26--Apartments for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent |27--Rooms for Rent _ 30--Automobiles For Sele |30--Automobiles For, Sale 30--Automobiles for Sale |31--Compact Cars for Sale THE OSHAWA, TIMES, Thursday, May 11, 1967 93 TWO - BEDROOM upsta 2 papeageeanr- esr ore if : nents for Rent -- Retrerator, sore 'prang. een apartment. ATTRACTIVELY i We RETHOR, tour ma ae LOVELY 962 Karman, Ghia, finished yar arate eni 110. total » elephon in im diel bi Jue in apartment La Contessa expense. "One ial welcome,» Whitby, FURNISHED ROOM 1%3 CHEVROLET Impaia, convertible Aes red. far by woman owner. Cal 36--Logal - |38--Coming Events iS seohcat Apartments" NEWEASTLE = Iwo = bedbeurn aoa. gsryeens in i, home. BILL Whitey ean $1,500 cash. Call 75 VALIANT Vi, far or aia Roe FOR nok BE retoentne HOLY CROS ment, $65 monthly. reiephone. MOT a tween 5 and 7 p.m. a nena steeiitite jer, , radio, Ni tt for debts cont: i! A Distinguished Address FURNISHED three - room apartment, 82 PARK RD. N. Vie Saf thon tation mea. hae ion as-is, edn "new" "anew "ies|anjone on orf i die tay 9, 1908 S GENCY + |Central_ location. Immediate possession. Er ee Gere hie a ee = | without my wren consent. er Choice luxury suites, electric- waEY = tease Seger 728-867 | HAYNES Te ss bella an nw Telephone is Py : NERS @ Spat ogi let ae ater tags,| COMFORTABLE ROOMS Be eh, neha arom Mons SON brows FRe--Coming Kents . stove an Ti) if un Pailin Busine': sot eurunet Available mow. Tela Hoysry 'ors RATES well. Radio, $95. 668-50 Sa 3 _ Hie Cevlinder, st Henderd, THIS WEEK i ; MAID SERVI PRG POEL cep PM dio or best offer. Telephone LAND AVENUE Sauna and recreation rooms, | TWO iarge furnished rooms, kitchen and| A La Carte Slane on 4 MUST SELL 6s Beaumont cervertie, |72e-atae JAYCEES A sito Private bathroom. Parking. Premises. V-8, automatic, radio, turquoise, match- [ne VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, 00d con- = 725-2227 See on Jeg own television Be ee eee oe Wai ee) Maher in: "Watortar ARS mnie, SPs |For information call Tie. S924, -aniole eal FRIDAY screen who is ringing your aa FLOOR duplex, one bedroom lr HITBY 'HOTEL 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian, 6, auto-| 1962 ENVOY, new brakes, new shocks, AND doorbell, before you give conditioned apartment, Yefrigerator ona] 668-2337 hachibir latbocyh Sai ening, talker sxcaltent | running. condition, 'best offer. at 8:00 P.M. them entry. vouehune ye side South Oshawa. iaoROON ss ianasssit- uals Motors, 137 King Street West phone 723-1453, : elephone 7: DROOM FOR RENT. Lad | 44 SUNBEAM imp, 13,000 orl i EMIER & ' MODERN apartment, two bedrooms, el Light housekeeping. Telephone '65 PONTIAC Parisienne Two |' OLDSMOBILE "guper_ 88, four - door, Porteet second at. Te ac sina males. «ne FREE pa Suites available for adults kitchen, diningroom, and large living-|725-3025. Door Hardtop -- V-8, auto- hardtop, equipped, licence 523. 