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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jul 1967, p. 21

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artments fOr Rent 26--Apartments for Rent 28--Room and Board 30--A soenablie' For Sale |36--Legol 8--Coming Events ! OB ARIES } THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, July 8, 1967 17 ae BACHELOR « pertinent, a uiable J Avg-| ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, very|"5 Fil Glo GH Wa - $$ ae ONE and TWO ust 1. Stove ge, indry facil- Centrally located. Apply 147 Brock. 'Street D : ONE and TWO. "i ae 'Untrnished." Apply eAtrely located, Apply' it Pa CHYSLAT ai aT JUDICIAL SALE MRS. H. HUMPHRIES 1918 to 1927, he was an em- OSHAWA TI COLBORNE EAST, 57. Room and board, Phone 57. } - ployee of General Motors dur-| for all G.M. Employees $98, Cheerful one-bedroom apartment, | gentleman fo share, close to north GM. |; VROLET earn of The death occurred, July 7, that iod. | ye ond refrigerator. Se ea elmer ceoen FV iva, 'ern. ea %, CHEVROLET Bs Pontiac Gavere 23 GIBB ST, OSHAWA a we ee ae " easter of the United ; i al, Ss. ° : ee ie ae ie eon, ae ee ee Oe, ey aS cael has CHEVROLET Biayeerci-oinscr| IN THE SUPREME COURT St Gertrude's ries, of Hillsdale Manor. She|Church, he lived for a time in 360 THREE-BEDROOM japariment ond Gers ee cece fe ae stem, Tees | Sat, Se Sik telephone OF ONTARIO ° was in her 88th year. Toronto after leaving Oshawa hone 576-0 , $l 'oom apartment, large|YOUNG MEN, seven-day week. lunches Tuncheg 5762655. IN THE MATTER OF THE : and for the past eight years had Sa ree yard, $95. Schools and. shopping." Shove |packed, laundry aman" week iat GALAKIN Bed Wloer harwiow, MECHANICS' LIEN ACT PARISH HALL The former Frances Owens, lived in Bradford, Ont FOR RENT @ bath with one other family. 728-4736 |meals. 7 phone 725-808, eich, pg Pi ga Aa BETWEEN: the deceased was a ge of aieine married, Mr. Taylor even SEES ACCOMMODATION avaiiabi es, tWo- : I t in Jane ani illiam d , ' : Jouses, Rooms, Room Two OOM ment, redecor-|boarders willing to Fg Pog rita Iwotone' pains 174" Anni ee GOULDING BROS. 690 KING ST. E. a ae April 12, 1880, at}was predeceased by both his 3oard. Office Hours: ted, Stove, ne gerierto Free wash-ifive or sixday week. Telephone 725 (0 RSET gg rma CONSTRUCTION LIMITED, Davies Court, Bethesda, Llan.|Wives -- the former Leah Re- i Ae ee i os oF Svalleble August 1. $105 monthly. 7 inn AND BOARD for indy or gentle-| cei ide "miro Yuphant fa. id aus Every Monday Hechid. Wales, she "came to/becce, Saul in 1697 and She for at, 8:30 a.m, to 5 p.m. phone 723-8: man. Close to bus stop and north wien, ' Lapa ey i 12 iv mer Mary R. Burns in 1943. He ; CENTRAL -- Three large rooms, fur- man. Close 4 bus stp S ioe a aoa rd HOWARD M, CRANFIELD, : Oshawa in 1912 from Liverpool is survived by a sister, Mrs. A. ORD'S ASSOCIATION hed, with private entrance, parking, ROOM AND BOARD iar aid | CHEV motor, $150 or best JOAN EDNA FIELD, at 8:00 P.M, England. ; i ' nis! pai fe) DNA CRAN! 10! West 728-1070 fourplece colored. bath. Children aliow:| ROOM AND BOARD for ir, close to|otter, Telephone S76-1?14 HOWARD MONTGOMERY She was predeceased by her| Phillips (Annie) of Kingston, ol West ele, Adbusters ed, Abstainers only. Telephone Te is onan ae. home, near hospital, isndo hare, 'ome rat automatic, CRANFIELD, GEORGE 20 games--Jackpot-- husband Hechett Humphries on ene two. Brothers, Marge) . = r-door har 'ower bra! st ! o} s, Sask. Jac =f BONUS FOUR 5. ROOM tone: bedroom) rang 29_w. Ino, windows, "teats; fully "sauinead.| COLING, GEORGE E, COL- September 20, 1942. piney Seek. aod Jack of A Simcoe. Unturnis ean anted to Rent $1,250, Financing can' be arranged. ING ond MONTY CRAN Snowball and ton, Ont. 2 bedroom, a opart- iMfelephone' 723-3952 oF after Ty 728 te WANTED for July 15, In Whitby or Osn.|2070r_ Bowmanville. FIELD, : Share the Wealth _She was a member of St.) 'The funeral service will be fully equipped THREE-ROOM apariment, Private en-|awa, three. or four-bedroom house, 'In|1955 OLDSMOBILE, power equipped, in ! Dhak: veorge's Anglican Church, the held at the St. Clair Avenue Y MOVING EXPENSES trance and bath, Parking. Close to|900d location. Excellent references. Tele- | 990d running condition. $165 or best : Free Admission Women's Association of the/chapel of MacDougall and Nonquon Road ees orate emnIne C60: paoeeoninnen--e 'enain ino condone eens Pursuant to the Judgment church, and the Golden Age!Brown, Toronto, at 1 p.m., July jephon iL ENGI B, In eagonable 4 ; , A i i 728-9726 NICE COMFORTABLE sarienert with|3-4-bedroom house, Pic! ng ial offer accepted. Telephone 668-4588 ond order for sale made in No Children under 16 | she aicical in nas ae 10. Interment will be in Mount bs one bedroom. Suitable for lady or|area, occupancy August. Will consider |is9 METEOR cou: coach, Im good eo this cause there will be offer- ewer e is s y Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto, -------- couple. All Conveniences, Nocaat now. Hing in Coury home, Box 624, Tiver-|congition, with good thes' and cartop} ed