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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Jul 1967, p. 14

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a Justice Minister Undecided|#tet!0 Man as " Wounded, Charged On Landreville's Pension WATERLOO, Ont. (CP)--| Frank F. Durrer, of Waterloo sion to a retired justice, or any lesser sum. was charged Wednesday with Mr. Trudeau said: GENERATES LITTLE HEAT Heat generated by a good record-player's pickup would take 100,000 years to boil a cup f water. * SUNDAY * 1 JULY 9th 94 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, July 6, 1967 OTTAWA (CP)--Under stiff opposition questioning, Justice two counts of attempted mur- | Minister Trudeau told the Com- der following a knifing and me i' CENTENNIAL FLA tee gees ee eee ee = HBACK ---- OSHAWA CITIZENS' BAND BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Band Practice Blasts Foot Mining Promoter Loses mons Wednesday he still has not made up his mind on Leo Landreville's request for a pen- sion. He said the Judges Act makes it difficult for the government to grant a pension at this stage without parliamentary approval, but he was not convinced it was impossible. He had not decided whether the "punishment meted out to this man for something which was not done in the discharge of his duties should extend in- definitely." Stanley Knowles (NDP--Win- nipeg North Centre) opened the exchange by asking whether it now is the government's posi- tion that it will not award a judge's pension to the former Ontario Supreme Court justice who resigned under fire last month, without first bringing the matter before Parliament. "T have not yet made up my mind on this point." Mr. Knowles asked for assur- ance there would be no cabinet action on a pension while Par- laiment is in recess. Mr. Trudeau said the Judges Act makes it difficult for the cabinet to act without going to Parliament either for an | shooting incident Tuesday. unit of a Kitchener where his scribed as fair after emergency surgery Tuesday for throat cuts and removal of two bullets. in fair condition, suffering from throat cuts. | He was in the intensive care hospital | condition was, de- His estranged wife was also amendment to the Judges Act or for an item in the estimates. "IT said it is pretty difficult, though, I am convinced, as a point of law that it is not com- pletely impossible."'. tory over Daryl Moll of Tor- onto. Diane Brodie of Hamilton, Nancy Porter of Windsor and} Janice Young of Dunnville were | first-round winners 'in the un- || der-18 girls division. | )\ "HOP THE BEAT SOUND FOR YOUNG CANADIANS THE YOUNG 3 { | 3 | Dancing 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. h | 98 \. PARK" | | WINS TWO ROUNDS TORONTO (CP) -- O'Doherty of St. Catharines captured a first-round match against Jim Herd of Cooksville 11-9, 6-3 in the Ontario junior tennis championships Tuesday. | Bobby went on to take the sec- | ond round in the under-12 divi- Get Hooked ! on Robbies .. . fe DONALD DUCK BLONDIE ix Out Of Ten Tax A ] Six ut en ax ppea Ss REPLIED IN AFFIRMATIVE | sion with, an easy 6-0, 6-0 vic- were originally made that Mr.,ceived when the latter company 'eka hesitated and Doyle received income in 1956 | bought out the former. | p 2 from sale of shares and from| .Mr. Doyle also lost an appeal | 1ZZA s + | . ww OTTAWA (CP)--Mi ° F h N F |moter John C. bev, Wie wean 1s ries 7 ox to the plate 10 times with ap- Off Brake, Dismiss Charge "T think I can answer yes to Lawyer Terence Kelly fj Magistrate Dodds convicted) peals against income tax assess-|dividends of Canadian Javelin|against an assessment of pen-|that question." Oshawa made use of the Mc-/the woman on_ the assault| ments, came away with a bat-|Ltd., successor of Javelin Foun-|alty and interest for failure to| Opposition Leader Diefen- Phone, 723-0261 PH 728 675 Laughlin Collegiate Band in|.},,06 and obliced her to sien|ting average of about .250 in|dries. | withhold the 15 - per - cent divi-|baker asked whether Mr. Lan-| or 728-0192 e - defending his client in Oshawa 8 8 Sign' -esults announced Wednesday | ' dend tax on $188,895 paid him|dreville will receive an annual| Ld traffic court Wednesday. ja bond to keep the peace for a) hy the Tax Appeal Board. |ACCEPT CLAIM lin 1955 when he was a U.S. resi-|pension or retirement allowance EPI 6 Take home on order of fish end SPECIAL The client, William Duncan,|Period of one year. The bond) 'Several million dollars were|, The board accepted Mr. Doy-| dent. | of $18,866, the amount of a ~od hips. To save time phone cheod, THIJS 110 Park Rd. N., had pleaded|Was for the sum of $100. involved in the 10 cases, four|!e's claim that no share of the|UPHOLD JAVELIN CLAIM |g 728-6756, and your order will FRIDAY ¢ jlaunched by Mr. Doyle on his|Companys Capt tal stock or! 