NY oy. _-- , VSS CELE SEK ESE COV TPS OS 26 THE CSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Mey 31, 1967 oe rYIVI HV FG ze xeverre eaarrwevrwerese v-.° ve FT SCC SV yy -l colu m, day previous; 2 col- while purpose, providing you are stead- Reservations now accepted. 19" tresses for bunk is, $16.88; roll-away a branch office for an estab- 14--Busir "To Buy, Sell, Rent Hi R | i ion W Ads' sore y, . nt or Filre... ead and Use Times Action ant bo : E Two bedr Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 to 5 Monday Frid Saturday 8 to 12 ro Bly re assirie umber = a.m. to p.m. onday to Fri ay, oarurday © t+] ° highways 4 : vate, or partner. € 6--Marine Equipment 8--Articles for Sele 11--Pet & Livestock _ ' 1 WILL taki "household diecard:|FOR SALE, 2 beautiful, miniature nine TOB/ SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J, SCOTT SPECIAL abies, cee Loge 4 yg lt lt nd] month old binek male pone » Needs @ 12 ft. aluminum car top. 9772 k k ( ke Tv TOWER SPECIAL -- @ ft structure pletely housebroken. Registered._ 725-9778 4 E V fs D | E 3 ¥ ; Bil channel antenna, £50. "TRIO Televi- PROFESSIONAL poe SERVICE -- LUNC }, a pcoqbie: STORAGE ase = me aa cially. Free pickup 'and delivery: board -- ond SUPPLY LTD, Reascnable prices, J. Foley Plumbing,|!"@ and training. Doberman gineee 655-3641 319 College Avenue, Oshawa. Re cerran enee ee 4 ; : Open to 9 P.M. BUY AND SELL -- good used furnl-\cozy.s RANCH, Reg'd. German Shep Accountents Building Trades Gardening and Supplies (Mortgages NALCO aluminum boat and tag-a-long Preity urnue, 4 ore sera ton. Come: herds, pups, Show mare unten te quar 15--Empl 2 camping trailer. Telephone 725-4920. f se. Pony. Pinto. Western sa BOB CLANCY'S ACCOUNTING Service. clothing. Ashburn, keepl i GLASPAR G-3 Ski boat without trail eae FIRESAND-WHEELE EIS Seven, eeewine ec, Weta | REPAIRS MERION-KENTUCKY S D Pe eae Sa teaies Te Rat, TPES AWD, WHERE, TR Zliveusn PONY oe two omy oe TODDL BLUE GRASS stan : MERE ART EXACILY SIE SAME NUMBER nan Semoyed and one Labrador, red with FROBEL JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered accoun- ALTERATIONS MORTGAGE LOANS ; OF MOLECULES OF WATER. 1K HE WORLD ONE 'YEAR OLD 94, horsepower John- fant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street All- G FODAY AS AHEREIWERE 2/000 YEARS AGO ba aah motor. Used only 10 hours. pansTar BIKE SHOP Sales. Service, poe "TRAINING ee nsor Osh Day East. 7 723-4833, ADDITIONS reen Nursery We have private funds to y cht pteert yy S310. Private. "726769. Repairs. Cycle. Centra, 214° Bond Street $0 Ga YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO. Char- : aaa Growers fon os Ist and 2nd MORT- BUTANE DISARIBUTION OF THIS WATE: is MOULDED mahogany sreme|t 3 awa Obedience Association. meee het vaur s tered Accountants. Licensed Trustees in) to GES ----- FREE ADVICE, yo Concit eds ip Johnson caakantaNy USED wri hers, ther Information. tel phone, my Bankruptcy,' 52/4. Simcoe Street North] HOMES - OFFICES - FACTORIES | 725-9674 -- TOWN LINEN. | Arrangements may be pie SCRAPS- motor, full price $228. Will sell. seD-Htelevision, refrigerator, 'te $3450. 3nd 9708, | er inermaton Register | Soa REAELW AND coc cie| Pr MOOS ond Kitchens Y M. north Taunton Village in your own home, Fast cour- ee TAPSTRAKE sat win Bs | Since Sou asco : __ment call "ps Accountants, efinancia! Trade Bulld- © Specialty teous service. bereepower "ecry Anaice ius many |CONTINENTAL BEDS from $7.95, mat- 12--Articles Wanted hy Le z ing. 187 King 'ast, Oshawa, On ' ras. Excellent condition elephoneitresses half price, all sizes, headboards tario, 725-3507) $. T. Hopkins, CAi H. E. James Allen and Sons | JANSSEN/'S A. ROSEN cad or 623-5187. lone-third oft. Factory outlet. 7233887. |VAcuU al oat one TSephone 'os ree eee, al . 