: 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Mey 81, 1967 vo. yrweY,Y Te wT Ow Elect President Doctor Shortage Critical In Western Ontario Town US. Financiers Suggest New Securities Commission TORONTO (CP) -- Majoricriticized Canada's lack of « United States financial institu-|fedéral securities commission tions have suggested that Can-jand, "in some cases thése in- ada establish a federal securi-|vestors were not aware of the Quality In Nuclear Plants Obligation Of Producers ic peng TORONTO (CP) -- Raymond Engholm, 56, president of MONTREAL (CP) -- Manu-a reliable system design," he masons Ce: ot Connie 148. 0f facturers selling nuclear powerjtold the Canadian Nuclear As- plants to developing nations/sociation. Toronto, was elected president of the Canadian Manufacturers' Association Tuesday. He suc- -- This} A special town committee has|There has been no have a moral obligation to con-| « \ ww ee 3006 SS sodden ' ly |been "scouring Ontario without] Mrs, Morrey thinks Wingha gham centrate on quality and not look stake," he added in a pened a City Henri W- Joly of Quebec ties commission or improve uni-ifact that, in Canada, securities found the dilemma|success for replacements for its|will have to adopt the clinic for a fast dollar, the chairman|cyssion on the advanta; nd! on formity in provincial acts tojlegislation is a provincial: re- seceittown Ontario|two departing doctors idea which 1s being tried in of the Pakistan Atomic Energy eee ae], other officers elected at the/reip non-resident institutions in-|s " 5 | aaa four doctors plan| Dr. Corrin, who has practised|nearby Brussels as ry centennial Commission said Tuesday. phage aad ror © ae a Wine eatin vest with confidence, says a re-| "If foreign investors do not Bk PN te le Dri Han i oun si Ian abn er impr, Be x eo Spey ee Dr. Ma "4 a att look in seveiaicy Dr Kiashen. staffed with cab doctor and ons tries like India and Pakistanjare the only developing nations|arines, second vice-president. | The comment any part of a necuetiia Gin " Mr. Abell Bet) i) 75 patients a day,|who has been with him for six| dentist, desperately need power to de-/Now, committed to Canadian president of od ern Abel leald, "they are likely to prefer close their office today to movelyears, is becoming an anesthe- velop industry and improve|;; experi rT 5 yito invest where can i : beg Pigg Peg Min 2 Mo Mien {TRTOVE| 'will greatly influence the deci-(ations despite high capltallinc. of New York, « subsidiary |) stn ettective control, which cates to London, Ont., 60 miles away. |tist. them they leave Dr. mn, recovering agriculture. water power and fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas, nu- costs. Special loans could ease/of Wood Gundy Securities Ltd., the capital cost problem, both suggested, five doctors, 'one semi-retired and another who has had se- vere heart attacks," for the 15,- sions of other countries" in ac- cepting Canadian-designed reac- Toronto, dealing with the tors, is usually bic od substantia! money-market effects of the fd purchases of equ : ACTOR DIES DOCTORS PRAISED from his coronary attack} No one blames them for leav-|999 le in the section of clear power was the only an- se of the Atlantic Ac- brought overwork, andjing. Mrs. Robert r Oflwestern Ontario near Goderich| Claude Rains, 77, stage |swer. Dr. Usmani and V. N. Mec- wou ~~ ye low, bot pet any . c . = Dr, .W A. Crawford, the local|Lakelet, 12 miles out of town,/served by the Wingham hospi-| and screen actor, died to- | "It is, therefore, extremely|koni, chief engineer of India's|" °° Se ere er rhe: briet was wade publics DUN, U.U, coroner, who ts to retire.