BLONDIE DONALD DUCK LI'L ABNER CAND I DON'T CARE HOW BIG YOU ARE. I'M GOING TO PLINCH YOU IN THE NOSE! YOUR LETTER'S READY TO BE SIGNED, UNCLE SCROOGE! TO BETTER READ Distributed by King Features Syndicate, BUTTON, ~ MR, OITHERS PAGWOOD, YOU SEWED THE BUTTON ONTO MY COAT ANO VEST ANO TIE AND SHIRT ANO UNOERSHIRTS © King Features Syndicate, Inc. 1967. World sights reserved. WELL, MR OITHERS AFTER I'M NOT A PROFESS! Regt on eatin wd 1ONAL, ON): Ni x cusses 1m Luci Hie DIONST GeW IT STRANGE! MITZI SAID HER EX-HUSBAND RAN OFF AND LEFT HER WITHOUT A DIME, BUZ SAWYER © King Festares Syndicate, Ine, 1967, Wel thts reserved. HOSS, JANE ARDEN YOU BETTER RUN LIKE THERE WAZA age WOLVES TRACKIN' DE GAULLE AND MAO TSE TUNG /! The THE SWINGING Where Your Mills Men Are Men of Action! Now | © Kine Foams Syaiiesin, lan 1967, Wedd shen PP-1 PAID YOU To DELIVER ME.TO WOLF ISLAND /7 ~~ aa Ga. Capp-- © 1007 by Nowe Byediente x, han, Nerid Rien Remwrved horpremenranpee nena DELIVER YORESELF// AH HAIN'T NO ~SHUDDER/?'- CATERER.2" §-30 BUT IT LOOK6 TO MB LIK 11'6 ALREADY BEEN SETTLED', ARRANGE IT WITH NOW ON YOU'LL BI SECRET AGENT X9 BECAUSE THERE SURE 19 ONE RANGER.....AN' THAT 19 JUST. 2OME WORSE THAI OF WOLVES Git THIS TiME..... AND GWEN SAYS MITZI1S TRYING TO ROPE MEIN... WELL, WELL? HOW INTERESTING, i) ANY PACK L/D BETTER GET BACK TO JANE... TLL TRY TO GET THIS HAIRPIN THE GUARDS, FROM |, 3 WORKING OUTSIDE, YOU FORGET THAT HERE I MAKE THE DECISIONS! 262 KING ST. WEST = HUBERT Trading Post Offers Soon... Another Brand New Car!! VIVA«1967 HERE NOW! THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. TELEVISION LOG 4--Dick Van Dyke 3--Ed Allen Time 2-4--Hollywood Squares 12:00 NOON 12--Cartoon¢ 7--Movie 9--Toronto Today 6--Luncheon Date Channe! 3--Buftalo Channel 3--Barrie 4--Buftale 6--Toronte nel 7--Buftalo @--Rochester Channel %---Toronto Channel 1i--Hamiiton Channel 12--Peterborough MUGGS AND SKEETER 10:08 P.M, 7--Fugitive 9--I Spy 10.30 P.M, 3-6-12--News Magazine 11:00 P.M. 12-4-2-8-3-6-11-9--News Weather and Sports 11:20 P.M. TUMSDaY SVE, 6--Viewpoint 5.00 P.M, 11.25P.M, 12--Cartoons 1\--Plerre Berton: li--Family Theatre 6--News, Weather, Sports | Pei Sob ae 4--Greatest Headlines --Highway Patr ase F. 6--Passpo EE ey eave 3--Littlest Hobe 'Las. Vegas ae 5:38 PA, 2-8--Johnny Carson &--McHates Navy OM Mend lisa 7--News é--Music Hop 1:4 PLM, Laredo 9--Movie 2--Of Lands and Seas 11.45 P.M, ow P.M. 12--Movie @--How's Business +Movie 1--Movie 12:00 A.M, 4--Reach for the Tep l--Mystery Theatre 412--News, Sports, Weather WEDNESDAY 90 P.M. 12--Girl from UNCLB 8:08 A.M. 11--Pierre Berton 9--News; Weather; Sports €-2--Huntley, Brinkley 4--News 7:08 P.M. 11--My_ Favorite Martian 9--F-Troop 4--Honeymooners 3 re TOGETHER! coon . HAS, S30 EUAN: sit? A 4 FOOTBALL IS | p NOT ROUND. ES ' BASEBALL IS..IS... UNAMERICAN ! igan's Island 2--News; Weather; Sports 7.20 P.M. 7--News, Weather, Sports 7.30 P.M, 12--Honky-Tonkin' 9--Star Trek 7--Combat 6--Dangerman 4--Daktari 3--Candid Camera 2-11--Girl From UNCLE 8:00 P.M, 3-6-12--Red_ Skelton 8:30 Pm, Vi--Laredo t--Avengers 7--Invaders 3 4--Red Skelton 2-8--Occasional Wife 00 P.M Vi--Albert J. Steed 9---University of the Alr 4--Captain Kangaroo 2.30 A.M, 9--Romper Room 6:55 A.M. 7--Dialing for Dollars, Virginia Graham N1--Little People 4--News, Weather, Sports 3--Popeye and Pals 2-8--Jeopardy 12--News, ja: --It's @ Match 3--News; rts 9--Uncle Bobby &--Crossfire 4--Forest Rangers Ip 9:30 AM 9--Mete 1-Sir Lancelot 4--Love of Life 8--Gloria 9--Ontario Schools | 2-Jack La Lanne 10:00 A.M. 1l--Ed