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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 May 1967, p. 16

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38--Comin, 6--Legal : Sale |36--Leg --Compact Cars fo oard 31--Co 28--Room and B TICE to ents for Rent i NO r Rent ,26--Apartm - ler Kings 6--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments fo ONE = BEDROOM spariment, seit on LE ROOMS The Ramb Givclagh CREDITORS 26--Apartments for Rent 2: = tained, private entrance and bath, Trul' SIN Rositiarville 2 Pater a werk ing col THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 30, 1967 . GOVERNOR Telephone 576250 mw] and BOARD MAY SALE ee ceases TWO, one bedroom Segre Freee . thon Toronto Prices. |apruip e 1 Estate for Sale WE KNOW THE G R E N FE LL MANSIONS and 'hydro, included, $110 monthly. Ad. Apply: Lower Big +A ies Pi ue alike for Sale |20--Reo XING ATMOSPHERE eer, Avan dig tes tod eatin ivision St. 3,000 Mile Warranty. | Ali persons Arthur 20--Real Estate NORTHWEST -- Large 1,200 | squere| RELA pi ADULT PRESTIGE nO ones 25 Division e «24 60 Months To Pay. against the acta mo ? IN | room bungalow he id GOLBORNE EAST, 87 Room and idswor: C H O O S E "eer acrepeing | contre mortgage, S Q U A R E RESIDENCE OnE BEDROOM spariment mh door. CORRORNE GAST. nua eet oe north "Neh 40 SELECT -- rg | Sebel denned, Vendor wi ; stove, . Tele- B v ' Phone today. Douglas J. M4. Bulied Real PRINCESS ™ Now available two 2-bedroom me TOON en By eee Os gentleman, TR. GHGANE. FRO who died on or rte YOUR NEW HOMESITE coe stieET WORTH two bedroom ONE Tg suites. For appointment ae SELF-CONTAINED three - room rostebyy bacco sola gener Pat a vlieges, TRENT 22nd neipeep on Ange R SIMCOE now. Good in- BEDR s these cutstanding suites ivate bath, private entrani nh cked, Ti 1967, are igned . frame bungalow, Rented now. 725-1044 NE view ment, pr ite ooh please. Avail-|iunches pa flemah to the undersign : IN BEAU VALLEY yestment, Teloghene 735-535 or OSHAWA'S LARGEST please call fridge, stove. Adults ot oon AND BOARD et one on tore AUTO & SALES atoll for the Administra- : rties +W0FURNIDIED oom eoarioaar| ane me 728-5455, , the Ist day 20a--Summer Prope SUITES T2334 712 ; Two penne guitine eg Seg Bone: SOs tor itlemen, S. € Bowmanville trix, on or before full par- 1on NOW - For Sale or Rent AP aon ot two iris Rees See tance ima Saale" "3305 of June, A.D. ads aim -- Co! ee be nll amt ked. is ' i aims. os Holidays with No * beg nth gp gill "ftove ond re ry AND BOARD 1 ai Pt Ase ot nadaouly ator 40 said Ist ida' i ite ba al i! . Close to J me A limited number of fully TALLPINES INN Con be yours in bird ig Sts Reasonable 728-2911 frigertok: nice modern kitchen 290 Pa-| Coc meals, Parking, 798-4845. # VOLVO and PEUGOT day oF Jake 1967, sh oovets 2 JAI Ld ites, indoor alee icati cific Avenue, : ieee tral, Ap- sed wi ° ee Singlet 'esutes "6 cottages | (00m, treed. Tot individual ig Ani SHELDIAN game asin any any 0% Ae MSS EDR. VOLVO! On ipa tributed emongst the pari Nos. 5 available in be i @suites © cottoges | ail delivery, ample pa { Grapes, appliances, at door, adja-|lY 2) eneral Repair an ereto, having re- inest location. © singies included) nd this is just a few of the MANSIONS Berra svey fer ne, Child wel-|®_P.m. 'and board for gentle : Electric Service entitled thi laims of which fines' (all meals i te én r for luxury living with : cent shopping. Freese ROOM or se OO eager A AR oi Auto-Elec gard only to ¢ bs One LOTS $7 500. ee? ee der te ca ot FREE 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites, come. 723-5035, artments, avall- Peed G dayera week, Phone 7257758 ke and Bill's Garage the undersigned get 60' L Re ae Hwy, be Ne meats Sublet -- reduced yy te abi nen eerie ras nen ro id to Rent " 449. Ritson Rd, South the Administratrix shall then $300 in 5 R.R. No, B available without lease. Swim- | a th slant 319 Condove "aie P -- Wanted to Re : . 3 retice, , Nowhere In Oshawa can you Phone WEST GUILFORD 2656 Princess Anne A pts. @ HEALTH CLU ming pool, opposite south 2 Days 7285070, nights 723-548 29. rm enturisied Baie] Oxhoyg 728-0921 hav i $200 in a buy better lots for less a reitts: "Seite! 