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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 May 1967, p. 6

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THE OS Penta 10,00C WASHINGTON (/ a strict, almost purit gram to guard agai nuclear control error tagon has removed more than 10,000 | Mr. and Mrs. John Killeen and FIND THE BORDER Ir the door prize by Mr. and Mrs.| People of northern Laos eat Don MacGregor. Six lucky wo-jwith chopsticks while south- men each won a flower forjerners use spoons. Mother's Day. MORE JOIN WORSHIP 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey 18, 1967 hae pene Period Costumes Seen o°e OF Priest | At Bowmanville Dance srg oto haa], eae CRU pert etatsh Ont. (CP) -- The} establishment of multi-denomi- BOWMANVILLE -- the audi-|with sideburns, moustaches and|Mrs. Jim Fair, Mr. and Mrs. ©-0 1 legeS|torium of St. Joseph's Roman|beards were much in evid Larry Hardcasile, Mr. and Mrs,|"_°258_ congregations in 1966. national theological CORRECTION was predicted Wednesday bylcatholic Church, Liberty Street, During the evening the orches-|Tony Horstman, Mr. and Mrs, In yesterday's Issue of The STAVERENS GARDENING & LANDSCAPING LOOK II! SPECIAL PRICE PRIVET HEDGE ONLY oR Ph ae Shea Princi-/was the scene of a most suc-|tra played for a colorful grand|Stu Chisholm, Mr. and Mrs. eb sath te ne heh there are|Cessful_ Centennial Dance Jastimarch so the judges might|Egon Rietmuller and Mr, and too many theological colleges in| S2turday night. Lively music|make their choice of best singles|Mrs. Joe Cuddahee. Caneda There nie mie Ty 'Ang.| 28, Supplied by the Dodsworth|and best couples. 2 : &"/Orehestra of Oshawa. heir Winners were Mary Brinklow, BUSINESS DOES WELL Italian industry has doubled lican colleges "'and that's ObVi-|opening number "C-A-N-A-D-A"|J, Hogervorst and. Al Walker, me put the capacity crowd in the/Mr, and Mrs. Larry Hardcastle, lits production since 1953. ously too many." Fewer but larger d with better facilities, more fac-| 004 for Mr. and Mrs. Mike Heenan and Times in the advertisement for BIG classed as unreliable ulty, bigger libraries, more|, The hall was hue with white|Mr. and Mrs, Joe Piper. Whitby Meat Merket, The price $20 PER 100 SIZE involving atomic we: money and therefore more eco-|Paskets of spring flowers. The| JUDGING PANEL nomic stability, where candi-|centennial emblem was dis-| Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thiesburger, dates for the ministry of many played on each white-covered|Mr, and Mrs, Fred Newman faiths could attend, may be the|{@ble and crossed centennialjand Mr, and Mrs. Glenholme answer, he told delegates to the| {lags on the walls. In the centre|Hughes acted as a judging §|101%4 ° 108th synod of the diocese of|St@8e was an 8 by 4 foot paint-|panel. Huron. ing by Larry Hardcastle depict-| The spot dance was won by He predicted that there will|ing an 1867 scene and a 1967 be, in the next few ycars, a|scene with two wagon wheels / radical change in training' of|Utlined with colored lights and men for the ministry. an old-fashioned lamp and lan- Mr. Morden said a large num-| tr at one side, ber of young priests are ques- HOOPED SKIRTS tionii or ing their role in society to- Hoop - skirted ladies in bright He said he would like to see plain and printed dresses, with Three Contestants In The U.S. Air F thousands of men 2 Strategic Air Comm ers, Minuteman mi and the vast defence keeping them ready, signed more than 9, The fledgling defer support agency, crea to help lay out the nuclear warfare neec moved more than 20 persensitive posts. These figures were by the Pentagon in r questions promoted b general's observation