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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jul 1967, p. 13

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, July 8, 1967 LIBRARY NEWS AND REVIEWS The following book reviews were by Mrs. W. V. Mec- Knight. Adult Services De- partment. Historical Glimpses of Len- nox and Addington County, compiled by the Brochure Com- mittee of the Lennox and Add- re igg Society and pul for the Centennial 1964. This attractive, well re- searched book is a community effort, the editor being James A. Eadie. The frontispiece is a of the Macpherson apanee, by Orval C. Madden. "It is a sad fact that many of the answers to the riddles of our county's past lie locked and useless in countless attics, trunks and desk drawers." This introduction makes a plea Historical Society Seeks Old Photographs And Books county town, as he drew a crowd too large to be accom- modated in any hall. There are photographs, most- ly old, some modern, on almost every page of this book. Here are pictures of Sir Wilfred Laurier with Mrs. W. S. Her- rington, substantial United Churches of Selby, Roblin and Bath, the Wilton cheese factory, the 'Amherst. Islander', Assel- tine's woollen mill at Odessa (now transplanted and in oper- ation at Upper Canada Village), John Gibbard, Canada's oldest furniture manufacturer and a jaunty fellow, Fred S, Richard- son, who led his cricket team to the Provincial championship. Company of Yarker produced up to 300 bo gy per day. An Prem fee ha The Benjamin Manufacturing]. lack of privacy. Above all, the awful food (or rather, its prep- aration and service) revolted her. The author did vital work as a radio - telephone operator, but the long hours of tense lis- tening for faint signals through enemy 'jamming' eventually became too much for her. Her health became impaired. ACW Settle's memory is most accurate, her observances per- ceptive, and wryly amusing. Her description of the Initial Training Unit, with its jargon, square bashing and inspections rings true; she learned 'never to volunteer for anything' the hard way. Service life, how- ever, was not really so bad as it is portrayed here, at least in the opinion of former Lead- ing Aircraft Woman 2088576. The following books on the Historie Sketches of Oshawa by T. E. Kaiser History of the Ontario Regi- ment 1866 - 1951 by Lex Schragg Illustrated Historical Atlas of the Counties of Northumber- land and Durham 1878 Iilustrated Historical Atlas of the County of Ontario 1877 DANCE Tonight RUDY VELTRI DONALD DUCK HS) : for old photographs etc. to be] calls that Py "Ps 'was to dip deposited with the County His-|the end of the finished spoke |°@tly history of Ontario County ' torical Society. sate hot glue and drive ines and Oshawa are part of our and his New A 'Journey into the past' is;the hub, 16 spokes to the agg Kone yg Trl Conntians TRONADOS taken by amateur archaeologist| wheel'. For doing four wheels their Vibe 4nd aeabelty they ploying the he was paid five cents. The company's biggest customer was the McLaughlin Carriage} Company of Oshawa. These are fascinating glimpses into the past; the county farther east of us is well worth reading about and visiting. Alkenbrack who tells us of the Laurentian and Point Peninsula cultures, We then pass through the French period to the com- ing of the Loyalists, some of whose possessions are happily preserved in the UEL Museum at Adolphustown. The county of Lennox and Addington separated from Frontenac in 1864 after bitter opposition led by Sir John A. Macdonald. Forty years be- fore that date Hugh Macdonald moved from Kingston to a store just west of Hay Bay Methodist Church. An old letter to the Napanee Beaver in 1873 speaks of John A. "attending candle- light meetings in an old school- house ... for the purpose of 'seeing home' one of the beau- NASHVILLE SOUND featuring the lovely MARIE HARRISON "Oshawo's Friendliest Dance" are not available for loan but| may be read in the library. | Blind Man's Holiday by R. G. | Everson The Counties of Ontario by| E, P. Weaver Doctors of Ontario County' Edited by T. E. Kaiser | | Early Settlement and Pro-| gress of the County of Ontario} by J. J. E. Farewell KKH IAA A IAAL AAI SAAT 18 THE GUNFIGHTER 1S THE SHERIFF |.) CD TRS All the Brave Promises by Mary Lee Settle. The 'memories of Aircraft Woman 2nd. class 214639' were not all happy ones. True to