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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 May 1967, p. 20

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20 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Mey 31, 1967 'Pension-Plan Collections 'Averted Large Deficits OTTAWA (CP)--New pension-, collections spared the three levels of seraiineat in Canada| 000,000. from a substantial deficit on their combined taxing and spending activities in 1966. «The pre-budget white paper tabled by Finance Minister Sharp in the Commons reveals a@ $280,000,000 surplus for the federal, provincial and munici- "pal governments. This would seem to indicate little change in position from 1965, when the poescaraols sur- plus was $246,000 But in 1966, for 'the first time, Canadians paid into the Canada and Quebec pension plans. These contributions, totalling $714,000,000, saved the govern- ments from a deficit of $434,- The calculations are made on a national-accounts basis,. ac- counting for all cash flows, rather than a strict budgetary basis, They are made for the calendar year and include such non-budgetary items as old age security and unemployment in- surance funds. The white paper says some revenues that increased sub- stantially in the middle years of the expansion since 1961 be- gan to level off in 1966. ALL SPEND MORE Further, all levels of govern- ment spent much more -- the Production Costs, Prices May Show Moderation OTTAWA (CP) -- Production costs and prices can be ex- pected to continue upward in 1967, but with some moderation from last year's pace, Finance Minister Sharp reported Tues- day in his pre - budget white paper. -- rose 4.6 per cent in "The extent of the increase is uncertain," the white paper said. "It will be less than in 1966, because of reduced pres- sures of demand, but larger than is desirable from a long: term point of view." Economists generally hold that a desirable annual price gain is 2.5 per cent. farm output showed a decline last year. "In guch circum- stances, some price increases usually follow." The price rise last year had been most noticeable in the first quarter, moderating as the year went on. But increases in costs continued at high rates even after demand pressures had moderated federal government up 14.2 per cent over 1965, the provinces up almost 25 per cent, the munici- palities up 11 per cent. Together, their revenues in 1966 totalled $18,780,000,000, compared with $16,373,000,000 in 1965. Their expenditures totalled 500,000,000, compared with $16, '127; 000, 000" in 1965. The federal government alone enjoyed a national-accounts sur- plus of $124,000,000 last year al- though by the fourth quarter it was running up a deficit of $360,000,000 at annual rates. By comparison, Mr. Sharp's estimate of the budgetary posi- tion, calculated for the 1966-67 fiscal year ended March 31, is a deficit of $428,000,000. The provinces had a 1966 na- tional-accounts surplus of $30,- 000,000 and the hard - pressed municipalities had a deficit of oo = pw al development. RODENT SAFETY STOURBRIDGE, England (CP) -- Twenty-four white mice have been recruited by Worces- tershire police to instruct young children in road safety. The mice have been trained to dem- onstrate highway rules in a It was difficult to predict how long the process of adjustment among costs, prices and profits would continue, "'but further in- creases in costs and prices can be expected in 1967," Much of the situation was due to wage increases already scheduled in industrial con- 4 youngsters, WANTED, UGLY WOMEN $588,000,000, reflecting their|> borrowings for education | model and are popular with) 4 a spokesman |: NEW MILTON, England (CP|p In Canadian OTTAWA (CP)--Canada's la- bor force grew by a record amount last year, mainly be- cause ofa rush of women into new jobs created by the eco- nomic boom, It reached an average 7,420,- 000, an increase of 3.9 per cent from 1965, with a number of working women leaping ahea 7.3 per cent to 2,227,000. But the pre - budget white paper tabled in the Commons