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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Jul 1967, p. 1

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Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bowman- ville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in Ont- ario and Durham Counties, VOL. 26--NO. 155 30¢ Single Copy S5c Per Week Home Delivered % he Oshawa Times Authorized os Second Class Mail Post Ottawa and for payment of Postage in Cash OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1967 Weather Report Varmer air moving across Great Lakes. Low tonight, ' 65; high Friday, 80, Office Department TWENTY PASES QUEEN ELIZABETH PASSES IN REVIEW OF COLOR GUARDS OF SIX REGIMENTS « « » Queen Presented Guidons To Three Canadian Regiments, Including Ontario Regiment, At Parliament Hill Ceremony Wednesday Exultant Royal Pair Bid Canada Farewell Drop 500 Tons Of Bombs OTTAWA (CP) Queen Eliza- beth returned to England Wed- nesday night with cries of "come back soon" ringing be- hind her after a smashing one- week centennial visit to Can- ada. The enthusiastic response put new fibre into a historic Anglo- Canadian constitutional weave that seemed to be unravelling after her last visit in 1964, At that time, with terrorist operations frightening Quebec, unprecedented security meas- ures injected a sombre note into her tour, British Papers Skeptical Of Royal Visit Success | LONDON (CP) -- The Queen may well be puzzled by some, of the British comment on her Canadian tour which appeared) today as she returned by air to) London after the six-day centen- nial visit. : : Reports of her reception in Canada and the size of the crowds varied in British papers during the trip. The visiting Daily Telegraph correspondent, Mabel Elliott, summing up the} trip today, says that within me limitations of any royal tour, the! Canadian visit was a success. But the criticisms of its tim-| ing were loud and blunt. A sur-| prising number of Canadians| took the view that the centen-| Cryptically, she concludes two nadians and their wives or hus-! |"vital issues" emerge from the Ancient Cars C C da [farmed te anowed to continue of St. Catharines, Ont. to, 48 TOSS ana a in the predictable, dull fash- year-old David Bauer of Van- Start Saturday VICTORIA (CP) -- About 30 vintage cars begin huffing, puff- ing and chugging their way across Canada Saturday. The centennial tour of Canada will end 5,000 miles later in St. John's, Nfld., Aug. 21. The tour will actually involve 500 vintage cars but only 30 drivers plan to go coast to coast. The enthusiasts will begin Saturday by dipping their cars' skinny tires and wood-spoked wheels into the Pacific before pushing off from the Mile O mark on the Trans-Canada Highway. Oldest car participating is a 1902 one- cylinder Oldsmobile owned by Don Belfry of Ridge- way, Ont. He stuffed his dis- ee machine in a 500-pound packing crate and i i west by rail. oe f This time Canadians were|being described as the most cote ne, aoe 100th chee successful. sary o! 'onfederation and a i CROWDS CHEER or eleuui aha Clusters of Ottawans formed Huge crowds turned out to see| along the 11-mile route to the the Queen and Prince Philip as/airport Wednesday night to they moved through Ottawa, al-|cheer her and one group of most always in an open car, to| girls held a large sign reading: various events, "Come back soon." They turned a tightly-guarded| At the RCMP hangar where visit to Expo 67 into a triumph} a BOAC Super VC-10 was wait- by taking an unscheduled ridejing, pipers played Will Ye no on the minirail there to the| Come Back Again as the royal cheers of nearby crowds. jcouple boarded the aircraft. It was Elizabeth's fourth visit, Prime Minister Pearson said een to Canada and it was the Queen's last words to him "9 ; were: "Wonderful being here." | The Queen and Prince Philip jarrived by air last. Thursday, boarded the royal yacht Britan- |nia at Cornwall Sunday for the {trip to Expo, then cruised the | St. Lawrence Tuesday before janchoring off Kinsgton for a series of functions. | In Ottawa Wednesday, nine of | Canada's 10 provincial premiers | nial celebrations were a private| matter. --all but Premier Robert Stan- SURPRISED AT FEELING field of Nova Scotia, absent for! Miss Elliott says British visit-;the funeral of a brother--were ors to Ottawa were surprised/Sworn in before the Queen as| by the depth of feeling against| members of the Canadian Privy the monarchy and the Common-| Council. wealth. Like other British cor- prEsENTS COLORS respondents, she seemed to read) | ater she presented regimen-| deep significance into the fact ta) colors and guidons to. six