KEDRON (TC) -- Kedron Public School pupils this sprins set about preparing a Centen- nial Variety Show with so mucl enthusiasm there were enoug! numbers, for two concerts. COUNTY LINES \_ " | Group Installs New Executive sellor and Mrs. Harold Conlin and Anthony Kuttschrutter, par- ent counsellors. Mrs. Milo Pultz is immediate Ry Club Book Fair | %2""* """ ™) 'Zin Tor' Wins "Today, two people dropped 'THI OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 31, 1967 43 three lengths after leading throughout the mile test. Zip Tar's time was 2:08.4. Tuesday when a total of $576,398 was wagered. The old mark of $572,928 was _ Kedron School Pupils Give Variety Concerts 'ipients of many gifts and|schrutter, 'ards. Guests attended from|Kinlin, vice - president; Mrs.|selections. 'arnia, Galt, Toronto, Orono,|Frank Flyn, recording secre- Jshawa, Lindsay, Port Perry|tary; Mrs. Thomas Simmons,jof separate schools, gave an 'nd Blackstock. Members of|corresponding secretary; Mrs.joutline of recent changes in thejoutstanding boy and girl at the} 'You plumber!" was a com-|both of Ridgetown, Ont., Zip Trophies|annual field day for separate(mon expression of abuse in/Tar and driver Keith Waples of| world daily double handle jonto. Cari Malcolmsen of Ham- treasurer. 'he immediate family attended|John Dalby, treasurer; Mrs.|school Victoria Harbour, Ont., won byl record was set at Aqueduct 'ilton was elected Mrs, W. Hewie's kindergart-ja supper in the United Church.JClarence Allen, teacher coun-|will be awarded to the moast'schools. St. Gregory's Catholic Par- jents' Teachers' Association has ago le aul Gerae . jinstalled its new executive for} spiritual director of the CPTA. the 1967-1968 term. : $10 worth. If this type of res- Sale of books at the Simcoe/ponse continues, we may even pe Ld oe oe Fair' |sell books next week -- we ».|)Saturday, met with such success|are aiming for $500", he said. At the meeting, the school's/that books will be on sale all] Books can be purchased from here Tuesday night. president; James|Sister Mary Alicia, sang three Cedric Orchard. 10 p.m. this week "We earned approximately F. W. Humphrey, inspector $200 and sold around 500 books" TRADE LA TONE curriculum. Roman times. past president and Sister Mary Called Success age g fos Yooe ct eure Geers Stake i on. tory in the $18,603 Geers Pacing| Zip Tar paid $7.20 to win. Stake for two-year-olds with Zip NAME 0 They are: Mrs. Anthony Kutt-|centennial choir, directed by of this week, said unit director,|1.30 to 4 p.m. and from 7 to Tor at the Wolverine Raceway A ed i Bett Owned by Russ Miller of Dut- qu rs ton, Ont., his daughter and Will- Set World Record Bowling fam Reynolds and Gene Stirling, Miller's Blaze Pick won a di-/ made at Aqueduct May 3: DETROIT (CP)--Canada col-|vision of the stake here last sea-| 1965 hte lected its second successive vic-|s "The daily double paid $21. FFICERS KELOWNA, B.C, (CP)--! of Canada tor a two-year en class and the classes taught by Mrs. Harold Werry and Mrs. Ross Magee presented a prog- ram of songs, choral readings, action songs and a play Thurs- day eveening in the Kedron Church Lower Hall. A rhythm band was conducted by Jimmy MacNally. Robert Walker an- nounced the numbers. Friday evening the senior classes, whose teachers are Mr. Walker, Mrs. A. Sinclair, Mrs. Roy Robertson and Mrs, C. G. Draper, presented a con- cert of choral singing, solos, dances and two plays, 'The Truth Telling Machine' and "Father's Quiet Evening". Dav- id Rose and Bruce Vallan- court introduced the numbers, and filled in the spaces with humor, Mrs. Douglas Rice, East Whit- by Director of Music, helped in training the musical numbers, and