "Martin|CASH for reasonably priced home In Realtor Realtor, 728-5103. city, Private only. 725-0532. Evenings COUNTRY HOME -- Large e ranch t 'bun 728-5623. galow, attach uble garage, field-| HAVE CLIENT with ) all casn wishing to stone front and fireplace, broadioom ng to 'Guaranty Trust Co. plied oat built-in lye ped et Hechler Kin ahd Anuaee en private bath off master droom. All| Wilson f hd W HOMES crepes inciused, Clouse fo. achoota, and|W.G Menia mec ee te eee . NE bia nat fe lng Pte 263-2275. a LARGE or aE . "4 . McMullan Rea' ate. or le house In count b Open for Inspection pad Rate Las = Soturdy, and' Sunday (LY Sr, EOE CMS, ar Me en Oe ean re from 1:00 p.m. N. Suitable for, VLA. of willy @ rekbore| terme ero eemee, Oubawra, Tienes. . able down payment or for the Investor|/! NEED "yal HOME desperately. he» soces to the future expansion between|Have several buyers anxiously ot Oshawa and Whitby. Call Ernie Wilson, |Walting. Call wittera Sonnaion 728-1066, 4 CEDAR RIDGE 725-9750. Listings "Invited. w Frank |Schofield-Aker Ltd. ¢ eal Estate Ltd HAVE GENUINE CASH BUYER with be 900 Conn for this three-t aie bertogeta an for ca enly ood Pingnion > 7 me. Only minutes from shopping and garage 3i large chen in area L Somerville Street north of ree ee oil furnace. Asing. only|bordered by Bond St. and Taunton, Sim- % Taunton Road one:street west |si0,900' and open to offers. We also| Coe to Stevenson. Ra. Plea: 1 me per- - i NL have other low down payment homes|Sonally. lialo 723-6329 or a: 5281, Guide , of Simcoe St from which to choose. Call Ernie, Wil-|Realty Ltd. - 725-9750. Listings invited. W. Frank] ij ED Detached homes aon, URGENTLY NEEDED -- homes around " . NHA Mortgages 634% Real Estate Ltd. Keewatin and Labrador district, also P . . iF YOU LIKE to entertain, then this is|bungalow in the north-west section. * @ All Service Prepaid the home for you. Central location, three |Please call Ce¢. Elliott, 723-1133 or 725- * @ Underground Wiring bedrooms with dining room and beau-|9442. Carl B. Olsen Real Estate. > @ Cable TV Hookup Ure ey 23" eae Just see at - 6,200. Call Helen Bryant, Griffin Real| 94 S tf iS © Garages and Carports Estate Litd., 723-8144 or after 9 p.m, 2 tores, Offices, Storage @ Convenient Location 3-53.69. ___|BARN FOR RENT, in Oshawa, suitable @ Trade-ins Accepted Malla ind gates) for Tenth for storage, or animals, Immediate A y i" fo" - | Possession. elephi 728-141 * Sal non duty Saturday room bungalow, taxes $138. Don't delay, STORE | salah ERR bad sitar = br hed on OO Ra ey today, Helen Bryant, Griffin Real axOR cee neat aso le a inday trom ate. Ltd., 723-8144 or after 9 p.m., '4 B br South. 725-5132. For information or weekday |723-5369. 1d ad ARIEL EG Ol Rid VALUE! Beautiful three-bedroom brick|TWO OFFICES on upper floor of busi- appointments home, attached garage. Double. pavea|Ness building downtown, King St. East, CONTACT erie and many extras. A must to see. ecg month, Ed. Disney, Realtor, ull price $21,900. Call Helen Bryant, |/"~<*-s: aranty Trust® Co. Griffin Real Estate Ltd., 723-8144 or|DUPLEX, six rooms upstairs, five i after 9 B.Mes | 723-5369. rooms downstairs. Harmony - 401. Elec- we -32 King St. E. NEW -- two storeys, split levels and/tric heat. Telephone 267-0141, Toronto. 5 728-1653 bungalows, three and four bedrooms,| THREE Mold s EE-BEDROOM older type home. ia 1% bathrooms, some with garages. Dec- Central, close to all necessary services. = BEAUTY and CHARM pbc sp ahs NEA meric a9 for Pcl Write box 65678 Oshawa Times. ytd Information "call Cec Eliol 7251133, or | THREE modern & BERNHARD CRES. 725.9442. Carl B. Olsen Real Estate. Ave. ' A BUM ots $125 thly. i - me You will enjoy every minute |ppivare. $1,500 down, $89 per month, |\ys76, "ny" SIPbY'S Real Estate 728 in this better than mew two |near Oshawa Shopping Centre, solid| + storey brick home with gar- |brick, four - bedroom, two - storey, liv- CENTRALLY located downtown _ store it ith [RG room, dining room, large kitchen,|With approximately 800 square feet, for S age. Large family room wil newly decorated, hardwood on both|rent. Call Frank Smith 723-3533 or 725- glass sliding doors to patio, |floors, private arive and garage. Imme-|9557 at J. B. McMullan and Co. Realtors. extra 2 pc. bath. Three spaci- ate T23-6541._ uae i ous bedrooms with ample clo- three-bedroom home, |25--Hi for Rent B sets. L-shi d livin d din- attached garage. Corpus ga area, ' is. L-snaped living and dir $14,500. Down payment $2,500. 