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Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jul 1967, p. 5

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a | | PARK Sniffing lem icrease IN O'HEARN --Glue - sniffing by s been growing into ngly serious prob- em has now been by the decision of urt judge that sniff- n offence under the inquency Act. s there is no law to And such control' is ded. the: logical govern- on this demand. quency Act is fed- ircotics law also is ms certain that if rnment doean' gove: 'rnment here will. Id be some question ow far it could go m to stamp out al jurisdiction has power in criminal ninal law. the time of next sion Ottawa hasn't action the govern- ill be forced to do nion simply won't esent situation. less reporters here ending out a story y - General Arthur > be retired. tory which it would »e emphatically de- round is that the tral got into a cou- rassing incidents at yhen he angeunced to bring down leg- ading stamps. This was vetoed by arts. was when in the 1) debate he made later had to sen.i- e final few days of e was not on hand al Secretary Robert cting for him and ne questions in the had been directed d the rumors. Mr. Wishart's ab- 1obody seemed to ck this at the time | by a trip to Bos- tending his son's n occasion he had ' ahead and had Mr. Robarts. By course, his busi- session had been other incidents it + the premier even d. From the time on the Water Re- nission he has had respect for Mr. S AGO ARS AGO, 11, 1947 delays due to a materials, bridges structed over the Oshawa. ion work on. the on Simcoe &t. S. y rapidly. ARS AGO, 11, 1932 air, Chairman of orkmen's Compen- was the guest ie Rotary Lunch- fi mix - up at the re Mr. F. M. Mee shawa Blvd. has ront lawn of let- HISTORICAL SOCIETY... .»» PROPOSING MUSEUM Town Urged To Help Save History WHITBY (Staff) -- The need for the preservation of pictures, newspapers and other articles, relating to the early history of the town, was stressed at Mone day night's council meeting by Duncan B. MclIntyre, who spoke for the Whitby Historical Society. He asked the town to assume the financial obligation of moy- {ng the Goldring store from Port Whitby to the grounds of the Centennial Building; make a grant of $5,500 to cover the expenses of this project; and allow the society the exclusive use of the old law library in the Centennial Building to be used as a museum, together with a vault to be used for the storage of items of particulas value. council to accept the appoint. ment. MANY ARTICLES Mr. Mcintyre said there are many articles of historic value in Whitby homes which should be preserved for the education of future generations. The his- torical society would be pleased to receive them if there was a museum in which they could be kept. He said the society had been formed to encourage research into the history of the town; to secure and preserve an accu- rate account of its progress and development; to promote public interest in the history of the area; to maintain and oper- ate a museum as a repository for Indian and pioneer relics as well as articles and written records of historical interest; Council named Coun. Donald McQuay, chairman of the prop- erty. Later in the meeting Coun, Thomas Edwards moved that D, B. 'Mcintyre . .» Save History honorary archivist to the his- torical society and that she be to preserve current articles and historical records and to pro- mote the study, practice and knowledge of any phase of his- torical and archeological re- COUN. McQuay » ++ To Investigate The society had been advised by the Centennial Building not have the exclusive use of the old law library as it was in- tended as a sitting room for events being held in the Regal Room. DONATION The new owner of the Gold- ring property, Mr. Mclntyre said, would donate the building to the society if the society would remove it. The best site was that adjoining the Centen- tial Building, between the gouth entrance and the present garage. This would not affect the parking lot, would make available the use of the Cen- tennial Building toilets and be in a well lighted area where it would not be subject to van- falism. An expenditure of $5,500 would be required to move the building to its. new site. This would include $1,700 to move the building, $1,000 for a new foundation, $2,000 for the mov- ing of hydro wires, $150 for moving telephone lines and $700 for a new roof. PICKERING (Staff) -- The Highway 401 cut-off at West Rouge has been blamed for) "causing approximately 4,000 local residents to travel eight! miles further (on the highway) to regain access to West Rouge, and creating an upset in the schedules for servicing of indus- try and commerce in the area," Pickering Township council, at its regular meeting last night, asked the minister of highways to install traffic signals at High- way 2 and Sheppard Avenue and Signals, Signs Sought For West Rouge Cut-Off %senines sux.» ome THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 11, 1967 5 linstallation will be finalized in Holiday in the township. In other matters, council: INDIANS ROUTED THEM ~--passed a bylaw authorizing) Visitors fled the first U.S. na- the sale of 11 acres of industrial| tional park in the 1870s when land to American Botany Hold-|Indians routed outsiders from ings Limited for $42,496; Yellowstone. --received a letter from the Canadian National Railways' law department advising that temporary installation of auto- matic protection at the Chester- ton Shores crossing was made on July 17 and that permanent FREE 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE By Our Lecel Service Contractors SAWDON'S place warning signs on Highway) 401 at Kingston Road to advise motorists of the situation, per- mitting them to get into the proper lane, Council asked that plans to reconstruct Highway. 