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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 May 1967, p. 18

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BUZ SAWYER LL DAY LONG MITZI RUNS HERE ANO THERE, HURRY AND FINISH YOUR PEANUT-]:4 PP BUTTER AND MOTHER: Wy Va ie PROMISEO TH : 3 { we = 64, ' | t ] a oe etic AU! yi $ ANO THOSE I OID TELL EY'O KEEP IT A SECRET JANE ARDEN i a. Ne =) 7 > SECRET AGENT X9 ame gg gn agen The : THE SWINGING > Where Your Mills Men » Are Men of Action! Now Trading Post Offers Soon... Another Brand New Car!! The Great Compact Built For Ruggedness and Value! 262 KING ST. WEST VIVA « 1967 THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. ah, eth, eth, et, ee, el, el, ee, , e, . _e,. _ee ISION LOG SATURDAY 8VB, 5.00 P.M, 11--Little People 8--Film Feature 7--Football 4-3-6-12--Kentucky Derby @--Horse Rece TELEV DON'T JUST STAND THERE GAPING, MR. $--Christopher - Program 7--Bullwinkie 4--Camera Three 36--Church Service 2--Falith for Today 20th Century 2--Youth Searches JOON 9--Italian Album + eis In Para- I'VE BEEN BABYSITTING TOO MUCH LATELY/ 2--News &--News, Weather, is 11.25 P.M. 4--Greatest Headlines 11:3 P.M, 7--News, Weather 1s 11:40 Pe 12--Movie 9--Answering Service &--Movie 11:45 P.M. le SUNDAY 7:30 A.M. 1--Mademoiselle de Paris 7--Herald ot Truth 2--Agriculture, U.S.A. 8:00 A.M. N--Sacred Heart 7--Christopher Program 4--Word of Life 2--This Is the Life 30 AM. 8.: (1--Oral Roberts 7--Linus 4--Comedy Ca 2--Captain Sallorbird 9:30 A.M. '1--Itallan Journal: 7--Beany 'and Cecil 4--Uncle Jerry's Club 2--Church Invitation 10:00 A.M, 9--Stingray 7--Rocketship 7 @--Falth For To-Day 4--New Morality ES Ne Book 2--The Answer 10:30 A.M 9--Cartoon Playhouse 8--This Is The cite 11:00 A.M 1--Wrestl ing 6:30 P.M. se li--My_ Favorite Martian | 7--First Name Only &--Doble Gillis 6--Du Cote De Quebec 8--Go to the Races 3-4--News, Weather o:00 P.M, 2--Let's Look At Congress (t--Littlest Hobe 12:18 P.M, 9--Thunderbirds 12--God Is the Answer F| 8--Flipper 4--Let's Look at Congress 6-12--20-20 3--Living Word } sNews, Weather, 2--Movie : 12:38 P.M. Ey %--Desth Valley Days | 11--Father Meehan j om P.M, 7--ABC Scope 1 N--Di Party 4--Face the Nation 3-20-20 iovie 1:00 P.M. inds '67 poy Tee Minle- 2--NFL Action 9--Spectrum 7:00 P.M. 8--Meet the Press 9--Jackie Gleason 7--Challenge 4--Round Table 6--Showcase 34-12--Beverly Hill- 4--Amateur Hour billles 3--Herald of Truth 2--News, Weather, 1:15 P.M, Sports é--Gardening 7:38 P.M. 1:30 P.M. 12--Avengers 9--Platform le Boats Space Age 4--Jackle Gleason 8&--Movie 3-6--Tarzan 7--Iissues and Answerd lipper 4--Science Fiction 8:00 P.M. Theatre 11--Jemboree 3-6-12--Country Calendar 9A Perfermence 2:00 P.M, 2--Daisies 12--Farming '67 8:30 P.M. 9--Movie 11--Dance Party Ti--Donna Reed 7--Newlywed Game 7--Lawrence Welk Crim Feat 4--Mission: Impossible 36Coohterpoint 3-6-12--Carousel sgl ted 2 ; 2 P.M. 9:00 P.M. gaia T-Great Music Sei Conede Week 2-8--Movie 9:30 PLM. 3.00 P.M. 7--Holiywood Palace 3-6-12--Cariboo Country 4--Pistols 'n' Petticoats 3:30 P.M, 10:00 P.M. 11--Spectrum 1--Let's Sing Out 3-6-12--Hymn Sing 9--Run for Your Life 2--Say It Now 4 10:30 PM. Movie SUNDAY EVENING 7--Movie 4.00. P.M, 3-6-12--In Person 1l--Dennis the Menace 11:00PM, 7--Dating Game Ni--News 3-6-12--Music in Minia- 4--News ture 3-6-12--News 2--Polka Varieties jews 1.15 P.M. tet ae 4--Favorite Story 5-6-12--Eyes of Tomor- row 5.00 P.M, N--Tarzan 6:00 P.M. Ti--Lost In Space 9--Iron Horse 8--Tom Decker 7--Movie: 4--2ist Century 3-6-12--Walt Disney 2--Bishop Sheen 6.9% P.M, 28--NBC News Special 4--News, Weather 7:00 P.M. 1i--Walt Disney 9--Monkees je 3-6-12--Hey Landlord! 