oy a! A caine 5 Pape gee wy * Yee m , yy ee Oe OS _ ¥ ' Cory ewe SS © ab. SELES SEES BREEN dN BN IN A a, . we Re ew ee eS THE -- iS a Bs oe ww Ey 68S A : . "* eee ¥ 7"-_--_oro Pace A di io SS BA BR J BS. Gg eee eae a 12% cents, July 15, record June BOND MAR VNES 4 \ VW | : Cana- Yee Uw We WN ND 130. +» COM- (CP)-- The eae wn Pe aN r said railways pre- DIVIDE s Dominion Glass Co. Ltd "of 5 alge market wes un: The paper a¢ keep' rates PRESS ts, decrease dian bond m ding Tues ee oon. The! By THE CANADIAN somta dal 14, tocote dts 21. changed in quiet tra uniform across the ommission Temple Ltd., commonicents, July atutal, Gas Ltd., day. t of HS A OF RR RUBE Af MacPherson Ag a report| Ash ee clit A pref. $1.50;|- Lakeland -- cents, June Short - term Seventies a 31, 1967 | AD BBR LO on transportation, port act,|274 cents; 6% cents, July 1,/5 4. ner-cent pref. : bonds were uncha: rut a ee Mey 8), Tot ; a led to the new ype: ol its| class B pref. bs 4 15, record June 1. | iescaides Merge 4%4-per-cent ee al. BOWMANV 26 }ttitt : "carefully avoided s yjrecord June 16. le Leaf . Mills, co phe losing at 99. through the B 0G (Si i A OE : lization yet, by 1 Investments| Maple -cent pref.liggg issue c - cA A te position on equalizat tes,! Canadian General tl17% cents; 544-per. "99.85 asked. hwartz Br ' TTT imi ing for cost-oriented rates,| Ca stock 2-3-per-cent|1714 ly 4, record June 15.|,44 99.8 nd prov- Sc) tt ger seb that the rate level|rtd,, peng hoo ue ae $1.37%4, July of Canada Ltd., Long-term Canada a iniged Street, will b * H it inferre her in the moun-inon. cum. re lue 20 cents} Power Corp. ts; 6-per-cent|; cial bonds were wun 1 of the ; might be highe Prairies, /pref, shares par va um. }434-per-cent 59 cents; June |incia 4¥4-per-cent Sept. 1, _ t figh r he hiottemee ees than each, P Hd a gga Sune 11 cents, ae 30, 108s, one he at OAK bid 4 a Exhibit "| ighe e 8 , : on * P< : LIGHT between Toronto and og T a June 15; $2.50 pe = So 6. and 87 asked. ov traded 4, The pare BUSINESS SPOT. a higher in --oe |pref. 6244 cents, July 15, record|y Ronalds-Federated oie Sept, Day-to-day money : a.m. po pa 'S STOCK licy ery bony Fane 9 epteeeneN a La, MOEN oy a 1C i as an econo-| Ju! rial Gas and/12¥% cents, : 3 bills remaine tion is schec "As a shipper, : Canadian Industria Treasury bills Store vin cy ortation Po ed with ational -cent pref. 274% cents,|], d with the 91 - day minion . Ch'ge mist concern Oil, 544-per. 16 change: t and the m : STOCKS Heck Salen High Low sum. Cirge ransp disturbed by the/i) */ record June 16. ETIC STROLLS ing at 4.20 per cen p.m. TORONTO 10:0 AM. § 5 100 $1111 + unity, I am _|July 1, i Co. Lid., 5 PO Expo are|closing The plans f Distributed by 1 | Ind Gas Me 22 22a + Va hich the com dian Marconi Co, es at Exp -day at 4.30. nge--May 1130 $222 22 5% sual way in w Cana d June 9. Six avenu 182-day r floats of rll geo pe O A | 800 HSM 54 SMe a . ca a Parliament has ts, June 30, recor s fier. poets. fo ae Quotations in meeivident, xr--Ex-] ¢ and ge 9335 120«ON ae e mission an ional dif-| cents, Ltd., common'named a horses, ca ee Fea ter chon rl Sen tae eae a ite @ t-/opened the door to reg Craig Bit Co. Ltd., and other hor from" previous boerdiot closing. sale Can Tire A 200, SiB% i a -- e a d by John|Pont of Canada Ltd. In Mon' |ferences in rates. ; e The horse Chemest asd +} ead his paper was rea f Dulreal. ture, We Che! 55 $44Va - | tor 0 fea > MIN Sf z ws 5 N SMITH ll, traffic direc ; 'i dil ob a dol ll Srl > Binge ters By KE Business Editor | Mitchell, Horses, Musi dugg pceies 5 cual ge tad Columbia Tats $3286 304 evs 1 Canadian ages Delays in | Af her g bey 2 20 1 | Cominco 260 $38% 38.4 Tas | 'ORONTO ( as Zi Pole Ben Ro ee hen a Sl gee oth 4 750, | T ; transport com Flag P Agnico 2.22 ee aes aig th ak jestablishing a tr the inter- TY Class, Flag Pol RARE hac TT BR Con Papr p 17a 17% 17% ~ est ion are hurting dc @ td] Class, Sack Am Moly 7 6 6 Cone Gas 377 $ ye wluata of all Monbaraen aha 1 Race, tua ee ee 8 Mi dour or B+ Uleete of a ing the success. of Barrel : Belcher = 630 90 vy| Sorby B 200827 2 4 12% lversely affecting the tion Pickup Race Bethim 000 "29% 2914 2918 +2%4| GOrpY Intl 225 $12% 12 jversely | ew_transporta Girls' Sr ee re ee a fae, Sep saa 30 'Ne Canada's .n eneral Race, ' 22 +21 Cygnus $7 6% OH is A hn Magee, g' \ " Goat T Sed vintage **| Som 6 "Bs BE BEM plies, ohn Canadian Truck the Sau 2 Saat Y, whe, "in PE | bath "2 baer ee [manatee tion Tne anid Tues iN See € ee a, 204 Ba + 8) D lect p ae ie aie Sie ~) day. ia the Sechcanndal meek Tom | eymou Can " --s | ' iz ' cander Mio. si6 1 oan cine Se a gag Canadian egg cotiibaion ai chi. ee Bosco dae sist san tote -- [1B OY After the new transport caller. Comb See list below. tar 15) $204 20% 20% | ths after the new i Conigo See list below De textile 250. $20% 4 34 = %)mon introduced in Parlia-| Ss ¥ Con-Key a eat hoe gear pe 150 $34 4 --%\bill was intro after it! BUSINES exam, "eS bh zt) Bene abe Bee 18s meat and. four vent "there Is Charles A. cm cree ase tel eS Emca iy th tt \reegived royal nasil mmis- director of Con' Gillies 2000 455 455 + 5.| Esicon 1600 135190 135 dian transport co! Co. of ¢ C Marben 200 oo 475, 475 --I5 | Fleet we. 100 $244 242 ag jno Canadia Plug Co. th € 'Mosher '1000 "22 "22 "22 Frases Sa jsion."" ay to en- Men's Reversible iy eee tne Con" Negus 6200.37 37 he. Gcodyear 0 $220 22% 22% "This is the only way lstaty ' ist the company vy Sg Soe jist below. See ae ee % co-ordinated, regula' d 10 Transis or POPLIN its Canadian o fon Pielas ee et iy | See. 38 38 wy approach wader legislation ed AM/FM 2 Ban PRESTIGE sor, Ont., in | Coulee $1198 11211) | ker S$ 200 5 86 a just railways | ' Girls' tired Tuesday, Craigmt a gee iit below. ee ag "oy concerns not jus of all Boys' or vhs Benisen 14 3s 300 3 --10 | Home a 110 S204 20% 45 "--20 |interests, bat trangectt TTruck| ODED WINDBREAKER pone Dicknsn 210 847% W702 A7V8 1 |. Home pit 3650 sis Ate ita jother forms o air and pipe-| NYLON