531/THREE-BEDROOM house, living room, Liesl ing room. The modern kit- |Montrave. Telephone 728-0607. dining room, large kitchen, in Taunton, am chen is a women's dream. |ORONO -- Private six-room frame Telephone Vases rent deposit. wee This delightful home can be house on Main Street, garage, large} ~~ --_ TERTIN Seie Sane @ rchased for $25,500 with treed lot, modern kitchen, $2,000 down, $120 MONTHLY includes heat, water. sa pu full price $12,500. Telephone Orono 983-|Large two-bedroom house with ga: terms. Let me tell you more, call Irwin Cruikshanks at 728- BETTER THAN NEW -- beautifu! two- King area, bus stop at di Immediate possession. 725-2630. SAVE THIS YEAR By Moving To GRENFELL SQUARE ONE ond TWO BEDROOMS § OSHAWA'S LARGEST SUITES No Reasonable Application Refused FREE @ HEALTH CLUB @ SAUNA STEAM ROOM @ SWIMMING POOL (in season) Indoor Parking Free Hydro Fabric Draperies Balconies Broadloom Corridors Walking Distance of Children's Playground Close to Public and Separate Schools Elevator FAMILY or ADULT FLOORS FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED RENTAL INFORMATIO 723-5111 AFTER HOURS 576-2826 380 GIBB STREET FURNISHED APARTMENTS FROM '3 o Weekly or Monthly -- RATES -- New Building 723-5111 § French Provincial Kitchens Oshawa Shopping Centre N GET MORE FOR YOUR RENTAL DOLLAR CAVALIER VISCOUNT DIPLOMAT AMBASSADOR APARTMENTS Modern and convenient, equipped with refrigerator and stove, broadioom in halls, intercom .F. M., large bal- conies, One bedroom $95 and up. Two bedrooms $115 and up. Close to shopping cen- tre and all schools. FREE TAXI SERVICE BY APPOINTMENT CALL 728-4283 for appointment or see Henry at Marland Ave. Apt. 111 ELEVATOR LOCKERS CONTROLLED ENTRANCE AMPLE PARKING CLOSE TO SCHOOL AND CHURCHES CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE APPLY OR TELEPHONE THE ABOVE NUMBERS 340 New Furniture After Hours 576-2826 To Luxury Living Apartments you will enjoy our pool, sauna room, large ba conies, spacious suites, amp' parking, sonalized service, | PRINCESS ANN APARTMENTS 1221 SIMCOE ST. N. by WILSON'S FURNITURE PHONE Enjoy the Modern Trend Princess Anne indoor mail delivery, per- PLUS the moderate monthly rental at E Our model! suite is furnished and broadioom by ANGUS GRAYDON open daily 2 p.m. till 9 p.m. Sat. and Sun. 11 a.m. till 7 p.m. 725-9934 -- 576-3864 OSHAWA'S BEST RENTAL VALUE SEE TOWER on the GREEN Overlooking the park located on Mary St. North. Swimming pool, sauna bath, gym room and rec room. Our model suite is furnished by WILSON'S FURNITURE, 1, 2, and 3 Bedroom Apt. FREE UNDERGROUND PARKING TO THE FIRST 65 TENANTS OPEN DAILY FROM 1.P.M. - 9 P.M ,or by appointment. 576-2280 or 725-9750 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD. 21 King St. W., Bowmanville "La Contessa Apartments" A Distinguished Address Choice luxury suites, electric- ally heated, and tastefully de- corated throughout. Parking, swimming pool. Sauna and recreation rooms. ply 501 St. 725-8788. mo "ROOM ce," $5 moth apartment hiy IN EXCELLENT location, Laity aioe an 'elephone 623-2609 or appl e Li S., Bowmanville. ald ae FOUR-ROOM apartment in private home for reliable people. For information, ap- Lawrence Street. Telephone TWO-ROOM trance, chil- hall welcome, par and hydro included. apartment, en- $60 monthly, one or gi 723-19' $65 THREE-ROON asaitaale ral private en- Close to id Apply Nantals. 