viet troops show increased tension and around nuclear arms. To a certain exten' vicemen and defence are afflicted wi stresses. Even the army and nearly so immersed force in the business nuclear war, have 300 men classed as un dealing with strateg and missiles. A count provided t sociated Press shows air force has 26,500 of 85,000 men in nuclear tions requiring huma ity clearance. _ The defence atomi agency has about 2,1 with atomic arms. So the army and navy h British Probe of Blade Steck wee advertised at 29%¢ Ib. this should heve reed OPTICAL Established for over 30 years Street West -0444 410 PERRY ST WHITBY 668-3007 LOUISE AZZOPARDI BUNNY Woop Miss Ajax Competiti 1SS Jax ompe | 10n to bring together both the gentlemen in top hats and tails AJAX -- Friday, May 19, is|chosen Miss Legion and will|*lergy and the laity to discuss ° theslong awaited day for the|represent Branch 322, Royal|the role of the priest. How fo relieve choosing of Miss Ajax for Can-|Canadian Legion, Ajax; and| He also said he believes three Use Dodd's Kidney ada's centennial year. The judg-|Barbara Whaley, 20, of Bay|Yars of theological study are BACK Pills for prompt ing will commence at 8 p.m. at|Ridges, who was chosen as Miss ~~ enough. eee ae the Carousel Inn, Ajax. peel tohal and will represent ia pir oe hey Sar- fon causing the dgi i 1 Whitehall! Plumbi id Heat- ' urricu- ackaene. Soon Senna g Md ern OY 8 fab : me en lum of the Anglican Church as ACHE Font 'better. Dee Three candidates are in the| Ticket sales have been ex-|M@ "'poorest piece of subject- pend on Dodd's. field for the title of Miss Ajax.|ceptionally good and only a few|!veness I ever read. They are Louise Azzopardi, an|tickets remain available, either), ATchdeacon Abraham tol dj 18- year-old resident of Ajax,|at the door or for reservations|4@legates the house of bishops] FREE 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE By Our Locel Service Contractors SAWDON'S FUELS FURNACE OIL -- STOVE OIL AND COAL 244 Brock St. S., Whitby Full 668-3524 {| who has been chosen Miss Ja-|you may phone Jack Mitchell,|0@5 been conspicuous by their ee; Bunny Wood, a 17-year-old|942-6574: Howard Goddard, 942-|!ack of leadership in the mat- resident of Ajax, who has been!6493 or Les Pearce at 942-3323, | 'eT: "There is a deliberate policy | AT AJAX Many Centenary Events Planned For Weekend ' ul LOT --* GOOD DRY UTILITY 2x48 SKIM OVER SEA | COWES, England (CP)--The | two largest hovercraft in the | world are being built in this! Isle of Wight port for launching | next year. Each weighs 165 tons and will ferry up to 30 cars and 256 passengers at 80 m. p.h. between England and France. | IFAMOUS "REYNOLDS" QUALI Comb. Storm & Screen AJAX (Staff) -- The Town of Ajax will hold its Centennial Celebration this weekend, Jumping the gun somewhat the town's 'Centennial Commit- tee decided early this year to have the celebrations prior to the July 1 weekend since it was felt residents might be visiting larger centres for celebrations or spend Canada's birthday away from the metropolitan hustle on holidays. More by accident than plan- ning, Ajax has the perfect site to centre celebrations, its town hall. Two weeks ago all furni- ture from the building was re- moved to the new municipal complex leaving large empty rooms in the wartime admin- istration building. DISPLAY HISTORY The old town hall will be used as a two-day museum dis- playing the history of the town Church Needs Press Freedom TORONTO (CP)--Douglas J. Roche, editor of Edmonton's Western Catholic Reporter, said Wednesday Roman Catholic publications show a new willing- ness to tackle controversial is- sues and this sometimes brings them