725-6126 GARDEN CENTRE MORTGAGE SPECIALIST 50 horsepower Mercury, 14 foo! BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap-(2070 SPRING CLE « WILLIAM C. HALL, 8B. Comm., Charter- Wi j ton ore trailer. Telephone 725-7818. | ----____. and floors, st Led Accountant, 367 King. Street East. Bod Weekends and Evenings 728-5623 i pllances. Call Elmer, 263-7294, 263-2695. |GO0D USED FURNITURE wanted, ¢ic. estimates, Tel "s ants 36¥e King bs A as roprietor -- H. LAMERS -- |gipsy AND SECOND morloages avall.| | ; 2 15 SANOE new condition. "Telephone | TYPEWRITERS, $49. No money dawn,|Highest prices. Call anylime. MacNell's cceANINa GORDON R. DAY, Certified General arper - Tile - Linoleum Commercial and Residential able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock WHEN DID SWEDEN, =~ $2 weekly. Adders, cashiers, files, new,| Furniture. 668-5481, 668-6526; ss fice and store r Experts in installation. : Street North, Whitby, 668-3338. co! OM OUTBOARD MOTOR, boats, kits, trall-|U%ed, rentals, service, 'trades. Bill GESTETNER 'duplicatin: machine Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop- pe stallatior Landscaping dd ser nitBratihd tat hed aL MP ice Sedna Je eee KSUE A COPPER © dara Weleviler, carn. trode lumbing|Hamilton, Raglan. T jup! 9 Reasonable. C ping Centre, 725-9953. If you are stuck with a rough i FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale WEIGHING 31 POUNDS fixtures, Flush-0-M ti peiure aye lela : - Wanted for home use. Reasonable. New: sworn 4 ween 4 - 7 By Les Concréta tab fi 728-9429 agreements purchased and sold. Hennick] |! "AFRICAN fixtures, | Flush-O-Matics, pressure. sys-|PHOTOGRAPHIC SAVINGS. Children's |castle 987-4744, Aik YVPES Blueprinting te Oe ir id vf ag he hetatdiag etal aden lboad BI Ton ces $ cent oft H. Chinn, 'Hillside, residence Finest ally Por "Sppoinimenty, 725: en er a ast, . D-PIECE. . z G 3. H % BELL DRAFTING ona Repreauctins| Stuemo Carpet-Tile Co WEED and TREE Biierenogi goed 1 1659, ror ea Seg Lid., 53% Simcoe Street North. 723-4661. iagehd ? SPRAYING Nursery Schools | SHE MODERN PLUG ; B PLACE for' your boat this sum- FRET Furnace 'cleaned, adlusted free. es "Blueprinting and photostatic copies. for 24 hour service Ate 29 ni 8 Chemony Yacht Haven. The|Guaranteed trouble - free winter if your RENTALS bhepwd with ° 576-3879 Guaranteed Results. { anew a ne 1, Wa en me Fane. chile Inicoee. emer Lake. Che jpurchase from Western ll Company. work on Wek Building Trades Pe a TTT os RR CTT Free Estimates. TODDLERS PARADISE | a : ' borough, covered dock: "and Sock felty. eeelae: K DS Bill ROOFING, CHIMNEYS, ALL TYPES OF : Teese Mla electricity. | ORNITURE = th tor OF ALL IN + sian este lie cement work, stoops, sidewalks, etc. EVERGREEN FROBEL -- MONTESSORI uew "a . _ niture. Pay 'only Aid icf Toow REDUCING EQUIPMENT ere 17--Femc No Down Foyment UEnNOuSHIn FTTE ikesr LAWN. SERVICE Dey Nursery School ryv_Radio Repairs 4--Motorbikes tor Muth wateretaun' bs sold Bent ner | ome Furnishings, 724 Simcoe. 19 belts, rowing ma- Monthly Instalments guaranteed work. Nurray Holliday, 5. 728-4849 rosy ae child enjoy the won ores wn oe wd aR eee Sri haw end tare ua aie fora ry iyod bikes exercises--each STENC * erful method of teac! ing. S.A. cc, $250. Telephone 723- --Swap an arter 725-2647, i $6 p nth, Remodelling YOUR LOCAL chimney cleaner i! C. tting Now Register now. a, appoint- TV SERVCIE eS HONDA SWS TRA RESTS yew|OUTBOARD MOTOR, boots, Kits, Tralk|PAINT SPRAYER: compressor and a PLUMBER'S. TOOLS -- Pipe @ Bathrooms stalled. Roofs repaired. 723-2997, Cultivated Field SOD ment ca - COLOR Reasonable, Telephone A rr Sis, Rotwaiiier, Bie Biggs Mpc ping ae $75. 