'Bar-B-Q, Park Rd. South. = -- One and » half PACHELOR CAS AR IANS: peraly bedroom basement apartment in triplex parking, frig, ve "tourplecs Proven includes refrigerator, stove, washing, monthly. Telephone 668-3207. .! Srytne paved sey i One child wel- two-bedroom one-bedroom apartment. '00M | COMPLETELY furnished Central, SIMCOE STREET &. apartment. Aduits only. 728-8402. two-bedroom heated, on bus route. Tele FIVE-ROOM unfurnished _ self-contained | 7Partment, f ground floor apartment. Private en- phone _423:2068. See on your own television trance. Close to North General Moters sl A -- Apartment, large living screen who is ringing your and hospital. Child welcome. Telephone|room, bathroom, kitchen wie Aske) batore You alive 723-9034, stove Py refrigerator, heat and th p y' e*] TWO-BEDROOM unfurnished apartment | ater suppljed, quiet location. "fiber em entry, 'on Simcoe N. containing refrigerator and only, Telephone 668-2435, stove. Adults only. $103 monthly. 725-3388. pidtedidad three - bedroom apartment, drapes, stove and refrigerator, laundry Call 725-1481 Real Estate Ltd. ROYALE APARTMENTS churches. Bus service at door. Loads of closet space. APT. 105 728-5282 luxury buliding, sauna bath, pool, health club, etc. Day# 723-0591 and evenings 728-8362. or FOUR-ROOM, elf. apart- WINKLER-ZENKOVICH |metii,psePsrate arrrance,_ 390, moni. ATTRACTIVE three-room apartment In shawa, private entrance, heat, hydro TORONTO and stove included in reasonable rent. 363-2631 Available May 15. Telephone 668-8189. THREE-ROOM self-contained apartment, private business couple Telephone' 725-1754. FIVE 35 Gibb Street. Available May .1. Phone 728-5571. Two BEDROOM upstairs apartment. S + HRT afi dat. ict te eee stove, heat, hydro, ing. One 'ch pacious welcome, Available May 15. Whitby tee. 1 and 2 Bedroom 5958. Suites KING EAST, unfurnished apartment, Has Fain Aa kitchenette, sues, for ight housekeeping, private bath. Park- STARTING AT ing, central, adults, 728-7705. bath. Close to bus. 725-8352 tld cae apartment, P cluding hydro and heat. Available April 119 Nonquon Rd. 1. COZY, fully furnished four-room apart. ment, very central, $100 monthly. for business couple. Phone after 723-0275. APARTMENTS for rent. heat, Wayne, 725-3938. swimming i i NEAR % Suites evailable for adults |NEAR Credit | Union bullding, unfur-itaciiities, Electric heating. $145 per only , o-bedroom apartment, couple th. Teleph a j ed By oh Ace ' ae monthly. Mas cal Srepnione 725-6253, tH Ideal for a quiet and com- Ld al Mi dan cl) TWO = BEDROOM duplex apartment. forteble tiviag |}ONE-BEDROOM apartment, stove, re-|Aduits only. Telephone 723-9762. ' . frigerator, washer, Sr Yes. partis o DOWNTOWN -- 30 Colborne Street st, 'ental of j + lune 1, one bedroom apartment, refrige fice on the pr » |monthly. Adults. 725-1310, 728-5034. pice, broadioom, Free leer facil. SUBLE ities, A 140: Nonquon Road, Oshawa SUBLET -- One-bedroom apartment, |', ty" < Possession June 1. Apply OSHAWA TRANSMISS!ON SERVICE Specializing in rebuilt auto- matic and stondard ronan sions. GUARANTEED WORK 576-2610 WANTED Good clean local cars for cash. MORLEY STALKER Pag hag ing West 723- asi 723-6322 GUS BROWN MOTORS LIMITED RR No, 3 Oshawa TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top Price paid for Good Clean Cars, liens paid. TERMS. Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 ONE-, AND TWO-BEDROOM apartments, $105 and $110. Modern building. Avail- able now, 728-5282. 27--Rooms for Rent entrance, stove and refrigerator, preferred. Abstainers. -ROOM apartment with gar. ge, Tele- ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | "COMFORTABLE ROOMS -- WEEKLY RATES MAID SERVICE A La Carte Restaurant on Premises. Mrs. James Maher WHITBY HOTEL one owners Led CORVAIR convertible, MUST SELL -- Best offer, "65 let Impala, convertible, 263 snptie auto- matic transmission, power steering and Chevre brakes. radio, Positraction rear end, 723- '67 CHEVROLET Impala, two-door hard- top, vinyl roof, 327, power accessories, Sell or trade on late model, 728-9) SAVE DOLLARS! | Several cars; '55's and up. Trades accepted, Terms arranged. R. ®. Motor Sales, 508 Bloor East. 1959 OLDSMOBILE, runs: well, feed body ene tires, very clean. Lady driven. Ask- ing $350. WIil take older cer as part Payment. 