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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Jul 1967, p. 6

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6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 6, 1967 SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell Associate Sports Editor [Howard Tops' iFor Kingside Eric Howard supplied inspir- jation for Kingside: Park Ban- }tams as he pitched a five-hit {shutout against Woodview park lin Kiwanis Bantam _ Softball League play Wednesday. | Dave Ross had a aetrgrned A 'aise . jat the plate when he hit four-| ; -- > pet Red gagl ved |for-four, leading Storie Park to Craig's expenses would all |? 13-5 victory over Southmead. have been looked after, if he acne wa ee Liege Me ; A its, y. 4 bad tls OASA inusrance. with a home run, double, and FISHING REPORTS from {two singles, while Brian Genge HOLE-IN-ONE, cherished memory of every fortunate golfer and constant dream of every enthusiast of the game, is in danger of becoming al- most common, among the members of the Oshawa and Rowden's Home Run Gives Gales Victory Jim Rowden blasted a tw o- run home run to furnish Gale Lumber with a 2-1 win over Brooklin in Oshawa City and/a District Softball League play Wednesday night while Oshawa Jaycees nipped Peoples 3-2 in "B" Division action. r guson each banged out a pair of singles for Brooklin with other singles going to Elmo Gibson, nd Ron Jones. Jim Spiers of Peoples held Jaycees to three hits, but a combination of walks and er- ors led to his downfall. Lumber trailed 1-0 until the sixth inning, when Rowden hit his home run after Bob Young had walked. Reg White handled the pitch- Tiger Tasker Grandview Golf Club. They're going to raise their status down there in Harmony so high, if the trend continues, that a member will just have to belong to the Hole-In-One Club, to be "socially there". They've had four already this summer. Each of the "aces" was endorsed by reliable wit- nesses but we're not going to Jet them get their names into 'this select grouping, just be- cause they saw something happen. Val Sozansky got his hole-in-one on May 22, on the 110-yard 2nd hole; Al Petke- vitch sank his tee shot on the 150-yard 7th hole, on May 31; Aubrey "Curly" Broadbent also aced the 2nd hold, he did it on June 25 and on June 28, Wilse Stauffer made the best of them all. He used his driver for the 240-yard 14th hole and potted the ball at that distance. Congrats to all four -- and to all you ordin- ary golfers -- Get Cracking! IT'S SOFTBALL -- even though reading the posters, you might get the idea it's going to be a football game. "Jackie" Parker, of Edmon- ton Eskimo football fame and Toronto Argo affiliation later, together with the members of the Toronto Rifles, of the Con- tinental Football League, are teaming up for an exhibition game, against the Bay Ridges Shells, of the Oshawa City and District Softball Associa- tion. The game is being play- ed in Pickering, under the lights, starting at 8:00 o'clock tomorrow night. It's a benefit game, proceeds to go towards the expenses incurred by Ken Craig, Bay Ridges' shortstop, who suffered a badly broken leg, in the opening game of the season. It's a good cause and should be strongly sup- ported. Incidentally this seems like the appropriate time to put in another plug for the very fine player-injury insurance plan, offered through the OASA secretary's office. The rate is less than practically every area in On- tario, reveal that the anglers enjoyed excellent success over the holiday weekend, with handsome bass, troul, pickerel and lunge being land- ed from the various waters. Bob Gray of Oshawa and his fishing partner, Joe Albright, a U.S. visitor from Ohio, both did very well for themselves, on Rice Lake, near Hast- ings. Bob Gray landed a handsome 19-pound "muskie"' while Joe Albright hauled in a 28-pound dandy. clicked on a home run, three singles. Jim Grant hit a triple and a single, and Chapel and Tarasewicz each hit two singles. Howard .and Rushnell