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Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jun 1967, p. 5

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YF DEVICES osal ronsidered compulsory sappear or become op- With increased time for , Physical educa. ll include such skills as , swimming and curl- » greatest changes will lace in adult education, s pachwork programs | out by departments of education, health and agencies and using designed for school-age n will be reorganized programs provided tao he cultural and occupa- needs of a mobile popu Walter Johns, president University of Alberta: ication will become the it single force in the because, more and we must prepare people explicitly (in specifie if we are to produce a society. will look more widely ications of knowledge, lly in social areas, ow is being done in edicine and so on. We arn to study more di- jaxation and the organ- of government func- 1aps the stress will be ning and technology." illiam C. Blight, asao- egistrar at the Regina of the University of newan, ink computers will be al factor. There is a vi for technologists in | Baar as or three levels of ed- may evolve -- engi- . the more technologi- 1, and the study of the arts." tHe eee OP POLL nadians iow Less Douglas | Public Opinion » Canadian Institute Copyright Reserved) allup Poll survey, to a public image of aders in Parliament, L. B, Pearson, John cer and Tommy Doug- Douglas tops the other in only two spheres. arded as more radical » progressive. rué, also, that people now Mr. Douglas as they know the other Nearly a third of the 1%) cannot express an bout the characteéris- *, Douglas. ive per cent rate the der as a hardworker er 35% say he is intel- yenty-six per cent call resive, as against Mr. 24% and Mr. Diefen- 1%. In the less admir- ibutes, Mr. Douglas | better than the other rs. Only 7% feel he is 6% tab him as arro- | another 6% say he empered. astion: S$ a list of worts, Just t you know, of have It you tell me which think describe the New ic Party Leader, ouglas?" Pet, rking $5 nt 55 14 4 7 t 6 29 empered 6 5 sive 26 y 32 BIBLE | f thou shalt ¢énfess louth the Lord Jesus, believe in thine heart hath raised him from thou shalt be saved." 0:9 stian life ought to be living, telling and JINTED ,GRAPHS news dispatch! "The y an acoustics engine pcause of the excéss- ss of rock 'n' foll, agers may lose their y 25, fell on deaf sed it did fall on deaf e-deaf ears, that is. -- INS & SELLS srged ERS & CO. ants Hamilton Calgary ge Vancouver rica, Great Britain ¢ World. 728.7327 'ies For the first time since it was established, the Whitby detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police has a civil- jan employee. He is John CIVILIAN RADIO OPERATOR ASSUMES DUTIES -- Henry, 222 Nassau Street, Oshawa, seen seated with microphone, who has been engaged as radio operator at the detachment headquart- 'Heydenshore WHITBY (Staff) -- As the re- sult of a proposed meeting of the Whitby Town Council and the Whitby PUC, residents could obtain an official lakeshore rk. At the, present time the five- acre park, east of the harbor and the 13.8 acre Heydenshore park are owned by the Public Utilities Commission. The PUC purchased Heyden- shore almost two years ago for $38,000 after the lease for 13 cottages located in the park ran out. The PUC demolished all but one of the aging cottages including the r home of Lakefront used as parkland, with the sanc- tion of PUC, but limited funds have been spent on the location b the i could at any time demand the proper- ty for further expansion of the water filtration system. Under the proposed agree- ment, the PUC would sell the land for the purchase price on the condition that' the town place no permanent buildings within 150 feet of the west lot i. | ie he town council is endeavor- ing, with the aid of its plan-| 5 = ing board, to come up with a! &. ete Ne hi to purchase and develop | Megs ool ks R.S. McLaughlin. The only ex- isting cottage is now being used by the Whitby Kinsmen Club as a clubhouse and as a retard- ed children's workshop. the meeting between council and the PUC. The Heydenshore The PUC has proposed 0 town purchase area from the darmission to create a public|which are included in the old park. The area is now being the land on a long-term basis. "he No date has_yet been set for ie Park area actually has a total acreage of 26,4 including al- most 13 acres of lake bottom land deed. St. Mark's United Church 4 W's Couples Club, from June 16 to 18 is holding a camping weekend at Sibbald's Point Pro- vincial Park. Making arrange- ments are; Mr. and Mrs. James White, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Farn- ¢\dale, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mesher, Mr, and Mrs. William Hay, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grylls and Mr, and Mrs. John Forbes. This is a combined event with a picnic | being held Saturday. If unable to attend for the full weekend, members are urged to attend the picnic. Mr, and Mrs. Otte Prince and their daughter, Lynda, Churchbridge, Saskatchewan, spent a week visiting Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Stanlick, 105 Byron Street North. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin McCon- ers. With him, examining a message coming in over the teletype, is Cadet Wil- liams of Ajax. Oshawa Times Photo | County Municipalities Sponsor Many Project WHITBY (Staff) -- Munici- palities in Ontario County have entered into the spirit of Can- ada's centennial years by spon- soring widely varied and inter- esting projects, All will be of benefit to the communities in which they are located. AJAX Landscaping and centennial plaque of the grounds around their new municipal complex on Harwood Ave. BEAVERTON Centennial symbols will be placed at-the village entrances and the village has undertaken to train a 100-voice centennial a choir. BROCK TOWNSHIP Broek Township will construct a centennial gradstand in the Sunderland Community Athletic Field. : CANNINGTON The Village of Cannington hopes to complete the construc- tion of a community centre as its centennial project. EAST WHITBY TOWNSHIP The East Whitby project, now completed, is the restoration of the 100 year old township hall land a township park on the MARA TOWNSHIP | The construction of a covered skating rink is Mara's Centen- nial goal. PICKERING TOWNSHIP Pickering Township is spend- ing its centennial funds on a pioneer village on highway 7 Brock Rd. | PICKERING VILLAGE The ambitious village project is a public library which was of- ficieally opened on May $0. PORT PERRY Renovations and additions to the existing Community Mem- orial Community Centre aré un- er way for the village project in 1967. RAMA TOWNSHIP The Rama project for centen- nial year is the conversion of an old township schoolhouse into a} nell, their daughter, Merle; son Gregory and Miss Gretta Bark- er attended the funeral of the late Vernon Barker, of Erindale, brother of Mrs. McConnell and Miss Barker. The Whitby Shrinking Violets TOPS Club met at the home of Mrs. Clara Powell. Members are |invited to the June 20 Whitby Whittlers social meeting at wh hard bdihicvenal \Kathleen Rowe School. The The County's least populated) shrinking Violets were the win- township will construct an addi-\ners of the weight losing con- tion to the township hall as test. Plans were made for the their contribution to the Cana- Yearly picnic at Lakeview Park, dian Centennial. | Oshawa July 4 at 6.30 p.m. THORAH TOWNSHIP "Queen" for the month of The development of the town-- May was Ethel Hull. Weekly ship park is the Thorah project. "Queens" were: Gloria Letich, | The park will be opened on June Shirley Boyer, Marjorie King, 23 with a community pientie. Evelyn Sprately cr Rose Fidge ho was "Queen'"' for two con- UXBRIDGE bdned Uxbridge opened their Centen- eh itor. A F entact a nial park on June 17 with @ par Meron Pere Seat "age ade, rodeo and historic display acca alban oe ee along with street dancing. In the absence of the president WHITBY of Unity Club, Past Noble Grand The old County Court House| (Rebekah) vice-president, Mrs. has been reconstructed as | Stella McLean, chaired the centennial hall as Whitby's cen-| meeting. Atrangements were tennial project. made for the annual picnic, July WHITBY - AJAX PERSONALS The Ajax Safety Council and the Ajax Policg Depart- lene Brough. Tea hostesses) riont will present 18 tro. were; Mrs. Stella McLean and ; | phies at their: bicycle rodeo Mrs. Lena Pellow. | being held at the rear of Attending the Rebekah Assem-|~ bly Convention at the Royal| Homemaker York Hotel, Toronto, June 12, 13 and 14 as delegates from AJAX (Staff) -- Mrs. F. §. Whitby Benevolent Rebekah Lodge were: Mrs. Eric Halton and Mrs. Russell Saunders. Hertzberg, chairman of the Red Cross Homemaker commitice of! Pickering Township and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brown, Kendall, supervisor of the Wellington Street. Homemaker Service, were the St, Mark's United Church Wo. guest speakers