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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jul 1967, p. 9

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cream and saw blaze inside @ booth on a cen- he service sta- CHURCH IS CITY'S CENTENNIAL PROJECT WILL BE OPEN THIS FALL RET POTTY 'clock ng 2" CHURCH ETS ij Seto A.T.C.M, STREET SCAPE ---- hurch Posts Filled Two positions in the teaching staff of Ontario-Durham College of Applied Arts and Technol- ogy will be filled by relatively young men with wide experi- ence in business and industry. Chairman of Technology for Ontario-Durham College will be Lister Robinson, 34, with Arthur F. Haywood, 36, becoming as- sistant chairman of business. Mr. Robinson will leave his post as chairman of Mechanical Technology at Eastern Institute of Technology, Ottawa, to come to Oshawa. He was born and educated in England, where he received his Honors B.Sc. in engineering from University of London in| - 1954, and his Diploma in Aero- ihe ggl from: College of Aero- S ' ; | ' So a WE cas io Canada to join chool Work Bids | Ohe Ost Ww Si A. V. Roe Ltd., but when pro- duction of the "Arrow" stop- © | Q a TWNes rah rane wating Under Estimates | two books: "Basic Fluid Me- chanics" and "Mechanics of Materials"'. STROLLING through a gen- eral purpose room in the Civic Auditorium is Wendell Brewster, city recreation director. The long room can be divided with partitions when necessary. The cen tennial project is the second of a three-phase program at the auditorium, and includes space to serve the needs of various social and cultural groups in the city. The third |- phase will include a foot- ball field, track and field facilities, a grandstand, ten- nis courts and a ball dia- mond and bleachers. HURCH )RSHIP RCH, FAMILY CHURCH er FROM BLEACHERS in the city's centennial project -- a recreation addition to the Civie Auditorium -- specta- tors will be able to watch the action in two swimming pools. The smaller pool (at left) is designed for child- $250,000 donated. Centennial ' and city grants provide the balance of funds needsd for the project. Oshawa Times Photos expected to be in operation, along with other facilities, by September. The financial campaign for the project has been successful with ren and the larger pool for adult swimming and diving competitions, Sauna baths and health rooms are all nt rganist VA" jompson OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1967 When the board of education|both of which were competitive ---- opened bids last evening for the|with the other low bidder, Mr. Haywood has left a firm|foundation of the new special|Birmingham Construction Ltd. of business consultants to be-|Vocational school, to be built|of Hamilton. | © come the assistant chairman of|0n Gibb Street by September,| One bid was for the regular| the business department. 1968, they were pleased to find piling method used by the other ts Mr. Haywood was born and|the lowest bids were more than|five which submit- educated in Toronto, i $6,000 lower than the $50,000|ted tenders and the other bid ' his BA. Sc. ond M. Comm. de- be ere ae mS was for a special patented B ' ' We ; a ct oes grees from versity of To- rs r Ww not be|method of ' Oy % ronto. He is also a ber of|4a when Robert\able 'only to Prabet ene See AS age @ | ITH, Pastor y's ITH US the Association of Professional|Halsall, consulting structuraljond bid was about $1,000 less Engineers and the Society ot/f gi for jel board, is oe a a the conventional mies Industrial Accountants of On-|t0 carry out investigations into/me' a "Wage parity with United/the bargaining committee, 2l-/when the - = =n Et ai Oa, Sa, Nn mambo wks sre au, agar, ae, So . e Toronto firm not in- . C. Lee, F. S. stewa: son Mon-| Ni ' i aes Se he an ei clude the cost of survey work|Wotton, J. G. Brady and chair-/0" everyone's lips after repre-/qay to complete demands. Wl salateas dace a Tel; rtm will begin in its bid. The matter was fur-/man S. E. Lovell were present./sentatives of Local 222, UAW,} The demands must ti be barry -- : mind : oe ther clouded by the fact Franki|J. R. Backus, business admin-/met yesterday to prepare de-|approved by union members/expires Ort, 31 this year. submitted two bids, neither ofjistrator, said he