rounded out Kingside batting with singles. Ross hit a double and three | singles for Storie Park , and Adams drove in four runs with a triple and a double. Ostle also hit a triple and a double for Storie, and Ted Taylor a double jand a single. Two singles each jwere hit by Coe and Hebbert |Harding drove a double and Wright a single to end Storie} OSHAWA GREEN GAELS batting. came up with another clean- | Allison hit a triple and a cut triumph last night, whip- {Single for South mead and ping Toronto Marlboros in |Shehrer two singles, with} handy fashion, in a fine team (Grieves getting a double. effort that saw the scoring |Other Southmead singles were laurels shared by no less than {hit by Laffier, Flynn, Thomp- 11 members of the club. When |son and Duggan. 11 shooters divide up 24 goals At Fernhill Park, Lake Vista, (they won 24-3) then you have |Park walked off with a 9-3 vic- proof that everybody's hust- |tory behind the five - hit pitch- ling. Don Stinson, rapidly re- jing of Don Hudgin. turning to top form, account- | Gord Buchanan, with two ed for four while Charlie Mar- |doubles and a single, led Lake| lowe, Gaylord Powless, Ross |Vista batters while Hudgin hit! Jones and Larry Lloyd' each |a triple and George Gowanlock potted three. Brampton visits j|two singles the Gaels on Monday night. Fernhill didn't threaten until|-- ithe last inning, when it collect- OSHAWA ALL-STARS of the (ed four hits but managed only Senior soccer league, have jone run. been training diligently for | - oa the past month, under the watchful eye of coach Frank Malewy. A total of 24 players were selected and they have been practising very hard-- each making a bid to be one of the 11 chosen for the All- Star team which will play the Eastern Canada All-Stars in a big game, here at Kinsmen Civic Memorial 'Stadium. The game is called for 7:00 o'clock this Saturday night and should be one of the top soccer at- tractions of the season and one of the best games | ever played at. Kinsmen Sta- dium. Several of the Eastern Canada team will be repre- senting Canada at the next Olympic Games and for that matter, if the Oshawa All- Stars show up as well as Tony's Victory , and Dale Stone one as Tony's beat Tyke All - Stars 4-3 in) Oshawa Minor Lacrosse Assoc- As iation Novice play Wednesda view Pharmacy 6-3 and Union} Rod and Gun Club defeated Houdaille 6-1 in the game. All - Star goals were scor- ed by Eddie Keenan, Mark Sher- lidan and° Jeff White. \Yuzwa scored two goals each for Photo, as Jeff Foss and Bill Kirkpartick. picked up' sing- le goals. Paul Fry, Pete Cam- | Eleven Nu - Way Photo dropped East- shared in the scoring Tuesday - Inight when | Gord Bertrand and Dave)With the Marlies by Hastings Legionaires 11-10. Don Stinson scored four goals |for Oshawa, Charlie Marlowe,|/Brampton against Long Branch. Gaylord Powless, --_ ing for Gales, and «kept the basepaths relatively clear after the opposition scored in the second inning. White only let two men get into scoring posi- tion after the Garn Wariner in the third in- ning and Don Ferguson in the seventh. Rowden added a single to his home run to lead Gales at the|- plate, while Ralph Davis hit a double, Reg Hickey and Doug Cole singles. Tom Simpson and Don Fer- BOSTON BRUINS SIGN ANOTHER 'YOUNG' SCOUT Garry Young, who will assume the duties of chief scout for the Boston Bruins on Nov. 1, announced today that former Oshawa Gen- erals' goalkeeper Ian Young (right) has signed as a scout with the National Hockey League club, Ian, who suffered a serious eye injury during last winter's Ontario Hockey Association Junior "'A" season, will at- tend Waterloo University next winter and his scout- ing duties will be confined y THE CANADIAN PRESS , 'k J scored three goals Oshawa Green Gaels are con-;and Paul Suggatte replied for} 'jing SPOON A Mark Jobb score ree g tinuing 'to make winning {Bowling Association's look sy in the Ontario Lacrosse sociation Junior A series. Oshawa players the league-leading edging Ross Jones sie Green Gaels Win. Oshawa