THE OSHAWA TIMES, HEY, LOOK! Mom's wasHED | | You IHAVE WY NOT TONIGHT, GWEN DEAR, eal | DRAT! ONCE THEY ALL THE DINNER DISHES! MOTHER'S TIRED. HERE'S $0 Setordey: Map TE Ue precy gp oa SAVE EM HEADACHE MEDICINE INSTEAD. IN THE COOR! BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters Individual Championship Play) South dealer. North-South vulnerable. BUZ SAWYER DONALD DUCK NORTH ( 493 @I732 @KT74 ~ hATOT \ uu rr a 9 depen' ior 2, Q3 ---. | @109653' YOU SSS war $86 EQ104388 AEKQI10 B Fx iE = OATS °o f as Py 5 (ORY 3 The bidding; South West North Hasd 2 2@ Pass 3H Pass bik nied 3@ Pass 4@ Pass ° , eal ied Opening lead--eight of clubs, ' You run into a bad trump dis- a) perme ng tribution once in a while, but in ee A a surprising number of cases As NA THINK ABOUTITHE} | you can overcome the bad luck Wy, /S ATTRACTIVE... | | and still come out whole. For example, take this hand AUTOMATIC -- ONE -- where West led a club to the ace and dummy returned a low heart, East showing out. The 5-0 trump break certains ly put the contract in jeopardy, but it did not by any means make the slam hopeless. De- clarer went up with the ace and led the A-K of spades, since no line of play could succeed un- less West had at least two When he then played the jack of spades, discarding a diamond as East showed out, business picked up considers ably, Soufh now knew that West had started with four spades, five hearts, and either one or two clubs, since the club lead was almost surely a singleton or doubleton. Declarer next led a diamond to the king and another one back to the ace, and when West dropped the queen on it, the count of the hand became com- plete. West was marked with 4-5-2-2 distribution, and the slam therefore became a sure thing. 22-TH L/LBAD LUCK" CLOUD 1S AFOLLYIN' WHAR AHM GOIN' ITS TH'-cULPr-SPIRIT.) AH MADE' DEAL OF TIME WITH OUR NEW PIGEON, ADRIENNE. Bs LI'L ABNER SECRET AGENT X9 The Trading Post Offers Soon :.. Another Brand New Car!! THE The Great C t Built SWINGING VIVA to 1967 For Giouedneis and Value! Where Your Mills Men ST. WEST 723-4634 Ave Men of Action! Nw WHE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. CROSSWORD Declarer ruffed a spade in TELEVISION LOG wn ne a PS ey = <0, sin. Weciay ange : hand, producing this position: Channel 3--Buttale 7--Bullwinkie 4--What's My Line 1, Mooring & the eak ture oietst Ragac North = o--Barrie 6--Canada Express 3 "M. rope 3. Sounds, 22. Indi- as fEILIATt INE] @37 jannel 4--Buftalo 3--Hymn_ Book 2-3-6-8-11--News, 6. Extra iit MaHaly] ISIEIN] Channel 6--Toronte 2--Faith for Today Weather, Sports . asamule gent SICRIE ISIE RTe} ht9 r= Channel 7--Buttalo, ne AM. i A9--News Bh oo and pe abed ai shoes RIVIDIRIAWMATP AICTE] r Bast §--Wish You were Here > eo ars) . Man's forke 8 R Immaterial 4--Greatest Headii J IBIRJAIZIT IE IRIS] 986 } fa Channel N--Haritten | $-secial | Security ed ee 12, Shelter nickname 25.Sphere (UAMMmMElrmaiT] | VO98 TF. os Es Channel 12--Peterporough Exp a es ace Teer Pal ervice co ape ye - [Tie 4Q a an sw z sarunsur eve, |S See (Sue | Gate | eee sae 3". a ' ople 2--Merv Griffin 16. Forbids wa test R : We Little Fisher do' 12:08 NOON 11.35 P.M, 17.Musicnote 8, Prayer 30.Embers Yesterday's Answer iT 'da . . le TWide World ot Sports Heidel Bae i sae Pe 18, Replies So casie ay Se South now led a diamond and 'rankenstein Jr. 9--Italian Arum 12--Spectrum 20. One of th x 4 fom 25. Neat West was forced to ruff. When &--Horse papal | SAdventures In Pare-|!