THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, July 6, 1967 z--Odd lot, rights, xw-- Radiore Rio Alg c w Rix Athab 1 Roman co W Decaita Anglo-cn Anthes Argus C Packrs B dn Brew Disti Seag Dome Pete D Bridge BD Electre 1000 5 Rio Algom 2160 $37 36s Rowan Cn 2000 12 Ryanor 500) San Antoni 2200 22% Sate! 12225 3% ime OF We tO BH GN Fd HF A MR i A a RW NW I tH ie 1g b-4 xd--Ex-dividend, MINES 65 $20% 20 1000 20's 2 326 $21% 211 n 000-23 23 200 $2234 22 10 $107¥% 107 400 $23 23 606 $53%4 53% z12 $18 8 275 $i 13% 22a 22% 2 INDUSTRIALS 1255 $9% 9S a 9S 47 5 5 1 TORONTO 10:40 A.M, STOCKS Distributed by CP Toronto Stock Exchange--July 6 Quotations in cents unless Bee Dom Store ~Ex Ex-warrants, Net change | from previous board-lot closing sale. xr 30 2 "2 Sherritt 10.415 415 41S --10 Silvrfids 600 430 425 430 +5 Silvma 1000 34% 344 34% Siscoe 2100 450 435 440 --10 Steep R 400 585 580 580 --S5 Sunburst 2500 9 9 9 Teck Corp 100 480 480 480 +48 Texmont 2200 85 BS 85 Texore 500 23 23 #23 --1 Thom L 1000 42-42 «42 -- 2 Tormont 500 6 6 6 +1 Tribag 200 105 10S 105 -- 4 U Asb 24539 475 460 475 +20 Un Keno 1002 460 450 460 5 Upp ¢ 2200 140 «135 #135 --I5 Vespar 4500 50 4912 4914 + West Mine J . "180 +18 ve 9% 2234 4 Va TODAY'S STOCKS | business spotucut | | Stock | Dofasco Domtar S' Dp Textile Dupont Faicon Fam Play Fleet Mfg Ford Cnda Globe Env Goodyear GL Paper Gt W Lite Greyhnd Hard Crp A Hawker $ Hays Dna | Home A Herne Pit | H Bay Co HB Oil Gas Husky Oi! Husky A pr Husky B pr Husky C pr Husky D w Imbrex Imp Oi! imp Tob Ind Accept Ind Miner! Ind Wire Inland Gas Inter-City Int . Nickel Jefferson Jeffersn w Moore Morse B Py : | Worse pr 7 7 yields on long - term govern-' 100 with appliances that couldn't het Dros ate ste ment bonds in the same way | Doctors postponed all but "ke it through the summer. ' Noranda 53%4 S44 + 8s as the National Housing Act'emergency surger because| In early June, the Canadian | ome Wr jie js * rate for mortgages. hospitals had no air-condition-| high commission advised its COURTEOUS SALESMEN GRANT MENZIES Ogilvie § : ing. For operations which could| Staff that so many air condi- SEAWAY TOP SALESMAN cn anoae Wainer en ase Poiger ec oP ratio NOL be avoided, and. for child-|tioner compressors had burned OF THE MONTH Pac P 11067 $1678 1602 e nadian-made radio pirth cases, the operating room/Out that there were no more Pac Pete w Pembina 0 $132 13 a+ %/ 197, ' 50,653 i i mint Cian 127,117, including 50,653 on the of water. Cakes of ice were|to use their machines sparingly Pow Corp 130 $i0'2 10' 102--% export market, the Dominion ------------ |and to turn them off quickly at Price. Com 450 $12 Ne 2 Bureau of Statistics reported in | the first sign of power fluctua- ON Gs é3w 335 335 Ottawa Wednesday. They STOCK MARKET |tion -- dimming lights and the Rank Org $64 6% 6% + % brought cumulative sales for slowing of motors zs Reich 10 i tla a es : a Reichhold -- 00 $29, =? the year to 473.713, including _ TORONTO (CP)--Western oils Riv Yarn A 100 $10. 10. 1 10:40 Net Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge FPE Pn pr Acme Gas 2000 Ang Ruyn 200 Ang U Dev 2000 Argosy 3000 Armore 1000 BL Hawk 1000 Bralorne 250 Broul Reef 4000 Bunker H 2000 C Mines 33000 Camflo 2400 Camp Chib 3406 C Tung #100 Cn Lnert 16000 Candor 53166 Can-fer 4000 Captain 1500 Chestrvile 8000 Chib Kay $00 Coin Lake 1000 3 Conigo 8500 0 C Bellek 1500 72 7 Cc Halli 2500 65 62 63 C Marben 400. 