725- cleaning rods, ore vise Good a" @ Kitchens Bi absley tec CRIT "barehea ona Exeelliek Gheatiog Low Ps Painting and Decorating des W961 HARLEY Davidson, 74 perfect con-|temsi golf clubs, 20 Per cent to 30 per/TYPEWRITERS, new, used, gales, ser- erm oe decoding Lye conditiabe @ Recreation Rooms tuck pointing. M. LaFontaine, 725-3756. tT aed oe Gained BLACK and WHITE mie Cin Deen Mittal ob Ameen ee Your Royal desler, 7203664 anytime. | toilet auger. g phone Aje @ Gorages i Bg Rg ag Mm Mg) Visitors Walecnié PAINTING Tuesday... Weanbaday . Thuraday: 1963 PONTIAC, trade for boat, motor,|USED TIRES, most all sizes, B. F. PAINTERS EQUIPMENT -- pointment he [283 ee en et ee INTERIOR, EXTERIOR FOR THE BEST CALL YEN EIT 1000. Ce WIth eRe ee yes cat dining, "or |aeoarichy. & King Street West 125-1 stepladders, ladder jacks, A new department of Osh- TaRRANO PAVING. TC Years bug 725-9674 Very Reasonable Prices. ition... This bike can really move. Tele- Sah ch erate bie steel scaffolding, compressors, S awa's Quality Builder. iMate Oborantead weeks 9C Pra FREE ESTIMATES phone 728-9379 after 6. 8--Articles for Sale $150 -- WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator and| spray guns, wallpaper steam- TION [Bond East, 720-51, Son Shue J. O'TOO re Pa IF : 1958 MATCHLES Frigidaire stove, in good condition ae if Hs re h Elect Laka ESTIMATES | $500 twin, ind- d : te ins, t . KASSINGER CONSTRUC JOOFING, hot tar and gravel, shingles, hedge trimming, free Feleval. Pedr z LE TELEVISION tion $375. Telephone 030 ig Tawonene, 125300. ohana: lotchus Lipa ectron ~ Call today for Free Estimates | repairs, large and small fobs. Land H.|molishing of old buildings, call 723-5498 576-1829 1966 SUZUKI, 150 cc, excellent condi- Nene dip) espa C7 tee lean cir 'S FOU ng ai 'onstruction. 725-693 or x " 7 "Up, delivery, . 7. 28-758 'cofing and Constructi 7 942-5646. Gio pik FOR CLEANER, SHARPER He Sha lig | ent condi- brushes, ec Pick. op Gall 942-0213 BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT ' 7. 8- 5 3 ALL TYPES building repairs. Roofing, | ROTO TILLING and 9. Tele- TV RECEPTION aan J lacuum Service, Main Street,} cement mixers, finishing 18 chimneys, A tag een fireplaces, | |phone 668-3239 after 5 p.m. PAINTING one ie once me Vaile Ow 5--Trailers SYPEWRITER pada TA Sera nig wheel barrows, elec- ; ' - nason v. , * GARDENS ROTO-TILLED loughed ur nm SC . tric vibrator, air compressor, Cr, aeieS iconing [PLASTERING come wr sie, area movin. Tepe" te = TV TOWER TRY Ca eevee BAN, ihe antes aaa abe") | jock hemmers, ond. trowel - and repairs. Work guarante- |576-1763. if 6 a al a 'cuban and Heating WHITE NURSE'S uniforms, two wash] "water pumps, portable heat- ed. Free estimates. No job too /|FREE CONSULTATION and estimates|mates and prompt delivery. Telephone 728-5143 KAM WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Kel eB cn gh ge Size 14, Tele-|_ ers, steel scaffolding, electric YOU Ci small, for al! your. signs and silk screen re- 725-3325 and 723-3688 PLUMBING DISCOUNT PIN Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- |naRmony gular ond bis 7 generator, ramset power rol- EA irements. a! shawa ins, 7 Pl tertel, rid ' " ie, uitar ai 1 " MEL MEULEMEESTER Jor drop into the shop, 299 ron Sth: puee yee lay mowers sharpened Corner Bond and Division UNLIMITED mouth, Pontiac. We correct [and see, a Lene Bg bef aba eae Hots nog Fab me 8 hi 728-4797 ATLANTIC PAVING and concrele. Gei|Telephone_729-9525,_728-4879 warner se gp et : wheel alignment, inspect and Gore Eaulbneay Ne ase nonce aaieens ante ia their Lig rive -- >| " ua Work warramy fora. period of three sr cure Price erage cre FOR bined castor and comber, |Ghr cubs repaired, regrpped. Goll ies:| chain hoist, miter saw, elec- blems. No years, All work guaranteed, 723-0281. 335-0782. : verage lot £1.75.) Direct to you, plumbing sup- cE TENT TRAILERS ne ee omen! a sons by appointment. "Thunderbird. Golf| tric plane, tarpaulins, sand no house- CLASSIFIED RATES Carpentry GARDENS ROTOTILLED lawns pre| Plies. Everything in the me ie 4 behite 284 ESI Sere AND EXCHANGE ceed blaster, power post hole pay top. ec 1D ADS pared. Cedar hedges, etc. Telephone} plumbing line. 20% off all BUILT IN OSHAWA an @ Parts extra if required. bet aA evry rey used) auger, oscillating -- sanders, For persor ven -- | insertion of of 24 Hayek boa) peas --_-- supplies, AT OUR OWN PLANT CAMPING SUPPLIES e be teh bar adjustment |city Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe} disc sanders, acetylene weld- to Mr. A gp aahie caer wm 45h oa ONTARIO FLOOR DEPENDASCA Pe i ' War dive you a better tower pi baa extra. Street South, 723-1671. ing outfits, 200 amp electric Manager, tional words 13%3¢ each: § consecte 668-4724. : p.m. -- 2 p.m. for less money. be oi railer models to e GERANIMUS, fuchslas "and "bedding welders, roleum Cc Diao SANDERS EXPERT LAWN service' spraying cor-| SATURDAY 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. drape holes. cise BRAKE SPECIAL Somerville Oa vee r) Main a Gharge--10 per cent edditionel cherge| New floors or old floor re- ting, trimming, fertilizing, telephone 668 CLOSED WEDNESDAY OSH AW A T V 0 "9 : fon eavalos cars, First |EUROPEAN suits and. dresses, 'import ST A N S eee ff not paid within 8 days. finished. Reasonable. SaNRRAL RCS aS Tm|ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodel- Ve pen unti p.m. ality Royaline. 4 wheels, [Sir Tone i;"*trom Paris and Sweden, | 'Method of Counting -- Less than 24 fenance, Gardens. ploughed, rotovilled. or |/iNa., Mew and used materials. Reasonable SUPPLY LTD $14.88 Telephone yaar os 34 Swed Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. LADIE: Words counts as 24 words: each word 723-7251 disced. Telephone 655-4936 or 655-9054. _] "TS "AND ee: : 1 mile north of King Street ' FIBERGLAS FENDERS trom $2995] 223 King St. W., Osh fer Dewns vi in counts as > hia and ion, ' 4 - et pcr nme css te |EMOBETLING, Ty won meray, ate" farsa Ve Plate, "Taeatone Mat a "| TAUNTON RO. E. on Townline Ra. Pi labor fos" leotntarets ond sersbrs. I, Net Prone 723-3224 bished fo ar le i ; - rik mi peAtHS --_ mates. Telephone 725-7ad4. | sl habe lb a Engineering, cereies. street "South 723 90 engin 2 728-9942 ' na 725-2162. lee raion BIRTHS -- DEAT MeV CARPENTRY, block and ceme ; i Ru ha a ie player plano, completely rebullt,) Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- Flore tn n wi 38 cont, gear pede ne oo repairs of all kinds. Teles ay ice an reasonebie" ats. Phone we| ig- Up Istery Service Ps. ~ We rent ond sell WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Fee refinished like new. Telephone es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee ae Oe QUALITY carpentry and general re-|4 REUPHOLSTERING Ver ONg 2 Sapling ncluding weights per whee! PORTABLE zig-zag sewing, automatic AAA RENE od pied Ry Excellent IN. MEMORIAMS nstruction TRADE IN and vacationing supplies. OOCN ety was 1.95 her Inglis, both all Wear, Men's Formals, White e $2.50 for the first 35 words a 6c years "Need, "enendable, sunice. Tie ' 725-9332 2 - otter. Telephone 7203400" paved yeaa Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. | Fi Sieve; 25¢ onditionel charge If not pold : 1 © Wice calectiog of Fabrics YOUR PRESENT EAST END TEXACO pein ty pada s 4 he E - @ Workmanship Guaranteed a at RATOR and ice box. Tele) SARGEANT'S RENTA eno, ie Dentistry Rutherfor d S (five full years) AERIAL 'thst Cae abr Gog ; COMPARABLE PRICES are oe wren atier 4 pam. | 462 Rent Rd. S, seer i GAREFOOT, DR. JOHN Ma Dental aah @ Easy Budaat Tr oe 'aflers for sale or rent, EVISION all sets reconditioned and! ee thereatter with, 25¢ odditional Surgeon, 172 King Siree! East Osnawe. D S h ] ie i on 8 modes from $299 up UNIROYAL ROA Ga, 2 Phileas new picture fjube|peosle? "Osnawe Tennts 'Cisb for 'bart 2 'charge if not Paid within 8 doys. For appointment, 728-5171. riving C 00 @ Over 20 years experience. Camping Supplies, hitches y $59, portable record player' 37, floor |quets, parties, weddings. Bar, 'Kitchen, OTF COMING EVENTS Dressmaking i : ae THE FURNITURE CENTRE CABLE | V made, 10 to 12 foot boats CENTRES model $29, 576-3877. parking. 723-7726. FC oF ow Bend ney ies ag lee Bis BRESSMAKING Sina (Licensed by Police Commission) 90 Simcoe St. North $89 and $159. rig New Ns tlle stove an. Westinghouse WHeat CHAIRS, hosolfal peas, walke MAID fer up ' summer Cl ing, done retr rator, in gi le - fers, reducing ma ines, (Word Ads). by experienced 'woman Reasonable. 