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Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 May 1967, p. 5

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ARK net arity atial O'HEARN One absolutely in our system of that there must arity. That once 1 government he 0 speak for him- Boas he leaves ks we have seen of why we must case of Walter ng U.S. policy in ar. ~ s the instance of al Arthur Wish- ng forward his ns in the debate mn. f course, had to d by their lead- as this course en to them they ourse, f Mr. Gordon no ich he might in- marks were per- vould be inter- J.S. as from the e might consider ular to him, but » accepted as a @ general opinion » unless repudi- € applies to Mr. e applies to Mr. | the opinion, in provinces should ® federal govern- n of one member ture here, this of much impor- id be a radical gnized as such-- fact that private our parliaments rd radical views, pinion of a min- yvernment it has it weight. Ottawa it as the opinion ent, and it could ourse of federal- tions immeasur- Wishart person- it by any means lis well liked and ster has landed Sy over state- nade. inclined to talk occasion, aps because he chooled in politi- he entered the he house only in through the Po- , nt ended up as al less than a he had no great the delicacies in- e since has suf- 5 AGO IRS AGO 29, 1952 llips has secured ors in the final | the Faculty ot was also award- Keith Box Silvet odontology. 1 $14,000 damage | fire which rav- son and Kinsmen re on Simcoe 'RS AGO 29, 1937 2n has purchased ry on William St. se it for a wiper er business, BLE wereth a matter eth it, it is folly to him." Proverbs 18:15 nt is the porduct st of us are poor - we are un-willing all the evidence in who has the sten possesses a WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Guides, Bro Rally In Greenwood Area{ WHITBY (Staff) - Whitby Dis- trict Girl Guides and Brownies held a successuul Rally, Sat- urday, in Greenwood Conserva- tion Area. Following the raising of the Canadian flag, District Comm- issioner Mrs. Harvey Whale in- troduced Mayor Desmond New- man, Whitby, who welcomed everyone to the Centennial Ral- ly. Despite a rainy afternoon at- tendance was over 600 and her- itage displays put on by the girls included model villages of 100 years ago, butter making, the finished product being eaten for supper, Indi < oh store complete with samples, a fashion show, square dancing, a country fair, many displays of antiques and a large num- ber of the girls were in period costumes. . eye Legion Auxiliary Royal Canadian Legion La- dies Auxiliary, Branch 112, en- tertained at a social evening for auxiliaries from Bowmanville, Oshawa, Ajax and Brooklin un- der the convenership of the president, Mrs. Dorothy Ormis- ton Assisting were Mrs. Jean King, Mrs. Mabel James, Mrs. Dorothy Moore, Mrs. Fay Cars- well, Mrs. Maude Brown, Mrs. Dorothy Archer, Mrs. Mabel Lindley, Mrs. Betty Beckley, Mrs. Dorothy McRae, Mrs. Thelma Keoghan, Mrs. Lillian Kirk and Mrs. Marg Cassady. Entertainment was provided by Mrs. Marg Connelly and four of her dancing school pupils. Mrs. Hilda Dunbar gave a skit on "Phyllis Diller'. Three young girls known as the "Remnants" sang and Mrs. Laverne Rousseau and _ her quartet, "The Ding Dong Bells" from the chapter of the Sweet Adelines, Oshawa, rendered several selections. Ron Carey accompanied at the piano. An invitation was extended to Ratepayers Prepared To Oppose Annexation WHITBY (Staff) - Whitby Township Ratepayers' President L. C. Emmons, of 90 Apple- 'wood Crescent, said this week- end he believes the Town of Whitby has verbally offered a fair deal to township ratepay- ers in amalgamation. Mr. Emmons, who initially op- posed amalgamation, said his group was now prepared to op- pose the Oshawa ennexation of the Whitby corridor. Mr. Emmons said he was pleased by the two meetings held for information by the town and towhship last week but that he was disappointed at the turnout. 50.