that the maple leaf flag vastly|Canadian Army regiments in a U.S. Jets Blast Cong Route, SAIGON (AP) -- U.S. B-52)diate assessment of the bomb bombers blanketed the North| damage was not available. Vietnamese infiltration route) ; through the jungled A Shau val-| LAUNCH GROUND SWEEP ley with about 500 tons 6f bombs|_ While the B-52s raided gest of in the last 24 hours, the U.S.!Da Nang. the arines Command said today. launched a new ground sweep The giant Stratofortresses | Southwest of the American base made fone number of eight|2"d_ U.S. Defence Secretary raids during the period, six of Robert S. McNamara left Wash- them Wednesday night and this! morning against A Shau, due| Leaibe West of the big U.S. base at Da! Nang. The 20 - mile - long valley ent-| 17 Candidates ers South Vietnam from Laos | about 30 miles below the demil-| S k T L d itarized zone separating Viet- | ee 0 ea nam and long has been a vital infiltration route, It funnels sup- th Vi tn plies to most of the major North| Sou 1é am | Vietnamese and Viet Cong units} . | operating in the northernmost] SAIGON (AP) -- Seventeen area of South Vietnam, the sec-| Candidates are running for pres- tor where U.S. forces have re- ident 'of South Vietnam, but few cently been under heaviest at- observers expect all will still be QUEEN ELIZABETH and Prince Philip bid farewell to Canada at the top of the ramp before getting into the airplane that took the royal couple back home. (CP Wirephoto from AP) RUSSIA NS TRY TO SAVE FACE Europeans Aid Congo Rebellion Latin American Backing Sought In Salvage Effort » UNITED NATIONS (CP)--of the rival Latin American |The Soviet Union is wooing)and Yugoslav proposals that KINSHASA, The Congo (Reut-| rived safely and had no trouble,/ Latin American members of/|failed to get the needed two- ment claimed today that Bel- gian, French and S mer-} butu lious Katangan troops in fight-|/at Kisangani, formerly Stanley- ing government forces in the ville, and that white settlers eastern Congo. |had launched an attack on gov- The government's radio sta- ernment forces at Bukavu. tion said the foreign mercenar-| In its early bulletins today, ies were acting "in concert"|Radio Kinshasa did not men- with troops from former pre-|tion the situation at Kisangani, mier Moise Tshombe's formerly|where foreign paratroops were secessionist Katanga province| reported by Mobutu to have oc- and in fierce fighting at Bu-jcupied the airport Wednesday. | kavu, in Kivu province. The radio gave no details of| The radio said battles also the reported fighting in Bu-| tack. in the race on election day, The heavy strikes on the jun- Sept. 3. =| gied valley were ordered after| Only a few seem to be serious) tactical bombers hitting the | contenders. jarea in the last few days caused; Last week, Premier Nguyen! farlier, Congolese ambassa-| jseveral landslides in areas|Cao Ky accepted the No. 2 spot} where heavy rains had loosened|of vice-president on a_ ticket) caused North The landslides |headed by Chief of State Ngu-| caused North Vietnamese sup-| yen Van Thieu. ply~convoys to bunch up at! some Vietnamese who con-| outnumbered the Union Jack parliament Hill ceremony along the royal route. : watched by about 15,000 tourists| She says while the "loyalist" | anq residents. | Canadian newspapers reported) me j3. : ast event roy: "vast crowds mobbing the royal | <i whe Ciehs eo ae couple," the crowds were sparse the tone of the whole week Ba tae wal mo rOyal It brought about 50 young Ca- v9 | bands to Government House for} visit: "Should Canada be al- 2 formal but gay dinner in the lowed to withdraw from the ballroom, : Commonwealth and should roy-| They ranged in age from 18- al tours as they now are per- year-old ballerina Karen Bowes ? couver, adviser to Canada's na- The Times resident correspon-, "onal hockey team. ident in Ottawa, Hilary Brig-| A mutual delight flowed | 'stocke, says Buckingham Pal- through- the meeting between| | Fi : -o the Queen and Canada's bright-! lace may. have become more th 4 lconscious during the last few est talents. lion?" narrow points in the valley. sider themselves political ex:| A U.S. spokesman said imme-|perts are betting that Ky will! be out of the race entirely be-| | fore long. DEATH ENDS | With most of the armed| forces' 600,000 votes behind, 81 YR MARRIAGE them--abour 12 per cent of ae . {South Vietnam's 5,200,000 regis- FERGUS FALLS, Minn. |(eted Voters -- the Thien - Ky (ABV AN Sl:vearold: mare |ticket at this time appears to be| riage broke up this week | running Bneny: with the death of Ole Shol- | A confusing element is the berg. candidacy of retired -Lt.