144, No|723-2 only, toom. Close to shopping, north end, aaece WORKING GIRL fo share tie: odio; pow a down payment, only $28 monthly. Stalker iggy ome jood condition. Red ADMISSION Telephone 728-1953 semi-furnished apartment with same, in matic, radio, power equipped. ------ eegaprnrice ----|with black top. Two tops. Telephone LAND AVENUE Ideal for a@ quiet and com- |SMALL apartment, aultabie for" lady, conan oer ie ee hie, 395743, 1964 PON = door hardtop, fully | 725-7829. -- FREE -- i fortable living, very central. Telephone 728-4646 between |'o downtown area and 609 Dundas Bill's Special $2,195 suternatien EAGAM. cadion At conaifion: a vouKiwaeans 'ene ewner, No dom = 728-6722 9 and 5. St. We after 6 p.m. Monday to Friaay. $1,795 or best offer. 728-1773, ayment, $9 per week. Wellman's, 728. oe 20R en - Rental office on the premises, Wo. ROOM A apartment, se ae en. or sold Pe oes ag feomn inte 1965 CHEV IMPALA -- 2 461 MORRIS Oxford station wagon, il. faa : Admission 450c aa Samy Tote eS rance ni t J. " é i . Good 4 OOME "with paying ones M \ Gires 140 Nonquon Road, Oshawa dren. welcome, heat 'and "hydro Included. geet sine i vie Pesos = ye Fie as Wer '63 OLDSMOBILE Four Door pric. sheer 18 nae oe oo tates La FR : yd fg 3 SNOWBALL DECORATED Call 725-1481 ee Ta an Ee | eats Aqua' exterior, light | piaiaton = Automatic, rogio, . [Malet Uf Wing West, ____ wren fe ba vos phrae your ad S180, Pe TWO-BEDROOM apartment. Private Us. 'i : ry -- PORE OR ~~ FRIDGE or hae Apply Quebec Bee, owe A AE hs bl cneeree winale reer, '4 interior, Shorp car, Lic. jie Pen ae pray Cor lt Impala converte, oo88 enaine ae 32--Trucks for Sale is? = Plus $10 each horizontal line. Pb nm ___| parking, sun porch, Ladies or gentlemen. 63. ' Mele * Oe bane eet | to, , | 1987 "CHEVROLET panel truck. Needs a and Regular Jack t--$200, FACILITIES Wien een Pern Jor avaloge" apo 7" Celina "Street, COMPLETELY reid. bed Bn Bae sitting . positraction rear e end. 723-7027. a [litle Lg ig oo ye Pe Piso oed in 53 Nos $20 Con a artm room, 4, 1960 METEOR six-cylinder, automatic, | r a4 yORO HALLS TORONTO ONE-BEDROOM apartment, stove, re- Ciebe_ to buses. 720184. | 1965 CORVAIR = 2: door waa eee. four-door sedan 'Sood seonaton, 3275 s \rouR van fs eager ore gy rage ONE MUST GO Shore The Wealth OOM in frigerator, wesher, dryer, parking, ie FURNISHED ROOMS for girls, with kit- hardtop, automatic, radio, ti ipped, "Ex- erepnene s7eiM6 oF -- All car parts, Courtice Auto . Early Bird G 7:45 OR 363-2631 Ratsland Ein Avaiable, June, 1. S75 | shan Jaundry eachitian, iting Teor") whitewalls, low mileage, one | Matic. Power equipped. 47 CHEVROLET Impala, two-door cha [ers 723-5098 $500 arly Bird Game 7: S mony. as asst, Paso, GM, buses, "downtown. Mydr® Included.| owner car, Lic, 56496E, ee ee Ne Hs Tie lB Be nga at 'h Reg. games 8:00 a " . . . fi . 728-9737, oO. bee } GMC rideon Kup, Pleetside, A.) condl- ILLED OSHAWA'S BEST FIVE-ROOM apartment, $125 month in-|779.37) $1,895 {Sell or trade on late model. ah C10." teiedhara Faken) ine Reo cE RENTAL VALUE |i"stu'i'ath me" ROOm FOR REN, Sri ae Pe a aor Tinie nae (st Se eagle eae. Gant Parking PARKING ipaneMeNIT ae on am, furnished, "central, "apply 8 Charles! oe Cue IMPALA -- 4 Terms arranged. R: B. Motor Sole, 509 Mg Oy ga suitable for $200 No Children Please ORCHES SEE Winn retin "| RURNISHED room, 368 Pine Avenue ona door sedan, V-8 automatic aay ri i ig za o oLBER OBILE, ii; good body |1959 ONE TON Dodge, four-speed trans. jayne, 4 rs 4 Door Hardtop -- V-8, auto- 1959 SM 7 TUNE well, 90 ly In an d No: <item |G PONFell. Close shopping centre.