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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Jul 1967, p. 9

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o She Oshawa Times OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1967 [EMBER WHEN... 'HE CANADIAN PRESS uck McKinley won the 's singles tennis cham- ship at Wimbledon five s ago today--in 1962-- _ year of victories he not since equalled, The > year he won the U.S. yr singles, clay court ipionship, and the in- doubles partnered by Laver, sae SRE 'i eae caste vs e bd aK 2 s % QUEEN ELIZABETH PRESENTS GUIDON TO SERGEANT-MAJOR J. R: PARSONS Monarch has to stretch in effort to present the guidon to the Ontario Regiment, which is based in Oshawa. QUEEN ELIZABETH COMPLETES PRESENTATION OF GUIDONS TO THREE REGIMENTS - + - Sergeant Major (WO11) J. R. Parsons, Ontario Regiment, can be seen under arm of guidon officer, along with guidon bearers of the Sherbrook Hussars and Ist Hussars and color bearers of Cameron Highlanders, aser's SUITS! a Queen Presents New Guidon x Io Replace Regimental Colors "Service with NATO and|jTower as the Queen, accome The Ontario's were in fast| Other members of the unit} A the U.N. peacekeeping panied by Prince Philip drove By FARMER TISSINGTON ional for the two leading|Who played a prominent role in| with The Ottawa Bureau = hree of Cana- of The Oshawa Times aes ° the ceremony were Guidon|force in Cyprus, often under @ OTTAWA (Scwctil) Vonidue| one were the First and econ Major, Major W. Clarke CD,\difficult and trying circum- ni the grounds as ey 21- rad a tremendous resplendent in their two-week.|Dattalions of the C Guard © der Major T, C.|stances has shown the sense of|\S@ ute hoomieg out and a fan- old dress blue uniforms, the On-| Guards who perform the Chang-|Thompson CD, Guard Subaltern|responsibility and steadfastness\fare of trumpets heralded her in all fit- ia Heat : -jing of the Guard ceremony on|Lieut. R. Baird, Guidon Ser-|with which you have under-\arrival ges in all Tt tario Regiment paraded proud. ; : suey ly on Parliament Hill Wednes- Parliament Hill each day. But geant Major, Squadron Sgt.|taken these duties," CONVERTED JEEP j the huge pur- day before Her Majesty, Queen|t® Spectators in the stands, the|Major J. Parsons. The Queen said that Cana-|" Dressed in a mauve coat Elizabeth jOntario Regiment, the third in |dians recognized the unswerv-|.:, > tropical suit Th ae uae -esenta-|the line, was the equal of the) AT ROCKCLIFFE ling support and protection|With @ deeper mauve hat she Pp its + ihn cn wigetio mbesen! Y famed Guards, although their), The Regiment has been in|{e er rines ine of Can./WaS applauded and cheered know that at soolaning tte "First World War dress blues were not as eye-jtraining at nearby Rockcliffe aah tind given to those aslo: su rt ag a pp colors. The Ontario Regiment catching as the scarlet tunics/@ir station for the past week cratic principles and institu- exhausting roun le ig. ® Bic : } was one of six units to receive|@nd__bearskin hats of the/and had been brought to a high/sions which have been the i Guards. degree of drill precision. Alroundation. for the growth o: Siajecty int Malad svsninate The Ontario Regiment was|total of 94 all ranks were in- Canada as a nation for the last y - : % actually the senjor unit on pa-|VOlved, although only 60 were 100 i ceremony witnessed by more) "oie with 101 years of service|actually in the march past, the|1°? Years- ae than five thousand spectators. | ering them. The new guidon|thers being employed' as/LOYALTY EXPRESSED verted jeep which gave the CO PROUD OF MEN bears the Regiment's battle/Stoundskeepers and as In reply, Major General R.