-Gen. Peer Ior. |Duong Van Minh, now in Thai- wo an i ier \land. Minh was exiled as am- 'Home Monday 'atler he. |bassador - at - large several ng bedridden the last year. ;months after he was overthrown Surviving Ole is his wife es dette in, Tah ; Otilla, 103. The couple |, Mis Ucket was registered by reared six daughters and jhis vice - presidential running two sons on their small |™ate, Tran Ngoc Lieng, a law- farm. jyer. But South Vietnam's ruling | generals say Minh will not be jeigners are trying to winars! EXtradition were raging at Kisangani, form-| kavu, capital of eastern Kivu erly Stanleyville, where foreign) province and scene of bitter in-| ratroops were said by the|ter-tribal strife during the years government to have landed! following the Congo's independ-| from two planes Wednesday. ence in 1960. | In Washington, the state de- dor in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,|partment said Congolese na- Joseph Kabemba, told reporters|tional army dissidents under that both Kisangani and Bu-/foreign mercenaries had cap- kavu were captured by. an in- tured Bukavu, but there was no vading force of European com- Official confirmation in Kin- mandos. shasa. But the radio reports in Kin- shasa, quoting official sources, | appeared to contradict this, | Congolese REGROUPED FORCES The radio said central govern-| ment's forces in Kisangani, | D d itially taken by surprise, had re-| eman grouped and counter-attacked. The radio added: "The for- to the airport." In Kinshasa itse If, police! arGieRs (Reuters) -- A top- pag pe tte nents check | level Congolese delegation today on all foreigners in the city'S/pressed for the extradition of ng a sion - former Congo premier Moise he Congolese news agency /Tshombe amid indications that) said spare of about + sOrSiEn reported paratroop landings in| Journalists flew to Kisangani/The Congo Wednesday have| early Wednesday morning--be-| tipped the scales against him. | fore news of the fighting there' 'The Algerian government re- reached Kinshasa. {mained silent on its plans for The party, on a government-\pshombe, but official sources | allowed to return. organized conducted tour, ar-)<aid the landings by foreign |\days that the Queen "must be 'eet more young Canatians it BELIEVES IN REFORM the monarchic link is to be} strengthened." Court Rejects GM Charges NEW YORK (AP)--A New but perhaps that is why he York State Supreme Court ref-Save up a lucrative law prac-| eree has rejected General Mo- | tice--estimated at $50,000 a year) tors Corp. charges of collusion --to go into politics. : | between auto safety critic Ralph) He's not a Progressive Con-| Nader and Vincent Gillen, a for-/servative, as he could have) mer investigator for GM. been. Nor is he a Liberal, as is| The referee, Seymour Bieber, his close friend and law part- also found in a report madejner, Bruce Thomas, who thinks public Wednesday that Nader tiat Jim is bound for perdition. | \what he wants to do. James Renwick won't say $0, His brother, Roger, will belacted "in good faith" in filing\He is a member of the New! driving the second-oldest car, a a $100,000 libel suit against Gil-/Democratic Party and, as of 1905, Cadillac, He admits it willl len. Wednesday, its president. take some coaxing to get the machine across Canada. Generally, a vintage car is defined as one more than 30 years old, but most of the ma- chines in the tour were manu- factured during the 1920s, A $26,000,000 suit by Nader) "He's nuts!" says Mr. charging invasion of privacy igen oe GAVE UP LUCRATIVE PRACTICE jmercenaries would reduce his chances of escaping extradition and the death penalty for high Politics Triumph Over Law TORONTO (CP)--A man does!is the only party that is inter-! Mr. Renwick, 49, was in the ested in basic social reform,"|Tank Corps in the Second World |War and was taken prisoner in SHUNS SPOTLIGHT . (the Battle of the Falsiot Gap Any personal information|jn 1944 when the Canadians about Jim Renwick won't come|were driving to the Rhine. He from Jim Renwick, so Self-|was a witness for the prosecu- effacing that he would not sit/tion against Maj.-Gen. Kurt at the head table after his elec-| Meyer in the post-war war crim: tion Wednesday as party presi-jjnais trials when Meyer was ent. convicted of ordering the execu- He will, reluctantly, talk about tion of Canadian soldiers. his first marriage, which ended} - in divorce, and of which there|STUDIED CCF PHILOSOPHY were two children, and, more; After the war, he studied law 'enthusiastically, of his second|and was later admitted to the |wife, Margaret, who has borne|Ontario bar. He didn't like the him a daughter. Mrs. Renwick; way things were going in the was at the NDP's fourth con-|labor movement so he looked treason awaiting him at home. Congolese Minister of State Bernard Mungul Diaka arrived here Wednesday amid tight se- curity to join Attorney - General Alidor Kabeya in pressing Congo President Joseph Mobutu's de-! 