17--Female Hel Dirt; Required THE DEPARTN MANPOWER 1@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Mey 29, 1967 "To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire...Read and Use Times Action Want Ads" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. | 8--Articles for Sale 12--Articles Wanted [abba 4 Age emi All pee oF ne of mat-|VACUUM CLEANER and portable tele st with ot leas 6--Merine Equipment a speed is essential : SCOTT'S ByR J. 12 ft. dae car top. tresses se. Me ieee sical zak Nu nlbetnsdinemoanl! penal ead iy tor S33) $ iF * |cote complete, 9.88 'Wilsons Purn ri ese, of) ig bol NL Ea cording 8 pee e MARINE STORAGE FIBER OLAS FEND eR trom 4 951i piebilei Alaccd Apply by applica WANTED - cement mixer, in good con- tion, Telephone 728-7457, available x Post | end SUPPLY LTD. and uv: Biito pal dl put cringe and sours 7s fier Piss: N 655-3641 Canadé Monpowe 40 yon. Open to 9 P.M son St. CEMENT MIXER, sluminum ledder, .M, SET OF Hallicrafter twoway radios ana|!@v" mower, and fyaravlic. fruck-jack, to the Public Se Accountants Building Trades Gardening and Supplies __ {Mortgages Pe VENTED ISTARCRAFT;" Grew "Traveller oats Serial, ete Goode conaitign, "Talephona| Telephone Collect, Orono 983-5390, mission, P.O. Box BOB CLANCY'S ACCOUNTING Service sean Mhaslae Whakee ate fate tise lores 13--Articles for Rent Dominion Cente, coo Street 'North 7260097. kes. 727608, No Down Payment MERIONKENTUCKY C()[}) ron te? Brookiin sirseahs ee OS SUPPLY Muli WILL Take "away "household "giecar 1, Qnterio, before st ai lywood tents 'Licensed. Trustees 17 'Bond Street -- istehments MORTGAGE LOANS Soe dy ae te Fv Tonen WUC SOF tigers RENTALS 2c kai Hi See es caa, Remodelling 'Al Groen Nursery: |) i en os ieee Pais or Soo? el Nien sia | OF ALL KINDS Th cen. ree Asean ican Te eam| © Bathrooms" Sod Growers GAGES -- 'FREE ADVICE. [Excelent cnaiion. Teleahone "Mb7Hk: |Rsmenana arreeee pipe prea] REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- SECRET/ wera OR i @ Kitchens 725-9674 -- TOWN LINE N. Arrangements may be made OUTBOARD MOTOR, boats, kits, trail-|319 'College 'Avenue, Oshawe, ee on. we AL ROPING. SEADLE AND Ce @ Recreation Rooms % M. north Taunton Village a a laa Fast coure fituress F Flush-o'Metlen, pressure "aye Leh sia SELL -- Good used fen $6. pet. thonth. i for LEG ing, Wa king Street Eas Ochewe, On-| @ Gorages JANSSENS per tems, gol clubs. 20 per cant fo 30 per |Preity Furniture, att Simcoe South, 72°] PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- Pipe Naat be mature, or) 34 i . Hortop. 2 cleaning rods, pipe vise and competent in » CAs EB. Lukow, CA A new department of Osh- GARDEN' CHATRE MORTGAGE SPECIALIST A SAFE PLACE for your Bot Ts tune|io my sper 'ent 'worm epine| ipods, pipe wrenches, pipe wane, and: oftes 5 . tion. Position invol WILLIAM C. HALL, B. Comm., Charter! awa's Quality Builder, Weekends and Evenings 728-5623 mer at Chemong Yacht Haven. Thel725.9513, cutters, pipe threading dies, A oiaciat oe with 'legal professic Ma xe % ed Accountant, 36¥2 King Street Eest. Telephone ae ee --_-- KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION Proprietor -- H, LAMERS rm aT sone SECOND 'mo peas . a reoen Fe aie i edt dia che- ONE-STOP BIKE SHOP Sales Service,| toilet Fn od eoraeiats, oid a A ra! , 5 y -- 0! D BORDON R, DAY, Ceriiried Generel! Call today for Free Estiniates mance oa! ae: gpa Telephone "724-241 or SF fe tanl, for ee scoped uta 15-8 borough, Covered docks and electricity. Repairs. Cycle Centre, 214 Bond Street PAIN pink ggg Wily seal GAG ping Centre, 725-9953. 