the spirit of flaming youth and high ideals she left a life of luxury and privilege in the States to join the rank and file of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force of Britain in October 1942, The harrowing voyage in con- IT'S THE : a % ties of those days'. In May,|voy quite exhilerated her but BIG ONE eee $3 Sc s Sitar: eee PAS : 1882 he made a speech in the|she rebelled against the petty market square of Napanee, thelrules, the coarseness and the WITH THE B.C. BEEFEATERS HERE SUNDAY S ccnieieiaieiiaeas Giabiaaaal The Vancouver Beef- The Beefeaters will be ac- have won over 150 awards in where they will perform travelled group in Canada | eaters, the official Vancou- companied by the Jesters competitions in Canada and July 14, 15 and 16, the youth and the U.S., the Beefeaters ver Junior Band, appears at Majorette Corps., a group of the United States. During group will also include ap- ped 'nh Cota tee, the McLeughlin Band Shell, 75 high stepping performers, their July cross-Canada tour pearances in mid-western specialty artists and bands ase! Sunday, July £ at 8:15 p.m who with the Beefeaters _from Vancouver to Montreal United States. A widely- and a Dixieland band. q OES i IRK ' SHOWTIME AT THE MOVIES [marital sex. Chambers says tt Tu ON ORL HE ALIX AYR NT LE ie eyion ace oes n _ pg do with the late od OUGLAS | nent en cn ee TT TINS talious' novel -- "We PLAZA -- Now playing, The/you've got it made... srace Mel War Wagon, with Tobn Wayne make waves, See Tony Pood ee and three charac- " AS gy | oer & Sun at and Kirk Douglas. The story of}and Claudia Cardinale in Don't) ' : mee VA o F 4 a fortress on wheels complete|Make Waves, in technicolor. U rou es ague _ Past real-life difficulties have THE dl Beep it :. aan " av Introducing Sharon Tate. Hear included a benign lung tumor aE TECHNICOLOR'/PANAVISION' sums sew ne i i with gattling gun. In color Shown at 1.30, 3.30, 5.30, 7.35|the Byrds sing the title song and 9.45 p.m. Last complete/from the movie. show at 9.20 p.m. | Shown Friday at 2.40, 4.50, Starting on Friday, To Sir |7.05, 9.20 p.m. Last complete | that kept Ed Nelson out a month for surgery last fall, and noe clots that nearly killed rothy Malone in late 1965. pit Albright took her place for HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Peyton\ture, Valley of the Dolls. Though Place entered a fourth year of|ready to collapse from exhaus- |production last week, its fic-jtion, she bravely carried on. \tional agonies rivalled by real) --Then there is the nage TIMES -- 1:30 - 3:30 - 3:30 - 7:35 - 9:40 With aige pasting oom 4 show at 8.55 p.m. woes: hand-holding needed by some ne eight weeks. London, England, who has to| NEW ODEON -- Today only| --George Macready, who|actors swept from obscurity to|------__--- --orerimesiirsenmersinets tone down his rowdy atudents,\continuous from 4.00 p.m., 8|\plays crusty old Martin Peyton,| series stardc "cr eeopoeunn-an\t "_ | = In color. on the Lam, with Bob Hope and/was in hospital with lung ©0N-lenoygh for you," V aaee producer U k r ai ni an ' Shown at 1.30, 3.30, 5.30, 7.35) Phyllis Diller, In color. and 9.40 p.m. Last complete show at 9.20 p.m, -- Now playing, The|essa Redgrave, David Hennings|spent Peyton's eight-week pro- Antonioni's|duction shutdown filming a fea- MARKS Big Mouth, in technicolor. Star- ring Jerry Lewis and introduc- ing Susan Bay. A _ hilarious comedy for young and old. On the same program, one of Starting tomorrow for an ex- tended run, the best film of | 1966, Blow Up, starring Van- and Sarah Miles. camera never flinches, at love without meaning, at murder without guilt, at the dazzle and madness of London today. In gestion. Wilfred Hyde-White re- places him temporarily. --Bosomy Barbara Parkins 'F Troop' Laugh Everett Chan.bers, who'll name no names. "Then suddenly enough for them. "We have to cajole, lie, feed their psychological needs with love. But Paul and I" -- Paul Monash is executive producer-- "don't have enough love to go they're a star, and you can't do CONCERT DANCE Mickey and Bunny ALL COLOR PROGRAM WENRY [T [These ae The Big One With The Big Two around," 1967 CENTENNIAL SHOW the most talked about documen-| color. its : taries that we have ever seen, : Sh ty gag J gg Lines Increase lat Mace ae ee mere ggg SUND AY a 7 Helicopter Canada, filmed en-|from 2.00 p.m. Weekdays a ? , ' tirely ia oe air, from the|7.10 and 9.15 