460450460 5 C Morisn 1000 490' 485 490 C Neg 12000 «47 46 Con Nichol 1000 13 13 C Rambler 2700 125 2 C¢ Red P 27000 35 3 Cop Man 3000 20 Crowpat 1325 8 Deer Horn 2200 20 D'Eldona 150 143 Delhi Pac 500 12 12 2 Denison 2438 $76 75\2 76 lo 250 $50 50 50 East Sul! 725 525 525 525 Frobex 214 430 430 30 Giant Yk 810 810 5 Glenn 2» 30 +1 Goldrm ss & +1 Gortdrm 221 221 9 Grandroy a2 4 +1 Granisle 580 580 Guieh 28 28 Gulf L 6 6 6 Gunnar 1000 209 207 209 4 Hollinger 250 $2634 262 2634 + Int Bibis T 2300 60 60 60 welex 2000 34¥2'34 34a +) Joliet 15000 48 7 + 4 Jowsey 500 70 70 70 Kerr Add 890 $1534 15% 155% + ' Kirk Min 1000 es 1 Kirk Twns 3000 17 16'2 16'3-- 3 Lab Min 2145 $33. 3238 3238 L Dufavit 850 975 975 975 Leitch 2250 580 575 575 --I10 LL Lac 75 160 160 160 Lorado 2400 81 8) 81 Madsen 3400-133 130 130 -- 2 Mattgmi 738 $1439 1438 14% Merrill 1000 87 6s (87 4 Midri 129600 126 115 119 4 Mt Wright 2000 28 28 Bi | Multi-Mi 500 135 134 135 +5 Newconx 750 600 600 600 N Harri 1000 19 «1919 2 N Hosco 6200 210 20) 201 --9 N Imperal 1400 320 320 320 N Sen 13260 4814 47'2 47\2--1 Norpax 2233 6 6 6 N Coldstm 1000 71 71 71 =? Northgat 3750 530 $25 525 N Rock 1500 44 4 «43 North Can 1500 155 155 155 Nudui 1000 13% 13% 134 Obaske 1000 8 8 8 " Opemska 300 940 940 940 Pamour 400 210 210 210 Pax int 17500 10 9 --1 Pce Exp 25600 128 124 127 +3 Pine Point 250 $4914 4834 48%4 Placer 225 $342 34¥2 2412 Preston 639 $2054 202 20% Purdex 00 122 12% 12%. +612 Q@ Mattgmi 6300 120 116 118 R Nodwell Ronald Fd Rothman Royal Bnk Salada Sayvette Scot York Selkirk .A Shell inv p Shell Inv w 3510 $1134 11 d Sheil Can 1290 $29 28% 29 + %!cumulative sales for 4 months cific Pete 1% to 163. the inside of a house Shopper Ct 300 370 370 . 370 ; : : Simpsons 150 $272 27% 27'4 this year to 148,843, compared Scurry-Rainbow continued to : agen SKD Mito | S00 $54 Suu su -- Ye with 144,456 last year recover from last week's plunge| Many travellers on India's 4 a SERANE 7 ea ---- -- 'and the stock advanced 1 to 35.|!ailways place cakes of ice on Slater B pr 710 $1614 16% 16% Slater A wt 7250 300 300 300 | | Sogemi Me tate de + Vo | T a + A Eins 00 phy NE da BOND MARKET dio fell 1 each' to 34 and bi ne ee ST Radio Steel Can 1. Sales to 11:00 fr te 1.056 on 18a-day bills at 4.52 per cent. 000 Tuesday 'score 63; selling 63. FOREIGN TRADING : vase Saree ee Pe, 1965 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN Four Door Sedan Mid Longl $ day--but not as a starter. star outfielder was one of nine players named Wednesday by manager Walt Alston of Los An- geles Dodgers to complete the! Deeenel (eegve team for the It's nice work, making a whisky that tastes as easy as 5 Star. game at Anaheim, Calif catchers Tom Haller of San : Francisco and Tim McCarver of 5 Star's easy taste. Oe Or Be tie | Banks of Chicago and Tommy| |S the taste worth all the trouble? V Helms and Seg foacel of Cin-| sia mer ory " ssi a icinnati, and outfielders Rusty! Staub and Houston along with Pete Rose , of Cincinnati. Helms, Perez, Staub and) Wynn have never played in an/ all-star game before. Mays: has played in 17 379 batting average for 12 all- Star games St. Louis has four players on| the full 25-man roster. Atlanta, ; Cincinnati, Houston, Pittsburgh and San Francisco have three} men each, Chicago and Los An') 2 Beles have two apiece and New! York and Philadelphia have one. player on the team Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 550 430 425 00 $id 1 40 $33 100 220 220 270 +10 a 137 3 137 100 560 S40 All - Star Nice For 18th Game CINCINNATI (AP) -- Willie Mays will play in his 18th all- Star baseball game next Tues- The San Francisco Giants'| a Due To The Fantastic Acclaim Of The 1967 MERCURY METEORS 10:40 Net s@<-"5 'Cup Of Tea'-Then Business E AW AY MOTORS IS TREMENDOUSLY OVERSTOCKED WITH LATE MODEL CARS 798 $86% 85% B6% I Chi ' ves In Chinatown Bank Branc 3900 165 160 160 20 $1592 159'2 159% 210 $95 9s 95 200 $22 22 «22 --%) VANCOUVER (CP) -- Bank-/floor is predominantly bright)pers and books