122) SIMCOE Si. i SAUNA ROOM M., Children welcome. Two E-ROOM apartment, ere pel Nal egy ess entrance and DATED et Oshawa this $25 Con money. If you are plonning MAuae COrrA® fection, Saimin, 725-9934 : SWIMMING POOL pal in all two and three |THREE-ROOM water page eg vad ook all Total bstainers. boa ZOLTAN and NICK'S day of May, 1967. Arn i i 3 09 or a ie & A illan Drive, side to pay $75 monthly, 728-6113, on building this spring, skiing, fishing. 725-2909 or 723-84 at bedroom: suites. M five.|ing to p ized Datsun c scot, Bile * riment, In a five-|!n9 fo equires two or Your Authorize: ALLACE, Q.C., stats] Mode) site tumshed by | ©. FREE HYDRO ee FOB 7942 ines sult Nat trane ot Saree Rreeatem oaner Sor ap | You, Aubored De Ti2 Simcoe 'Street North $10 per i ences, 1 ear wu" NOW amet Wlison Furniture, broad- @ French Provincial Kitchens 728-7942 lee lay welcome, 728-2036. Pibsie telephone. ae 5585, Specializing eee Box Ro lies Early Bird G i 7 "room apartment, near| Pea: iy needs house Repair an hawa, Is the time to choose four piece bath, pet 4, loom by Angus-Graydon. @ Indoor Parking BONUS dewntown. Apply. iss Albert Street. ster ret Cat Renee 160 Simcoe Souls Os : ; bg yg like best. » boat house, lot 100 . dro @ apart- HREE-ROOM apariment, separate en- Credit Union 728-51 : Solicitor for : Se i iu Saute sens tots. | MODELS OPEN DAILY . oe ssa ah ie Manes Stee nd raat vagatt Meteo ene Be 728-0051 M. Gladys. Sidsworth be is ; i TON, Shadow Lake, Norland, 4 ply 164 Grenfe WIDOWED LADY desires two d is, radio, one own- Administratrix. evailable. Or bring your HALIBUR' s, large. tiving room, till 9 P.M. i E PAY MOVING EXPENSES three rooms, d rooms, between Oshawa and | <5 e---- ire wheels, " pied t Three bedrooms, it heat, elec. 2 P.M. ti : @ Balconies Ww BASEMENT apartment, des |unfurnished ri Reasonable rent. 4 miles. Used as 20 Regular own plan ond have i kitchen and dining room, 0} i Road Beers MERINY WCHIORE | Bs Barry, "Abaaiier, Re ee aEAe le, 728-8791. in ! ese tor, indoor facilities, dloom Corridors onquon Roa private entranci Hlingt St. Andrew St., Galt, Ontario, |r, 28.0 priate sale, ble in bc ele fas vabiienions excellent 'beach, Avelisble' July-August. SATURDAY and SUNDAY ; oar Distance of si 798.9996 West, Oshawa, Telephone 123028 THREE-BEDROOM he ase wanted "by 1964 M.G.B, red, black peaettane antes T. n of Ajax Aon Game * ac r present home -- ron RENT, "three-bedroom -- furnished | 1] AM. till 7 P.M. Oshawa Shopping Centre FOUR ROOM partment with bath and 238 lcounle with ¥< children by, ie Heli pe tetgglnd renter laben dearly OW: 'nies FO » for ThAD q ' in Newcastle. Pr eck a Soe ¢ 7. Novae graces ia ae he ° cine taicos | FURNISHED anteater See Hee vim vacaeccer maz ee! TENDERS ADM ortgage BUY Saat" : Close to Public an UNFU nd retrigerator, downtown. Tele-/ Cok OR One. oe uns 987-4825, Newcastle, ; the BEST --- BUY a i e stove a ee Reply oy telephone be! vate sale, telephone 987-4 : ; Bus service | KASSINGER Built, home, CARE3 egg lg A EC RE OSHAWA'S BEST Separate Schools 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apart- {phone 728-3546, fed self-contained ap-|nna 9" p.m, 725-9292. 1962 MARK Il MGA. Must be se seer foe TENDERS will be ngeatted / Simcoe 'Call 723-2265 for fast Gente, tote Grant. mornings or RENTAL VALUE @ Elevator ments. Controlled entrance, THREE ROOM heated sei tee ot WANTED -- cage 3 sbesrgoms, Lake eclated. | Completely: recon the ungerahaned Bd ae 7:00 an : weekly, : swimming out, heavy duty wiring, $70 mon- Scugog area, for July a hare phone 728-884 j Ajax Tender Form courteous service. evenings. ee Twin _ elevators, throughout, oe epriard SION EG: | Tete anes, "Telbeone Port" Piney, "FIAT sedan, standard transmission.| Aj ST. ; LD-AKER LTD. |For Sate "oc rent, cottage "on bet SEE ' FAMILY or ADULT FLOORS pool, fenced playground, THREC ROOM oie apartment, (able Good condition, Owner teaving. Yor Navy SOV Bima ceil 1967 The bigges SCHOFIELD - |gire chuay beache SO" oar Cetus cos 723-2347 THRKE gntrance. Adults only. "Available Automobiles for Sale |tecntone essars7, mer, no down pay-| Wednesday, June 7, in the are Y LIVING room, etc. Telephone 723-5635. TOWER on , froephietcpios June 1. Apply 178 wanielse Sparinent 30--. LA ath Week Cle, aienan Wale for approximately 1,000 a admissic COUNTR 2:.cRanue for Sale : UNFURNISH MALA GLEN COURT oye CR Grapes. One child OSHAWA man's 728-7331. = iow pay:| of Hot Mix, Hot Loid a 7 Six room, 1200 sq. ft. ranch ciaawa is MILES, 'acre