668-5071. 1960 OLDS convertible, out, power brakes and Telephone 655-3461. '46 MERCURY coupe, 341 cu. Inch buick motor and accessoriey. Fifteen coats of red lacquer. Good condition. Newcastle reverberator, 7829. A-1 Inside and steering, $550. '99 CHEVROLET wagon, excellent body and tires, needs motor work. No down Parking. Telephone $125 month in- Telephone 723-2024 after 5 p.m. $3 per week. Wellman's, 728- on second floor, Nba facilities avall- able. Vacant June 668: COMPLETELY Wuenished room, Close to buses, ; bed sink and frig, Residentia a. 728-1914, Ideal 6.30, Private bath, water, stove and refrigerator. More and more of Oshawa's NOW RENTING RWC REDE COM apartment, $125 _month- June 1, includes drapes, appliances, bal- STORE FOR RENT | Available July 18 or sooner, 623-2318 ROOMS FOR RENT, | i weekly, mal pervices restaurant on premises. Queen < otel, TWO furnished rooms on Ritson Road, room, refrigerator, In bag neste 67 Simcoe North, Oshawa. Held vier ; pvere entrance, Suit clean, ule ly. Apply 291 Marland, Apt. 107. 723-6134. | 723.047 0" Po ee nn TWO-BEDROOM apariments, May and aan )- STREET EAST -- Furnished Parking. Private en- $1 20 39 ADELAIDE WEST -- Two - bedroom 668-2337 apartment in apartment buliding, re-|-- 987-4660. frigerator, stove, br Hable | LIGHT NG rooms for This outstanding all electric June. One small child welcome. Tele-|rent, meee 668-3239 or Spply 1200 building is located near hal et ON ae Ria TWO furnish ti a id schools, shopping and Ithree Fee ON Bevis Ralvanod and PARSE rag gn OLDSMOBILE Delux 23,000 original miles, thrifty V-6 automatic: Excellent condition, $1,950, 668-5625. 193 CHEVROLET convertible Super port, 327, automatic. Power steering mene brakes, Telephone 668-6482 after 4 7 PONTIAC Laurentian, four - door hardtop, 6 cylinder automatic, power Steering, power brakes, radio and white wall tires, 48,000 miles. Not driven during winter, Showroom condition. 728-6375. 196) WOLESLEY, 699 series, automatic. $400 or nearest offer. Reconditioned casi, in excellent condition. Telephone 1963 CHEVY 11, 29,000 miles miles, standard COTTAGE or HOUSE TRAILER WANTED AS DOWN PAYMENT PHONE 728-9724 {elven timer'ri:a3. 0 Mon- day any time. 725-4935. MODERN jo-bedroom nemarirent stove, refrigerator, drapes. No dam: deposit. One child welcome. Immediate | er laa 723-8844, or 170 Park Road jouth. in new TWO-BEDROOM ment, duplex, Harmony - Wilson South area, One child welcome, large yard. Imme- diate possession. 723-1334. On choice of three or four bedroom homes. Four bed- room two storey 'brick, with garage, near King and Park Rd. Low price and low month- ly payments. Practically new three bedroom ranch bunga- low near Thickson Rd. be- tween No. 2 highway and The best value in apartment living can be seen at @ REGENCY TOWERS @ 349\MARLAND AVENUE PHONE 725-2227 AND @ PREMIER @ 321 MARLAND AVENUE PHONE 728-6722 MODERN «1 and 2 BEDROOM SUITES NEWLY DECORATED STOVE and FRIDGE BALCONIES FABRIC DRAPES LAUNDRY FACILITIES FREE HYDRO BROADLOOM in HALLS ELEVATOR LOCKERS CONTROLLED ENTRANCE AMPLE PARKING Don't Wait Investigate, the new MONA LISA APARTMENTS 191 Nonquon Road further. pool, sauna room and Model suite open daily 1 P.M. till 8 P.M. MONA LISA APARTMENTS Phone 723-6022 where your rental dollar goes Featuring, swimming gym, playground, 5 acres of park- land, spacious suites with col- ored stoves and fridges, ample parking, individual mail deliv- ery, PLUS many other extras. CHILDREN WELCOME 2 and 3 bedroom suites. room plus powder room. Ne' building -- Reasohable rate PHONE 725-0657 MALA GLEN COURT 4 piece bath: off master bed- Ww Ss. CLOSE to SCHOOL and CHURCHES CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE APPLY or TELEPHONE THE ABOVE NUMBERS 401. Immediate possession on either home. 723-6541 GOVERNOR MANSIONS ADULT PRESTIGE RESIDENCE Now available two 2 bedroom suites. For appointment to view these outstanding suites please call 723-1712 728-2911 MAIN FLOOR Lovely one-bedroom apartment. Full basement, washer, dry-| er, garage, yard, $85 monthly, plus electricity. Gliddon - Ritson area. 723- 1795. TWO - BEDROOM apartment in small ated King - Wilson area, Laundry parking, newly decorated. June Ist. Adults only. 725-4183. THREE-ROOM apartment, private en- trance and bath, garage. $85 monthly. 