81! @ Courteous Instructors eal DOMINION TIRE STORES [phone.7=si70r on _ TS [pies "Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 7s-16a, vad enarecte AUCTION. SALES Melrose Street, 725-8731. INTERIORS by WINDOLF OSHAWA TRAILERS UPRIGHT piano, Mozart and stool. Tele- - pied ay $2.55 PER INCH PER INSERTION. |DRESSMAKING -- expertly fitted sults, @ Dudl Control Cars 17 Park Rd. S. phone 655-4404. 14--B ss Opportunities HOUTEWIVET coats, dresses. Beautifully tailored ile @ Custom Upholstery E FOR RENT Phone 725-6511 LUOVD baby carrin UsEW! DEADLINES betincnaines Uihubedailedhedlhashaestn @ Fully Insured @ Re-Covering LTD. For sale fridges, ice boxes mo "anes, "Flepone 7 Fourie, Wo WORD ADS s, 'igi ; wi 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS Gardening and Supplies @ Antiques Restored 723-5278 pew pile ieee c. dap Cottage Specials BOX TRAILER, one year old, excellent MORTGAGE ARN re Wi Beam. Day oF PU etal 725-6553 39 Simcoe N. Service ee se 3 only, new Westinghouse ean pita in ctl vee rf fe tus - . i " 7 » instruction course : BIRTHS AND DEATH Garden Su lies 14 ALBERT 'STREET 728-3651 24 Hr. Service MILLER 'TRAILERS Instant on 19° portable TV's, land music stand, Telephone 986-4283, North Amerie fully guaranteed .... $189 - = 9900 Pare Geo @ om. DAY OF PUBLICATION CAL. 10-G-4 AJAX 942-3491 1 ly 17" Admiral TV 8 Teale a beled <r planer with rei bch 234 ode PROFESSI HOLMES only Imira , |motor, Telephone : : bt aiMEMORIANS ond Gulinen nek Money to Loan RU GC CLEANIN G SALES table model ......... $25 ONE Box TRAILER for gale, slso one) With franchise available in M ce S*p.m, DAY PREVIOUS 9 1 WILL LOAW you up to $5,000 at a and RENTALS 1 only Phileo 21" con ua 725-5879, the City of Oshawa. There is and Hyman, ¢ 4 SP Evergreen 6-9-6 reasonable rate of interest to consoli 2 Day Service if 1 -- arraa BARGAINS. All types of mat: limited rtunity f BLE \ CLASSIFIED op LAY date your bills or for any other -tobaect i 3 " FLECTRONICS Cobin Trail d Tent Trail reconditioned, guaranteed fa a redoeed. ee an unlimited opportunity for CAPABLE WOI Sa oraen ale o Free Pick-Up ond Delivery railers and Tent Trailers $69.50 Hike ono on barr Pearson, 9.) mat} @ man capable of managing Faepnone "942 umns or ioe m0 a.m. day previous. S + : o-Green Premium ily employed and have good credit. i NCELLATIONS AND S id Hi . 723-4631. Angus-Graydon 668-5679 Philco . portable used, _|Cots complete," sin aH Wilson's Furnt lished Mortgage and Invest- RRE! o-Green igh Organic SECOND mortgages at 12 per cent also 728-6254 WILDE RENTALS bey Pictere: tue 950 | tere 3 charen sie ment Brokerage Compan a.m, DAY OF PUBLICATION Milorgainte first mortgage money up to $12,000 at 8 Whi 1 Kent electric guitar, 2 pick |FIBERGLAS FENDERS {rom $29.95 4 ray? bs bio Any advert isement careaiied before Shaan Manire er cent. Private. Any time, 725-1423. itby 668-3226 up vibrator arm, like new $50 |2N0, UP. New and used auto parts. Re- expanding nationwide, with 18--Male oa aca neaia cates Sean NEED CASH" to consolidate your bills, OSHAWA ee 18" CABIN TRAILER FOR RENT by J kegs me we roles -- : bi ---- that new car, » travel ° ' : onto, io. i - X NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 re M we. fecture. second mortgages ati? per RUG CLEANERS 1 V Rentals a meee. Sires SUR Teena TA 668-5679 SET OF Hallicratter two-way radios and} ote your nae al bh rte ile every endeavor will be made to OW anure cent. Also first mortgages available, con-| Professional rug and uphol- ~V. = aerial, etc. Good condition, Telephone your r EXPE tear ees tae pt te] CHL. 4-12-10 igre ree Ga PE] sey cloning done. na New Set Serato ga aeons! ALUMINUM ([ee'ece ca--amanarar | common. A good education Nagios d & é1Gs : home or our office. Call for $35 weekly. Teli i 3 TWO PIECE bed - chesterfield set. | ° my. 9 education Sere in tease tne| CL. 10-10-10 Mortpenes information