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Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 May 1967, p. 11

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endencies toward ob- T stom and dy Made APES atest Shades and ee. ods & Draperies TLY INSTALLED PERY TRACKS 723-7827 1g at Our Store" es, like articles home. But if, ies and broad- astrophe! That y dear wife in R cleaning. many smart | their carpets 'now they can 'ough cleaning very" Ml ALL" ince' ond. and true ... just like 3 from the 37" series. Birks and 'choice joyfully. as breathe g in love. MRS. HARRY TAYLOR, OGH Auxiliary a Greets Guests At Diamond Jubilee Tea The biggest and most succes- sful tea in its history was held last Wednesday afternoon in the Hotel Genosha by the Women's Auxiliary of the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital, marking the aux- iliary's diamond jubilee. Mrs. Harry Taylor, president, Mrs. Colin Ashton, chairman of the Evening Chapter, and Mrs. Harry Finer, the official hostess, received members and _ their guests, numbering in: all about 250. The tea table was skirted in pink tulle and decorated with spring flowers. The small tables were also centered with flowers and fruit 'boats. Pouring tea were Mrs. Ilan Mitchell, Mrs. W. G. Grant, Mrs. E. G. Storie, Mrs. R. §&. Irwin, Mrs. F. C, Malloy and Mrs. Daniel Shutka. and Mrs, The hostesses were Mrs. §. R. Alger, Mrs. 8. B. Hester, Mrs. H.'E. Kerr, Mrs. C. D. Russell, Mrs. Roy Beckett, Mrs. Henry. Bickell, Mrs. George Jones and Mrs. Murray Pow- ell. Mrs. N, A. Roe and Mrs. E. F. Cuthbertson were the ticket conveners and Mrs. Alfred Aus- tin, Mrs. Neil Felt and Mrs. Garth Gillespie kept the guest book. An attractive display of an- tique glass and china and clocks, loaned by members and friends was a centre of interest in the charge of Mrs. James McCansh Andrew Chrisomalis. Throughout the afternoon Rob- ert Campbell at the console of the organ, provided soft back- ground music. Italian Gourmet Puts Spaghetti Low On List Of Favorite Foods By JEAN SHARP CP Women's Editor FLORENCE (CP) -- When an Italian gourmet lovingly describes Italian cuisine and the seven courses of a formal dinner, spaghetti gets a nod only as a regional second course--a dry soup. It ap- pears on the menu of the Ho- tel Luchessi in Florence as spaghetti Americana. Dr. Marcello Caminiti, pro- vincial director of tourism for Florence, is a gourmet who has written a book on the food of Romagna--Mangiari di Ro- magna. He describes a formal din- ner as beginning with anti- pasto, then minestra, which may be soup or dry soup based on ravioli, tagliatelle, spaghetti. "Tf the dinner is important there is a piatto di mezzo-- middle dish --generally a flan of vegetables. After this the main dish of meat or fish, then cheese, fruit, cakes, and coffee, and, of course, appro- priate wines." : To North American pizza addicts, Dr. Caminiti's cap- sule descriptions of regional cuisines may sound surpris- ing. "There is more than one cuisine in Italy, The classic are the Piedmontese, Tuscan, Venetian, Roman and Sicilian. "Over these five there is a sixth one, considered best by Italians, Emilia-Romagna. It includes many soups and rich "The cuisine has been, known from the Middle Ages, and at that time especially, for the local habit of giving gourmet parties." WINES STRONG Dr, Caminiti says Piedmon- tese is similar to the French, a sophisticated cuisine based on meat, especially red meat. The wines are extremely strong, the strongest in Italy. "Venetian, instead, is a del- icate cuisine that emphasizes fish and white meat. "Tusgan is a very simple one which also concentrates on meat, but with a large use of chicken and game. Chianti wine is an integral part of Florentine and Tuscan cui- sine. "Sicilian is a cuisine of fish and vegetables, it is the home- land of tomatoes. But the peo- ple, because they are gener- ally poor, eat a lot of soups. The best known is called pasta con le sarde (pasta with a fish similar to sardines). It is very nourishing and prac- tically enough by itself. "Romagna is an area in the centre of Italy, east of Flor- ence on the Adriatic. Its cui- sine is one of the most com- .- GUESTS ADMIRING THE DISPLAY OF ANTIQUE CHINA AND GLASS MRS. COLIN ASHTON AND MRS. HARRY FINER 2 --Oshawa Times Photos|jearn that she is making good | Vernon Osborne, Lloyd Grose, Scene sles Suse ~\progress following surgery in|Cyril Powell and a_past-presi- le | SOCIAL NOTICES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. THE OSHAWA TI. Wemen MES, Tuesday, Moy 16, 1967 11 SOCIAL & Jo Aldwinckle, Telephone 723-3474 for Mrs. R. V. Sheffield will open the Victoria Day bazaar being held by Albert Street Uni- ted Church Women. Mrs.. Ar- thur Allman will be in charge of the home baking; Mrs. George Ford, aprons; Mrs. Sid- ney Pike, white elephant; Mrs. Frank Cooper, novelties; Mrs. Howard Greer, candies; Mrs. Glen Maunders, fancy - work; and Mrs. Lawson Parks, the tea room. Mrs. R. H. Donald, past pre- sident and Mrs. C. M. Elliott, newly installed president of the University Women's Club of Oshawa and district have been appointed members of the com- mittee planning a gala centen- jary dinner