into conflict with bishops who want to control what is rinted. from the time crops furrowed the acres to 1967 and a pro- gressive industrial town. Various rooms in the hall have been set aside to display photos and artifacts of the town's various stages of de- velopment -- shell filling plant, improvement district, central mortgage days up to the in- corporation of the town. School children have spent their free hours, during past weeks, depicting the history of Ajax including the battle of the River Plat where the HMS Ajax received battle glory. CENTENNIAL BALL Friday evening Miss Ajax will be chosen at the Centennial pen to be held at the Carousel nn On Saturday a Centennial Parade will depart from Har- wood Ave. N., at 1.30 p.m. for a tour of the town. At 1.30 p.m. an organized tour of the town hall displays will be conducted with a cen- tennial tea served by the Ajax church groups. For the kiddies a pet show has been arranged Saturday afternoon and in the evening an outdoor dance and carnival will! be held at the Ajax Plaza. | SUNDAY Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. an interdenominational church service will be conducted at the shopping centre followed by a town picnic at the Lakeside Park. . TALKS CARS SAFETY IS HARD TO SELL As most automobile manufacturers have found out over the years, the sales ap- peal of car safety features is not exactly impressive. It seems that the public can't be persuaded, in very great numbers at least, to value safety or rules that were obviously made in their own interests. If possibly saving your life doesn't appear @s @ good enough reason to keep your speed down, then here's © more practical one: If your car gets 21 miles per gallon ot 30 m.p.h., it will give you 18 at 50, 16 ot 60, 14 at 70... ond after that you should seve a little money from gass bills te poy your life insurance premiums and make sure you heve made out your will. Stotistics prove that when you drive at more than 70 m.p.h., and have a collision of any type, that your chances of surviv- ing the accident are only one in two! Not very good odds when you consider the stakes , . Put another way ,a rifle bullet hits with the impact ef one foot-ton. If you weight about a hundred and a half pounds and your cor hits another car while both vehicles are travelling only 30 m.p.h., then your body will hit the steering wheel, windshield or instrument panel at 61% times the impact of the bullet ! We're hurting our own business when we talk like this because careful drivers are poor service customers. Their cars and especially their tires, last longer and they're usually worth more when they go to trade them in. But one consolation to us about the safe driver is that they service for safety--so why not check your cor for safety the cost is very low considering the stakes are very high. GREAT SAVINGS! GREAT VALUES FOR YOu! SPECIAL ... JUST ARRIVED From The For East On The "S.S. Folga" 1! oiag eg idl yo 4' x 8 $2.97 EACH SALUMINUM DOORS 1 VICT VICTORIA DAY Mey 22 Look... Good Utility Grode is x 8 A.M. fe 6 P.M. _ SATURDAYS te 5 P.M. FRIDAYS UNTIL q p.m. vy CHAIN LINK 13-Gauge... 2" 95 Sa - Lau? ---------- 6-FT. "T-BAR" POSTS, EACH 96c Gold Robber LONDON (AP) -- | investigating London's cent big gold robbery : ing a full report on 1 in Lima of three Arger rying 200 pounds of go Scotland Yard's bull said it had not yet rec tails from Peruvian a But a police source s understood the gold Lima was not stamped Rand Refinery mark v on the $2,100,000 wort lion hijacked in a Lonc May 1. In Cretes! Smoller Lots Add 20c¢ Panel! Don't Miss This Exciting Coshway Special 1 ! _. . st. tt . | 101 HOME USES! YOU SAVE eo | "ime Mame" "CORRULUX" I FIBER GLASS '4- 95) J 26x96" PANELS ™ cach | Choice of White, Yellow and Green | HEAVY DUTY OVERHEAD MODEL}, barage Doors e x &e" SAA 8 x T $45.75 9° x 7 $51.56 100-Ft, Rolis! Pressure-Tested '/, PLASTIC PIPE" $1.97 $3.49 KEY-IN-KNOB ' Sq .69 Top LOCKSETS $§:40 PASSAGE SETS °1°%° Velue! 