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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Jul 1967, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 6, 1967 ANN LANDERS Trend To Informality Just Friendliness, Baby Dear Ann Landers: Will you|I heard you properly. Will you please tell me what is happen-|please repeat that?" If the ques- ing to decent manners? I go to/tion is repeated, I say, 'I could the market and the butcher/not believe you were asking| » says, "You are next Honey." |such a personal question." Then) Then the checkout man says,|I go on and talk about some- "Here's your change, Doll."|thing else. The senior citizen who carries! 3. Say, "I really don't care to my groceries to the car says,|discuss that subject with any- "Have a nice day, Sweetheart." |one." : When the garage man called I hope you will print my letter me "Beautiful" I decided to|for the benefit of others who write a letter to Ann Landers,|nave not yet learned. I wish I The final indignity occurred had seen a letter like this 10 when I finished my letter to|years ago--S. J. you, handed the letter to the| Dear S.: I am delighted to an and asked him to mail|Print your letter. It has a great it. He said, "Of course I will,|deal of merit and I approve-- Sugar." I told him to skip it| totally. | eee to add another! Confidentis! to: Whe Needs (This one.) Where I was Him? You do. And. so do your brought up, intimate names/|children. Stop being such a stub- were reserved for a favored|horn mule and tell him you are few, on special occasions. Now|sorry for behaving in such an they have become part of our/outrageous manner. It is appar- everyday language. Is this the/ent that you did not have all way it is everywhere or only in/the facts, which is usually the Los Angeles?--Mrs. Will Suf-/case when people go off half- fice. cocked. An old English philoso- Dear Mrs. Suffice: Folks are|pher once said, "The degree of less formal than they used tojone's emotions varies inversely be, and this goes for every-/with one's knowledge of the where, not just Los Angeles.|facts--the less one knows the These people who use pet names| hotter he gets.' that some of the women who do not make full use of today's opportunities are the privileged . |women who have had a college education and who are failing to do what they can with their abilities and background. And like so many of us who are interested in women, Mrs. Keyserling is on an active cam- paign to point out to these women that even when they don't choose to work there are wonderful opportunities to con- tinue their education for the fu- ture that they face. There are also equally wonderful chances to give part of their time to such projects as slum clearing and urban development. "We are not rightists when we in the Women's Bureau put , jall of our efforts behind the ad- vancem.ent of women in Amer- ica,' Mrs. Keyserling said. "Instead we are like a big sister watching over the rest of our sisters so that all of the nation's '|}women will have growing op- fF |portunities that they can take | |full advantage of." PERMS FOR FORCES MONTREAL (CP) -- Mar- garet Gherasim of Regina, six months ago a freelance hair- dresser with the CBC, now is applying comb and hairspray to military heads. Pressed into : temporary military serv- the style uncluttered--slim jice, Cpr. Gherasim gives new SUMMER VISTA ON YOUR Summer cir- and trim--and one that can | hairdos daily to the 39 women be dressed up or down. This |appearing in the Canadian! pared-down cotton and dac- | Armed Forces Tattoo at Expo! ron twill shift is in a soft | ------ iamaaiaisbcaed beige, a current color rage, cuit, daytime dresses that will go anywhere from morning to cocktail time are a definite "must". Of course, they should be good travelers and because sum- has a military touch with mer is synonymous with epaulettes and brass but- leisure and relaxing, the tons, fabric should be easy-care, --By Tracy Adrian Mrs. Leo Gallagher .