7:3 P.M. 9--FBI 4--It's About Time 3-6-12--Flashback 2-8--Walt Disney 8:0 v.M. 11--Movie 7--FBI 3-4-6-12--Ed.. Sullivan Show e 8:38 P.M. 9--1 Dream of Jeannie 2-4--Hey Landlord! 9:00 P.M. 9--Peyton Place 7--Carousel 4--Smothers Brothers 2-8-3-6-12--Bonanza 10:00 PLM. 9--WS5 at Expo 4--Candid Camera 3-6-12--Roy Thomson 2-8--Andy Williams 10:30 P.M, Ni--Music Go Round 4--What's My Line 11:00 P.M, 2-3-6-8-11-12--News, Weather, Sports 'News 11.25 P.M, 4--Greatest Headlines 1138 P.M. 1l--Mystery Theatre 7--Movie 4--Movie 8--Johnny Carson 3--Movie 2--Merv Griffin 11.38 P.M. le 11.4 P.M. ¥ rum 9--Insight MONDAY 5.00 A.M. 9--University of the Air 4--Captain Kangaroo 8.20 A.M, \1--Albert J. Steed 9%--Romper Room 8:55 A.M. 7--Dialing for Dollars, Virginia Graham 9.00 AM. 1l--Little People 9--Uncle Bobby 8--Crossfire 4---Forest Rangers 312--€d Allen Time 2--Topper 9.0 A.M, Ti--White Hunter &--Glorla 6--Meta 4--Love of Life 3-12--Ontario Schools 2--Jack LaLanne 10.00 A.! 11--Ed Allen Time 4--Candid Camera 3-6-12--Canadian Schools 10.30 A.M. \l--Morning Time rishi be ge 2--Concentra' 7--Dateline: Hollywood 4--Beverly Hillbillies 3-6-12--Friendly Giant 11.00 A.M. : 12--Romper Room 11--Mike Douglas 9--Mr. and Mrs. 1238 AM, 9--Magistrate's Court 8-2--Hollywood Squares 4--Dick Van Dyke 7--One in a Million 12.00 NOON 12--Cartoons 9--Toronto Today 8-2--Jeopardy 7--Movie 6--Luricheon Date 4--News, Weather, 3--Popeye and Pals 12.30 P.M. 12--Movie li--It's A Match 8--Eye Guess 12.45 P.M. 9--Movie @--Dialing for Dollars Virginia Graham 7--Fugitive Date 6--Luncheon 4--Meet the Millers 3--Movie 1.30 P.M. 28--Let's Make a@ Deal 46--As the World Turns 2--Matches and Mates 2.00 P.M, 7--Newlywed Game 12-6-4--Password 24--Days of Our Lives 2.30 P.M. 12--Calendar 9--People in Conflict 7--Dream Girl 6--Coronation Street 4--House: Party 2-8--Doctors ' 3.00 PLM. 9--Words and Music 7--General Hospital in 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night $-8--You Don't Say 4:00 P.M. 11--Super Comics 9--1 Love Lucy &--Match Game 4--Secret Storm 3-6-12--Communicate 2--Mike Douglas 4:30 PLM. 1--Fireball XL5 9--Movie 8&--Yog! Bear 4--Mov' | REE Ra E> Enz" CROSSWORD wv. 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, Mey 6, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) South dealer. / East West vulnerable. 80 4KQI108642 993 os 72 The bidding: South West North East 4@ Pass Pass Pass Opening lead -- queen of hearts. The more chances you give declarer to make a mistake, he more mistakes he will .make. Here is a case where West made a fine defensive play that caused declarer to go down. West led a heart. East took dummy's king with the ace and returned a heart. West won with the ten and shifted to the jack of clubs. Declarer won in dummy and led a spade, East showing out. West took South's king with the ace and returned the ten of clubs. Declarer won in dummy, and all he now had to do was come to his hand to draw trumps and take the rest of the tricks. At. this point South had to choose between ruffing a club or first playing the ace of dia- monds and then ruffing a dia- mond. South realized that if he tried to ruff a club and it turned out that West had only two clubs originally, he would be defeated