was unable to| mands for their new which included surveying and'contact a number of them. Steve Nimigon, chairman of Minister Shows Interest aa oeaoes cess! Adventists' Missionary sultants firm, Mr. worked as a product manager, sales engineer and market re- search analyst for large elec- trical firms. Museum Displays Centennial Buggy ISTIC ( mand that production workers sot set order, | Faced JOO 'Cong' Soldiers 2 will also be _ City Harbor Devel t} line with U.S. workers. Canada's "Centennial ~~ | y ar. or eve opmen According to Mr. Nimigon, a/ "I stood face to face with 500/ The missionary said his RIUM gy," made in 1867 and believ guaranteed annual income will|Viet Cong soldiers and am|church was careful not to dab- to be Canada's oldest power! 47... Ernest Marks says J.) Mayor Marks said two meet-|also be demanded. happy to be alive here today to/ble in the political affairs of any driven carriage, rolled into the i "Employees should be paid/tell the story," a Seventh-day/government, but rather, tries You Welcome 15 CKLB-1350 | Bae re nage 728-6662 MILY : T dicated to him at the meeting . : Bling na gil ma Jon that if the Oshawa Harbor Com-| . i itori ' ; Fi R AS) Can mission can produce evidence WENDELL BREWSTER, di- to the Civic Auditorium. been operating from build- Ortiz will defend his world)..+ future businesses or indus-| VICE rector of the Oshawa Recre- _ Since the Gibb Street offices ings at the Oshawa airport. |lightweight boxing champion-|1.i.. will settle in Oshawa be- ational Commission, stands of the recreation depart- The new addition includ eB Oa tanses 'Aug. cause of the harbor, the city 1t the Oshawa in front of the new recrea- | ment were destroyed by new office and recreation |1§ in New York's first outdoor|Wi! receive cy wie bag tion-swimming pool addition fire, the department has facilities for the department. |fight of the season. poonbitaog from the hl | Film will be | William: Selby, of the Oshawa| oe mmission said, 'The ... REPORTED BY THE VINDICATOR |Biitt.¢. anada ie iticaeptapiaaimnaninnenniiicnem Canadian Automotive Museum Friday. The vehicle is one of several new displays at the museum. Brought from the Ontario Centre of Arts and Technology in Toronto, the buggy will re- main on display for an indefi- nite period. Owned by Richard M. Stewart of Waterbury, Connecticut, pres- ident of Anaconda in the U.S., the wood-burning steam: buggy was constructed in 1867 by Henry Seth Taylor in Stanstead, Quebec. W. Pickersgill, minister of transport, indicated consider- able interest in the develop- ment of the Oshawa harbor at a meeting this week in Ottawa. An Oshawa delegation spent an hour with Mr. Pickersgill Wednesday discussing the future development of the Oshawa har- bor and the Oshawa airport. A brief was presented to Mr. Pickersgill and his associates by James Williams, city business and industrial commissioner outlining proposals for expan- sion of transportation facilities in Oshawa. Mayor Marks said it was in- ing were held with the depart- ment of transport officials. One with Mr. Pickersgill when .the brief was presented and the other the next day when Mr. Williams and Wilfred Gillberry, harbor manager, met with transport officials to go into greater depth on the matter. Other people in the Oshawa delegation were Oshawa riding MP Michael Starr, Harry Mil- len, of the harbor commission, Con. Robert Nicol and Alder- men John DeHart and Gilbert for layoffs. A company of such magnitude as this should be able to schedule production so there are no layoffs." The representatives - mem- bers of the executive of Local 222, the entire shop committee, BOXER DIES UDINE, Italy (AP)--Thomas Mission, a 19-year-old Yugoslav amateur boxer, died Sunday after being knocked out by an Italian opponent in a match held in this northeastern Italian Murdoch. city June 29. Adventist missionary said yes- terday at the summer Bible conference at Kingsway Col- lege. Pastor Lewis A. Shipowick was quick to explain that he was preaching to a group of Viet Cong prisoners. A native of Yorkton, Sas- katchewan, the missionary and his family went to the Far East in 1964, They are home on a three-month furlough. Pastor Shipowick is lay activities and welfare director for the church in 18 countries of the Far East 1867 ATTEMPTED MURDER ... 