728-7583 728-942 9 Guide Realty Lid. eee) Mw AURAL BEINGS OF AMERICANS MvE poe Port ' pee supine boat and d. fag-elong| television, eri Bed og i babe gs steel scaffolding, compressors, available. Apply Blueprinting i N i yal Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452] Spray guns, wallpaper steam~ statement of edu ursery Schools OFTHE. CERE~ FREKCK TIGHT ROPE, SLASPAR G3 Ski boet without traller, H earns ence; BELL DRAFTING end Reproduction! REDAIRS J. KAMSTRA "3 rye Ein MEAT AND WALKER,cROSSED OVER 825. Telephone 725-505 wee iE IO Boe Hr BRA pe Tcl at Rug torches, copealced Bhuaprining sna. poesia cone ALTERATIONS : fs TODDLERS PARADISE | 'mmsnane |, "A = 1272" Nenwcnasnerson |i mottpane Saeco ae em tle itso wi chon] BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- seo my a complete ZESTHEWOND. | MER FELT. (1885) lens, etc, Sleeps two. $800, Telephone ee ad Ginn aie Nineont Salen cement mixers, finishiny BO , Bookkeeping AD | LANDSCAPING FROBEL --- MONTESSORI © Rae eee ame Ws Ah Dat ie er Whitby 668-6363. Lets t | 2 bd ----------_--_-------- puvine i rowels, wheel barrows, elec- BOOKKEEPING SERVICE for small DITIONS and Day Nursery School 196 GALE, 25 horsepower, elecirIc|piiances, call Elmer 26s2#94. nés26%"° | tric vibrator, air compressor, Pe Start, new plugs and points, serviced by |------------___ L. piuniness. Capable of working complete GARDEN SERVICE Let your child enjoy the won- Mcented. "mechanien ecelent eacat icy | TYPEWRITERS, $19. No monty down,| jock hammers, hand trowels, Lh of books, Telephone 72 after 6 ig Pe Bape Ay + ra oat 728 82 67 pial method of teaching. {TV--Radio Repairs 2--Personal $250, Telephone 576-3 oa eer bel weekly. adders, cashiers, files news water pumps, portable heat- for gy ikahayy - - is egister, now. For appoint- ' ALUMINUM car' top. boat and 15 hp. [hs Henin Ae ee ers, steel scaffolding, electric cugh areas $0 8 Selldiog_Trotes roo TNGING aie oak Daw TV SERVCIE | Mave 'Marctt wie te [ite ovis nw nln 7 rorssaanmtaavinak--cmarri| Tete, romset power rol syle Berg James Allen and Sons FENCING Painting and Decoratin, Oshawa, May 29, 30 and one YEAR OLD 915 horsepower John:|POTrall®, weddings, Team, events, etc.) ers, electric hommers, mos- ae ig 9 Finest quality. For appointment, 723] on bulldi Full t-tim HOME IMPROVEMENTS ond 725-6126 Sid aad Tavallad COLOR 31. Phone Genosha Hotel |g0n outboard motor. Used only 10 hours.|nare 1 ry saw, building jacks, ull or. par' MAINTENANCE WORK eng' installe bh Blass Bates for int. [$310_Private, 728-7690. s mortar mixers, mortar boxes, commissions and t Fix a step, a door, a floor i : Free estimates, reosonoble PAINTING or nt o isa MOULDED -- mahogany ~pivwobd FREE Farina one See four| chain hoist, miter saw, elec- Excellent opportur Fix a walk, fix a hall Carpet - Tile - Linoleum rates. INTERIOR, EXTERIOR BLACK and WHITE ELECTROLYSIS boat, Good' condition, 16 np Johnson jpurchase from Western Oli Company.| tric plane, tarpaulins, sand ' Nothing too large, Experts in installation. Phone Anytime Very Reasonable Prices. est senor. eepaise'? sell sep-l7si7i, | aster, power post hole For appointmer nothing too 'small If you are stuck with @ rough 723-5377 FREE ESTIMATES FOR THE BEST CALL 723-4641 Gia FT, LAPSTRAKE boatywivag| FURNITURE -- three rooms of new fur-| auger, oscillating sanders, 789-251 Minimum chorge concrete sub floors ' O'TOOLE YOUNG MAN Gee transportation to nasa Mercury engine plus many Wedig Page) eh A le sls ala disc sanders, acetylene weld~ os low as $6 o call. coll ror PRED ESTIMATES lawn cutting, 576-1829 ay R | O Toronto, Hwy. 401 a d Keele area, arriv-lextras, ' bd ees ing outfits, 200 amp electrie Mr. Wrigh 'All trodes hedge trim ming, fi moval and de- ~ ° e fe ° ing at apoximately 8:30 a.m. Tele-|623-2750 or 623-5187, AQUARIUMS repaired, custom built, orl- welders. Terms Stuemo Carpet-Tile Co. erat faning of id bulldings. call 723-5498 after 3 p.m, TELEVISION Phone 728-2788 gin! new' and some old style for sale. 20TH CENT General Framing for 24 hour service YOUNG LADY desires transportation to|7---Swap and Barter id CI SEE eS REEVE ) FOOD LT Controctors 576-3879 foro Ga RLING and cultivating. Tele JACK BRADLEY FOR CLEANER, SHARPER --|inc?at" anrecimately (30 cre. ernie: OUTBOARD "HOTOR: boats, ills, tral-|rechme Ie conelite Ge ralssheed Tae STA N S pi v ers, " ' 5 723-8714 cern work Noa ALL rita a [oye eli roto, filed, ae for plant-| PAINTING and DECORATING eve Uae pas cae SUSERRICKS thar or Mati , aah O Matin, "presse" aye SeceWwuiTaaT sea uisd wales -wee| Sharpening & Rentals Ltd Lh fer cement . ly wh a te. i ', iF Oo er 4 if be od jood character reference Chimney floshings, eaves gatuerr-_Mecann: RR_% Oshawa. _ |GARDENS _ROTO-TILLED or "ploughed 576-2138 TV TOWER _[trmrloa' ner wnereepots" plese "cor [temo iar Pu, "retance| vice, ail mike, Free satimates Call! 903 king St. W., Oshawe ager_Hotel Lancaster, rou, yy ser guaranteed work Fr aie 668-0095. ©. Telephone 669-232 or} Free estimates @ Low prices tales Anas ahi eed bie cas etn Alar dor take Seer io er Wen. es BF. Phone 723-3224 BARN 923 "workly, Pius a repairs. ork guar ad . rt 4 Ps 4 M 8. rich, ing ree' les! ad Sar ceria. Fe ee ee, eee Sana ae mata and romp aay. "Toohonm wUdtbainiay esa ry stories 10 = WAFTINGHOUIE waivanaor sa Tables, Choirs, Linens, Dish ment canta wang eer ind repa - ivisii 4 rl 'a' MEL MEULEMEESTER stalled. Roofs repbired. 75-2997." aad REEL TYPE lawn mowers sharpened 241 DREW ST. Corner Bond ond Division as farwesd Brey Dentin, "etiee Pat Frigidalre ae, in good od condition. tie -- on {= itd. 9900 Parc George, BRICK AND BLOCK work. New work|and repalred, Plck-up 'and delivered. (PAINTING AND PAPER hanging. Free p.m. Telephone s, Punch Bowls, Bridal Montreal, Que. __ 728-4797 ned. repairs to chimneys, porches and Telephone 7: bee fd and tow prices. Telephone V T R 1954 BSA 500 cc, $250. Telephone 723- VACUUM REPAIRS, all maken, hoses, Abi sy'h Y Mi leg White SXPERlencED Peete luck pointing. aFontalne, 725-3756. |LAWN "rie RVI Prompt T OWE S 0946, lll peta veh de A . 'ox Furs, Mink Stoles, Isher wanted. Apply Sc ALL TYPES BUILDING and ranainn" OTE yy WEP ee ord ig Vacuum Service, Main Street, 524 Cromwell Ave., or te! gel vaatond finan. Fre al true neon oe St Wt 8% Plumbing ond Hecting sunt IN OSHAWA" om ome Svll "cath" evra FoR FASTER SERVICE FyPEWRIFER aie tas tiangora| SARGEANT'S RENTALS pe aE WORD Al GARDENS ROTO-TILLED lawns pre- Telephone 725-5335, porta euriier, eadtia| 462 Ritson Rd. S, 725-3338 Lg es ll tly A Te RRANO PAVING, 10 years In bus a ze AT R PLANT 0. Also electric typewriter, 'adding 5 shift, no Sundays. Apply Coan -- | Pinwartion of 24 words, 1.20;|TERRANO PAVING, 10 oars) In bose (pared, Coder hedges, ete. Telephone) PLUMBING DISCOUNT oe OWN Were, aeA* 500 ty $280. Telephone 72) WiiteL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL machine $2 luo ele. 7234404 ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred burent,_5 Bloor Sirest_t oo a DEPENDANT rapa seni >| g wah te tome Chev, Dadge, Ford, Ph |eotmachne a meme, Dalene chars, cand, Sie ke pe eae Be wearin 3a 4 rords, 5.76) ade 'odd|- ROORING, 'ot Yar "and. a ane etc., free estimates. Telephone WHITBY --°668-6601 for less money. 