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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 May 1967, p. 12

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» SEATED CENTRE, is Mrs. Irving Hyman, presi- Bent of the Piyah Chapter ef Hadassah, which cele- . es oe brated its 40th anniversary dent of the Beth Zion Sister- on Saturday night at a gala hood and right, Mrs. Jack dinner and dance. Left is Appleby, immediate past Mrs. Carola Kahn, presi- president. Some of the past Mrs. Edward Glazier, Mrs. H. M. "Max" Collis, Mrs. David Crotin and Mrs. Harry Greene. In the pic- presidents are seen stand- ing, left to right, Mrs. Arnold Greene, Mrs. Joseph Haas, Mrs. Morris Segal, taad The Club Canadien Fran- cais d'Oshawa recently held 'a "Bal du Centenaire" * which. attracted many dan- pe bl "Judges from Toronto se- lected the gown of Mrs. 3 ; ; held at the Credit Union Fa Camille Doiron as the best Hall with a large atten- . centennial dress for ladies. dance and many outstand- - Mrs. Doiron is seen re- ing costumes. 4 ceiving her prize from --Oshawa Times Photo FRENCH-CANADIAN CLUB HOLDS CENTENNIAL DANCE president, Mare Couture, centre, are on the left, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tanguay, second prize winners and right, Mrs. Jean Cardinal cers in period costumes. The judges had a difficult task in selecting prize win- ners. Seen above with the % the Hotel Genosha on Saturday night the Piyah Chapter of Hadassah celebrated its 40th an- niversary. Mrs. Jack Appleby, a past president many times, acted as dinner chairman and |master of ceremonies for the largely - attended event. Guests at the head table in- cluded Mayor Ernest Marks and Mrs. . Marks; the Honorable Michael Starr MP and Mrs. Starr; Albert Walker MPP and Mrs. Walker; Rabbi Manachem Kutziner and Mrs. Kutziner; a representative of Tronto Hadassah, Mrs. Rose Halpern 'and her husband; President of the Beth Zion Sisterhood, Mrs. Carola Kahn of Brooklin. Also introduced were charter members, Mrs. L. S. Hyman and Mrs. Samuel Rotish, and the chairman of the Centennial Co-ordinating Committee Hay- ward Murdoch and Mrs. Mur- doch. Following dinner a presenta- tion of a cheque for $300 from the Hadassah and the Sister- and Mr. first | Cardinal, prize winners. Mr. and Mrs. Rene Longtin were award- ed the prize for the most original costume for a pair. The highlight of the annual mother and daughter banquet of the 29th Oshawa Guide Com- pany held at St. Mark's Angli- can Church was the presenta- tion of gold cords to Diane f|Nugent and Kathryn Seeley. The guests were greeted at the door by Brownies Brenda Gatto and Susan Sinclair and by Guides Ruth Badour and Susan Waller. The toast to the Queen was given by Brownie Lyn Dul- yea. Grace was said by the Rev- erend Alfred Woolcock followed by dinner and the cutting of the gold cord cakes. Greetings from the Oshawa Division were given by Mrs. D. E. Fox, Division Commissioner. Mistress of ceremonies, Guide Leslie Corneal introduced the head table as follows: Mrs. E. V. Grondin, Parent Committee secretary; Mrs. J. S.Waller, re- tired captain; her daughter Susan, a Guide, and daughter Ronalee Waller, Provincial Cadet; Mrs. Frank Foley, Tawny Owl; Diane Nugent, Cpmpany Leader; Mrs. H. H. gent, Brown Owl; Mrs. D. E. Fox, Division Commissioner; Mrs. Alfred Woolcock; Mr. 4|Woolcock, Rector St. Mark's Anglican Church; Leslie Cor- neal, Guide; Mrs, Robert Cor- neal, president, Parent Commit- tee; Mrs. D. E. Gardner, Deptuy teres Division Commissioner; Mrs. ' Kenneth Ridge, Westport Dis- trict Guider; Mrs. W. J. Mce- Lean, Westport District Com- missioner and captain of the 29th Company; Mrs. M. E. Al- lin, Lieutenant; Wendy Allin, Guide; Kathy Seeley, Company Couture. Mare The successful dance was President ie ae Telephone 723-3474 for Wearing period costumes, Mrs. Wilfred L. Anthony, presi- dent, assisted by Mrs. John Collins and Mrs. _ Clifford Rundle, vice-presidents, will re- ceive at Northminster UCW Centennial Tea tomorrow after- noon when the attractions will include a display