Ladies Jobb Sparks Jn Handy Fashion Bob Smith, Wayne Granger the struggling Marlboros, Jim Grady scored his team's final six goals to propel St. Catharines to its victory. Carm Collins added three while single tallies came from Darrald Sc¥- {Green Gaels thrashed Toronto|jard and Barry Kelly. Marlboros 24-3. © In the night's only other con-| b test. St. Catharines Lakeside's| for Hastings. Neil Stevens, John moved into an eighth-place tie Swain and Ken Holder scored John Hoculik had three goals two each and Dower Davis jadded one. Tonight's only action features to the Ontario - Quebec In- tercollegiate Athletic Asso- ciation Hockey League and the OHA Junior "'A" series. A native of Scotland, Ian's home is in Toronto. He and Garry are not related. --Oshawa Times Photo Win Distric in District | The Oshawa trio of Helen An- jderson, Mae Price and "Vi" |Norris, skip, will represent Dis- jtrict 14, in the Provincial Lawn | (Ladies) lannual trebles playdowns. The Oshawa ladies earned the honors when they won the Dis- trict playdowns, here at the local greens on Tuesday. Elea- nor Crossen's entry from Stouff- ville were runners-up in the playoffs. Second stage of Provincial playdowns will also be played at the Oshawa Club, with rep- resentatives from Ottawa, King- |ston. Belleville and Smiths Falls [expected to contest the Eastern Ontario division honors. and Larry Lloyd added three) capable -- one or two of them each while Jim Higgs and John} just might be picked for the Canadian team. $2.00 per member of an entire team -- and no team should be without it -- no sponsor /eron and Tom Butler scored for | Pharmacy. Elora's McKenna Brothers Tight Game : Centre fielder Len Stevens of|), Clint's Texaco made a seventh ineiag error, allowing a run to score and giving Arnold Palmer Cleaners a 3-2 victory in United) Auto Worker Softball League|o play Wednesday. Houdaille blanked Russell's Texaco 6-0 as J. Brown came) y up with a double to lead the|s way in other UAW play. pi Bey Woods hit a pair of doub-|a les and Joe Mahon and Paul Parker each hit a triple for Cleaners. Gerry Garnet rapped a double and Ted DeGray a single. d Bud Ross, Cleaners pitcher,|S held Texaco to a scant four hits, as Joe Hroncich, Jon Mont- petit, Bob Lawson and Dick More hit singles. Pigden pitched the shutout for) g: Houdaille and hit a double, while J. Brown hit two doubles, |b: Heron hit a double and Des-|ti roches hit a single. W. Kirk picked up a pair ofjn singles for Russell's, with other singles coming from D. Spencer,|p C. Chiasson and» W. Goring|C the pitcher. g Decides Bout Don't sell the referee short! That's exactly what Fred At- kins and partner Tiger Jeet Singh found out at Civic Audi- torium on Tuesday night, when they tangled with Sweet Daddy Siki and Lorenzo Parente, in the main bout "team match." It started out fast and furious, with Singh pinning Siki at 15:55, after handing out severe punish- ment but 'Sweet Daddy" came back to even the match, follow- ing a burst of aggressive attack by partner Parente. Fred Atkins and Tiger Jeet Error Ends went out after the third and deciding fall so vigorously, they forgot all about the referee, ne "Tiger Tasker." They, At- ins and Singh, included Tasker lin their all-out attack but while ammering away at Parente, they suddenly found out that the "third man" was important. Referee Tasker called it off and warded the decision, by virtue f his powers, to Sweet Daddy and Parente. Fast and furious action pre- ailed as Atkins and partner ingh took the first fall, Singh inning Siki. Siki evened it up bout 10 minutes later and set the stage for the third fall. Atkins and Singh pummelled Lorenzo until finally, ignoring)= warnings, referee Tiger Tasker isqualified them and ruled weet Daddy and Parente as winners. The Beast and Dewey Robert- son went 45 minutes to a draw in the semi-final match, each aining one fall. The Beast won the first fall with his famed ear hug and in turn falling vic- m to Robertson's speed. The Assassin will be back ext week! He