at the June meet- men are sponsoring a 'Garden ing of the auxiliary to the Ajax Daniel Crozier, Port Arthur, is spending two weeks visiting his mother and step-father Conveners are; Mrs. L, F. After explaining just what the |Richardson, Mrs. Fred Ollen- Homemaker Service is, they Bittle and Mrs. J. M. Smith. outlined the steps which need to The hostesses will be: Mrs, J./be taken to establish this ser- M. Smith, Mrs. A. B. Price, Mrs. vice in Ajax. R. R. Wilson, Mrs, Garnet Juby A lively discussion period fol-| jand Mrs, Raymond Marshall, lowed, and Mrs. Hertzberg sug-| |In charge of homebake table gested that if the Red Cross Unit} | will be Mts. R. H. MacCarl and in Ajax received more support] |Mrs. Thomas Farndale. A spec. they would be able to offer this} lial feature will be an exhibit of much needed service locally | jantique dishes and jewellery. The speakers were introduced by Mrs. J. Jones and thanked by | Mrs. Arthur Branton and her Mrs, S. Rowland. daughter, Patricia; Miss Eliza- A plant sale, offering both| beth Forbes and Miss Beverly house and garden plants was) Branton spent the week visiting held at the close of the meeting. Expo '67. All plants were sold to the en-| Mr. and Mrs, Denis Delaney thusiastic gardeners in the and daughter, Michele, former-|2"°UP: ly of Toronto, have established | lresidence at 906 Greenwood) Homebake Sale | Crescent. Defense Industries Limited As-| Planned By CWL | sociation is holding its annual | picine this Sunday at Cedar) AJAX (Staff) -- Members of} Street Park, Ajax. |the St. Bernadette Catholic Wo-| | "s League will hold a h - | A presentation to Mrs. Algin| pave ie June 18, ne Finch, in recognition of her | each Mass. Mrs. years of services with the Scout-| yrs. jing Association, was made at|y Sandra Coffin and the hole Of Mrs. Harold Mat.jarene Stragge will be in charge. | president, Mrs. C. Berney, will! ; |The proceeds will go to purchase thew, Brooklin, during the June/ vestments for the parish priest. Auxiliary meeting. | Tea' June 21 at the manse. and Pickering General Hospital... | Mable TROPHIES FOR AJAX BIKE RODEO Parkside Public School to- day. Safety Officer Sergeant Donald Robson displays the trophies to be won by riding skills. Trophies will be | Legion Inducts 'Two Members WHITBY (Staff) -- Two mem- bers, Mrs, Gertrude Thompson and Mrs. Florence Godfrey, were installed and welcomed into the Royal Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary at the last business meeting of the season. Mrs. Dorothy Ormiston presid- Mts. Betty Guthrie brought in articles for the fall bazaar. Members, during the summer months, will prepare various articles for this fall function. Members of the Auxiliary planned a trip to Buffalo for Sept. 6. A bus will leave the Le- gion Hall at 7 a.m, Anyone | wishing to participate may con- jtact Mrs. Lillian Connor, The following members pre- pared and served refreshments| for the Veteran's Week "Open House": Mrs. Dorothy Ormis-| ton, Mrs. Jean King, Mrs.! James, Mrs, Eileen) Humphreys, Mrs. Dorothy Moore, Mrs. Agnes Crowells,| Mrs. Lilian Connor. The next meeting will be tn) the form of a social, June 28, | starting at 7:30 p.m. with a pot luck Supper. Following the meeting mem-| bers were the guests of the! men's branch. sitting fees. This makes it pos- following | sible to the jeader to attend Kay Horton,| meetings. Tenative plans were Mrs.\ made for the fall dance. The| Eerste tl] ~~ AUTO INSURANCE event. |, The monthly donation of $15/ 4 film entitled "A Breath of | First Brooklin Cubs and Scouts|@5 been forwarded to Guide| rife", illustrating mouth to awarded to first, second and third place winners in three groups for boys and girls. Parents of small children are requested to bring their children rather than send them to the park alone OSHAWA TIMES PHOTO FREE Estimates, Reasonable Retes, Repair Specialist. Hydro Tanks Installed 24 Hour Service Fest Dependable Radio Dispatched Plumbing Service. SERVICE MADE US, Coll 723-1191 || SAWDON'S | THE OSHAWA TIM8S, Saturday, June 17, 1967 5 FREE 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE By Our Local Service Contractors FUELS FURNACE OIL -- STOVE OIL AND COAL 244 Brock St. $., Whitby 668-3524 Created To f Individual b Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 668-3552 318 DUNDAS EAST GARDENVIEW United Church Palmerston School, Whitby Rey. W. Patterson - 668-6447 Organist -- Mrs. Joyce Bain 11:00 A.M. DIVINE WORSHIP ond SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN Feature the Worl ~~ Ki 5 BROCK Evening Programs at 7 & 9 p.m. WHITBY d's Funniest Castaway! WALT DISNEY... Starts et 7:07 & 9:25 Ky Begins 7:07 And 9:25 (SAVE $$ ti ON | $22.00 on your auto If you are an Abstainer you save up to insurance, town hall and municipal offices, | WHITBY TOWNSHIP __ Donna Martin, A social time was REACH TOWNSHIP | Whitby Township's centennial enjoyed. Winners of the games The old Reach township hall|Project was the renovation of| were: Mrs. Jane Anderson, Mrs. 5 at the summer cottage of Mrs.