4 won.an's ear was bitten race course with help only in worse criminals," said the d off and she was nearly thrown time to see the men preparing paper. these take several years an to throw her mother in a well. "They ought to be better little can be done until they into a well in an attempted murder following Canada's first Dominion Day, 100 years ago. Unconnected with any inci- dent surrounding Confedera- tion, the woman was assaulted beneath the general stand of the Whitby Racé Course where she had been sleeping with her daughter for some time, says The Oshawa Vindicator, a paper which preceded The Osh- "She was found a horrid n.ass of wounds and bruises,"' says The Vindicator. Two of the men were arrested and recognized by the girl. One of the men had previously escaped imprison- ment for a similar crime. OTHER CRIMES Other crimes were reported in The Vindicator during the week of July 7, 1867. Woman Attacked By Gang ivf managed at home than at the Reformatory School as they do not seem to be of a naturally deprived disposition." KEEP WORKING The paper said boys should not be allowed to loiter or play about the street at sunset and during the long school vacation they should 'be provided with some light employment at minister gave us his assurance we would get priority over a number of other centres. If we ducted on traffic patterns could be pushed through in a relative- ly short period of time. Usually are completed." The brief contained a proposal that a new harbor be con- structed on what is presently the second marsh. LOW PRIORITY | | Mr. Pickersgill, how- |ever, made no promises for de- |velopment of the Oshawa air- port and said it was low on the! list of priorities. HIT AND RUN with headquarters in Singapore. to do good to all who need help materially and spiritually. "In spite of the war torn cons: ditions in Viet Nam," said Pas- tor Shipowick, "the aggressive program carried on by the church marches forward with ever increasing success and vigor." As an example, he said his church is presently planning a new hospital for Saigon. LECTURES "God's Gift To The Church," is the topic of a series of daily lectures being conducted by Dr. H. Shaw at the 7 a.m. meetings of the convention. awa Times. About five boys were arrest- which they ought be be kept "On Saturday night, a gang ed and locked up for breaking constantly. at work". . N of five or six drunken scoun- into a garden to steal fruit. It said the best occupation A hit and run collision on IE LIVING"! drels came upon them," said They also broke trees and used boys might find for the sum- Highway 401 eastbound, east | The Vindicator. 'The girl hid abusive language towards the mer would be with "'some kind of Liverpool Road, at 5:30 a.m. herself from them and when elderly proprietor. farmer who would exercise a Saturday sent a U.S. resident i" the mother refused to tell them There was some debate on firm but gentle control over to hospital with injuries. The TEERS her whereabouts, they bit off the future of the young crim- their conduct". rear - end collision sent Ger- ICE FILM one ear, gouged out an eye, inals, The paper said if these boys main Roy, 57, of Chicopee, Mas- ' , " a stabbed her in several places "To send them to goal would should become "bad men" it sachusetts to Ajax Hospital with PASTOR LEWIS A. Shipo- =' Shipowick is attending the left hand he holds a hand that fell on one of his ndie and attempted to cut her be useless and cruel for the would be "'a dishonor and a a cut right leg, elbow, bruis-| wick, his wife and four chile | Seventh-day Adventist sum- gernade used by Viet Nam _ Churches without destroying throat," reported the paper. only result would be to harden serious evil to the parents and es and shock. Another U.S. res- d nang" 5 : mn est pial it. His wife holds a hatchet- , The girl came back to the them by companionship with the whole comiumity', ident Sylvio Eriger of Clair ren are shown. in native mer Bible conference at soldiers and* in his right type gadget used for varied POWER : Shores Michigan was uninjured,| Viet Nam costume. Pastor Kingsway College. In his- hand is a piece of a bomb purposes by natives. LT -* ae ee

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