- 50 SPLIT The ratepayer president said that the people living in the cor- ridor were split about 50 - 50/p $400 Damage At Pickering School PICKERING (Staff) Picker- ing Township Police reported about $400 damage to the Vaughan Willard School, Dixie a Road, during the weekend. Investigating, Constable Lau- rie Watson, said today that Saturday night or Sunday mor- ning 10 windows were broken, a high jump standard was des- troyed and a roof TV aerial was damaged. Police have been instructed by the school board to lay char- ges agains children damaging school property. The investiga- tion is continuing. Pupils To Present Historical Play PICKERING -- As a cen- tennial project, the pupils of Pickering Township School Ar- ea No. 2 will present the play "A Reason to be Proud", May 31, June 1, and 2, in the Pick- ering District High School. A cast of 180 pupils will re- count a number of the high- lights of Canada's history. A combined orchestra and choir of 365 pupils will present the musical part of the pageant. The production was more than a year in the planning stage and is somewhat unique as it is written, arranged and directed by 'local teachers. wnies Hold Rope maing, quilting, em- broidery and rug making were also in progress during the after- noon. Points were given the heri- tage displays by the judges: Mayor Desmond Newman, Har- vey Whale, Glenn Robeson, Har- old Grylls and Ron Morris. Points were also given for rac- es, attendance and knot and semaphore contests. pany, Captain, Mrs, W. Edwards and the 8th Whitby Brownie Pack, Brown Owl, Mrs. Tani Kozak won the trophies. The Area Commissioner, Mrs. H. T. Cook and Division Com- missioner, Mrs. R. Merritt, also attended. Supper was cooked and eaten and they ended around a huge campfire where each company sang their favorite song. Hosts At Social members to go to Port Perry to see the Brooklin Branch pre- sented with its new charter next Monday. Those wishing to go should be at the Whitby Le- gion Halil at 7.45 p.m. for bus accommodation. Winners of the prizes, donated by Whitby members, were: Mrs. Gibbs, Mrs. Min Close, Mrs. Ann Jacgline, Mrs. Barrett, Mrs. Mary Patterson, Mrs. Gertrude Williams, Mrs. Cardinal, Mrs. Blow, Mrs. Bres- lin, Mrs, Fran McEvers and Mrs. Reid, Oshawa; Mrs. Maude Brown, Mrs. Bernice Johnson, Mrs. Mabel James, Mrs. Ellen Dalby, Mrs. B. Dalby and Mrs. Durocher, Whitby; Mrs. Rose Nesbitt and Mrs. Pat Phyllis, Brooklin; Mrs. Flo Hayes, Mrs. English, Mrs. Mary Sibeon and Mrs. Dorothy Allan, Ajax; Mrs. Mary Westover, Mrs. Annie Wright, Mrs. Audrey Bates and Mrs. Newman, Bowmanville. At the close of a most enjoy- able evening a delicious lunch was served by the committee in charge. for amalgamation and Oshawa annexation and that most of them felt a regional govern- ment should be established. Mr. Emmons added that in his opinion Whitby was about 25 years behind in the amal- gamation thoughts; but agreed that progress in the area could not be stopped by remaining dormant. "If regional government could be effected it would ben- ifit ratepayers greater than a- malgamation and services might have been obtained at a lower cost if the six municipalities joined together", said Mr. Em- mons referring to the suggest- ed region of Darlington Town- ship, Bowmanville, Oshawa, East Whitby Township, Whitby Township and the Town of Whit- y. APATHY DEFERRED Mr. Emmons said there was an unfortunate lack of enthus- iasm by the people and most of them did not want to be bothered attending two informa- tion meetings at Whitby and Brooklin last Thursday and Fri- ay. Whitby Mayor Desmond New- man said he was delighted by the reaction of township rate- payers, He said that, because of their interest, the corridor area had received special con- sideration in the amalgamation study, Women Accept Plastic Surgery . MONTREAL (CP) -- Dr. Ri- chard Farrior, a leading U.S. The '1st Whitby Guide Com- »-WHITBY -- AJAX Two District WHITBY MAYOR Des- mond Newman attended the flag raising ceremony at the Whitby and District Girl Guides and Brownies Centennial rally held