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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 May 1967, p. 33

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Effective 4 | THE OSHAWA TIMES, 7 TD THINK YOUR EX-HUSBAND BuT CAN'T YOU \/ HOW CAN L, WHEN T DON'T Wednesday, May 31, 1967 33 TD LIK® TO MAE | TLL TELL | VERY WELL INSTEAD OF THE HASH, UL iM EVEN KNOW WHERE HE 1S? f d C A SUBSTITUTION, \) |THE BOs6\ WHAT Do you TLL TAKE THE STEAK, TOR Eee A NOT A WORD FROM HIM SINCE 2 ancers { ONE FOR { SUBSTITUTES, ac} ISAPPEA tb! BRIDGE TT f ' " . wel. He said the pa- : E ak By B, JAY BECKER eived 31 separate im- i j . e : - pANcErs pegs head, : = (Top Record-Holder in Masters? nale reproductive ur- i Individual Championship Play) easts and the lower B East dealer th most showing good i Tei whe clinical examinations. ea Neither side vulnerable. vantages of the wire 4 NORTH r forms of radiation 4A1085 mplantation is that the e-- | does not have to be @EQ54 because it does uot re- sie #98732 tissue. THEY'VE FIGUREO OUT A WAY : YOU ALMOST LOOK CONCERNED. e, which has a radia- TO BEAT BACH OTHER LeveL DIPN'T KNOW-oce.t THOUGHT BYA BDLLET..TcuT)| | #73 @KQ976% { 28 days, provides in- TO THE DRAW THEY'D SHOT YOU +eseee Ay nee A FELL. t BAK109653 = Qs743) diation in a localized P Si° ern : jout endangering sur- tissue. After 28 days, Fa beta drops below a point ot $ ty Vire bits can be place dy before an incision a be ttt n areas where all can- t be removed by sure fal rs can be placed with- | al procedure. an -- sceaieihianamiinaeiiemiaabhbmneimaamnadl i ed , Opening lear - jack of spades. 5-Fl PNET bag ign This hand was played in the i Uy \ ( BEcuz AH ON FELLA DIENT "ONNS CANT Ge Masters Pair championship in g O} i 63. biddi; WHY DONT YO HAIN'T NO COME BACK FUM | HOWLS IS }, 'EM HOWLIN' THAN cs sh edi shown occurred at the table DELIVER ME TO /( cateRERS? WOLF ISLAND? 4 COMIN' {0 -50B/-BURPIN'Z? = INTERESTED IN here Nic "Gard a Al 2 \ i ial igh ! js be ME, IM ABLE TO where Nico Gardener an - eae WO " bert Rose, well known interna- EITHER!" Be GET INTO THE ) = * > HOUSE AND LIFT tional stars, were respectively 4 <i}, Y Hr] SOME GUNS... North - South. ; A = ger iL} East opened with a 'spade. pee) \ | =< Most players, using standard end fe > 'e methods of bidding, would prob- eer 7 Seen \ 'i fay. | CUSHY FOR WHICH T ably pass the hand, but East OG =| YOURSELF, WONT BE ABLE | |Was Playing the Acol system, a --e = o CORRIGAN! TODOIFIHAVETO| |Which places a high premium N . ad WALK AROUND on distribution, and felt more ~ "a WITHYOUON * | jor less obligated to open the / MY BACK! bidding. Rose made a normal overcall of two diamonds and West came in with two hearts. North's proper bid at this point is high- I] é | ly debatable; there are perhaps four or five different bids North The Trading Post Offers Soon... Another Brand New Car!! furor five erent de Nor port for the diamond overcall THE. But Gardener felt he was not 5 yet in good position to judge for how far to go in diamonds, and SWINGING ee he elected to pass! He wanted to hear more about what every- one had to say. This unusual A 262 KING Where Your Mills Men maneuver eventually worked Are Men of Action! Now T - i on ST. WEST 723-4634 oo out well when Gardener inched rr 4 e VBN his way into six diamonds, LZ aS nd Mrs. Ale tl niet se tara ec a ee ee Rosa made with an oveetick, unce the ene f 7 L NEVER SAW ANYONE HUBERT West cull clade Ga rik andra Jean, A ' 30 PARTICULAR ABOUT TE fe bid six hearts (down two) in- of Mr. and 4 . > His AN ELULIe stead of --. even Bee f Oshawa, i ! 