&re simply trying to be friendly| BURNS JEWELLERS IN OSHAWA JULY SALE MRS. A. \ feft, shares as Mr. and Mr. Anc Congrat Provineial gre tended to Mr. z (Perce) Cooper COSTUME | gh JEWELLERY % PRICE Starts Fri., July 7th at 10 A.M. DISHES 50 pieces for 8 Regular 38.50 CLEAR $22.88 «--not intimate. If you feel they : i : : | that women are using their op-|must help have greater oppor Oxford Street "Sn Feng -- simply U.S. Women Take portunities,' Mrs. Keyserling|tunities," she added, "'At the é ' 4 lEver 'é) ortunit said. "But breaking down this|moment they are doing the best : Dear Ann Landers: There is| 7 pp Y overall picture, I feel we should/they can and carrying very Leaving Wednesday *@ way to handle crude people add that different groups are/large work-loads. But with the eee *who pry into the lives of others For Advancement using them in different degrees.| wages they earn for their full- for 6 weeks to visit || ;and ask intimate questions. time work, they can't lift their - I am an arrested alcoholic) BY ROBERTA ROESCH (USE OPPORTUNITIES {families from Siva oe raise | Scotland, Ireland and . v he vic-| "Do you feel that American| "For example, many of the | ond FP wisvae ccs people|women make the most of to-|women who are now using their|'Nelr own standards as women. England. > who pose as '"'interested"|day's opportunities?" I recently opportunities the most are those| EXPANSION IMPORTANT friends. Because of my own in-|asked Mary Dublin Keyserling,/who are 35 or older. | "We can't be critical of what : 'security, I had the ridiculous/director of the United States) "Wherever I go, I find these|they are doing in their low-| First visit with family «notion that I owed these people|department of labor. -- women moving into jobs Or! status jobs. Instead we need to| "answers. I know now that I do| In view of the criticism and/flocking to career workshops in| concern ourselves with expand- -not. Several months ago some-|comments that are constantly/search of new activities and ling their chances." | one asked me, in the presence aired on this subject, I could chance to do more than they're! Jf we can be critical of any| "of my older child, whom we|think of no better person to/doing. |group, Mrs. Keyserling believes| adopted, "'What do you know;Whom to direct this question] Another group of women ty real mother?" than vital, blue-eyed Mrs. Key-|consider, Mrs. Keyserling said, ve je oo te that J|Serling who has taken full ad-|"'are the millions of women who learned to cope with such boors.| Vantage of all of today's oppor-)must take what they can get and still eat 3 meals a day! Discontinued Styles DIAMONDS k All rings insured and guaranteed REDUCED TO CLEAR The reception home of the cou ald Cooper and Verbena Court, wearing a che 3 of Swiss embroic cotton and the 50 years ago rec dred friends du noon and evenir Guests include est Marks and \ the Reverend V Greetings were the Governor - | Michener; the H ael Starr MP; |! Lester B. Pears able John Diefer Prime Minister | Honorable John 5 in 37 years. ines:|tunities in her own career. jand work at a pittance wage in . (ig: oningeringer on aannag In addition to heading the|the states that still don't have I did not hear it. |country's Women's Bureau, she minimum wage laws. 2. If the person repeats the|is an economist by profession These economically de- question and persists, I stare at|and executive vice chairman of|prived women are the ones we| him or her with a look of in-|the reg Cie ree yo none F ' * thi t omen. BEAUTY credulity and say, 'I don't think|'ee on ey --s of women-) BARBARA'S &iton | She is also in a p * Continuing Our 10th FOUR A MINUTE know what women are doing} ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Every 14 seconds a baby is/S01 » robe Fag mt 25% .OFF ON born in Bihar, India's drought-|C°U" ry SUAS * } ALL COLD WAVES