p.m. Saturday con-| HOLLY WOOD -- Any of|ftaud, Freud, adultery and pre- one Site " ELDORADO tinuous from 4.00 p.m. |the dozen or more regular play- On Saturday afternoon there |ers in '"F Troop' may be hand- will be a special children's|ed@ the lion's share of comedy| beautiful rockies to the shores of the Atlantic. This picture was nominated for an Oscar THE BUNNIES JULY Sth Starring John Wayne & Robert Mitchum IZZA award. matinee at 1.00 p.m. Flipper's footage in the shows. Prod DNIPRO HALL Shown Saturday continuous | New Adventures and on the| Be . meer Phone 723-0241 | On The S P. from 1.00 p.m. and Sunday con-|same program, On the Right| Herm Saunders told scripters or 728-0192 MON., JULY 10 Also On ecw tS tinuous from 2.00 p.m. Scent of the Warner Bros. series for| EPI'S | 8:30 P.M ot th Starting on Thursday, Paris eaeg -|ABC-TV to forget the star sys-| | : Chi y as Aw ae LL eorain fauna Cha ttoal GAdults 2.25 Children 1,00 / T - g, Pe danas Rie rtal Film Innovation tem in creating plots and let} \ hel Garth: Gikin Ford," Simone| the supporting characters take OSHAWA . POINTS ARENA Signoret and Kirk Douglas. Reall Dates Back iais if this will give birth to Starring Ed B & Chris Noel Burn Paris was the order that sf laughs. Located at Ritson Road North bles situs eee had come shrieking over the) worrywOoOD (AP) -- It|. The stars are Forrest Tucker, i i h secs eamamnemnamneenanaamenatt: Si ace Phone from Hitler. A really eX-|seems like an innovation iu|L@try Storch, Ken Berry, Mel- The Big Mob vs. The Big Mouth.. and Taunton Road e es! rom citing World War II drama. movie production, yet it harks |OdY Patterson and Frank De- id Box Office Opens at 7:30 P.M. = PP mle We tegyan Maa back to Hollywood's earlier K°va 2 ' Morning Classes, Western' Pleasure, English Plea- pe lyears. pose sihaecenmesos sure and Open Trail Classes. Starting at 11:30 a.m. from 1.00 p.m. Producer - director Blake Ed-' Sharp. . : ! Show Starts et Dusk. REGENT -- Now playing it's|W2TdS has stirred the film i] * SUNDAY * ------ veal eng bra) community with | hi di f |} the bie one with the big iwer|spuamumty with is mode of fl SULY Soh (f @ Western Games Starting 2 P.M. and Robert Mitchum. | They! Pete woe ae aos Gun | HOP yy: PARK" | Art Essery's Were friends, They were ene-|, oa eee Bal al tee. THE BEAT soUND ! FREE ADMISSION -- REFRESHMENTS | mies, A passerby could not tell| movie will be made on a gee OS IG | P| ntation Fried --) eat eae otis te ec at Caden stds," SHE YOUN ¢ f Ssseee iloswe --- Sontin, Jie ' 2 ti Ag est, | «py bring the picture in on NG } H = where loyalties and labels shift-| , gcheduls of 48 days? ! Chic en oe ed with the sands, the winking |i. 5 Mdwarde me erat | SET oe of an eye, or the wavering of aliimne for a film of bis cole | ) T a gun. : 4 1 would be 70 ys." 30. pom ' "ODA Y Vi \' Shown Saturday and Sunday | "The Be ee $2,900,- | ane ee Pde al 3 rye: 4.15, oe 9.20 p.m./999 -- actually $1,600,000 if you|! ( i} = Ss els e show at o oy. (Subtract the salaries of myselt lf 6 p.m. Shown weekdays at 2.00,/and Peter Sellers. That's pretty | eno 4.15, 6.35, 8.55 p.m. Last com-| a0 se Sats piste show at 845 pam: cheap for an affluent - Woking |p production such as this. Ordi- awa | Starting next Friday, when!narily it would cost $4,000, 000. (WY Oshawa f rang _-- : | SH OAL ; ! i "BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR" un nae | (( SLIM GORDON SALE! Fei. Sah dee, SOLO DINNERS Buy 1 at Regular Price 1.25 73° Plantation Fried Chicken "IT'S DELICIOUS" The CHICKEN HOUSE 577 King St. East 728-4771 National Society of Film Crities "A BEAUTIFUL AND STARTLING FILM. AN ENGROSSING THRILLER. _ MAGNIFICENTLY TENSE. A FASCINATING POINT OF EXCITEMENT. | SUGGEST YOU TRY IT!" Judith Crist N.Y. World Journal Tribune Michelangelo Antonioni's FIRST ENGLISH LANGUAGE FILM Vanessa Redgrave |BLOW-UP One cotor David Hemmings LAST DAY: BOB HOPE & PHYLLIS DILLER IN "8 ON THE LAM" _~ SHE RULED A PALAGE OF PLEASURE Adult Enterteinment For women! COUNTRY JEWELS © APPEARED ON THE HANK SNOW SHOW © HAD RADIO SHOW ON C.K.L.B. VISIT OUR FRENCH & CANADIAN CUISINE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 394 SIMCOE ST. S$. -- 725-3743 Get 2nd for ONLY. ...5..755.. it AVALON ee NADER ur EATON "sn HYDE: WHITE OSHAWA GREE DRIVE-IN Sarah Miles 2ND- HIT IN COLOR MASTER OF HORROR Adult Enterteinment

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