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Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 May 1967, p. 2

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86:22; Quebec 17:5652; Nova Scotia 18:21:59; and Northwest Territories 18:29:08. berta 17:88:53; Saskatchewan 17:40:01; Ontario 17:49:47; New Brunswick 17:50:14; Yukon, 17:- | @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Mey 29, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE De Gaulle Attending ~ ECM Meet In Rome ROME (Reuters) -- France's president de Gaulle was the Top Honors WATERLOO (CP) -- Toronto head of state from outside Italy to come for a top-level: entries took top honors Satur- meeting here today to mark the day in the Western Ontario pro- 10th anniversary of the Eugo- vincial finals of the Centenary pean Common Market. Festival of Music at the Uni- De Seube, og bd President ow, a bed gel 4c juseppe t, resen- 3; 9c an ass, po royyr bey 19 and under: 1. Northern Sec- tatives of the other four Com- on Market nations were slated ondary School, Toronto; 2. Bar- Me tie District 'Collegiate. Chil- to attend anniversary ceremon- dren's or Junior Choirs: 1. Law- NEW SERVICES UNIFORM Continued From Page 1 Man. Crew Keeps Lead DEVON, Alta. (CP) -- Mani- icemen of all ranks ho heavier model is being de- --. & air . pen ba ay Fog cold weather wear. .|forces in Germany. The ig ith the official unveiling, the ye ee oe ee program starts today. defence department launched a EDUCATION for TOMORROW iu lack VOCATIONAL SKILL @nd a HIGH Hoon DIPLOMA, you can now study at home If sc to qualify as: Canada. It retains the peaked| Part of the test group is the|Wides prea d information cam- if i EE ae ae : paign to introduce it to the|toba remained in the lead Fri-) © i bo caps and hip-length jackets now! 100-man military guard of honer!teniea forces. Pictures and|day as the centennial voyageur|] © ACCOUNTANT AND BUSINESS ee Ba in general use but changes|and flag party at Expo 67 in style, cut and material. Montreal. They will receive The beltless model will have|lightweight synthetic fibre and a nine-month trial by 430 serv-'wool uniforms next month. A WEATHER FORECAST Tuesday Mainly Sunny Little Temperature Shift TORONTO (CP) -- Official movie showings were part of|canoe pageant reached this town the effort. 20 miles southwest of Edmonton Despite the test, few changesjafter paddling from Drayton are expected in the uniform. It/ Valley. would be made standard wear! 'rhe Manitoba crew has logged over a period of years after the|17 hours, 33 minutes and four bill unifying the armed forces|seconds of paddling and portage oe law, possibly in a few! times along the Neeth ig . ewan River since leaving y Adoption will mean the virtual| Mountain House, Alta., Wednes- pape 4 arance, poe igheg- day. ' monial wear, of a long list o! ; traditional styles and pH em.| The 10 crews -- from eight blems that have grown up over|Provinces and the Yukon and the years. Keynote of the new| Northwest Territories--are on a crease-resistant uniform is sim-|104-day trek to Expo 67 in Mont- Plicity. real, PRIVATE SECRETARY OR BOOKKEEPER ak. ok throuh @ TECHNICIAL or COMMERCIAL High School Course, Earn @ "HIGH-SCHOOL DIPLOMA" and "CERTI- : H FICATE OF PROFICIENCY" in the vocation of ee i choice, with only one course, Supervised $ inal examinations in your area for certificates, upon completion of course, All books, instruction and supplies for as little as $2.00 weekly. | write: "ACADEMIC STANDARDS INSTITUTE" 40 Main St. W., HAMILTON, Ont. ADDRESS CIty CITY OF OSHAWA MATERIALS AND TESTING SECTION PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT cloudy periods today. Mainly jes in the city hall on Capital forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m. to-jsunny Tuesday, Not much it Hill, centre of ancient Rome. rence Park Collegiate, Toronto; /day. ' change in temperature, Winds|look remarkebly like the ow | Other team times in order: SUMMER EMPLOYMENT The six were scheduled to get Beane Rash eo 'd t TOUP,| Synopsis: A weak disturbance, |light. ate, a ship commander like the|British Columbia 17:35:17; Al- pees ce ; down to major business Tues- S ile t Moethh sie Stine which has spread cloud as far} Montreal and Ottawa regions:|man who scrubs the deck and -- Sit ae Matuielorane Toe ae eetion et thy Siacstrietent Bion te " gp reagan > pod ro rchestra qoepater a. Erie -- " -- Bay, = oy -- today and Tues-/the air commodore like the LOWEST pms ey carrying ut quality centro! fests on soils, concrete end ¥ . D5 . toda f, s H a jai struction. steps toward political un dale. Senior Choirs: 1. St, y te lage eas nds light. Plane mechanic, EXCURSION FARES Tasicont gut tg rasiaees bf the' City of Oshowo. clearing will begin late in the day. Some cloudiness over Northern Ontario will diminish tion. Britain's application for market membership also was expected to come in for discus- To Britain and Europe HOWA George's United Church, Tor- Only unobtrusive bad if es, onto; 2. Medallion Chorus, Ham- Forecast temperatures | snoutder and sleeve emblems ppl in writing or in person, before 5:00 p.m., Friday, June 2nd, Low tonight, high ae? 1967, to: 0 The Personnel Officer, The Personnel Officer, City Mell, Oshewa, Onteric. CITY OF OSHAWA ilton. School or Junior Orches- and cap braid will spell the dif- sion. tra, 19, or under: 1. dJumee pe Hg . gs Or sca igo nl a hy ference. TRAVEL BUREAU LTD. bl AA Be uml ' Symphonic, St. Catharines; 2.|eather 'Tue rie r 1 inte ie Taidha o 3. 45 Among the dress casualties Of|f| Ajex Shopping Pleze 942-6690 Vote To Strike Owen Sound Collegiate. tee ocatly Res yaealae Ee : the sweeping reform are the fa- 8 sunny skies are expected. pay oe Se re milisr bell = bottom' 'trolsare wen. embers of Local if Wins Nomination |erie resis: Cloudy witt a tow|Wingham s....s. 4255 |JMMPEE Jackets and round bat Saal oa eaniee : Canadian Union of Public Em:| PRESIDENT De GAULLE howers and .cool today. Tase | Hamilton 50 62 | Worn by sailors. HEAT WITH OIL TREASURY DEPARTMENT adian Union 0 c¢ Em- oS. ta Reiee FORT FRANCES, Ont. (CP)|SHowers and cool today. Tues-|- Mr ee ite t** ) 6 go_--«|_ For army officers, the Sam ployees, voted Saturday for Pat Reid, a native of Fort|%@Y mainly sunny and not much|°! erate tse4y Browne belt with shoulder strap DIXON'S Requires An gg gg eg ong Noo strike Frances attending the Univer- org in temperature. Winds o br dP on for ceremonial ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT ° sity of Manitoba, won the Lib- 2 : and social wear. So will other date mas et The rote came is] Get Degrees erat "nomination. Saturday to, 20r0 Hamlin, London, 6S rank" ciincions sch an red OIL POINT coed os failed to break the deadlock in| VICTORIA (CP) -- Newfound. contest Rainy River constitu- Bay, Laka Gathtio Manas "J by tabs and red color bands on the in ine pat , this person will be required af eusist hegotiations. 'The old contract |land Premier Joseph Smallwood|@Acy in the next provincial eleo-|oi%. ire, alan, Magara re 7p [at and brown shots as opposed] 313 ALBERT ST. Should have full high school or equivalent, Including bookkeeping and cased Apel 9. will be one of three Canadians |ton. today. Tuesday mainly sunny 79 {0 the black shoes now worn by] 94 HOUR SERVICE Salary urate wth, A agi," hour working, Week: le ova Gonrees iotay or Galenaeel Kills Two |2242°j much change in temper- 10 | "the mew wnilorm. includes « Kasei Marti GRIN ier cel Mt sar Rais tatu, etc . . e 8 » Qivi mari s My Artist Dies jaws gree lay at the n | wo ature. Winds east 15. 