5--tTrailers mouth, Pontiac. We correct |8 by 12 blue « green 1s $25, T1-a85 Barking' 723-7726. nee ee Bote Bitepene alt Gesentisl, bookkee tone! ~. 24¢ each. Roofing end Construction. 725-6937, wheel alignment, inspect and Newcastle, |WHEEL CHAIRS: ital beds, . iness experience desireat EXPERT LAWN service, spraying cul-| py HEAT WAVE 307 wv, hospita or 48047, Oshawa Times, st Chorge--10 per cent edditionel eherge ALL TYPES buliding repairs.. Roofing, |ting, trimming, fertiizing, telephone 66 tg © es, Dane ae Ve ERY mapas gr "~~ comber, lira 11. eible. foots Norge, retigerater | pile, "Alc" Renteln Wis Beatrice PibACcc pe Ah chain Method of Count! Less then 24 metonry., Gord Maye Whitby, pee oauan RAL landscaping and home main- slomieins thie: "20% "Ott 'aN SUPPLY LTD. K. AM N cornet "tondition ~-- 598 millyette Ruvetio conden, "96 aay TENT TRAILER for rent, sleeps six. Lita bl beat Posi re Si counts as 24 words ag ve agg td ages! work, stucee and /fanance. dinced. Telephone 6s84936, gotgailied | supplies. a PI G @ Parts extra if required Ht irae i) ofp re Fadlant Tee your time, Write 590 Ann Sresvord pho jone 655-49: 55-3054, TAUNTON RD, E. : F , re screen, Excellent ion ; 9 ENS ae ERAS SRE phone number counts two| 576-1763. an 'a . @ Torsion bor adjustment |668-2778, 14--Business Opportunities 8--M \ words, FREE CONSULTATION ond eafl dg Rg 8 "ind ue as 2 5m om Fe ust East of Ritson) UNLIMITED extra. BENDIX automatic washer, small roto ore 5. ale Hel IRTHS --= DEA is for all your signs and silk screen ra-\per yard. Telephone 725-0697, SATURDAY 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 723-8131 723-8132 FOR e tiller, $75 each, small alstol refrigerat- ae Neargn with 28 carts e6dt-[or drop Inio the shop, 29 Simcoe: South. Instruction COE WED EIOAY TENT TRAILERS BRAKE SPECIAL _|riaria, weetaare anar's.om "| GOLF COURSE WE PAY tional charge if not paid within 8 days. [ATLANTIC PAVING end concrete, ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodel Most lak aa First WHITE NURSES uniforms, two wash TO TRA your driveway paved by rg "All ling, new and used materials. Reasonab! and oor ears, Mn and ir and one asd ar Size 14 Tele- B, oe a La bed and éc|Work warranty for @ Lote three ] rates, Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. - CAMPING. SUPPLIES Quality Royaline,:4 wheels, [phone 725-7847 after: $ Nearing completion, 18-hole, pod e and, $¢\vears, All work guaranteed, 1. Rut errord § ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING. aup- YOUR PRESENT $14.88 HARMONY oultar 'and ¥ weg "empliier| executive layout, profession- j . a mn 5 Si at ee Cc rpanty -- Eli gn, teh th AERIAL "ches fn == Cents ana Plus' $2.00: por Wheel (Skene arta en | SY Sasloned, Tesstiry move RETAI RD OF THANKS D S h | Te ---- i _ (labor cost) car Recaton.. one ren tui) 000 down. Location hes odd- as torn rat Ps rents and 76 ONTARIO FLOOR riving C 00 Rug - Upholstery Service a stk aan cc . an fer cottage. Telephone oe ty after ed appeal pee addalon rei charge if not paid with 8d (Licensed 'by Police Commission) nm unti .m, EQUIPMENT. New and used. er's illness creates this STORI ue SANDERS REUPHOLSTERING CABLE TV " 3 WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL sir, 8 Teparea, regripped, Gal le-| interesting epportunity. Call yy $5 vera UR Nalopiey» 2. greet ~ New figs Ge cid Her