made a big hit with the fans as he won the reliminary bout over Murray ummings, with his speed and eneral knowledge. Peoples' runs came as & fe sult of a two run home run by Claire Glendening while Len Woods hit two singles, Jim Clapp and Ron Sellick a double each, and Bob White hitting a single. Darryl Hudgin and Dan Loge- man both hit doubles and Wayne Casselman a single for Jaycees. Logeman struck out six bat- ters and walked only two men pitching for Peoples but Spiers walked three, two of which went on to score. Baker Park Upsets Zion Baker Park's "Armstrong Homes" Junior soccer team defeated Zion Juniors 2-1 in their Ontario Minor Soccer Cup first round play. Zion dominated the play in the first half, with the advan- tage of having the sun and wind at their backs but Armstrongs maintained pressure and dur- ing one of their attacks, a Zion defender put the ball into his own net, so that the halfway mark saw Zion trailing 1-0, in spite of their margin in play. The second half was of sim- ilar nature with Rick MacLean tying the scoring for Zion. Pressing for the winning goal, Joe Ramrekersingh got a breakaway and scored what proved the winning goal for Armstrongs. Goalie Henry Waszczuk and Steve Nagy, at fullback, were standouts for the winners, with MacLean being Zion's best. KAMPING UNLIMITED Townline Road North (1 Mile North of King $t. @.) PH. 728-9942 Check the conning Column in the Classified Section for our ad. Play Three Close Games In Civil Service Softball | Whitby Beats 'Richmond Hill giving Woods Transport a 2-1/Milae hitting two doubles, R.| WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby|cquirts softball 1 Ted Roberts and Dave Con- boy hit back-to-back doubles B. Keys hit a double and two with J. singles for Rundles, \three goals scored by Union Roi Keenan and as many by David d and Gun Club had|Clayton picked up two apiece. | Jef {| Other scorers were Pete Vipond,| \Bill Clayton, Dwight Stone while Kevin Can.pbell|and Terry Stinson. scored for Houdaille. 13. | Fernhill Squirts Tum Back Baker | in their win over Rexco in Civil Serv-/Hall two singles, K. Courtiney|Scugog Cleaners dropped Rich-|Tyesday night ice Softball League play Wed-\a triple, T. Keys a single and|mond Hill 10-8 in East York : nesday and Rundles nosed out/Buttons and G. Robinson one|Ladies' jsingle each. Foley's 4-3, at North Oshawa. Town and Country scored a! 7-5 win over Cadillac Billiards| picked up two hits each for) Lupel. in a Civil Service play at Lake-|Foley's while other hits went view Park. Harry Snow banged out two) Rundles singles and Jim Harris hit aj Foley's Higgins hit a home run, three single and other singles were hit by|doubles and a single, to pace|double and a single. Jan Nor-|scored two runs in the third|Ron Weatherhead, Cliff Turner double to help in Woods' win, w. to G. Garnett and B. Moore. Terry and Rowbatham of Lenore Smith and Lupel Taylor and Sandy ally McMullen pitched the win for Softball League play| Fernhill, allowing only 3. hits |Wednesday behind the hitting|for four runs and claiming 13 Smith and Sue! strikeouts. His only problem was control -- he issued nine each hit | walks, \three singles and Jan McGrath} 100 012 0--4:10 2/hit a home run and a single. 002 101 0--3 6 0 Karen White hit a triple and a in the running. Fernhil 'Rick, John and Jerry McKenna scored | goals and assisted on assists. Murray Shannon and captain) goals were on the y : ower . The losers got their runs on| Arden Fisher scored four goals F era a combination of walks and er-jeach for " jrors, but they were never real-/g0als scored by Brian Walser, Elora, with }|Steve Warmington, Art Weis Bob McHugh and Dave Hardy. |Town and Country while Mc-| wood hit a pair of singles while} with Layton's triple, the big/and John Readyhough. Howard and Skea collected }Cullough collected three. hits, Pat Rockert and Barb Mills| pj six hits between them for Rex-|Gornish two, Bathe and Thack- also hit singles. ni co, as Howard rapped a home run and two singles, while Skea managed