dairy t e GREEN CHILDREN WELCOME welcome. No damage deposit. Immediate TRANSMISSION. SERVICE 102 RAMBLER "Ame Amelican, | ma dow Well! holt, DH. sir gee EVER ; inutes from | ipped including 60 head FORMATION possession, sg : lonaiion ment, H. L, 4, to be appli: style home, 15 minu 0%. | Gar ony Saipan Ir Dairy contract. RENTAL INI ites, 4 |723-8844 New Convenient Loca man's 728-7351, tA fad inane: Tawa af » Lot 100° x 200". |i Nod: Holstein ca inery, river plus 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites. bedroom apartment, _un- Ww. tain areas in All Proceec Pasta built-in china _co- 2 peed Bde icu Cha tee te S338,| Overlooking the pork located 1] piece bath off master bed- warrey. i "eater, cigar tl Wy 116 Bond : ae our |32--Trucks for Sale Ajax. binet, fully decorated. Fenc- |?,9904 ponds 576-1200, evenings 728- '| on Mary St. North, 123-5 room plus powder rem. a rated. TiReace. eee awn egg eo ee, pie do mow |FOUR van trucks dealt Wreck. Tender forms and Instruc- Jubilee din yard, smoll garden, R. "Martin Real f as serene | é , souna bath, building--Reasonable rates, rie A Sree | aperiblty, - t to do all gen- jers. All car parts, Cou tions to Bidders may be ob- Pete aitecd. db ak a ON j $20,900. [9 MILES from Oshaw Lots of| Swimming pool, AFTER HOURS 576-2826 657 TBY. One-bedroom furnished apart-| have facilities to ers, 723-5238, ; ) he office: oF Wal: Asking fag , or beef farm. " ri. Good bullaings. Call) gym room and rec room. PHONE 725-0 pth 2B se dA Included. $125] repairs. i983 GMC Curbside Van. $250 or bes 'ined ai ig 152 "Hspwcod ALMONI Mortgage 5 [varec aoe Evenings, 728- te 3 Yeap) lephone 668-8727. ¥ 576-2610 offer, Telephone 668-5901. vin Limited, ' |Jack Osborne, 576-1200. furnished per month, Telephone 6688737, el a , good jax, Ontario, EVENIN Call Orono 983-5144 | Jack © Martin, Real Estate, WISON'S FURNITORE, 380 GIBB STREET LUSANNE VILL FURNISHED one d privee. tore mits All_work guaranteed. Urdition, bactitoen ine Farner "sme | Avenue, Ajax, caste Bees Apt. private entrance and p Cesar t0 con 5 owest or any tender - $8,500 22--tets for Sele pees asecelay ve presign balding, (Sat Rasen RAMBLER |i. bites Wented | cencrly ccreptea -- P Idi pati, it 3--Automo € , : lue in apartment Exciti Prestige building. JOM basement apartment, aes VICE 33--Au . B. Beauchamp, a Just reduced for a quick sale, Commercial - Downtown FREE RKING he ~~ a gtk pt Centrally located, electrically iS nonthiy. Telephone 723-1095, SALES pre C gs din otkebio : ik four. room. two bedroom UNDERGROUND PA living can be heated, Roomy breakfast nook SPACIOUS one and a half bedroom ap- and a E D t Kink baa mea oclow en Mar- TO THE FIRST 65 TENANTS and kitchen. Tennis court petra del triplex, Adelaide-Wilson area. New and Used Cars | fo ba sue, Cake frame but thle Bea. foot : Available June 1. Telephi sy to Finance at Good clean locol cars for 65 Horw venue, peal of Schofield Aker Ltd. ay etl 500 OPEN DAILY & REGENCY _and Perbeat._ apartment with TWO" BEDROOM "aperime refrigerator, NICOLS MOTORS LTD. cash LKER Alox, Ontario. Almond's U u e a | ir i ov 'f ot 723-2265 or 728-2233. Call JACK -APPLEBY FROM 1 P.M, -- 9 P.M. TOWERS & mney. drapes, trig, Ree ee: (Advis, Apply 319 Adelaide W., Apart WHITBY -- 668-3331 MORLEY STA Walvin Limited, Highway | ; or ; ! : main by appointment. vices paid, $145 ait his Hi 201. nf Consulting Engineers, WILL SELL valuable properties, ma now et McMullan Co, Realtor, hres. room. apartment" pr 137 King West J Total more. than' two. eeres, Write Bor 723-3398 576-2280 or 725-9750 STONE AND AVENUE [NEW BUILDING, sound mt, nw rx sooeay ee ey ee MORE CASH 723-8311 723-6322 _| 152 Horwood Avenue, peneney, 1 ota' ~, 1 and 2 bedrooms, rator, stove, hydro Ini .. A Good Clean Cars, jax, Ontario, pret aaa Ladin E 725-2227 gL aH ia rates, rent includes |e ly 623 Olive Ave Paid for Goi e > : ow carne "homes PHON at most eco ing, etc, Call 284-/ly. Apply 623 Olive Ave, n, Liens paid. ba Beye $1a5500 up end showing good BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD, W. FRANK {ee hydro, re Parking, etc. SINGLE room Re oie gg Trade up or dow CARS WANTED NOTICE =. Teg: Tig Feturns. "Reasonable at 'yas-a008 "Scho: REAL ESTATE LID... AND CENTRAL. Three rooms unfurnished up-|to Wor apply tes Mac brkee DODD MOTOR SALES Buying A New Car ? TO CREDITORS Call George "Twaltes : 728-5123 | 21: King St: Ws Bownanville stars, apartment, "Newly, 'decorated. [MODERN TW, besroms, rtp 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH laying Sciyecanadl AND OTHERS \ 'es : | ble now, Telephon i heat, parking, $110. Sell your use . bungalow lot on ER @ | Avaita tove, washer, dryer, hea ist " he New THREE - BEDROOM brick 5, PARTLY wooded = bedroom apartment in| stove, . Available July ist. "Cash" to the with ssp Py Ala ad surround- sa rae Zion. Telephone 725-1778. ; i c tessa 6 PREM SIGN, oe building: living 5007 monthly. Eadie) NTISANO, 7255424. 