286 Frontenac, 723-3478. COLBORNE EAST, board, gentleman to share, close to north GM. TV privileges, parking. ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, good meals. Parking. Close to bus. Also house- keeping room available. 728-4845. vate bath, garden. Available immediate-| Street. _|28--Room and Board __ nicest people are enjoyin cony. Laundry, storage may floor. Bus|trance. Gentleman petecrat, $12 week-|trangmission, $1, reasonable rents at py sald at door, adjacent shoppin Free ser-|ly. Art Cox, OAA. 725- a wal mavaisdd . Telephone 655-4469, _ Vices, Child. welcome. 7238035, 725-9872, ---------- 'S38 FORD, new plates, radio, six, stand- 4 to 9 p.m. FURNISHED nreat "cna located. pe ae floor shi new battery, mi 668- R A A Two two Bedroom apartments, one av- 13976. y. Call before 7 p.m. Wer and pressure pl e- Swo new tires, ailable now, one available June Ist. $ Seed condition. S76-0% (@) R P Two children welcome. Near south plant.|WHITBY. Large bedsiting room. Tele- 1964 BEAUMONT Sports deluxe, six-cyl- 219 Cordova Rd. Apt. 2. Daytime 728 phone 668-241 Inder automatic, clean, excellent condi- S M A |erntonts_r23-ae2. TOUEEREEPINS ROOM. for clean | 10" after 5.30, 725-6372. CHEERFUL ONE-BEDROOM apart-|gentieman, with steady employment.|'5? OLDSMOBILE two - door hardtop. S S R ment, In clean modern bullding, living Good district, near hospital, bus stop.|Power steering and power brakes. Aske room, dinette, refrigerator, | stove, Nicely furnished refrigerator, hot plate,|ing $625. Excellent condition. 4 Maple « T drapes, balcony, near Oshawa Shop-|$10 weekly. 723-0258. Street. ping Centre. Available June 1. 723-2570. _ F ROOMS for giris, with kil-|'99 PONTIAC, in good condifion, new Y M BACHELOR APARTMENT, completely chen, laundry facilities, sitting room|tires, $200. 728-0764. 108 Mary Street, furnished, in private home, King with television. Close to hospital, north| Oshawa. N Eat, 665. Telephone. 728.7603 after 'S for Si. uses, downtown. Hydro Included. |i9¢4 PONTIAC Custom Sport Convertible E appointment. <A band ke Power steering, power brakes, N $115 MONTHLY for five-room two-bed- SHED light | new paint, new motor. N room apartment In apartment building, be reels, Dey. Rahs Menity or TeRonee 725-7484, stove, refrigerator included, baby wel- awe iopping Centre, private en-}7 6 come. Lease required. Telephone 728-\!rance. Telephone 728-3690. bedi tid Movs sion | eneeny oie 249. |ROOM FOR RENT, furnished or un- or 723-2625, i S MODERN FOUR-ROOM apartment, pri-|furnished, central. Apply 31, Charles 'ONT Custom sedan, eight y Hi power steering, oe enly 'e000 Ne nae Call evenings SINGLE ROOMS and BOARD Apply: 25 Division St. |ROOM, BOARD for gentlemen. Home |cooked meals, fo bus, five- Garrard Road near K-Mart. Parking, television. Close or seven-day week. 57 -- Room and THREE-ROOM apartment, private bath, self-contained unfurnished, second rt spotless, & ROOM (board optional) for working es or gentleman. Lunches bus stop. Telephone 125. 2305. packed. Close to monthly, hydro included. 589 Albert . SPECIAL bachelor apartments in apart ment building, rely de room, kitchen and bathroom. al for couple. Fur- Hl $95, unfurnished $85. Parking. 728- THR (OOM apariment, ground floor, r, stove, private bath. All con- . $90 monthly. Also two fur- Ha room apartment. 723-3598 after 4 Fae F-ROOM unfurnished hed apartment, private bath, Apply at 216 Division Street. FOUR-ROOM apartment at 191 Oshawa Blvd, North. Washer, dryer, cable tele- vision, $83.50. Apply Apartment 4. 