by Finance Minister Sharp says the increase this year is ex- pected to be "somewhat less rapid," partly reflecting a gen- Record Growth Reported Labor Force rapid increase of wage rates in most industries. This wage trend, coupled with the inexperience of many new workers, resulted in a 'very small" gain in productivity, less than one per cent. In manufac- turing industries labor cost per unit of output wes up 3.8 per cent and in the non-farm econ- omy as a whole rose 5.2 per cent. Labor income went up 12.6 per cent while corporation prof- its before taxes showed a small decline of one-fifth of one per cent. eral slowdown from the hectic economic pace of 1966. The white paper reports that with unemployment down to an the tight labor market last year,/equivalent to the whole popula- LOVE THAT SOUND About 500,000 Norwegians, LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- The greatest opportunity today for the Christian church is provid- ing the gospel to newly-literate people in emerging nations, the Archbishop of York said Mon- day. Most Rev. F. D. Goggan told an inter-faith centennial service that these people have "hungry bellies and hungry minds, hun- gry minds for the love of Jesus, only they don't know it." Archbishop Goggan said God is one who speaks, who reveals himself and makes himself known and that is the theme of the Bible? 'Man's greatest test is to see that this word gets through to man, of all nations and all col- ors." 4 The Anglican archbishop is on a world tour on behallf of the tion of Oslo, have seen the average 3.6 per cent, caused a movie The Sound of Music. Opportunity Seen For Church - In Gospel To Newly - Literate He said the work of Bible so- cleties has become ecumenical and involves all branches of Christianity, including Rome which "no longer withholds the Bible from its people as it did so long with such tragic re- sults." "Where the Bible is released, there is renewal. Where it is withheld, corruption results," The archbishop said man has come of age technologically but that "I doubt as @ race we have even reached adolescence." He is due to speak in Toronto Wednesday. NO WOMEN ALLOWED LEICESTER, England (CP)-- Women are barred from a cookery course organized by the gas company here -- it is intended to make men better Pension Plan At $683 Million OTTAWA (CP) -- Collections for the contributory Canada Pension Plan reached $683,700,- 000 in its first 15 months of operation, Finance Minister Sharp reported Tuesday in his pre-budget white paper. The plan went into operation Jan. 1, 1966, and the white pa- per lists its income up to the March 31 close of the 1966-67 fiscal year. In the period, benefit pay- ments were only $100,000 and administration costs, heavy in LET DOWN LEICESTER, England (CP)-- The warders at a Leicester jail have let the prisoners down by losing a football match. The inmates entered an amateur soccer contest and won every match playing outside teams on their own ground within the prison walls. But the rules in- sisted the finals had to be played on a neutral ground-- outside the jail. The warders volunteered to play instead and were trounced 9-0, in the black last year and boosted its balance to $429,600,- 000 at March 31 from §$217,000,- 000 a year earlier. the initial stage of the plan, ate up $14,700,000. Bulk of the fund--$615,500,000 --has been invested in provin- cial and federal bonds which last year brought in interest of $10,300,000. , Meanwhile, the tax-supported NEED FUEL OIL ? CALL PERRY 723-3443 DAY OR NIGHT United Bible Societies. cooks. old age pension fund stayed well week! You can be sure IGA really cares about its famous Table-Rite Beef. And that's why you're always satisfied with it. IGA beef is: personally selected and then trimmed so that you don't pay for a lot of excessive fat and bone. Meanirig, there's more editing pleasure per pound, Look for IGA for. the best in meat values -- every single day of the A Hampshire theatre advertised for two women to play the ugly sisters in a production of f derella and had more than 30 replies. One woman had to withdraw before the audition Mr. Sharp's economic report said profits per unit of non- rise in unit labor costs. tracts, resulting in a continued wasn't ugly, when her husband insisted she for home, ing, as it on Ne, 2 Hishwey MARKET-PLACE Your Guide To Quality Work & Better Values lent "Shopping" Check this bo sg every Ppbrmeef It's ue 2 noes guide to , aute ond enterteinment ces evelleble to you end your femily, represent- ees, ag tek abe quelified businesses in their fleld. 