for sale by public auction | Edward Alexander of Ortonville \E TO MALA GLEN Apply to 91 Ritson ton, eran arr g Excellent running order. Tele-| ot 23 Gibb, Street, Oshawa, B | N G O |Michigan, William of Santiago, FUNERAL OF COURTS ane, Macey We PUTENCARARIN ya ogee mban™ STH) ot 23 vets, California, and Ernest of Osh: j, FUNERAL Dr r happy tenants, child- Close 10 A end P shopping. "Telephone |Oshswe or neighboring town. Lease ne i, CORA Best "oner| July, 1967, at the hour of AT awa. | Phe funeral of John Robert icome. Spacoius 1, 2 723-7620. : r Call Te phone 725-6971. ' 2:00 o'clock in the after- She is also survived by three a ne aoe 4 Po gmk bedroom apartments THREE-ROOM + Me ema aaa GSK en, the lands ond prs U.A.W.A. HALL |daughters, Mrs. Harry Fleming|Bryce Brown, who led at Os $120. 838 Oxtord serie trey a cs |90--Automobiles For Sale Geant sia Yepbone ethinler! Sees ia"tre City of Gee, | SATURDAY, JULY &th |(Elizabeth Ann), Kitch eneraw® General Hospital July 5, q , po cates Soli lhe lon. $1, Street in the City of Osh- i IMrs. Cl Cham berlain,| W885 h i é duty stove and Frig Included. 7 942-1765, : 7:30 P.M rs. Clarence Gerrow Funeral Chapel, 'i i 7 pel, 390 OL ieee fr 8% monica 2b. 2 GHEVRLST, ester aitgiiaa,| Ove, Wich jlonds and Pre | 20 GAMES, $10 A GAME Hearne, "nae aemeylag t. ¥ $70 monthly. : |standard, ¥ ' . A GAMES OF $20., $30, i RNISHED and ban ge ggg gy [coniion. $1100 or best ater anssie,"'| South side of Gibb Street be- $40., $50 of Oshawa. Inev. 1. W. Herbert of Kingy NFURNISHED ferred. "Telephone 728558, 'ss CHEVELLE Station Wagon, Tele aha Conta ieee in the ONE GAME $150. lf She was ee Able eased DY | view United Church. A 7 ; "4 01 sons an . ind 3 bedroom apart- THR | apartment, adults only, | PELESHOK apy owen ee NY ead City of Oshawa. H 'a ae an ce sia one cothee, |_ Pallbearers were: William Controlled entrance. central, Available July 8. Telephone 72| "41 PONTIAC Parisienne, hardtop, 327, The property will be offer- s A . ' is Me She is resting at the McIntosh| Mc Arthur, Murray McArthur, elevators, swimming ze | MOTORS LTD. Aspeed, 20,000 miles, $2480. 597 Digby, ed for sale subject to a re- To Bo Dan Te Nahe Andericn Piineral Honk. David Whetter, David Brown, enced playground, mediate Sms AB 2 ari srl serve bid fixed by the Court. nbecthch dM The service will be conduct-| Clare Brown and Robert Brown 123- 2347 Ls cada | AJAX 31--Compact Cars for Sale| The purchaser shall pay [TRIPS TO WHEELING, West Virginia, : Interment was in the Old y |for Western Jamboree, August 4. 6,/e€d at St. George's Anglican : vif ; dein | one h roRon aan Fog LEASE OR RENT or he a roe ele pei i eae tala ne Church by Rev. R. G. Brooks seca ae GLAMOR ACKET | dryer. Telephone 7258769, % VOLVO and PEUGOT if Bi ESTO gael OC BUD AY RUE: Lines aS Monday, July 10, at 3:30 By ALICE BROOKS | 2 | upstairs unfurnished | of the purchase money ond 717! TWO - BEDROOM ground floor "sear | WE SERVICE * MERCEDES BENZ | shall pay the balance of the | PDs | J Private bath and entrance iow. $75 monthly. Children . x . aoe iarEe ; Knit a glamorous jacket to} pply $17 Drew Street praet nth. Telephone 7267 "deeadced WHAT WE SELL General Repair and Purchase money into Court | inter ALS at will bi an st MRS. evEhEy cathe ER | Wear on your Summer vaca-| Reon eaament. In path MODERN three - bedroom apariment, | Ask Your Neighbours Auto-Electric Service without subated vitnin 30 George's Cemetery, Oshawa. The memorial service for{ton. to enjoy on Fall days. | SEW-EASIEST! ; heating, : i foe fter the dat | : i siteete Ee, THmDtOne TE launey tatlitfca, teleshene' Yap seas '65 PONTIAC PARISIENNE Jake and Bill's Garage eres oe BIRTHS ALBERT EDWARD TAYLOR | y,,<_ Sydney Chandler, who Knit jacket from the neck TWO-ROOM furnished apartment with | 449 Ritson Rid. South | Adjustments to be made The death of Albert Edward died, July 3, at the Oshawa Gen.|d0wn with satin binding. Em-| By ANNE ADAMS 2OM apartment, heat and | p i a | to the closing at which f |broider roses in red, pink or| Step in and ZIP for fast get- , stove, refrigerator, television outlet. Cen-/ Sedan, V-8 automatic, radio, | Oshawa __ 728-0921 os : ka Taylor, a former resident Of/eral' Hospital, in her 77th year ' : g ed, private parking, room rally' located, private entrance, parking| finished in Royal Blue, con- | % | time vacont possession will be |, a UsltRR_-- David Hunter, son of Bob Oshawa, occurred July 7, at the > held at fie, Atnistvone y Fu. | gold. Transfer in actual size.|aways! Gay, glamorous tent ies faciiities, $65 monthly. Telephone 725-/ trasting blue interior and ' | given. The purchaser shall the arrival of a baby brother, Tucedey, , a i bd Pattern 7430: sizes 32-46 incl. |flares out subtly from the re f gleami hi le h the title at hi July 4, 1967, at Alex and Pickering Gey, | Bowmanville Memorial Hospi- neral Home at 2 p.m., July 6. sha JOM apartment, with stove, rouR) ROOMS, --seitcontainea,| Plenty of gleaming chrome, Your Authorized Datsun eiatle gk A dale an et dere A Meal 2° ltal. Mr, Taylor, who was in his! 