'he board also upheld tax as- be ready at any special time you ONLY wish, not guilty to charges of care-| wToOXICATED less driving and following an-| other vehicle too closely. The charges had been laid|a fine of }own behalf and six by Javelin A plea of guilty to the charge| Foundries and Machine Works lof being aaa gsing 4 in) Ltd., a company in which Mr. | z ; ; ; and costs or fiv€/povie was principal share-| Mr. Doyle's partial victory / dries. following a June 15 accident in| days for Douglas Howie, 62| nolder. which Duncan's car had piled/Albert St. into a vehicle waiting for a) light and a school crossing on|$25 FINE Centre Street South, at John| , Street. This resulted in a three-/five days was levied against car pile-up with a total of $880|Wilson Allen Neil, 49, of Bow- damage to the three cars in-|manville, when he pleaded volved. guilty to a charge of being in- Duncan claimed that he had|toxicated. had wet shoes as the result/pRINKING of lrg ar ye on James Henry, 185 Nassau St., @ sudden blast of music !rom|pleaded guilty to a charge of the bandshell where the Mc-/heing intoxicated and Laughlin Band was practising/fined $25 and costs or for Expo 67 had caused his foot|qays, to slip from the brake to the gas pedal resulting in the acci-|$50 FINE dent. Magistrate Donald Dodds} Stephen Berezuik, no fixed dismissed the charge when the|address, pleaded guilty to a prosecution agreed with Mr.|charge of being intoxicated) Kelly that Duncan's act hadjand was fined $50 and costs or been an involuntary one and/10 days. was not the result of careless' driving. |FAIL TO YIELD | A conviction on a charge of} ASSAULT CASE \failing to yield which resulted Mrs. Mae Thompson, 796\from an accident in which he Gordon St., was convicted ofjwas involved, cost Ira A. Tur- assault in court Wednesday|pin, 773 Masson St., a fine of when her own sister testified|$25 and costs or five days. | that Mrs. Thompson had at- tacked her on her porch caus-/jeft hand turn from Simcoe ng severe facial scratches and|street South onto Darcy Street black eyes. when it was hit by Turpin's Mrs. Thompson claimed that/car. Magistrate Dodds said he she had come to look for her|took into consideration Turpin's nine-year-old child at her sis-;good record as a_ driver ter's wheh a fight broke out./but was "obliged by the evi- She stated "I don't allow my/dence to register a _ convic- child in her home." tion." British Research Shows 'Pill' Induces Thrombosis | LONDON (CP)--Lord Platt,]Canadian women who stopped former president of the royal|taking the pill and became preg-| College of Physicians, says ajnant, the medical director for safer method of birth contral!/Ortho Pharmaceutical (Canada)| rn the pill pees ager |Ltd. said Wednesday. when, pice resent, of the| Dr. Wiliam Cornett said writes in the current issue of four-year study indicated the the association's Journal that|pill had no effect on pregnan- there seems no doubt oral con-|cies nor the ability of a mother traceptives increase the risk Of|1, hreast-feed. gp egies women would| The study, in which 23 inde- continue to use the ill despite Powe ue incidence a cor Fecent findings of an association genital abnormaliies, was be women of every 100,000 using it would die from: blood-clotting | disease inducted by it | "The risk should be recog-\history, Dr. Cornett said nett said. and safer contraceptives must continue," he said. "We have A fine of $25 and costs or} low national average,"' Dr. Cor- Because the use of the pill) tional jin Canada has only a five-year|will move into Cooke's new) f é the|edifice, The Forum in Ingle- nized and the search for other|<tuqy Was possibly a pioneer|wood, after Dec. 31. The sta-| The controversial promoter struck out on six of the 10. On a seventh, the board cut in half |the revenue department's origi- |income for tax purposes. Mr. Doyle, former president of Canadian Javelin Ltd., has) promotion interests in many |parts of Canada, the U.S. and further afield. | Two other appeals were al- $1,023,564. In these instances, rulings! jother property were appropri-|sessments of $160,939 and $183,- | Jated to Mr. Doyle in 1956 and that no dividend was paid. | {came in the board's order for} | re-assessment |made in purchase and resale of | some mining machinery and equipment in western Canada. was reduced to $200,000. Mr. Doyle withdrew from a syndicate organized to make the | an American coal company. Mr. 173 for the years 1953 and 1954| on income from Javelin Foun- | Doyle claimed that the of a gain he|amounts were more than offset | by disbursements and expenses | on behalf of the company, but the board said Mr. Doyle pre- nal assessment of Mr. Doyle's|The original income of $400,000/sented no evidence at all to prove this. PICKIN CHICKEN SPECIAL 'vx Va B.B.Q. CHICKEN Family Pack FISH & CHIPS | | See ee toretaecs wl w& FRIDAY » | The board