723-9421 bya os ond "Save'l, In the Estate of DNIPR ee lead so U7, bulldler's terms or La Contessc 321 MARLAND AVENUE --_|lnelo, Tetrigarator, aioe, 'drapes, ba- BEDROOM large spariment, stove, N 34494 Res 725-5574 | ETHEL MAY REESON, _ EVERY wa. _ Telephone Oshawa, Il, call f Ist. 723-2570, frigerator, parking, 5. ; ger na recent Tckaon Marla 'senel Or vista Sestak partners PHONE 728-6722 ec apariment, in apart-| June er July. Telephone. 728 en! CUS BROW 723-4494 Res, ee co Wikew, Diocese, 7:30 Road | South, $2,000 down, u rand | Hero! ind Co. A Distinguished Address liding, bedsitting room, kitchen | cre aN two bedroom a gal Ap- MOTORS LIMITED SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, Py ; \ brick § WE Wik WAT Head Boliding 1 AND 2 ment bullding, frigerator and stove, hopping centre. Reasonable rent. , parts for sale. Iron and meta' having claims All_ regular new condition, ol "oamesa ap gol ig Ba Mout 120: fe c i ° SEDROOM SUITES Parking mu. Ideal. tor "couple. $85 'monthly, ply 68 Cabot St. ke Vis- R No, 3 Oshawa T bose, ses atoer i aA a A Scr a estate of Ethel Share th FOUR BeOROOM cosa avec right" on No, i2 'highway. "Owner e4807,| Choice luxury suites, electrie- ECORATED Telephone 728-9672 Wa ce et ites, Seveelll' tape UP Ge bourne: aA ci er towing. Best prices| Moy Reeson, late of the City socket, 515 Four - ae ie ai No. 2 High-|fasr action, Call Gord Chariton, 728-856), ally heated, and tastefully de- @ NEWLY D TWO-ROOM apartments, one furnished, ta area, Seve are anes $125. mon-| Price paid for Good Clean a Sy Ai nl hg a Arh 'in the County of or $20 ¢ wir on tees Une Ges route, te pl Baki reine Ae rel d corated throughout. 1 @ STOVE AND FRIDGE a eee Ht tern 725-0798. Cars, liens paid. TERMS, 7% pa leona : Datario Widow, emery pd Good servic acres of land. 726-3924. 3 cate Wante Parking, swimming _ pool, BALCONIES ty private | Doms, private bath, fele- 28-7375 or 728-73 ; ied.on or about the 1 atten Wome barton lane etn in| zo----Real Est Sauna and recreation icc ; FABRIC DRAPES Main ne entree 'Srorage ream ih sa oa forges fas site. i CHEVROLET, ee ey ecpnaition.| 34 Automobile Repair eg png athens seg FREE AL fabled Rh enidlakewanl A rally located, ITIES basement. Laundry facilities. parking m t see it to belleve it. Best offer. ATIC tified to send in lace, lerge corner fot, cen ; ANTED LAUNDRY FACIL' for small car. 728-2478 or Parking. $90 Mus AUTOM hereby not . PR( Private sale WIRE coe re Land, ion Homes in Osh- See on your own television ; FREE HYDRO rae ft MUST wnat S a Cate one It FORD "Fists, ana Tae TRANSMISSION the a a Co ae POETS CENTRE. nicely ee eel aa aid tueiick We --_ screen who Is rniging ~ @ BROADLOOM IN HALLS | Farge ROOMS for ' a retrigerator GA Eile Ineieeion an Tente, AVAE eka seats. As Is, $325, Telephone 723- CENTRE had dlhden Ghince the 23rd ae og ; t to sell. fi ou give 1, all conveniences, u 8289 after 5. 1431 9 | c45as Ry Comin beak taitag the Buyers if you wan' doorbell, before y TOR Cee a glke shopping. 'Heats water sup] ool. Fe Tee 7h Simcoe St. N. 728-733 f J 1967, full part- EUC a ee een, DON STRADESK! Realtor them entry. nd ach bon Wed. "Adults only. 725.3266," 725-2059. APARTMENT TO SUBLET-- 2 bed-|i95;--pLymouTHalailon eee rte 1038 imcoe St. Our Only day of June, 1! pee te Soe oe er eae ec King St. West, LOCKERS : fy Sertrals Route AEA on asiaet ieee, aun, running condition. 'Telephone Transmissions are C iculors of their claims. WOO! 7223538 or at J.B. M 63 King St. e FOUR-ROOM apartment, " room. Bro' 8, hydro and laundry |ieen 6 9:15 pum ; -- Repairs, Adjust- iately after the said date . 