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Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jun 1967, p. 10

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Consta: Dear Ann.Landers: I am & teen-ager who is sick and tired of my parents. What I need is less criticism and more sym- pathy. My grades aren't so hot because I am a nervous wreck from getting yelled at all the time. All I hear from morning till night is, "Take a bath. Stop smoking. Get rid of that beard. Get off the phone. Hang up your clothes. Stand up straight. t a haircut. Don't be s0 mouthy. Apply yourself." Any advice?--Wish They'd Get Off My Back Dear Wish: Yes, I have some advice. Take a bath. Stop smok- ing. Get rid of that beard. Get off the phone. Hang up your clothes. Stand up straight. Get a haircut. Don't by mouthy. Ap- ply yourself. Dear Ann Landers: Our son who is 19 has been going with a girl for two years. She is now 18. Last summer the girl had a baby which she put up for adop- tion. During all this trouble the girl stayed in the city, (the baby was born in a local hos- pital) and she and our son con- tinued to see each other and date as if everything was nor- mal. Now our son and his girl are planning a white wedding with all the trimmings, followed by a lavish reception. The talk has barely died down afd my husband and I are sick to think it will start all over again. Don't you feel it would be better to have a small, quiet wedding with only the immedi- afe family present? Please give us your opinion. --Old Fashioned 'Dear Old: Of course it would be better if they had a small, quiet wedding, but the decision 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, June 17, 1967 a ANN LANDERS Irks Teenager nt Criticism is up to the bride's family since they are putting on and paying for the affair. By this time you are probably experts at holding your heads up and playing deaf, so resign folks. And remember that wise, old adage--"And this, too, shall pass." Dear Ann Landers: Mary and I have been married 11 months and one thing still puzzles me. Maybe you can help. When Mary gets upset with me, why does she clam up and give me the silent treatment instead of coming right out and telling me what is bothering her? Sometimes her stone-faced silence goes on for two days. If I ask her what is wrong she says, "Nothing." When I get angry I tell the person I'm angry with what's wrong and then I'm over my mad. I feel a lot better after I get my gripe off my chest, and so does everyone else. My mother treated my dad the same way Mary treats me and he never found a solution. Can you help me?--Want a Good Marriage. Dear Want: You are not the one who needs help. It's Mary. The best way to dissipate hostile feelings is by talking out the problem, Boiling in silence and keeping anger bottled up does nothing but build an ulcer. Mary should begin promptly to ventilate her feelings for her sake, if not for yours. Confidential to One Whose Ship Never Came In: Are you sure you sent one out? Too many people sit around waiting for something good to happen when they haven't done any- thing to deserve it. KEEP IN TRIM Thinking Slim, Girl's Key To Underweight By IDA JEAN KAIN "Tt feel hopeless and helpless |those smaller size dressed. Ac- about my weight. my husband|tually "see" yourself zipping it of yourself -- wearing one of yourselves to another stint,| F By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD 4 Let me relay two accounts of %| successes with children. The first is a letter from the office of a principal of a school in New York City: "During Negro History Week, our school ran a contest. Each day another riddle was read over the public address system. The classes had a whole day «\to consult library books and *|scrutinize bulletin boards. Their ";|purpose was to uncover the name of the famous Negro. "In the four-day week, we used two historical figures and two contemporary figures. "This riddle contest caused great excitement and enthusi- 7 asm. It motivated the students to familiarize themselves with "\the latest ethnic literature, how to use reference materials and \gave them a greater knowledge and appreciation of their own Reports Successful Tests With School - age Children clothes for school and her broth- er's who is four years younger. She also took care of the house. i\heritage. It created a coopera- just left for work and my two|UP. Picture vividly, really focus children are asleep. Before he|this slim image on your mind's left he said something quite in-|¢ye. Drum it into your dreams. sulting about the way I look. He) In the morning, on awawken- does this often of late, hoping|ing, stretch luxuriously and take to shame me into doing some-|five minutes to re-run your thing about it. It works, for a|mental movie. Picture