2--Buttale 9:20 P.M. | 11:30 AM. ' 4 it was hard for him to tell what ie i PUTTING, a eau scGomer Pyle" | SoMaslstrates Cour his partner wae not aye 8 Channel 4--Buttale ' : trick after having opened the >.m. in St. Channet siasetscre l---Mery erin" ime bidding. Anglican, Channel 7--Buttale soOMiny Rays ee In general, in the doubtful sit- cosenel mics : sport 2t,Pet, PToronie, Teaey uation west was confronted with, 1--Hamiltes 36-12--Filmmakers. E-Linchion One it pays to go on bidding even Cheneet Yeies PIA 5-42News, Weather and though you are sure to go down Channel 12--Peterdorough Jehonmar opis Sports and it might turn out that the WEDNESDAY EVENING jorts Hot Seat eating ide opponents could also be defeat orev P.M. 11:08 P.M. erry a or ed. You do this 'because you 12--Woody Woodpecker eS tect" i gal eM nha are willing to pay a relatively Eauperman ipa sya 46--Search for Te small premium to avoid a large D -- Mr Pogue, etre ¢--Viewpoint 12-3--News; Weather, loss. In other words, you bid Port Perry, Woody Woodpecker | 11-plerre Berton ie one more for luck in doubtful SHRINGNGe 5:30 PM, é--News, Weather, Sports) MANY Grit situations. Mary Lou, iektaibee Nave Tie PUM: 46--Guiding Light None of this of course, is be -$--Johnny C 1:00 PLM. eo werrat meant to take anything at a ah pore ei hte, Hop eevee Wotheatre | Wingsls ee JUST TAKE A LOOK AT away from Gardener, who made Fret pr 27or' Lands' and' Seas 11.38 P.M, #Dialing For Dollars, | fy HIS REPORT CARD, THEN a highly imaginative first-roun® 67 ot 3:00 6:00 P.m. eT py, owe ; Vile MINE WON'T LOOK SO pass and was ultimately re- 'ort Perry. ha pag be ded S-Luncheon Date warded for it with 1,190 points, le e ers portacumnesy, | it that best suit nin and elegant SAID RUSHING THINGS COULD CAUSE COMPLICATIONS. 6--Green Hornet 412--News, Sports, Weather 3--Tome Out '67 0:30 P.M. 12--Laredo Ni--Plerre Berton }-6-9--News, Weather, Sports 4--News 2-8--Huntley-Brinkley 1:0 Pm. M--Fugitive 9--Batman 8--Lowell Thomas 6--TBA | | 2--News, Weather, Sports 7.3% P.M, 7--News Weather 7:30 P.M. 12--Comment 6--Nightcap Mystery Theatre THURSDAY 8:00 A.M. 9--University of the Alr 4--Captain Kangaroo 5.0 A.M, li--Albert J. Steed 9--Romper Room Bs: .M. @--Dialing For Dollars -- Virginia Graham 9:00 A.M, 1--Little People 9--Uncle Bobby &--Pastor's Study 4--Forest Rangers 2--Topper 20 A.M, % a | 11--Sir Lancelot &--Gloria 3--Movie 1:30 P.M, 8--Let's Make a Deal 4-4--As the World Turne | 2--Matches and Mates | 2:00. P.M | 2--Ed Allen Time J--Newlywed Game 4-6--Password 2-8--Days of Our Lives | 2:30 PLM. | 12--Calendar | 9--People in Conflict | &-2--The Doctors 7--Dream Girl 6--Coronation Street 4--House Party 3:00 PLM. 9--Words and Music 7--General Hospital 4--To Tell The Truth 3-6-12--Take 30 8-2--Another rae + 1967, World sights 4 © King Features Syndicate, YOUR HEALTH Motor Vehicles Show Sales Dip OTTAWA (CP)--Sales of mo- tor vehicles in the first three months of 1967 showed a 10-per cent drop from the same period last year, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics reported today. Sales were 191,644 units in the first quarter of 1967 compared with 214,160 last year. Retail value of sales was down eight per cent, at $665,383,000 com- pared with $726,482,000. 9--Andy Willlams | 4-Love of Lite +News . PM. The biggest drop was in pas- vie Sane Regicmenn ait 1--Marriage Confl- - senger units, down to 158,457 & Peggy Neville 200A. entia If K ] d R d from 178,715. Commercial unit P| wat > , petal in tance Tea" Allen Time" | "i--Superman "show e101 emove sales were 33,187 compared with bSholcen 8-2--Snap Judgment 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night * 135,445. £:00 P.M. 4--Candid Camera 2-8--You Don't Say . Th arch, 1967, total N--Movie nomorltiat (AM: + tite Pe An other M av Form 82,362 units with retail value of | i} rning ime 9-- ve ucy 9! ' We ae Seitcoreen Acred 9--Fractured Phrases | "1Super' Comics y $279,048,000, down from 94,366 | sre en 0:30 P.M. 7--Dateline: Hollywood 8--Match Game wie 4--Beverly Hillbillies 4--Secret Storm units worth $323,969,000 in SY, aon 2-8--Concentration $e comma By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD March, 1966. lope 3-6-12--Bob 9:00 P.M, 7--Novie 11:00 A.M. 11--Mike Dougla: 9--Mr, and Mrs. 7--Supermarket Sweep i 4:30 P.M, 11--Munsters 9--Movie Dear Dr. Molner: Please ex-|about keloids, finding treatment plain a keloid. Our 20-year-old|has been pretty much an exper- Truck, Car Hit iy 7 i on "s rr Prasad sad foe aoe Prey a ti son had a small mole removedjimental matter. : from the belt line and immedi-jbeen tried: low dose x-ray, Wom an 29 D rsday and Friday ately went into 'the navy. Ajultra - sound, carbon dioxide V7 i] 1e8 H THO P.M. CROSSWORD keloid formed. They operated|snow, steroids (cortisone-type| BRANTFORD (CP)--Eleanor but another formed. It looks|drugs) and others. ' ! terrible and we are worried. Favorable results have been Bue, a davai ty ee ' How dangerous is it? Could| reported from the injection of a band John, 22,, was in collision | it turn malignant? Is there any-|steroid into the keloid tissues.lwith a panel truck. Mr. Hussey thing we can do about it?