'The service was conducted by|, FIFTY CENTS (coins) for|shoulders, has handy patch mat and mei 5 monthly, possession August 1. Mr Be the envy of the neighbour- end Fiot: Deslar sg git Aad vendor shall Sist year, had been in failing! Rey, John Morris, 'minister of each pattern (no stamps,| pockets. Sew it now for home, acl ss le = --e TI-5V23_ oF 725-8333. hood in bie Ray ey dard me Specializing «in: Wallkeswooeh ith, bhp es a MCGRATH -- Michael and Yvonne health for six months. & Andrews United Chavch | {plesms) to Alice Brooks, care|beach, garden, day, night. DOM apartment in new basement apartment, owner car, Lic. ' i z ri Ss! ro wie any deeds (nee Carriere) formerly shi he ls M nd Mrs The Oshawa Times, Needle- Printed Pattern 4500: Misses' ctric heating, stove, refrig Repair and Servic d | her th: Proudly announce the birth of a 7 ib. A son of the Jate Mr. and Mr. Interment was in Oshawa Union| ® : es. Available July 20, Elgin ue Bot "cer 5 agg de Peete ae $2,195 bh . ea Saal pelea oF pvt 2 oz. brother for Patrick and eee |Furniss Taylor, the deceased! | Cemetery fan Dept., 60 Front St. W.,| Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 14 ; r con- lr ; : ' ; Fe -availabio"For Agua "¥ jet np Reasonable | '64 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE | 160 ences Pere trol. In all other respects the [July 6 i467 al the Baplst' Hosptei'in| Was born in Sheffield, England,| 'The pallbearers were Richard foe at ee Fl bag an Cg Ts avalisale Fo "Whitby, | powerful, 327 engine, auto- 728-0051 conditions of sale are the Oklahoma City, U.S.A and came to Canada in 1910. A) saunders, Robert Leggette, Wil- coal ehrreete NUIISEE. Fh gp lb eet ae = 68-2296 oF 668-3470. --P6A--Ex o Accommodation) matic, power steering and pe standing conditio: f sal resident of North Oshawa from/liam Rae, Ray Martin, Erne t > : sae 7 (a Pes OOM apartment, newly dec: E brabes, ging one wha, fed pec ge Hl settled ty the inde nibh TaylhY rs Ver hey ne anainee Ihe Martin and rte Catan hey Gone paar paliera. Rego Frey y soning facile foephons Coming to Expo in Montreal? case history supplied. Lic. |' SPRITE, excellent condition, $550 er | On the premises is said to [safe arrival of | their eran kid. \NEEDLECRAFT DESIGNS in NAME, AD DR ESS, STYLE 'heen Ladgexpe member offers ove- | 193719. [aw air. Tlenone 7AM | be erected a. two-storey mo. {hart ponds ounce on Fray DEATHS FUNERAL, OF w 1967 Needlecraft. Catalog! |NUMBIER. es, oh 4 j CER 7 ' I 4 ew eedlecraft Catalog! ¥ ly room from sub- $1,995 62 RAMBLER Classic four-door. An im-| +] Hospital. A sister for Ken, Allan. and ; nm we bedroom, aperiments de i eae yee i i eats once ca, Vince, iso pel Bees ernie. end = an ister fo n 8 . oe aye sia Two free patterns, knit, crochet] Send order to ANNE ADAMS, rtable suites at moderate ied 4 i; g J | i uneral service for rs.| fashions, everything. 25c. care of The Oshawa Times, i district, west end Montreal. _ sold from Creighton, Drynan, Mur- | MecDONOUGH, Thomas ° frigerator and laundry * "i TERSTALL -- Syivia (nee Duxbury 5 ar | ' ew any. time. Call 728-5282, Our rooms are from $5-7 per '64 ACADIAN |"44 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, perfect con'! doch & Victor, Solicitors, 5 [wife of the late Walter Dougias Terstay, Entered, Into fast Jn ihe Oabhwe Opn: th -- Hortop, yew ser Sensational, new value! Book | Pattern Dept., 60 Front St. W., bs 4 F ' : |dition, fully guaranteed, 'licence 24308 5 [wishes to announce the arrival of @ baby * at the Oshawa General Hospital) of Prize AF GHANS has 12 com-/Toronto 1, Ont : four - room apartment. Pri- person daily. Also beoautifu sedon, bi 6 automatic 1 Kl Wellman's, 72 imcoe Street North, Oshawa, ct Thomas McDonough, beloved husban T ' 4 Reasonable rent. Near hi liabl d an, o- lutomatic, sig. owas $9 weekly, Wellman's, 728- Ont git, Cathiene Elizabeth, 6 tbs. 12 czs../o¢ aga Conway, father of Ada, mrs.| Tuesday, July 4, while in her plete patterns. Beginner - easy Summer's Fashions are a ce. eastern township reliable re radio, gleaming white finish mario, |Friday, July 7, 1967, at Oshawa pees (Catherine), Elizabeth, | 7th held at the A , aly 232 McKim Street , i 20% down, 1 ho key , | ; i Hosptnel," Fleat child for, Mr. and |R:,,H- Christy | (Catherine), " year, was held at the Arm-|knit, crochet. 60c. JOY FOR ALL SIZES! See 115 3 > servations, wn, ur with matching beige vinyl ('64 "VOLKESWAGEN™ "Custom, excellent DATED at Whitby, On- losp rst gran William and Frederick, all of Oshaw "| stron Funeral Home Frida M il 2 _ large one-bedroom apart. via auto route to Montreal. : Hf af mechanical condition, custom radic.! tario, this 23rd day of J |Mrs. J. Duxbury and Mrs. R. Terstll his Bath year. Resting at the Arm: g y, useum Quilt Book 2 -- com-|styles, two free hat patterns, iscused Aueliabio' Coke Only th ishi b tim. An excelent Ice TOr |ticence 320376. $10 down, $10 weekly. s '3 ly of June, and first great grandchild for Mr. J. strong Funeral. Home, Oshawa, with| July 7, at 2 p.m. jplete patterns for 12 superb|fabrics, accessories in new included. Available now, my sells HM 4 es- the family man. Lic. J97384. | Wellman' Ss, 728-735). 