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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jul 1967, p. 22

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, July 8, 1967 son, Dale Reid, John Game, Westmount School Awards si, es Presented At Graduation Honor pupils in kindergarten|Johnson, Theresa Syska, Chris to grade six at Westmount pub-|tine lic school received awards at the school's graduating exer- cises recently. Pupils who received an aver- age of 90 per cent or over in 'grade six are Monica Bauer, Garth Cameron, Caroline Dou- cette, Stewart Adams and Ralph Maitland. Honor pupils in grade five are: Susan Hall, Deborah Hol- brook, Dave Boneham, Kerry Si Leigh Henderson, Bob|Stewart, Stephen Garrow, Rick ; I ' y Starzynski, Nagy, deanae Skelton and Chris-|Moffatt, Joe Williamson, "allen! Grades 4 and 3 -- Lorraine| Yvonne Hickey, Charlene Rom- tine Rumpel Wright, Ken Ogilvie, Kerry Chapelle, Michael Stovin, Samjanuk, Sharon Logan, Monica Grade four bar winners are:|Kirby, Dave Boneham, Rick|Karabat Pamela DeMille,|Bauer, Rick Moffatt, Kerry sheers Dickson, Sherry Bow- Foster. Susanna Schuldt, Sharon Mitch-|Kirby, Chery] Huntingford, a. boson Bauer, Elaine! 'The school's soccer team tro- ell, Lloyd McDonald, Charles;Moira Mitchell, Christine Varty, Susan Vasvik, Robert/pnhy went to the best of 16 "es --Brend: on Buscpe: Tanda: Proc Bins, Fee phe n Patterson, /teams. Members of thé winning Game Ada Pepe, Lee Anne hynta Nowak. Ruby Fooae: ---- ee py a es pay Haines, Larry Hill, Diane Kar-|Chris Brooks, Bob Nagy, Judy . . oe ' m ; ey. Owens, Brenda. Johnson In grade three Cathy Deligio,!Moore, Lindsay Bell, Ralph|"™ an ' i Dianne Wright, Diane Karney|Maitland, Stewart Adams, PE esos '. ? Mosse Dubyna,/Suzanne Andersen, Leigh Hen- and Lee Anne Haines received/shawn Askew, David Peebles,|;,¢°o"c® Hodgkinson, Reganjderson, Mike Smith, Eddie awards | Eddie Cameron Bobby Bras. Hutcheson, Cindy Sinclair, Bill|Cameron, Dave __ Sargant, Nine grade two pupils earned ' t . Watson, Janet Wotten, Cathy/Debra Sargant, Robin Keip, an average of 90 per cent and over. They are: Myra Klinc, Debbie Hircock, Lynn Lumley, Victor Dubyna, Carmela Esther Gilroy Sharon Logan, Sue Anderson, Ruscoe, Judy Owens, Monica Bauer, Cindy Starzinski, Chery] Hun- tingford. Dwight Dragomatz, Ronald Kidd, Blair McMullen, Jimmy Hosey, Robert Klink, Stephen Patterson, Jim Barney, Harry Simon, Wayne Romanuk, Victor Evelyn, Nick Rybenko, Danny Clary, Barry Baumhour, John Curran, Bill Schonneville, Jeff | Grade. 1 -- Kathy Modgkin- Jimmy Cornell. Kindergarten -- Allan Bent, Garry Ganz, Ricky Goden, Tony Klimik, Dana Thomas. Westmount's school choir placed second in city-wide com- petitions. Members of the -| Grade 6 -- Jeff Haines, Cheryl|school choir are: ,|Huntingford, Rick Foster, Sue| Debbie Holbrook, Sue Hall, Graham, Caroline Doucette,| Garth Cameron. | Grades 5 and 6 -- Bob Nagy, Allen Wright, Charlene Forsey, Debra Sargant, Dave Boneham. Grade 5 -- Wendy Arbourne, Wendy Clark, Diane Hutchison, Christina Rumpel, Rychie Way- ner, Jim Bogart, Tykiana Paziuk, Jim Smithson, Levo Natoli. | Grade 4 -- Dan Sorensen,| Mary Doucette. | ton, Stephen Patterson, Bohdan Klumciew, Jamie Curran. SAFETY PATROL Safety patrol awards were Deligio, Mary Leung, Carme- linda Catulli, Linda Stovin and Joanne Young. Pupils in grade one who re- ceived bars are: Joyce Major, Donald Hutchinson, Heather Near, Paul Snyder and Gregory Mandziuk, Kindergarten winners are Karen Thompson, Susan Karnay, Loriann Ganza, Penny Eggleton, Lydia Rybenko, Caro- lyn Suige, Robert MacLeod and/Cameron, Mike Smith, Sherry|tion service held by the United|Ciation of the class. Angela Metropolyt. SPEAKING Public speaking honors at} Westmount went to: Moira presented on behalf of the Osh- awa police department to: Brenda Johnson, LT, Tom Cars- well, Carolyn Doucette, Sharon Logan, Judy Owens, Stuart Adams, Barry