65 special belt, the same for all 723-4663 tion, experience, ete., before 5:00 p.m., June 9th, 1967, te: spring convocation of the Uni- RYE, England (Reuters) -- versity of Victoria. Frank Beresford, an artist fa-} Premier Smallwood will also mous for his paintings of cere-|give the convocation address. | car and two motorcycles col- monial occasions, died here at/ Also receiving the honorary|lided in east - end Kitchener. the - of 85, it was announced degrees will be Professor Don-|Killed were Robert Dallner, 20, Saturday. Beresford, who died|ald G. Creighton, historian, and/and Christine Mills, 17, In hos- on Thursday, also painted por-|Norman A. Robertson, a former|pital with minor injuries were Sudbury, North Bay, Halibur- ton, northern Georgian Bay, Ti- magami, Cochrane, western James Bay, White River, Al- coma regions: Sunny with a few' Timmins .......... HERE and THERE 70 |ranks, for ceremonial occasions, 70 lit is dark green with gold 70 /stripes. The-Expo 67 guard will 65 | wear it, New atyles do not replace combat clothes or special gov- ernment issue called environ- mental wear, such as the dun- KITCHENER (CP)--Two Kit- chener youths were killed and two others injured Sunday when SERVING OSHAWA OVER SO :7EARS traits of Queen Mother Eliza-|diplomat now director of the|Brian Miller, 20, and Brigit beth, King George VI, and Vis-|school of international affairs at|/Berndt, 15. Driver of the ear ogi p< Ba Alp vi saute RECREATION DEPARTMENT count Montgomery. Carleton University, Ottawa. |was Yvon Leger, 20, also of| . MUSIC EXAMINATION _ |tral Ontario Division of the In-|day-to-day wear. requires . . F | Kitchener. Walter Buczynski and Mis6/ dustrial Accident Prevention As- ; These yp ae Te To Head Varsity 72%, Mr*, Scot, ember of|scations atthe Zion's Recrex| CANADIAN CHOICE ONE AQUATICS SUPERVISOR ie os TORONTO (CP) -- Yorkville QFSILTY | the board of examiners for the] tion Centre at Port Hope, Thurs-| MONTREAL (CP) -- Mont- (Mele) trial period of Royal Conservatory of Music/day, June 8 The meeting will pions Lal hg gage ng will conduct examinations forlinclude tours of a firearms polo competition at the Pan- will become the next principal 'te conservatory in Oshawa dur-| manufacturing plant and a con-|American Games in Winnipeg of Queen's University. R. D.|ing June. Mr. Bucsynski, com-|yeyor equipment plant in Co-|July 22-Aug. 7, it was an- Harkness, chairman of the uni- ianist and ' ; nounced Saturday night. The versity's board of trustees, said| rie, and pianist and the re-/bourg and PortHope. Fishing at/ast End Boys' Club, current Left to right forms of an ¢ geant, an arm: a navy lead 405. KINGSTON (CP) -- John J. Deutsch, 56, chairman of the Economic Council of Canada, now has its own free legal aid device called the Village Bar. Organized by a hippyy-activist ere known as the Diggers, illage Bar was created to dispense legal advice to hipsters on how to stay out of trouble (Salery Renge $6,156.00 to $7,228.00 for 40 Hour Week) Two ASSISTANT AQUATICS SUPERVISORS ele or Fema! (Selery Renge $4,890.00 te $5,427.00 for 40 Hour Week) bly of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of On- tario. He succeeds London law- yer Eldon W. Mitchell. Rid Children Florida will speak on "Com- at the ment is moving Mr. Stanfield's who held 39 of 1 the