723- 6663. ROOM AND BOARD lunches packed. Telephone 725-9843 3. {Close to bus. for 43/76 FORD LTD, 3400 miles, Iv 6 FAS 'two-door, whitewalls, extra snow tires speaker, [ihe Bad trailer connection. Telephone 85, two-door, V-6 automatic, and whitewalls. Telephone 723-3220. 192 FORD pe cirratglh automatic, radio, power Power brakes, power windows, 'ined Windshield, white- walls and wheel discs, finished in candy coals red with red vinyl Interior, 728- radio green with white vinyl roof, 289 cu. Inch V-8 engine, automatic, Power steering and brakes, radio. $3,000. Telephone 725-9645. '65 CHEV. Super cart, V-8, automatic, Power equipped, bucket geats. Telephone 723-8656 after six: POA, f '62 PONTIAC Strato Chief, V-8, stand- ard, iow mileage, one' (lady) driver. Telephone 725-9796. 1 1964 excellent condition, good ACCOMMODATION available for male began willing to share, Five or seven day week. Lunches packed. Laundry done. Telephone 725-6185. ROOM AND BOARD for tw iow mileage. Call 725-0196 even: 1955 BLUE four-door Chevrolet, motor and body good condition. Best offer, Telephene 668-4061 after 5 p.m. '66 RAMBLER Classix. on pleco six cylinder, radio. Bank = fi- 0 Large room with rine aad television in room. Telephe ont ROOM AND BO -- = gentlemen, home cooked meals, large room, very central Nea i all Telephone 725-2938. 147 Brock St. here ROOM with board or room only, for young lady In quiet home, |7z5 yo Telephone 723-2481 after 5:15. nancing: Wellman's 728- cite 60 PONTIAC convertible, V-8 automatic, radio, $50 down, $43 per month. Well- man's 728-7351. %3 RAMBLER, no down payment, $10 per moe radio, one owner. Wellman's, 728-735 TCWABE NC GR Bane Ne asus '62 VOLKSWAGEN, one owner. No perpen $9 per week. Wellmens" Te THREE - ROOM furnished basement apartment. Private bathroom, private entrance. Centrally located. Adults only. Immediately 725-2550. REGENT ARMS GRENFELL STREET One and Two bedroom apart- ments. Free hydro, water, heat and parking. Starting at $109 monthly, Adults only. 723-6944 or 723-6455 between 6 and 9:30 p.m. @ FOR RENT e Apts. Houses, Rooms, Room and Board. Office Hours: Mon, to Fri. 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Closed all day Sat. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Sruce St. 728-1070 WILSON ROAD SOUTH 374, two-bedroom apartment, large living room and kitchen, self-contained. Telephone 725- 8528. 29--Wanted to Rent Two. OR T THREE-bedroom house want- ed by young professional couple. Two children, age 5 and 7. Require temporary accommodation late June to end of Aug- ust. Write Box No. 65397, Oshawa Times. 'WO-B house or ground floor SELF-CONTAINED one-bedroom _ base- ment apartment, Bove and_ refrigerator included, total expense $85 i Apple Hill district. Available June 1. Telephone °728-2541. FIVE-ROOM apartment with bath. Ava able May 15. Apply 417 Byron Street S. ONE-BEDROOM basement apartment with private bath, furnished or unfur- nished, laundry facilities, Harmony and 401 area. 723-7096, apartment with fenced-In backyard re- quired by June 15. Reasonable reat. Tele- phone 723-6929. CITY EMPLOYEE would like to rent 31 to June 7, of sooner if necessary. Telephone 725-5116. ed. Possession June 15 or July 1. phone 728-4161. Mr. Taggard. THREE-ROOM apartment Adults, Heat and water Mie 68 Mc- Millan Drive, side door. Two TWO APARTMENTS TO RENT and $85, self-contained in large ment building within walking idence of Frigidaires and stoves 'Casa Manana One, two and three bedroom apartments. Centrally loca- ted, intercom, no children un- Comtort PRESTIGE IN OSHAWA'S MOST OUTSTANDING APARTMENT (It's Worth the Extra) A few 1 .and 2 Bedroom Suites available from $150. for appointment 723-1712 GEORGIAN MANSIONS ADULT apartment residence der 12. 