1967. {Duxbury and Mr H Terstall Many funeral service In the chapel Monday, | The service was conducted by |heirloom quilts. 60c: Spring - Summer Pattern Cata- aS ae : pecially well treated need ap- 1 4 j " 7 ALEXANDER HA: s rs ' July 10, at 2 p.m. Interment ou it One bedroom apartment. B- ply Gh-e ore "GWeik thik fe $1,495 ou VW, st ao, S30" mean Be git Pini Poe : Lawn Cemetery. Rev. H. Dyck. Interment follow-| Bargain! Quilt Book 1 -- 16 log. Gift Coupon for free pat- ia ak half tld eal Canada's birthday _ party. or RHEIN "Ee Proval. No reasonable cash offer re- : loathe) tre erg aan hee POTIPCOE er ed Fal dtra Lawn ogee it complete. patterns. _60c. tern in C atalog. Send 50c. 1, AP i fused, 985- 7191, | Port rt Perry. pancibaigletists 4 'a earers were: ames |------ pcmamnn dame coco ~ ect Come one, come all. Moke For Lease or Rent |rival of a daughter, Debra Mary, 6 Ibs./Passed away at his residence (233 Wood t ith Phtated Z H 5 ¥ ge I pe wget' new. Please write | |(2) "67° Chevrolet Conver.| | ,VOLRIWAGEN, Deine, age, 41/37--Auction Sales s'ss,"veanily say's Yat cit BN," Set Balneet semen Murdoch, Harry 'Turner, | Wil ed. $65 monthly. Telephone MRS, E, V. WINFORD, Foster tibles all arts including radio, Telephone 723- jLeonard. Mother and daughter both well. Oshawa August eeantra: place aoe | Austin "Wiltshire end Pere ORT ERIE. RACE RESULTS |Potipcoe and Alexandra Glecot ear shire, 1 furnished basement apart. 107 oe re vd Epinions Impalas' ad ea wIR WOE poker Ecainnt AUCTION SALE | [husband of Ruth Mackin, father of Karen. Broadbent IDAY, JULY FIFTH RA re David and Randy, all a' me, brothers | FR 4 7 ! H RACE -- Purse $2,000, Cial te bath, parking. Rossland een ; oP __,| throughout. Best offer. 300 Athol Street| Property of Mrs. S, C. Spar- David and Joseph of Peterborough; in | FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,200, Maiden|ing. Four-year-olds 'end usr ais" Fure n'a Road sree. Sul! sees (3) "67 Chevrolet Caprices'| |East. Telephone 725-0678. ow, 800 Athol St., Whitby. | his 42nd year. Mr. Potipcoe resided in 'is ' three: and four-year-old fillies, 6 Fur-|longs. . icantcisad "comieet ak |32--Trucks for Sale Wednesday, July 12 at 5 DEATHS Seve Moore Onune Ga was 5 MRS A. RAGoenicA | edor 'taneo Hoe th OR oe if-contained apartment wi " | eneral jotors, awa, and wai MRS. A. ¥ 5 Udior iz, Fitz'ns $.80 4.30 2.30) USO, for, and laundry. facill- MANY. MORE Dp p.m. sharp. 24" Viking tele- | well known member of the Granite Curl-| ,., : Spice Shed. Leblanc 30 TRighicous, Steve Ny. located, avaliable July MODELS TO C FROM |REPAIRABLE WRECKS with most| vision, G.E. electric stove, | ing Club and Rockway Golf Club. Fu-| The funeral service for Mrs. Stee Spates Kelly 330| "Also fan in Créer Sott at Cleaner, Bench 723-2715. parts to, repair, '6s = rng ge G.E. refrigerator, (freexer BOLINGBROKE, Isobel ner al service will Se eld ony Monday, Apolonia Nagorska, who died at| Also Ran in Order: Page Brush, Win- \Warrent, Port eat a pow] bob --o ---- 4 a ot Bul e \- ag SO y taciiiies on use' of back: HARWOOD at Wrecker," nos epee "Ce. be bur tag ey uly eral Carel, oy ipa me Seerien Street scsmains 'Thureda goon' whe in he Secs ee YO Oi is RN mn : ' 'washer, automa - of Ht ke, dit interment oodial 'emetery. u w 1 er agement. Children welcome. STATION RD. Tee ane MR N Moree Teenere| Somer, UE Sled ae eer oe Noe Oe "bag . pach as beac 83rd vans, ans held in. St enBCOND RACE -- Purse s2,000. jald.|, SIXTH RACE -- Pur gus' g 3 . WMeyles), of Oshawa and loving . two-year-olds, rs FOR RENT. Apply 6 Ajax 942-6322 [sie wa ee arenes, chesterfield aus te. wwivel | mother of Linda "rs Russell Korba |A At geemer el, Hesmlialy. Spmagule, "3 Spores: 'on Sarurder™ as ae THI Duke, Ditttach 1610 8.30 $00) 'SSpike "CC Barreey 30 Ph? Sere ae Hit' runtor. "Telephone "METIS, Fen] Shalt, mahogany co las ond Wear Rent et ihe' Rovian Panecallfemetons In his tard veer Beloved mas: M, tals Mi R y J. C,|4Bruce. Tartan, '00 | 5-Choir Beauty, Fitz'ns 20 LETELY furnished, bed - Perry. vale gh rugs, - pen eae \Chapel, Brooklin, Service in the Chapel |band of | Betty Wilder, "enon, oy, S sce 'he ied 4 sab i 7-Middle Cou McComb . i350 wnat Abe I Ra on in Order: Willow 1 ind Mi 01 Gary, Alexander, Sandra, in, .| Pereyma nterment wa in so Ren der: $iss Movw er The eee ee GUS BROWN 1954 % TON pick up truck, good cawi-| 95S drapes, On Pansehenday, Duly 10 08 2 nami iniermmti Gary. Aleeenger.) Sentea, Za id Queen's Wil, leet Wren, Whitt For: EXACTOR, 1 AND 4 PAID 90.0 Upbi Pl tion. $150. Telephone 668-8352. Suites, wardrobe, chest of |Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin. (Rebek Tat honete Oo ae ae oe oor aie| OShawa Union Cemetery. ae ea eadow LIMITED 36 CHEV. Vi ton pick up. AT mechani| fawers, electric motor with | Lodge in'iley 'of flowers; donations to|Rogers. Resting at the Northcutend| 'The pallbearers were: Gerry [Man y"bante, Svp 2, PAID $46.20) SEVENTH RACH -- Pore $8700 Pe, ea reat Ba cone - No. 3, Oshawa it y needs some work. Apply be-| Pump, sunbeam electric lawn the Canadian Cancer Society "would. be|Smith Funeral