dismissed appeal: | The Big Fun Dance was|lowed against tax assessments|for the years 1953-54-55 by Jav. | five}on amounts of $2,060,312 and|elin Foundries against asses:i- ments on the sale price al/ shares of Canadian Javelin re- | Research Station Reports, Tobacco Spray Not Ready DELHI, Ont. (CP)-- Special- ists at the government-operated tobacco research station here A car had been making a| said Wednesday no over-all-type|in automatic spraying equip- || sprays for control of suckers in flue-cured tobacco will be re-| commended this year. An official said the research station has been testing sprays for several years and some will be used for test purposes on small acreages on private farms throughout Ontario's tobacco-| growing district. | The station said firms manu-| facturing spray materials are making them available for test purposes only and not for gen- eral sale. A spokesman said some agents have been peddling spray materials to farmers, implying they are approved for use by the station or some other offi- cial body | GETS 11 DATES | LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The Los Angeles Coliseum Commis- |sion awarded Canadian - born |sports enterpreneur Jack Kent Sucker control methods at present involve hand application | of oil directly to the leaves of the tobacco and could be used ment. Delhi is about 35 miles south- west of Brantford. | Bank Robbers | Busy In Toronto TORONTO (CP) -- The fifth bank robbery since June 23 was} staged here Tuesday at a down- town branch of the Toronto- Dominion Bank. A man handed teller Sandra Armstrong a note that read: "Give me your hundreds, twen- ties and tens." Mrs. Armstrong handed the thief $1,774. He fled into the sub- way at Yonge and Queen Streets. On Friday, June 23, there were three bank robberies; one June 28, an attempted holdup| July 4, and Tuesday's robbery.| Cooke the 11 dates in the big |sports arena previously alloted to Los Angeles Blades hockey club, which has suspended its \franchise in the Western Hockey | League. Cooke got the dates, jranging from Oct. 31 to Dec. 23, \for his new Kings of the Na- Hockey League, which 'dium now is under construction. to remember that the long-term risks are as yet quite unknown." CELEBRATING CANADA'S CENTENNIAL TORONTO (CP)--The use of contraceptive pills showed no ill effects on babies born to 637 DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT "cane ' STACCATO'S" GREENHURST PAVILION THURSTONIA PARK DUNSFORD, ONTARIO Ukrainian : CONCERT DANCE Mickey and Bunny 1967 CENTENNIAL SHOW SPECTACULAR AND DANCE TOMMY BUICK POLKA KING ON THE VIOLIN THE BUNNIES DNIPRO HALL 3 MON., JULY 10 3} & 8:30 P.M. | a $Aduie 2.25 Children 1.00/94 he SHES cu - CURL 0 GH BRACKET rence OWIRD HANKS TOMORROW Z Frnmre council. TPL ARTHUR HANOI: I'S THE Bla ONE WITH CHELE CAREY -HELSIN ROLE: TEMICOLO: A PARONT PCTURE TODAY ONLY "THE SHAGGY DOG" olso "ABSENT MINDED PROFESSOR" The Sounds of the Big Beat The Place to Meet MISSION REVIEW | Featuring: -- @ Claudette e@ Eddy Spencer @ lan Anderson @ tke Isaacs Admission 1.50 Dancing 9 to 12:30 (eS TR obbies King Street West across from Kmart PHONE AHEAD AT 728-6756 Also Featuring: Burgers, Foot Long Hot Dogs, 522 PICKIN CHICKEN ji:377 pa. We Deliver -- Call 728-7321 S. HELD OVER! . OVATRAN WINTERS Srinved Earom Also aterring | [_TovEon WS eatze SOOO IDE | 37 KING ST. -- 725-5833 FOR LIFE From Age 65 Here is @ plan to provide for your family if you should die, or for your retirement yeors if you survive... 2 + ROGER WOLFE UNIT MANAGER 723-2883 725-4563 By completing the enquiry form Home: Business: | below, you can obtain details suitable te your personal situ- SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY of CANADA Oshewe Shopping Centre ation. se meeeeeeseaeecoreoen I it OCCUPATION It | Exoct Date of Birth eee sseeeeesceumscecs ' Includes Chips, B.B.Q. 2 ORDERS Home Made Pizza Sauce IB ond Roll .... FOR ....... 1.07 | 2nd Order 45c Save 13¢ SAVE 70c CLOSED TUESDAY JERRY LEWIS cs as '© "THEBIG MOUTH' In Color ROLLS AND THE SCREEN EXPLODES! FEATURE TIMES 1:30 -- 3:30 5:30 -- 7:35 -- 9:40 Colour / Panavision Y TODAY Art Essery's Plantation Fried Chicken ~::::: PHONE 723-4972 HORNION RD AT HIGHWAY 4¢ HELD OV Vi ae W m SALE! Fri., Sat. & Sun. SOLO DINNERS Buy 1 at Regular Price 1.25 Get 2nd for C MOLY ok soc ebeas Plantation Fried Chicken "IT'S DELICIOUS" The CHICKEN HOUSE 577 King St. East 728-4771 JosePH GOTTEN CORDON SCOTT JAMES MITCHUM.. p= sa tech Fr Nn ti of ety Vesa" by ith songs and ell f | a coe, in mad , 7 Europe! ; MSM Re \ A, sy Mt Bay Gre tad Series LL COOK: PAC - An Eniasy Peto eee IN COLOR POX OFFICE CPENS AT 8:00 P.?' YOUR CAR /8 YOUR RESERVED SEAT» CHILDREN under 12 FREE! DRIVE-IN THEATRE Nig? ee) FIRST OSHAWA SHOWING od Sd oF, a eB POTIAC LOW PRICES

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