yourself while. Then I forget and slipjenjoying a slimming exercise back. I eat what the children|session, see yourself resolute leave on their plates, to keep/and content on your new food from wasting it. What a joke on/| pattern. wi The daily challenge is invig- Thus began a letter from ajorating. Steadfastly see your- eeeee Stylised birds, butterflies and flowers decorate a cot- ton bird cage cover. Full size tracing diagram and color-keyed stitch chart for BIRD CAGE COVER daisy fly satin and stem stitches is included in Leaf- let No. E. 8923. If you would like to obtain the leaflet, simply send a stamped, self- | | | plus ten cents for handling to the Needlework Dept. The Osh- awa Times, Oshawa, On- tario, quoting the leaflet number. addressed ' envelope, THE STARS SAY | By ESTRELLITA FOR SUNDAY Excellent planetary influences will make Sunday a fine day on the personal score. Stars continued to favor ro- mance; also travel and group activities generally. If work is on your agenda, best stick to routine. New ventures started at this time don't seem to show much promise. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that it would be advisable to take ad- vantage of all opportunities to advance now--especially on the financial score. Stars promise gratifying' gains between now and the end of December, pro- vided that you operate conser- terests should prosper for most of the year ahead, but do try to avoid friction in close circles during the early part of Novem- ber, A child born on this day will be intellectually inclined, ex- tremely gregarious and tal- ented along both artistic and literary lines. | FOR MONDAY | You may incline toward scat- tering your energies on Monday, trying to carry on a dozen ac- tivities at one time, but you will accomplish nothing by so doing. Base your program on essen- tials only, and complete one un- dertaking before you start an- other. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If Monday is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that, as a Geminian) your ability to vatively and eschew all extra- and pe: cially during the first two young mother who at age 16/self a winner. You are young, weighed 208 pounds. Under the/all life is ahead of you. You are doctor's care she reduced 50/the girl to make it a happy, triumphant /glorious, triumphant life. This about it. During each preg-jis the new song to sing, and the pounds and felt nancy she gained excessively. The second baby is now a year old, To conclude: "With summer here I feel desperate. I weigh 205 pounds. I have nothing to wear that fits and refuse to buy big sizes. I'm off on another try at it. I hope I can write you a success letter someday--70 pounds from now." With that spirit you can get off the hopeless, helpless note so that you won't keep repeat- ing the failure pattern. Expect to succeed gloriously. To keep on course, picture yourself slim and attractive. You get what you picture. Be realistic and see yourself triumphant when the going is tough, See yourself happily scraping the leavings into the energizing thoughts to feed your mind. Find an inspirational type book to recharge your thinking and keep on course. If you can catch a feeling of success and get excited about it, you can niga your weight and your e. All overweight young moth- ers, accept the challenge! Oth- ers have done it. It's a magic moment when you decide that you can, too. LIGHT STOPS TEARS ASHBY, England (CP) Keepers at Twycross zoo in Leicestershire were baffled by Iris, the weeping baby elephant. They tried unsuccessfully to stop the four-month-old Indian weeks of August and through- out November and December. During January and Febru- ary, consolidate the assets you've accumulated and pre- pare to expand fiscal interests at the beginning of March, when you will enter another splendid four-month cycle for increasing assets. Best periods for job in- terests: September, November, December and next March. AVOID FRICTION Stimulating social activities and travel should enliven the next three months; also, in De- cember, January and next Ap- ril. Best periods for romance: The next 344 months, late Octo- ber and next April. Domestic in- plan ambitious moves and your |shrewdness in grasping oppor- tunities which others would pass up could help to further your goals considerably during the coming year. It will be important, however, that you stick to the ventures you under- take and carry them through to successful conclusion. Too often, the Geminian begins projects and, well thought out though they may be, he loses interest and drops them before giving them a chance to prove them- selves. AVOID TENDENCY Then he's off on 'something new." Don't let this tendency stymie your progress during the next 12 months. Stars. indicate that you are vancing