725-3557, 723-4651 LED lephone 725-2173. fridge, stove, drape: 73-("" i) CHEVROLET impale, convertible, Business mediately ' NORTH-EAST sham Th Foy Wk yg wah Ont. Suites available for adults Hg GNIRANCE ConPLATELY furnished, three - room eer: a cages ii CuUVROCET tebe very 'goed con: ments, ata oe the soared i gg: mashes HE Ly - i ble room. | 5327. 15 ¥ teed, Will distribute the asse e_with new kitchen cupboa x A LARGE or double house in couniry| on i apartment, Central. Also. dou! a apart. Telephone 723-5705, Guaran wi 4 a = floors and comneietely Dogg in, | een caene eitene. Must not Idea! for a quiet and com- @ AMPLE PARKING Tenohore 728-8402. ; "URNISHET nyt? Fhe ie ewneee ft ae hae ai thé eid deceased having re. WED., NV iene ate Possession, ag" seta" |be too ole Box 428340 Oshowe Times fortable: living. © eo hg tee gn One reat y eile pital, suitable for 2 nurses. Telephone 723- on trade for small ao truck. Apply FRED STONE gard only to ae gba »M. te fo: Box 2 -- i the premises. D CHU! furnished, close to A 7, 1 Oshawa Blvd. No! hall then have ni , e Waa. "Stoby's Real Este' location to: Bax 69834, Oshewa Times Rental office on P AN N., Buckingham Ap-| 5397, | 1 i 53 they sha 4 HAI pan oe tes = Apply 498 Simcoe ---------- artment, Convertible, -- 655-36 is 19th LUNC Mattes ee et ree ine een . down' paymenis.| 140 Nonquon Rood, Oshawa CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE |APOlY 478 sacar aear |, sya. cilren" welcome," Sabah 'ss Ponriac "Siomatie" +anamlson oui ENGINES Dated hy i Hat "ADMISS mortga: | location. able m 4 if INTHLY, two lease. Imm as 'es, er steering, " lay , 4 ------ V"fcsr steg. this" dandy 'so. call Willard 1" you want your home sola and nor 1066 1481 TELEPHONE THE [$118 Ih: modern ulling lose to ioe Cupancy. Telephone "se 2642, mony. other "extran. Telephone' 725-0494 6 CYL. Excange Price Kenneth Lyle Reeson, and 50c_ KINSN Johnston, 720-1066, 'Schatleld-Aker Lids listed call Willard Johnston, 728-106. Call 725-14 oo NUMBERS ping and sramperration.- Paved. parking pie noiie Sac bearoan spariment in Stk see Che Biles 16k 00 Suisard Wirie Bescon 2--$2,00.--N k A ion July 1. é. oe i i b shopping a OL DeMOnl xcellent cor 4 or E, Beach Ave. -- Owner A Possessio -HIvi » quiet triplex, - by {1958 OLDSMOBILE 98, e a tors, ; eae eee et nee on ge ggg 8 IES er ERT <a ceeeer™ Te ose athe owing Aa Se Ra fi. FUE |g cy eee ffoo.00 | Besar [1 mu D e fi ies. . | as e pc agi rite opened Ped releae callo wn, Norris UW, WINKLER-ZENKOVICH bath. Apply 411 King St. East or 723- loble July 70-4922. a Powis Parisienne, two door pe d McGibbon and Bastedo, $25. Co Se icine) May, CARiraL Sahm, OPEN ak tor Mr Real Estate, Ltd. CAVALIER eT one bedroom apartment, stove 26A--Expo Accommodation |iop, ied Went Wee 35--Lost and Foun Barristers and Solicitors, TUES Pra Real stale. La WANTED -- Two storey home or . oy TORONTO mantis, Mckee Mn CANES eae TO EXPO, near 41 Hwy.\discs, backup liahin ane £2509 'after 4, | LOST. Pair girl's flasses, In red leather 32 Simcoe Street South, See Satur #ia.70. TWOSTOREY three - Bedroom, Sar kr te hae eae 363-2631 Siam cant Teneo eae te MINUTES: TO EXP Included, private tent 'condition Bei Nik 20,000 or |%e._Betwoen Cadiiac South and Oshawa, Ontario. ADMISS: iched home uly Call ul treal, Coup! joss ME V8 automatic r : only 'minutes one nine' toon eae In good ae ce ote Tel shone APARTMENTS S1X-ROOM apartment on bagi fe ead hell ra decanaer rt. Justine de eke METEOR. VE a Full Price $1650. f RUMMAGE SALE, Large fiving room, scour pace ne R. gr Ser arbors Toronto Ri in duplex, refrigerator ntlaton welcome. |Newtdn, Que. vés, ay 728-7690. 36--Lega' TENDERS ner King and Harmi Sun vanity "Electrie hacky cont Pe lesaie. hoard. NOW aie © RESERVATIONS teken now for large 1959 OLDSMOBILE, runs well, good eh FOR SALE Us lbead ics wen. ven jeldcaker Li - Call ' n private home clean. Lady driven. Asi - tes, at 723-2008, Schof "i TWO - BEDROOM apariment, two chil-|Gcyple voor in panier twoland tires, very art tart ee payments 'as. iow| 24--Stores, Offices, Storage More and a pet il One and two bedrooms Two enya aman. Rerigersor in pleas $10 for turmily at teore TaNvass"" ling. GaN, Will ane "olay" carrey OWN OF AJAX ~ e . jes, EET oo" TT ERT eneerd bs 390-44. in addition ra anerarouna IC ES eae ee a the Modern and Convenient ig eng Apply = ae paymer nue wa wit pa T REMOVAL BIR wiring, decorating and | sedding. Low iful T.V. reception SUBLET One bedroom apariment|27----Roo