4 "FOR HOME AND GARDEN AUTOMOTIVE GARDEN CENTRE model slclon t's the | | DESIGNED & BUILT SEAWAY MOTORS 2" Eewrett 9 Towing P CUSTOM are il IREPLACE JOHN BROUWER ein Bratton rks 2 Fi siaptin J N. YSCH Ow Open Evenings till 9 P.M. Phone 725-9121 @ VENETIAN BLINDS George M, Reid 66 Bond S. W. 725-0633 SAWDON'S BUILDING SUPPLIES Al Home Improvement Centre 244 Breck S., Whitby SUSIE SUPELES RUNDLE fo provi you she erga fing USED CARS GARDEN CENTRE LTD, Lawn rete" Slee ENING' + + + bought end sold Seria off, || STANS Lawn R. B, MOTOR SALES lawn feria: 983 King W. Orhewe 509 Bloor E., Oshawa 1015 tine #. E, 725-6551 723-3224 APPCIANEE HEPA SALES @ PARTS @ REPAIRS 3 Licensed eg fe WARNER WILLIAMS |] Sntict "TTA JT) ei den . ee CENTRE . Be Outboares ds re) 4 nee. pavers pigment $08 ibeloreine e ST RR | il a JAN'S GARAGE a © 7 kes ot © Coewe 0. OLAN ENGINES se 37 Stetion Plose Alex " is Oshawa 728-2701 Ritson $. 725-8371 REPAIRS & ESTIMATES CITY CART AGE Sey ee .. Without obligation The NURSE @ Awnings Vertice! Blinds MOVING ond STORAGE 8 RY ROOM Complete line of . . Local and Long Distence Agent for United Van Lines oon aast Limited 25-2621 Anytime BUD'S WELDING Brock Rd, Pickering 943-0720 @ Omamental Rellings @ Wrought Iron Furniture @ Interior & Exterior roils, "Others imitate but none een duplicate" PLANNING jo ne aoe Healer' Ind Nauetriel wie mercial Bullding Contractors. JERRY BOSANCICH Oshawa 59 Wayne St. seas Coll 725-9871 PRESTO PEST CONTROL HERE'S YOUR BEST DEAL @ Corriages @ Strollers @ Cros Toys @ Infants' Weer end cessories. 26 King &., Oshewe 576-0350 Free Dolivery DIAPER SERVICE Twice @ week delivery. DIAPER SERVICE Call today... starts today! Pick up & Delivery, PEL'S Cleaning Centre Bicir Perk Pleze Whitby 668-4671 DINING end DANCING Oshawa ewned & qd prompt reliable low cost service All work Guaranteed, Bonded ond insured for public safety. COTTAGE OWNERS . or Home Owner, le Speciglize in professional ingraliation of KITCHEN CABINETS R. H. CABINET SHOP 1613. Cherles. -- Whitb Phone 660-6911 REMODELLING... e@ Kitchens @ Bathrooms end superior custom Woodworking. HARLEIGH MFG. CO. SUING ARS WE SPECIALIZE... in remodelling @ KITCHENS @ BATHROOMS ... free esti- mates. AC. STARK & SON Plumbing & Heating Phone 725-4377 Oshawa's Finest Dining Room e@ Luncheon Buffet @ Dinners 5:30 to 9:00 @ Dinner Dance Nightly For reservations sell 723-4693 GEORGIAN Motor Hotel Chemplein Rd. ENTERTAINMENT LADIES WELCOME ° 4 Tables @ Snack Bar alt IN YOUR HOME +0" ot our plant Ru ROAI ly t upHotsrenY canine @ Free Estimetes @ Oshawa Rug Cleaners . Is the number to call for Exegvati Trenchi Sewers b Water excaveting ® Septic Tanks 341 French St. Oshawe 723-7589 Coll 725-9961 EXCAVATING SOD SUPPLY 665-3566 Nursery Sod & Cultivated FIELD $0D Coll 725-9674 @ FM. Music Children accompanied by par- ents ore welcome, CADILLAC BILLIARDS 360 King W. Oshawe 725-8112 FISH end CHIPS TAKE OUT ORDERS FISH and CHIPS We fry Halibut only! PHONE 728-3301 Williams Fish & Chips COMPLETE JANITOR SERVICE Offices -- Stores -- Homes Book. nul id Spring House Clean! BOWMANVILLE "GREANING "servicer 623-3924 ~GREEN NURSER 306 Stevenson N. Osh aid. i wanoing || ALL-GREEN NURSERY oe 411 Fairview Br, Whitby Townline Rd. N. Oshawe MOVING : ¢ i, SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CENTENNIAL awe, aan i pov if Wire pe rienced mov ned Clooning and Generel fa roeulicine fo Custer Made ine eo Sa ae need. serelgne ncereim cer: || Quality Reproductions maa ving FREE ESTIMATES 6 Kingston W. Pickering D STORASE PHONE 576-0430 942-1621 