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Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jun 1967, p. 20

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, June 17, 1967 ae to Murder Your Wife, with Jack Lemon and Virna Lisi. Another SHOWTIME AT DRIVE-IN -- Now Paco ¥e most spectacular robbery in the annals of crime, the robbery of the English ee al mail train on August 8, 19h, ing the a snvolvitamatically recreated in| the exciting new film, The Great British Train Robbery. | On the same program, in| | color, Robert Lansing stars in, | Li An Eye for an Eye. An actio packed western drama with ate most unusual twist. Starting Wednesday, Kirk and featuring The Ani- technicolor sprightly romantic ny comedy that has the music that In goes comes out everywhere. no: color, Frankie Avalon stars in,|pa Fireball 500. REGENT--Fiint strikes again Outmaneuvering the rogues who ever blew their cool. And it all happens in the gan, Filmed in Cinemascope on Friday will be Walt Dis-|from 2.00 p.m. ney's original, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, in color. f $7,000,000 has|day only, The Fat Spy, in color|__ 4 fort : kt |with that funny fat man, Jackie Stirring rerlin at A neva Leonard and that zany gal of comedy, PAVIA Dillane: Pearl, George Jones, Loretta n|ring Richard Long. Adult en- in all. In color. rtainment. i ing Tommy|tinuous from 2.00 p.m. Bikini World, starring Starting on 'Thorsday, Halls mals in a wide screen andjAngels on Wheels, starring Son- Saturday continuous from 4.00 On the same program, injlence, the hate, beg is a RESTRICTED pic-/fun, it starts at one. ure, Shown weekdays at 7.00 and today at the Regent _--s 9.00 p.m, Saturday continuous|limited engagement only. Dr. m08tifrom 1.00 p.m. and Sunday con-|Zhivago, starring Julie Christie, ravishing gallery of feminine/tinyous from 2.00 p.m. [ NEW ODEON -- Now playing,/and Rita Tushingham. This is spot just made for him -- The/what's New Pussycat, starring|the story of Zhivago, a man Virgin Islands, The new Flint) Poter Sellers, Peter O'Toole,|torn between his love for his adventure, In Like Flint, stars)Romy Schneider, Paula Pren- wife and the passion and de- James Coburn, Lee J. Cobb,/tiss| Woody Allen and Ursula sire of his mistress Lara. Set Jean Hale and Andrew Dug-| Andress. A comedy, in color. On the same program, Howlof revolution. comedy, in color. Shown weekdays at 7.00 p.m. Saturday continuous from 5.00 p.m. and Sunday continuous THE MOVIES Starting on Thursday, Coun- try Music = Broadway, was great, now the greatest country MARKS -- Saturday and Sun-|music spectacular ever filmed Lynn, Roy Drusky, Skeeter I set a record: . man in history to sink an entire|Ure of the enterprise to the con- network." Las Vegas Show Folds Dana Has Rueful Humor By BOB THOMAS died,' "' said Dana in a post- LAS VEGAS (AP)--'At least| Mortem interview. I'm the first} "I can only ascribe the fail- summate naivete on the part of the backers. The whole thing That was rueful humor of Bill went against all principles of On the same program, Make|Nayis, Bill Anderson and many|Dana as he discussed the is i i g y oor sound fiscal policy. Even if you ke a Thief, also in color star-lothers, Twenty-five country hits] demise of The Las Vegas Show,| open a candy store, you should Barger and Adam Roarke. color. The shattering true rthern California. The vio- rties exactly as it happens./to the screen. Don't miss the