from Hong Ct a ek ings Finypet an is pretty red and black. |Kong, Taiwan, New York and 60$205 204 204 much like western banking, ex- ' ia San Francisco, 2500 had al oy 2 ee for certain extras. HAS CHINESE GIRLS Mr. Wong was born in Can- <= The hurried and harassed One of the points of interest|ada, educated in Canton, and manner of the Occidental cus-,in the office is the presence of| got a bachelor of arts degree in tomer--into,the bank. up to the Chinese girls, dressed in the be-| economics from Acadia Univer- % teller, deposit or withdraw and coming, slit-skirted cheongsams. | sity, Wolfville, N.S. out again--is not the way of the | The girls, along with other staff} He said the trust company Oriental. Instead, green tea,|members, speak fluent English) branch has deviated from the gentility and graciousness is and Cantonese. traditional Chinese banking sys- featured. Following the Oriental tradi-!tem in two ways. In a Yorkshire Trust Ltd. of-|tion of hospitality, the whole First, coffee will be served to fice opened recently in Vancou- community is welcome in the |those who have no palate for ver's Chinatown, customers are | office, whether they are custom- the traditional green tea. Sec- greeted with "Cheng Yum Cha," ers or not. In the downstairs ond, the initial account was --please have a cup of tea. area there is a reading room, opened by a Jewish merchant, Gene D. Wong, manager of stocked with Chinese newspa-'who requested to lead the way, 225 the branch, explained it is com- % ee ee et ss 01 y \ mon Chinese courtesy to offer s s s 2 h anyone stepping into a house of I d P t tl W t 1525 $23¥e 23% 23%2 business or home a cup of tea n la a 1en y al S ht Re ae 2 before all else. He added that 290 $95 958 9% Beg ge at our branch will fol- 570 $35 344 35 + % low the Chinese banking cus- 1 tik ae ee A based essentially on in- For Monsoons To Start 200 335 5, 330, -- 5 |formality. 100 490 490 490 The pagoda - style building) NEW DELHI (AP) -- People; dumped' in the water el- agp get ee en + % a the branch office is the were still shovelling snow some|fort to. reduce the temperature a hed lh cress aed mei Ot places in North America when|a few degrees. : incmtind The Awe and planning 'the temperature broke the 100-| The vast majority can not af- nd. The decor of the main gegree mark in India April 16,|/ford fans, and if they could, ¢ marking the start of another! most have no electricity. BUSINESS BRIEFS long, long summer. | Even the Westerners and the For days on end there is no,affluent Indians suffer. Water | By THE CANADIAN PREsS 'élief and 500,000,000 persons/supplies, even in a city such as count the days until the mon-|New Delhi, are grossly inade- INCRE: SE RATE soon rains come to break up| quate and taps run dry for hours The maximum interest rate the heat. at a time. 92 banks may charge for home im- Vijayawada, in extreme south-| The peak demand for electric EAs * | y provement loans was increased ern India. this summer exper-|POWer results in overloading and | iim } 5 heat failure of systems. Current fluc- ' Wednesday to 714 per cent from! jenced one of the worst ye tuates so much that air-condi- | 500 5144 5 35 25 1388 814 ONE OF THE 4 5 i +t ; "l0% 1038 + vw} S!X Per cent, Central Mortgage waves in the city's history --| 17a 157e + % and Housing Corp. announced in three weeks during which the| 'ioner compressors blow out and | ca ie Ottawa. It also said that in fu-/afternoon high ran about 122/€lectric motors burn out. | 2a 2 a ture the rate will be tied to and the night-time low about) Electric repair shops are filled | OUR TRAINED +1s |receiving sets in April totalled) was flooded with several inches|Spares. It urged the Canadians Many Indians, especially the + \*/160.547 on tl ; 5 arket.