Allen Time 9--Cartoon Playhouse 8-2--Snap Judgment 6--Meta (Candid Camere 10:30 A.M. 11--Morning Time 9--Fractured Phrases $-2--Concentratior 7--Dateline: Hellywood +--Beverly Hillbillies 11:00 A.M. 2.10 P.M, Weather 30 PM. ports 8--Eye Guess 6-4--Search for Tomorrow Merv. Griffin ni PLM, 64--Buiding Light 1:00 PLM. n--Theatre 9--Movie oPiaiing Virginia 7--Fugitive 4--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers 3--Movie 1:30 P.M. 3:00 P.M, +News Conf Weather and Weather) for Dollars, Graham 64--As The World Turns 8--Let's Make A Deal 2--Matches and Mates 2:00 P.M. 12--Ed Allen Time 7--Newlywea Game 4-6--Password 6-2--Days of Our Lives 20 PLM. 12--Calendar %--People in Conflict 8-4--The Dectors 7--A Dream Girl 6--Coronation Street 4--House Party 9--Words and Musie 8-2--Another Worid 7--General Hospital 4--To Tell the Truth 3-612--Take 30 4.25PM. 3:90 P.M, 1i--Marriage idential 9--It's Your Move 2-8--You Don't Say 7--Superman Show 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night 4:00 P.M, 1i--Super Comics 9--1 Love Lucy &--The Match Game BE GLAD TM MAKING THEM IN YOUR FAVOR 723-4634 ALL RIGHT, G-MAN. WHAT KINDA RUNAROUND ARE ' YOU TRYIN' PULL? I THINK SOME | *23,{ SQUIRRELS ARE --T'\. STORING NUTS 4 IN OUR ATTIC- 3 2 : : i a { | Z e ee WELL,JUST KEEP YOUR HAT ON, BUSTER, YOUR HEALTH 9-6-12--This Week 'at Expo TOM Bougion 3-6-12--Communicate 2-8--Movie | @--Mr. And Mrs. 4--Secret Storm By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD }Merv Grittin 28-Pat Boone, Mike oe eee | cere 1, ee | Beet te elon: What <n see. si La ere haronty causes tic douloureux? Can't 3-612--The Baron 7--One: in 8 Million 1612-Long John sliver |22Ything be done about it? It is dag me out of my mind.-- CROSSWORD There's an old expression about "touching an exposed Be agli a nerve." 'Tie douloureux is 6. Exc 4.Consumed 23, Bal- g poo --_ ple of what this 11,Hackneyed 5, Compass uster By {can e. 12, Hiawatha's point 24, Run a The one involved is the fifth boat 6. One of a in fr} jcranial nerve, one of the most 13. Current boys' cricket IE} |sensitive' we possess. A branch 14, Composer: group 26, Minus aq of the nerve emerges on each le ---- 7. Hospital 27. Jr's : iA] |Side of the head, in the area 15. Electric rooms dad GILJOWEMDIO[LIL |S} jof the ear jobes. Each in turn current 8, One 30. Hav- SIEIAISHECIONILN] | divides into three segments, one 16. Learned opposed ing y 's Answer jrunning toward the eye, one to 17, Attention- _9. Elegist organs 37,---- of the lip and jaw, and the third getting '10. Withered of Capri in between. : -- 14, Offers hearing 39. Roulette This three-way brancing re- 49 Sarees 16. a 31, ae " bet sults in the name "trigeminal," of land 18, Voided eons peer al -- -- of the -- Me 20. To skimp esnutchieon 34. Rever. aie nown as trigeminal neuralgia, 22. Subside 20. Cutting Dera' name or tic douloureux, 25. April 1 . tool 35. Having 42, Twice: The pain is one of the most S aon 21, Whether prefix en ee but comes in o spurts. It may last for only five, 30. ee fi et - YZ ey yey ye 10 or 20 seconds, or for a min- a i i ute or two, but the unhappy Japanese W/, victim, when the pain ceases, 1 T 14 lives in misery, wondering eet 1) when the next will come. What 82. Nickel: 5 YUWo it must have been like before 33 Balle Y we had any way of controlling '4 17 fie T YYZ it is hard to imagine. It is bad a YA, LA WY WZ enough as it is. consumer re et WY YZ Aer |e 24 Cause is irritation of the 36. Yes: Sp. 35 ee 1e7 ganglion of the nerve, probably 38. res a roe pipe: a roe It oad ie ollow a