|says no men could have been|taj, Health officials estimate) day in Laconia, N.H., Lak- |important for Canadian nuclear| nuclear research and power pro-|COUd use their own uranium fin ecday by the royal commis- OPTOMETRIST The 10-bed Winghayn District /more dedicated, there should be one doctor for| es Region Hospital of ab- |industry not to look to big|gram, that Canadian|they had any, rather than being|sion of 'Mr. Justice Samuel OMETR Hospital has no resident doctor. Area physicians pay visits there only in the mornings. : Mrs. I. E. Morrey, hospital administrator, is worried that she won't be able to get a doctor in time in a real emergency. In addition: to the two remain- ing Wingham doctors, she can call on a doctor in Teeswater or two in Lucknow, both com- munities 11 miles away. Mayor Dewitt Miller says Health Minister Matthew Dy- mond had promised to do what he could for the town, but there have been no results yet. Mrs. Morrey has written to 33 hospitals in Ontario that train internes, and Barry Wenger, publisher of the weekly Advo- cate Times, has been telephon- ing his contacts everyw! 5 every 1,000 persons. The differ. ence is a problem he is deter-| He had been taken to the mined to solve, but he does not} hospital from his home in know how it can be done. Sandwich last Wednesday. dominal bleeding and shock. |chunks of profits on the reactor déals as their sole motive but to concentrate on the delivery of high-quality components and reactors using natural uranium fuel and heavy water as a mod- erator had economic and politi-|fuel being used in Europe and cal advantages for developing'the U.S. : forced to rely on one or two Hughes, inquiring into the col- countriés for special enriched lapse. It. said major U.S. financial institutions almost unanimously hee 14% King St. East 723-2721 Long, Hard Winter Boon To West's Wheat Farmers} EDMONTON (CP)--The long, hard 1966-67 winter may have distressed Prairie city-dwellers, but for the region's grain farm- ers it has proved a boon. Heavy snowfall] and a late spring have helped produce ex- cellent spring moisture condi- tions and the prospects for this year's grain crop now are good. At the same time, the late on- set of dry summer weather de- \ layed seeding operations and \ farmers are just winding up a Jast-minute rush to get crops -- in time to allow them mature and be harvested be- fore the first frost strikes in the fall. Once seeding is completed, the hope will be for June rains te get the crops off to a good start. Farmers have an extra- large stake in good weather this as a result of the success- conclusion of Kennedy round tariff negotiations in Geneva. An international wheat agree- ment concluded at Geneva will increase the price farmers ob- tain for their wheat, how great the increase will be is not yet clear. In Saskatchewan, where the py sie share of the --~ jae produced, farmers we seeded 12,000,000 acres, a one- week record. MELTING SNOW E. H, Evans, supervisor of THERE'S MORE TO SEE WITH... CABLE TV The Finest in Entertainment. News, Sports. ing the crop an excellent chance' for early growth, However, we will still need June rains to en- sure @ crop for our farmers." Moisture conditions and require- ments are similar in the other provinces, Planting should be completed in the slowest areas, such as 'Manitoba's Interlake District, within about 10 days, Eighty-five per cent of Mani- toba's cereal grain crop and 50 per cent of the province's rape- seed and flax ¢: have been planted to date. Saskatche- wan, wheat seeding is 82-per- | cent completed and planting of| other s is nearing comple- tion. The Alberta wheat pool | reported about 60 per cent of | wheat planted to date and about} 25 per cent of oats, barley and flax, Seeding operations in Al- berta have delayed over the last week by rain and wet snow, The only major problem now facing Prairie grain farmers is "prairie ¢ larmers are to seed a total of sour hatte 000 acres of wheat this year, In 1966 total wheat acreage was 29,780,000, producing a ping record of 824,000,000 bus' "dat Pa pat acreages this year of other major ereas (1966 acreages in brackets): 1967 1966 Relayed Direct to Your Home via Interference Free Co-axial Cable! NOW YOU GET HIGH TRADE-IN ca Oats 4,890,000 (8,340,000) pans nod ph Be hod aan Barley 7,350,000 (6,870,000) great percentage of the snow; Flax 1,470,000 (2,020,000) qelt water is still with us, giv-| Rapeseed 1,472,000 (1,388,000) Pope Sees European Unity Step Toward VATICAN CITY (AP)-Pope Paul received French President de Gaulle today eines hagenved progress on an un a step toward world peace, In a formal statement read as the pontiff and the president