| radio, P.S. and P.B. 37,000 f Top i mission. Good condition, Telephone 725- announce: 8. HOPPING CENTRE oe ar Srasaeonpiianese, ose aene Telephone 728t2 original miles. Clean car. Lic. matic, radio. New whitewall ina S350" Wil fake" older" car as part S088 oF 725-8493, : : $25 Consolation Prize SUNNYSIDE TOWER on cony. Laundry, storage every floor. Bus|RURNISHBD bedroom in private home.| 82124E. tires. 'Very Clean", Lic, |payment. 668-5071 | 1964 "CHEVROLET one:ion with ofility $10 per line both games TELEPHONE THE My] hiya) anil shopping. free a Cleese 'aan Gentleman preferred. Tele- 597278, $1,795 | i961 WOLESLEY, ce he ns | PP Se Fee Me Al box. Tele- B | N G O ; R vices, welcome. Y a ne $400 or nearest offer 'econdition Re NUMBERS 4 to 9 pm. EES | BOROOM,seminrivete) oe. Cue IMPALA -- co In . |LOSE SOMETHING? Place a lost ad In $175 Jackpot ----$--$--$$__--_--_--__-- ang § MONTHLY for five-room two-bed-|entrance. Centrally located, bus stop at 4 5 : -- -- ~~ |classified to reach the finder. Ola! 723-/ $20 per line. $75 full cord Rg ge 9 EAE lle em A fa cad Rar aah Sve lB gh Mg Rg i Ma cele nee TO-NIGHT . red. Tele 728- nnn | © FOMIO, P.S. and P.B. Yellow See ¥ ; 20 Regular $20 games pay / ALIER pay tm pdl gh cated ie Se ere eee BED SITTING room. around Foor, Pri'! exterior, brown interior. Sharp spel alll on" Con Telephone Ts 7k8ee Paint, new moter-|33--Automobiles Wanted _ double, in 17 Now or Less" if : FOUR-ROOM apartment, private en Mators, Gontiomen preferred. No meals.| car. Lic. J76887, ition'. Lic. . $1,295 %3 RAMBLER, no down 1 payment, $i $10 ARE YOUR MONTHLY $ $2 300 00 Swimming pool, sauna bath, Nba al a rote now jospital me evenings. ' per week, radio, one owner. Wellman's CAR PAYMENTS Five $30 Games Ete CENTRAL, furnished end _kitehen, Lani Lo papas Oca ves nee sm Seve TMENTS Oe ede cate ie tecihed [THT ERSRDON Gin SerianT |i Rk hy PN we | 1964 OLDS FBS -- 2 doo NTR Sat uns EON"GS| Coraldote Your bil, |For Bird Game 743 kM, | IN' PRIZES fae ; - uy Ir , , Gi . f ' i io, i a . 5 F Our model suite is furnished |tront and. back entrance, private bath.|ly. Apply 146 Division Street. V-8 automatic, radio, 39,000 63 PONTIAC Laurentian -- |Gition. Telephone 6-012. We trade up or down, by WILSON'S FURNITURE Ridren welcome. Close to bus 8ndlis--Bee wm, Room wiih Riichen il fi ' Sedan -- '6 automatic, |----_ Oar eer ' EXTRA PRIZES JACKPOT: NOS. : #0 PER WEEK, Room Rifchen| miles, yellow exterior, black , 1 Sabie te 6) CHEVROLET Impala, two-door hard- BILL WHITTICK schools. North Oshawa area. Telephone "Cl Ca L impa io hadi 1, 2, ond 3 Bedroom Apt. [5700 : Pierst 'and ye Porting fatil- ey bucket seats, Lic. bye eon if $1 198 ton, six cylinder, automatic, radio. Tele- MOTORS LTD. 53 and 85 @ H FREE pad PB aairpse welt eg ll ta FURNISHED | aaa is clean, quiet yeee : : 1966 MUSTANG in excellent condition. 