when West overruffed. He therefore led the ace of dia- monds, intending to ruff a dia- mond next. But on the ace of diamonds West played the king! West knew South's problem and tried to persuade him that the king was a singleton and that an- other diamond lead would sub- ject him to an overruff. West also knew that playing the king could not cost him a thing, since he was aware that South's re- YOUR HEALTH Let's continue our discussion, begun yesterday, of cysts, of the breast, with the stions raised in this letter: Dear Dr. Molner: I have five or six cysts in one breast and one in the other. The doctor, instead of removing them, ad- vised me to come back for an- other checkup in six months. Do you think -this is wise? How can he be sure it isn't cancer? I have severe pains in one breast before my period.-- As we pointed out yesterday, there is a marked tendency for cysts to form in one breast rather than in both. Likewise, the change in hormone level in the menstrual cycle can cause tenderness at certain times. However, if the discomfort is not too severe, leaving the cysts to form in one breast rather than in both. Likewise, the change in hormone level in the menstrual cycle' can cause tenderness at certain times. However, if the discomfort is not: too severe, leaving the cysts instead of removing them may in the long run be the bet- ter course. This, obviously, must depend on individual cir- cumstances. Extremely large or painful cysts might well be removed; those which are tol- erable can remain. How can one be sure about malignancy? When two or more cysts ap- Many Queries Made On Removal Of Cyst By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD that they are cysts, not cancer. Cancer begins as a single Jump. MAY APPEAR SUDDENLY Likewise, cysts have other characteristics. They are move- able under the skin, whereas jcancer usually attaches itself rather firmly to thé underlying tissues. 'Cysts, unlike cancer, may appear suddenly, and change size in some phase of the menstrual cycle. They may be tender to the touch, and can- cer in its early stages is pain- less. Finally, with a cyst there is no puckering of the skin, a characteristic which is common as cancer progresses. Thus, even short of removal of a cyst for study under the microscope, the physician has quite a variety of clues indicat- ing whether to be hopeful or to remain alertly suspicious. Do cysts become cancerous? Opinion is divided on this. Some think that there may be a some- what increased risk of cancer in a woman with chronic cystic disease. Others, however, on the basis of a large number of women studied over a period of many years, dispute this and say that there is no greater chance of cancer just because cysts occur. I would say that the stronger evidence is that cysts do not have any particular effect on the prevalence of cancer. Watch the cysts; do not.take any lump for granted; remove cysts when ela-King's outiew pear, that is a strong indication the. potential relief overbal- ACROSS 4. Man's 20."Prom- Bialale|sMisiulaiclxd) wi 1. Talk nickname ised maining cards were all trumps. 5. Ata 5. Glues Land" So South, rightly or not, tried distance 6. Iamb foun. to get to his hand by ruffing 9. Vestige 7. Fatima's tain a club. As a result, he went 10, Distributes husband 22, Eix- down one, West scoring a sec- gages 8.Dida - ond trump trick. organs South had a really difficult hearing maker's 23. Dis. guess once West had falsecard- 18. Lift Job tends ed with the king of diamonds 14. Seth's 9.