| bounced into the spotlight on the } 547 on the export market Sporug upper classes of government 235 230 230 -- S$ |Domestic sales totalled 277,166 Toronto Stock Exchange Wed-| *"" 7° 3°~" compared with 285,709 in the nesday as the market declined/sorvants., lum to an age - old 15\4 15% + ¥a/same period last year. Sales of for the ninth consecutive ses- MIHEIRE Taare pl geo ahas IM made-in-Canada television re- Sion : plant root ato "ery or win 4+ %/ceiving sets in April this year Canadian Superior rose 156 to\Gows and aco stat ese babe 32+ totalled 39,210, compared with 46! Hudson's Bay and Shell 14) splash buckets ow Waler ever] 2 11% + %/36,888 last year. They brought each to 3734 and 28% and Pa" these and evaporation helps cool | with white top, custom radio, Lic. No. J75295. 00 $3238 V-8 Engine automatic transmission, Custom radio, Caspian blue with blue interior. Lic, No. J79206. ( B.C. Sugar and Standard Ra. the floor of their compartment. | 739 3 3 538 ' : : Distillers 5 to 375g and CPR % 4 $2214 22M 224 Ph Nacht peas ™ oe to 7014. Canadien Tire A jumped 295 as N- 3 to 241 an 'L Industries and! 28 -- a in quiet trading Wed- Magna 'Electronics 1% each to PRODUCE hen pein oe .34% and 20. | TORONTO (CP)-- Wholesale tee Short - term Government of Midrim tumbled 38 cents to to retail carton eggs average ; Br Canada bonds were unchanged 1.15 on 683,000 shares in specu- weighted prices quoted by the --1o |with the 419-per-cent April 1. lative mines as a result of profit department of agriculture "as of discs, Lic. No. J79909. Blue with blue interior, V-8 engine, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, custom radio, white wall tires, wheel discs, this car has only 13,000 original miles. Lic. No. J71104, %--% er aa closing at 99.63 bid taking, Wednesday: A large 39.0; A me- ' 2 and 99.68 asked The stock jumped 1.08 last'dium 30.7: A small 24.8. , A lr hacer cag dry Canada and proy- week after the company an-, Eggs: Wholesale price to 1966 PONTIAC FOUR DOOR HARDTOP : incial bonds were up with the nounced it had encountered cop- ¢ i ibre ses . fees i 5 ; P| couney. eens. bi eas V-8 Engine, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, blue ai + 4¥4-per-cent Sept. 1,. 1983, issue per and nickel mineralization in'quoted by the oronto Board of closing at 85'g bid and 8534 the Belleterre area of Quebec.| Trade from wholesale egg deal- with black top, black interior, custom radio, Lic. No. J79539. + % asked On index, industrials were offjers: Extra large 34; large 31; a Day-to-day noney traded at .08 to 164.04 and golds 2.14 to; medium 24; small 18; B 27; C 9% 314 per cent 169.67. Base metals advanced 20. Treasury bills remained un-!.24 to 102.22 and western oils Butter ; canadian Dairy Com- 17) changed with the 91 - day bills) 5.48 to 181.45, Volume was 4,031,-|mission tenderable carlots: *--% closing at 4.28 per cent and the 000 shares compared with 2,587,- Buying 39 score 62; buying 40 J75399. 6 cylinder engine, automatic transmission, power steering custom radio, dark green in color. Lic. No. J79964. : 1965 FORD STANDARD TRANSMISSION Four-door Burgundy in color with beige interior, Lié. No. 100547. 