1250 Dundas E., Whitby F Th d AT THE id Convenient UNDERGROUND PARKING _ |irence, Parking. Close fo Oshawa. Shop- are: Avsiiaae per ae to, north Automatic six cylinder, radio, 10,000 668-5871 very Urs ay ° r Avaliab! May 15. Worki 'al ors, irking. ly . miles, elep! one | 568-400: T.V. reception TO THE FIRST 65 TENANTS [Ping Centre. Avaliable May 15. Working lawa Bivd, 8, 728 1964 PARISIENNE -- 2 door 61 PONTIAC Laurention | ;9¢¢-WHite MUSTANG three-speed EC CARS WANTED at the D and Black and OPEN DAILY LOVELY Sroom"epariment, rMibin floor, |ROOM FOR te in bachelor's heme, hardtop, V-8 automatic, Coach -- Economy "6", | shift, excellent condition. Reasonably : ae ree eS pm hav nica backyard 'and gerage, stove end |Seeking privileges, parking. Telephone) /24i0.°B'S and P.B. Diplomat automatic, radio. "Exception- _{priced. Telephone 576-3236 anytime Buying A New Car? Jubilee Pavil 0 Japa ek frig, private $125 month, heat, hydro, in- ' a blue with light blue interior, al Condition', Lic, J92866. 61 OLDSMOBILE Starfire convertible, Sell pour ubed dor to Teal' | n or by appointment. cluded. Rosehill Blvd. 723-321 725-| THREE furnished rooms, with bath- ' 8 power steering, brakes, seat, windows, your used : 7 us 9:36 BM. 576-2280 725.9750 room. (Private entrance, "laundry facil ge ire Must be seen, $895 | Wunderbar radio and rear speaker, new| Talk ."Cash" to the New BUSES LEAVING vith stove, frig, - or =" SR for 2 months, 2bedroom apt. iors Fb Ther "rth Lhe wal ic. 4. body and paint job. Complete new ex- Cor Dealer and "Save". 2 EXTRA BUSES Ground Moor, eer, South. Plant. Swim: Taos ate habe ie eee eek aoa AU cl sel Ba TED CAMPIN MOTORS FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 spits W. FRANK peat one 12-1290. sian ns 4 rae tc ve " phone 728-6760" oF 723.6788 OF aDBIY Ws| 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 and 7:15 P.M. * ESTATE, LT UO RUGABOIN spacial Moco FURNISHED" bogaifing" Fein oroon| 1964 CHEV BEL AIR -- COMPACTS Shorbo! Street after 5 |SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars SHRINE CIRCUS hopping centre REAL ESTATE, LTD. tle (theoyahext, stove and frig. Adulte. Apply {i guiet private home, Apply 350 Arthur) sedan, 6 cylinder automatic "62 MERCURY, 'door sedan, VB, auto- [Rough parte for, sale.' tron and ond Returnirig after Bingo FRI. & SAT 21 King St, W., Bowmanville {319 Adelaide West, Apt, : racic, 43,000 riiles, Owner's | 65 EPIC Two, Door' --= Lic, (Sumr'one, sumer tows raiser. ttpaes| areas] Ohiid : ' , 43, . . peer nt en under 16 not admitted " + ong Lg corated, Teie:|2e---Room and Board Cor. renee. Lic. 545547. Bill's Special $895 vat offer. Bill Hamilton, Raglan, | eamtno: ape ce ci cel es peo May 12, 13 4 NNYSIDE phone 7 : STAUMGNT Go A. Movie: Reber? , Tickets availoble at: Harry's SU TWO-BEDROOM apartments, _ Includes SINGLE ROOMS "64 CHEVELLE Sedan -- "6'" iodarablematic, ea Se, nk ANTES SIC a Sea Auction Sale Barber Shop, 23 Bond St. E., formation APARTMENTS drapes, appliances, balcony. Laundry, d . |tlon. Telephone after 5.30, 725-6372. -- '6) to '6 Corvair, condl- Uni Royal Centre, 17 Park storage every floor. Bus at door, adja- RD 1962 ACADIAN -- 2 motor, radio, standard trans tion of motor unimportant. Telephone Saturday, May 13 ab ' Wilson South, Children con- |cen!, shopping. Free services. Child wel and BOA havdtee, 6 cylinder. error | mission. Lie, 197282. 31--Compoct Cars for Sale |7°7: Re. ies Que ve Lid. ; D come. 35, , - ' imeoe ; wa ALL sidered, Close to schools and | Four Apply: tic, radio. Economical second $1,295 34--Automobile Repai St. Andrew's . 