cc @ Courteous Instructors 725-9332 1 mile north of King Street -- weights per io tons A '@ppoli intent, hunderbird Golt! Poul Ristow at 728-9474 oF first yore 'and 6¢ cach terest . r re: © Dual Contro! Cars @ Wide Selection of Fabrics ON TONNAGE 6 BFR So sen sees eid WE BU Eo SELL AND €REWANGE sea 725-8152 evenings, PAUL (Word Ads finished, Reasonable, @ Workmanship Guaranteed OSHAWA SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, furniture 'or anything you have, The) RISTOW LTD., 187 King St. ais PER 'a PER INSERTION. 723-7251 a oe Pag Budget Te F CABLE TV cre FRONT-END WORK ot [Sih Yada, eat, Worm 444 Simcoe) Ropidly_ expanding asy Budget Terms--| A rl DEADLINES ere ra an te Fre 725 6553 Estimates a LTD. PS. -- we rent and sell sabe nat eae GERANIMUS, "tuchsias "and | bedding Retail Firm git a ad @ Over 20 years experience. i most everything in camping } Lode legato al ta eg coast to coast has | Spm. DAY PREVIOUS pa THE FURNITURE CENTRE 723-5278 and vacationing supplies. UNIROYAL 3 ean se war esa SPECULATION openings for young LOST AND FOUND work, new and Tepalrs of all Kinds, Tele: 14 ALBERT STREET 90 Simcoe St. North CENTRES 580 West niet, condiion, $15 hares 7 train on the job 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION phone 725-4891, 24 Hr. Service EAST END TEXACO each. Panes' ss 258' of "in city" highway Management, with BIRTHS AND DEATHS QUALITY carpentry and 'general' re-/Money to Loan INTERIORS by WINDOLF 4 TRAILERS for SALE The New Nome of CHESTERFIELD TUITE: bedroom sulte,| frontage. Exceptional depth portunities in Hom 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION pairs, "herve Coke district for many Tent Trailers for sale or rent, DOMINION TIRE STORES Ett kitchen ta fa + away beds,| permits unlimited display and and administrative IN_MEMORIAMS ond re re er LL re gh Age wig SE) @ Custom Upholstery HOLME 8 models from $299 up. 17 Park Rd. S. onaltions" y2etao7, a" 'wmP& AN Good) orking area. Two buildings @ Ages 20 to. ees Oy Eayious date your, Bilis or for eny oltwe worth @ Re-Covering Camping Supplies, hitches Phone 725-6511 FLOOR LENGTH wedding gown" size| °° Provide income during ex- able, but we eon pe a Dentistry while Burpose, providing you are stead- @ Antiques Restored ELECTRONICS made, 10 to 12 foot boats 12, chrome set, carriage, baby walker calereing walon pera, High- few openings id ; esto SYR sist nena aun awe | 39 Simcoe N. TT gee OPENING [2a sae FE] propery Call Poul Rive at LI ad For appointment, 728-5171, - F a ' ELLATIONS. AND : fri mortgage money pt 10 ae 728-3651 668-5679 NEW SHOP IN WHITBY [OFFICE FURNITURE, secretary aeom| 728-9074 oF 725-8152 ever poe gh Boma nm. DAY. OF PUBLICATION Dresemeking ABB asinine, Rel Baia TRAILERS : Inet, \ea0a0 drawer "cabinets 'serie | 187 King $t. E ¥ penn on o9t ¢ Auy"cdvertivement" cancelled before DRESSMAKING, summer clothing, Pilar hatte Je. Ferepiiaes eee bike PROFESSIONAL T¥. TOWERS FOR RENT Ah apie os -- and Telephone | 668-4607, Mr. Cassa 605, a patil past wor publication will te charged one day's 1 a nongd co wernen. Restoneble. 81 We, sgtre smear ond moriga ain RUG CLEANING For sale fridges, ice boxes, He of bicycles and tri- eaetp ein ane am aime TOBACCO STORE é Tats: sey BRE ie , y Service : eaters, ranges, etc, Primus : ed, almost % d "i th b Sa ie ene wa Se oom to |Coats, dresses. Beutel "llr "alle fa er eagiek Piha ek aig Free Pick-Up ond Delivery SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 ond Coleman Sales and Licensed machanic Is on du- |&ize 'io'= 12 from Pan Paris and Sweden. " soroinania « Tereers tabtios to bon to the|SOvers, drapes, Mrs, Toms, 648-2372. Fost T.V. Service Service. 