'mand for extradition of} Tshombe, 47. Commandos CRORES ed Wednesday that/the abortive UN Assembly ses- cenaries had joined with rebel-|foreign mercenaries had landed sion on the Middle East. ington on his ninth visit to Viet-/€TS) -- The Congolese govern-jreports reaching Kinshasa said.|the United Nations in an ef-|thirds majority in the assembly President Gen. Joseph Mo-/fort to salvage something from|Tuesday. : The UN members split al- most evenly over the Yugoslav Assembly President Abdu1/draft, which demanded that ty Rahman Pazhwak of Afghani-|rael pull its troops out of Egypt, stan adjourned the 122-nation|Jordan and Syria, and the Latin forum until next Wednesday to} American proposal coupling a give members a chance to|withdrawal demand that the "bring something that we might) Arabs end the state of war they be able to refer to as a fruitful/have maintained against Israel result." sine 1948. The Russians and Israeli officials, meanwhile, |the Arabs backed the Yugoslav sought to allay a furore roused |'esolution, while Canada, Brit- by Defence Minister Moshe ain and the United States and Dayan's statement that thej!srael supported the Latin Gaza Strip, administered by|American draft. Egypt before the June 5 war, | Defeat of the Yugoslav res would be incorporated into Is-| olution was another setback for rael. |the Soviet Union, which had Both the Israeli defence min- asked for the emergency assem- istry and the Israeli delegation bly session and sent Premier to the UN issued denials that| Alexei Kosygin to press the the government of Israel. had; Arab case. made any decision on the fut-| There was considerable agree- ure of the strip. ment that any resolution which Informed sources said Wed-|could be adopted by the as- nesday Soviet Ambassador|sembly would be no more than Platon Morozoy is urging the ja general expression of hope for Latin Americans to try to draft) a peaceful resolution of the cri- an acceptable compromise res-|sis and that the matter would j olution from salvageable partsirevert to the Security Council, Mc cneE emir arate NEWS HIGHLIGHTS 1] - Week Vacation For Commons OTTAWA (CP) -- Health Minister MacEachen, gov- ernment House leader, today gave formal notice that the Commons will take an 1J-week vacation from Friday until Sept. 25. The notice appears on the Commons order paper. Shulman To Run On NDP Ticket TORONTO (CP) -- Dr. Morton Shulman, the contro- versial former chief coroner of Metropolitan Toronto, will ru» as a New Democratic Party candidate in the next provincial election Dr. Shulman made the announcement today. Pope May Mediate Jerusalem Issue VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Pope Paul conferred with King Hussein of Jordan today amid reports, that the pon- tiff was planning a personal diplomatic campaign to medi- ate between Arab nations and Israel on the status of Jerusalem. A vatican communique issued after the meet- ing said the Pope and the king discussed "'current prob- lems" -- especially the plight of Palestine refugees. Ba nema crete .. In THE TIMES Today .. Gain Control ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia - of European commandos now controls the Congolese towns of Kisangani and Bukavu and has captured other strategic points, ». |the Congolese ambassador to (Reuters) -- An invading force | = Ontario Regiment Honored By Queen--P, 9 Whitby Councils United On Amalgamation--P. 5 Ann Londers--10 Pickering News--5 | Ajox News--5 Sports--6, 7, 8 \2 City News--9 Television--15 : Clossified--17, 18, 19 Theatres--14 | Pending against GM, Gillen an "Not at all," rebuts the quiet | others, Gillen investigated Nader after the latter's criticism of GM cars, man who since 1964 has. repre-|stitutional convention where he,jinto the philosophy of the Co- sente Ontario legislature. d Toronto Riverdale in the|a last-minute nominee, beat out operative Commonwealth Feder- Saskatchewan's James Brockel-jation, which later became the (""] just believe that the NDP'bank for the presidency. INDP, { > ; Ethiopia said here today. Comics--15 Weather--2 Ambassador Joseph Kabemba Editorial --4 Whitby News--5 said the invaders are French, Pineainiccté Women's-----10, 11 |Belgian and Spanish. They had captured strategic points in Or-| = iental and Kivu provinces, | su Ra TT | Obituaries--20 "4 : 4 » 'JAMES RENWICK oo « New NDP President »

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