Ry . SEC MENT Reta e! -- sinh soe een, sui et a| recesory with soles or A failure or delay in forwarding such re- tL, ie iage an id. Al: Ti iene. 3 usiness experience an asset. plies, however Caused whethe ure Peat Moss 725-996 | APPLIANCES bie equipment for rents 72068400" @ AWNINGS TWO -- W" WHITEWALL Goodyesr| All applications will be con- Wis ues is re lo 7 . y : ree crete for' vanes: Uncoll Lawn Seed CONSOLIDATE CHESTERFIELDS re-upholsiered and 452. Simcoe South TENT TRAILERS, camping equipment, . aoe Sriul ureka. Vecsorn 'cloner ea Brow. sidered as choice will _be ti ta ap in 20 doys. Garden Tools Borrow Pay Mtly. |re-styled. Free estimate. See our mate- 723-0011 ao rent eee ee eee: Je nie outfit, size 8. Telephone 723- made on ability shown, The rag? . $22.94 [rial for re-covering. Slip covers made price, $10. down. 576-1264, HOLE foek GyGe" we el ¢ ry will supply complete the Petert REGULATIONS Garden Seeds * $34.23, [2 order. Dalton Upholstering, 75. Charles 1965 GLENDETTE two-door model, 19} LES aver Wit asneuet at Fae training with immediate eam- Hope distr TespoNsiie FOR ERRORS IN MOVER: Universal Sprayers $50.97 pa uMaastaat by experts. Estab- JOE'S COLOR TV a Brooklin shel 'on pet hat secritice E V E N | s S ae Pek a ere Abe Pag ings. Net earnings range chasing ah TIseMENTS. SUBMITTED. oTHERWIsE| Weed Killers Mortgage examples based on lished 20 years. Workmanship guaran- and Radio Service Kade : SALES LTD 42%. rf fea) from $12,000 to $25, 000 Seri a THAN IN itt NOT FOR MORE; Bug Killers 15 tern: teed. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mat- "NOMAD" Dealers wanted. Nomad is 6 * I NINE WINDOWS 24" x 42", annually depending on abili- The mon THAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY AD-| ~U9 year term: tresses re-built, furniture _ re-finished. tent = trailer - boat, combination which] 15 Prince S 725-4 tranway aise Wwe dom alls, St era een] We F i well verse¢ VERTISEMENT NOR BEYOND THE ; Interest 1 - 1%% per month [Oshawa Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenve, SPECIALIZING IN sleeps from 2 to 6 persons. Perfect fer eR a: $32 er Pat OM Ae Sie mere): Bs Tor, complete cetylls dnd H i PRICE CHARGE FOR A SINGLE IN- Everything For The Garden = (12:- 16% per annum) 725-0311. FUROPEAN RADIOS AND renting Pome, Bistrot Invited. Write CHESTERFIELD SUITES RCT CES RANGE Woout deal Waris personal interview, apply to PU A gle id a r phone Noma it ition, 710 i 1 hts, y SETION th WHICH ERROR OCCURS. Coo er-Smith Co depending on amount borrow- |Sgles and Service TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS $t., , Whitby. 668 ots aa ie brand new, never been Usegs Wholesale BOX Mé68712 by one of eet enarten bbe he i p *| ed. Interest calculated on the 13 Bond W. 576-1670 i959 ¢ CHEVROLET SERS ceiner US WILSON' S price $33. Telephone 725-0765. ; ete leading ar Saoper cignaitloation. 4 16 CELINA ST. reducing balance. Properties APPLIANCE 4 ey 728-8694 after BEST Prices in TOWN ba en wna peed ANI replies. cantidentiol, supply , ho He : in very on- ' In the coses of display odvertisernents 723-2312 723-1 139 Hee Hig within a city or town SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 TENT TRAILER for rent, sleeps" six, 2 pc. Suites from $99, 1967 pes i Best offer. Telephone 725-6716 Good start The Anagh ally ty held responsible Delivery Service ; REPAI RS Fast T.V. Servi Telephone 728-1185, model, 4-seater and chair pine; ae Ge Sra fae actual error occupies. The publishers C.A.C. REALTY Expert repairs. to all mokes as' Vv. service 1967 20° R GLENDETTE miler sleeps $138, 3 pc. sectionals from sede Mine vhetiestien Ube GOLF COURSE Submit res ee oe Rg 50 -- 50 Onrowa Shopping Cente | oft washers drers, ronaes, | DOMINION |e Sees oT Wits Fun, 20 Chuteh S| REN ater "gmtny emi ney of odvertisement it any inaccuracies In| Merion Kentucky. Blue Grass. 728-1691 etc. : MLL" VRAGA Celica Batis Oana, peruse furn., utch St. ms rE sree 2 Be Nearing completion, 18-hole, Sales Mgr. any form are contained therein. 