at the Greenwood Conservation Area Saturday. Raising the flag are three Brooklin guides. From left are: An- nette Thiebaud, Pat Nolan, and Betty Appleton and Whitby Girl Guides Com- BAY RIDGES (Staff) -- Two young children were struck by cars in the Bay Ridges area this weekend. Saturday at 12.30 p.m. three- year-old Robin Lalonde, of 716A Maple Avenue, Fairport, Beach received a fractured pelvis and multiple abrasions when she was struck by a car back- ing out of Maple Avenue. The driver, Balazs Csercsa,| of 717 Maple Avenue, told Po- 4 \lice he was backing out of the 4\short private street when he 1 /felt he had run over something. He stopped the car and found the toddler's hand under his, car wheel. The girl was rushed to To- ronto's Sich Children's Hospi- tal and later released. Police believe sand on the road pos- sibly prevented more serious Injured In Accidents Children injuries, Constable Laurie Wat- son investigated the accident Sunday. Two-year-old Michael Mac- Isaac, of 1422 Colman Avenue, Bay Ridges, received abras- ions to his forehead, bridge of nose and knee when he ran out from the edge of the road into the path of a car driven by Graham G. Hedges, of 710 Cortez Avenue, Bay Rid- ges. Michael was treated at_ the Ajax and Pickering Genral Hos- pital and released. Mr. Hedges 'said he was tra- velling at about 20 mph when he saw the child. The acci- dent occured in front of 1415 Colmar Avenue, Pickering Twonship Constable Ray Good- win investigated the accident, no charges have been laid. | Ambulance Men Seek Meeting CHATHAM (CP)--The pres!- dent of the Ontario Ambulance Operators Association charged Sunday that the new Ontario Ambulance Act makes a mock- tlery of the hoped-for standard- lization of ambulance service across the province. Douglas Arbour, who said he worked for months with provin- cial officials in designing the legislation, said more than half the ambulances in the province would be exempted under "'es- cape clauses" in the Act. Abmulance services which do not receive municipal grants will be exempted, he said. This includes more than half the am- 'bulances in Ontario. Also, if a. municipality certi- fies an ambulance service is adequate, the Minister of Health may exempt the service from the rules. "If this regulation is allowed to stand, any municipal clerk can swear to the adequacy of the service and the municipality missioner Mrs. Harvey Whale. The Guides and Brownies were judged on "heritage displays' and held competitions during the afternoon and evening. --Oshawa Times Photo New Church Dedicated WHITBY (Staff) -- An over- flow congregation attended the dedication service of the new Whitby Baptist Church, Reyn- olds and Gilbert Streets, Sun- day afternoon. The pastor, Rev. John McLeod conducted the service, The spacious auditor- ium, and overflow area were filled and many heard the ser- vice over a public address sys- tem in the basement. The keys to the church were formally turned over by the builder, George Delaney of Osh- awa, to Leonard J. Rich of the building committee, who in turn handed them to Harold Craw- forth of the board of trustees. Rev. Dr. Edgar Bailey, pre- sident of the Baptist Federa- tion of Canada, the special speaker, who dedicated the MONDAY, May 30 | Co-Op Credit Union banking night; Whitby Baptist Church Explorers; ist) Whitby Scouts; Whitby General Hospital Wo- men's Auxiliary general meet- ing; Ajax Women's Institute. TUESDAY, May 30 Pentecostal Church Young People's Christ Ambassadors; WHITBY, AJAX CALENDAR -- Social Work Plan Proposed TORONTO (CP)-- Education Minister William Davis said Sa- will save itself from any ex- penditure in this important area," he said, Mr. Arbour has asked for an immediate meeting with Health Minister Matthew Dymond to protests. Professor Wins Al-Anon Family Group; Whit- by Whittlers TOPS Club; Whit- by Shrinking Violets TOPS Club; Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club; Red Cross work room; Faith Baptist Church Pioneer Girls; Pickering Pound