HO OLD HO lg ta ep dua meets Bay Co 100 $174 17a 34% -- %h) ond bus, water, MONTREAL East M + 200 126 126 126 20 HB Oil Gas 275 $ Ve 12% 12le Hla | i pS ae esgdiag gs A el } hea as Sia 1 Ue iline. ing up.a Pierre du Ca Yk Hug ' 39% setting up aj Siew Exp See. list, below. Huron 5 ae $14%-- M% 1A} bd The act calls for 'divided into before 1725 anc srg, fo a oe om | fut Bl Hy hehe &7-man commision, vied into cin: ae in Montreal, Grmey 3bn 38 3s 40 --10| imp Oil 100 Sita tala ide -- wa series of comm ects of | Two Jackets in f the some public for fe pee 100 44 460 440 --10 oe ee 1 oe 22% 22% -- |sible for various asp | KETS to another color o tchguorded, summer for Gulch "S007 7 7 4 Mh In Accepr cp 218 'saats 3% 1394 + Yo sportation. | better quality sco Compare early Quebec pete. ae ee | Ina aAlnert ion ae geen ge or said the govern-| trol-to hold the station on el hard wearing poplin. ee igh- 5 $24 4 Wire ; 2 12 -- Vel r ith the same A ency contro! ' d strap on eon Hollinger 13 $60 0 + Wl cee Ae ta yi tO hould act with ith zipper, elos- ith Automatic Frequency ther case with han 13.00. oe Hydra ex 1000 8% 184 18h -- ge: eee $014 98 98'a-- se! ment An blishing the com- Deluxe styling with zipper, wt how you turn it. Lea ful 10 transistor radio, ee Inf Bibs T ig 5 Delon. - it Nick 170 "sao ms jola-- Ye ah jd 't did in getting ay i tic wrists, water er a0 amd porphays are to COMPARE 35 00 FOR PRICE SAKE a Intpr Ve 10% F v/ mission iament. | i i 3 r Iron Bay T wot see lish below. | TL ind 34s. is i 9 ltegislation esyvgtthighean ss plaid nylon, Sizes 8 to | Jelex 0 39 4 Stl 100 4 355 Bee here is this iet eer 300, -- 5 | James 360 355 "But wher ission?" he Gr Aa oft Huta a] eae be' eran apart commisi he sulavonigu i Kr Ariscon 1s i 1 ie we] Key, B00 sia 3% 13% -- Ye asked. "This new regi . we ' Ce ee aoe | GaAs nn hanism, for reason s-| PRICE ; tatu: "200 slam 13% Sta Be tare us a8 a5 lve not, has eluded the tran KE U. 1 4 { , eee oe a pees: hin SA VO5 Madsen 700 Sis '15% 'T30 | Levy a 1505 87a 7H esiak ah Ts Roberts, SPR ot Mont! Thurs. - Fri, - Set. Alberto meyorun son " a a 41 (ob & 4 0 $1313 % ~ "of traffic Mnegates thet freight od : June 1-2-3 Only TING New pe Re eaeb rege ae "ti ee Tou ith. va vs doa: told ses can be expected | DUS 1 Ra PCA A a 5 FEE geo lp ge ra Tudor Nylon Bristle E ae eke eek eae lowe vallways to aa rates on ' POWDER | sco It-Mi 1200 12% 12% 12% Mass-Fer 250 $6% 6% 6% 0 itive basis. IM VY ' y b Ye 18% titive i rn so oS" wi? Pi 5 Met Stoces 300. Pg Phi 2% +ula pero effort will be Lome H AIR AND in SP Newconx a. so | Mtl A 300 sete ae iid impact of freight- ith T N' Hosco 700 320 320 Mon Fi a ote ani a litenit the mp: increased ef- L Ww BE ee em a ys Montex 1860. $27%4 27 7 lincreases through inc iral, For hard to hold, * Mylama 1000 % 3% 8)! Nwore 40 $23%4 23% 23% increases. id. A : ind with Miral, Fo Wena "13% 138 x (ae oe pie spon liahoct re cost - re-| from Shulton Oral evens -- gg te natural or super hold, 55 | 400 "But tec | : rgle in * Cee, eS Murphy 225 95 95 95 +15 But | tions alone cannot | : All Old Spice, garg ; Norbask r 6460 3030-2) Nat Hees 120 290 290 290 \ducing innovation e| = 1 ty and Fashion, Desert Flower, is Size. 98 size. ; Nerbeay 1000 24 2408 poy Ra thee e 309 ie tes oe fo offset the ard 200 tablet size. By Tek Hughes cai arene vi Pavoni Daca. Friendship Garden in match Fé yee Regular 2.9 : OF 65 65 Wire z Ve 51%e--%!" costs w ; | tyles to choos a ing sets. ompar e H N- Coldstm 250 80 490 Nia 508 $514 51% --vilin labor ed.' sty! f colors, Reg. ; ing thoat 2175 490 Noranda 500 $1034 10% 10% | Ss now are faced. assortment o' . FOR PRICE ; a5 ee he "41 | Nor cio' LN eae SERVICE | Compare 2.40 1.00, AS LOW AS -- FOR PRICE ¢ SAKE r Poreur 700 20820808 Sain, eg ie wl te aceasta Ualogers who SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE 5 a list below. A 1348 -- ew : dby serv- CE Pee Expl See 2 22 --¥ | Oshawa 1330 $13% 13% 138 aa lways as a standby FOR PRI R SAKE ® ick Crow 1102 22 8% coe cee» asarratiag ate We --1'|use railway affic are You Pine Point e225 $4834 "a $k 4) Pembina "te siith 11% 11% ¥ lice dor their bs hago vane be 59° cuties e ce $19% 19° 45 to se Feston 725 hs ld oa fow Corp 000 130 50 Lm pes to pay higher prices 66 urde: 160 $5 156 250 $ '5% prep: of rail e Que Lith 700 15s 115 Price Com 2500 $54 5% the regular users Si Mettem! 900 115 115. 115 renner 60. S29 4 2s -- [than the | ' Sea ., uo ts ts ne | Reig i Ee oe 77% -- vs| services. need by AW, . ' Renabie a0 10 32%4 + %) Royal Bnk Sa a a al A peper Bi mmerce B Boer. "Gosia wr toa + ve me a ee ee =s Currie, professor of eC an Bis diag a Hi et int ae ig Rand at the University of To how! 6 styles and colors te Roman' © ™ yiso "a 2072 Wt V4] Sel ra Naess anid shippers should realize how aoe Bee {00% Cotton choose from 1000 Shopper 27% : ditional o an Va 192 19% 344 $275 a tradi LL ie ee 2 2 -'| ee, tS of seting freight rates are being 'Tt012 -- f Velvetex 21°x3 falas eeu 7% 14 Silvifids for ans ais T= Vs Slater 275 $17Vs 174 1h d Boys EMiller 1000. 1314 : Slater 6 pr 70 370 370 -- 8 | changed. ie was ill, . y Ble oe, list be 'Ss +5 Ser a i a Because Mr. Curri | Curity Glass C ATTER = s' ermanen ere Sees ktm Se 2 ip Lack MB»... Sport 5 Ledse Press ilivan a. wae a oe isk tein 1 5 N p I fin 258 8 toe 2, 2, 24-%) Leadership | Isierine aby Nurser M s exmi 300 116 16 +41 Seeiva 100 $221 Nag | BLOUSES irr BE 2B ts) ie" 2-2 Slows Exchange are Bottles Sweaters m é bs in 35 P| 50 a 21 as 74 . ip backing wi H to ° ids and prints, spar ee ee ee 300 95% Se Me + The Tor. ooth Latex non slip | All sizes up in sol West Mine 5208 2 en at ee Gn a "| TORONTO (CP) -- intied Or pil Ebi. 46. amaita oe le "Leed S000 Th weet Tor Iron W 225 $32% 01 onto Stock Exchange eer ot With rib nipple, cap and For Baseball or Lacrosse, ae waked hy 100% viscose tuft. Compore 5.00 Compare 2.98 Yin Sav i Traders Aang oh 8a [onto | copays dee prices] Family Size. screw top. 4 or 8 or, ne ope es R PRICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE r y } j : Ap _ 250821' \leadership Tue' he tripes. .50 FO OILS, GAS ol PL aah $m dtu -- | leaders lower cot Pa 89¢ Compare 49¢ stripe! Compare 4 ¢ Where can Winx. 0 as ae a Tr can Pw ass is 8 --VWlightest days of tr | eneers ICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE wa uy 1. EAC most anythin Aimini 31S t : | we 1000 15 --10 | Trans MW $74 7% 7 year. slipped | R PR FOR 5 ganmere 300 Stim "tm "tin Troma, "we Mo ae 2a 08 sto 162.64, Since April It has | FOR PRICE SAKE bs ¢ " saKe ° . it's househok: Ce Pete oak as as UN caret aia sti tite a *)-18 to 162.64, § than 5! points. | ¢ 7 EACH Men's Gan Trient 200 908 900. 900, --10 U"cors B® as 'ya Se Sia -- Ve bat ig eg Ee Stock Ex.| ¢ EACH 5 1 to 5 stock, farm s ae aa at fd 1525. $5% Py} The New | orth Amer- 2 Ghee > an" a8 Versatie, i st ie te lchange, tg ag eo - prep ie Boys All Leather or houses the Dynamic 365 370 +5] Vic S10 $33% 33% ican pace-setter, States --_ HOE SAL Sel ach fete tt) Weene' 3 at ee oS ae Beoutiol Hel F CASINS TION ADS or Gr Plains - 150 $1 3613 Westc'st 200 240 225-225 | -- |Memorial Day a caution} e e f thou Ch colds 100 $13 13 ee i ae ai | ult, investors showe i ' K LULO r Summer Wear place of tho min city teenie "in 2h £5 | Weston a, tan 532014 | 20% 20% : aod 2,129,000 shares sane ian H BREC te a c fc ol 100 245" 4s $5 | wnte"pas xosiae 100 tae compared with 1,962,00 | UMInum SHAMPCO ennis hoes I With thick foam composition day. If you 'Numac is 85 8S + S| White -- ; ] PE T jl it int ao |S 2 3) me te les to 11:00 a.m. 516,000 day, es continued to fee | ; sole and heel. .. turn it in Prove ox wia a2 | ronson ris" 'ts_45_|the brunt of the gree ae Lawn iris ore 2 inches Sa ee Baka tase dived 7.95 d they're e Seurry Rn 52-1 ; 00195195 : ; into the | " inches. ts. re 7.993. an epee vanes =, cg | S on Een go Anat rst al BRECK STYLE dal cas Kids ©... 1.22 fb: Compare 6.95 -- You can eith Canso w 750 135 600 +40 F tl unable to explain) 5 oe : AKE oS 1500 600 pale 4 I jhave been ¥ re 1.00 . E PRICE S$. * weer 5, = 2-2) BUSINESS og bg Urniure | ser --" . 1.44 FOR PRICE SAK FOR or phone iti | ADIA Reg. i : ; ) ibution of Treasury shares | By THE ee ginal PRODUCE Chairs; ond : oe duaaaniin pale 55 PR. down town th *_. Distri inge has been RESIG : B Reynolds. E e Py *The Toronto Stock Excha companies sident of y i Hels: PRICE SAK : e brin the following c : » pres ; ' ral_ mode FOR . rand pogo dP lt underwriting" and. op Harold ceo er ae (CP)-- Wholesale HM jounges in seve ¢ Ladies ... 