§--insight pci e clan pond 38. Polynest he elected to ruff with the 11--My_ Favorite Martian | 7ighis, Camera and all'7_News, Weather, Dwarfs 16. Bil hil { ee queen, South discarded a club 3-6-12--Bugs Bunny that Action 21. Biblical 19. Comt $2. Fails | from dummy, won the trump £00 to the Races Scheu waitin ae grees ion $s ata se 8 e return with the ten, and ruffed 3 I ' ie (Littlest "Hobe 2--Senate Report 22, Father: Fr, interjec- 33, Periods 41, Antimony: [his spade with the jack of eens i iscaon te te anauee beh 23.Garment _/ tion of time asym hearts to make the slam. 612-2620. } 4--Let's Look at Congress | 9--University of the Air 26. Planted j ry i Had West decided to ruff Hee, [Eero | ae | ete Ke ry en l1--Albert J, Steed . Scary ve ov emcee A cea vicwant ace sRomper Room sound " Yj" and returned a Prova Hh ign 12--Conversation J--ABC Scope 7--Dialing for Dollars 29.Warp-yarn Fe 7a would then have disca' s oe 1--Dance Party 6--Extension Vinnie otatain 30. Elegant Y spade to compel a trump ree (- =] 9--Flintstones 4--Face the Nation Te Aa 34, Recto: VA, turn to the K-10 &--Movie 20-20 1--Little Peopie abb 's be YZ4" : 7--Movle 1:00 P.M. %--Uncle Bobby er A Ls vii N--Continental Mviniae &--Crosstire 35. Trip is 1 V77he0 TO FIGHT IN BENEFIT 2--NFL Action soto getty Pech li , 36, coe /) HALIFAX (CP)-- George 7:00 P.M. &--Meet the Press |: 2--Topper WY Ye Chuvalo of Toronto, Canadian 9--Jackie Gleason 7--Challenge £ 7.90 A.M. 387, Biblical Y heavyweight boxing champion, 4--Round Table 6--Showcase 11--White' Hunter mount 4 a f ht 34-12--Beverly Hille 4--Amateur Hour &Gloria 39. Leanin: 25 jee les GQ and Yvon Durelle, former lig! Dilles ner SHerald of Truth | &--Meta 'mn i 4 heavyweight champion from "aa 'cardening | S12--Omtarip "Schools fog a Un YA, \ Baie Ste. Anne, N.B., will meet | 7:3 P.M, 1:30 P.M. ed 2--Jack LaLanne 40, Satan 'A in an exhibition bout at the Ha- | 12--Avengers 9--Platform Ay pede py 4LM 29 30 31 [32 [33 lifax forum June 2. The bout | j 4--Jackle Gleason Tia Thls Space Age Mord leg!) uae . el 17) is to be part of a benefit night Movi a, | Kes earings 7--Issues and Answer# | 8-2--Snap Judgment 42. Dutch 34 YZA5 Y 36 for Dick Howard, former Cana- you THN "ae H 8:00 P.M. 4-Share @ Song 3S 13 Canadian' Schools "ch Ld AK dian lightweight champion who en | UneeasAur 3] | $CAttdemy' Pertormence | 312--Country Calendar| 19.30 A.M. 48.Consecrate |*" Gi was ranked among top 10 in THOUGHTS ? d 2--Dalsles 2:00 P.M, +e rnccrad Phraeke ou '4 4 world ratings in the 1950e. f 8:30 P.M, 12~Farming '67 8-2--Concentration DOWN i yy" 11--Donna Reed tary bs JE , 7--Dateline: Hollywood 1. The = Y . = | sary eld welk Vi--Interte! ith yp lta 4cBeverly Hiltpitlies | a 42 Yy® SALLY S SALLIES Ee I 3-6-12--Movie 4--World's Greatest Moth-| "TT og ay om oe L3 be a meets 24" counterpant one Bouse" a ye é Johan Nuee ' sia 0 PM, xy Ans Mrs, SP he Soccer J casbernarie Sweep ro Hi] p-sonyered Peace |SO10=T.BA. 