PLAZA -- Now playing for a|® The wit ba i aoe first attraction of a proposed re a special chil- . : round and round andjstory of the Hells Angels of|qren's matinee this Taturday at var uae Feo a Bigg programming of the big three. this v'0"/1.00 p.m. as Jack the Giant|turned out to be the last attrac- Way-out/ Killer and color cartoons come|tion as well. tive case of 'the operation was a ' which he headed for 26 pro-|have enough ---- to nm the same program, two/ grams. The two - hour nightly| last more than three or four : Benge ketigpine (Py cogent giants of the plains meet in|variety show came to an end| weeks." It's ajfrom 1.0 p.m. and Sunday con-|qeadly combat as Johnny Seven|lats week when the United Net- Stars in, Navajo Run. In color.| work folded operations for lack Shown weekdays at 7.00 p.m.|of cash. United Network folded after a month of operation, and its passing was lamented by those who welcomed its promise as competition to the monolithic The Las Vegas Show was the Dana feels the failure could have been avoided. "This appears to be the defini-| BELATED WHISTLE "If they had blown the whistle success, but the patient|earlier, I think the whole op- Omar Sharif, Geraldine Chap- lin, Rod Steiger, Alec Guiness eration could have been saved, ... "The backers made the mis- take of beginning the show in the last quarter of the advertis- ing budget cycle, when little new outlay is being made," he|tq ning to pick up." The comic said he has no re-|ian's Rainbow". grets about the venture. views were in the good-excel- lent - rave category," he re- marked. "The mail was fantas- Barbara Hancock In 'Rainbow Film' born girl won over 250 other "Ninety per cent of the re-|competitors for the part of the mute who expresses her thoughts by dance-steps. Miss Hancock, in September, wo I neock, 20-year-old ballet dan- Ni am said. "Even so, we were begin-|cer, has b st as "Si th Wat Silent" in Warner Bros." "Fin. \ ae NS \\ MN NS et > S 1965, gave a command perform-| Don Franks, who starred tn ance at the White House for|TV's "Jericho" series, will play President Johnson and his staff.j|her brother, Woody Mahoney, She has appeared on the Perryjin the screen musical which Como Show and in a road com-|stars Fred Astair, Petula Clark pany of "Annie Get Your Gun'".!and Tommy Steele. HOLLYWOOD -- _ Barbara The Atlanta- . G > Door @ DANCE e@ = FRIDAY--29 p.m. to 3 a.m. TAN i, tic--more than any I have ever|* received for any show." | ICE WORKS HARD Geologists regard ice as a mineral because of its import- ant rock-forming function in | glaciers and icecaps. SATURDAY--8 p.m. to 12 p.m. to the exciting sounds of "Aren Thomas and The Intruders" Ahnu BGs Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 EPI'S bon iii pz Z FRONT & YONGE against the flaming background and color. Shown today and Sunday at 1.30, 3.35, 5.25, 7.30 and 9.35 p.m. Last complete show at ~ 9.25 p.m. Shown Monday through Thursday at 2.25, 4.35, 6.50 and 8.00 p.m. Last complete show at 8.50 p.m. The next attraction starting j WHEN THE 'INS' GO OUT Dancing | * SATURDAYS x § SEC, HE WAS A OND WAN OK GALT THE LAM! QZ] | wo = =~ IWEIAICE: DOCTOR ZHiVAGO IN PANAVISION® AND METROCOLOR THREE PERFORMANCES DAILY 1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. LIKE A THIEF mm COLOR RICHARD LONG HYLLIS JAC 'DILLER LEONARD JERRY REIDT and his orchestra ADULT DANCING @ SPECIAL @ SEA FOOD MENU Friday and Saturday Live Lobster, Crab, Fresh Shrimp TODAY ! 