sat side by side in the papal Ubrary, Pope Paul said the very fact that France's chief of state had attended the Rome Com- mon Market summit conference) showed the value attributed to "the good functioning and af- firmation of the European Com- munity." The Pope praised French ef- forts to aid developing nations and said he was sure de Gaulle shared the worries and hopes of the Pope for the poorer peoples of the world expressed in his last encyclical. PEACE EFFORTS In his reply, de Gaulle re- called the Vatican ecumenical council, the trips made by Pope Paul outside Italy on pilgrim- ages of peace. He spoke of the Pope's concern for peace every- where in the world. "Without any doubt," de Gaulle said, "world peace has never been so blindly threat- ened." ee The Pope and the president made their statements after ON YOUR (resent AERIAL or TOWER Your Aerial Is Worth From $9.95 to $35.00 Cable TV Value World Peace in the privacy of the closed pa- pal library. Vatican sources said that in their talk the Pope has ex- pressed to de Gaulle his hopes that obstacles to European unity' could be overcome in the fore- seeable future, It was the first official visit by the French chief of state to the 69-year-old spiritual ruler of the Roman Catholic Church. De Gaulle was received in audience the day after the two- day European Common Market summit meeting in Rome. Gentile Canadians Needed By Israel VANCOUVER (CP) -- Non- Jewish Canadian volunteers may be considered by the inter- national Zionist Organization for Assistance in Israel, embroijed in a dispute with its Arab neigh- bors. Leo Marcus, executive direc- tor of the Zionist Organization of B.C., said Tuesday any gentile volunteers would be processed through Israeli consulates, Eight young Jews left here Tuesday night for the strife-torn Middle Eastern country. They were the first of more than 50 WHAT DOES CABLE TV DO FOR YOU? Coble TV offers you a service that delivers'a wider selection of TV stotions to your set without need for an aerial. PERFECT RECEPTION 11 CHANNELS The signal is received by a large sensitive moster antenna, amplifiers boost their strength and coaxial cable conveys the signals to your home. You are not bothered with interference os with outside an- tennas. The cable enters your home as neatly as the Tel conferring alone for 20 minutes 2-4 p.m. Beauty P: MISS SHIRLEY HICKEY of the VICK] JENKINSON MODELLING SCHOOL will be ot our store in Oshawa Shopping Centre King St. W. and Stevenson Rd. FRIDAY, JUNE 2nd Miss Hickey will demonstrate make-up and be available for consultation in who answered the appeal by the international organization. wire. WITH CABLE TV YOU NEVER HAVE THE BOTHER, THE EXPENSE OR REPAIRS OF OLD STYLE ANTENNAS, YOU GET TROUBLE FREE PERFECT RECEPTION. OSHAWA ONLY $9.95 $495 worm 6-8 p.m. roblems. TAMBLYN pee eee te er erase es « aa ACCOR Mi Hi: The high * of grade ** plano-accoré _ Canadia steel guitar by Oshawa Music, The 86.5 } . est average Receiving tn the piar ' rt ; ™ Usacki, were: Oshawa - John Lyle, } G! Powlenchuc Ronald Cze Michael. W chowski, It lina Ciarla dry, Romar kovas. Shelly B = wutehinson, Donald Ral Debbie Loc Janet Mull Arlene Pars son, Kelvin Linda Wolf, Bowler, Ca Ann Manila Ford Coun: Ford should murder bec: ing himself mother on counsel, Do a Supreme Mr. Creig to acquit Fo ' capital mur Ford, 55, or fiable homi He said would have Mr. Creig jury for on utes as the heard more went into it MAGIS Tw Ind A 27-yea 'was sentenc prison on a assault wh Oshawa J Monday. Emmanue ha one year a probation, ¢ mit a psychi istrate Dodd previously b decent exp pearing for DISTURBAD George Division St., gon, 23, of pleaded gui causing a the course « Gimcoe Stre received fin or ten days. TRESPASSI Raymond Mitchell Ave trespassing and was fin WARNING Peter M. sane St., ple Montgome: 95 Taunton ty to a and costs or 20 « MINOR Dennis La tref Ave., F charge of tion and w costs or 20 < LIQUOR CH Enniskillen, charge of f public place and costs or REMANDEL William Le 4, Ennismo pleaded not of carrying : and was re bail, cash or $100 FINE Michael- O Rosedale A\ to a charge tion and w: costs or 20 < ASSAULT , Waltez De