'Andy Griffith YOUR HEALTH || 4-Pistols 'n' Petticoats 2.00 P.M. "ine Ae | si Late ane oon 3-6-12--Cariboo Country 9--May istrate's: Court s 4--Gunsmoke tentie ree tree von oa T T lo : Yidbad PM. 3-6-12--Hymn Sing Foie. eg u cu '$--Run for your Life SUNDAY EVENING -- |12--Cartoons 7--Movie 4.00 P.M, Leikyseli aaa meet eae Bennls te Menges | eat an Lome Dac = fran. le" nc! B ea: Vena ale eagle in Minla- 'New Weather, ; 2 po] me ~ aol, Varitie Popeye ang pala | By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD ban a ews, Weather, + : sh bs : = See ; SOOrTD peat A Raa Mc eo Dear Dr. Molner: A_ dear| moved surgically, thus reducing BS Bein, a LADY FRIEND & A-Grestest Headlines [6 T2-Eves fo, Tomorrow | s--Eye Guess v,|ttiend has been in the hospital|the risk of a relapse--of some! "am T late? I want to place @ . 11:90 P.M, ries ot. Tonks ews, weather, sports for tuberculosis for six months.|trapped germs setting up a new bet if there are any | | | og tel Metals er er Ee ctin Now he Has had three: tests infection. 2 horses left." (a) eee 4--Movie tisxeeer oe 12.45 P.M. showing negative, has gained 25) The basis for deciding when (a 2-9--News Hasiafeat 46--Guiding Light pounds and feels good. surgery should be employed is = i ( cass 138 7 Dating | Game er dibeg P.M. Now they aie ee ges " too brig cece go tal hit (Antibiotics other thee rein s a Movie 3-6-12--Heritage 9--Movie operation on ie lungs, Ould) enough lung tissue must be can be used eff ively for it. Disteiatel by Kiog Poster Byneate, "St ecient 11:40 Pi a--Insight © Nirah Grane' © you tell us something about this}so as to provide sufficient/Dear Dr. Molner: Is there any- 13--Movi eiconmena' 7--Fugltive kind of surgery and just what|breathing area, or "vital capac-|thing harmful in sunflower HE'S LICKING AN ICING BEATER FOR THE 12.00 9--Sam Snead 6--Luncheon Date they do? Would he regain his|ity."' seeds? My sons eat a great FIRST TIME." 25 soca anak hen Se ee health?--Mrs. R.B. It is, of course, delicate-sur-]amount of them. A person told . 2 9--Answering Serivce paral eee ae ae 1.30 P.M. oe bd dine is different| gery, but yo Ei -- me recently that they were c OS Yes : 34-6E | e Be st's Make # Deal | kind of malefactor, Many germs) decades the principles and tech-| harmful.--Mrs. V.W. <a) FA => SUNDAY: ivclen Whee re eatcnee non harr™' cause acute illness, but after-lniques have been developed to} No harm of any kind of which : _ = AYe-Mladienatealin a Parle | Soteey Docer 2.00 P.M. ward the patient is immune toja point at which it is under-|T am aware, except that the ai ) Saal oh Trui | 4caheh Contry SAP kr! hehe that disease, sometimes tempo-|taken with confidence. husks might be a bit harsh on : 5 = 2--Agriculture, U.S.A, 3-6-12--Walt Disney 2-8--Days of Our Lives | rarily, sometimes for life. Your friend will require time|the digestive tract. They are a 8:00 A.M. baealiale yyy 2.0 P.M. Tuberculosis, however, does|to recover from the surgery, aS| available in powdered form. Coos Tretrictopher Program | 4--News, -Weather, Jo ocala et not confer