230 Nipigon St. TELEPHONE FRED COOPER 725-0657 or 723-0873 ONE and TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS Also FURNISHED SUITE New building on Gibb St. Telephone 576-0360 ONE and TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS Stove and refrigerator. ? Hydro included. New building on Gibb St. self - contained, adult home. ator, stove supplied). vate entrance). Central. gupplied. Available May 1, Ed. Disney, Realtor, 723-2333. NEAR MOSPORT apartment, private bath and entrance. Ti 983- 5169. TWO-, THREE-, or five-room apart- ments. Heat, hydro, water supplied. serrate ld schools close. Tele- ings. Ane te 'an apartment, refrigerator and stove, self Rantained, in private home, reasonable rent. Adults. 728-2767, Apply 162 Ritson South. TWO-ROOM 'completely furnished )_apart- ment on third floor, centrally located, all conveniences paid. Telephone 728-7283 or 723-0750. RN. two - carhesill unfurnished apartment, stove and refrigerator, cen- trally located. Sulit adults. Talephone 723- 7624 or 725-5346. MAIN FLOOR apartment, two-bedroom, living and dining room. Four-piece bath. Stove, refrigerator, laundry, parking. Available June 1. Bloor-Harmony area. 728-35 3537. EEKLY. Furnished two-bedroom apartment. Private entrance and bath. Parking. Heat, lights included. School- age child welcome. 341 Olive Avenue. - three-bedroom quiet couple, near TWO - BEDROOM apartment, broad- Telephone 576-0360 loom, refrigerator and stove, heat, hydro, water includ Two -- children THREE ROOM unfurnished apartment, oe Available July 1. Telephone seeing (Bre reet leve ri- lope ToT RAF OS "PPT CRAB SUSE . TaRae + ROOM apartment, private Adults only, no drinking, smoking. 725-5676 evenings. |Dalnc. qUrnapee Sere and, euler: FURNISHED two room caatg oli for|apply 362 Mary Street after 4. ply 195) two. - room apartment i on del tetera a: 5205, SCHOFIELD - AKER bedroom' bungalow. Woo! broadioom in THREE-BEDROOM house, newly deco- Limited. living rocm and dining room, Armstrong|rated. Garage. Apply 230 Ritson Road qe bathe sg nosed gi ll halls _and|South after 5 p.m. athroom. ovely finished recreation|>y TWO-BEDROOM bungalow, inside Patio and fenced rear 'ot. P: 9 con- Bond at Prince St: fessiooally landscaped. Requires ae: veniences, large garden and lawn, bus stantial down | payment. Call Willard po: to schools, near Ajax. Telephone ~ Inston, " ield-Aker Ltd. ual 3 E Commercial FIVE-ROOM modern spacious brick bor;|EIGMT-ROOM house, suitable. for two (OOM modern spacious brick bun- fr galow, built-in garage, land-|f@milies. Childre: First floor = __Property -- Zoned C-1 scaped, paved drive, fully decorated, ailable_now. Telepho 725-6121, " 35x82 feet--Only $21,500 |bullt-in oven and stove, east end. 725- THREE - BEDROOM home shop- ee J : 4654, ping centre, large yard, gi n, 35 Call JACK APPLEBY Now monthly, heated. Abstainers. References. jo 723-3398 = Bolahood Brothers Ltd. 728-5123. GRENFELL ST. -- 8Ix-room two-storey home, $2800 down payment. ens, two seen pecs large lot, ideal In- come property. fo see call Les Hall, |McMullan and Co. Ri Call 728-5513, 725-3557 at J. Two kitch- For full information and e; . {living room, dining room, kitchen, full ealtor, or evenings |basement. Tele phone Available July 3. Write Box 67144, Osh- awa Times. FURNISHED and - UNFURNISHED ments. Twin 1, 2 and 3 bedroom aport- Controlled 'entrance, TWO - BEDROOM, semi-detached hom Mitchell Avenue. $85. 1857. fenced playground. -2347 pool, ws 330 GIBB STREET Exciting prestige building. Centrally located, electrically heated, Roomy breakfast nook and kitchen. Tennis court and barbeque. LUSANNE VILLA: Albert. THREE - ROOM apartment, suitable for young ee or two ae mee and heat supplied. ein private parking, $20 weekly, near Duplate. Men preferred. Telephone 723- 6823. TWO-BEDROOM TWO electric| heating, stove and Now nat refrigerator. 728-3546. THREE - ROOM basement apartment, aM gal and stove, wna entrance, PR a ulliag Includes balcony. Laundry, Bus at door, adja- Child wel- drapes, storage every Pr cent shopping. Free services. come, 723-5035, 725-9872. LE gle = ROOM, unfurnished ane. ral location, quiet home. Suit jone ty. available dune 1. Telephone 725-8344, 30--Automobiles For dale 2 or 3 bedroom house, occupancy May TWO- OR THREE-bedroom home want: sponsible adults with one child. Tele. The Rambler Kings Bowmanville & Peterborough MAY SALE Lower than Toronto Prices. Bank Rate Financing. 