at the Royal York |Hotel, June 1. They will be at- tending a meeting chaired by Miss Vida Peene on Wednesday to make final plans for the ; jevent which is attracting mem- |bers from coast to coast to hear the speaker, Secretary of , |State Miss Judy LaMarsh. The many friends of Mrs. Harry Chapman will be glad to |Oshawa: General Hospital. | Colonel R. §. McLaughlin has returned to 'Parkwood' after Alexander|spending the winter at his home| The Reverend M. J. Darby in- adack wish . ainounee the| 'Cedar Lodge" in Bermuda and /stalled the new executive of the }a vacation in Hawaii. \forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Clare Louise, |Thomas Raymond Hart, son of| |Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hart, all of is to jtake place Saturday, June 17, Oshawa. The ceremony }1967 at 12 o'clock noon in St. |Mary of the | Catholic Church, | FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE son, Preston, wish to announce their daughter, Sharon Yvonne, of Mr. and Mrs. take place on Friday, May 19 byterian Church, Preston, RECEPTION day, June 4, 1967, from 4:00 p.m to| Mrs. §. C. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ellig- the forthcoming marriage of to Stanley George McHugh, son Stanley Mc- Hugh, Georgetown, formerly of Oshawa. The ceremony is to 1967 at 7:30 p.m. in Knox Pres- Mr. and Mrs. James Garfield| : a Riggs will be happy to receive 'Women's League held its an- their relatives and friends at|ual communion breakfast in Storie Park Clubhouse on Sun-|honor of Our Lady of Good Larmer, Rox- borough avenue,' opened her home on Friday morning to the executive of the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association to finalize plans for the mid-June garden tea to be held at Park- People Roman Wood. Mrs. Victor Peacock and Mrs. J. Howard McDiarmid will accept the funds for tickets sold by members and Mrs. Avern Taylor and Mrs, Ralph Wallace will receive the guests. At the coffee break, the hostess was assisted by Mrs. M. K. Stephen- son. St. Gertrude's Catholic .|Counsel at the Hotel Genosha. to 8:00 p.m. on the occasion of| Introduced by Mrs. John Melny- their 50th wedding anniversary.|Chuk, the guest speaker was Mr. Robert Nicol, a member of Miss Clare Louise Waduck will become the bride of Thomas Raymond Hart in a ceremony to be held in St. Mary of the People Roman Catholic Church at noon, SATURDAY, JUNE 17 IS THEIR DAY Saturday, June 17. The bride - elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Waduck and the prospective bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hart, all of Oshawa. Practically all the women make rich pastas, "They use, almost exclu- sively, red meat, beef and pork, salami and prosciutto (ham), Romagna is also the homeland of Parmesan, the classic Italian cheese." LIKES FISH DISH Dr. Caminiti says his favor- ite dish is la ghiotta. The word is the feminine of gour- met. The dish is made with six different types of fish cooked with white wine. It can be used alone or with spaghetti as a sauce. In his book, Dr. Caminiti in- cludes . instructions, without quantities, for making green tagliatelle with ingredients he Says produce a lighter version than one made with all eggs. You use spinach, 'soaked and minced, to work into the dough to give it the green color. "With two eggs and a fistful of spinach, spread some flour on a board to be worked with your hands until it becomes a firm dough. Roll it thin with a rolling pin, If it has a tend- ency to stick, add more flour. "Cover the dough with a cloth and when it is dry, cut it in half inch strips.' It is a test of the skill of Hopes To Become First Woman Atop Mount Logan, B.C. VANCOUVER (CP) -- Alice Purdy, 21, will join five men this summer in a bid to climb Mount Logan, Canada's high- est mountain. Miss Purdy, a nursing student at the University of British Columbia, hopes to become the first woman ever to reach the top of the 19,850-foot mountain. Martin Kafer, president of the plete and tastiest in Italy. "It is known for the classic abbacchio (roast young lamb), the abundance of fruits and vegetables and the white wine of the Roman hills. | "Romagna is the homeland 30% OFF tine' ~--s TIRES LINE JAN'S GARAGE 83 Ritson Rd. $, 725-8371 of the ravioli and tagliatelle, B.C. Mountaineering Club, said the cook to get the strips as long as possible. Cook it briefly in a pot big enough to allow the strips to stay separate, and serve it with a meat sauce, with Par- mesan cheese, with butter, THE 1967 STYLES IN SPORTSWEAR @ 'Sabre' Slims = |city council. the board of control for the city of Oshawa. Mr. Nicol extended greetings from Mayor Ernest Marks and members of city council, and delivered a most informative address concerning the board of control, what it was, what its duties were, and some of the problems with which it was confronted. He stated that first of all, this group consisting of the mayor and four controllers was elected by general poll. One of its primary functions was to set up and expedite matters of im- portance without the delay of passing such issues through It was also the finance committee which would prepare estimates for the year, award major