such immunity. After|/he would from any major oper-| Dear Dr. Molner: I have had 4-Word of Life irene tare |\pobream Gin the disease is arrested, there is|ation, but unless the surgery is|diabetes 31 years. Recently I 2--This Is the Lite 08 P.M. 6--Coronation Street still the possibility that it can/required for some reason other|had a heart attack and was put o ioral ae i1-Walt Disney scien Party be rai goon again. :< than area's a My face of _ on a low-salt ge in ing | : FL 7--Voya 3.00 P.M. Or--and this is one 0! e|letter, this should assure him| following my diabetes diet. s 4--Comedy Capers scLassie. 9--Words and Musi¢ things we have learned to guard|of better health. difficult when all the canned Baptain Saloni | See mrs! | Z--General Hospital against--the disease may be| Dear Dr. Molner: I had rheu-| vegetables have "salt added." -- * YOURE = 11--Cathedral Chimes a Aner dics Fa pd ood _ controled yet not totally cured.|matic fever when . meng bs J.B. : ; } Fg ii cur"! 9--Cartoons pie Mabey rage No germs are found in thejand flat on my bac re You can obtain canned goods ec rH : 2--Porky Pig 2-8--Walt pisney ain . sputum. The patient is in no|months, but beapii be tapes which do not ep salt -- f 8:00 v. danger of giving the disease to/damage. I was treated with pen-|at most grocery stores, and an 9:90 AM. 3.90 P.M. : : I H Mottalan sume Movie T-Marriage anyone else, Yet some of oe icillin and am ag ee ge inquiry = two should solve = ae Heck ncay 3-4-6-12--Ed, Sullivan / ill lie dorman' I am now an ave leg|your problem quickly. 4 ub tf" M germs may st »| I an ; your p! q y. a} 2 e--Meriazell 'Festival 5:30 PAM. Taran abi encased in the scar tissue which| pains just like I had before. Can M i Church Invitation 9-1 Dream of Jeannie | S46/2--Fdge of Night has formed in the lung because|I have rheumatic fever at my ALS SIGN ROOKIES n a eh Huis A.M. 24---Hey Landlord! ou ald of the disease. age?--Mrs. G : MONTREAL (CP)--Two 1966. { 7--Rocketship 7 9--Peyton Place 'tuber Caries That is why a patient, even] Yes, you can have it again.jrookies with Montreal Alouettes =] gee a LAL RD | Oa Rg Pe Her 9--1 Love Lucy though discharged from a hos-| Rheumatic fever is no respecter|of the Eastern Football Confer- = | Z-ihe Anwer | Begeia--Bonana, | Scaatch: Game pital, is instructed to report|/of age. I hope you've had yourjence have signed one-year con- : 3 10:30 A.M. 10:00 P.M, 12--Communicate back periodically for severaljdoctor check you even before|tracts covering the next three wn fe el Hg Gea on ana Bah al Gel 3--Mike Dougies years, to make sure that the/you see this reply. seasons. Both Pierre Desjardins 4 Swe 'candid. camere ERPS [de deg tuberculosis does not become| The leg pains may be fromjand Ken Galloway were start va 11:00 A.M. 3-6-12--Public Eye | 9--Movie active again. something else, but when youjers on offence last season, with = = HeWreatling a | S=Movie Therefore, in some cases the|know that you are subject to|Desjardins playing at left tackle ' sc chrakpnee Brearan. \tieMone Oe Round Tei2_king's Outlaw ~ scarred part of the lung is re-lthis disease, take no chances.|and Galloway at right end, $ : 4 ae