5 UR-ROOM furnished apartment, $100 H , . ical secon epair Shrine Club, 1626 Simeoe St. shopping, Includes stove and |monthiy. Telephone. 723-0275 after 7 p.m. 25 Di a car. Lic, 56493, % VOLVO and PEUGOT United Church N. Performénct Fri. 4°p.m. / Hil water, hydro and elec. THREE iworedresm apariments, avail 5 Division St. 63 ACADIAN Coach -- "6" |e MERCEDES BENZ FRED STONE : -- 8 pm. Sot. 2 pm..-- 8 } 4983 ; heoti : ith bal- Near south. plant, 219 Cordova, Rd., Apt, |AVAILABLE for lady or gentleman, i standord, one owner, ee General Repair and Brooklin -- 655-3653 parking lot. p.m. Downtown and Shopping tric heating. Some wi' 2 Days 728-1070, nights 723-5482, room and board in quiet home, with) 1962 CHEV -- 4 door Bis. Lic. J84048. $1,095 Electric' Servi - : : Centre. Special buses, Fri, conies and broadloom. Ample aint waniagto-mmaee her uranea| homey raiaaee 2 Kina street Sout.) Cylinder automatic. One ee ee REBUILT. ENGINES a sleek abdlog 3:30, 4:00 and 7:30. p.m ee us at parking. Two bedroom and |sperintnt with oe ster gir) 21 Our pagar ar "rem and baard tor Tadies or] owner car. Good family car. | +63 VOLKSWAGEN Cooch -- | Jake and Bill's Garage | § CYt: Exchange Puce | | auctioneer Sot. 1:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. ya ly om, ee eeadaye Yr 728-3350. Lic, J75974, Color Gulf Blue, leather 4 449 Ritson Rd, South 8 CYL. Exchange Price : CLIFF PETHICK RUMMAGE SALE. Friday, May 10773 A iment In apartment ACCOMMODATION Hable for mal holstery. Lic, J38427, $89 hi 728-0921 . . $t. Mark's Church, Beurll rland Ave To be seen by appointments Hii any a aren. Tale boarders, willing to share, five oF seven sta Ay $ omens wana as low as $200.00 - ANDRE jevenson 'Road Noh' ne tne . . day week, lunches pa |, laundry done. on ener ae -- perkins thie; -room furnished apart: x f 2s Re s Cleon ae terane '63 ENVOY Sedan -- Radio. ZOLTAN and NICK'S AUTONAL : , : t. 111 if intendent_723-5328. ment, private bathroom. Suit working |ROOM AND BOARD avaliable for one sis : Lic. 97919. "Real Value'. Your Authorized Datsun TRANSMISSION COUPLES CLUB GET CASH FAST... Mt. bd couple or Bechelor. poonthiy.. Teac women Sune. Peckee. Fare Ing. $875 and Fiot Dealer CENTRE | Now Renti i, ializing in Volk 1038 Si N. 728-7339 IF IT'S FOR SALE SELL WITH TIMES ow Kenting GENTLEMAN too To share fully furnished |COLBORNE EAST, $7 -- Room and] 1961 PONTIAC -- 2 door Specializing in Volkswagen mane: at. 7a - house with three other young. men, Fre- ry ged ctr ig del Close.to north) Strate Chief, V-8. automatic, 16) VOLKSWAGEN Window - Repair and Service Transmissions are Our Only AN ACTION ACTION CLASSIFIED | O al a Raca AURNISHE an cribiate"with|ROOM AND BOARD for gofioman,| 0di0, whitewalls, new paint, | Van -- "Extra Seat". Lic, 160 Simcoe South fae dean Ah Week CLASSIFIED AD ADS : / MODERN LO, Private hee King Sfreet ast, |lunches_packed. _Talephene 43, | clean car. Lie, J73578. 31025V. 728-0051 Guorantaaae WILL SELL IT! : after 5 p.m appointment, ROOM AND BOARD RD tie ne Gentleman "Expo Special" $695 : : N TWO BEDROOM. }rvac! wiling to, share a su saeese : : | Whitey -- Small seif-contelned apart. |town, King and Park Road. eran, 'Tele 1961 PON : a phone 728-5455. 