Home. Funeral. service Soduk, Ivan Auguskin, Ivan Claiming. Three-yearolds and up. About hed, television tower. Clean, 97. R for Rent aya "UP OR' DOWN. Top jin ene hart Thursda Bilt fr with' 150":cord (new) > lascrecaned, at 2 o'clock, Monday afternoon. Inter- THIRD RACE --Purse $2,000. Claim-jone and one-sixteenth Miley larke Street, Oshaws. '--Rooms for Ren ics wad: te Cleon Ree paliseys. starting, _Thureday. vdaaha v i 0 ies seid Prrereree ment Hampton Cemetery. | a, J. Pig Naj, Stan/ Ke Maiden tv two-year-olds, foaled in Can- Nee hatin Hero, Bell ¥ 40 % = Good if J colores -¥. aerial wi | ikrz n ter Kaszcyiz. | ja. urlongs. Purly Sark, Fitz'ns 3.80 450 Hy Pia st uae nigh Cars, liens paid. TERMS. dhost, "recline Chott, dukes BRADLEY, Charles Alexander é 2 . 'A I-Miss Tiger, Hinojosa 7.00 3.30 2.60/5-Canadillls, 'Gomez shawa. Sulit two ites Wanted Pri et e child, Separate entrance, ATTRACTIVELY Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 33--Automob bead tools, many other articles too | At Oshawa General Baye 9g epsigey: Kingnse beyond oe ef : ee Bell ee zis 33) it a 'g hall cin Peetetint 2 July 7, 1967, Charles Alexander Bradley, in ri i) -Bry Jai ee FURNISHED ROOM " WANTED numerous to mention, Terms 226" Alpert Street, "Oshawa, in his sis 'GE RROW | GREENWOOD etn ire in 'Order: Grey Lodge, Russ DH--Deadhest' for Firat. bd ' ear, beloved husband of ena Jac , ez, nen riment avaliable, for Aug. » = Available in private home. Caw Se ae re ee Eee ae ste. lee feo EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim- ANSMISSION SERVICE | Good clean local cars for 725-303 'olborne Street East, t ii: hetwaun & nnd 7. ok TRANSMIS: ) Resting at the Morris Funeral chapel, | EU NERA L. CHAPEL | [2% Peeryeeretde and up. 6% Puriongs. -- ; i RK RD. No New peaanient, Lacation sagt er es Tey Ceeteriod. ietman bor | 900 KING STREET WEST R ACEWAY wr-bias, 43a Fortang aA. Tiven-/5 Tel, ladion,, Sorgen man tae 90 ROOM "apartment, In new 82 PAR 116 BOND ST. W. MORLEY STALKER -- |38_Coming Events manville Cemetery. | 728-6226 [&Princess Selket, 'Kelly 18.10 8.20 3.20|5-Chopmar, "Hinojosa 4.00 a ee 728-8671 Transmissions ore still our MOTORS } Telephone | ini. cae ite Gordon 2680 3.90) Alto muse Greet Promise, 101 R - 4 & race 'oyal, Gri re Time, Nearctic Myth, Forever MS for rent, suitable for Sonata aamatnataian inne ws 65 oe iy Oe eee | WOODVIEW | :RURNETT, Gord See siial os, Brishy ee I Also Ran in Order: Kitty @., Princess] list end 'Coty. Seeoe t. Call 723-0053 or 734 unfurnished housekeeping ave facilities to do all gen- 723-83 mY , 1967, C. Burnett (110 FIRST RACE -- je Pace, Pur. er an ja aide : vate' Corie Mult Conmea, Aol pie now,| eral repairs, All work guar- COMMUNITY CENTRE [Nassau $1)" In his beth year, beloved | IN MEMORIAM |$290, Claiming, a bik oe XACTOR, 6 AND 4, PAID $395.30 | Attendance 5445, Total Handle 994,912, x B | | . an 8.90 3. 5 ee Le | CARS WANTED Gee "va Rita tie ited el Eeetomnnd, Aekedan 358 | Aad FIR fale nat carl $ SHEE ndly home. f ; ? |Sutton, Mrs." Robert Moffatt (Anne), |aGratten Mat @ 80) / "ig pil eta fe cooking facilities, _ parking. Buying A New Car we eee William of Oshawa. Resting at} JOLLOW -- In loving memory of @ Also Started "sity 'boy, Ney el 'ein ply 604 Oxford Street or 725-782 Sell your used car to "Ted". {the Mcintosh-Anderson Funeral Home,|dear father and grandfather, Charles R.\C., Lenawee, Aceway Julie and. Sto Te die ke rity UN Wasa Ge tae or RAMBLER Talk "Cash" to the New }152 King St. E. Service jn ihe chapel. Jollow, who passed me on, July $ 1964. Knight | + it, hot i heat room wi 7om- 4 4 | day, ly 10, at 2 o'cloc ntermen' Hi ished no one a last farewell, ' Hes pad, Close. to. school. merts, two minutes from hospital and SALES -- SERVICE Car Dealer and "'Save'!. EVERY MONDAY beg Teresita will be rel ie lee ies goodby SECOND RACE -- Mille Pace. Purse MONDAY, JULY 10 |Bolero Weeper, Gomer 118 "5085. a ee ee ee id PAINT TED CAMPIN MOTORS Admission ticket gives you ceived at the funeral home commencing! He was gone before we knew It $1,000. Claiming. (Clear and Fast) Landwind, Grubb X110 EAN, quiet apartment for 20-8818 ale 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 free chance on door prize |Saturday evening. And only God knows why. SiWinr's T. Byrd, R'ton 490 410 2.90 + RACE -- Purse $2000, claim, anes Gir, Fitzsimmons 118 s ~eeecinimesemnernsnee | , | id bered and sadly miss-/¢.Col, Philip, Hie } ' FIRS ACE -- Purse , claim-|Coeur Volant, Inouye il iho a hg lige Pot neyo ee eas WANTED: Cars and trucks for wreck-| TWO JACKPOTS 54 and 56 | R Kathi ed. by daughters. Medline and Helen, sJoanle Wilmac, Wellwood ig ing (3,000), maiden 3 and 4 year olds, 6 Sonne Rounds, Barroby 118 j j ue pie Sor. comeae: at sinae rl. Or Easy to Finance at ing. No charge for towing. Best prices 500 Bh ' neg tin the Oshawa Gen. sons-it-law Ed, and Alex and grandchil:, also. Started: {Whirtred,, Sam's Sam mT |Chiet Tomahawk, Barroby 110 h Mer, No Boy 118 ~" MANOR iments, -- 728-4549 ime. Rob- Mered Into rest in the Osh Lincon's Champ, May Chief C., in's_ Reward, McComb 115 N complatsty._ brvedicnrrets |) COMPLETELY FURNISHED beassitiing) NICOLS MOTORS LTD. |paid., Telephone as IN 52 NOS. OR LESS jeral Hospital on Thursday, July 6, 1967, S7e"- Gay (DNF). [Fm< a' Devil, Brownell xi14 THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000, eieim- bedroom apartments. Rea- im. Refrigerator and sink. Close to WHITBY -- 668-3331 HAW AUTO WRECKERS CO. Cars . |Reta Kathleen Warren, beloved wife of| SMITH -- In loving memory of my|DNF -- Did Not Finish Oliphant, Fitzsimmons 110 Ing (3,000), maiden 3 and 4 year cold ep nee, me Opartinaren seo hin Mahood ALS poked ge Pde Iron end. metals lpaias nets oe caer David | gaygnter June, who passed away July DAILY DOUBLE, 6 AND 5, PAID $36. +3 God Sunday, No Boy 119 Blvn of et) 6 furs 10) titi as ' : Toom tor gentleman. Close M bought, 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2911. % Bruce 'Vallietwourt(Ollve) of Kestron.|" 1%) a 1. coun garden of resl| THIRD RAGE <> Mile Pace, "The ca.|Ffee (Boy, McComb 110 : gure, ve We. Ber 1) oy 19 'oaths Yorished "bachelor " epply 165ml Street ORE CASH PRIVATE. Will Pay up, fo, $900 cash for $50 pericaly oi eee ae reel. David All'ine Joys she missed on liw's Moh Instia series stance' Puree as.tS0 es Pde te i Biaatae, No Boy Ati0™" F stellt Bn Sen . geod cond! 4 W. ant larry J. Butt of é a x First Division). t, Buti XXX1009 uckminster, Turcotte t, furnished housekeeping Bae Paid for Good Clean Cars. best car offered. Must be in $10 per line in both games ter of David Warren of Pickering, In| aivavs remembered and sadiy missed|{'terya Hered, Hibert $90 420 9.50 | eee oe mee, 110 | Straindale Leo, Hale 110 253 Sinclair Avenue. rvice. Restaurant Trade up or down. Liens paid. $150 JACKPOT ie Ae vei mage! ve me oro by Mom, Vi, Ken and children, 1-Earley Adios, Robillard 12.80 18 Added ed Bell X100 beg denna ted awe Ue ¥ * \° i} en's Hotel, 67 Simcoe 4 H 'uneral jome, wa, 6-Mithora Gaytack, Hayes ligibl n the Ring, ojosa Gib sayy Fs Biol a fae "abe : TOR SALES 3 Automobile Repair $20 A HORIZONTAL LINE service in the chapel, Monday, July '0:} wittarD -- In loving memory of a! 'Also Started: Tar' Rocket, . Robra Poccng ane No Boy 105 Villaroma, No Boy 110 in Near Si in 'oe ral DOD $50 FULL CARD at 1) a.m. Interment Pine Grove Ceme- r son and brother, Russell James Rosie, Outerail, Francis Dee 'and Arm-|¢ h Bell X105 Breezin Thru, Gordon 110 i. Telephone 728-0480. ; CANOE, oraiied omy ar the Osh 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH AUTOMATIC $200 in 52 Nos. or less jtery, Prince "Albert. There. will be 8 |Willard, who passed. away. July ® 1966 |bro Impact. [Break Camp, Ditttach. To i ge © Tipped, Grubb Xi6s 4 A large service under the au: so ° Three Times Tipped, Grubb JOM furnished basement Shopping Centre. Telephone 753152. ae TRANSMISSION 5 SPECIAL GAMES AT $30 | (2°88 Service under, the. auspics Eunersi| We tied so hard to, save: you tcp wach. alle daca: ne [OarDeril: rb Xe Thre mahi" poe, Grubb X og entrance. Telephone : LARGE FURNISHED room for, rent at RAMBLERS,. Three mr ap ae CENTRE . $45 in 17 Nos. or less Home, Sunday, 7 p.m. Our ome would, seem like teeven |Canadian Series. Stakes", Purse $6150) geconp RACE -- Purse 32:20, maid. Also Eligible: ' close en! hoose, len' summer ran a- A we you ba con of t is, foa' in abou * T UNION Building, two parking. APPLY 368 Pine Avi 2 "fan fully. reconditioned. $9| 1038 Simcoe St. N. Piet hey 20 GAMES AT has COLLACOTT, Emma Jane You left a lot of broken hearts 8-Armbro Indigo, McKy 3.20 2.70 290] Me, Yuet 'course (8) |Flawless Maid, No Boy rnished apartment, stove fell. Telephone 723-5522. weekly. Wellman for Riche 326-7351. Arapeaasio bye. hii a hen ger ay double in |At_ Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on That loved you 30 sincere, a 7Kaystone | Jewel, We Webster 3.90 33° | amanotis, Grubb. X113 atk 'ene Scholer, Kaly Seta or, $105 monthly. Couple $10 MOTEL rooms fo share, private $16, $16, | 1966 1966 COMET twodoor hardtop. Light jusiness -- Repairs, just- los. or less |Friday, July 7, 1967, Emma Jane Knight, jat never have, and never will, é6Jenny's Joy, 7 ee Fleeting Storm, Kornblum | ir, No partment 1 390 Buena Suites. $25 and $35; also monthly rates. |piue, 390 automatic. Black interior, power| ments, Exchanges, All Work EARLY BIRD GAME seed Ft vests, Wie of ue WN Gecroe] Corpey. You, Ruse eet carber- wn Pony reas Ross Wicks Helen Mir on ee Cee oe "one-bedroom apartment, ieee prec = x pole tiephone S60-139 after 6 pum. Guaranteed. $100 tele Robe Gai neler ete, Toronto, ed by Mom and sister Patti. ie wae Alle "Thet. 'Conbicl | 4 FOURTH RACE--P $2,000, claime 3 eae ini a th, ieee oe cents Mt ont! LEAGUE LEADERS sa St and entrance. Available ialabis. Toateen wae 'SUCK caine way ponered: FRED STONE | EXTRA BUS 'and Bobs "RR 4 Bowron ORY WiLLaRD = tp loving memory of @ tioned. Purse $1,300 Ing (3,000), three year olds, 6 furs (9) hone 725-2549. GACHELOR apartment available irame:|radio and washers. In exceptional 'con: RED BARN a1 thhe "Morris. Funeral, 'chapel, Bow: dear nephew and' cousin, Russell, who|2 Honey Dares, Kopes 2.80 2.70 2.40| Pousse Cafe, Michaud XXX101 fowntown ication, three diately in residential east end home| dition. Best offer over $400. 