60 Day 3,000 Mile Warranty. Up To 60 Months To Pay. OVER 40 SELECT CARS TO CHOOSE FROM. TRENT AUTO SALES LT King St. E., Bowmanville 623-3305 er CHEVROLET station wagon, V-8, stick. ghift. Excellent mechanically. very Bond ee body rusted. $150. Telee phone 728 54 SLOSMOSILE, excellent condition, new tires. Best offer. Telephone 725-81 1956 LINCOLN four-door, good running condition, Cheap transportation. Apply a Nesseu Fesikash or telephone 728-9607 jer 4 p.m. "58 FORD wagon. See and drive to ap. preciate. Reasonable offer accepted, Charles Street, Oshawa, 31--Compact Cars for Sale % VOLVO and PEUGOT % MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921 ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized" Datsun and Fiot Dealer Specializing in Volkswag Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 1963 ,ACADIAN custom ible, bucket -- seats, Splendid condition. '66 HILLMAN Minx," one owner, auto- matic, radio, 4 down payment, $15 per week, 728-7351, converts automatic 725-2804, ART ROBINSON CARS WANTED Best cash prices in town. Scrap or wrecking purposes. All hours. 725-3176 52 Wayne St: 1962 ENVOY, new brakes, new shocks, new exhaust system, radio, good run- ning. condition. $490, Telephone 723-1453, 1965 MGB sports car. In excellent con- dition, One owner car, Telephone 66% 5691 or 668-4374. 321 Palace Street, Whitby. 32--Trucks for. Sale MORE CASH Paid for Good Ciean Cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH RAMBLER SALES -- SERVICE and PAINT New and Used Cars Easy to Finance at NICOLS MOTORS LTD. Lil "Apply, 175 Athol Bast after 5 p.m. WHITBY -- 668-3331 ton truck, Appl Canaan Tire Sores 311 Brock Street Na vate ae ae for camp- er: car parts. Courtice , ers, 723-5238. von seh lien 1956 Ya-TON Chevrolet Body needs repairs, Phone 668-6234, pick-up truck. Motor. good. Tele- FOR RESULTS Times Action Classified Ads 723-3492 3--Autemobilés ARE YOUR MO CAR PAYME TOO HIGI Sines you We trade Wil . BILL W MOTORS t 1250 Dinees F 68-587 | CARS WA Buying A Nev | Sel! your used cor j Talk "Cash" to Cor Dealer ond "S | TED CAMPIN A 723-4494 Res. | Ww AUTO CK! pre for I ant, Bloor Street E ley '4 DB: Cars and truck 0 -- for towing. Be 728-4549 = an) ches. AWAY a tidy sur | tment. Phone 723-3492 for rent ad in Th | 'Automobile -- FRED ST( Brooklin -- 65! REBUILT EN 6 CYL, Exchange as low as 8 CYL. Exchange as low as AUTOMA' TRANSMISS CENTRE 1038 Simcoe St. N. Transmissions are Business -- Repair ments, Exchanges. Guaranteed, 5--Lost and For 0 Diemo ngageme Oshawa "grill Cer ditorium, Friday, Rewe 0117. DST ~~ Black, ten-m imese kitten, white fu ch, Answers to Tam sland area. 728. DST -- Beagle Hound, town and white, slight leg, stitches on his ch day fia: north-east Osh hapa) DAVID L. FLOWERS « vd.' South, trac not be } Signed, Di joming Even KINSME BINGC 2--$200. JACK 52-50 $25 Consola' $150 Jackpot 20 REGUL/ 5) GAMES AT | Last 5 Gar $30 per ga Early Bird 7:45 $25 full ca Guaranteed $5 TUESDA Admission 5 WOODVIEV COMMUNITY C BING EVERY MONI Admission ticket gi free chance on door TWO JACKPOTS 54 IN. 52. NOS. OR | In anounced N $50 Consolation | $50 FULL CAR $200 in'52 Nos. o 5S SPECIAL GAMES | $45 in 17 Nos. or 20 GAMES AT § Regular games pay d 17 Nos. or Les EARLY BIRD GAME $100 Door Priz EXTRA .BUSES RED BAR BING St. Gertruc PARISH _HAI 690 KING ST. Every Moni at 8:00 P.M. 20 Games -- Jack Snowball an Share The We Free Admissic No Children unde ROWE big Western Tour jay 3 12. 22 days, Pric Places of interest: Yell Park, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Seattle couver, Victorié, Banf others, Newfoundland & East Tour, Sept. 2-18. 17 Price $285. Places at 4 Gaspe, EL, pen Marsal Fis Conditioned, wa motor coach. For infor phone or write ROWE TRAVEL A\ PORT HOPE 885 interest: |

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