your financial status-- one which will last until the end of December. Don't engage in speculation, however--espe- cially during early August and throughout November and De- cember. You can only increase assets through conservative management. Consolidate prof- its in January and February, and you can look forward to an- other excellent four-month pe- riod of expansion beginning March 1. Best periods for job interests: September, Novem- ber, December and next March. This new year in your life should also be outstanding in social and romantic areas, with best periods star-promised be- tween now and late September, late October, December and months, January and April. be endowed with a warm per- sonality, extraordinary inte1- ligence and a great love of! poetry and music. HOUSEHOLD HINT Add salad dressing just be- fore serving. Use only enough to moisten. This way it enhances the flavors of the salad ingredi-| ents, | BIRKS = recommends | HAGERTY Silver Cat currently in a fine cycle for ad- next April. Most propitious pe-| tiods for travel: The next three | A child born on this day will| 'lone in a class worked together to find one answer, arrived at t and agreed to it." The second is a letter written by a mother from Pennsylvania telling of the way her daughter took responsibilities while. the mother was in the hospital. "In a recent article in the newspaper concerning childrén helping with the shopping, I would like to relate the follow- ing: HELPED FATHER "About two years ago I had to be in the hospital twice in six months for major surgery, and my daughter who was 12 |at the time not only helped her father shop for groceries, but cooked all the meals, ironed her WIFE PRESERVER Paint woven wire fences with a roller. Buy a deep pile lamb's wool cover sold for this purpose, use as if painting a wall. a community of quiet elegance located in oshawe's northern idential at times did it her self and gets all the meals ready. She has certain duties to perform on Saturday before she goes places she wants to. She baby- sits in the neighborhood and uses the money she earns to buy her own shoes and other things she wants. have a daughter like this but sometimes I felt she was given too much responsibility for her age until one a home from school and told mel] Polishing - Restoration of An' the other kids her age wished their parents would let them have some responsibility and they thought she was lucky to be able to do so many things. I have no sympathy for par- ents who complain their chil- dren do nothing while they themselves let them do noth- -|tive atmosphere where every-|ing." "T am now working and she MINTED COCOA SNOW CAP\have offered their help tet) jn- For a welcome change on alsure the formation of the Child warm day, why not sip 'this|Rehabilitation Centre here, a beverage in place of dessert --|new body designed to act @s a refreshingly cooling. For two|referral service, co-ordinating generous servings, combine i/services and acting as general tbsp. cocoa, 2 tbsp. sugar and l/spokesman for _ handicagiped tbsp. boiling water. Stir till|children. ae smooth. Add 2 cups cold milk -- and % tsp. peppermint extract. Si taht eit otic] OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE ' RE-PRINTS | cream or beat 2 tbsps. sugar Available At ' "T feel I am very fortunate to into a stiffly beaten egg white. Pile meringue in each glass. If NU-WAY PHOT|) SERVICE | agencies and parents' groups day she c I wish more persons would write me of their successs and . Rad pass along what they ANSWERING QUESTIONS Q. Do you advise a daily bath by the school-age child who often wets or soils his clothes? A. Yes, not to punish him but to impress him with the im- portance of cleanliness. SUMMER CLASSES The Summer School Program et the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Opens as soon as the regular Public end High School form ends. Registrations accepted up to July 15th, If space available. Class Hours -- 9:00 to 1:00 P.M. for full day session or 9:00 to 11:00 A.M, and 11:00 A.M, to 1:00 P.M, for half day- sessions. Choice of subjects and sched- ules. Get your copy of FREE Brochure containing all the facts, Act et once! Enrolment is limited. 