723-2619. Brooklin -- 86 Queen St. A manville, Service in the Chapel on Mon- passed away July 8, 1966. |8-King C, Lee, Holmes 3.30 270) By THE CANADIAN PRESS crimson North, Moreau XXX101 ire Font 16 fenants. isting of large, completely furnish-|'57 TRIUMPH TR4, Chevy powered, UILT ENGINES NORTH OSHAWA day, at 3:30 p.m.. Interment Bowman-| God, put your arm around him, S-Lightning Dares, Millman |Gambari, Gibson XXX104 telephone 725-3501 SS coitecebia Te aie baths |tenaey ' Mstons, full REB | Children Under 16 Not Admitted |Vite Cemeter Keep him in your care, Bhs Started Be. Juans Virgins. Gyesy, | National Laaine M, J's Boy, Macinnis XXX104 Gf tment, | = Btbhea: Soren 64. les gt iri Pak a ign 6 CYL. Exchange Price | ' if Make up for all he suffered, Simcoe, Dream Acres Guy and Laird Nationa! gu |Busy Man, Michaud XXX101 »M apartment, private en- private entrance. $65 monthly, 723-5964.|cam, solids, four barrel, Mallory igni- . 0 = Coes : 'And sil that Wan untalr: McNab. AB RH Pet.|No Such Animal, Platts X10? bath, $75 includes hydro TWO large furnished rooms, private en-|tion, street driven, 576-2683 after 6. as low as $175.00 | HILL, Frederick N. Always remembered by Uncie Jim, : 'i StL, 285 47 102 358, e A Hero, Green XXX107 se to hospital and GM, france, newly decorated, suitable for|#s§ PONTIAC, $65 and '60 Plymovth,| 8 CYL, Exclhange Price Suddenly at the Oshawa General Hos-/Aunt Ruth, cousins Jimmy, Louise and SIXTH RACE -- Mile Trot. Invitation. Cepeda, St 285 358) Frankie's Choice, Duffy XXX101 1120. ood married couple, or We eee 214 Cadil-| $200, Telephone 728-5306. os low. as $210.00 -KINSMEN [ata on Settee MM Ay Pret erICk | Joanne. Purse $8,500. Velie Gah Gon \Clemente, Pgh 287 60 101 -352| Nihilist, McLeod XXX107 'South i i bg -Pro't "ledo, Ho! 7 nTHEMT fer" rent. "Ne GRWENED --brocanoon 1964 METEOR, six cylinder, radio, good | lon, and dear father of Marguerite (Mrs. S.Cagenta; Chinents 12.80 570/McC arver, StL 221 41 77.348! piety pace -- Purse' $2,500, claim . FuRW housekeeping room With) condition. Telephone S/61835. ' |35_ Lost and Found Waiter Bryant) of Little Britain, Muriei| 1-Betsy Herbert, Herbert 0/Staub, Hin 252 26 87 .345/ ing (9,000), three year olds, 6 furs (5) = athree:room furnished rerigeratr, gy ne, 'an venue, °""|1961 ENVOY, body and motor in 900d |e yea eae aa ad bk, in| (Mrs, Ralph Lynde) of Ashburn, Bernice | IN LOVIN 'Also. Started:" Armbro. Gazelle, Nancy|S Atl 291 67 96 330) Poor Luke, Harrison fs month, Apply 120 Elgin france. _Apply_253_Sinciair_Av condition, also "60 Pontiac bumpers.| ois Me Raclar Smee slate Tesesay BINGO |(Mrs. Wilfred Appleton), and Joan (Mrs. | Brook B. and Kimbo. | Aaron, / : orest Path, Barroby 117 FURNISHED bed - singe with | Telephone 725-4987. bist edi to "Nipper". Reward. | Theodore Knight), both of Brocklin, in| EXACTOR, 6 AND 3, PAID $149.60 | Runs--Aaron, 67; R. Allen,! Rich Page, Michaud XXX100 y 1 kitchenette, private bath a ONtrance, |e CHEVROLET. C aulomatic: Ac) con. ay his 73rd year, Arrangements by |Ruzella, Kelly oa eae wane eae 'sith fia Ghd ste, parking sec: Reant EEE CHEVROLET, 4 automatic, A-1 con Call 763280. Se a linson' Fuseral Chenst' Breskiin, ror. tre ME MORY SEVENTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Cond! | Philadelphia, |Victory' Trip, Bell X100 oS per month : Phone 5761262 after six. (dition, pr vie lady owner. LOST -- in Eaton's et the Oshawa Shop. 2--$200 JACKPOTS ther particulars please telephone. 6s5- tioned. Purse $\caee sp90 aon aa|, Runs batted in--Wynn,- Hous- | (Exactor Wagering) é aioe | reen wa! rose } 1. 9.90 | | ne. a CERT CARE. forsished: "Seasons | Conny two-door hardtop, corer. naval papers, pictures, 52-50 ie tery 2 12.80 8.50) ton, 62; Aaron, 56. | SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,000, claim IM Terge apartment, ph chi aed ga rg og ig a Rr ey Dalby, HUMPHRIES, Frances 1-Belmont Ernie, Holm 8.50| Hits--Cepeda, 102: Clemente,| |ing (3,000), three year olds (Divn of 4th) private entrance, unfur- visit bello vrinhre Telephone 7as7279. [blue interior. 17.000 ofiginal: miles. Best | 08 208 Warden Wisow Avenue, Whitby. Re- gckeny ae Also Started: Walnut. Herbert, Princ Brock St. Louis, 101 16 furs (10) #8 "hydro. "Telephone 725- pore offer. Private. Telephone 668-3781. after | w lrg Rha aeake dy lien apd nh McKlyo, Leta Herbert, Belmac Cheiftain| 7 23; T, Da-|S0! Boy Cool, Moreau XXX101 eeeetie PaNATE Reo. Socom gin hem TO One Must Go dy a eres One te ah and Kenland Less. gg ag ge |evette 'mesh, MeLect Sorkve partment, ground gentleman In new i aw cooee eer) PRU ATE 1966 Ford G alaxle XL con mother of Edward Alexander Humphries | ie Bice 'Come ivis, New York, 22. nae spat ee Svan very large kit- fal Motors" and_ shopping. 