10 1964 COMET 6 CYLINDER ENGINE Standard transmission, four door sedan, custom radio, Lic. No. 285088, 1964 VOLKWAGEN White with grey interior, like brand new, Lic. No, J794556. The starting line-up -- except But it's no easy job. iy belts wae | iene selecting very special whiskies f f 1962 MERCURY FOUR DOOR SEDAN Dy | g among players. | pecial whiskies from our five , Mays has been voted in every tal : ' . year since 1957 on distilleries across Canada. (Only Seagram's has five, White with red interior, V-8 engine automatic transmission, power steering, mn's other choices are _ by the way). Then blending and re-blending them to get powcr "rakes, spotless inside and out. Lic. No. 368473. PONTIAC FOUR DOOR SEDAN 6 cylinder engine automatic transmission, black with red interior. Lie. No. 26403L. s, infielders Ernie Jimmy Wynn of classics and has a WHITBY i END GAMES TOKYO (AP) -- The United ; States and Japan ended their| 4 second goodwill karate games cr , Sunday with two victories each 6 e and a tie, but the United States! i jteam was declared the winner * jon points, 6 Si AG HAMS 1966 METEOR CONVERTIBLE V-8 Engine, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, Bronze 53095 1966 COMET FOUR DOOR SEDAN $9195 1966 METEOR FOUR DOOR SEDAN : Caspian blue with blue interior custom radio, white wall tires, wheel $2295 ; 1966 CHEVROLET IMPALA FOUR DOOR HDTP. 9795 cj ie 1965 FORD FOUR DOOR SEDAN : 1965 FORD V-8 Engine, automatic transmission, custom radio, Lic. No. $1595 1695} 13958 DUNDAS ST. E. 1695 '8955 995) 895) heonennnennrerie Accountar WILLIAM. C. | ed Accountant, Telephone Os: GORDON R. Accountant, Su ping Centre, BOB CLANCY' Complete bookt coe Street Nor! JOSEPH GUTA East. T YALE, FRIEDI tered Accountar Bankruptcy, 57 Oshawa, 728-737 HOPKINS, BEA ed Accountants, ing, 187 King | tario, 725-3509; | Beadle, CA; E. Blueprintin BELL DRAFTI ., 53%" Simce Blueprinting ane Building T. REPAIF ALTE / to HOMES-OFI Rec Roon a James Al 72 Chimney | troughing i and repairs ed. Free esti small, MEL ME 72 ATLANTIC PAVI your driveway p work warranty f years. All work | CLASSIF -- | inserti additional words, WORD ADS Cash tive insertions of tional words. 13! tive insertions of tional words 24c Charge--10 per « if not poid withir Method of Count words counts as : nitial, figure or one word; phone words, BIRTHS DEATH SOCIAL NOTICES $2.50 per insertior ti ional charge if mn IN MEMORIUMS 2.50 for the fir ach thereofter fp verse; 25¢ addition within 8 doys. CARDS OF THANK $2.50 for the firs vach thereafter ' harge if not paic COMING EVENTS $2.38 per inch (di first 20 words anc (Word Ads). AUCTION SALES 2.38 PER INCH P DEAL WORD ADS 4 p.m, DAY PREV! LOST AND FOUND ? 8 9 a.m. DAY OF PL IRTHS AND DEA' a.m, DAY OF PL IN MEMORIUMS ar CARD OF THANKS 4 p.m. DAY PREVI CLASSIFIED DISPLA 1 column--4 p.m. ¢ umns or larger -- | CANCELLATIONS A CORRECTIONS 9 om. DAY OF PU Any advertisement publication will be ini sertion, BOX NUMBER REN' While every endeav: fo rward replies to b advertisers as soon cept no liability in damaged alleged to | fa ilure or delay in 1 plies however cousec gence or otherwise 3¢ responsible for r in 20 doys. REGULA THE OSHAWA TIM RESPONSIBLE FOR E TISEM| ENTS SUMBIT THAN IN WRITING JAN OWN" INSERT! TH VERTISEM 'iT NOP PRICE Ct %GE FOI SERTION (4 WHICH Thi e Oshawa Times re classify «© 'vertising proper cic ification, In the cc-es of disp! The Times will not b for more space thar actual error occupie sndeavor to reproduc matter cnrrectly, but of advertisement if a any form are contain i's EASY TO Tih "S ACTION Coll Clessitie 723-34 INDEX CL ASSIFIC, 1--Wemer"s Column 6--Marine Equipment 7--$i wap and Barter 8--Articles for Sale 9M. 1o--I ket Basket rmer's Column 11--Pets and Livestock 12--Articles Wanted 13--Articles for Rent 14--Busines# Opportunit 15--Emp!nyment Wanter or aoe Estate For Si 2 rity eg Y--Auctions ic, 16--Agents Wanted 7--F ale Help Want Hel ed Pp 3 Female Hi Estate Wanted + 24--Stares Offices and § 25--Houses for Rent 26--Apartments for Ren xP - Accommodat sr-~Reome for Rent 29--Wanted te Rent Tae vromeniies for Salt Room and Board ompact Cars for $ Trucks for Sale Wanted : Hes 34--Automebile Repair Lest and Found je! 'oming Events otices 19--Noti