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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 May 1967, p. 5

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POLL Felton n Front ry Race | CANADIAN E OF PUBLIC -INION yright Reserved) ed candidates for the Progressive party have not yet pressive showing nadian public, Nor leclared candidat. bulk of Canadian cannot say who Conservative lea- onvention is held Far down the dder comes the e men -- George by 8% of the citi. 'ulton by 7% and ker by 7%. (Most nbaker's upport he western prove } 1 for Al- cial premiers are ential leaders -- (2%), Duff Roblin anfield, with less National president sive Conservative dalton Camp, is last year showed 1e ratio between and Hees. Neith- 'ontender has bet. ion. y know the con- rty is' holding | in September leader for the would you like 1 to this post?" % ~ RFR ren ntrn.8® S Pear Ae 100% other' potential } mentioned are rt Stanfield of nd Duff Roblin Iso named by a of the voters ard g, Leon Balcer ette. In Quebe@ would be happy a French Cana- LY IN 'ORY ADIAN PRESS yes, pro-Com- er of the rul- er party, be - of Hungary oday--in 1947, nportant mile- > Communist the country, a wave of iti-Communist The previous ne Nagy, re- his four-year- ostage. Three Dinnyes' ac- ns were held unists formed } government. sritish Naval iid down that et should al- rong as those biggest two gave up exe rights in 'id War igo today--in rian parilia- noned for the re 1914 and les promised constitution; he Austrian amiamo and este, TUTTE WHITBY DAY BY DAY Whitby Baptist Church Plans Community Night WHITBY (Staff) -- The final! service in a series of special services to mark the relocating of Whitby Baptist Church will be held June 2 at 8 p.m. The theme of the service is Com- munity Night and will take the form of a musical evening in which several Whitby churches will participate. The program will include the All Saint's Anglican Church terian Church singing, "Deliv- ered from All My Sins'. Rev. J. Smith, St. Mark's United Church; Rev. J. McKib- ben, St. John's Anglican Church and Rev. J. VanHarmelen, Heb- ron Reformed Church, will] bring greetings. . Rey. DeLoss Scott, Faith Bap- tist Church; Rev. H. Hesselink, Emmanuel Reformed and Rev. S: Armstrong, All Saints' An- choir, under the direction of|glican church, will participate Mrs. G. E. Broughton, singing, "O How Amiable" by Vaughn Williams; Mr. and Mrs. H. Sier- sma of St. Marks United Church singing, "Bless this House"; and B. G. Devereau and V. in the service. Rev, John Mc- Leod, pastor, is in charge. The new location of the Whit-' by Baptist Church is at the cor- ner of Gilbert and Reynold's Streets, directly across from the Agnew of St. Andrew's Presby-!Ontario Ladies College. Church School Promotions Planned "The Want and The Ought"|enrolled in new departments in was the sermon subject at St. Mark's United Church last Sun- day morning. The choir, under the leadership of Gordon Harle, sand Oley Speak's arrangement 2 the hymn "More Love To Thee, O Christ'. The Church School Promotion Service will be held next Sun- day morning at St. Mark's. All departments of the Church School will join the congrega- tion for worship at the 11 a.m. the fall will receive their pro- motion certificates. The regular 9.30 a.m. session of the Church School will be withdrawn but classes usually] ; meeting at that time will meet in the assembly hall at 10.45) | a.m. The General Superintendents] ' of the Church School, Mr. andj : Mrs. C. Kidd, will be assisted} : by the departmental superinten-| : dents in the presenting of cer- service and those who will beltificates. Brooklin Cub Pack Arrangements were made by Alex Eschscholtz of the group committee for the First Brook- lin Cubs to spend Sunday mor- ning at the Oshawa Flying Club, The boys were shown by var- ious members of the club through the hangars and many points of interest. WHITBY - AJA Freeman McCullough and Mrs. Margaret Burnett, Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs. Richard MacCarl and Mr. and: Mrs. Loyal Pogue, Whitby, visited Expo '67. Mrs. Pogue com- mented "It's wonderful to see indeed and it surpasses all ex- pectations."' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Augus- tus have returned from a week's vacation. They were at Bellerive Trailer Camp, Sorel, Quebec and each day visited Expo '67. A special attraction was the shopping in local stores for daily needs and brushing up on high school French. This proved to be a wonderful experience. Blair Park Vista Ratepayers' Association held its centennial fireworks display. Ray Crowley, Oshawa, won the ratepayers' draw. Winners of the Teen Club draw were: Janet Spence and Mrs, Lycett, Whitby. ! The association wishes to ex- tend thanks to the Teen Club members for their help that evening wor! at the gate 'and at the booth. Special thanks go to the St. John Ambulance and Whitby Firefighters who : ae to make the display pos- le. » Mr. and Mrs. William Lee 'spent a few days visiting his 'brother and sister-in-law, Mr. one Mrs. Asa Lee, Detroit, » Mich. Scout Camp Big Success WHITBY (Staff) -- Sixty-one Scouts, seven Venturers and five leaders attended the most successful Whitby District Scout Camporee held last weekend in Whitby Township. The patrol, led by Patrol lea- der Blain Pascoe, of the First Whitby Troop won the Burling- ton Trophy as the best camp- ers with a total of 221 points, out of a possible 249. A patrol, led by Patrol Leader Keith Batty of the First Brooklin Troop was in second place with 211 points; while the "A'" Pa- trol from the Fifth Whitby Troop, led by Patrol Leader, Peter Spratt, was third with 187 points, The trophy was presented to the First Whitby Patrol Leader by Queen Scout David Payne, the leader of the 1966 winning patrol, Judges were District Commissioner Ted Markwik, Assistant District Commission- er William Lawler and James Muir. Ten patrols from troops in the district competed in cooking and campi skills, Many vi- sitors attended the camporee for the camp fire Saturday night and during Sunday after- noon. TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY APPLICATION FOR METER READERS Applications will be received by the underisnged until Thursday, June Sth, 1967 et 4:30 p.m. for Slocombe and Pilot Fleggi, Oshawa, the boys were given at least 20 minutes of Visits Flying Club With the assistance of George Charles air time in which they saw their homes in Brooklin, Pick- ering and Oshawa. club from Brooklin was in charge of Lance Beath. X PERSONALS The Whitby Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, sponsored a Card Night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Breen with Mrs. Breen and Mrs. William Connibear as co-conveners. The door prize winner was Mrs. T. Kelly. Other winners were: Mrs. J. McKelvie, Miss Winnifred Transportation to the flying i - % Members of the 4-W's Couples Club of St. Mark's United Church, Whitby, this week are putting the finish- ing touches to preparations for their fourth annual auc- tion sale to be held Saturday at the Whitby Community UNITED CHURCH CLUB PLANS AUCTION SALE Arena. Proceeds of the event will go toward the support of the club's "foster child" in Greece. Seen here are three of the members of the club, in period cos- Ae ee as | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 31, 1967 § s Down and Councillor James P. Brooklin Street Brady voted to close the road- s way. Remains Open floodlights and a picnic shelter Deputy Reeve Gordon Hanna explained that it would be more rie s difficult for the road superinten- will 'be placed in Memorial} BROOKLIN (Staff) -- Pearl Par within the next three/street in Brooklin is a small dent to remove snow from the sarc : _ {Street with only 14 houses, Resi- The levelling of Lord Elginiqents of 12 of the 14 homes have street if it were blocked off. Councillor Brady said that the Park will commence as soon : ¢ as the ground dries. Tenders advised Whitby Township Coun- letters should not have been sent bed if no ae was going to be " |have been called for the wad-|cil they considered it a danger- wie. ae 9 asic vena ing pool in this park. Tendersjous roadway and wanted it for playground equipment andiclosed, after a questionnaire portable bleachers will be call-| 3. cont to the