accompanied many of them at the concerts. After expenses are met, the proceeds will be donated to the ™ Junior Red Cross. Anniversary AUDLEY (TC) -- Rev. E. | Jeblin, associate secretary of ethe Home Mission Board was the speaker at the Sunday # School Anniversary Service Sun- day morning. A group of 18 'young people from Mrs. Henry /Westney's class at Pickering, 'provided special music. » Dating Discussed AUDLEY (TC) -- A discus- Psion on "dating" conducted by sLeonard Waltham, highlighted ithe meeting of the Hi-C Club Sunday night. "Canada Night" AUDLEY (TC) -- A special "Canada Night" will be held June 10, by the Community Club. An ice cream social will follow the program. Everyone i ie community is invited to tend. $1,913 Raised AUDLEY (TC) -- A total of PF). $1,913 was raised during the é conducted by the North Pickering branch of the _ Camadian Cancer Society. »"" Scouts Honored KEDRON (TC) -- The five boys, who received their Queen Scout certificates recently, were honored by the mothers' auxil- jary of the 2ist Troop. A framed, colored picture of the group was presented to each of the boys. Cheq were pr ited to Brian Densham and Donald Werry to help defray their ex- penses to the jamboree at Far- 7 ragut National Park, Idaho and F to Larry Hopkins who will at- tend the jamboree at Buffalo Pond Lake this summer. Attends Reunion KEDRON (TC) -- Miss June Davis attended a reunion of the class of 1966 at the Ontario Hos- pital, Whitby. With William Coo- per. of Uxbridge she attended the formal dance for the gra- ' duating class. UCW Caters KEDRON (TC) -- Members of the Kedron UCW prepared dinners and evening snacks and lunches for the Eastdale Con- servation Club members who spent two weeks at the Kiwan- is Camp. Completes Course KEDRON (TC) -- Miss Mar- garet Burns of Ottawa, a re- cent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dale, completed her year at Ottawa Teachers' Col- lege and will teach at the Nepean elementary school, Ot- tawa. Receives Degree PRINCE ALBERT (TC) -- Bruce Martyn has received his degree from the University of Waterloo. Silver Wedding PRINCE ALBERT (TC)--Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Beacock open- ed their home to some 180 guests on the occasion of their silver wedding anniversary. They were married by the late Rev. W. J. H. Smyth in Simcoe Street United Church, Oshawa, The happy couple were the re- Corn Mill Project Halted By Strike LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Strik- ing iron workers have halted work on a $500,000 corn mill and} storage building at the Kellogg Co. of Canada plant here, and set up picket lines at London Steel Industries. The iron workers also con- tinued to picket the Ford Motor Co. in Talbotville Monday, but they allowed 400 other trades- men to return to work. The other tradesmen stopped work Friday after 100 iron workers eet up picket lines. About 90 tradesmen, including 15 fron workers, have stopped work on the Kellogg project, which was due for completion July L. ~~ = Good Buys on Fine Groceries! Im Reg. price 47e pkg. -- SAVE 4e 10'4-oz pkg 43> FEATURE PRICE! FACIAL TISSUE = 2 ris:of20 39 Premium (13 Varieties) FEATURE PRICE! CLARK'S SOUPS = 3 voztin 9c Johnson Reg. price $1.19 btl. -- SAVE 200 BABY OIL 10--ox bel 9 Ye Monarch (8c off Deal) Reg. 87e jaw--SAVE AN EXTRA Se SALAD DRESSING _ 22#0zi 9c * Oreo Creme Sandwich CHRISTIE'S COOKIES Moderne (2 Ply) ef Nw A:P INSTANT COFFEE 10-01 JAR $1.19 PREPRICED ~ 54 VE UP TO 20c OVER OTHER aRAROS ne Johnson's Liquid Reg. price $1.19 tin -- SAVE 200 BEAUTIFLOR soon wax 36-floztin 9Yc 100% Pure Vegetable Oil Reg. price $199---SAVE 100 UNICO OIL 126--or tin 1. BQ Kellogg's