Peelers TOPS Club. WEDESDAY, May 31 Whitby St. John Ambulance; Salvation Army Prayer and Bible Study; St. John Nursing Cadets; Ajax Senior Citizens' Kir Rally Cup'. OTTAWA (CP)--M. A. Cope- Friendship Club; Ajax St Paul's United Church CGIT. THURSDAY, June 1 Whitby Baptist Church Cubs; Salvation Army Women's Home League; Whitby St. John turday the government is in- vestigating the possibility or or- conduct summer programs in social work, He said the organization, which would be similar to the federal government's Company of Young Canadians, was pro- new church, reminded the con- gregation 'not to substitute buildings and beautiful surroun- dings for Jesus Christ and Him crucified as the centre of wor- ship. Rev. N. F. Swackhammer, pastor of First Baptist Church, shawa, assisted in the serv- ice by offering the prayer of dedication. Greetings from the Ontario. Ladies' College were brought by its principal, Rev. Dr. S. L. Osborne, Greetings were also brought by Rev. Dr. Harold Trenier, representing the Baptist Convention of On- tario and Quebec and Rev. John Van Harmelen, president of the Whitby Ministerial As- sociation. Mayor Desmond New- posed by the Ontario Union of Students. A committee studying the proposal is expected to re- port in October. Mr. Davis and other govern- ganizing university students to Melting Shadows TOPS Club. Ambulance Cadets; Faith Bap- tist Church WMS; Ajax Happy land, an engineering professor at Carleton University, won the Governor-General's Cup at the 14th annual national air rally here Saturday. He was judged among 41 contestants after fly- FRIDAY, June 2 Red Cross Senior Cititzen's Club; Co-Op Credit Union banking night; Salvation Army Timbral Brigade. SATURDAY, June 3 Salvation Army Young People's Band. SUNDAY, June 4 St. Mark's United Church Hi-C Group. leg course oldest aircraft in the event, Mrs. Roland Michener, wife of the Governor-General, pre- sented the trophy at Rockcliffe Airport. Dougg Peacock of Ottawa was named the best navitator and Bill Gollop of Utopia, Ont., had the best time score. top pilot] ing 165 miles with the greatest accuracy in following the four- and the allotted time. His 1944 Aeronca was the Three Rescued THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, May 29, 1967 5 Kiddies Meet Real Princess By DON HARVEY WHITEHORSE, Y.T. (CP)--| The kids came hundreds of miles in droves Sunday to see} James Smith introduced the couple as Chechakos, newcom: ers to the north. He said he re- gretted they would not be here long enough to become sour: doughs, experienced northern ers, but hoped some day theif children would be able to come and spend more time in White- horse. - cecilia a real princess. | They came from Watson Lake, Carcross, Haines Junction | and Mayo to see Princess Alex- andra and her husband, Angus Ogilvy. When the RCAF Yukon flying the royal standard landed, Her Royal Highness stepped off the | aircraft dressed in a terra cotta coat and matching hat, walked down the ramp and chatted | briefly with 42 members of the} 6th Whitehorse Girl Guide troop. | After inspecting a guard of | honor of members from the, the Royal Canadian <.e gion) here, the couple was whisked off) down Two-Mile Hill to their ac- commodation in Whitehorse. One-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Wallpaper end Murels @ Custom Uraperies @ Broadloom @ C.I.L. Paints and Varnishes @ Benjamin Moore Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. PHONE 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby At their hotel, commissioner | By Freighter The Canadian freighter Hoche- laga rescued three Cleveland men and picked up the bodies of two others Sunday after their power yacht sank in Lake Erie, about 26 miles off Fairport, Ohio. The Hochelaga was unable to locate the body of a sixth man from the 26-foot yacht, which rescuers found floating with only its bow above water. Rescued were Patrick Calla- han, Burney Lassand and Ron- ald Sebastion. The bodies of Carl Neubacker, owner of the yacht, and