12-FT. LENGTHS! "To the bishops we must say:| MONDAY Guidance, yes; control, no," Mr-|" The town hall will be open| Roche told delegates to the/on Monday for anyone wishing Catolic Press Association's an-|to visit the displays. A mam- bual convention. moth parade has been planned, Catholic journalists must per-|rain or shine, for Monday after- suade church leaders that full/noon and a fitting climax to press freedom will contribute to|the three-day party will be a -- good of the church, /display of fireworks at dusk. said. "We must help those in au- thority to become as convinced as we are that the proper func- tioning of the press requires a degree of liberty and discretion @f editors that is foreign to many of the traditional atti- tudes of Catholic leaders." CITES PARADOX James A. Doyle of New York, executive director of the asso- tiation, told the convention that a paradox has been created by an increase in in-depth reporting and more probing of igsues in church publications. Msgr. J. G. Hanley of the Ca- hadian Register agreed. "Too many people formed the impression that a Catholic pub- lication was a house organ that! went in for apple-polishing and} swept everything unfavorable to the church under the rug,"' said ' Mr. Hanley. "When we publish the far-out views of some individual--views which we don't necessarily en- dorse but feel we should report Paarl figures Sed enc! th acon 300 ye ars! VINYLGLASS 0).45 26" x 96" ve FREE PLANS! The "Brie" $597 The *mipissing?" =»: GOB Tee "Kewartee" $1,306 Th Meskeke" $839 The*since" § =: $1,128 The "st, otal" §=---$ 1,437 possurerior" | $1,758 nvertib! 25 : el ! Smaller Lets, $2.49 Sheet, lua sasncess WINDOWS WOOD PUSH-UP 19 070 = §Q.7 918 BROCK &i 4 How long does it take to grow quality wines? Ye" x 4' x 8' HARDBOARD $1 .28 RED CEDAR PICNIC TABLES vatut 919-29 TlovD's NO. 130° NO. - AA SAHOO 8 545° Water-Resistant "TYPE "A"! JH 8 FLAKEBOARD '9.35 C.M.H.C, Poe ager for floor PB alge abe Bagged ete. 0% panelling 3 WAY | 2 2'0" | a HG" 2) SAVINGS PLANS | 300 years of tradition lies behind every bottle ust 30" x 2'6" $12.62 REGULAR | _ of Paarl Table Wine. » CEDAR IN STODK! Bi con nedvoos argh y orgy $15.59 Discover the table wine of your choice from Paarl's distinguished family of five. In the red wine » group you have full-bodied, full-flavoured Roodeberg and elegant, lighter-bodied Cabernet. The white wine selection includes delicate, fruity Riesling and clean, fresh semi-dry Late Vintage: And of course for all occasions you have festive, versatile Paarl Rose. Paarl Table Wines are a luxury you can easily afford, Try some--soon. Imported Paarl Wines from the Cape. t-) 4% SAVINGS Cheauing Privileges No Service Charges | VA-) SPECIAL 4 Ve % SAVINGS Withdrawals anytime ©0/ MONTHLY i] % INSTALMENT Five-year savings pian 4, 2x6, 2x8 plus 1x6 for fenci AJAX Hwy. 401 to Exit No. 66, south en Her- weed te Station Road end West te 161 Dowty Reed. DELUXE MODELS AT SIMILAR LOW GASHWAY PRICES! BROOKLIN {5 ruce & Pine At Highway No. 7 end 12, north of Whitby. 2x4' s ose Take Month: To Pay SPECIALISTS IN: CASHWAY CEHTRES VICTORIA and Sisneltet TO SERVE YoU! ' . Pei ea a Phone Ajax 942-122] § Phone Brooklin 655.3313 GREY TRUST Paarl Wines ine & tm SEE CASHWAY FIRST... And Reelly Save More !! -"-- WHITBY, ONT. 668-5897 ' 531 Ritson Rd. Sou

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