Instant Reg. price 79¢ pkg. -- SAVE 100 BREAKFAST _ t~zpks of 6 envelopes 6 9c Wonder (Parchment Wrapped) Reg. 3 Ibs. 79e-- SAVE 160 MARGARINE 4 1b rks: Be (Assorted Flavours) FRESHIE stant prink mixes 5 phos 29c tI The Bes. and you. When you visit Expo 67, don't miss seeing the Automated Egg Factory sponsored by A & P at the "Man the Provider" Pavilion. When you visit your local A & P, don't miss : buying A & P's own Sunnyfield Eggs, Grade "'A"' Eggs, the finest you can buy. We sell millions 7 upon millions of them every year. Fine eggs are just one of thousands of products / A & P is proud to offer every week. Serving the \4 THIS WEEK'S BEST EGG BUY! s SUNNYFIELD GRADE "A" eam EGGS ) Co AYLMER PEARS GREEN BEANS aa PEAS & CARROTS "sr Sam BQ AYLMER TOMATOES vi"itionce 3 orm 89 FACELLE ROYALE SUNLIGHT etercent """ sic" cur surroe BQe INSTANT COFFEE COLGATE 100 SOLO MARGARIN meee Garden-Fresh Fruits & Vegetables! CHOICE QUALITY BARTLETT (HALVES) 19-FL- SAVE tte OZ TINS fl, AYLMER FANCY QUALITY BLUE LAKE CUT 14-FL- SAVE 140 OZ TINS ¢ BATHROOM TISSUE FEATURE PRICK! PKGS OF 2 ROLLS e MAXWELL HOUSE (300 OFF DEAL) SAVE AN EXTRA 200 10-07 JAR 1 39 14-7L-0Z FAMILY. SIZE BTL € 3-LB PKG 85 ORAL ANTISEPTIC SAVE Se (PARCHMENT WRAPPED) SAVE 4e New Jersey, Curly Leaf, Ne. 1 Grade SPINACH Qrcakion 39 NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P families of our country has been our pleasure for 40 years. We're unhappy about-only one thing. / . We wish we were as old as Canada, so we could GRAP :S ee 35: KING have served you for 100 years. Ij G E MONE PRICED HIGHER AT ABP SiZE Someday, we will be 100 years old; Then, as now. eee we will be completely dedicated to bringing the counts Ritctinn Gaivick bemtapien, Sine 4 5 c ONTARIO GROWN, LONG GREEN SLICERS, NO. 1 GRADE CUCUMBERS scx FOR g NONE PRICED HIGHER AT AaPI is most good food, to the most people, for the nias, Carnations and Tomate Plants, a Bex least amount of money. J What 'None Priced Higher' means at A&P ~~ . "SIMPLY THIS! IT 18 YOUR GUARANTEE THAT YOU DO BROCCOLI cAurornis, rest, GREEN, No. 1 GRADE large orig bunch a) \ For More Taste--Less Waste! NOT PAY ANY HIGHER PRICE ON THE PARTICULAR Choose '"Super-Right' FRESH TURKEY CUTS aa 47 res }57 LEGS HALF BREASTS COTTAGE ROLLS it."ime » 59° SX COLD CUTS 79 ASSORTED BEEF LIVER = stn: «0 Je 7 ax0000 sworn PORK SAUSAGE "i 659 BOLOGNA rX2%2u0 v4. 3c| SIDEBACON |CQOKED HAM 22%, «ocr 53c WIENERS oncom mY £ rw A?) d CANNED HAM 1% & 233? CORNED BEEF oii" =» 7% 7 POLISH SAUSAGE ":°""* »6% VISIT WITH US AT... <a --- All Prices A&P ft «cy Quality Sliced Reg. Price 49e Pkg. -- SAVE 13 Bs Aan STh \WBERRIES =. 2 5x ks: 85 baer Frozen FEATURE PRICE! APRIL 2 Bice yd LIBBY'S PEAS 2b poly bag Qe Scroser27 fice Chocolate Brownies, Pecan Rolls or Reg. 790 -- SAVE 100 WE'RE SPONSORING THE "EGG GRADING FACTORY" gry APPLE DANISH saratee 0 69e POULTRY BUILDING -- AGRICULTURAL SECTION sto at Seafood Buys! Exxues FRIED IN BATTER WHEATLEY YELLOW LAKE AsP HADDOCK | PERCH FILLETS =57- AQ Reg. Price 630 pkg. SAVE Ge | Reg. Price Be pkg. SAVE Se Br Sokory boys JANE PARKER NA : PEACH PIE FULL 8", 24-OZ SIZE 39: Bowmanville REG. PRICE 49c EACH -- SAVE 10¢ Va 4 Jane Parker Reg. Price 390 each-- SAVE 280 SPANISH 3.0 QQ, BAR CAKE Jane Parker : Reg. Price 4e loaf -- SAVE Te CRACKED WHEAT. 24-or BREAD 3""O0¢ Jane Parker - Plain or Sugared Reg. Price 35e -- SAVE 4e HOMESTYLE DONUTS #is <6 31 vf YUKON CLUB (5 VARIETIES) CANNED BEVERAGES oF 2 $1.79 OF 24 10-FL-OZ TINS 12-10 fl. oz. tins 95¢e \ No Additional Charge for Low Cal. T. Ranier of Vancouver day was elected president of the Proprietors Association NEW YORK (AP) -- A j|succeeding John Martin of Tor-