last legislatu paigned mainly Detroit River Sunday afternoon |pattie standard to the Governor honoring merchant seamen wh0/General's Horse Guards Satur. lost their lives on the Greatiday in « colorful ceremony be- Lakes. The annual Tt oon fore Toronto's new city hall. the international bound:| iW. Governor-General, who munication in Safety" 1¢/cipient of two Canadian Coun-|Rice Lak Sund: t q ice e and golf at the Port/Canadian waterpolo champions, The Aquatica Supervisor will be required to assist in the development poe Rew oy ee eee Oe pa aed tee oe ee, cil Awards, will conduct exam-| Hope Country Club are included] were selected at the end of the PLANNING A .°+ wit be Siapen sible (~ Peet rerees TT oguetica comatan within the ing the retirement of Dr. J. A,|inaions between June 20 and Poe -- o ve gt poy atifirst two days of the North ore framework, of oF extsbllaned ram Must hold b th Red Cross ater Rid For Ceylon Corry, principal since 1961. |June 29. Miss Scott, a grad- tion aren _ by the elec- hig Waterpolo champion- e BANQUET carey, om, fe Saving Society, Inetructo ee cea Di I ® 2 uate of the conservatory with 2 4 The Assistant Aquatics Supervisor will be responsible for specific areee I } | COLOMBO (AP) -- Canada le In Air Mishap an artist deploma and a mem- © CONVENTION cre ene ee Oke wee caer te theres Cane FORT KNOX, Ky. (AP) -- ol £ aatien ge I | : | ' | | e MEETING Must held Red gro iinetrctors Gattticate end have some treining HALIFAX (CI : x ad ' » rela io Lal . , gg go Colombo eg c . hag aude eae eee Oshawa. OOK for this fabet. Pretarence, wil be avan top fants with some full time experience pide pina = his will consist of $2,000, afternoon, killing five soldiers) MASONIC DINNER glen he Apply in'witing oniye giving full detalis ot ge, mortal status, aduee- [| oe ww in whest Eos, 43,000,008 in op agl ah rye gs A dinner, and reception will be Then rabind to Oe Guests Tee nd wupertarice before B00 FM Friday une sth, 1967, te election during t long-term, interest-free develop- "/held Tuesday by the Masonic rice Offer ibe ment loans and $500,000 in grant Lae gl | By --_ of the two/Brethren of Ontario District, : Seine Staff aw j mainly sunny ski yer =, promod se erat, i Grand Master of the Grand look for OSHAWA, Onterie. i temperate fo adian asbestos fibre w' aia ge AF and AM of Canada, RESERVE Y! ae a be provided with funds sll-/ GOVERNOR-GENERAL \Elect Grand Master)in Ontario, "most Wor. Bro, wNETION wow eee | runes cated in the previous yer ROLA' TICHENER LONDON, Ont. (CP)--R, H,| James N. Allan. The dinner will that : nici Premier F : Taylor, of Hamilton, Saturday|¢ held at the Masonic Temple, 723-4641 h 1d claiming hi -- - i ' ¥| Oshawa +] field claiming Honor Seamen | TORONTO (cP)--His Excel-|was elected Grand Master of 2 oreat government, is 1 DETROIT (CP) -- Four Qncy the Right Honorable Ro- the Masonic Order of Ontario) INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT cg poreiinp Wo. care ' A i " 7 : ; ; P s were tossed into thelerai of Canada, presented a new|ouns, 'we 67th annual assem-) Dr. Charles E. Irvin of] AVA @ MEPIS oe PH 0TO posiener me 29th annual meeting of the Cen- SALE | ary line, was not attended PY|\,ecame the regiment's honor- ata varaed ah Canadian naval authorites. = sry colonel Friday, said the| LONDON, Ont. (CP)--The Ca- PERFECT FOR EXPO SHOTS Di GGHG was '"'the only unit en-|nadian Unitarian Council was Comp et = Sale Inventor 1es bert to x rage others | voted overwpeiauaaly to on Argus Carefree Instant Load Outfit with case 24.95 19.87 DISCUSS PETERBORO, N.H. (AP)--|having either a guidon or ajthe federal government