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Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 May 1967, p. 19

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, IS FILLED AP) -- Indian ( invented their SAY, AREN'T YOU THE phe Banc dp tall Tuesday, May 16,1967 19 f the sit-down *| ONE I SOLD SOMETHING + Ae cadiced MM GOOD FOR ACOLD : j . dey march 5 eerlbarant Fe } BRIDGE : 'ive's office and i dies until he can- a E 3 By B. JAY BECKER PES 8 4 Fi (Top Record-Holder in Masters' torreon i ib Individual Championship Play) {USTOMERS 5 5 | { South dealer. Hiooss tae ave a i) North + South vulnerable, erbershop Business. | fle | aA5 YNICK i #KQ1098 . + aE ae} osmed i) BUT MR, PITHERS, THAT'S OKAY, DAGWOOD--- He MADE IT 7 KL rsa o133 IG At The WANT YOU T STILL HAVE LL FINIGH YOUR SOUNO Like : THEY WILL GET HIM/ T THIN 4Q 4 fs 7) Le eee pive MNT ee o ee He was BOINe Paige eure thie Rl Sri res Ay ad Too. 3 A : . > poy he ba 1 = CHAMACO AND SARG' a ' ogame > ease a eee Bight Ge a al oh Ue" TURDAY NITES FOLLOWS Dsl. 4@K109 sie relaxed evening fad 'e = * 64 5 r bal \ @AK105 ae =e a $QI82 Held Over ! g The bidding: ise fo] South West North Kast e B \1@ Pass 19 Pass < \1NT Pass 3NT j ipa Opening lea-four of spaes, Part of the skill in defensive d play consists of giving declar- er the maximum opportunity RAD for error. A defender ni never ri uw IT gives declarer enough rope alist sdotndha ai tacorieenie one with which to hang himself can ATION, ADRIENNE. I'D HATE TO commit suicide. SEE IT SPOILED BY UNDUE Here is a type of hand that F ATTENTION TO A PRISONER arises from time to time. Let's follow the "normal" line of .. LIKE BURKE... play and see what's wrong with the picture. Declarer follows low from dummy on the spade lead and wins the jack with the king. He then leads a heart towards dum- MW v JUST KEEP : UP YOUR PART OF 5 - 7:45 - 9:55 Also on the Same Programme SSTIVAL AWARD ADMITTANCE )erave DY MARY" ANE" eniilidataiiiaa LI'L ABNER King-Festuree Syndicate, tne, 106). Woekd Aa KS SECRET AGENT X9 THE BUSINESS, DRUMM. THIS END IS af a iL YF INGEST The Trading Post Offers Soon... Another Brand New Car!! THE VIV A for 19 67 The Great Compact Built SWINGING For Ruggedness and Value! THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 262 KING Where Your Mills Men. Are Men of Action! Now my and loses the queen to the ace. South now crosses to his hand with a diamond and leads an- other heart, finessing the nine after West follows low. When he next 'cashes the queen and the jack falls, he happily grabs nine tricks and calls it quits. Now let's go back and replay the hand with a slight change in the defense. This time, when declarer leads a heart to the queen at trick two, East plays the deuce, not the ace. South probably returns to his hand with a diamond and plays another heart. Again West fol- lows low, but which card does declarer now play from dum- my? Of course, if declarer sees the adverse hands, he plays the nine and thus acquires four heart tricks as before. But not having X-ray vision, South does not know where the ace and jack are located, and he is faced with a guess of whether to play the nine or king from dummy. If he plays the nine, it may turn out that East was dealt the J-x-x or J-x, in which case the nine play proves fatal while the king play would be succes- sful. Or the situation may be re- versed, as in the actual hand, in which case the nine is the only winning play. The point is that East should Chgnne: 3--Buttale 7--Fugitive 11.25 A.M. HBR TO A MOVIE Chennel 3--Barrie 9-1 Spy 3-6--Bonnie Prudden THIS APTERNOON, Channel 4--Buftale 4--CBS News Special 11:30 A.M. Channel 6--Toronte 10.0 P.M. 9--Magistrate's Court Channel 7--Buttale 3-6-12--News Magazine 7--One in a Million Channel 6--Rochester 11:00 P.M. 4--Dick Van Dyk Channe) %Torento 12-4-2-8-3-6-11-9--News 2-6--Hollywood Sauvares Channe! 