20 CENTURY FOX PRESENTS FLINT STRIKES AGAIN! oe TRE NEW... In th fails Gi; adventure... Vegi Islands 4m ye CIN SUK where the -- \indd | FLUENT bad guys ef are girs! 4 . __ A SWLOMD PoDucTON JAMES COBURN FEATURE TODAY: 1:30 - 3:35 - 5:25 Color by DeLuxe fh A 7:30 ~ 9:35 OURACTLOVLE RE Alaska King Crab Legs Choose your own live lobster from the tenk «+ + cooked to your order, WEDNESDAY end SUNDAY EVENING 6-9 P.M. BUFFET GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL == rare fewer For Reservations Call . . . 723-4693 DANCE TO WALLY & THE SHANDELLS Bue to heavy demand RUDY VELTRI and his New TRONADOS NASHVILLE SOUND featuring the lovely MARIE HARRISON RED BARN "Oshawa's Friendliest Dence" ART GALLERY of Oshawa 7% Simcoe St. South (Upstairs) Invites You To Visit The Art Gallery Fair Now Displayed. Second half of Fair display Starts June 20th (NO CHARGE) GALLERY HOURS: SUNDAY -- 2 to 5 P.M., MONDAY -- Closed. TUESDAY -- 6:30 to 10 P.M., WEDNESDAY -- 2 to 5 P.M. THURSDAY & FRIDAY -- 6:30 to 10 P.M. SATURDAY ---- 2 to 5 P.M. PHONE 576-3000 during Above Hours. LAST CHANCE TO y LAST CHANCE TO SEE SEE ALL FOR THE PRICE OF ONE ( WACKLEMMON eit VIRNALIS "net 'HOw TO URDER YOUR WIFE", 'Shatoe B. Kaldor (~ petse"" Peter) Sellers OToole os maybe she'll die laughing! Weekdays one complete Show et 7 P.M. Seturdey at 5 P.M. & 7:15 P.M. Sunday Cont. from 2 P.M. 39 King St. Phone 725-5833 This is Your Gallery and needs your interest and support. 1967 Memberships available at Gallery or from members of executive, S-Srt S-Sn8 #-S-9 8-S-s 8-S-2 2-H SH] = PaS0-S B-S-d Sas oe Sas 2-Sae Pe SF ee ON fees codes cede TV PERSONALITIES SATURDAY, JUNE 17th TICKETS ON SALE SANE PRICES Adults $2.50 Children $1.00 ALL CANADA'S SEATS FAVORITE RESERVED CKLB RADIO proudly presents } BY Popular Demand FESTIVAL CANADA ON TOUR PRESENTS J 'Don Messer's a 'Jubilee Show The Nation's No. 1 TV Show in Person CHOW"S Restaurant 19 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA Special Daily Menu jas Excellent Chinese Food Open Weekdays 8:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. Fri. & Sat. Nights until 3:00 A.M. Sunday until Midnight ONE WEEK Sot, Orch. and Mezz. tee $4.50 R. Orch. and F, Bale, 3.50 Middle Balcony ..... 2.75 Rear Balcony .. ae ae BOX OFFICE OPEN 11:00 a.m, O'KEEFE CENTRE 'Ff JUNE 19 THROUGH JUNE 24' JOHNNY MATHIS SHOW "OUR YOUNG GENERATION" EVENINGS 8:30 p.m, -- MATINEES 2 p.m. ean Abhhhhhhnhannnnnns ** "7 rr e 2 ag < S < = a a ange wa aaa = EM. 3-6633 ONLY TREE OR CE ag get into the Act and everybody does at the GOLD RUSH INN Central Hotel with Sheriff Doug Romaine Wed, Sat. Met, Mat, $3.00 $3.50 presenting 138 3.00 | to 9:00 SA DAILY ye SUMMERTIME SHOWTIME PHONE 7 OSHAWA THORNTON RD AT HIGHWAY 401 TONIGHT FIRST OSHAWA PARADE OF THE STARS 9:00 p.m. nightly Commencing Monday, June 5, 1967 KHKKKKKKEKKKKKKKK KKK DRIVE-IN THEATRE oer ees. 22S Soot SHOWINGS $7000,00000 Wd biggest headin TRAIN The Coronet Lounge FOR YOUR ADDED ENTERTAINMENT at the CADILLAC HOTEL Between them they held the strangest gun in the west! AN EMBASSY PICTURES RELEASE w COLOR SHOW STARTS AT DUSK THE @: BLUETONES ; From Oshawa sf The Big One Of The Great Southwest! BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:30 SHOW STARTS AT DUSK HELD OVER FOR 2nd BIG WEEK ! _ ed ; ~s Sone : 2nd SMASH HIT @ Exciting Quartet ! INDOOR- OuTDOOR THEATRE * ORDER YOUR CHINESE FOOD CALL THE RICKSHA 728-1676 ©2000000000008000880000080EEE DEES Soo cS oRCODDODESSSCCEDCSCODCORS PICKIN 3 CHICKEN CHARCOAL BAR-B-0 SPECIALS This offer good from June 17th till July 18th. One Solid Month of Good Food at DISCOUNT PRICES. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. % B. B. Qued Chicken 1.15 Include Chips, Barbeque Sauce and Roll. 25° And get SECOND ORDER FOR....... SAVE 90¢ FREE HOME DELIVERY On Orders Over $2.00 Phone 576-2221 or 725-2543 2 full hours of family variety with fa MARG, CHARLIE AND THE BUCHTA DANCERS Total Cast of 22 FESTIVAL CANADA 1S A PROJECT OF THE CENTENNIAL COMMISSION 8:30 P.M. Audit Box Office -- Bishop Sporting Goods -- Bolehoods Sportshoven -- Dise Shop -- CKLB Redie -- Marty's Record Ber. Bowmenville: Jury & Lovell Trevel Ageney ruaer Whitby Arena Alex: Centre Smoke BUS SERVICE Leave Downtown 7:30 - 8:00 + 8:30 p.m. Return After Show. 2.00 Beg 22S20 1-SH9 tees ceSae FATHER'S DAY | DINNER Sun., June 18th --AT-- Club Annrene on SCUGOG ISLAND BUFFET DINNER SERVED from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 985-2751 or 985-7427 sealant Grand Ol' Opry GRANDPA JONES and Ramona --Plus the 1962-3- * GILLES ROY * WANDA and BA Adults 2.00 | HAPPY WANDERERS and their CENTENNIAL SHOW Featurtng * GRAHAM TOWNSEND Canada Fiddle Playing Champion Canadian Step-dancing Champion TINY AND MANY MORE SUNDAY, JUNE 18 8:30 P.M. RED BARN ADVANCE TICKETS--WILSON erd LEE, RED BARN LTD. Something New! Save! TRY OUR TRY OUR Daddy Burger LITTLE BOY Double Decker BURGER Served with Spanish Onion, Served with Spanish Onion, Relish and Mustard, Relish or Mustard 2 55° 2 FOR 55° SAVE 15¢ FAMILY PACK FISH and CHIPS [2 em OF WHOLE CHICKENS unin DoD Includes B.B.Q. Sauce, 2 Rolls, Chips PICKIN CHICKEN Minimum Delivery '$2.00 order or over, also small Delivery Charge. $5.00 or over 25¢ Delivery Charge only. All Specials On Take Out Only 522 Ritson Rd. S. 728-7321 5 RRY BROWN Children 1.00 VINCENT E D star of the me Brigade being Salt Lae City, LIBRARY Wat Fasc The following t have been. writte H. M. Cranfield McLaughlin Pub Oshawa. Are you a bird did an unidentified your picture windc ing It was easy te peregrine falcon v on our window sill stunned himself b window. Easy onl; took a picture of th bird and identifiec "Water, Prey and of North America" Water, Prey and of North America, been prepared by Geographic Societ ton, D.C., with Alexander Wetmor secretary of the CE C SATURDAY, June UAWA Picnic - Park Don, Messer Sh Auditorium Royal Canadian I (25-year-member b coe Street South. SUNDAY, June 18 Centennial Ecum: Service -- Pickerin Senior Citizens V 18-24 Fly-In Breakfas' Flying Club -- Osh TUESDAY, June 2 Open House and Hillsdale Manor. THURSDAY, June Band Concert - Park. SATURDAY JUNE UAWA Picnic - Park. Huron Indian Dar Bowmanville Glee Dance -- Bandshell Strawberry Socia Street UCW. Regimental Band Bandshell. All Nations Conc Auditorium. Centennial Horse manville Willow Park ope! Township. East Whitby Pion at Camp Samac -- play -- Period Cost Display of antique Township Hall and Luncheon Grace Un SUNDAY, June 25 R. S. McLaughlir Band at Expo June Folk Festival We July 1 East Whitby Cen vice at Camp Sams Whitby inter - der Service, MONDAY, Jurte 26 Arts crafts and tr play -- McLaughlin June 26-28 Buying or Sel LTD. @ LLOYD CORSON @ DICK YOUNG, @ LUCAS PEACOC! 16 SIMCOE ST. S., PHONE 723. se meenainanimentnenaiieenemmemeine s

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