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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 May 1967, p. 5

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i . gS NU HT ure {t will dispel inking of many torted reporting Cavan, Ontario, TO AIR al beefs to air. ya Times, April pears a_ front n a talk given High School stu- jay, the speak- be and Mail hard Needham. students, who impressionable iws On drinking, ling are stupid id he breaks hance he gets. ; shouldn't send a Bible, with \dments and the Mount plainly > have always ation stones of Christian world; they are being by some of the 1 Many of our tians. Their he Church 'Roll lot now Jesus. | Graham says thurch services formality until knows Jesus." to wrestling day or hockey, ldren to hockey o play golf, or for summer iy, Chap 29 and final warning-- he way of life; ridly pleasures) th at the final 1 which none g is condoned who ten. years ute disgust on neople forgotten the Temple of age marfiages y divorce, com- ations, --_illegiti- children are ce events. Was yomorrah any ase in taxes, ol taxes, Our e closed. They teachers who » conditions of spent the day ommunity; in- ome hours and ol bus. I would emized account in cost be- ystem and the God give: his ducational sys- gion Education i, but-sex sub- iversities sup- axX-payers, con- be secured as le of pop. Stop fate of Jezebel. return to true A PRESCOTT. 0, LE have boldness confidence by im." Ephesians Y ; us the power hing to go on. shall go with & SELLS & CO. milton gary reouver reat Britain 4. 728-7827 WHITBY (Staff) -- A general meeting of the Defense Indus- tries Limited Reunion Associa- tion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Pogue, Whitby, with 14 members pregent. The main business was a dis- cussion on the DIL float to be ' lentered in the Ajax centennial parade, May 22. The group was most enthusiastic about this project. Scottie Leslie, Oshawa, is designing the float, with a good committee providing the materials and decorations. The theme, as the name implies will include war workers and what was made in the munitions plant in Ajax, There will. also be a display of materials and pictures of the interior of the plant during oper- ations, etc, This. will be in the old town hall during the May 20- 22 weekend. If anyone who worked at the plant has any materials or pic- tures they would lend to the committee for this project, please contact Mrs. Louise John- son, 51 Glynn Road, Ajax, or telephone 942-6284, by May 14. Plans were also made for the annual picnic of the association to be held in Cedar Street Park, Ajax, June 18. There will be an auction sale, May 12, to help defray the cost of the float project. This will be held in the Ajax Shopping Plaza at 7:30 p.m. Any donations of saleable items, such as small furniture, dishes, plants, home- made baking, homemade jams, pickles, anything really usable would be most acceptable. Please bring articles with you,. or if a pickup is needed, tele- phone 942-4733 or 942-5933. Loyal Mrs, Whale who presented a Gold Cord to Mrs. D. G. Cour- tice who made the presentation | to her daughter, Gay. Mrs, Ed- wards presented Gay Courtice and Nancy Pollard with Gold Cord pins. St. John the Evangelist CWL is sponsoring the annual Guides and Brownies mother and daughter banquet this Sunday at 6 p.m. in the-parish hall. The general convener is Mrs. Wil- liam Goverde, Awards will be presented. a The Royal Canadian Legion TREES COMMEMORATE CENTENNIAL Witte sii te preciacce ae! The pupils of the five pub- He schools in East Whitby Township Friday, celebrat- ed Centennial by planting more than 600 trees, Seen here is the ceremony at Coronation School where Leslie Lucyk and Alexis Bremner are seen assisting Norman Cook, chairman Area Board in panting one of five Cen- mnnial Flowering Crab trees. The Coronation Com- munity Club donated the trees, four of which were planted at Coronation School and one at Conlin's School nearby. "The trees we plant today to celebrate Canada's centennial year will not only beautify our school yard but will serve to remind us of life -- your life as a stu- dent and mine," said Mr, Cook as he asked the stu- dents to do their part to