1i--Hamilter Weather and Sports 12:00 Ni Channel 12--Petertorough MW 1M. 12--Cartoons 46--Viewpoint 7--Movie TUESDAY GvVa, 11.25P.M. pak I 5.00 P.M. --Plerre Berton Barres, ving 12--Cartoons é--News, Weather, Sports ee, hentia arort N--Family Theatre 4--Greatest Headlines con 8--Super 1300 PM, Waters (145 M ox ial ae gy 12--News, Weather 2--Littlest_ Hobo 2-6--Johnny Carson 'i L -eeadllliawend a:30 PLM. 11.35 PLM, 2--Movie sAvengers 1i--I1'g. @ Match. rm "3 Navy 1:4 P.M, | &-News; Weather; 7--News 9--Movie leieetan é--Musie Hop 146 PLM, Eye Guess d--Laredo 12--Movie 6-4--Search for Tomorrow 2--Of Lands and Seas 6--Movie Merv. Griffin o:00 12: .M. é4-eulns o. @--How' 11--Myst Theatre u Nie ee eerie" 1:00 PM THAT WAS NICE &Reach for the Top N--Theatre OF HIM -= 412--News, " WEDNESDAY 9--Mov' Weather @--Dialing for Dollars, 90. PM. 5:00 A.M. Virginia Graham 12--Girl from UNCLE 9--University of the Alr | 7--Fugitive 1l--Pierre Berton 4--Captain Kangaroo é--Luncheon Date News; 6.30 A.M, 4--Meet The Millers Weather; Sports 11--Albert J. Steed Movie #-2--Huntley, Brinkley #--Romper Room 1:38 P.M. 4--News 6:55 A.M. $4--As The World Turns 7:00 P.M. 7--Dialing for Dollars, 2-4--Let's Make A Deal 11--My Favorite Martian Virginia Graham 2--Matches and Mates 'Troop 9:00 A.M, 2:00 P.M. @--America 11--Little People 7--Newlywed Game 6--TBA 3--Ed Allen 4-6-12--Passwo! 4--Honeymeooners 9%--Uncle Bobby 8-2--Days ot Our Lives Gilligan's Island &--Crossfire 2:30 P.M. 2--News; Weather; 4--Forest Rangers 1a--Calendar $ ie ea sashes} rg ln Confit) = -M. 130 A.M. a4 Doctors I'LL HAVE MY PORTABLE X-RAY 3--News, Weather, Sports| 12--Ed Allen Time 7--A Dream Girl IPMENT BROUGHT IN HERE 7.0 P.M. 11--White Hunter | & Coronation Street YEAH - I THINK HES AFTER MY JOB! THIS EVENING, HOWEVER, 1 4--Love of Lite | 4--House Party 12--Honky-Tonkin' 9--Star Trek &--Gloria | B .M. 7. 9--Words and Musi¢ 8-2--Another World 7--General Hospital 4--To Tell the Truth 3-6-12--Take 30 .25P.M. a REASONABLY CERTAIN THERE'S NO SKULL DAMAGE, MEANWHILE ; 9--Ontario Schools a 6--Dangerman 3--Mademoiselle de 4--Daktarl Paris 3--Candid Camera 2--Jack La Lanne 8-11--Girl From Te: MM. YOUR HEALTH 2 rr Tl--Avengers 3-12--Canadian Schools 9--It's Your Move --Avengers 10:30 A.M. 2-8--You Don't Say 7--Invaders 11--Morning Time 7--Superman Sho' we 4--Red Skelton 9--Fractured Phrases 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night 2-8--Occasional Wife #-2--Concentration 4:00 P.M. 9.00 P.M. 7--Dateline: Hollywood | 11--Super Comics 3-6-12--This Week at Expo |¢--Beverly Hilibiilies 9--1 Love Lucy 2-6--Movie 3-46-12 --Friendly Giant &--The Match Game PM. 11:00 A.M. 3-6-12--Communicate JULIET JONES Cites time MT | eer De: Memeo: C ove on 8 o] jas ie igias Dear r. olner: an you Re PaNdengh oe mpalaag Parad Og Aas 114--Wosty Wostipecker {BiVé me some information about eae! + Baron Pea Sweep Lae exercises for pregnant women? Sanne $52Nr, Oresus '36-12---Long John silver {1 8m four months pregnant and concerned about. staying fit.-- us CROSSWORD ego is important in keep- ¥ fit, but there are other rea- f=) ACROSS 42. Wanders 18,Denom- 'NSIS Iaarmm [S0ns besides. One is to help Ss . Coarse about ination [MOIOISEMMPIAIG[E(o) |keep weight under control. An- = basket idly 45. Instruc- [AILIMISIMICIONR vated is that it makes for easier 5. Transport DOWN tions leliveries, bee 9. Nested 1, Still 18, Eye You are (I take it) seeing id boxes 2. Hikers' 19, Mea- your doctor, and I much prefer eg ae ee gee Se ee ee - 5 . Tra- im. ere are variations: in =I ' a, 4, os versed doctors' preferences. More im- 2 Stinging 6. Wisemen 22,Ger- MOAMEMTIABEY§ |Poran'. There are individual a 6.8 ded man Yesterday's Answer |times may have a beari "! aring on 14, Member 7. Man's canal the amount of exercise. A USE I FORGOT MY of the name 24. Resort 31, Ventilated =| yoman who has had previous RAINCOAT TODAY' House: 8. U.S. 3rd 25. Behind 33. Withered miscarria ges must be more re- Pade Army a Way- ah Cae strained in physical activity, f 15. Support com- lay game inst: PME ree tok 16, Tellurium: mander 28,Deputies 37. Alcott Oia caeeAL. hi sym. mWwWit 29."Auld heroine n general, however, any rea- 17. Parts of 11, Malay Lang 88. Onéof the |Sonable exercise short of tiring = shoes dagger " Gabors hy ed is excellent. 20. ' alking outdoors is easiest Po Y 1 |2 [3 |¢ Oi lo 617 {8 WY and» perhaps erg a oe 21, Platforms 'Ls LA \C ed, since it can con- es oe, i i 7/4 \9 4 Y vel throughout the preg- ~ --, " Y 12 13 In the earlier and middle 25. aren 14 UG yy" pk Dk aii age ie So i "5 "ed "gn ; Y Led sig gg vio tg safely -- a hea woman. e WHAT DOES IT | plays Y Le printing is ccoantabla, or golf a LOOK LIKE ? 