200 sq. yds. and up 28c del. @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ TELEVISION jenne convertible for house trailer. Call RUTHERFORD' 5 sane sigs Mh ct ng executive layout, profession- . 723-7463. e ace! ally designed. Tractors, mow- Ak 3-room groups, Living Room, Bedroom, Dining Room. $399, jhead-pieces, size fourteen, Nght age twelve, Worn once. $20 each. 728-0429. ALCAN IT'S EASY TO PLACE A No. 1 Field , 20 . yds. TIMES ACTION WANT AD Held Sod, 20:80; yds ers, etc, included at $50,- : 728-5154 9a.m. to9 p.m. 000 down. Location has add- MORTGAGE 5A--Camping and up, 20c del. Top soil ER AS 02 Call Classified Direct $2.50 per cu. yd. We main- . FURNITURE and APPLIANCE jED'S TV TOWER SERVICE, Free esti- $499, $599, $699. Easy {PORTABLE electric washer, holds 2 723-3492 tain complete Landscaping LO ANS 452: Simcoe §,s<= Oshawa: [eles Al work "quacdtecs: Telephone pla ie naree delivery or [135 alee is walt Pieestcne battery new} ed appeal to speculators, Service. (Free estimates). Telephone 723-0011 Fy JOWERS SPECIAL --aoTool tower EXPO layaw. four months $10, 723-5412. Owner's illness creates this All. replies Z Aoneve ovellobia fer. first NOW structure, all-channel_ antenna installed, "RUTHERFORD'S PATIO umbrellas, used, assorted colors,| interesting opportunity. Call wae INDEX TO BETHANY LANDSCAPING Gia second mortoanes. Open i : $50, Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton] 15' Trailer FOR RENT, 8 156 Simcoe' St. South reasonable. Jubliee Pavilion, Oshawa.) Paul Ristow at 728-9474 or YOU Bo ile 629-7508 | .wertgeges, No bons, Firs | - Sty meyour mowers, tillers, | SS Soa, ition, fromg Expe. Elegricity, TY ios, |9A. er ie ee CLASSIFICATIONS wmanville mortgages. No bonus, First | outboards, all mokes, ait 12 Personal Propane Figs end 'Stove, |. SITY TV televisions, radios, {9OncOmes & Peuiey RISTOW LTD., 187 King St. : y ¥ id engines. Parts and SI 6. $100 weekl rvice and repairs. Service ™ E aes 1--Women"s Column and agreements for sale pur- oe ' eeps 6. $ weekly. d 7 EGGS "DAISY FRESH' DALY, - To train_i sof NURSERY SOD Pp ve Largest service in COMPUTER lept, open 7 days a week. [White Feather Farms, 18, 655-4752. risman's Colume : chased. Osh - ; 728-8253 Aiso-T:V; towers, color and |Plcked up, delivered 'st store 'or home, field. Ob Now Cutting pe DATING SERVICE b ite 1 ! : N 74 BARRIE AVE. lack and white T.V. Anten- |YEARLING hens for sale, for di cparete:in --Tralle ¥ jeep S-Trallers sien ry ey ng Me - abies 728-2791 or 725-4633 The ultra-modern, Scientific |THISTLE, VALLEY PARK, east on] ras, rotors installed. Sales freeze, or laving, $1.00 each, Telephone SPECUL ATION Eastern Or aries for, Sale Pick w nds iy ill Osh oO HB NEW, USED i; 1BM Computer -- a unique, _ |nics: roasts, camping, hayrides, 623-2171.) and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. : Repl S-Articies Sia Ae up and save or we wi shawa, Ontario Spelt | a varie hiehere. Re: . Déting--/Process using an COTTAGES and camp sites for rent on 248 Quebec St. Call 525, 10--Farmers' Column 258' of "in 'city' highway eply Fer leliver. 668-49 723-4697 'Jack Lees, 728-6956. confidential: method of find- Bycxhorn Laie, Good fishing and swim-| 0500. All work guaranteed. frontage. Exceptional depth WAR ets om Livestocs ~4965 GUARANTEED REPAIR io all wringer| ing mony more Ideal Dates pe i AB ele See ON SALE, Singer Zig Zag sewing ma-|CEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick-| permits unlimited display and ticles Wanted etek Bt Ist and 2nd Mortgages |washers and ranges: Pree ia y nae BIRCH VILLA -- two. and three-bed-|chine, model 347, only $7 per month; |$),ur Prombly Margwill Fur Farm, ki ildi Articles for Rent P. gag timates.