preserve trees and forests for the generations to follow. --Oshawa Times Photo WHITBY - AJAX PERSONALS Mrs, John Wall, 403 Fairview Drive, is opening her home, May 8, for the House of Windsor Chapter, IODE, pot luck supper. Members will invite friends to attend this closing meeting to be followed by an auction sale of jewellery, clothing and several other articles, Miss Ronda Gostlin spent a 'weekend in Toronto the guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Gostlin. Mr. and Mrs, James Aldous, 1002 Dunlop Street Hast, spent few days as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Al Brackley, Kingston and Rev. Mary Simpson, minister of Free Methodist Church at West- port. Upon their return they were callers in Lindsay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Randall, Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Alsop, cele- brated her sixth birthday. Guests attending her party were: Carol and Yvonne Lang, Mary and Maureen Muir, Cindy and Michael Brough, Debbie and Dawn Sturgeon and Lynn's two brothers Ricky and Robbie. Mts. Frank Allard, 712 Athol Street, entertained at her resi- dence at a surprise birthday party in honor of Mrs. Duncan Wilson, The hostess served a buffet lunch. The Whitby Historical Society will hold a general meeting, May 10, at the centennial build- ing, Centre Street South, at 8 The next meeting will be June 7 when Mrs. F. J. Reed will be "Women of the Bible." §t. Andrew's Presbyterian Wo- men, Group 1, is meeting Mon- day at the home of Mrs, Walter Porter, 123 Kent Street. St. Mark's United Church 4 W's Couples Club, this Saturday is holding an "Olde Country Fair" at the assembly hall. The committee in charge has gone all out to decorate the hall, ar- ranging special attractions in- cluding an egg throwing con- test, swami telling your fortune, a kissing booth. Pink lemonade and hot dogs will be served. s Members of the committee are: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Switzer, Mr. and Mrs, Garry Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. William. Winter, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Edwards. Members are asked to invite a couple to attend this special event. An added attraction will be a honky-tonk piano player. The First Whitby Girl Guide Company held its mother and daughter pot luck supper at All Saints' Anglican Church. Head table guests were: Rey. Stanley and Mrs. Armstrong, District Commissioner Mrs. Harvey Whale, Mrs, J. Pollard and her daughter, Nancy; Mrs. D. G, Courtice and her daughter, Gay; Captain, Mrs. W. J. Edwards and Lieutenant Mrs. H. R. Gor- don. Mrs, Edwards thanked the mothers for their assistance p.m. Mrs. A. Ingram will pre- side. Mrs. Orval Atkinson con- ducted the Almonds' United Church Women Afternoon Group meeting. She thanked those who helped make the father and son centennial banquet a success. Mrs. Norman Wood opened the devotional with a poem on "Spring." Mrs. Loyal Pogue gave the scripture reading. R. H. Wylie gave a reading on "What can we do for God." Mrs. W. J. Newton showed pictures of the recent trip she and her gamend made to England and ales. with the meal. She introduced FREE Estimates, Reasonable Rates, Repoir Speciclist. Service Fast aa | en 09 eae: Rees imbing Servi senvis Pip Us. Call 723-1191 SUNDAY, L WHITBY ONTARIO DURHAM CORPS ST. JOHN AMBULANCE All members of the public are cordially invited to the annual Inspection of the "Ontario Durham Corps, St. John Ambulance." guest speaker. Her topic will be Dorothy Ormiston, members of the executive and several mem- bers will attend the Oshawa Rally May 9. A bus will leave DIL Reunion Committee |Controller Plans Float For Parade Pogue, Whitby, is donating his services as auctioneer. The annual meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Loyal Pogue, Whitby, Sept. 17, when it is hoped as many as posstble will attend. Refreshments tendered the hosts for their hos- pitality. Birthday Dinner AJAX es ma - A new mem- ber, Mrs. McColl, was pre- sented Sih her_ membership pin by Mrs. N. Slater at the birthday dinner. meeting of the Varsity Chapter, IODE, at the Spruce Villa Hotel. The Regent Mrs, George Dunn, conducted the business