61 TIAC -- 4 door APARTMENT me "ina ee tet "central. ROOM ANB ~wOMRD ior gentlemen, gentiemen,| Strato Chief, 6 cylinder, auto- AWA'S MOST ' phone 668-9715, home cooked meals, la ve matic, radio, n int, oF Hi Deal" All conveniences included, ome ¢ irge room. Z , new paint, good or an Honest Dea NG APARTMENT : a LARQE. three ~ bedroom apartments ea tl Telephone 728-2938. 147) tires, Lic, H73981. ta tes : rth the Extra) f 'or further information fully ; recta oT) ee Bill or Te p . Oba te yosmaparinsani OR. room wy: te for r rng a lady in quiet home, vin | Bag No ' Call 668-4321 IRienished: private: Name, cauntry: are, clove to fetephone 723-2481 atter : 'a Location between Oshawa and Mhaple Grove, ott No. 2" Hwy. Bowman: 29------Wanted to Rent NO REASONABLE ppointment | Whitb' ville, 623-2215, one VY Li § y ai FiTeY ARIK, Tweoeingntigs| OFFER REFUSE MODERN, unfurnished, four - f RGA, ing! 3-1712 * Saineantained doctor heer: Neseral path Nene acento Wns tee 0 USED ONE and TWO Adults only. Parking. Apply 527 Mary |M7602, Oshawa Times. ON BEDROOM APARTMENTS {Street or telephone 725-5396, FURNISHED ROOM required by gentie- MOTO RS RGIAN 5 d refi ' MAIN FLOOR -- Lovely one-bedroom|man for use two or three times each } tove and refrigerator. Spariment, Full basement, washer, -dry- week. Parking, required. Wiling te, per- The ABOVE CARS Hydro. included . Any fe, gars ely. ou form some services. Write Box 467293, 12 ect r ye jon «+ ison 3 awe rv \SIONS New building on Gibb St, (17%. ____.___|TWO- OR THREE - BEOROOM house 607 KING ST. EAST . Telephone 576-0360 tues. rig Lamery |Resession, June" "Velegnone Sas.a0ne (opposite Steinbergs: Market) i ities "and parkii ly decorated. sin coll Available 'Nine it. Advi ony. 785408 30 Automobiles For ~ce OSHAWA LUSANNE VILLA |fiiQ5:Room sperimeni, private bain, // i | self-ci jain unfurnis! |, secon jOor, " } 3 YALE 330 GIBB STREET spotless, immediate pessession, $85/ The Rambler Kings 723-4494 , hydro intluded. 589 Albert St, =, : a He & Peterborough j Exciting prestige building. {SPECIAL bachelor apartments in apart- Bowmanvi ig TMENTS Centrally located; electrically |ment, building, pedsitting room, kitchen MAY SALE SPECIALS heated. Roomy breakfast nook nished $95, unfurnished $85. Parking. 728-| | ower than Toronto Prices. Res. 725-5574 acious ks ah Tennis court eT neon rere rey Bank Rate Financing. 2 Bedioom ~ |private bath. "Apply at. 216 Division) 60 Day 3,000 Mile Warranty. 1964 STUDEBAKER -- 4 Suites BONUS Street. Up To 60 Months To Pay. | door sedan, radio, godd tires. GUS BROWN 1 and 2 bedroom, lorge port. |SELF-CONTAINED one-bedroom Base] OVER 40 SELECT CARS Lic. 30357. RATING AT ments, fully equipped rae Sparen OS ral een, TO CHOOSE FROM. wee $789 MOTORS LIMITED 5120 WE PAY MOVING EXPENSES $e thane 78 aisteict. Available June 1. TRENT ; 2 RR No, 3 Oshawa e 190 Nonquon Road feted WY iain te TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top | C7 : apartment, -- abstainers. AUTO SALES 1960 CHEV STATION WA- Price. pela. for Good 'Cle | nding all electrie dults. Hea' ans "water one: 6 Meo- GON -- li ft % pa i an s located near 728-9726 i elite 8 OMNES LTD. tele: RAD ad mone Cars, liens paid. TERMS. hopping and Two., THREE, or apart- King St. E., Bowmanville ee $469 _ Phone 728-7375 or 728- -7376 "5 CHEV IMPALA two-door hardtop, ut