ravaged state and talking to them. |] 75 CELINA ST, -- OSHAWA 8 . Fron, the number of women} 725-9572 Colored Glass ASH TRAYS WATCHES Famous Brand Names 1847 Rogers Bros. Do it this sensible way--with the PASTILS/808 Reducing Plan, 'You can eat meat, fish, cheese and vegetables . . . and still lose pounds, Because with the PASTILS/808 Plan you eat what you need--you'll just want less! This new weight control system is already used by thousands WHITE SKIN BAFFLING (Working, 'I think we can say throughout North America and Europe! Just take ane or two FORTHCOMING " » PASTILS/808 before each meal and follow the clever poi She has plastic on her feet, system. You'll eat less 80 you'll lose excess weight! Points SAVE Mr. and Mr Sale Priced Parrott, Oshawa erled a little boy after secretly examining the stockings of Dr. Lotta Hitschmanova, Executive Director of the Unitarian Serv- fice Committee, Ottawa. Every ar Dr. Hitschmanova visits SC Children's Homes overseas and is always the object of great attention by 'the children. Said Dr. Hitschmanova, 'How often have I felt hot black fin- gers run over my arms rubbing them a little to make quite cer- tain that the white color will not come off my- skin!" GLANZER | CABINETS | @ CUSTOM CABINETS @ KITCHENS | Prove it for yourself! With the PASTILS/808 Reducing Plan in the long lasting economy pack, from your druggist today. You'll like it... you'll like yourself too when the pounds start rolling off! Pastils/808 «© Reducing Plan A near-effortless way to lose weight. nounce the fort riage of. their Elizabeth, to Friend, son of H. D. Sanders o Missouri. The ¢ take place on | 29, 1967, at 4.00 English Bone Matthew's Churt China Oshawa. CUPS and on SAUCERS Silverplate Leilani Pattern % Price Regular Open Stock $99.00 A? piece sel UP 10 50% 98c ea. Royal Albert English ' BONE CHINA SETS Various Patterns Reduced INTERIOR DECORATOR 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 las Rutherford, nounce the engas only daughter, beth, to Jame O'Donovan, son CITIZENS! RISE TO THE OCCASION #8 @ HARDWOOD FURNITURE illi WORK GUARANTEED 200 only Mrs. William J FREE ESTIMATES van of Toronto. 243 FRENCH ST $ % OW 49. 99c each Sata a. Phone 576-2980 45,000 0 Th, noon in St. An coger Church, : " ENGAGE ee Mr. and Mrs. I NEEDED TO RESTORE "HISTORIC ROBINSON HOUSE" At The Oshawa Lakefront son Dickson ani gagen.ent of t Mary Elizabeth, Reece Curtis, s¢ Mrs. John R. C water, Florida. will take place August 5, 1967, St. George's Me Oshawa. LEGACY FOR When an old g in a tiny Albert he left his preci to his young fost The boy was li European Rainbow Glasses Sets of 8 2 pink, 2 blue, 2 green, 2 smoke. Available in 4 sizes. 14-0z., 10-0z., 5-oz, and Old. Fashioned. Set of 8, from 2.99 to 3.99. Reduced ' Rosenthal CHINA Some fancy pieces REDUCED TO CLEAR SUMMER HANDBAGS C dren's Home run ian Service Com x os : and Executive Lotta Hitschma: ed to take the Said Dr. Hitsct gratitude writter SEETUSEE | (aera GLASS ¥5 OFF ... it's here again DUNN'S Famous Semi-Annual DOLLAR-SALE FOR THE PRICE OF ¢ PLUS 1.00 @ OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT ® No Down Payment : ® No Carrying Charges ® No Interest JUNN 2 Locations... i To Past Glory As A Sea Captain's Inn. LUGGAGE Famous i FOR INFORMATION ... SEND COUPON TO: MR. J. HALLIDAY, 653 Masson St., Oshawa Brand Names Up To 40% Off BURNS JEWELLERS 20 SIMCOE NORTH OPEN FRIDAYS TILL 9 P.M. Oshawa & DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY Please Send Information About The Robinson House Restoration To: | Mr., Mrs., Miss ........ <epeea se Downtown - 36 King E. Open 'til 9 p.m. Friday | Street end Number 2..ccccccccsccncccccscseece Oshawa Shopping Centre Open 'til 9 p.m. Thurs. ond Fri. Both Stores Close Wed. et 1 p.m. RY BON PIVINES bons acoicss bb ceweneceuiacae Mail To: Mr. J. Halliday, 653 Masson St., Oshawa, Ont.

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