a Western such as Bonanza, al pro football game, a golf tour- nament, a Walt Disney nature show, a tour of the paintings of the Louvre, a _ Pasadena! Tournament of Roses parade, | JOA THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 26, 1967 Carpeting Needs Hidden Taler Know Is Color TV Worth Money? s Is color TV worth the extrajor any one of a number of) Assets or st rvice money? color shows, will convince most | By DO One answer is to suggest the|skeptics that today's sets aré al EDMONTO! When home improvement is on one's mind the carpet looms is wide. Almost all carpets and rugs inquirer contact any color set owner in his neighborhood and ask him the question. Color TV worthwhile investment. Once a person is sold on color TV's advantages and desirabil- Pudluk know: tween a pola: and a soapst log ke Fhe pho g eciinn unk sBntort: owners have surprised survey-jity, the next question usually is: | "Pye hunte ld decorating scheme.|The role of the underlay 1s takers with their near unani-|"Won't prices continue to drop | Pap aslo oe 'A good - looking, well-chosen|purely functional but none the ry --. s a ; msn penny color TV sets a better | aha. without 4 as i ' course, a better way to|buy next year? | poll tug can do wonders to perk up/less important even if it dosen't answer the query is to let the} The answer: "Possibly, but | oes hear a nondescript room and give it a feeling of unity. Carpets today are available in an array of colors, prices, weaves, designs, yard content (wool, cotton and man-made fibres) and sizes to fit into any type of room or decorating show. Latest and most practical of these "carpet cushions" is la- tex foam rubber in a waffle- type formation that hugs the floor, stays in place and keeps the rug from slipping. The "'hid- den assests" of this new under- inquirer see for himself. View- ing a colorcast of a world ser- jes game, a Stanley Cup final, to the housewife is the noise stifling quality of latex foam rubber; it performs admirab- look what you're missing in the meantime." probably at the rate of about $40 per year, the TV industry) guesses. Further price reductions are expected on a gradual basis hunt him wit! keep my dist: bear with a c Ludy, a 2 from Resolut an accompli: soapstone ar scheme, Even kitchens today|lay are multifold: if the carpet|ly as an acoustical device, ab-\over the next few years --| through the are getting, the rug treatment.|is not a thickpile construction|sorbing sound where it starts. at home. Wall - to - wall carpeting is| (and therefore not the most ex-| Last but not least in the "When the a new trend for bathrooms.|pensive kind) the latex foam|"hidden assets" of latex foam drive 30 to north and try 'Area rugs; room - size rugs;|rubber underlay gives it a boun-|rubber is the preservation of wall - to - wall carpeting that|cy spring and deep- - pile feel-|the life of the carpet itself... . seat walrus sometimes climbs the walls to|ing of opulence; household chor-|/a very important consideration Pakimce ui wainscoting height: all these}es seem less onerous when|indeed where so much expense tpaine for tte are to be had and the choice/one's step is light. Another boon|and expanse are involved. unt Out y ENN A few years 2 skidoos." The Eskim pelts for clo! to the co-op. to the dogs. provide food clothes for tt Ludy was cently displa soapstone cat "When I'm working for transport at ] ing. "Tt takes n to carve a -- ment. ee ieee? | "Carving is OLD ROOF REPAIRS If you want to invest | your, ges _ | wisely in real estate, | "rudy uses | W Realtor® | pocket knife, NE aA MO | see yourReattor? ~ oS CONSTRUCTION sollceaprernd i investments in office buildings, | ~_ to Rest apartment houses, shopping | it eae take centers or even undeveloped | "Sure, it ta land. Talk it over with your Realtor. Many years of training and experience in analyzing in- | vestments have made him real | estate wise. @ Red Top Blowing Insulation carve a pie through the c us a nice bit | pose an orna at Resolute w @ Specialists in Electric AA Realtor is a professional in | ae ' * real estate who subscribes io a | D hi : Home Insulating strict Code of Ethics as 2 mem- a te hi H ber of the local board and of the "IT learned ' L ° Canadian Association 'of Real father. T was '| @ Lathing e Dry Wall Estate Boards. eC carvea' m i Invest in real estate. To find ete, batt ' ° a specialist in in- # Ser"? '| @ CGC Roofing vestment prop- Fe uay's six : erty, see bed >, } sisters also c: Realtor. Look i e. i this seal, which 9 a, >. But Ludy is ! é i ¢ only a Realtor Wgeigan = he's a ! le : ) @agerly awa may diaplay. i » home within & LATHING LTD. 1664 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA Oshawa and District 723-5731 i Real Estate Board We take pride in growing garden plants of the first quality from carefully selected seeds. ALL PLANTS.IN. BOXES READY TO BE TRANSPLANTED INTO YOUR GARDEN and GROW _& @ 40 Varieties of Petunias ® Vegetable Plants 1. Coppertone hooded exhouse fan in kitchen. 9. 100-amp. heavy-duty electric wiring installed, 16. Metal iron railing installed.on front porch where 2. Stainless steel kitchen sink. 10. Divided bosements with recreation facilities. there are 3 steps or more, & R B h 3. Colored ceramic wall tile for bathroom and 11. Divided services included: paved road, sanitary 17, Copper toned built-in paper towel rack. ose us es colored fixtures. ond storm sewers individual water connections, 18. Clay brick, 4. Valance box in living room. curbs, 19. Built-in Kleenex dispenser. 5. Kitchen cupboards and doors natural stained 12. Front and side yard sodded. 20. Poured concrete basement (with lifetime @ Peat Moss imported mahogany (custom built) . 3 Sidewalks installed from front to driveway and guarantee), 6. Double laundry tubs side door to driveway. 21. Mahogany trim. , 7. Forced air gas heating. 14. Fancy ceiling in living room and dining room. 22. Bullt-in range and oven. @ F ili 8. All electric light fixtures. 15, Oak floors throughout where Asbestos Vinyl tile 23. Shoe boxes in each bedroom. erti izer, etc. {5 not installed, 24. Kaiser Aluminum siding, HERE'S HOW TO FIND US: TAUNTON RD. £. | 2 mile HARMONY ROAD ROSSLAND RD. Our Specialty -- if -- GARDEN PLANTS OPEN MONDAY fo SATURDAY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. KING ST, EAST FOR A WIDE SELECTION OF FIRST QUALITY PLANTS ATKINS FLORIS HARMONY RD NORTH JUST SOUTH OF TAUNTON RD. E. FOREST KAISER ALUMINUM SIDING ony S144 OSHAWA 723-6461 MODEL HOMES OPEN DAILY 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. INCLUDING SUNDAYS FOR YOUR INSPECTION DOWN bY . +. .. . Featuring... iF YOU QUALIFY @ exclusive agent HEAD OFFICE 723-8144 155 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa GLEN HEIGHTS Harmony Rd. North Off King St. East, Oshawa " PRICES START FROM CONVENIENT 7% NHA MORTGAGING ARRANGED # GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. "It's late n * but I'm sure! it again." ' He proudly { lar bears ' last winter. "I use the \ = ms q ed ¥ iy © | FREE! "HE it's eall our PHONE 53 Al Heated hy Dependable Consumer's Gas 518700 AJAX 942-3310