home-owners hortly. : op eal asking them if they wished it to Stan Dunn and Councillor 7 : 7 Ken Nicks have been commend-|'emain connected with Highway + led by the centennial committee|7. i |for the excellent work they; The Ontario Department of have done in raising the fi-|Highways also wanted to close nances for the centennial proj-|the street, but left it up to the ect. council to decide the matter. The council voted three to two Monday to allow the street to Reeve Heber Centennial Park Progress Seen BOWMANVILLE -- Work on the Centennial Park project is progressing _ well. Fencing, Helps Solve 3 Biggest FALSE TEETH Worries and Problems A little FASTEETH sprinkl on your dentures does all this: 1) tele hold false teeth more firmly in place; (2) Holds them more comfortably; (3) Lets you bite up to 35% harder without discomfort. FASTEETH Powder is alkaline (non-acid),Won't sour. No gummy, gooey, Pasty taste or feeling! Avoid embarrassment. Get FASTEETH at all drug counters. TRAFFIC STOPPED i ATHENS (AP) -- The Greek) Tema nh open. military junta has revoked ayy : |1959 agreement with Yugoslavia BROCK Now Pl laying an One Complete "WHITBY Program Each Evening at 7:30 ; jallowing unrestricted passage The Strangest Gir Hunt A Man Ever Went On!' across frontiers for people liv- es \ ee, hs ing in border areas. The traffic was halted during the April 21 Greek coup but the stoppage was not expected to be perma- nent. Formal Rentals For Your Wedding Party xe i. We or oamets vr Sr 1] 6S Gat Jel SHMMONS Sanne Pose w hel LausbY BEGIN AT 8:55 P.M. ALSO SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION Begins 7:30 THE SWINGER" in Color Starring ANN MARGRET -- TONY FRANCIOSA Recommended As ADULT ENTERTAINMENT in now and receive your FREE guide on wedding customs and etiquette, see our selection of wedding suits in luxurious Eng- if lish wool venetion cloth, DEPT. STORE WHITBY PLAZA MERCANTILE SAVE $ $ ON a century ago. From left are James White, Mrs. H. Siersma and Lorne Pen- found. KAY HAIRSTYLES tume, making candy sur- rounded by some of the utensils which were in use Boys, Mrs. T. Farndale, Mrs. H. Elms, Mrs. R. Giroux, Mrs. D. Dowling, Mrs. H, Farndale, Miss J. Newland, Mrs. C. Mc- Eachern, Mrs. J. Wilsdén, Mrs. L. Richardson, Miss Mildred O'Dell, Mrs, D. Davis and Mrs. J. Ward. Lunch was served. The First Whitby Cubs and Scouts Mother's Auxiliary spon- sored a homebake sale with Mrs. James Smith in charge as- sisted by Mrs. Henry Nobbs, Mrs. F, W. Cotter, Mrs. Pat Wilson and Mrs. David Snoddy. Proceeds will go towards the camping fund, St. Paul's United Church Wo- men Martha's Group, Ajax, is sponsoring a fashion show and tea today. Mrs. Arthur Jones is general convener. She is as- sisted by members of her com- mittee. AJAX (Staff) -- At the Ajax the home of Mrs, Art Silk, the exhibition in the old Ajax town hall during the centennial week- end celebration was reviewed. Mrs. D. Devolin presided. It was noted that an archive of the history. of Ajax would be set-up in the library and will be on display for anyone to view. The roll call was answered by, giving the name of a Canadian wild flower. It was decided to have entries of needlework at the Oshawa Fair to be held July 27, 28 and 29. A donation was voted to the Whitby workshop for young adults. The following Ajax mem- bers attended the District An- nual meeting Tuesday in Brook- lin. Mrs. D. Devolin, Mrs. H. Hutchison, Mrs. F. Purdon, Mrs. I, Mackneff and Mrs. K, Peeble. The annual convention of the Federated Women's Institute of Canada will be held at the Uni- versity of Guelph, June 12 to 16. Members are urged to attend. Tickets were issued for sale on the lovely quilt recently fin- ished. The draw will be held when the group resumes in September. RECEIVES DEGREE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Aug- ustus, Whitby, attended Convocation at the Univer- sity of Waterloo, where their son John received a Bach- elor of Science degree in electrical engineering. John has taken a position in Brockville, with Automatic Electric where he is work- ing in the research and de- One-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Wallpaper