OSEB_ FURNITURE VARIETY STORES FURNITURE SAVINGS... FOR LOWER PRICES.., on fur niture and appliances visit us soon. McNEIL FURNITURE 215 Dundes E. Whitby 668-5481 668-4526 SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE @ TOBACCOS @ MAGAZINES @ GIFTS @ BRIGHAW PIPES Open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily SHORTY'S Cigar Store Brock St. Whitby HEAVY DUTY DETERGENT BOLD All Vegetable Jewel SHORTENING Spanish YORK PEANUTS Afternoon Tea BISCUITS ~~ IN THE DAIRY CASE PARKAY MARGARINE 2 ib. es Regular or Nippy CHEESE SLICES «== d 2 BLADE R SHORT Pr ) 4% Phos, BAKERY DEPT. IGA Oven Fresh RHUBARB PIE DEMPSTERS 2c off Shop For Value et Any of These Convenient Locetions..e BRAEMOR IGA Stevenson Rd. N. ot Annepolis MOTOR CITY IGA Ritson Rd. $., Oshawa COLLEGE HILL IGA Cubert St., Oshawe DYL'S IGA 166 Adelaide Ave. E., Osh LANSDOWNE IGA Lansdown Shopping Centre BILSKY'S IGA 120 Wilson Rd. $., Oshawe Ors EXHIBITION ROLLS IP OF DARE ASS 69 69 Jd BO PEAS PURITAN BEEF STEW FANCY SOUD WHITE MICRO SHOE POLISH LADY PATRICIA CLIMATE CONTROLLED FPREE/ A PKG. OF LAWRY'S TOASTED ONION + GREEN ONION HORSE RADISH » CAESAR WITH THE PURCHASE OF A PKG. POTATO CHIPS s& 79c OAST IB ROAST STOKELY FANCY HONEY POD REMOVED Treesweet Juice IGA TOMATOES 2249 i Al DRINK MIXES "IT" WHITE HAIR SPRAY WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 2:4 MIX ORTED 4 PACK BLADE NE 2:39 : 39: = 49. ron 43: 9:99 25: n sx Q9. Large Size HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS McLeans-8c off TOOTHPASTE 15c off Shampoo-Green SILVIKRIN FOOD & BONUS ITEMS EFFECTIVE MAY 31- JUNE 1, 2 & 3. LARGE « SE, CHOICE HALVES AYLMER PEACHES 10 oz. Jar ¢ CROSS CUT RIB OR ROASTS BURNS WIE ¢ POTA Prod. of U.S.A, Can. No. Grade 10 Ib. Bag SAVOURY TROPICAL FLAVOUR BANANAS SWEET & JUICY VALENCIAS SUNKIST ORA MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE aoe ot 9 BONELESS SHOULDER CAMPFIRE SAUSAGEASC BEEF LIVER = CALIFORNIA TASTY WHITE 69° FULL OF FLAVOUR, SWEET, JUICY, PRODUCE OF MEXICO CANTALOUPE.:*3:. Supplied by THE OSHAWA WHOLESALE LIMITED supply depot for progressive independents 1.23 00 NERS:<*.53¢ my, Sie TABLERITE CANADAS' FINEST RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF TOES ao Du 25h NGES = 59: Canada 3-99 THE Wednesday, N BA Al Bruce Jan of Mrs. Chi of Oshawa a Carter, gra: from Wat University of arts deg is a gradua Collegiate Ir awa and p there this fa of the teachi Infecte To Be BUFFALO federal cour dered the 5,808 frozen | government excess bact are store , warehouse. The "Lake of the chocol cream variet burned or bu ficials said. Foods, Inc., ; producer of | oppose the d issued mon ,John Hender ' trict court. Leaders Bilingue {OTTAWA (C Ryan, publishe French - lang paper, Le Dev @il Canada's Tgaders of the including polit bilingual. ; Mr. Ryan, } English and F national confe: operative Unio its French - | part, Le Conse ¢o-operation, s bd bilingu nada is unr the other lang stand it when *The only h Quebee in Co Ryan said, i: province realiz pier as part of doing it alone. 'Revised Cut NDI SUDBURY ( figures in Mon election cut t cratic Party's : to 121 votes. * When countir Monday night ig's 163 pollit ville C. (Bud) candidate, had 12,926 for Lib rome--a marg' « Returning off sey announced ing that Mr. ¢ yotes to 12,842 "The revis changed the t the other three Progressive Cc G. Caswell's to from 2,847 and iam Passi's cul Social Crediter total remainec 243. Chinese To Be I MONTREAL tionalist Chines @anada said T try's fire-dama yillion will be nothing will fF continuing our Canada's cente Yu-Chi Hsueh from Ottawa morning fire v "certainly a tr The ambass thought the bui against fire but whether the e sured. Pierre Dupu3 Mhissioner - ge! duced the an press conferenc of the contract ticipants that ance be carrie "The ambassa take the pavilic to get back int ~ IM / SMARKET BC land (CP)--It 53 years to dis Aubrey Jones t life--he's a ma asked for a c certificate he régistered as a te produce sis proving he wa: the certificate «

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