Baumhour, San- dra Hill, Charlene Forsey, Ricky Foster, River. Nagy, LT, Garth Cameron, Cheryl. Huntingford, Tykiana Paziuk, Leigh Henderson, Eddie Lynn Perry, Jamie Curran, |David Thompson, Rover. David Boneham, LT, Allen Wright, David Peebles, Chris- Schuldt. COUNTY LINES Darby, Jack Hodgkinson, oe Forsey, Caroline Dou- cette. Brooklin Sunday School Dawn Hore, Jamie Curran, Joyce Curran, Stewart Adams, Garth Cameron, Sue Graham, Paula Vanstone, Jeff Stewart, Esther Gilroy, Wendy Clark, Delia Cory, Christine Ruscoe, Karen Carnochan, David Thompson, Ken Ogilvie. Linda Hutchinson, Glen Dick- inson, Bobby Hodgkinson, Maureen O'Leary, Sherrie-Lynn Perry, Doug Wooldridge, John Allman, Cindy Bobby Promotion Service Held BROOKLIN (TC) The promo-|Kirkwood expressed the appre- was|_ R. Andrews presented field Church Sunday School ldny award au fall ,_ ie x 'ollows: junior largely attended. David Mundy girl, Judy Down; intermediate acted as chairman and Kathie/gir]) Wendy Ellis; senior girl, i _|tina Rumpel, Chris Brooks,|Hodson extended a welcome to/Pat Nolan; _junior boy, Will cog edly gong Ricky Moffatt, Lynn Hender-/the parents and friends. 1L.|Kennedy; intermediate boy, Andersen, Glenn Hanna, Kim|$0n, Brian Thomas, Jamie Cur-/Queen inspector of music, was aga ai senior boy, Follest, Diane Brown, John|tan, Ross Woods, Rover. ihe wenker |Ben Acton. Davis, Lindsay Bell, Elaine|Susanne Andersen, LT, Cindy : oe h The greetings of the board Varty, Ginger Siblock, Charlene|Starzynski, Wendy Clark, Others assisting in the serv-\were voiced by E. Branton Romanuk. : Corey Wilcox, Lindsay Bell,jice were Debra Moreau, Den-|who presented the chairman's Prize winners at Westmount|Yvonne Hickey, Paula Van-jnis Hollingsworth, Bradleyjaward to Paul Bradley, who i .|stone, Ricky Ruscoe, Ray- ed a oe ae mond Kopyleiw, John Doucette, Myra Carnochan, Lynn Lumley, Sofia Wauk, Delia Corey, Debbie McConnel, Sharon|Maureen O'Leary, Helmuth Mitchell, Diana Senkiu, Kim/|Schuldt. : Watson, Maureen O'Leary, Hope| Perfect attendance winners MeNutt, Delia Corey, Brenda'were: BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Assault Charge Results il Term jaccepted the offer of the Reach\at the Spruce In Five-Month Jai erm ae Area School Board) Whitby, were laid at a meeting \to turn school into a community cen-|Clyb, The club's centennial i same RS hoa Pia tre. The centre will be pain | . pelcti Malden Devich, 15 Bloor &t. ene Ave., W., appeared before Donald Dodds for sentencing on|theft from a soft an assault conviction in court|at the station. Richard G. Coop- Friday. er, 17, on 9 Julliette Cres., Tor- Devich had been remanded in|onto, was placed on one year's|¥. Canning. custody since June 19 when he|suspended sentence and proba- was convicted of assaulting the|tion of one year, also for at.) wife of his employer with such|tempted theft. violence that she required hos-/$200 FINE ital care, ' P Magistrate Dodds sentenced|St., was fined $200 and costs Devich to five months in countyjor 30 days for failing to re-|aroused much interest among| jail and obligated him to sign/main at the scene of an ac: a bond to keep the peace for|cident. | a period of one year from his) SUSPENDED |for a booth at Port Perry Fair|joo. release. Although the magis-| Magistrate Dodds suspended' trate said Devich's pre - sen-|sentence for three months on| tence report showed him to be|Dorothy Brayley, 195, Conant a good family man with no/St., charged with intoxication. | previous conviction, he decided|$100 FINE upon the jail term because he! Irvin Broad, 32, of 112% Ol-| vich's attack was "anjive Ave., pleaded guilty to ajadults attended the graduation | wednesda ticket 'prices i mas ot eacllasd vicious-|charge of having which involv-/exercises at Meadowcrest | astrodome. have Aig ei rk aR led open beer in a car. He was|School when 70 Grade 8 stu- $10 and $25. The doubleheader fined $100 and costs or 10 days.