|Spectators surrounding the The moving military cere-/honors of The Somme, Arras,/Personnel, /Rowley, DSO, ED, CD, Colonel/!awn 8 good close-up view. mony was one of the last offi-| Vimy, Hill 70, Ypres, Passchen-| The unit leaves at noon| of the Guards and Honorary! During the inspection, Prince cial acts by Her Majesty as}daele, Amiens, Scarpe, Dro-|Thursday for the trip back to/Colonel of the Cameron High- Philip chatted. with Defence she concluded a week-long cen-| court-Queant, Hindenburg Line,| Oshawa. é devo-|Minister Paul Hellyer, the sen- tennial year visit to Canada. | Canal Du Nord, Cambrai, Val- Among the interested specta-|tion and loyalty of the regi-| lor government official on the Commanding Officer of Se eens, France and Flan-|tors in the official stands were|/pens pg gone gre4 ace | vant eae e Ontario Regiment, Lt. Col. L.}ders. Major General S. H. Brooks, |thanke r kin | interes s s P. Tiggelers was obviously| Pursuit to Messina, Sicily, Calpiel of the Welsh Regiment,|0Ccasion one to be long remem-/position Leader John Diefene proud of his men at the con-/Colle d'Anchise, The Gully,/an allied regiment of the On-|bered in the history of the)baker and Mrs. Diefenbaker, clusion of the ceremony. }Casa Berardi, Liri Valley. |tario's, who came to Canada| units. jand British gga -- "The boys performed beauti-| Aquino, Trasimene Line, San-jespecially for the occasion. The crowds of spectators add- tenant ee _ _ | Arezzo, advance to| Former Regimental Officer/ed to the color of the day as eral George R. Pearkes, who fully," was the way he de-|fatucchio, Saaegenict d ommanded the first Canadian ri 7 ont'. rform-|!Florence, Italy, Arnheim an anal * Alli jsprinkled throughout the stands) { scribed the regiment's perfor Commanding Col. Willia m/|Sprinkled gs jk of army,|division in the second world ance. Inorth-west Europe. .___.|Paynter was also present as|Were many y ° 7 7 wat. were Mayor Ernest Marks and|navy and airforce in uniform. ; - vorchess' oF the city council,| They saluted smartly as the} Officers of the Ontario Regi- s * . . yay, |Michael Starr, MP, and Albert|Canadian Guards Band played,ment and their wives had an Radio Broadcaster Speaks iii: MPP. 'The regiment's|the Royal Anthem as the units|opportunity to meet the Queen j.|marched past in review with/and Prince Philip at a short the ranks of men for the ine spection and instead was transe ported around in a specially con- camp landers, expressed the 90 SHO --" = oe = | y {new honorary colonel, H,. ; | s ' Cook, was also present. |their new colors at the conclu-jreception held in the railway ~ At Adventists' Conference pon |Site we lS neal Oa SUN BREAKS THROUGH The Royal Standard floated in| block of parliament hill follows se | . i ae : : Col. Tiggelers said the regi-\a light breeze from the Peaceling the ceremony. H. M. S. Richards, speaker) said. "We enjoy using powered sient had beh allotted 612\-- = of the "Voice of Prophecy"|lawn - mowers, electric tyPe-|ouest tickets and all had been| i - radio broadcast, spoke to the|writers, and in our cars, power |taren up by wives, families| L, Ch es 10 /$7 Seventh-day Adventists Summer brakes, _ power steering, and and friends of the officers and| ] y 0 1ce 0 ay arg Bible Conference here last night. | automatic a ; A rh ha: | He spoke on the subject of "'Is-|these save energy, and in so) oe | through-| é d the Wailing Wall." |doing, save calories which add le "| . ona --_ petal os ea ets his-|t0 out weight problem," he Ag Eg Bet ag cece 0 owing wo 0. 1810ns st , is Bis tannin y, | asserted. { : | ; REVIEW CAR CONTAINING QUEEN ELIZABETH PASSES TROOPS CA gba cen goes Peal Dr. Register prescribed at for the final march past. | biatch Open Jeep Was Provided To Afford Spectators Better View their tormenters - Philistines, oe oe pesmi = a ------ ae 8 coal Oshawa Patios Dionrn mt volving five cars Tuesday evene ete ASS ESANES ROS PORN apenas Meth ee eee ey ccurtans abv ans . ys 2 8 Ss} . av ae Bl tes, ee: ee |Assyrians, Babylonians. Mewe)|day for 'office workers and|which eased the problem for ee ne ae WT Coics tala 6 welior seu on . Behbige ona aac jothers of sedentary work, andthe men who stood in line for a) 414 Bertram J. Cormier of Tor-| 10 C® S8¢ § ; blad "s 7 [ema WaoAy, ; arse di g If-hour before the ar-|O¢ vet ram «- jong in.