varie ther: @ FOR RENT @ [Separate Hence ti, 623-3305 f closet space. Apt. Houses, Rooms, Room phone 723-7088 days, 728-7288 aly emuibona very goed conaition; real @nd Boord. Office Hours: |TWO-ROOM completely furnished apar 1960 CHEV -- 4 door sedan, vi alc Aa hid salad || onquon Rd, Men:.to Fri..8:30 o.m,' to 6 {ment on third floor, centrally locate ART ROBINSON automatic, Lic. 54265E. STATION WAGON, Beaumont 1966. | eS AA SA: C:90:o.m, 46.5 pam, [Ser eTiOrneee. PAM. Telephone 7Q7aRF ot 27 Four-door, custom, automatic, radi, | PT. 105 P Let ol i aot aS PA CARS WANTED iveuwary, fa si0'atter 6 nm. Cash only, Phone " MoD two + bedrocm unfurnished Ba Athol West 728-1070 _|V2H" Wiig Stu "Sauie Riese | Bett cash prices in town. 1, CHEVROLET beh Air, autor 3-5282 1624 or P28 Shee tes "Telephone Scrap of wrecking purposes. 1962 ACADIAN -- 4 door |radio. Excellent condition. ' $950.° Bank | bBo SR Dice = SS SN All hours sedon, standard transmission, |ferms. Phone after 5 o'clock. 726-4983. | UPPER DUPLEX doar rive" nance' a bat. 725-3176 52 WeyneSt, | Lic. J76381. 78 RAMBLER 'hardiop, "no down pay-| . Parking, Heat, lights Included. School: $569 ment, $18 per week. V-8 automatic and RENTING Two bedroom apartment, age child welcome, 341 Olive Avenue. yas ae fedio. ike new, Lict Kezst.: Wellmans, | spacious living room, laun- |i ar abachce GH -- Teen MORE CASH 720-735. e .|.° more of Oshawa's dry facilities, King and Wil- [apartment in apartment building, refrig- , 1958. PONTIA' > |1966 DODGE Coronet, two - door hard- visit sle .are enjoying , ton area, Reasonable rent. erator, stove, broadloom. Availabie| Paid for Good Clean Cars. Lh C -- 4 door. |top, 426 hemi, prepeed, sure! Orb. penig at the Telephone June." One smell "Chie welcome. 'Tele-| 'Trade up or down. Liens paid. ic, 58243E, 5 ene yROLE eee siandard Phone 725-6851. ee .$179 @ CHEVROLET, four - door standard 725-9661 In BROOKLIN. -- 'iveroonaparinent| DODD MOTOR SALES shim, clean, good, transportation. Tele A THREE - ROOM apartment, suitable tor |cotrenca Terennone SSSoeT cy sontass| 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH ig GLRMEBICE Gar ea eae | ® e R no couple oF two iris, siydro 8nd | rimeE-ROOM unfurnished" apartment, 723-9421 excellent condition. Telephone 728-8163. | 'self-contained, adult home (refrigerator, 1966 CHEVROLET Caprice, two - door M SIMCOE STREET $. -- twobed stove supplied), Street level, (private RAMBLER hardtop, power steering and brakes, | apartment, heated, on bus route. Téle-jentrance). Central. Adults only, Ne radio and rear seat presner, three- speed | s Phone 623-2368. drinking, ----. 725-5676 evenings. SALES em SERVICE tr 728- | r --"H Colborne Sires? & TWO - ROOM furnished self-contained ; NT Soenrows --"m | ple reli rest ast apartment, private bath ie "Girenck: and 'PAI ie 166 BEAUMONT Custom sedan, eight | Saag broadioom. Free . laund: mary facil- mobile of Neg Close to hospital, Tele- New and Used Cars cylinder, automatic, power steering, | png Pg Possession June 1. Apply|Phone 728 pany to Finance at coale. 4 only 10,000 miles, Call evenings : ; ones |EDROOM = apartments, Modern FOUR noo garden. 