8 for te er oe a OR EE eee | ¥ONCH COUNTER dividual, Solar ert fe VG mowers and small en FIBERGLAS FENDERS from ' copt hsp Mobility tn Seer of rece Gardening and Supplies Mortgages Angus Gra Ng don MILLER. TRAILERS also motor cycles. oe up. New and used auto parts. ee Exceptional opportunity manogement damaged alleged to arise through ei 728-625. DOMINI ON AJAX 942-3491 N built starters and generators. 1175 Nel- range upward Faun oe omega CONSOLIDATE Now and used ports eval lin st rand ee | 725-2173 minum of Bence or cinarwve "The Times Wl ot Garden Supplies Derry ty, s Rye TELEVISION SALES and RENTALS BICYCLE TIRE. SPECIAL exterior Fetlatshed like "nem Yelontons 'aren oe ote ne «LL, 10-6-4 $2, oN ' i) Ao MR Lic Rei ale Cabin Trailers and Tent Trailers All sizes, while they last, PORTRSLE ry ing we i nan van: programme ar REGULATIONS Golfgreen 12-646 $4,000 :..:--.... $8097 | fey cleaning done n'your | T.V. Rentals Reservations now eccepted. | jin' Free pickup ond de- |emer tngue Eat sicee tet, Wes] TODDLERS PARADISE oe Mae TRE OtawA oriMes with NOt sat! Evergreen 6-9-6 prices secumplen based.on- | Herne. oF our lfiop, Cel: for Po Ney Sate WILDE RENTALS He 'pm | FROBEL -- MONTESSORI pig t HERWISE My & year term: information, GARDEN TRACTOR for sole, 3 HP. ; TRAN WAITING WoT FoR MORE] Sovareen 7-7-7 Interest 1 = 114% per month 725-9961 ALCAN | Whitby 668-3226 WHITBY CYCLE |fettstone rissa Day Nursery Schoo! ya ag AN ONE INSERTION OF ANY AD- So-Green Premium ima (12 = 16% bar onnumd FURNITURE and & POWER MOWER __ |HIGH, CHAIR. crib and set of swings,| Let your child enloy the won S Enciona vba Mok A tiaue ie] S0-Green High Organic | depending on amount borrow- |CHESTERFIELDS reupholstered and APPLIANCES We CARIN TRAILER POR RENT wy' $25, ,felephone 7258645 between 4.15] derful method of teachi tie PRICE CHARGE FOR A SINGLE IN: ing Ned. FAB sage we the week, Sleeps five, Telephone 725- 8 p.m. ing. clude Pensio SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS. Milorgainte ed, Interest calculated on the |"#.ttvied. recover siggy Teh yn 452 Simcoe South 8245, SALES SERVICE & RENTALS now. For becca Group Life | The Oshawa Times reserves the right to Sheep Manure reducing balance. Properties {to order. Dalton Upholstering, 78 Charles 723-0011 FOR RENT -- Tent taller, sleeps six 9A--Eggs & Poultry ment call 723-0734 ond Health P i charine ern te in B fj must be within a city or town | Street, ths of June and July. 668-4311 a BARGAIN -- careful mover, Insured, fit Shari Groper' classification, onemea limits. auGHOLeTERY by experts, Batab #35 weekly. Telephone 725150, both bs ional had ware feather | aisha Oahowee LATHE also truck with driver, lawn mainte: os Wint ev in the coves of display advertisements} COW Manure C.A.C. REALTY {ished 20 "years. Workmanship guaran. T.V. SERVICE TRAILER HITCHES 'made and ingfal Petes "etn Faarmae Oshawa, 65544752. inance, odd fobs of all Kinds. 720-2682, and Winter Ve en hee Se fod pore slg C..L. 4-12-10 Ohawe : Shopping Centre tresses "Wre-buli, f rniture retint HOUSE CALL $2.50 able equipment tor rent. 7234800," id A i U M | N U M 10----Farmers' Col ag fgorks ores, eileen ene ree actual error occupies, The publishers) C.1.L, 5-10-15 728-1691 or. Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenve,| - TOWER ANTENNAS _ |fent TRAILERS, camping equipment; omen 725-1885, QUALIFICATIC vette peeravee all adverising) Cit. 10-10-10 INSTALLED sale or rent, $35 per week, $295 full @ SIDING DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick-| YOUNG MOTHER wishes to look afier @ Leadership ab matter © stame no leoliity Sales end Servic ar Price, $10 down. 576-1264. @ AWNINGS ed. up promplly. Margwill Fur. Farm,| young child In her own home, companion At least Hig of advertisement it any inaccuraci Peat Moss a Fvice A-1 Used Televisions 1965 GLENDETTE, fwodoor modal, 19 @ WINDOWS Tyrone. Telephone Collect Hampton 263-|for 3-year-old boy. Ollve and Harmony mT eet oe 'any form are contained therein. Lawn Seed CITY 7 Vv 725 0500 house strate, like new, be seen e RS 772\. Licence 101-C-67, area. 576-0532. education, or IT's EASY TO PLACE A Vs oI tk Brooklin Shell Ges "Stetlon,. Seeritice. DOO! ARRIED MAN wilh Ghegfeeee licence ive sta TIMES ACTION WANT AD a pute APPLIANCE T3178. bho sc. LES 11--Pet & Livestock recurs wert a ier part trees Nes toe oor golee es Cell Clessified Direet rden s LOANS " Roma? Dealers wanted. Nomad Is PROFESSIONAL DOO SERvicEs --|Perence.tt cerpentry, truck deriving and School and | 723-3492 Universal Sprayers cso CENTS cima | JOE'S COLOR TV <i rawr cepemmmmms! EVEN TSS |theurat'ttartgtat ier yc ltanae! armen scrhaaie Sresvaten Weed Killers Moneys avdilable for first Expert repairs to all ma and Radio Service Fenting purposes: Inquiries Invited. Write SALES ETD. [fel rea. pick-up 'and dellvery?, board./0131 @ Willingness t Bue Kil end second mortgages. Open of washers, dryers, ronges, r phone Nomad Distribution, 710 Marie ee ein Goat trae Kepssicevel Einehers Canvo wound Tae housework By The periodic exp INDEX TO me Se ee snot catiason @"ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @. | EURURGAAT NN ND ee weer tee Ue re Store | ee ee gS Renate * E hi mortgages, second mortgages HOUSE TRAINED LEANING CARE, general service, i CLASSIFICATIONS ree te 'des --_ end agreements for sale pure ALCAN TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS |>A----Camping CHESTERFIELD SUITES [Toye and larger breeds, $23. pr ce: Reasonable, mea tog scaling Reply ya full po ay ce Cooper-Smith Co. . FURNITURE ond APPLIANCE =e eee EXPO WILSON'S GORY mANGK Roga_Goianh fap RANCH, "Regia, German 3 = | roo a Co GaSe RST aa ae nao rismen's Columns 16 CELINA ST. M. F. SWARTZ 452 Simcoe S. -- Oshawa [Mitten All" work guarenieed. Telephone BEST Prices in TOWN __ |fe'ds pups, Show mara in foal to aUar-I\een house. for elderly' gentleman, "Tele lee yw Pho Sree 723-2312 723-1139 26% 4 King St. East elep! he 728-6879. 15' Trailer FOR RENT, 8 2 oD gg from a4 pes equipment, clothing, Ashburn, 655-4662. phone Tors experience , ceaat ; : fearon Dever Se Orit A a ge ld i ae al ates dea WEED and TREE 723-4697 Bring me your mowers, tillers, {iss outiwe 1 Suppl aun] gioPOME gts ond, Stove, | St Brod Te i Jee Box No. é armer's Colume Ist and 2nd Mort, outbootds, sit "makes, air "(Cena tay Jen Se ot Ripe hee : : Wilson's Furn., 20.Church St, _|WELCH PONIES, sight To choose from /16--Agents Wanted si j--Pets and Livestoce SPRAYING st a lortgages cooled engines. Parts and /2__p 1 728-8253 colors, nicely groomed. Tele- s = rtices Wanted Guaranteed" Results, We have immediate funds service. Lorgest . service In ersona RUTHERFORD'S [ebro AGENTS wanted to sell, Install, and j--Articles for Rent } Free Eatneies. available for 2nd mortgages. thera: COMPUTER the ices weet desered Soest oes 3-room groups, Living Room, POODLE - registered black and brown|service exclusive Burgiar and Fire Al- Mana er - Sali oe nog