of dolls '"'A Century of Fashion" loaned by i Mrs. Norman Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hains, Don Mills, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Barnes and Mr. and Mrs. William Harnden, of Oshawa enjoyed a holiday at the Seignory Club in Quebec. Mrs. Robinson 'Simpson, Kaiser crescent, attended the Hartley - Simpson wedding in St. John's Anglican Church, ( Chapleau, Ontario. The bride, the former Dale Simpson, a SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor in the mammoth bazaar to be held at the shopping centre in June and the centennial com- mittee reported that a display of authentic oil paintings de- picting the life of the Ukrain- ian settlers in Canada since / a would be on dis- registered nurse and the bride-|?.2Y at the McLaughlin Public groom, Gilbert Hartley, a tech- Library in October. The June Women's Department | Two Gold Cords Presented At 29th Guide Company Banquet ' Leader; Mrs. Lorne Seeley, White Owl; Judy Seeley, Guide; Mrs. W. G. Willmore, treasurer, Parent Committee; Janice Will- more, Guide and Joanne Will- more, Guide. A toast to the mothers was proposed by Guide Sagan and was replied to by liam: Willmore thanked the members of the Women's Aux- iliary of St. Mark's Anglican Church who catered. Mrs, Nugent presented the Leprechaun Six with their award as the six with the most points for inspection for the year. They were Sixer Lyn Dul- yea, Seconder Judy _ Nash, Brownies Deana Cruwys, Janice Sinclair,' Joy Pankhurst and Debra England. Mrs. McLean Wilson who gave a speech on the Gold Cord. The Guides formed two lad- ders and Diane Nugent and Kathy Seeley accompanied by their mothers descended the lad- ders cutting gold ribbons as Mrs. McLean read a resume of their Guide career. When the last ribbon was cut Mrs. Waller presented the Gold Cords to the their daughters' arms. A Gold Cord pin from the Oshawa Divi- sion was presented to each of the two Guides by Mrs. Fox. Mrs. Corneal gave each girl a juide ring from the Parent Committee, Kathy Seeley pre- sented gifts to Mrs. Waller from herself and Diane. Mrs. Waller received gifts from the Parent Committee and the Guide Com- pany. The Brownies presented a skit entitled "Brownie."' The Guides held a variety night ending with a centennial fashion show. The evening closed with campfire and the singing of Taps. Special guests at the banquet and presentations of the Gold' Cords were Harold Nugent and Lorne Seeley; Mrs. E. A. See- ley and Mrs. T. A. Parker, Ka- nician, are both on the staff of meeting wil be held at the the Hospital for Sick Children, |0me of Mrs. Donald Sadoway. thryn's grandmothers. Toronto. Dr. H. R. Rowsell, Mrs. T. D. Thomas and Miss Isobel Sorley attended the annual meeting of the Victorian Order of Nurses n Ottawa recently, and gave reports of it to the May Direc- tors' meeting held at the Osh- awa City Hall. Miss Sorley re- ported that a total of 454 visits were made during April to 94 patients, 26 of whom were ad- mitted during that month. The Reverend and Mrs. Ros- tyslaw Panczenko opened their | home for the May meeting of the Barvinok Branch of the Ukrainian Women's Associa- tion. Arrangements were made 74 CELINA STREET FOR THE FINEST "Free Customer Parking While Shopping et Our Store" Custom and Ready Made DRAPES oe ae sa and Mé&C Dry Goods & Draperies EXPERTLY INSTALLED DRAPERY TRACKS 723-7827 Marlene © Mrs. W. H. Langton. Mrs. Wil- ° introduced Patrol Leader Ellen § England as one of the tests for § mothers who placed them on™ hood was presented to the mayor as a contribution to the Hills and Dales Centennial Gar- den. The Piyah Chapter of Hadas- sah was organized at the home of Mrs. Annie Engel, mother of Mrs. Harry J. Marks, (nee Rose ture on the right, Mayor Ernest Marks, an honored guest at the banquet, is seen receiving a contribu- 'Hadassah Marks Anniversary | With Centennial Contribution At a gala dinner and dance in| Engel) together with Mrs. L. S. Hyman, Mrs. Samuel Rotish, Mrs. Max Collis, Mrs. Em- manuel Burns, Mrs. Ida Dime, Mrs. Rachael Glazier, Mrs. Joseph