|Collision on King St. at Gibbons ona 10ns Richards spoke particularly of|@ More sparse diet. good half-hour before the ar-\ onto following two collisions in-| : ' en enarian e eS ra Ing the gochoty of Israel's past; | Overweight is not the only|rival of Her Majesty and "a6 e /St. turned into a major accident airs /2.50 . the portable Tabernacle used by snug ot p Pati selc en start of the actual ceremony. | . linjuring six persons. meena Still Slow estate ride eta! nahn coat te,onare Reeser Fare Boy ster tc or rt tin 102nd Birthday Saturday [Seeere. Gun ty ites Or a high cholesteral level caus- a teigag "ag "tarp nal J causing $150 damage, a eh 3 A three - day blood' donor 8 ' : .jing high blood pressure and Capt., The Rev. J. M. Markle. {ceeded north on Gibbons St. to- : ; lican|Clinic at St. Gregory's Auditor an etna of bg heart trouble," he said. U.D The actual service of conse: tisfactor wands Bond St. One of the oldest persons in area Ne onthe ge A = aa : All Saints Ang ices FS now in its second day, is}and Herod's Temple, built by cna i Gace D.|cration was conducted by Air| a At the intersection on Bond , Mrs. D. Ewart|/Ewart Carruthers, Willowdale, | Church. Senne .|Zerubbabel, greatly enlarged , s Commodore Fhe Ven. E. S. e) % vo/$5 panini Deine will cine three grandsons four great) "4 Quebec city resident in|" aro aged hy ape cat pened by King Herod, gag peeconn§ pig Light, CD, and Air Commodore| six-year-old Daniel 'Therrien pane pee a a iy: randchildren. She is a mem- i _jawa Red Cross officials. és Fi mies| ers. She str I The Rev. J. P. Davignon, CD.|of Oshawa is in "satisfactory" |lided w 2 a ia Cormier tae . oo ce be ky pd Robert Stroud, chairman of mw ie sila er ae 'th ughtf hg wep d Parade Commander Si Lieut. condition today at Sick Chil-) A car driven by Mrs, R. Me- Mieel wines hen Whitby Lapleeghe ge gone ge b the blood donor clinic, said he} "The Jews wail and pray at Bg 3 cae ee ar Col. C. V. Carlson, Command-jdren's Hospital in Torente 1) ltatyre of 36 Jones Ave. sustains iat mayor Desmond Newman and Teachers eac app sry Regent of Whithy|"0Ped about 400 pints of blood|the wall" Richards seta cog| the family that is both nourish-|I"E Officer of the Second Bat-lowing an accident TucstA¥ oq s900 damage, and Mrs. Mc+ iti itby i s [a SONCTALY «Seer. Y/would have been donated dur-|'to lament the destruction of]. ani ; ion of the Guards. when he was struck by a car. [70 °° cad infuvies to Mee Se eens Oe eee oe |Viscount Greenwood Chapter|ing each of the three days.' |the Temple, God's dwelling|i"g nd appetizing, sc elgg | Daniel is in hospital with a|Intyre receive an) ' servance of the occasion. | ; ; : ; spe ee out, "but it is rewarding in|sywBoLISM lfractured skull, He is the son left arm. A passenger in the i H a reemen since it rept 1938. About 250 pints of blood were/place on earth, and to pray to s : ractured skull. i f see 5 A resident of Whitby for the since its inception in aes coutord t the aud-Ithe Temple's restoration." the results of better health and In her address to the troops| of Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Guy Ther- car. Mré. Gloria Smith (444 pairs /$7 past 48 years, Mrs. Carruthers | Mrs. Carruthers has travelled|Tecetved yesterday at tne ¢ the Temple's" esc happiness for the family. after the color presentation, the|cien. 346 Olive Avenue gt a de will celebrate her birthday with} The Oshawa Board of Edu- extensively. She was an arist itorium and 164 ar Pilg ronal The , ning s geal oa The Summer Bible Conference|Queen 'said the symbolisia of oo. te 'eben to Oshawal2v2e Ave, suffered head and i . ; ; ; ' . see - < this las ay, F sang gospel songs S - : yy was eore., i her family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred/cation and its teachers have|;, oils, on glass and canvass. ME biog Reg ear yards A arg Srening ssl afternoon| iS now halfway through. It will/the ceremony took on particu-| General Hospital Tuesday after-|neck injuries. pairs /$5 W. Marsh, at her home on Dun-| reached a salary settlement,)She was also an expert in Ai for Tuesday and Wednes- programs. The Voice of Pro- conclude Saturday evening. lar meaning because it took/noon