all ad EVERGREEN peg! guint iy Oe: ud 74 BARRIE AVE. DATING SERVICE _ |tstfotsts cameing, hayrides. éf%2iri,| Bedroom, Dining Room. $399, [phone Tamas." "*|an"tne market" and' oni "one" represen . agents Wanted loan. It pays to deal with the 728-2791 or 725-4633 (IC IGOTTAGES and camp sites for rent on| $499, $599, $699. Easy wHiTe YoY POODLE jes, three|rarlve will be selected for' each given WANTE zaromale Help Wented LAWN SERVICE company with the high repu- The ultra-modern, Scientifie | Buckhorn Lake. Good fishing and swim-| terms. Immediate delivery or 'old, PoP derantesa |2ve2. All selected will be. screened and ?. 1 jan tation. NEW, USED -- vacuums, isners, Re ici ming, Boats avaliable. 668-8332. r) heathy Intelligent pies must have clear background. All repiles Help Wanted g ry regi jaranteed or Female Wentes Balra' ro all makes. 'New tw hoses Phone} 18M Computer -- a unique, Y. Me «nb excellent qual-| Jconfldential, Box $84, 81. Catharines, On- 20--Real Estate For BRANCH REALTY Jack Lees, 728-6956. Dating Process using an {CAMPING FOR EXPO, tents $3.50 dally, if RUTHERFORD'S $100. Telephone 725-6473, beet . 'atharines, ; 20a--Summer Properties A Pee stay rath house trailer $5, elght 'lies from Expo GERMAN SHEPHERD, Traiy Bp a mbitious person 2--Farms for Sele SMITH'S INVESTMENTS Septic Servi confidential method of find- Reservations. A psite, care 156 Simcoe St. South . |11 weeks, purebred, one $25" plus sell, is not afraid 2--Lots for Sale Tree F LIMITED eptic service Ing many more Ideal Dates [of Art Field, RR iy Lite Britain, Ont CITY TV televisi ai bood 'home. Telephone 723-8007" etter work and: capable o tores Offices and Storage : ait 51 King St. East SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt serv-| OF the First Step to finding E t H ee jorbectibd "Sy asa GERMAN SHEPHERD pup, five sae SELL ! a furniture and for Rent Specializing in cedars Oshawa, Ontario Ice on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut True Love and Marriage. 6--Marine Equipmen' service and repairs. Service joid. Has had all needles. Telephone 725- : store. Business is I Apartments for, Rent for hedges. 723.1157... 725.6210 |Leee i . For information and Applica- CHRIS CRAFT bia TV. Al sigs -- ta SELL ! Cobourg and Port H Re Daeg er Manure for sale, PIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale)w: weshers bad oa 2 a Denk 7 big hmbediteg SALES and SERVICE black ond white TY. hone ' and hos unlimited ¢ ies for a, Newtonville 786-2283 ance Hennes getter rhage ra Hennic Call 728-1742 or 723-0011, W., Toronto 1, Ont. : pote A Bee wir! cok ed sc Ps ngage cod aie TIMES ACTION SELL! nr noe Oe , A rborou ni rvice 9 a.m. p.m. Sota, ine Bee Se Ge ee te sper Aes Abetion Your Veen | eo | Moree | ClAoemee ae. | tag ne Jo re a 3 Repa ) in Realtor, rock | H. itarlo rude ou ard motors. 4 work guaranteed. imes Sentegel Want-Ads Don t ae aa TREY Fore avail Phone "Tassie Street East. the Times Classified Section...| | OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN SINGLE BEDS, dresser, chest, living. SELL. 2 Gha@ebue. i, Want Ads BOX. NO. 6& Auctions able for fret and rmortgeges a oe eee oe reomers come running! 723-8186 ers gh AA Beigel __ '@shawa Tir 33--Coming Event Cost-The Pa | Low interest, eonfidential,. fall 72-463i|tarlo Land Surveyor, Commercial. bi S00 cameaien Milltieas Picea dekaislareen eae, aides' a ea nar and SELL ace W--Netins at? y Y! Vey sina prints, 11 Onterie Street, 735-8632, Phone 723-3492 Fae a em Pane, TEER ere le ae ee ka sl 723-3492 ; ee ing & . Ssh