Gerschkowich, Mrs. Eva Einhorn, Mrs. Marie Schwartz, Mrs. Anne Crozier, Mrs. Nathan Oilgisser, Mrs. Pinchus Black, Mrs. Fanny Schwartz, Mrs. Rachel Schwartz, Mrs. Hassal Schiff, Mrs. Morris Marder. Some of these charter mem- bers are still active in Hadas- sah. There are now 57 members in the Piyah Chapter. The meet- ings are held the last Monday of every month. There are many fund-raising projects; teas held in the members' homes, but the big event of the year is the an- nual spring bazaar. The funds are distributed to some specific Jewish causes as well as to the main local chari- ties, such as the Red Feather Drive, March of Dimes, Cancer Society, Heart Fund and others. The present slate of officers is as follows: President, Mrs, Irv- ing Hyman; vice - presidents, Mrs. Rodney Kruger, Mrs. Ed- ward Glazier, Mrs. Jack Snider; recording secretary, Mrs. Wil- fred Stemeroff; financial secre- tary, Mrs. Morris Segal; trea- surer, Mrs. Zenon Zlotnik; pub- licity chairman, Mrs. Herman Goldstein, bulletin chairman, Mrs. Ernest Kahn. DIANE NUGENT, KATHRYN SEELEY $ --Oshawa Times Photo INTERPRETS SONGS MONTREAL (CP) Adri- enne Roy-Vilandre, wife of the ninth Marquis de Ruze d'Effiat, interprets songs of Canada's aborigines and has recorded albums entitled A Chorale of Caughnawaga and Ten Tribes of Ten Provinces. To sing the songs effectively, the marquise learned to play the tom-tom jand the chichigwam, a gourd filled with pebbles. EXPERT RE-FINISHING On all Types of Furniture French Polishing - Restoration of Antiques ] Oshawa Upholstering Co. | 725-0311 = |tied to three small children at = |small home business that pro- 'Iplace Friday, June 16, 1967 at tion to the Hills and Dales Centennial Garden from Mrs. Carola Kahn, The cheque for $300 represent- ed a combined donation from the Hadassah and the Sisterhood. --Oshawa Times Photos | Pupils Present Music Recital A piano and voice recital was given Thursday evening in the McLaughlin Public Library by the students of Marjorie L. Kerr, ATC RMT. Taking part in the singing were Christine Kuch, who chose as her number "Lullaby" by Mozart: Linda Popham who sang "Searching for Lambs"' by Sharp; Vicki MacBurnie, "A Sunny Shaft" by Broadhead; Dianne Yurkonski, 'Boats of Mine" by Millar, and Shelby Watson singing 'The Second Minuet" by Besly. Piano duets were played by Marlene Metcalf and Darlene Gamble; Jill Blair and Alex- andra Wells; and Lauren Magee jand Debra Gallinger. A piano trio was given by Catherine Evans, Trinela Cane and Alex- andra Galbraith. Others participating in the >|piano solo section were: Sharon Lambersky, Janet Clark, David McLaren, Sandra Sorri, Mau- reen Grant, Jennifer Wells, »|Susan Davis, Robert Broadbent, ~\Murray Richardson, Ralph Son- =|ley, Evalyn Dowton, Archer Guy, David Popham, Elaine Lipski, Michael Dawson, Mary Solotorow, Beaulah Buchwald, Vera Zaika, George Goreglad, Irene Rechitzki, Stephen Powell, Joanne Chmara, Carol Weir. At the close of the evening Women THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, May 30, 1967 Than to Make By ROBERTA ROESCH Dear Roberta Roesch: Re- cently I was transferred to a new department in my firm and the boss I inherited thinks I understand a great deal more about the work than I do. So far I've kept my ignorance to myself, because I don't want him to know I'm as in the dark as I am about the work I'm supposed to do. But I feel I could function better if I could ask questions now and then. How far do you think I can go without showing myself in a bad light?