THE OSHAWA TIMES, | Wednesdey, June 21, 1967 JOU DOLLAR & TAKE H CANADIAN SHAN KLESS Re a a DORK 5 LITTLE IRRITANTS CHOICE LEAN CANADIAN FRESH f a PORK ROASTS Jb HEARING ABOUT THEM Choice New Zealand Spring Lamb Sale ON THE POWER CHOICE MEATY « FLANK ON SHORT SHANK 3 MEALS IN ONE © ROASTS - CHOPS . STEW PRESIDENT'S "HOT LINE" 239-4361 © 239-4362 LOINS OF LAMB | LAMB-IN- a A-BASKET tb SAS GOLDEN VALLEY BRAND ~. RINDLESS reper SEES ADJUSTABLE CHILDREN'S BICYCLE @ GROWS WITH Your CHILD ®@ ADJUSTS FROM 16" TO 19" ® une WHEELS AVAILABLE WITH EACH BICYCLE TEACHER Douglas E. bag "ag i son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sar geant, 214 Burk St., recent- ly received a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture De- gree with Honours, major- ing in sciences, from the University-of Guelph. Doug has accepted a position on the staff of the J. F. Ross Collegiate and Vocational Institute of Guelph where he will be teaching Science and Physics. Harp Seal Sanctuary OTTAWA (CP) -- Fisheries Minister Robichaud has re- jected a submission from Wind- sor City council that the Gulf of St. Lawrence be declared a sanctuary for harp seals. In his letter of reply tabled in the Commons Monday, the fisheries minister suggested the Windsor city fathers had acted without checking the facts. Establishment of a sanctuary for harp seals in the gulf might be possible, he said. But it would affect only 15 to 20 per cent of the North Atlantic seal hunt. More than 30,000 men depend on the gulf's fisheries resources for their livelihood, he added, and an adult seal eats as much as 15 pounds of fish a day. It would be unfair to fisher» men of the Atlantic provinces to permit seal herds to increase to the point where they would seriously affect fisheries pro- duction. We told you a'while ago that we were selfish about our President's "Hot Line". (In case you're new in town, the P.H.L, is unique with Power Super Merkets, You can call Power's president, Leon Weinstein, or his vice- presidents, Herry Guest and Byron Sims, end unburden your mind about anything concerning your shopping trip at Power.) At Pewer we go locking for trouble because we know when we find prob- leme and correct them we become better supermarkets. : If we run better supermarkets, we're bound te win over more customers. : Anywoy--you get the general ideo. Here cre @ few little irritents we : found out about and we've hed rectified ever the pest seven months: : 1. More roasts cut on Wednesdays and Saturdays to. give : customers wider choice, = 2.. Better packing by our cashiers and parcel boys. | 3. Chicken cuts with more even distribution of giblets. 4, More publicity about our "raincheck" policy where we replace an item on special if we have run out of it-- and at the special price. 5. Persuaded a lady customer not to bring her small pet monkey with her when she shops. (This was tough!) LAKE If you have any other--don't hold out on us. We know thot our most perishable commodity is « good customer. We want to keep you won ever, ssonngeengy FISH DEPARTMENT SPECIALS FRESH CHOICE SOLE FILLETS SMOKED FILLETS ». 69: ». 49: OOD Bassas SSeS 3 sano S '2::63 GERBER or Heinz Strained BABY FOODS "i AS? "VIVA -- ALL PURPOSE FLOUR 'sg ODS POWER POWDERED DETERGENT bos OOP ENGINEER Robert L. Cole, son of Mr, and Mrs. Nelson L. Cole, 370 Bruce St., graduated from Michigan Technologice al University, June 10 with PURE WHITE GRANULATED . a B.S. in chemical engineer- '5 lb ing. Mr. Cole also attended 4 | t] 4 A a Bog" 47: Ryerson Polytech for three years. { GOLD RIBBON CAT or CLINICS VERSATILE , 15 or. § MONTREAL (CP) -- Expo DOG FOOD Tins e emergency medical clinics have ; been coping efficiently with everything from nursing moth- MASON'S ASSORTED CASE OF 24 ers to teen-agers who collapse from week-long diets of hot dogs and potato chips. One young man had his pants mended with nylon suture and a_ surgical needle. All who come are given attention, the nurses say. Oftea that is all they want. SOFTDRINKS * '1.59 POWER FROZEN FLORIDA ORANGE JUICE 4': 65¢ CHEESE SLICES >" 65° as 58¢ . = c ' 2 IMPORTED : ess : EEE LARGE MULTI-COLOURED NABOB ALL FLAVOURS BEACH GUPS COOL @REFRESHING -eBEAT-THE- HEAT FLORIDA CRISP TENDER NO. 1 GRAD : JELLY POWDERS 3 hg 2 4 if BALLS oon fg" LIMES) "CELERY | 2 'SPECIAL : SPECIAL c TO he ATO € § ance "ag ¢ - --s ia 19° eACH in DS i MARGARINE rer 1 NZ TO SAUCE SALADA ORANGE PEK Ps 9 oz. .00 of 120 Pkgs SAVE 15« SAVE 14c¢ MONARCH POUCH PAK MAXWELL HOUSE RIDEAU VIVA INSTANT | ICING OR All Purpose Grind TABLE POWDERED GRADUATES William A. Hayes, son of 3 Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Hayes, , 617 Carnegie Ave., received his Master of Arts degree in history from the Univer- Sity of Toronto at the con vocation held on June 8. ¢ ¢ He is preséntly continuing 1 Ib. 16 oz his studies towards nis Doctorate at the University Bag Btl. as of Toronto and will be a part - time lecturer in the Humanities Department of SAVE 14c SAVE 6c } York University next year.