u i 6 < THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, May 31, 1967 GRADUATE Wilfred A. Ottenbrite, Elizabeth Street, Oshawa, received his CIM certificate atthe graduation exercises held at the Westbury Hotel, Toronto. Mr. Ottenbrite was one of 38 graduates to suc- cessfully complete the four year course at the Univer- sity of Toronto in Industrial Management and Adminis- tration, and hereby entitled to use the designation, "CIM", Certified Industrial Manager. Negotiations Break Down TECUMSEH, Ont. (CP)--The separate school board here is faced with the threat of resig- nations by teachers at three schools following the break- down in negotiations on a new contract. Fourteen of 40 teachers at three high schools in this town adjacent to Windsor have handed in their resignations. The breakdown was an- nounced Monday after the school board rejected the teach- ers' latest proposals for an agreement covering the 1967-68 school year. Negotiations have been in progress since Janu- ary. A spokesman for the teach- ers said the impasse was reached when the board refused to-consider some salary levels which "would have provided an incentive to teachers to remain in Tecumseh rather than seck employment with the Windsor separate school board." Evangelism Takes Precedence LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Most Rev. F. D. Coggan, Anglican Archbishop of York and second] only to the Archbishop of Can- terbury in the 27,000,000-mem-j ber Church of England, says, ecumenism must not take prior-' ity over the evangelical work of the church. The archbishop, who de- scribed himself as an "ecumeni- cal. devotee," told the London Council of Churches it is dis- tréssing at times that groups sych as church councils talk of ism but not ev lism. "We've become so enamored with the task of joining various strata of church life, that great masses of the world will go un- touched." Predicting that the Church of England and the 710,000-mem- ber Methodist Church will unite early in the next decade, the archbishop warned against making church union a debating point which could divert the church from its primary func- tions--devotion and evangelism. Queen Invites Snubbed Duchess "LONDON (AP) -- Queen Elizabeth personally took the in- itiative in ending the Royal Family's snubbing of the American - born Duchess of Windsor, a source close to the throne said Tuesday. "It was her own idea," said the informant. "It was from no suggestion of her advisers, from any of the duke's (Prince Philip's) old friends, or any other member of the Royal Family. 'It all began when the Queen visited her uncle at the London Glinic after his eye operation in March, 1965." »At the Queen's invitation 'the duchess and the duke will join other members of the Family in unveiling a plaque here June 7.to the late Queen Mary. This will be the first time the Royal Family has extended such recognition to the duchess since the duke -- the former King Edward VII--gave up the American, Mrs. Wallis Warfield Simpson, 30 years ago. Hang For Murder Of White Man PRETORIA (AP) -- Nine Negro men were hanged Tues- day for the murder of a white South African shopkeeper, Mau- rite Berger, Sept. 22, 1962, near Cape Town. The murder was directed by Poqo, an underground atiicas Organization that plotted the overthrow of South Africa's all- white regime. It has since been suppressed. 'The Negroes were sentenced to death by a Cape Town court Dec. 14, Judge Michael Cort found there were no Wasa ' Week 'in -- Week out Lowest Everyday FOOD PRICES In Town SPECIALS EFFECTIVE FROM WEDNESDAY, MAY 31st TILL CLOSING -- SATURDAY, JUNE 3rd We Reserve the Right to wer oa to R ble Family Requi nts. Dealers Please. GewbeR or Heinz tm BABY FOODS "ts 5S? VIVA ALL PURPOSE FLOUR 'sos ODS POWER POWDERED DETERGENT tan GO? PURE WHITE GRANULATED SUGAR bog AD? GOLD RIBBON CAT or DOG FOOD 10 '::: 1.00 AYLMER FANCY PEAS 2 Vie 31¢ POWER FROZEN FLORIDA -ZIP OPEN CANS ORANGE JUicx 4 ':: 65% CLARK'S VEGETABLE or Pkgs. ssn" APPLE JUICE JELLY POWDERS 3 3: 24; A GARDEN VALLEY TOMATOES in AQ? VIVA INSTANT MILK =x; 99¢ AYLMER FANCY CUT BLUE LAKE , GREEN BEANS 2: 31¢ WHITE SWAN TOILET TISSUE 4 *; 49% 7S a BEANS Wi! 2 - 25° puieaarcanmcnereerecrere SE eae "Fush Canaein LOIN P PORK See TENDERLOIN ATCT ®@ Macaroni 6 Chi ion Chicken L * TENDER LOIN Ib. POWER Fresh White Sliced Canada First Grade CREAMERY 24 oz. ( ] Ib [ Loaves Pkg. POWER Evaporated MILK 2:3 & SPECIALS L727 MASON'S Assorted 10 oz. Tins NEW CROP MAXWELL HOUSE All Purpose COFFEE: al MARTIN'S. Vitaminized - D7 a9' a GOLD SEAL Parchment MARGARINE 2.:: White or Colours KLEENEX