10 Simcoe St. N., Oshawe DIAL 725-3375 Fell Term--Sept Sth available, garnish with a sprig 251 King St. £., Oshewe! of mint. SUPPORT FOR CENTRE 8 x 10 -- 1.50 eaclé 5x7 -- 1.25 each MONTREAL (CP)--Some 30 20% Discount en Orders, of 5 or More Pictures | EXPERT RE-FINISHING On all Types of Furniture i Oshawa Upholstering Co. 725-0311 nant pam Banquets -- Wedding Receptions For the best at reasonable rates. Call the OSHAWA SHRINE CLUB 1626 Simcoe St. North Oshawa: Phone 725-7731 The Club Steward-- MR. MILLMAN When planning your next party. WEEKEND ESCORTED TOURS TO EXPO} FRIDAY TO SUNDAY | $45.00 PRICE INCLUDES: M @ Transportation te end from Montreal @ Expo Passports eG ie dati at the L i For Further Details Contact: MITCHELL & WAITE TRAVEL SERVICE 6% PRINCE ST. 728-7395-( e Air-Conditioned For Your Comfort @ wt Hotel. | | ss Pa omy Yr For all your i drapery needs see INTERIOR DECORATOR | 15 King Street East ? CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 , rea. Simcoe end Taunton If you ere looking for a lot te buy .. . visit eeder ridge -- use a builder of your choice for information, phone 723-1194 OSHAWA _~ WOOCLWORTH'S elephant from crying at nights until someone suggested she was afraid of the dark. A night- light in her stall solved the garbage. If you get the exultant feeling that can be yours as you hurdle each obstacle, you can < ¥ problem. OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE At is of the utmost importance that you make your imagination your ally. Think of the image in your mind as influencing and directing your will. Tonight as you prepare for bed, practice thinking slim. Before you slip ifito sleep, run a ital movie BARBARA'S iton' ANNIVERSARY. SPECIAL 25% .OFF ON ALL COLD WAvEs 75 CELINA ST. -- OSHAWA 725-9572 PESPAA TAPER LTL ACCESS eS eee ee eee rT FUN FOR YOUNG * MONSTER ' $+) ae Oe avaae | PLAN NOW to attend the OSHAWA _ FESTIVAL JUNE 25 to JULY 1 AND OLD ALIKE! * STREET DANCING * BABY CONTEST * CENTENNIAL CONCERTS PARADE Folk Festival Committee 'e 'is SO iy All yond B SPECTA Sale 16 B inn RGAl CULAR _ at Bid WOOLWORTH'S ey "First Quality jeer Merchandise REDUCED +=For One Tough The Store _ Day Only! S = C7 a, SES, LEARY LON UY -- -- , Cash In On These One Day Only Specials! Ly "Our Mr. You Can Enjoy the Weekend Successful Is" . . . and Too ! by selling your no-longer-needed household articles into instant cash through a fast-act- ing low-cost Times Action Want Ad. Hundreds of people daily scan the Times Action Want Ads for things they need and your items can be sold quickly. Make a list tonight and call us for help in wording an effective ad . Specify the six-time schedule so you may RELAX... and ENJOY NEXT WEEKEND. For, Friendly, Helpful ACTION WANT AD SERVICE CALL 723-3494 acti CLASSIFIED "YOUR DIRECT LINE -- TO OVER 23,692 TIMES READERS" ] 'IN OUR EVER : plex society, it see that Father is pict many-faceted perso he-man with inte range from fishing from horseback about-towning. At le what I gather fron the greeting cards old Dad is presu ceiving today in a of tomorrow, Fathe The image of "F: undergone many through the years. ] the heavy-handed Victorian times, claimed _ himself maintained, the pr Head of the Ho sprightly matron (w Pankhurst?) is re having confided to friend "'He may be of the house, but hat!" Father's Day was served in Delaware had been suggested a kind-hearted lad; kane, Washington. never had the offic of Mother's Day a to have evolved as agreement with co commercial push, t¢! should have His Da The regal auro of son and gold greet promotes Dad to position. 'Great, | comments one, ""M be putting out the again."' Obviously, of adulation isn't go head. EVER SINCE tl minister made his ment from Ottawa | 'day, July 3, would b a holiday, here and round about I've be is Dominion Day a } isn't it? The varie' swers leads me to be the populace at larg confused. Some stores will urday and others \ learned that City ployees were to hay June 30, off, but may have been ch Monday. Nobody kn« ly about industry. One housewife phatic. "How can t! have a holiday if ¢ ber has to work?" swered. my question ing another. 'In the the trade unions rea! for an eight-hour certain holidays. they're losing som what they won by tl overtime pay. A should be a holiday | Dominion Day the 1 ways has been, on The Yankees wouldn the Fourth of Jul they?" So everything re clear as mud, One certain, however. awa Folk Festival July 1 will follow ti scheduled, The runr ing the torch fron will arrive about 9 the monster parade off from the Osha' ping Centre at 10: special events will Alexandra Park fr after a brief flag-rai mony and presentati rade trophies and th tions' Concert will st Civie Auditorium at Tang Of Gir Makes A Dif To Pineapp! A cool jewel of looks and tastes fres lous. It's done witl ingredients for m effect. The pleasan gingerale and the f pineapple combined distinctiveness of make up to a won ing for any summer mold is surrounded doir Biscuits but if not available, lad; thin slides of poun just as well. COCOA COO) % cup evaporated 2 (3-ounce) packas apple jelly powd 1-3 cup cocoa 1% cups boiling wal 1 (10-ounce) bottle gingerale (1% ct 18 ladyfingers Pour evaporated r cube tray and free: crystals form are Combine jelly pt cocoa. Add boiling ring until gelatine i ly dissolved. Add 4 CELINA S "Free Customer

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