--off, 24. Reli- Hut Ue West bad wake Ole coe, mother asa gious Yesterday's Answer bk pen oe, Oke 15. Encouns golfer recluse 35, Sacred mal play of a low diamond on tered 11, Emphaize Carting pull: the ace, it seems likely that de- 16.Conjunc- 15. Personnel vehicle Egypt clarer would have ruffed a dia- tion of a ship 28. Flee . Good mond and made the contract. 17.Reduces = 18. Baking 31, Live friend The falsecard thus succeeded in in rank chamber coal 39. Male creating a problem that gave 20.Beverage 19.Varietyof 32. Lift swan South a chance to go wrong-- 21. Dressing mandarin 33, Not 40, Arab and he did. ne pend orange any garment . Number poseonenpezens % IN VICTORY PARADE ood A EEE AE ET FG |. roronro cr) -- the new 27. Quarrels "a ; 29. Even: 5 wo mT Stanley Cup champions -- Tor- post, iY onto Maple Leafs who de- 30. Oriental 12 V//AN3 throned Montreal Canadiens 34.1 1s 1, here Tuesday night--will par- chief 14 Y "ag 16 ade from the Gardens through icipal 1. downtown streets to city hall officer: 17 16 fi HZ, 20 for a reception Friday. its the abbr. club's fourth National Hockey 35. Fortify ZArl 22 League playoff championship in 36, Chinese "a Se six years and the iith since the me cae ma 3 25 Gia team was founded. painter 27 28 Y SEE SARAH AND DUKE 39. ee Sarah Vaughan is to appear 41, Blemish 2 Gia 31 [32 [35 with Duke Ellington and his band at the Expo Theatre Sept. 42. Otherwise we 36 3-9 at Expo 67. - 137 38 39 140 é DOWN TA SALLY'S SALLIES 1, Long for 41 Yio 2. Seraglio 3. Tennis Y, ie Y Wi point & 5-6 "Read what I wrote about you, dear, It won't take long." ances the disadvantages of sur- gery. Can cysts be prevented? In some instances hormone treat- ment. suppresses cyst forma- tion. In other cases, large doses of Vitamin B complex appear to have a favorable effect on female hormone activity and may be helpful. But each case has to be judged on its indi- vidual merits. Cysts are a nuisance, but at least they are not dangerous in the sense that a single lump in the breast, instead of being a cyst, may be cancer. Dear Dr. Molner: I have been advised not to become pregnant for a year or more, but my periods are so irregular that I cannot depend on the mythm method, and have been told that I have a condition which makes me ineligible for pills. I want to conform to my doc- tor's wishes but he gave me no a as to how.--Mrs. You should have asked him. He probably assumed that you already knew and hence didn't ask him. Go back and ask him what he suggests. Note to F. E. M.: Yes, suc- cessful plastic surgery has been done for years to reduce breasts which are painfully large. A BSS SBS Sige) GOL SPECIAL SI Gol Oshawa will have | show next Wednesd: at 6:30 p.m. The occasion will | here of the famous ( tennaires, Canada'! flying team, which thrilling action in tt This is only part o which is Centennial and theme -- there special Weaponry di: Ing at 5:30 p.m., by of the Ontario Regi: will demonstrate a F car (of the type usec by Canadian forces); man tanks; one EN' guided missile syste M113 A armored per island | holiday via ® AIR CAN/ in the big Saniton island para Sweepst Four first prizes: One for Ontario, o: Maritime Province: Canada. Seven fun-filled day Town in Bermuda j filled days at Blu Beach Hotel, Barba liest hotel. Get yo blank today from: Cleaners 434 SIM Seca

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