| or the First Step to finding # | Tyrone. Hi parking area.. Two buildings A E ag sol We have immediate funds |°al!. 728-1742 or 723-0011. Teak "Lova sind. Marlo. Bers Sakina ten vol EB ag cd Le a Ree gf er Fp EN el slo ELE eicence WC empton 26+) 0 provide income during ex: elit n i , 5 a a Di lo. mone) i Pa RE I a ANS. Cte th he &, ie eipiovinert wanted a KAMSTRA available for 2nd mortgages. |Septic Service For information and Applica- {Snack bar, @ family resort. Folders./$5 per month. Singer Sewing Centres 1 16|FOR RENT -- 5 Garden, almost}. cellerating value period. High- Female Help, Wanted : panntete Consolidate with low cost leecaic--anKs cleaned Prompt sev tion, Send 25c to: CUPID, bis ake oho et ne moe pica Sewath 'sirest, Whitby tae Sit) ly recommended investment 189 B | : dh ¥ 5 VA? fy 9 : re eral in pert runnl "4 ' jj "WoMale or Female Help Wantes LANDSCAPING pn gh Sehgal dy Seer' West,. whitey, "sseaseo mene! a Yorate J liar Si" ep thang: eoent Si ood fo catepe. "Telephones a ioe kat Pasture for 80 728.9474 or 725-8152 evere : r i? " . i ; ; -- Pasture for 1001s se m Ry RA 20e--Summer ies and tation. " : CHRIS CRAFT RELRIGERATOR: aired head of cattle, depending on size, tots} ings. PAUL RISTOW LTD., R--Ferm for 6 GARDEN SERVICE BRANCH REALTY __ |2uFveyors pk Ga le gab er sek SALES and SERVICE duty. range, Kenmores" table and' "four 2/,water> B- Pickering, RR 2, Neweastie| 187 King St. E. phoned . $3Real Estate wanteo 728-8267 INVESTMENTS H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, onteriol Oshawa Mey 29, 30 ond McVay fibreglas sail boats, |cpeirs: chrome sel record player. Tele MODERN joan ghar Sar tics ne - , , f 2d we etched onricas on Storage LIMITED ee Surveyors, M11 Elgin Street East.) 3] phone Genosha Hotel pcestiines, Peerhersean ore WESTINGHOUSE 'relrigerator, 20" More berries, Whactes etc, three point hitch. SPARE TIME ment, lib 26--Apariments for Rent CHAIN LINK 51 King St. East DONEVAN AND ELWISCHMANNTTOx| on these dates for oppoint- larthcraft runabouts. Evin- |tat gas. stove, "like new, small kitchen |< CP°O0e SSS MONEY MAKER fits. Must smrrncene St Seat FENCING Oshawa, Ontario feta gah eld boa cdl TERS | an rude outboard motors. seh, kitchen cupboard, lawn mower. All HOUSE TRAINED "dogs and ua. E US Gee SecWented to Rest Soy se Installing 723-1157 725-6210 |prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. ELECTROLYSIS OSHAWA YACHTHAV EN eae a eee arama |ivered. "S208, Earn up to $100 weekly in experience H--conmpact Cars, tor' Sale Free estimates, reasonable. |WHY PAY MORE? Private funds avail- 723-4641 728-8186 204 Chadburn Street, 1 to 5 p.m. Satur-|BBAUTIFUL BABY s: jens vent a rors tine, sinonang Hesteonselt Ror 'or tae y able for first and second mortgages.| WANT RESULTS? pee 7," Grew Traveller boats.|22¥- June 3. for training, felting | strain, 7 cars with our special polish- Regional cs Wantes rates. Low Interest, confidential. Call 723-4631 Tre ' Evinrude 'molors. Open seven days 8 ONE BLACK AND DECKER heavy auty. Oe ee bs ing machine. No experience Southwest t 4 Le cer in y wi y i i and Found chere onvtime FIRST AND SECOND morigages. Prop-| TIMES Ai ae TIMES ACTION tai ee attachment. "Telephone 983-5784 even-|work at PeING al Sage onal needed 6 we train you. $25 persion) 723-5377 erties bought and sold. Cash or terms. LASSIFI One PIECE 77 calded plywood bear with! ings. 728-9609. will put you in business. for an ai 37--Auctions r 728-4241 or 723-8281, for conti| CLASSIFIED ADS. CLASSIFIED ADS _ |S crioulded plywood boat with! Teeter p and chain' Scendinay-| THOROUG Must have good credit: Tele- interview. railer and 40 horsepower Scott-Atwater |CHEST: id av-| THO HBRED poodle pups, black eohonens sd Sed ode daly Lela sa maine Sas! atl Chi th acl al 723 3492 BRING RESULTS! motor. Reduced for quick sale. Telephone | ian lad egal Fda brown wom sialon Telephone 668-6137. foowe MR, JOSEPH, 728- onto, Ont le Rea! . 'Hs i 4 725-0803 | '4 + % T e 3 Tifa teh se : or apply 237 Athol St. &. 00d condition. 'elephon ter é 0291. SIMPLE THI ft f t ay ; f \ Diane aan hm tengo Sacer eg mie hh ee ke ee bs thibuoaduk a <o 3 Be east R ' Opler MM 4 4 i ; rs 2 ' j :