three singles. Reme-|from. B. Bradley, with to complete|hits from D. Orr, W. Mooney Mary Williamson co hit a single Rexco's batting. Rexco Woods' 000 019-1 7 2 002 000--2 7 3 ery one each. and Ken Bravener |Cadillac 221 000 000--5 4 |T-C TODAY BASEBALL Oshawa Legion Pee Wee League: South End Billiards vs Credit Union; Quality Fuels vs Police Assoc. and Oshawa Towing vs Oshawa Dodgers; all three games at K of C Field, at 6:15 p.m. Eastern Ontario Bantam League: Ajax at Bowmanville, 6:30 p.m. TENNIS Kawartha Peterborough 'B' T.C.; 7:30 p.m Inter - County 'A' Mixed League: North York at Osh- awa T.C.; 7:15 p.m. LACROSSE OLA Senior 'A' League: Brooklin Redmen vs Peter- borough "Petes" at Peter- borough, 8:30 p.m Mixed League: at Oshawa |SOCCER | Oshawa Junior 'B' League: Lake Vista vs Glen Stewart; at Kinsmen Memorial Sta- dium, 6:30 p.m. Darlington Junior League: Courtice at Zion and Hampton at Tyrone; both games at 7:00 p.m. SOFTBALL City and District Assoc.: Port Perry vs Bay Ridges Shells; at Pickering, 8:00 p.m. Mister TV Towers vs People's Clothing; at Alexan- dra Park, 6:15 p.m. and Ajax Merchants vs Scugog Clean- jers; at Alexandra Park, 8:15 p.m. FRIDAY SOFTBALL | City and District Assoc. -- Markham Hawks vs Brooklin |Concretes; at Brooklin Com- single! Sue 3) singles 101 300 000--7 12 2|Breedon and June Peck. SPORTSCOPE May Spires banged out three Coles, other Linda while by singles were pair of hit Oshawa 040 222 0--10 17 1) 'R'mond Hill 130 003 1--13 8 1 Woodview Girls _ 'Defeat Agincourt Oshawa Woodview Park de-| feated Agincourt 9-5 in York Central Juvenile Ladies' Soft- ball League Wednesday. Woodview picked up 12 hits in the seven inning game, as Gail Crossman hit three singles and Cathy Chapman a double 'and a single while Jane Harper and Dianne Arych hit two singles and Joanne Bessie a double and two singles. Wilson jand Bradley also hit singles. C. Jones and P. Graham} jeach hit a triple for Agincourt | |while D. Smiley and D. Barber jhit singles. Oshawa 230 021 1-9 12 6 Agincourt 000 500 0--5 4 0 val ECARD NESSES ARSENE | Rene Bryson and|runs, ow. cely The game went with Stewart oi ae : fine pitching job, until the sixth,} illiards picked up two hits|singles to lead Richmond Hill.|when Fernhill exploded for 1ifaneh: Fred Greenwood two and including McCormack's|Tom Vann one. Single Brooklin each hit alhomer and a triple by Tyson. igoals were scored by Charlie UNIROYAL CENTRES The New Name of Dominion Tire Stores AUTO Y SERVICES 4WHEEL BRAKE RELINE ) SAFET 2) along John Johnston scored doing ajgoals for Brooklin, Danny San-| Greenwood, ford and Mike Beamish three Fisher, @ Reline all 4 linings Kenna, came up with 22 points) : : in helping Elora defeat Brook- Fernhill Park's Whitby Auto|lin Lasco Steelers 23-18 in On- Wreckers whipped Baker Park/tario Lacrosse Association jun-|losing more ground in the final 4 Neighborhood! jor "B" play, last night. eague tilt on! six seven| and-tumble variety, with 42 pen- others while John scored three|alties handed out, 28, to Elora goals and as many assists and/and 14 to Brooklin. brother Rick picked up three}. single} ton, Weis, Fisher, Weatherhead, »|McKeenan, Jerry McKenna, four | Tom Morris Leads | | Wings To Victory | Tom Morris blasted six goals jand David Bannon one to give | Red Wings a 7-6 win over Car- dinal Cleaners in Garrard Road OLA Senior 'B' League: ite i Owen Sound North Stars vs jy, Fare, 8:08 De Oshawa Lasco Steelers; at | BASEBALL Civic Auditorium, 8:30 p.m. |, Leaside Junior League -- OLA Junior 'B' League: |Oshawa Legionnaires vs Peo- Brooklin Lasco Steelers at |ple's Credit Jewellers; at Tal- Dixie, 8:30 p.m. bot Park, 7:30 p.m. ; tan pireaal cn aoe |Minor Lacrosse Association| Indians, Athletics wmanville vs Win Tyke Games 2 _vs |Tyke play Wednesday while} | Oshawa; at Kinsmen Civic | Blue Jays shut out Oshawa Dis-| Gary Sherban connected for| a home run and two singles to | | Memorial Stadium, 6:30 p.m. 