cold. One theory is tha 39. Noctinan 28 VW y* pressure by the carotid ae i ; V7N77V77130 131 may be responsible. Multiple 41, Gloss GY WG iis Y sclerosis may. be present. There oa jai 35 [34 [as Wj 7 may be other forms of ree al Seo fa tion. But there is no single, gpa ic 38 Y S106 known cause. Neurosis or emo- 'Auintreal 4, tional instability sometimes is '" -- an 4i 42 suspected. : gehts Ys First stage often is paralysis DOWN 4 Gia of one side of the face, more 1. Sweetsop Y/ z often the right; the lower Affliction Of Nerve Brings Intense Pain branches are more likely to be affected. PAIN DEVELOPS Pain develops later. Some- times weeks or months may pass between an attack in the early phases, but later they are at closer intervals and touched off by the simplest stimuli-- chilling, chewing, washing, shaving, merely touching some sensitive point of the face. Various treatments are used. Pain-killing drugs can provide relief. Sometimes drugs are given in a series of doses to extend the pain-free period in hopes that the nerve will regain its stability. Injections, of hot water into the ganglion are used to stop the pain. Sometimes a_ tiny amount of alcohol is injected. This at times gives relief for as much as 18 months. But if the 'pain persists in coming back, segments of the nerve may be severed surgically. (Later the nerve may regenerate unless steps are taken to prevent it.) One neurosurgeon § reported that positioning the patient in a certain face-up posture aided in accuracy of injections (the needle is guided by x-ray) ahd this has proved to be an im- proved technique. It is only fair to warn that sometimes there can be dis- agreeable sensations after some treatments, but the agonizing paine is gone. Tic douloureux is utter, un- preditable agony, but at least we have some effective ways of controlling it now. | es Dr. Molner: I have tried puberty although rarely before 30, usually after 50, more often in,men than women. It can attack any time after|s THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, May 30, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) South dealer. Both sides vulnerable. NORTH 4K31094 #K106 $73 652 The bidding: South West 1@ 3NT Opening lead -- queen of clubs, Here is an interesting hand. South was in three notrump and West led a club. Declarer took the queen with the king and led a spade to the nine, on which East played the five. Had East taken the nine with the queen, South would have had no difficulty making the contract. He would have forced out the ace to establish three spade tricks and would have made at least nine tricks. But East wisely refused the first spade and South now had to play extraordinarily well to make the contract. He led a heart to the ace and repreated the spade finesse, fully expect- ing the ten to either win the trick or force out the ace, How- ever, East took the ten with the queen and returned the nine' of clubs. At this point the contract looked virtually hopeless, since South could see that even if the diamond finesse worked, he would still come to only eight tricks. But South thought the matter over very carefully and finally came to the conclusion that the contract could still be made, provided East had the king of diamonds and West had no more than two diamonds. Accordingly, he won East's club return with the ace, led the jack of hearts to the king, and continued with the king. of spades. When East covered with the ace, South discarded his last heart; the queen, hoping that the ten would later on serve ag the vital entry to dummy. East