tri 942-5693, down payments. Call Beautiful T.V. MUST $ rent of $110 monthly, Am LY J756H9. Evenings of ian and G& A at reduced 'ation. Heat, RACTIVE SAVE DOLLARS! Several good used ' eUsrom BUILT vars mevdra ani! -- FOR RENT 5 R se Go Se py E a caus a Toh) FURNISHED ROOM [v= po ged. R's, Wer sucess] DEMOLITION BUILDINGS By arg | rage, 6 cheerful rooms, ght after i th about White ming pool included. Near P. Terms (Sl des : be eived by gr their second ly treed lot, much sou ; imcoe St. North a i f come. Contact : home. |picor ea: OF Tenders will rec rival alee ionn ot Ramtna Tahoe Te ye 8q. ft. good parking. S M A Cea eee eee canine p.m. A yaleite 0. speed pm. lage WOLESLEY, a9 series, ebindb LL the business administrator of 7 Be. & ars on F vaiuate Four year old geo 728- 8441 S S R Equipped with move, frig, main FLooR In triplex, large two bed- "os PARK RD. N. perf git Geeatent wanditinn teens TOWN HA the pongo | Board of Educa- al thanks to Dr, og iit - in stove MAI : king faci- : . ND tion up to.4 p.m. 00) $17,900, three bedrooms, bu Vented. Sard: R ROOMS hested downtown office, d FM tment, laundry, par! 668-4685. A » paved driveway, FOU 1 e. $60 month- drapes and F.M. by welcome, Bloor East-- . a jayment, $10 -- Mr, and nicely Tanducaped: Sere: ving tS noi po leh egos ciies sion 725-8640, L ' . ite fr ae "available June Ist. 728- 728-867 | Fd ay, -- ys Wellman's, LIBRARY Tuesday, June 6, a time" Helin eutrz States. 728-9687. alee RENT single or double cor : e | 3537, TREET WEST -- Fur-| 55. ac t the Administration Build- announce the birth | 7A FULL PRICE. Phooping Contre want ee a and miscellaneous ad Close to shopping centr: LOVELY, one Befisom sedriiant, se¢- Lf gle cd yo Ml sy Weerecies. (INE RONTING Lavcaii: Vea autora ie 555 Rossland Rd, W., Scott, Ibs. 8 ors Shri bre many. extras such ao) 8 for a least 12 months N E and schools, stove. Laundry tecitien heat Ritson' 725: Seleeeine ara een fling Sefore dpe amear era SEALED TENDERS will be | Gthone Ont al, Special thanks ds man' x4 + . Giiddon » Ritson 723- bd i ' .m. fourth floor bet, sive ng me "callW. Joh: 25--Houses for Rent N N i ae wid befebe ree parking. 'uit: |i9e2 eon, Sees. cece. Sxcarient ait until, 4:00 p.m For sale and removal pis ~ a ston 28, ston oe T i formation rouR ROOM furnished or Ba Aone adi fg ove pean alu rowing Paice es (E.D.S.T site ii 1 Secies Saitama Rann ay aneoun TMMEDIATE possession. Six-room Brick, for in ly. decorated, Canis preferred. Central | 568% me ron radio, midnight 'bive.' Tele. ne DAY ing of a 165 Gibb Street, daughter, Jody Ellen ie storey home with garage og pone CE NTENN | AL S ination ees 253 taaee furnished room, close pg Phone 728-0558 or 942-6322. , located at or Sunday, May 4 Bbection cell mig Siblock "at 7287576 ACRES CALL TWO BEDROOM aearia mal Tow Apply '368 Pine Avenue ana Grenfell or Pe CRORE Leal Sait. Sy JUNE 12, 1967 Tender form and Ped Miller and' the. tour! tate Ltd. location, television outiet, 3 hardtop, V-8, i ilable at orrice Sibby's Real Esta Gens PHONE 728-9724 are mene ties refrigerator. Prefer | 723-5522, Coeempgee ttt) ey tions avail "i Bete niga a 4 EOPLEN: Sree aoarieats with rec 1304 Cedar St., Oshawa elderly couple. LARGE oe Hand eu lal 574)1962 IMPALA, four-door hardtop, wer] for the pechee and > ay of the business adm ; ne Muni) 6 town, two 3-room will take jonithly, 728-1203, laundry privileges, pi body and motor perfect, por | of two, 2-storey fra tender not in Oshawa, On . Asking $13, Vendor 1 728 4 '$90 mo Age FRE eG Te Avenue. owner, boi , electric brake ready| a) oO ' ; 28' The lowest or any te Ann, J igh RO RE Let us solve your [Atine reheat arate," ope arey | creer Avon Meee ee aE lee iodine ee 8 Set cnapy oa ils | cept nousszau -- 0 123-4270 Josepi omes ici | fully uri J 989 it on pre v~ 1Dr , Sey eR tARGE on en ticinree ine tee Bled ba ay ape rent pr oblem Visit |monthty, ee ae ADD Sie Hote @ Simcoe St. N. 197 on Sp Teche eae a with a 30' x 38 ge J. R. BACKUS, Thomas Paul, ns fos. . - ea ' ; ok S, i in choice, east ane wit and ekh heche: $11 or see us at fanee i ~ ROOM unfurnished apartment, | - Room AND BOARD for Pre dia able 3 cus! (Town Hall), in the Town o' Business Administrator, General Hospital. ti 'pode nmenbest ip sathconteee: Inet Broadloom in living room MON A LISA self - contained, Apply 137 Pine Street, aioe tem, Jerome Vey STATION door, automatic, edie, war-| (low ae Oshawa Board of Education, Fea. Thanks fo Dr. show 'Good income. For all seph Bosco, d Whitby. contra t East. ranty, Private Cash only. The successful tende 555 Rossland Rd. W. TLER -- Stan tact Ike Perry 725-0303, Jo Fully landscaped. 