--B. R. Dear B. R.: As far as you need to go in order to do your best work. To do this, frame your questions intelligently. | Ask them at the right time. And never be afraid to inquire about something that will help you be} more confident on the job. Dear Roberta Roesch: What can I do to earn a second in- come for our family when I'm home? Even when my husband works overtime the money won't go around. do other women do when they face this situation? --Mrs. V. T. i Dear Mrs. V. T.: Many of them do what you can do, too. Namely, they pull their talents and skills together and start a vides a second income. | Usually the initial efforts, have to be modest if a woman has children who are small. But at least make the effort. There are many kinds of ven- tures that women in your posi- tion have gone into in a small way at first, and then developed SOCIAL NOTICE FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE The forthcoming marriage is announced of Patricia Lynn, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. (Ruddy) Andrews, to Thomas H. Werry, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Werry, all of Oshawa. The wedding will take 7.00 p.m. in St. Paul's Presby- terian Church, Oshawa. BIRKS JEwWELRLLER S | for the branch's participation , 4 For all your drapery needs see 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 -- New | Beauty and | |! Sparkle | for All Your Jewellery Hagerty Jewel Clean preserves and cleans your precious posses- sions...quickly, easily, safely. 6-o7zs, 1.00 BIRKS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE It's Better To Ask. Questions Mistakes into worthwhile enterprises. Just think of all the services that are needed today. Make a list and analyse it carefully. Then consider your own skills and tastes. You are bound to find a few things that you can do, or perhaps learn to do while, at the same time, you take care of your home and children. Here are some of the things that women, facing the same problem as you, have done: photo retouching or tinting; secretarial or clerical home services, telephone canvassing; child care services; managing pre-school or vacation play groups; flower-arranging; can- awards were presented for their year's work. Those receiving them were (Junior) Debra Gal- linger, Maureen Grant, Cath- erine Evans, Shelly Watson and Walter Gallinger, (Senior) Ste- phen Powell, Mary Solotorow, Beaulah Buchwald, Joanne Chmara and Carol Weir. Ushering were Joan Weir and Janet Edmondson. dlemaking; ceramics; fancy baking; knitting; making rugs, curtains, bedspreads or slip- covers; dressmaking and alter- ations; chair caning; furniture refinishing. ENJOY THE BEST OF EVERYTHING Modern accommodation « Wonderful meals « Golf with Professional ¢ Tennis « Safe beach and dock swimming * Boats, sailing, water skiinge Fishing « ShuffleboardsDancing « Summer Theatre * Sports Director and Social Hostess + Free Children's Hostess ¢ Special family and golf- week rates. ania Kingsway P.0., Lake of Bays Tel. 705-635-2221 If you own your home and need cash See U$$$$$$$$ If you'ye put money into a home, you can use that equity to get cash for almost any reason, with an Associates Home Owners Loan. Interest rates are reasonable without any hidden charges or obscure clauses. And with a Home Owners Loan, interest is computed monthly on the unpaid balance, which means every payment reduces the amount of interest you pay. If you need money, visit the Associates, where the equity in your home can be worth $2,000 or more. ASSOCIATES REALTY CREDIT LIMITED 111 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA PHONE 725-6531 FOR FREE GUIDE MAP OF EXPO 67 CALL AT ANY AS SOCIATES OFFICE SEER aa morn = * -- PRR | | | Tt TORONT! Toronto SI Quotations 2--Odd lot, rights, xw-- from previou Stock 5 Acad Uran Bankfield Bethim Black Bay Brunswk Cam Mine Camp Chib Cdn Keely C Lencourt Can-fer Captain Cassiar Chestrvile Coniagas Con-Key C Bellek C Callinan C Marben C Mogul ¢ Morisn Con Negus | C Rambler Cop Fieids Craigmt D'Eldona Denison Donaida i Endako Frobex Glenn Exp Goidrim : Gortdrm Grandroy . Granduc Granisie Gulch : High-Bt Huds Bay Int Bibis T 2 Kirk -- Min Macasse Marchant Mc iIntyre Midrim Min-Ore Mt-Wright 9 Multi-Mi Newconx N_ Impri 1 N Kelore N Que Ragi N Senator 8 Norbaske Norbask r 6 Norbeau Norlex Normetal Northcal ' Obaske ' Opemska 7 Pamour Patino 1 Pce Expl Pine Point Placer Probe M ie Q Mattgmi 35 Quemont Radiore § Rayrock i Rio Algom} Rio Alg ¢ w Roman 12 Satellite 10 Sherritt Silvrfids Silvmq Siscoe e Stanrck 3 Steep. 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