|will meet at the township hail, |Captain Mrs. Johnson for baby pai respination and vo film "Water Safety" were shown. | |June 20, for an outing at the camp site on Bob Batty's farm lary under the direction of the} Tea hostesses were Mrs. San- for the annual wiener roast ca- | social conveners Mrs. Alan Fiee|dra Coffin and Mrs, Velma tered to by the Ladies Auxili-'and Mrs, Alex Eschscholtz. Cloutier. will be restored in this township|OWnship parks in Brooklin and) Lottie Plaskitt and Mrs, Kath- which also expects to reach 1967|4t Rossland Road. voters this year. SCOTT TOWNSHIP SOME CARDS DECLINE destiny pes will be installed) Sales of religious greetings at the Zephyr Community Park|cards are falling off steadily including a cairn at Columbus. ject. as the township's centennial pro-|although the market for ail cards is growing. brooklin SEPTIC) ~.. -- bi Su... JOHN RIEGER INSURANCE LIMITED PRESIDENT -- CLARE A, SHANK 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA DIAL sie for immediate delivery in | Ni % the following capacities" A 460 GALLONS 4 525 GALLONS 4 600 GALLONS K 700 GALLONS %, 1000 GALLONS ' ~'. IN SINGLE OR DOUBLE CHAMBER 7 RY 2:00 P.M = 728-7567 FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 BROCK STREET N REV. DELOSS$ M. SCOTT, Minister SUNDAY SERVICES 9:18 AM--'FAITH TIDINGS" CKLB -- HY oa Nan he uations, 9:45 A.M.--WELCOME TO OUR BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.~-MORNING WORSHIP AND PRAISE PASTOR'S SERMON "GOD'S KEEPING POWER" 7:00 P.M.--GOSPEL SERVICE OF SERMON AND SONG PASTOR'S SERMON: WEDNESDAY EVE., 8:00 P.M. PRAYER, PRAISE AND BIBLE STUDY There's Always a Welcome at Faith Church Family Picnic Wellspring Park Centen Sunday, June 25 - 4:30 p.m. WHITBY COMMUNITY CENTENNIAL SERVICE (sponsored By the churehes 6f Whitby) ST. MARK'S. |} WHITBY UNITED CHURCH BAPTIST (Colborne Street Weat at Centre) Centra & Colberne Sts. Rev. J. M. Smith, BA, B.D, Minlstet Rav: Jee place Srganlst Miss !l@ Newton, Deaconess t Mr. Gordon Horle, B.A., Organis Mri, W. &, Summers, A.T.E.M, 1100. Aa ! 11:00 A.M. "TWO WAYS | FATHER'S DISCOVERY OF LIFE" | 9:45 -- BIBLE SCHOOL | 7:00 P.M. 11:00 A.M, |} A GOSPEL WITHOUT LIMIT Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary, junior Congregation, Infant Care. | a Prayer Wed. at 7:30 P.M, concrete 645-3 il | 'AY <i (Vice 3 \._ Products iro. { PHONE ') | 8 me spc -- = 2 OLD FORT HENRY 2 § ALL SAINTS' ANGLICAN CHURCH || & aie eee Se WHITBY ; ya You will really have fun exploring Old Fort Henry. intricate and colourful "Retreat" Ceremony every nen Ba a ' . SJ Each summer, 150-year Old Fort Heniry comes to life Wednesday evening during July and August. You will 7) bers of the d Fort Henry have fun exploring the battlements, the eells, the Sunday, June 18th BY into action on the parade square. Patterned after the underground "Gun Rooms," the old muzzie loading : kK) British Infantry een the Fort Henry -- istraly eannons ne stil cage salute fy cad hun teeny 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. = Holy Communion l ii tan when SN pee Ee kp Tt Sermon: "The Speaking with Tongues" anaes --omeayeeee | -- The Rector a Old Fort Henry near Kingston at Highways 2 and 15 is open daily from e - | | nial Park, Brock St. South SA SG IS AIA GIS) i S Cha A MAVIS UNTIL SEPTEMBER 15 For a colourful brochure, write to the Public Relations Officer, The St. Lawrence Parks Commission, P.0. Box 340, Morrisburg, Ontario THE ST. LAWRENCE PARKS COMMISSION "ai | Gls Gi) EMMANUEL REFORMED ||] 403 Rossland Road West Rey. Harold Hesselink ms ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron at St, John itby Rev. W. J. S. McClure, B.A, Mr, B. G, Devereux, Organist 9:45 AM. | 10:30 A.M. Church School Classes 11 AM, English Service and "Our Privilege | Sunday School and Responsibility" ]} 7 P.M, | Kingergérten 4nd Junior ENGLISH SERVICE Riaveooy§ Fy ala | EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED Nursery, Coneri I

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