40 Marland Ave. BEDROOM apartment, eleciric|Brock Stree! serge pie eek fhad fo furnish. & bend SHE ott 8 Realtor 728-7377. 3 Renn f ncldee wor and Grapes. wo FURNISHED rooms, au ° RAMBLER station wagon, new! be requ € $2,500. Oshawa, Ont. Raja) are Wiliam bung 3-7711 or 725-9991 heating, | stov Ii services, Av- single girl. Telephon 1959 d_motor, Telephone! i, the amount o: , of 8 son, TOVEAROLD, S¥eroon wear te Call. 72 $100 monthly includes a 1282, {couple or eoaate | paint, good tires ani : cution of on i) SrGIN FRANK BRAY, 76 Nassau ons., Saturda low, nicely landscaped lo A tba ailable June 25, _Telephone 723-1282, TWO UPSTAIRS bedrooms ea asio. prior to execu' " be responsible for ay gebis General ee tt 4 cent NHA mortgage. from 9 a.m. = 5 p.m. ; filets edocs ra 'Avenue. Zelephone, e ition. Bar- St. will not Ties for $109 PIT per'month i357, doseph feature low monthly P jONE BEDROOM co aa lg Gays) 726-2031 evenings 72-7814 Ya) Ne Pein tk <eeteee ae te peg may. be contracted, in de," May 2, ene ILSON -- Dovgle sas call. Saly Wallace TExG27, We tecture. |, sauna Ail" conveniences, Central, One Penitd ioc cewooD MOTEL now open righily| gain, 1956: Pontiac. Tender the: office of 00, Ser ine cae, N oe Kiraberiey) "ar Ee ee split level, SEVEN ROOM house, suitable for large} rents, Ser aie. ee of welcome: "Telephon ne 728-3344, or 'weekly, rates reasonable." 80 Brock | ena. Conppig Negpreg Wi) pl dg Letted 152 Hor- |" Etcn Frank Brey _ sia Bey, trrival of 8 orseT, NORTH OSHAWA, "bedroom iy Ao Centre Street. Available) room, gym, thr ROY ALE in apartment , Whitby. "a for one fon} Walvin Limited, LD E. LATTA of 300 Montrave day, May 27, 1967, ceoele siteched. carepe, | lsrge, 233900 Sone isthe Telephone '728-2256, ----| playground, ample parking, aAcHELOR bl beaiid Central. "sult a furnished 'housekeeping | room| equipped. uariers ton track hatee. Tele wood Avenue, Ajax. t aes Oshawa, will not be res- eral Hospital, vain terme Wi. 6. Martine Realtor 738 Pry is RLY aT Ra color stoves and refrigerotors, APARTMENTS working oF relied" lady. Telephone 728-/LAR letra eaL tani] The highest of ony tender no Pei ray det citi my oe hss) ix-room houses. No fur | delivery, fam- Street West. dian, radio, exci ily accepted. name by anyone $1400 FULL ASKING PRICE for 2fam-|Yachone sec ot 723-5210 after 6. oe eal You will enjoy AND TWO-bedroom _apariments. ele iT. You'll like if. Bright, i962 Ng aia tsen necessarily Nay 30, 1967, without my written cons A cy ee eee *Pear|TWO BEDROOM brick bungalow, broad: ily size suites. fsa Aparte : on diate possession, 291 Marland Ave. |COME, nd roomy. Balcony. Cooking al-|con: four new tires, radio, M, B, Beauchamp, f mgr soch. scthcontelned. Termes Ieeaeas ee See Cena Av-| your stay at Mona Lisa Apa' Spacious aver Apply "Apt 10h" Telephonal Mo-sise jowed. Block north of hospital. 38 Aber. |= '3 OLDSMOBILE four ne for small car lerk-Treosurer, ing Events D parce al Joh rimeston* latabie" July fio Tae ates mente iy) ee T and 2 Bedroom ee DROOM apartments, Modern lowed. Block Suit-|or best 'offers "Telephone 728-1578 after 5. Foun of Ajax, | 38--Coming Ev W. ©. Martin, Realtor, 25-6311, ¢ Paes nteetae ; . Available now. 728-5282, = housekeeping room. Sult-)or best off LE, four-door sedan, six Avani ay wil ON, BLOCK from King St. Large 2308| TWO-BEDROOM brick purely: sioiga 723-6022 Suites FIVE-ROOM periment, $125. month Tt: onie AN ib Wecknaunt State Shaan ae arr etter. $ pam Niue Cena. i You ore invited to BAY ae Entered into rest in square tt. brick treed lot,|room, ref "available July. 1. RTING AT cluding hydro and heat, Avallal Centre. ished radio, Telephone pardiop, fully rae 100th BIRTH Hospital on Sunday, Grive and double garage, large by|natural | fireplace. STA Telephone 723-2024 after 5 p.m RIO STREET, 77 -- one furnished radio. Te Impala two-door hardtop, f : 'Anonichuk, be 4 ticated in Oshawa. Shown Its 725-1097. a 1, Tele; é is econo a ONTA' on ground floor. jood condition, $1,995 or in Limited, ° i liam ther i peeing 4 to BEDROOM dipiey near Harmony 725-9934 $120 3 ADELAIDE W. Two Bedroom nesrt- sible for one or tna parsons. Apply |eauleped, very good condition as pi 2ehh weg wart Newtonville United BelRowaeytanne) 1200 evenings. $ and King East. Fireplace, car; ' 8 ment in ne small child m. ting |'62 OLDSMOBILE convertible, pow Avenue h (Adeline) both of aha las t. No children. Five doily 1 p.m. - 8 p.m. i ' ator, Stove, broadloom, o1 PP itting |'62 OLDSMO! tires, radio,| 152 Harwood " hure nville WN. 3-bedroom b Brick bungalow mNotes: tree ue Sis moniny Lye ag Suite open deity This Sutrending le ay pend - ore eat ata tained ap- FORNSED vee 4 Toners fa $850" oF" best offer. 