to bring Argus Model Instant Leed, Auto exp. ay nye color." Vietnamese children to Canada yao wokdh ve SCPE hee ay t I Oscar V. Payne, 72, on iovfine:| 'The new standard carries the|for treatment and to render _ Minit "Ato Pak "S00" 2.8 lana With ish cube 38.98 4947 LOOM II died Friday, it was an-/"ine battle honors won by the|medical and humanitarian aid 25MM. Moiottion A LS Ante 9 lens w. j , enced Saturday. Payne re-|regiment during the Second|to wounded and injured clvil- notte Hi-Matie 7 ine Pegg rv dent|World War plus the 12 honors|ians. ! 24.95 18.67 OTTAWA (CP) tired in 1960 as vice-presi Slt BN lin. , : ae oamaen ¢ of the old standard gained in| The resolution was approved the Riel Rebellion of 1885, thejat the sixth annual meeting of transport depart CENTENNIAL SAVINGS ON MOVIE CAMERAS today but before in charge of manufacturing of the Crompton and Knowles Boer War and the First World|the Canadian Unitarian Council mati | 5 vo , Super © Automatic Zoom 1.8 lens w. grip.. 94.50 67.67 ' ried ts is, sauel ter War. held here on the weekend. MinaWaGRS Auvowetle Neem 14 sew. cone. S0GAS | 1N7GF -- Fisted ph bn Bt Ph igre mage De 7 POWER CARL WETZLAR BINOCULARS tile Middle East " ms "3 by "ne Fi world s Angle 47.50 34.67 expected to do partment e First Worl E » 7 x 35 Extre Wide Angle w. case .........065. i 7 7 7 Marine with .. 29.95 24.67 sion. eal mergent eeti ng 7 ; fs slatieaier a HAVENS 5 40s b4Mba 8 a5 31.50 19.67 Since the Hous Egypt has accuse BUSINESSMEN'S Cedar Lodge A.F. & A.M. 270 goverament of b and anti-Arab ¢ LUNCHEONS All Masons are requested to attend « the withdrawal o} -- ne Masonic Service man contingent v DINNER » Nations Emerge FOR OUR LATE BROTHER Eaypt. 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Egypt. he BRO. LEONARD PULLAN Parking Rear of Hotel Joseph N HOTEL LANCASTER Monday, May 29th. 7:00 P.M. B : j Mcintosh Anderson Funeral Home MASONIC CLOTHING EDMUNDSTON Representatives ¢ vincial and mun ments attended fi Saturday for J chaud, 78, retire of the New Brun: Court who died here Tuesday. Most Rev. J. RB bishop of Edm brated solenn mass assisted by chaud and Rev. G WOR. BRO. No: We are not selling permanents, but we ere selling cleari, 9 Vig economical heating comfort. You guessed it -- these are not 2 different homes, they are the same -- but there is a difference. Until 2 years ago this home was heated by OTHER than oil. It was on a twelve month equalized billing of $17.00 a month ($204.00 annually). We installed a modern forced air oil furnace in the fall of 1965. The heating for the last 2 years has averaged $147.19 a NOTICE = WILSON & LEE LTD. Music Store BRO. Cc. &. HOUCK ; SEC, per annum for five years year or a saving of $56.81 a year. We think these figures are con- agi wae ie Pee ts Somened : elusive -- don't you? Why not have one of our technicians esti- Cc L oO & E D Judge Michaud which ore Liberal member ; mate how much you could save ? Brunswick legis! bl a All Day years and repre ' gouche-Madawask Take A Drive : of hg se fror when he was | 6 te ee ode 4 VAN BELLE WEDNESDAY justice. He = & SAVINGS CORPORATION eee | HOUSE § 19 Simcoe St, N Oshaws & Pl og SPREADERS LU é For Stock Taking Call a ihe _ wwe mt aan oe. y Shviongll your Garden Probleme 313 ALBERT ST., OSHAWA ® "HEAL STAT co Van Belle Gardens a m WILSON & LEE LTD. - canithars "Yun ilendly Garden Centra" SERVING THE PUBLIC FOR MORE THAN FIFTY YEARS [§ 87 SIMOOE ST. N. 125-4706 # © ft : > ve "Eastern Ontario's Largest Music Centre" ; On Highway No. 2... 623-5757 7 i ee ee ' = me é MULTIPLE LISTI \ : é a 4

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