Gerald Malholtz were recovered. Still missing is Henry Tilbert. The survivors and the two bodies were taken aboard a U.S. Coast Guard boat near Fairport. James Smillie of Toronto, cap- tain of the Hochelaga, said the survivors told him they had been in the water about four hours. No explanation was estab- lished for the yacht's sinking. The Hochelaga, delayed about six hours by the rescue, arrived here Sunday with a cargo of iron ore. WELL SHAPED Says Lucille Ball of the rigors of physical comedy: "My work in shape for my PORT COLBORNE, Ont. (CP)| SINGLE VISION $43 % OPTOMETRIST 14% King St. East 723-2721 SAME LOW PRICES. ment officials met Saturday with a group of 22 student coun- cil presidents from Ontario uni- versities to exchange informa- tion and listen to the students' proposals. Peter Larson, representing the Univeersity of Western On- tario,) said he was not satisifed with the results of the meeting. "We just didn't do our home- work and I don't think the gov- ernment was particularly im- pressed with our proposals," he said, "They were able to give us a first class snow job." WHITBY Program W.6 Macs A MANN-LAURENCE- WASSERMAN PRODUCTION Bunn man expressed the good wish- es of the town. OSHAWA ALUMINUM | STARS FOR EXPO Comedian Jack Benny and top pop group The Supremes have been booked for Expo in Seles & Service @ ALUMINUM SIDING @ ALUMINUM STORMS, PATIOS & RAILINGS @ ALUMINUM AWNINGS, ETC. 58 Nessau St. Oshawa Ph, 725-7922 Jims are Je Sons: Szaue sit wage ah BEGIN AT 8:55 P.M. ALSO SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION Begins 7:30 "THE SWINGER" in Color Starring ANN MARGRET -- TONY FRANCIOSA Recommended As ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BROCK. bow Playing -- One Complete 'Toe Strangest Girl Hunt A Man Ever Went Oa! Each Evening at 7:30 | Assurance Company GARY NESBITT Representative SUN LIFE of Canada Oshawa Shopping Centre Phone 725-4563 July and August r ively. surgeon, told the 1 meet- ing of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Recon- structive Surgery during the weekend that women usually accept the idea of plastis sur- gery more realistically than men. Dr. Farrior said that women see plastic surgery as another 'way to change their appearance while men often see it as a way to change their lives. "Women accept the idea of changing their appearances be- cause they are used to it," he said. 'They do it all the time at beauty parlors, with changing hairdos and with different styles of makeup. "Men often expect it to solve whatever problems they may have, from success in business to popularity with women." Prof. Bemhardt Dies At 66 TORONTO (CP) -- Professor | Kar! S. Bernhardt, 66, retired director of the University of Toronto's Institute of Child Study, died Sunday in hospital. He had been in failing health since his retirement in 1964. Prof. Bernhardt was the author of Discipline and Child Guidance, published in 1964, as well as hundreds of articles on child guidance. LEWIS OPTICAL | Established for over 30 yeors 1014 King Street West 725-0444 BINGO et the Columbus Club 133 Brock St. N. WHITBY EVERY TUES. NIGHT Doors Open at 7 P.M. Admission 50¢ Ne Children Under 16 Years ef age please. Bingo Starts at 8 P.M. SHARP You get 50% more interest Bank of Montreal a Canada's First Bank Ask about a 44% True Savings Account'at your nearest branch 17 BOND ST. E. 2nd FLOOR Phone 728-1261 "ONE LO | PRICE COMPLETE WITH FRAME, LENSES AND CASE WHY PAY MORE ? 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM BIFOCALS YOUR CHOICE... FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT WE FILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS AT BIFOCALS $7995 KRYPTOK, ULTEX, FLAT-TOP HOURS: MON. TO SAT. 9 am. to 5 p.m. CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Planning A "EXTRA By Selling Your Items . . . call "Read by used by e THEN PLAN TO TAKE ALONG 123-3892 acti CLASSIFIED Vacation ? Unwanted everyone veryone"'

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