'Telephone. 725-4294 Ajax, Ontario. ON cnt JUNE 4 Fanersi irom the it apartment. Cal it, light and water. Availal s iNdi is locate r \L three room self-con' room, ' . r e, Oshawa, on aa feree TeonE\Rly to Box aa, Osher ss vo} REGENT ARMS pire shopping and auras salable, dune t, favlise rele, 368 ished room epariinent; gullable i oe yo iabre peer steering, Organ prelude at 2 p.m. Service amr with service In R state. IS@, ' ; vailal furni "'" hocks: in aay aaa NORTH, lovely oa tblecton to" one or two children can GRENFELL STREET churches, gp oe ad at door. pone Saaee 162 eiron_Roee sali fer mene lbp mon eacas alas lee peinyal ate teepione mene 2.30 ae aoa gree Interment Oshawa Ui brick, I2-storey, fireplace, broadioom, 029. '00m apart- tra large closets. | BEDROOM apartment, a "| Leas a Coca yh one a Oe oor hard: Rev. Robt, Wragge BA.BD, iuseppi Onme pavel cae many other fea. ieaeey CLEAN eight room house,| One ond Two goesg Satie, Extra larg) one Ree eae Nays: Oe a eg) gg pa tg PONTIAC Pa Ciean Jonrsoor iste, SELL ! Special Music PE abr ger Rp ag pe Ae oe Centre, |$120 monthly. Telephone 5760117 from hea id parking Starting at 119 Nonquon Rd. Sone 1c Telephane. 73000 er Tt sot oli Telsphene ris 28-7983, Maia UA ati ! This service will be followed Hospital ei tote TRIPLE ite sl xf to 6 p.m. eat an June taeda: wifera:s ott Wyse sne te su) 9 ton bina atl pT ayo 101 fas se hrtvaortd ta iA MRA pone Catuili, Tee moder is one, two and thres-/4 p.m. to ce newly decorated. $109 monthly, Adults only, er IND CLEAN furnished room with parking, FURNISHED basement room, hot "tr: | i960, OLOSMOBILR in ges ie SELL i by a social reunion with Or- Sores rbara Bernokes, tap fac eairences eeocc less cele kon Bence on eee 723-6944 or 723-6455 Mgt ielidantt a Medals aga retin gens Sobran shopping toe tek one pele sh Rcd ee Neg SELL! ono Jr. Band in attendance, Patricia, Lise and Er a; entrance: ? m. hi ground fico! Close to rest cash o' ninth hi abe vi Salvatore 4 oe eee Si /voors Old' 5000. 72% itween 5 and 0.20 p between 6 and 9:30 p.m. | 728-5282 ier Aor. _Charles' apart - | phone" 7284975 5 co ee week, Lice Sines, Pe hall dec pent po From the. "armatron Beau BL i ag are Spee ig M na | fe Mg all ee oe includ: Walane Tao aT That's The Job Maes. Burley, Mrs. F, Gil- Oshawa, Wednesday, Saeed sae ane ee stone! FOR Casa ana @ FOR RENT e@ es heat, oon ae a IF IT'S FOR SALE (is MUSTANG hard top, eight cylinder, Of Times mer, Mrs. Geo. Stapleton, S. Ukranian Greek ort cant Tevpriookine. 'eee "ia Woness| RESULTS One, twa and three badreonn': | gt sees Ream, Room LYNDON agin I AN Ailing seiss. We relaoeble shar oe: Want Ads J. Lancaster, Newtonville, amt eee ane For further information apartments, Centrally loca- and Board. Office Henge stoves parking. IED AD Asking wee and Mrs. W. Wood, 'New. call Margaret Hal, 72-1358 -- "Schoriel- ieee ted, prestige building, an Mon. to a » ge oe ge LARGE two bedroom anewiy, decorated. ACTION CLASSIF : 63 AMBASSADOR, V4 suteciatic: reaie 723-3492 castle, Aker: Li ; +f: tes. no children under mo Sot. 8:30 a.m. to "| Electtic heat, stove r "children SELL IT like new. No down aT35t RITSON RO. S. Income home. Excellent Action Classified oble rates. P.M< All services paid. WILL . Lic, J90009, Wellman's 728-7351, BATSON RO. 3. incor nd 'iwe. ll| AC 12, 230 Nipigon St ATION «lWatcome' Telsehone tend cohariions te week, Sonahion with 2 kitchens and two. ful Ads : FRED COOPER LANDLORD'S ASSOC! eeroree relmete:teore ct bathrooms. Full asking price 'ane Telephone 873 23 Athol West 728-1070 'ase, H. kel us wef "a Real Estate 3492 725-0657 or 723-0 Siblock A "28 956 bby 723.-. Ltd,

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