contracts such as the new city hall complex. The the attempt will be made in late June or early July. "She is one of the best young woman climbers in B.C.,"' said Mr. Kafer, "Tf weather conditions are good, the expedition stands an excellent chance of making a successful climb." Mr. Kafer said the climb, a private centennial project of the team, is being backed by his club, the Varsity Outdoor Club, Canadian Freightways Ltd. and Jones Tent and Awning Ltd. Mount Logan is located about 200 miles west of Whitehorse, near the southwestern Alaska- Yukon border. | Duties Of Board Of Explained To St. Gertrude's CWL jfore storing for the summer. PERSONAL Women's Editor Women's Departmen Mrs, Edward Glazier, Grand- view avenue, held the first meet- ing of a new study group at her} home recently. Formed of mem- | bers of the University Woalen's} Club of Oshawa and district, the group will make a study of inter-| national relations. Mr.. and. Mrs.. Leo. Glover, Mrs. Robert Glover, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clark, all of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Smith, Richmond Hill, attended the convocation pro- gram at Queen's University, Kingston, Saturday, when Rob- ert Glover received a bachelor of science with honors degree in Civil Engineering and was awarded the C. W. Marshall memorial award for structural engineering. The Reverend Wesley Herbert jinstalled the new presidents, | Mr. and Mrs, Earl Bailey and| jexecutive members of the Kings- | |view Happy Doubles Club at its! |annual banquet held in Harmony United Church. Others taking |part in the program were: Mrs. |dent, James Bell who gave an jillustrated talk on the develop- ment of modern art. | |St. Philip's Catholic Women's |League at the May meeting as |follows: president, Mrs. Ter- rence O'Connor; past-president, |Mrs. Harry Gowanlock: ist ripe president, Mrs. James| |McKeever, 2nd vice - president, | |Mrs. James Hughes: 3rd vice- president, Mrs, Donald Logan; secretary, Mrs, Roy Haber: and |treasurer, Mrs. James Sabyan. | As a member of the confer-| ence planning committee, Mrs. | iT. D. Thomas was in Toronto |Several days last week attending jthe Children's Aid Society con-| 'ference. Control | board was entailed to inspect municipal works, such as water mains, sewers and the like, and all such activities and results were reported to city council in a monthly report. Speaking of the board, Mr.| Nicol said feeling our way'. The revital- ization of the downtown area which necessitates first the solving of the parking problem|sewing machine won't unwind too rapidly if you top it with a small The washer acts as a brake. in that area, industrial develop- ment with emphasis upon more iversified and secondary types "we are new and)---- MAY QUEEN CROWNED AT Miss Marian Moore,. Ren- abie Mines, Ontario, is seen here shortly after she was crowned May Queen at the May Court Festival held Saturday at the Ontario Ladies' College Whitby Miss Moore, who was crowned by Mrs. J. B. HOUSEHOLD HINT The spool of thread on your| rubber faucet washer. oa f industry, and the city hall omplex were important issues 'acing the board of control. Fol- owing a brief question and an- wer period, the speaker was s27>--0 hanked by Mrs. Stanley Soban- on Head table guests included the Reverend John B. Myers, Mrs. John Poltz, president: Mr. Nicol, Mrs. Kelly De Gray, re- ional chairman for Ontario ounty South; Mrs. Patrick ennedy, spiritual convener, and Mrs. John Melnychuk, pro- gram convener. Aan HOUSEHOLD HINT Moths love grease and food spots, Winter garments should be dry cleaned or laundered be- | LEWIs | nis | i! OPTICAL | Estoblished for over 30 years | 10% King Street West | 725-0444 _ ie baths SODA relax you Just pour a ¥ Ib. package of Cow Brand Baking Soda into a tub: of warm water. Lie back lazily @ 'Sabre' Shorts ®@ 'Cole' Swim Suits Now on Display WARD'S Simcoe St. at Athol Quality Since 1919 725-1151 and relax. Excellent for @ relieving hives, itching skin and sunburn, COW BRAND BAKING SODA PURE BICARBONATE OF SODA Is it that nagging backache . again? If it's backache that's bothering you, it could be jue to urinary irritation and bladder discomfort. If so, Dodd's Kidney Pills ean help bring you relief. Dodd's Pills stimulate the kidneys to help relieve the condition causing the backache. Then you feel better and rest better. You can depend on Dodd's Kidney Pills. New large size saves money. . a | i t 725-8501 §f Safe, fast and efficient | pest control in homes, | business and Industry For all your Betty Haydl CUSTOM MADE DRAPES drapery needs see INTERIOR DECORATOR 15 King Street East Phone 725-2686 2: LADIES' COLLEG CEREMONY Skene, Port Credit, May and Miss Diana Ward of Queen of 1917, is a Grade 18 student at the college. Miss Salma Rahaman, Trinidad, Barbados, were the Queen's counsellors. --Osimwa Times Photo Use this space to add up your monthly payments THE then cut Loewen them down with an Associates consolidation loan Add up your monthly obligations. If the total is too high, the Associates will lend you the money to clear up those debts, and turn them into one low monthly payment. 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