30. Printer's 2 WY 2% if you like it although I would H hong limit it to nine holes, Or bowlin 3 Y is Fe 3 31. Likeness Y Y eS Las WH, so long as it isn't tiring. fy $2, Jewish y As the pregnancy progresses, i 3 month er ee Ota 6/29 | Jthe more active exercise be n fi 33. oA" 30 Y ei comes cumbersome and an ef- F 84, Capitol Y, fort, which takes care of the q Salle 32 Y 35 Y GES matter automatically. But there 4 pee ke A is still walking. i] | 35. Mona 35 36 V7}3" |3® Dear Dr. Molner: Can: one ate F 37, Middle: ' oA 4 person erty empyema, bron- . 49 40 chitis and asthma, and what s hg as YG Y ZZ) \can be done? E.R. 40. Newt Ya Uy It is possible to have all three, 41, Gardened } and quite common to have at ; "I 'least two of them at the same / s UNCLE l--Ed Allen Time 2--Centre Stage 9--Cartoon Playhouse (News 8:00 P.M. 8-2--Snap Judgment 3:30 P.M, 3-6-12--Red Skelton eta 11--Marriage 8:20 PM, Candid Camera Confidential t ao * About Exercise By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD time. Asthma is wheezing and lungs; bronchitis is inflamma- tion of the bronchial tubes, which obviously interferes with breathing; ability to expel enough stale air from the lungs, which auto- matically limits the amount ment ds the probl trolled as effectively as possible some. Dear Dr. Molner: fumes from paint remover, thin- ners, etc. How harmful can this dust?--Mrs. L. R. in the lungs as well as be irri- outdoors. If that is not feasible, I _ refinish i quite a lot of antique furniture poh aah. ng OS tools, and breathe a lot of dust from!pjates, and a shark hook "so my electric sander, and also|wel] made it could be used to- day." not win the heart at trick two, but should give South the maxi- mum chance to go wrong by subjecting him later on to a guess. Bermuda Has Many Shipwrecks MIAMI, Fla. (AP)--An ex- pert on naval history says the island of Bermuda is "'one of the richest areas in the world for shipwrecks." Since the discovery of Amer- ica, Bermuda has always been "the last signpost for ships sail- ing to Europe before they strike out across the broad Atlantic,"" said Mendel Peterson, who has undertaken a research project in naval history for the Smith- sonian Institution. Ships often got off course as they headed toward the fish- hook - shaped island, rammed - treacherous coral reefs on the Struggling to get air into thelwestern side of Bermuda and sank, Lying tween these reefs 'tare Spanish in sand pockets be- emphysema {s in-|chins and several others, covers ing a broad span of history," Peterson said in a report to the third conference on underwater that can be inhaled. One ail- archeology of Miami. One 16th century Spanish of another. Each must be con-lwreck recently "yielded a treas- ure of gold and emeralds and to make the others less trouble-|other valuables of great intrin- sic and historic value," he said. from the Among the gold treasure was - be to me, especially the sanding|, perfect 16th century gold bar, . The dust particles can settle np pe oy long and weigh- ; A crucifix of the early- 16th tating to your eyes, nose and throat. Air is polluted enough eon Big ie Sir coe. without our adding to it. Bestlnearing the inscription of King choice would be to. install a)ferdinand and blower which will carry the dust} o¢ Spain. Queen Isabella use a mask of some sort to cover nose and mouth. SALLY'S SALLIES Fumes can be irritating, too-- and your "'etc." covers a lot of possibilities, some of which could be quite dangerous, de- pending on what you use. Again --blower or mask -- or both, since a simple mask will not control] fumes. Dear Dr. Molner: I read your warning about trichinosis if pork is not thoroughly cooked. Does the same thing apply to pork liver?--T. C. Yes. Even if the liver did not contain eggs of the trichina or- ganism, you would have no way of being sure that they were not accidentally transferred from some other part of the animal, Lom Pome Senha Se. Sd at nes SM "Don't be selfish with your ' comics, son. You have them - ~~ all day. --

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