'count House 6-0. lead Indians to a 13-8 win over | Cardinals in Oshawa Legion Minor Baseball Association Tyke play Wednesday. | Yogi Marsh and_ Terry) Thompson each hit triples for | install fresh WHEEL BALANCE 1 Wheel -- 1.95 2 Wheels -- 3.70 3 Wheels -- 5.45 4 Wheels -- 6.60 5 Wheels -- 7.50 of the linings. A ' one . Most American ccounting Position Available and Canadian Cars We require on ambitious young accountant, preferably an intermediate student of @ recognized accounting society. The individual we need will be preparing financial statements, assisting in revisions of systems and will be involved in income @ Adjust parking brake @ Flush hydraulic system and @ Inspect wheel cylinders @ Inspect brake hose and lines Guaranteed for 20,000 miles or 20 months. Free adjustment every 5,000 miles for the life USE YOUR CREDIT | Too Much For Brooklin BROOKLIN -- A brother act,| Brown, Jerry Mc-|Mastie and Terry Rowland. Dan Matthews, Gill} Brooklin outscored Elora 7-6 in the first period but were tied at 12-12 after two periods, twenty minutes. The game was of the rough- Brooklin had a helping hand n its scoring, furnished by the opposition. Seven of Brooklin's ELORA -- Walser, Warming- Shannon, R, McKenna, J. Mce- Lloyd Wilson, Montgomery, Tur- ner and Readyhough. BROOKLIN--Dehart. Sutton, Brown, Gresham, Johnston, Matthews, Mastie, Vann, Sanford, Beam- ish, Rowland, Densham, Balson and Lopak wheels with bonded fluid 9.95 Athletics in their 12-2 win over Tigers in other Tyke play. Mike Dampster also con-| tributed to Indians' victory by | tax work. The position is a challenging one, with on opportunity to work and advance with a firm of chartered accountants. r If you are interested, please write to Deloitte, Plender, Haskins hitting a double and two end Sells, Chartered Accountants, Oshawa Shopping Centre, singles, while Masterson hit a Oshewe. : double and a single and Good- ) win three singles for Cardinals. King St. W. at Park Rd. UNIROYAL KING PARK PLAZA Phone 725-6511 Handsome new decanter. Smooth, light flavour. Now you know why Hiram Walker's Gold Crest When a whisky is as smooth as Gold Crest, you've got something good going for you. everybody likes since a whisky Because it. And like this doesn't happen very often, we've decided brate this Centen by putting Gold to cele- nial year Crest up in a new kind of decanter. Tall and cylindrical. Clean, clear, and slim. With a cut glass sunburst in the base. It lets you show off just a bit. Because it looks great, and tastes so smooth and light. It's the kind of whis- ky that goes we' kind of party. Try next party and s Crest. The Party Il at any it at your ee. Gold Whisky. Hiram Walker & Sons Limited. Distillers of fine whiskies for over 100 years, ' AVOIDED AARON'S LAST-MINUTE always an extra win. California A1 led a game "oul fire' yesterday ; when they nosed o Red Sox, 4-3. Geor IThre Then By HAL BO Associated Press Sp ' Hank Aaron is a / He can afford to et walks before getting Chico Ruiz is a su can't waste any time Aaron bides his tit day night as Chic Nye pitched around first three trips to th fourth time, Aaron three - run homer | Atlanta Braves dro} 4-2. Ruiz, Cincinnati's National League ben hit for Jim Maloney inning and made the trip to the plate. then raced home wi ning run on Nelson | pitch as the Reds Louis Cardinals 2-1. Chicago's third st to Atlanta kept the half game back of § the battle for the League lead. In otl Los Angeles Dodg Pittsburgh Pirate Francisco Giants. n York Mets 2-1 and F Phillies edged Hous 3-2. Nye, only a roc 'enough to avoid Aar acing bat the first | the Braves' slugger ¢ plate. Locked with Atlanta's BASEBALL | By THE ASSOCIAT! Hitting--Don Mincl ht a two-run hom bottom of the ninth a 4-3 victory over | Pitching -- Gayle Giants, pitched 2 2-3 one-hit relief, saving Cormick's 10th victe Francisco edged the Mets 2-1. THUNDERI GOLF CL Golf lessons by ap CPGA Professional, \ terson, John Delo Burrows. Club repaired. Ele carts for rent... $6 ASHBUR 655-495 beeps wenssere semen in a scol Ker Enquire A

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