SINGE 1923... ONLY THE AGE HAS BEEN CHANGED! ching Oshawa Gen- heir first OHA Jun- championship, in le first of their year reign on the ior 'A' throne. In 1923 when Ontario Motor Sales first opened their doors to the motoring public of Oshawa, they were located at 99 Simcoe Street, South (where the present Automotive Museum stands) then in 1933, in order to keep pace with the increased in- terest in the automobile field and the ever-expand- ing city, they moved to the corner of King and Mary Streets. In 1955, after the Oshawa Arena burned, Ontario Motor Sales purchased the build ings and renovated them to make the present th-straight OHA Jun- e, then went on to »morial Cup, defeat- noke Eaters in four- mes. That was the Ted Lindsay, "Gus" d Dave Bauer all Oshawa, after they stern Canada play- enerals didn't make | scene again, until ed 'The Memorial in 1966, losing out n Oil Kings. AMS ; remember other ms, in Intermediate brought glory to the back in 1918, they prable OHA final to That's the year len was badly hurt the deciding game , with his head yandages. 20's, Oshawa again ched championship =key fans around recall the memor- between Oshawa Grimsby - Jordan gs" -- which also ith a deciding game Ss Mutual Street Sales and Service camplex which is still their home today. Ontario Motor Sales has the privilege of enjoying a fine reputation for honesty and relia- - bility, and because of this reputation has become one of the largest General Motors Dealerships in Canada, Dealers For CADILLAC OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET CHEVELLE CHEVY || CAMARO ENVOY CHEVROLET TRUCKS The "BIG LOT" At the Ontario Motor Sales Used Car Depart- ment, you will always find over 100 guaranteed OK used Cars to choose from. Staffed with friendly and courteous salesmen, the Big Lot | | Lines VHERE" 1e | Years + + + + + + 4 ¥ 2621 | | e CARS AND TRUCKS ine Woe trick offers the motorist quality automobiles at com- 920's to work- in 1926. - > his business ea, today with on diesel) and petitive prices. f moving and (Canada) Ltd. anada and the Congratulations... ; CANADA on the occasion of your BIRTHDAY ! ° ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 140 BOND STREET WEST : , 725-6501 AWA eee ee 4 -- oe, ee, ee ee - "Smet tit ener BRansenaaaneae oe whe a gh gt 'A oa Ae a ot MH A ah 4h « "a A i". + ay Na RO OR at Sty 448 lee 3. Va a! wa re Pe Peat, Me eee ee we gh ak di cad "ak ca 'ee s ' as tet i eta oe eee ee eC. eo, ee ee a ee