1.66 j oe Pena thera or ak be-| Carling piieycaetl manager ity retail carton eggs A he the BOTH 77° ROLL The TIMES A treasury s vi tly throug! i. d gen 2 os te y | i ine 'facilities of the Exchange: oe a Srowetles Ltd., | weighted ft at net as of 3 yy FOR s ® are the best, « tie Jak A hi plot Canadian Breweries Lit, Tuesdays Aare 2) Ame MM FROM Dig . Fishing | Gorigo 2130 te ig" ia" +1 |central divis May 6, it was aca ee A 29.4. ing Equipment naa ee CAR of turning unv Senet ig ag these realy lg nea benrery bre. case Air Cushioned = "Fy "Anos a Zi red WAD into instant 2 4 ° ze j pe 2ato gig Mt ses Posies in an. official country sta bp eh Board of} 100 ppe d Cases AY! Splex <" io de ae | | sing chroniied a Canation Treks tren oeoaeals be 35) I E RIER uy Des lila lex po? 1 | notice 'c ice in Tor-|Trade i e 34-35; | Ore 2 y in : e 37; larg | in a 9700, a ut vf cote head office pa rota Ne small 2; B 30;/ : iny| cakes for & 3 AIOIEES, |" rescue Sere tte BOAT ENT mt frome ot Seer madi nd vn 13 ° N > 26. . i i 'om- ith meta ev j s. > INDUSTRIALS ee eae pee ans ae T With Be ilbcien, piece ro 1872 $10% 10 10 The Toronto will resent ajmission tender: 62; buying 40) ARD or : ICE SAKE ' V2 372 37% : H | : ; 100 $37/4 a7 id Tuesday it will p! d-|buying 39 score ing or 11.95 FOR PR ta ous a 425 $7% a ee pie of proposed grt rd 63; selling 63. | For the kids rig ae ig Cc ompare ; seit : fr" sim ie | ments to its constitution roval | 1.29 each. ff the back yard. KE PRICE SAKE ¢ mines A' 190 2314 3304 aay -- [ments t ce ont nak DEBENTURES [Compare 1. 6. FOR PRICE SA FOR es A ia Si 45¥2 its next session. : i 7 us C pr 100 siou vo iu * "for adding two nga aed gov. ONTO (CP)--A $120,000,-| FOR PRICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE 7 e CLASSIFII bree coe Hee ee kers to the 'ae ted) TORO! issue is expected | r) fo Elec 410 $5¥% aeecibbaa' she act as disinteres 0 debenture issue is e: : k MH 370 $63 6 4 14%--~%4/ernors to lic. It} 00 ivately in Can-| + FROM e nk NS 856 Saale a -- | resentatives Sora in excite. be og tM abhi ronedl Pipe ] 8 e tines | 8504 'sole 'soe Ye| would = ath of the public. It prong "« finance its es FOR -) "Your Dire hne 1 Ma SOY representa utsider | Lin ; pipeline to bring ad- « ; 100 360 360 istory that an o d new pipelin pion" m3 ee pve Pinay 'board member. Deel savin gas to Eastern' a 23,560 Forest 100 $20 20 va | : CTED Canada. vould yield E suger 228 Ba ae daha -- | eens BLE Toronto, 'The debentures would 20-, Adults Only READE ee Tee oe oe oy A. H. Lem Life As-/65% per c | ; rin Fin 778° si0" se Fa ponent pag ot y was ay loi are expected to en RD R . Allowed Specials "Gaigary P85 pend 2214 2%4-- % surance Co., t of the Cana- r $200,000,000 natural | eee 4 1'2--%/ elected presiden iation|pay for a x Emerson, a 'Gen Com 320 80% 2 Qa Ai eiscta gy Sag peated kl from Een erson,| we ; Gon lon ns 19s "in Montebello, Que. He Torch 1itea: trough the United eval We Reserve Cen iron 2 2 --Vlin . 'oronto, SE co ie U.S. Fei he Right T 'can Nat "Ho 'tite ae ee a ge cage goto to ee approves | PB Quantities. ' 70 $32¥4° 32¥ ie r ol s ow Adrptacmtenis) awe 2 hy MERA Re ER daa a MacGregor Oe RIED; ie company's application. i-| an n A 250 $12 12% K. : ident: E. G. Scha ion is expected Fri. hg eae GRE "2 --3 | first vice-president: cond vice-| he decisi | Ccurts $00 2 =lilfer of Kitchener, se day. Inves' W% + ctartin tat fh o* > Slpreedent ther Rae cif alt ioe ,