|dents were presented with the|is part of a WBA prizes and awards won during} tournament 7 A psychiatrist gave evidence|the year. Rev. Pryce, rector of heavyweight champion to suc- cheque came up for sentencing|that Robert Bruce, 203 King|St. Thomas Anglican Church,| ceed Cassius Clay, stripped of before Magistrate Dodds on Fri-|St., who had been charged with|offered the graduation prayer. |his title when he refused to be day. Brian Gibson, 885 Oxford|theft, would profit from being|G. Coates presided. ness." CHEQUE THEFT A conviction on a charge of REMANDED the theft of a GM employee's) Street, had a pre - sentence|treated in a mental hospital. report which showed that he| Magistrate Dodds remanded the presented by R. had "a long and rather a bleak|youth in custody to the Whitby/Mrs. R. Kight; record extending back to 1961.|/Hospital for 30 days for obser- Leonard G. Parrin, 204 Drew/The idea of planting shrubbe Magistrate Dodds said he had "no alternative having regard) to your record and attitude" but to sentence Gibson to a) jail term of six months. | REMANDED | What had been a charge of) the Genosha Hotel Coffee Shop turned into something far worse for. two Oshawa students when police searched the car trunk/of intoxication. Edwin F. Mul- of one of them. Lynn' E. Dudley, 22, 772 Glencarin Ave., and Allan L. Gillette, 20, of 346 Jane St., were charged with the minor offense. When Dudley tried to pass the trunk key for his car to Gillette who was being freed,| VAGRANCY | A 19 year old New Bruns- police discovered it and opened the trunk of Dudley's car. Inside they found two flags stolen from Coronation Scnool, a fire extinguisher stolen from the Rossland Arms Apartment and an 1877 tombstone stolen from the disused Ritson Road vation. IMPARED A plea of guilty to the charge of impaired driving resulted in a fine of $200 and costs or 20 days for Gary Lee Davie, 21 of 214 Centre St. N., Whitby. fraudulently obtaining food at/INTOXICATED : William Palmer, 78, no fixed address, was fined $25 and costs or 10 days on a charge jlen, 63, no fixed address, was fined $25 and costs or 15 days on the same charge. It was his third conviction this month. Jack Reid, 63, of 230 Celina St. was fined $50 and costs or 10 days on the charge. | wick youth who had been charg- jed with vagrancy received a 90 day suspended sentence. Dav- id C. Couture was to receive help from the Salvation Army to return home. Tom Albert was convicted on a charge of va- » cemetery. jgrancy when Magistrate Dodds Terrence Kelly, defense coun-|decided that the youth had no sel for the youths, stated that! visible means of support on the the boys had been drinking atjnight he was charged. He fin- the time of the offense. He cal-|ed the youth $50 and costs or led it "a bit of an escapade."|10 days on the charge. Gillette is a grade 13 student/$200 FINE and Dudley is a student at) Earl J. Strong, Lot 8, Con. Western University. Magistrate/4, RR 1, Burketon, pleaded not Dodds decided to remand the|guilty to a charge of impaired youths out of custody to July|driving but was convicted and 28 while he awaits a pre-sent-/fined $200 and costs or 20 days. ence report. The charge dated back to Feb. FOOLISH ACT 20. Three Toronto youths who had| BAIL SET engaged in what Magistrate} Two youths arrested the day Dodds called "a foolish, irres-)/before in connection with the lonsible, and spontaneous act",|theft of a wall safe from an received suspended sentences|Oshawa firm were freed on Friday morning. jbail Friday. Garry H. Welsh, Walter Battoia, 18, of 506/17, was charged with break, Harvey St., Toronto, was plac-jenter, and theft and was plac- ed on a one year suspended /ed on bail of $1000 cash or sentence and six months pro-|property. Grant F. Anderson, bation for the theft of a tvol-|272 Ritson Rd. N., was charg- Forder, Tim Lintjens, Mark/was voted the all-round stu- Thompson, Len Fauservice,|dent. Maryanne Milner was the Danny Horall, David Stocks and| valedictorian. Mrs. R. McCoy. Two five-year-| The academic awards, won olds, Timmy Dennis and Cheryl/hy Maryanne Milner and Lynda Parker, opened the gates/Hodson, were presented by through which the pupils pass-| yrs. Kight. ed. Ralph Milner read the list) The mothers of the Grade 7 of senior students. Mrs. .R.