and shortly after was| A second car, driven by sag pie ink oa pee ed qjboard chairman, Stanley E./pyrography. She has devoted algay and who have not kept|phecy radio broadcast is heard : Place in the capital of the/transferred to Toronto Sick! Joan Linton, 430 Glen Allen, res jonni: citation ay oo Lovell said Wednesday. great deal of time to the care/iiém will attend the clinic,"/on -1,000 radio stations each AT GONFERENCE nation in centennial year. | Children's Frospital. ___eeived $200 damage, while the - tario Riding MP, Michael] The settlement was ratifiea|°! he" flower garden. said Mr. Stroud. week in 28 languages. The} Donna Daniels, RR 1, Osh-| "We recognize on this occa-) The driver of te cat wag |ativer suffered a bruised right Starr, a scroll from 'the provin-| by the board at an "in council" ees | Clinic hours are fron: 1:30| King's Heralds Quartet in ad-|awa, Grace Bassant, 477 Lilla|sion the strength and security Thomas Holmes, 925 Greenwoo' leg: cial government and messages session of their June 26 meet-| HEAVY TRAFFIC lp.m. to 4 p.m. and from 6/dition to English, sing in Span-|st., North, Port Perry, and|they have given the Canadian Cres., in Whitby. eurred,|_ The third car was driven by from Queen Elizabeth, severalling. 'In council" sessions are) The volume of westbound|p.m. to 9 p.m. ish, Portuguese, _Ukrainian,|/Dianne and Doreen Robertson, |nation and to the cause of jus: When the gg ge a noo Stanley Goleski of Darlington ministers of Parliament and not open to the news media. |traffic on Highway 401, Wed-| A special appeal for B-neg-|Swahili (a principal language Of/ both of Udney, ,attended a pro-jtice and peace in many parts|Daniel was on his way gg "a Twp., who received head injur- numerous friends. J. R. Backus business ad-|nesday afternoon, was as heavy|ative blood resulted yesterday in|Central Africa). Vietnamese,/yincial 4-H Homemaking Club of the world," Her Majesty} community park | wit id the lies, while his 10 - year - old Born in Outremont, Quebec, ministrator for the board, saidjif not heavier than during ajabout 10 donations. The clinic|and Chinese. conference at Guelph Univer- said. father. Mrs. hhaid pe = tne |son, was treated for an injury in 1865, Mrs. Carruthers is the/that official statements and a|holiday weekend. The number|still needs about five more pints] 'Overeating and under-exer-|sity between June 27-30. The| "The battle honors embroi-|boy was eager to be Os {to his right knee. The Goleski last surviving member of her|salary schedule are being pre-|of U.S. licence plates indicated|of the special: type. cising are two big health pro-|Honorable William Stewart, dered on your new colors tell) park and ran ---- es rt car received $1,000 damage. immediate family. Her parents|pared for release Friday |many of the vehicles were re-| "We have been way behind|blems of modern living," Dr./minister of " agriculture . and|part of the story. South. Africa,|as soon as his father opened) lcintae @ ieeipileac i i ted settl ir : uotas all year,"' the chair-/U. D. Register told Adventists}food, and Dr. Ethel Chapman/the two world wars, and the/the car door. : : wharick Hil, a vehicle - were Eleanor Radmore andj It is expected the settlement |turning from Montreal andjour q 3 D : A | Mrs. Therrien are ficer Charles Hill, a vehicle in Samuel Higgenbottom of Man-|will be similar to the agree-|Ottawa where the visitors had|man said. "Doctors have been|in his talk yesterday. 'Our la-)were special speakers at the Korean war give ample proof; Mr. and ene ther chil-|which Cormier was found was chester, England. ment 'Toronto teachers and|viewed the visit of Her Majesty|finding more uses for blood in|bor - saving devices bring prob-| meeting, which was attended|of the courage and loyalty of|the parents of three o i complete: write. offs She has two children, Mrs.'boards reached last week. Queen Elizabeth. the fight against diseases." lems as well as benefits," he|by about 200 girls. your regiments in action. dren. }

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