meeting. Tickets for a chaise lounge draw, to be held June 7, were distributed. This is the ov pe summer project. Proceeds will sponsor an Indian boy. chapter will send $100 to the "Save The Children Fund." Members will be in charge Children's Fair Day. | Official To Cite "Disaster Plan" assistant administrator of the Ajax and Pickering General Hospital, will outline in detail the 'Disaster Plan" which would be put into operation during an emergency situation at the May 8 meeting of the women's auxiliary. The meeting will start at 7.45 p.m, All members are ask- ed to make a special effort to be present: Because of the scope and in- terest of this topie the plant sale scheduled for the May meet- ing has been postponed until June. PREE 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE By Our Lecel Service Contractors SAWDON'S FUELS FURNACE OIL -- STOVE OIL AND COAL the Legion Hall at 6 p.m. All] 244 Brock St. S., Whitby products LTD. members with uniforms 668-3 5 pects are roweested to iat 524 se em. -- June Marks, of Toronto, gave were served,|an interesting talk on the sub- and a hearty vote of thanks was/ject "The Growing City" at the|adjourned the meeting until Aug.| Mr. Spring Buffet Supper held by the United Church Women of IODE Chapter Holds|it tvess stented. of the refreshment booth at the) ns Speaker At UCW Supper «= Municipal Board hearing|Present residential zoning jon the Whitby Zoning bylaw WHITBY (Staff) - Controller|went into its second day Friday|street South, appeared opposing and completed all but two ob-|the proposed restrictions to the jections from private citizens. Mrs, Marks spoke of her work which at times she said is frus- trating. She also said citizens 28 when all objections through|the bylaw be altered to permit legal counsel will be heard. The|parking of boats or trailers in Board set aside five days forthe interior sideyard as close to legal arguments and objections |the street line as the front of the to the official plan. Morrison, Majority Of Complaints From Citizens Heard WHITBY (Staff) -- The On-|jhighway commercial from its RESTRICTIONS OPPOSED Forbes McEwen, 916 Byron k parking of trailers in residential Board Chairman William Chub| zones, McEwen suggested that house or 20 feet whichever was THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, Mey 6, 1967 § tion be given to rezone part of SIGN CFL CONTRACTS Lot 28, cession 2, from its} VANCOUVER (CP) -- British proposed low level residential) oiumbia Lions of the Canadian to a higher density allowin 4 anasbanet Salida. d Football League Friday an- Mr. Goverde said his client nounced the signing of quarter- had been advised by Council he|back Pete Ohler, 26, six-foot- would have to continue High|two, 220-pound Vancouver na- Street to Dundas if he wishea to'tive, who left the Lions after build on the property. He told/the 1964 season when he could the board the street would cost|not come to terms with them. $30,000 to construct. The Lions also announced the Mr. Goverde was advised iajsigning of _ another prospect return with his client Aug. 28.|/from the Pacific League--split Miss Charlotte Gentles, repre-jend Paul Burleson, 25, six-foot- senting 20 ratepayers; was also|two, 190 - pound former first- asked to return when the board/stringer with the University of resumes the hearing. |Oregon. At the hearing Friday, W.|the greater distance. The pres- 811 Dundas Street|ent bylaw states that trailers of West, objected to the official|poats may be parked in the who live in a growing city like|Plan zoning property C2 com-|sideyard halfway to the rear of Toronto should not feel they have done their duty just by|wmER ROAD SEEN paying their taxes, but should take an active interest in the administration of the city and give help when possible to those in control. The speaker hopes, when she finishes her three - year term of office on the board of control, she can report some headway on problems such as housing, rent control, etc. Mrs. W. G.