'ts monthly, NICOL MOTORS LTD. STATION WAGON, '59 Pontlac, auto- at t e building, Available now. 726-5282. Blackstock, 986-4856. WHITBY -- 668-3331 - and wes rasta very fond mechanically, n $400. VAZMZAD>DVU> MODERN two-bedroom riment,| THREE - ROOM apartment, private ' Stove, refrigerator, 'drapes. No damage bath, furnished, stove and. refrigerator, OSHAWA TRANSMISSION Telephone _ 576-1903. deposit. One child welcome. immediete|garage available. Telephone 723-7041 or SERVICE 1961 CORVAIR sedan, automatic, al Possession. 723-8844, or 170 Park Road/apply 362 Mary Street after 4. eee ' perfect condition, Lic. J80-228. eet & South TWO-BEDROOM apartment, $125. mw pent Specializing in rebuilt auto- phone evenings, 942-5693 5693, sELAe CONTAINED furnished nl ly. Apply 291 Marland, Apt, 107. 723-6134.) matic and standard transmis- 19a rerio cr sedan ee partment for two men. Central. APPlY/ BACHELOR apartment. Centrally lo| sions. matic, radio, ine! car inside an 728-9724 # Elgin West. Telephone 728-8697. cated, Private entrance. Laundry, park- GUARANTEED WORK od WS 11-042. Telephone evens | THREE - ROOM furnished ape apartment, ing, frig, stove, four-piece bath, $80. 4 lower duplex, self - contained. Private|monthly. Telephone 668-3207. 576-2610 a 1966 BEAUMONT, sports deluxe, sar | anana fecilfies: $85 monthly. Avalleble Sune T|FURNISHED BACHELOR aperiment brakes bucket sears, console, radi Paher | Pocus s! ih ly. Available June |. /cround floor, separate entrance and|, 7 bw Faisnea ena 0 Bb ds A, 0! 354 ae jporch, bathroom. Television aerial; re- WANTED P. e nd three bedroom THREE - ROOM ape apartment, nice resi-|frigerator, electric 'rangette, good cup- Hi h N 7 1959 PONTIAC, two-door, six ayn, | {I dential area, refrigerator and stove, |boards. Quiet neighborhood. $80. 725- ighway INO. standard fransmission, paint ob, | urs a an rl a en 0 % Centrally loca- rivate. entrance, nicely decorated. |3679. Good clean local cars for exhaust system, good tires, A-1 Through 5 eaves ba m, no children un- Working couple preferred. Abstainers. |SELR.CONTAINED apartment, suitable) cash. 4 miles West of Brooklin Sut. Ale 19s) Bulk hardtop, V4 Bast 2 Nipigon St. Telephone _725-1 vse _________|for retired or working lady, stove, re- MORLEY STALKER ce A AE ES et A IE FRED COOPER Se RRIRED three - room. self-contain-|frigerator, laundry facilities. Telephone MOTORS on PONTIAC two-door herdtop, six or 723-0873 riment, private bath. Parking |728-3344. y matic, radio, two tone beige and | a to oF a tace AGuUHs_ only. Telephone 725-0072." | FHREE-ROOM seit contained apartment 137 King West taht ee eee || alvin alVia THRee : Roa atarniated artment,|with sunporch, stove, refrigerator and| 723-8311 723-6322 1957 PONTIAC four - door sedan. Good || > ACTION couple or two girls. Tele-|laundry facilities. Telephone 728-3344. a imechanicsl conaition. Almost new tires, || Bone" ea FURNISHED. two-room apariment, suit! RESULTS? Use Times $200 or best offer. 600-0302. week IFIED ADS THREE - ROOM 'apartment "jn large|able for working couple er gentlemen, 1959 PONTIAC six automatic, good. con- residence, separate ie cake garden. |Simcoe Sovth area, Private parking. Action Want Ads dition, Apply 229 Rosedale Dr., eee = and SELL: ee $110 monthly. Telephone 7: after 6.! Telephone 723-6823, a Telephone. 668-8775, Jeger: Racca era =) 2 ES ,