and Murals @ Custom Draperies @ Broadloom * @ C.I.L. Paints and Varnishes @ Benjamin Moore Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. PHONE 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby velopment department. Ajax Women's Institute Plans Historic Display | Women's Institute meeting, at|and Mrs. J. Lawson the mystery Mrs. A. Silk won the contest) parcel. The annual picnic will be held OPEN "NOW" FOR --Oshawa Times Photo /AR\ Created To Individual AT 406 DUNDAS ST. W. | AGES. Requi | equirements b | PHONE 668-8470 WHITBY H ACROSS FROM MUNICIPAL OFFICES STAFFORD BROS. | FREE PARKING AT REAR LTD. | Watch This Page For Date MONUMENTS | Of Demonstration Of Wigs 668-3552 And Hair Pieces. 318 DUNDAS EAST June 27. If $2 See... 597 KING ST. DIAL 728-7567 AUTO INSURANCE ou are an Abstainer you save up to 00 on your auto insurance. JOHN RIEGER INSURANCE LIMITED PRESIDENT -- CLARE A. SHANK E., OSHAWA ie Townsuip of to the suit WHITBY MEAT MARKET Whitby Plaza -- Whitby -- Phone 668-6941 @ . All Meats Government Inspected @ We have a special price on home freezer RED & BLUE Orders --- Ask about it. Cut and Wrapped Free. BRAND BEEF CLOSED MONDAYS SPECIAL RUMP ROAST». 79° uw. 49° | BLADE STEAK PORK SPECIALS | FRESH SHOULDER ROAST us, 45° BUTT ROAST u. 90" SHOULDER PORK CHOPS u. 55° geet thi ty : contractor who doesn't think a dime can prevent a $50,000 law We know it sounds hard to believe. But we've proved it time and time again. During the past few years we've been laying our cables underground. They now run up streets, down streets, across lots and under buildings. In fact, right now. it's pretty hard to dig a hole in the ground without damaging a few of them. Many of these cables are the major means of communi- cation for large corporations, small companies and hospitals. The slightest damage to the smallest cable could result in death because patients were unable to contact their doctors at a hospital, or considerable finan- cial losses to firms that had their service disrupted. The people who suffered losses, as a result of the break in service, sometimes file suit for damages. Not against the Bell Telephone Company, since we are not respon- sible -- but against the contractor. ' It's very easy to prevent this from happening to you. Simply call our Repair Service before you start digging. We'll send someone out to locate any cables that might be on the site. Incidentally, we'll also return the dime. & Bell Canada ATION BY the Council specially called for this 1967. M. the Township of East Whitby, at a meeting DAY, JUNE 22nd, 1967, at the hour of 7:30 p.m., in the Municipal Office, Columbus, On- tario, Dated at Columbus, this 23rd day of May, To The Ratepayers Of The East Whitby - TAKE NOTICE that a by-law for raising $100,- 000.00 under the provision of the TILE DRAIN- AGE ACT, WILL BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDER- of the Corporation of purpose, ON THURS- Wm. GOLDIE, Clerk. inhabitants will place have It is hoped that the WwW the County of Ontari been' issued with card, and sworn to secrecy. County Of Ontario CENSUS Starting June Ist under By-Law 2564 of io, a census of the . All census takers identification inhabitants of the County of Ontario will co-operate and assist in the taking of the census, m. G. Manning Clerk-Treasurer. COUNTY OF DESTROY Notice is hereby given to a of land in accordance with seeds and dispersal of the pali cipal taxes. cited. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS R.S.0., 1960, C427, Section 3, 13 and 19; that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the County of Ontario are destroyed by the fifteenth day of June 1967, and throughout the season as of- ten as it is necessary to prevent the ripening of their may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the cost against the owner, and collecting in like manner as for muni- The co-operation of all Citizens is earnestly soli- County Weed Inspectors ONTARIO WEEDS Il persons in possession the Weed Control Act, ir pollens, the munici- Ray Medd, M. A. Colville, "x f

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