428 cubic inch, 345 jl of Ortonville, Mich., William of Santiago, | oe peerea ie race COM | Triples -- Williams, Chicago, | Md, Moo. Michaud | 23 it Wn Pie TWO furnished rooms, suitable for one | tyiy ewulpoed. Apply Tit Craydon Road, } Kas) SRS See Cbens e Prince Bambi," Davies 11.80 4.30 3.20| 8; R. Allen, 7. |Dark Freedom, Thomas XXX104 RL ea gentleman. $15 weekly. Newly decorated. |Apartment 102, Whitby after 5 p.m. PLUS Aba) of Misvenet: Bars." Cie Francis P. Adios, MacDid 3.40 3.10| 21: Wynn,|Solden Jive, Gibson XXxx107 ISHED or unfurnished. aa Bivd. South, 728-3286. 703 CHEV sedan. Pure white with red 4 jain (Frances), Dryden, Mich. ae Yankee Wann, Boily 3460, Home runs--Aaron, 21; Wynn, Spartan Girl, Platss X107 acilities, parking, close to EAN, single room for lady or gentle-|trim. Automatic, radio. Perfect car. Lic. $10 per line Gien "Branton (Beatrice) and Erne ise 'Started: Rough Sketch, Sonny 20. |Strateo, Gibson XXX104 1 Tene ee man ira on 'week fent_free. Apply |75679. Evenings 942-5693. MERC ANT:- Both Games Hers po Sag hata seryce| Creed, The Gibb, J. R. Spencer and, | Tricky Pal, Simone XXX104 9 Sasi aearteae po r tg aa wed oleae cr menrect. "clan Wiceeatins E iy $25 Consolation es Sc ee abate American League | SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $3,000, a = iq ROOM in nurse's $400 . day at 3:30 p.m. Intermen eorge's | Hee a E 4 ui pay, 7 Minden street city: close to bus stop. immediate os: motor. In excellent condition. Telephone} $150 Jackpot Game Cemetery, Oshawe. ' of . pate Mile Pace, Purse a . = = a 37 mien thee year olds and Up, TV session. Telephone 7239635 between 41660-4695, ' P ;Phi tb ce tn $90 320 2.90 obinson, o2 Cosmic. Grey, Dittfach 107 > - eae "apartment, and 7. PRIVATE -- 1966 Chevelle convertible, This Space 20 REGULAR |s-bect ' irk } 3.60 er Kline, Det 235 51 77 .328|Johnny's Form, Grubb A-x121 erator, stove, electrie FURNISHED ro room. for one gentleman. |six-cylinder, automatic. Excellent oma GAMES AT $20. LOCKE'S FLORISTS Amber Chie ti "lies C Min 284 40 89 .313|Cambridge, Fitzsimmons. 113 t. 5, 123 Annes, after 5. Included. Pri entrance|tion inside and out. Driven few . 5 Ga | D Started: Royal Alex, ene arew, Little Bullfrog, Grubb A-X110 droom apartments. One aa" poe Parking 'aciities, 728-|months. Telephone 725-1711; after' Y p.m. Is Avai apie Last mes Funeral arrangements and 'ona and Sparky Express Yastrz'ski, Bsn 272 47 85 "313 | Gauchesco, Kelly X121 se coy ts idee ast 109. fennel ha : $30. per Game floral arrangements for all | | Hensence 9,009. Hane ly. Conigliaro, Bsn 214 36 65 .304 lander Wane nh orc Rone 3) FURNISHED bed.sitting | room. | Fiee|i9é2. PONTIAC, V-8, 'stick, radio, "new : ' i f oS i Apartment | 2, daytime. Hergglet Oi Telerhone sae ote Mees Gato ce te wee For Your Early Bird 7:45 Sharp occasions. os | eebslidenn: wok Runs--Tovar,. Minnesota, 55; (erours a ee ee eee : apply 231 Palace Street, Whi ee eB: eee ees eee Messa $25 full card ciety PING | F. Robinson, 'Kaline, 54. (3,000), four year olds and up, foaled bedroom apartment, re- ral , furnish- ED PARTS, tires, wheels, radi- . Bebe z ae ee * st in -- Killebrew,} in aids: 1 1-16 miles (10) and electric heat. Tele. EY eee = Nore ra ALL USED P tok trallies. Goran. ae ge Guaranteed $5 a line 728.6555 A LASTING TRIBUTE = | STRATFORD (CP)-- A ban-| Runs witet ee ae 'ie Pan, No Boy 118 efore 8 Pm. parking. Superior accommodation for |Bloor Street East, 723-2281. TUESDAY : at _| For Permanence and dignity | tam soccer team from Stratford, Minnesota, 6 7 F. gg, | Those Who Walt, McComb 118 mfort, two-bedroom base- bitrate in residential area. Telephone SAVE DOLLARS! Several good used ! | we suggest | England, defeated London, Ont.,| Hits--Tovar, 91; Carew, [Firelight, Barroby 113 in modern five-plex, 725-0145. cars, "SS's and up. | Trades "accepted. A Courteous Admission 50c | STAFFORD | MOUNT LAWN \Chelsea Rangers bantam team| Doubles--Tovar, 20; Campa- Market Tritone, Bocroey: 116 'only. 72835810 BEDROOM min apartment, ail facie, La ot BROTHERS LTD. | MEMORIAL PARK |3-2 Thursday in an exhibition /neris, Kansas -City, 17. Now || Wonder, Turcotte 118 - aoe as " i s H } Artista, Bell X1 Comfortable and central St, West, Apartment 1, or 725-4891. | 5° --Sowsiac Pari Ad-Writer | Authorized Dealers | BRONZE MEMORIALS jmatch. The 15 English lads) Triples -- Monday, Kansas|Artista, Bell Xin unfornished | apartment CLOSE to hospital, fully furnished, =pot-|all power, M00 HP. Foursspeed." Picker: es Ww. t Ad D 4 | ROCK OF AGES | For courteous advice please | were invited' by Stratford as a|City, €; Buford, Chicago, § _ |Ssiy austen Gon cum n. Shared bath with one Tess, bright two lrge st with stove ling 942306 pe Ste Will Help ant- Ss Von FAMILY MONUMENTS visit the Pork Office centennial project to come to| Home runs--Killebrew, 22; F. Bens aAe 5 ae ce i let hol "11961 CORVAIR automa' yr =| : ~ '00m apartment, all con- Wie now." Parking "7251 1789 jake aa ronal ng coniion wi t P | 318 Dundas St. E. 668-3552 723-2633 |Canada and play in the iocal/ a F. Howard, Washing- | ibs . Aa a @ ccept one child. 871 Si -------------- C --T s : in. ost Time 2 p.m A phone 725-6343 days, 728. NEED LIVING QUARTERS? Read Real Jgonelder trade, Telephone "6762451 attr You. OS ey Fa Whitby, Ont, league . 4 ) :

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