--/One to three injections at three- is in fair condition in hospital, ' Mrs, C. E. R. week intervals have been re-| The truck driver, Anton Kren, When a wound--whether from|Ported to shrink the keloid, or/30, was charged with impaired a surgical incision or injury--|at least reduce it materially in}qriving. heals, it does so by fibrous tis-|Size. The process is painful so SALLY'S SALLIES sed Wednesday Afternoon 3. One who 24, Center shoots well of 4. Creeper attrac- 5. Tellurium> ACROSS 1, Let in 6, Distend 11. Depart 12, Japanese gateway 13, Girl's "name 14, Sunflower \. ing State F , ISIHIE (E INBBSIABIE IL] [PJO/D IOV Ma! ISiEjRIE} Yesterday's Answer 38. Spoken 39. Compass MICKEY MOUSE sue growing into the area. it is done under a local anes- thetic. It may be red or purple for indie several months, but the color |estion that keloid hecked oat fades, and for most of us the| " f : jignant. scar is reasonably flat. , ; ' Tt other. persons, the acer Incidentally, distinguishing, if ; possible, between a keloid and may be thickened and raised.|. hypertrophic scar can be sig- 15, Noah's shelter 16. Storage. ME) 'CAUSE I/VE HEARD MY DAD SAY, Ud "BOY, 16 THAT GRANDMA A CHARACTER /" enclosure 17. Epoch @ > 5 18, Not of good 32. Pitchers with lids 33. Culture point medium 41. Millpond 34, Hair on 42. Total It may be tender, It often is a}. i. b paghare amount cosmetic problem--doesn't look rl gg ec phan 35. Region 44. Like good. smaller with time; a keloid = (3 io] Some of these are keloids.|aoes not i GY Others are called hypertrophic % : ; OZ At (thick) scars. ' | ; the finest 29.Sanddune |! YZ," It's difficult to distinguish be-|,rar Dr. Molner: I eat Bosse Z cooked oatmeal every morning y. Bassett's 30. Valuable 7+ tween them, except that the but do not like it, but have 31 poeple VA keloid apparently has more |roing by experience that I like I. : ae Sneed 6F closely-knit fibrous tissue. raw oats. Are they safe to eat? , sheep INFLUENCED BY TENSION |--F. J. D. nent 33. Candlenut A keloid is thought to result,| If you mean raw oatmeal, the| "If you hadn't wasted all that 9.00 3 Ler Me INTRODUCE 4) tree or at least be influenced, by/food value is still there, and 1| time in studying, we could en uae 36. Gain tension on the wound or a slight/see no harm in eating it. But if} have been engaged by now." 37, Female infection. However, some peo-|you mean raw oats that have 40 SI ple are keloid formers, so some|not been rolled or the husks re- ; 42. Cert element of skin texture appears moved, I'll have to give you ajsymptoms constituting a dis- 43, Near: poet. to be present, too. jdifferent answer. Your diges-lease condition. Reiter's syne 26 hina For this reason, removal of|tive system might not break/drome is a combination of arth- the raised tissue is rarely ef-)down the husks, and you would|rities, conjunctivitis (irritation fective, because another one is|lose the food value of the grain|of the eyelids) and inflamma- likely to form. inside. Also the rough husks|tion of the urethra (urinary 'It also has been frequently|might be irritating. jtract). noted that keloids are more| | The cause is not known. How- likely to form. in individuals) Dear Dr. Molner: What is|ever, best treatment is with with dark complexions, and Reiter's syndrome? Is it seri-|/ACTH or cortisone derivatives, also more often in young peoplejous? How is it treated?--/and the outlook for complete (under 20). |B. O. R. cure is favorable. (Antibiotics Since there' is much to learn A syndrome is a group of'appear not to be effective.)---~ k b ' 4 MUGGS AND SKEETER

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