|children. He said the highway Bentley thanked Mrs. Mark. Mrs. M. A. Prince introduced | particularly the soloist, Mrs. Frank Won- ycott, Bowmanville, who sang two solos. companied her at the piano. Mrs. David Lee ac-|George Sullivan, mercial adjacent to his home. |the house. Mr. McEwen said Council passed a resolution, Nov. 20, that the parking of trailers be reviewed by. the planning board but the board had never re- plied to council. He also ob- Planning Consultant Derick Little said the bylaw anticipated that highway 2 would eventually have a 100-foot right of way and that a 25-foot setback would beliected to the proposed uses of required for any building. areas zoned M3 and suggested Town Solicitor Hugh Nichol it be amended to include the suggested highway property Should hever be reddentint be storage of boats and trailers. cause of the traffic hazard to|HIGHER RATING ASKED William Goverde, appearing commercial uses would. not be|on behalf of Hugh A. MacDonald objectionable to /of Toronto, asked that considera- residential uses. With regard to a request from @ LAWN MOWER | TUNE UP! 835 Dundas} . Little said i a oe SALES & REPAIRS Street East, jnet Juby, Mrs. AJAX (Staff) - M. J. Gerrow, |24 Mrs. Richard MacCarl. Conveners in charge of the|was undesireable to have further | spring buffet supper so success-|commercial development in that fully arranged were: Mrs. Gar-|area. Mr. Sullivan had requested Ray Marshall|that the block, between Craydon WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES BROCK Evening Programs Start At 7 P.M. WHITBY Saturday Matinee Starts 1:30 BEAU GESTE "BEAU GESTE"' sum GUY STOCKWELL - DOUG McCLURE LESLIE NIELSEN mTELLY SAVALAS -tiomue TANKS brooklin concrete i 68-3226 and Lupin Drive, be r d to a, ewe _-- SEPTIC) ese ens ere the following capacities" 460 GALLONS 525 GALLONS 600. GALLONS 700 GALLONS 1000 GALLONS IN SINGLE OR DOUBLE CHAMBER PHONE boo 3dTl SAVE $ $ ON AUTO INSURANCE ou are an Abstainer you save up to. $23, 00 on your auto insurance. See... JOHN RIEGER INSURANCE LIMITED PRESIDENT --~ CLARE A. SHANK 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA DIAL © '> VINE RIPENED, Just North of MAY 7th ARENA Rossland Rd. W. On Hwy. 12 at Whitby A FEW FIRM, RED TOMATOE NO. 1 SEBAGO CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE eit "ae VALUES REG. 320 'MicMILLAN ORCHARDS 16: REGULAR 89e MacINTOSH APPLES «49 ALL KINDS OF FRESH APPLE CIDER 100% PURE MAPLE SYRUP ROSES "The Centennial and "The Miss Canada" MacMILLAN ORCHARDS OPEN FRUIT AND VEGETABLES SHRUBS BOX PLANTS 7 DAYS A WEEK 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. 728-7567 PASTOR'S FOURTH ANNIVERSARY FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 BROCK STREET NORTH REV. DELOSS M. SCOTT, Minister SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 AM.--"RAITH TIDINGS" RADIO BROADCAST -- CKLB, 1350 on Your Dial 9:45 A.M.--WELCOME TO OUR BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP & PRAISE Postor's Sermon: "CAN A MAN KNOW HE I$ SAVED?' 12:00 Noon--COMMUNION hate erent OF NEW MEM 7:00 P.M.--EVENING GOSPEL HOUR Pastor's. Sermo "ABOUNDING GRACE" WEDNESDAY EVE., 8:00 P.M. The Pastor will precent Kodachrome Pictures of Muskeka Boptist Conference, Mary Lake, Muskoke ST. MARK'S WHITBY UNITED CHURCH BAPTIST Centre & Colberne Sts. (Colborne Street West et Centre) Minister: ya ee MeLeod Rev, J, M. Smith, B.A, B.D, Mrs. W. E, yh etal ATAM Mr. Gordon Herle, B.A., Organist | 11:00 A.M.--"HE COULD NOT DO IT" COMMUNION SERVICE 7:00 P.M--*THE EXPERTS WERE WRONG" 9:45 A.M.--Bible School Bible Study and Prayer Wed. at 7:30 P.M. 11:00 A.M. , "THE ROAD BACK' Youth Groups Participating 9:20 P.M, Juniors, Intermediates, 11:00 A.M. jalan Kindergarten, Primary Junior Congregetion, In- fant Care. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron at St. John Whitb' i Rev. W. J. S. MeChure, B.A. Mr. B, @, Devereux, Organist EMMANUEL REFORMED 403 Rossland Road West Rey. Harold Hesselink 10:30 A.M, 9:45 AM, CHURCH SCHOOL CLASSES 11;00 A.M English Service and "ALLOW. ME TO PAY Sunday Schoo! younll 7 P.M. inderg: ind Juni Congregation during Divine Wership ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYBODY WELCOME EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED FACIES RIEOW 8 er LOOKING FOR A CAR SEE J&B MOTOR SALES 146 BROCK ST. N. -- WHITBY ACROSS FROM ROYAL HOTEL } \

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