| ° .|Pupils served lunch to the par- Hunter conducted the promo ents while the graduates held tion e: ises. i itori nm exercis a dance in the auditorium. Community Hall | Sign Erected PRINCE ALBERT (TC) --| PRINCE ALBERT (TC) -- Residents of the village have/pjans for the annual banquet Villa Hotel, the vacant village|of the Good Neighbors' Service ject, a black and gold board by a board composed|hearing the wording 'Pine wie : ; C. Gra-|g. ee ham, W. Heayn, J. Heayn andlerection 1S Teady for Receive Degrees PRINCE ALBERT (TC) -- lee Luke has received his {master of education around the church grounds has|from the University of i and Bruce Martyn his bachelor jof arts degree in mathematics \from the University of Water- Plant Shrubs PRINCE ALBERT (TC) members of the United Church Women. Plans are being made o~ SET PRICES | HOUSTON (AP)-- Promoters of an Aug. 5 World Boxing As- sociation doubleheader said and a salad supper. Pupils Honored | BROOKLIN (TC) -- Some 290 elimination fo name a new |inducted into the armed serv- werelices. Ernie Terrell will meet Gatfield and|Thad Spencer and Jimmy Ellis while school/will box Leotis Martin in the pins were given out by Mrs.\two bouts. The-fights will be R. Humphreys and Mfs. D.|scheduled 12 - round bouts in- Burleigh on behalf of the Home|stead of 15 rounds as originally and School Association. Yvonne! announced Graduation diplomas WASHERS WRINGER » 125 - _ AUTOMATICS from 2 59 UP 2 YEAR UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE STARR 491 RITSON RD. S. FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 723-3343 box from a service station./ed with possession and freed Frank Diadamo, 17, 73 Living-ion $500 bail cash or property, xkKkekx Shop, then can or freeze this Summer's bounty... with supplies from EATON'S Freezer Bags Pt. size, 80 in a pkg. ..... 1.19 Qt. size, 60 in a pkg. ..... 8x3x 15", 15 in a pkg. ...... 11" x 13", 25 in a pkg. ..... 12 x 6 x 24", 7 ina pkg. ....... A 1.19 19 .69 89 (397) Home Canner A. Porcelain, enamelled steel pot; 2 sizes, complete with jar rack (at right.) To hold up to 7 1-qt. jars -- each To hold up to 8 1-qt. jars -- each 3.98 5.98 (391) EA storage. SIZES ---- 1-pt. size, each ... 1-qt. size, 3 in pkg. VY, gal. size, each . 1 gal. size, each .. Enamelled Blancher For easy preparations of fruits and vegetables before freezing. (391) . Polyethylene Containers Heavy quality, tight-fitting covers. For freezer or refrigerator Chop-o-Matic An easy and convenient way to chop up vegetables in minutes! Chops onions without tears! Plastic, with plunger action stainless steel blade. (394) VEG-O-MATIC Complete 9.95 Easy to operate. Insert whole potatoes, onions in the Veg-o-matic and with one motion they are evenly diced or sliced. Veg-o-matic slices numer- ous foods such as bulk cheese, tinned meat, cu- cumber and it's so easy to clean. Wedge cutter attachment wedges tomatoes, hard boiled eggs and more, 1 98 i) Gach... (394) Hi-Temp Carver 2.99 Surgical stainless steel blade on these carv- ing knives allow you to cut through almost everything from tomatoes to roasts with ease. Scalloped edge never rusts or dulls, never needs sharpening. (397) SPECIAL, Senne 2. EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 254 PHONE 725-7373 ae N S IN THE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE : EATON'S Telephone Order Service Open Monday through Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Thurs, & Fri, until 9 p.m.) GENRY Syl Tesstelll JULIET JONES

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