had no choice now but to return a diamond. South fi- nessed the queen, cashed the ace to bring himself to seven tricks, and then exited with the three of clubs. West took his two club tricks but then had to put dummy on lead with a heart. As a result, South scored the last two tricks with the ten of hearts and jack of spades to climax an excep- tionally well played hand. Aces, Eagles Tour Europe SASKATOON (CP) -- The executive committee of the Canadian Amateur Hockey As- sociation Friday selected Drum- mondville Eagles and Kingston Aces for European tours: next season. Drummondville, Allan Cup champions, will compete in the Ahearne Trophy tournament in Sweden and play two games in both Finland and West Ger- many. Kingston, beaten by Drum- mondville in the Canadian se- nior hockey semi - finals, will play in the Spangler. tournament North East Pass 1@ Pass ment in. Gotenberg, Sweden. Both clubs will leave on their 21-day tours Christmas night and play their first games in Europe Dec. 27. .In a post-annual meeting ses- sion, the executive committee decided to hold the CAHA semi- annual meeting in Toronto the weekend of Jan. 20. SALLY'S SALLIES "Delighted to meet you. here told me all -- and I mean all -- about you." for a long time to do a split but have not succeeded, My sis- ter says splits tear the tissues inside. Is this so?--J.S. No. It's a matter of training and getting leg muscles limber enough. When you see skaters and dancers doing it, appar- ently so easily, you know they have had to do a lot. of .prac- ticing. Note to Mrs. C. B.: Yes, young children can get worms. So can adults. The reason more children than adults have this problen: is -that adults have learned not to stick their fingers in their mouths, and not to eat without washing the hands care- fully. One gets pinworms from swallowing the invisibly small eggs, which then hatch, and that's why hygiene -- washing hands, and not sticking fingers in or near the mouth--is s0 i portant, in Switzerland and a tourna-: --, ~~ fi P i ROBERT WI cial secretary of citizenship Tax Say Robert Welch, retary and mini ship said last n major issues fac day is the questi tax reform. Mr. Welch, M! in a speech to tl Bra Me WHITBY ( Whitby Tow! meeting last nigh P. Brady urged the township te ratepayers want with Whitby or n "The reluctan and consultants t of the facts abo amalgamation," | The Times, "for the stand that a | only fair way t will have their v ter. "Amalgamatior Brady, '"'is the bi; this municipalit; faced, I will no watch the Town: disappear witho every avenue has every point discu argument resolv right decision w made." TRANSCRIPTS At the meetins demanded copies cripts of two p meetings which to inform the amalgamation is: "It was publi was spent to ob cripts," said Mr. don't think it's le the copies, If ne resort to legs acquire the info. Deputy-Reeve | replied that he | cripts 'should st they are" (in th solicitor). After the m Brady told The T transcripts of pu paid for with put not be obtained council by cou' some other way the amalgamatio. be found. "I have probe mation issue the Mr. Brady, "and being told co 'everything is ol Pickerir Sold By TORONTO (Sti Police Chief Jam The Times toda} truth in recent | is planning to re The Chief said acre property Township two w investment comp purchased the pe the lakeshore Nuclear Hydro ago with the inte there after his re Mr. MacKay s to sell the land Township rezone trial and he was a hone there. Hi had sold his Te purchase the lan The Police Ch lieved the retir started after he time with the Me