401 at Kingston Road should be given FUELS FURNACE OIL -- STOVE OIL AND COAL 2A4 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-3524 SPEEDY TAXI SERVICE 668-6841 WHITBY DAY & NIGHT top priority by the department of highways. On recommendation of the fire marshall, council also re-| quested the County of Ontario} BROCK Now Plo WHITBY Program ying -- One Complete and highways department to in- jstall traffic lights at Altona --- Each Evening at 7:30 Miss Jean Beecroft be named invited to attend a meeting of search in the area. Committee, he said, it could Services Authorized For Industrial Park WHITBY (Staff)--Town coun- cil decided last night to proceed at once with peripheral services to the industrial park and the staking and light grading of internal roads in the area north of Highway 401. Totten, Sims, Hubicki and As- sociates will be asked to pre- pare plans for sanitary sewers and the Public Utility Commis- sion will be asked to have its consulting engineers, Gore and Storrie, prepare plans for the water services. Subject to the approval of the Ontario Munici- pal Board, the town will call tenders for the work. The cost \liam Morrison, the is estimated at about $370,000. While Coun. Thomas Edwards suggested the work should be tabled until after the amalga-| "Tam appalled that we should|each evening relating the daily|to help with the transportation mation question is settled, other|sit here and still talk about de-| happenings. members of council said Wil-|laying this project when we) Following his telephone con-|Trenton by the president of the industrial commissioner, felt it was hope- less to show the property to prospective industries in the condition it is. "Whether there is amalgama- tion or not this is the first indus- trial area we must move on," said Reeve George Brooks. Coun, Donald McQuay nothing had been done said to de- of the work on the 180-acre tract lices." Council To Seek Advice |. nzreue: On Noise Co WHITBY (Staff) -- Town council will seek the advice of its solicitor and the department of labor to see what action can be taken to control noise dur- ing the night at the Stokely- VanCamp plant. L. G. Bradley, 628 Centre| St. N., complained he had been seeking a solution to the noise problem for two years and had WHITBY COU WHITBY (Staff) -- An in- terim b d velop the industrial park in the} past two years. This was a mat-)| ntrol Action received no co-operation from company officials. "The company is aware of the problem. We are trying to get a reasonable approach to the firm. As an industrial con- cern it has rights in an indus- trial area, At our last meeting with officials we understood something would be done. We are due to receive further word from them," sayd Mayor D. G. Newman. NCIL BRIEFS with the recommendation of the i that the town do not report, by Coun. Thomas Edwards at Monday night's council meeting, indicates the town's finances are in good shape. To the end of June revenue totalled $2,069,- 907.03 against the 1967 estimate of $3,044,547.50; while expendi- tures during the six months amounted to $1,881,103.58. PARK HELP Council expressed its thanks to Dunlop Canada Limited for the gift of 200 loads of soil to construct a children's park in the north end of the town. BROCK TOWERS It was decided to write the| owners of the Brock Towers) undertake the sodding of ditches, LOUDSPEAKERS The purchase of two horn-type loudspeakers for works depart- ment trucks was approved. The engineer will report in two months on the efficiency of the operation. FLOAT The expenditure of approxi- mately $200 for a decorated float to be placed in the County Town Carnival parade was ap- proved, CIVIC HOLIDAY Approval was given to th declaration of Aug. 7 as Civic through to balance the town's ter which must be pushed | [through to |should be talking about putting | jin these services," he said,| "The industrial commissioner is | trying to do a job but his hands are tied." "The financial ability of the| town to finance such matters has been aired in this room during the past 10 hours," said Coun. Hugh O'Connell. 'That is} the crux of the situation. We must have the plan for the re- location of the north service |road before we can put in serv- {Road and Highway 2 is really Going Places with Venturers Reach Trenton; Canoe Trip On Schedule WHITBY (Staff) -- Parents of; with two con.panies to transport Venturers have daily news of|the canoes and Venturers to their boys from: advisor Ben/|Trenton. A Whitby resident, Pat LaHaye, who phones his wife|Lynch, also drove to Buckhorn The Venturers were met in versation, parents are contacted | Chamber of Commerce, Jack and given the daily news. | Wilson who offered a camp site The first call, Saturday at|for the boys. They paraded 5:30 p.m. was from Lindsay, | through the town, were pre- when nearly 28 miles of the|Sented with passes for a local Venturers' 475-mile canoe trip theatre, an ice cream truck was to Expo 67 was completed. at the camp site giving treats So far so good, said Mr, La-|2%d Mr. Wilson stored all the Haye, no mishap, trip going|'@noes at his home. smoothly according to schedule. | The second call, Sunday at 9) p.m. was made six miles from} Buckhorn. Advisor LaHaye said: "'The boys got up at 5:30 a.m. Lots of people along the locks to encourage the Ven- FREE Estimates, Reesonable Rates, Repair Specialist. Harold Slichter. "These services will also serve the east side of Hopkins Street and will make the southern end of the east side of the street available for de- velopment," Convey Land | WHITBY (Staff) -- In receipt of a letter from a firm of Osh- less the town is prepared to convey certain Mason Drive lands to its clients it will have no alternative except legal ac- tion, council last. night moved to inform its solicitor the lands are being used for park pur- poses and seek advice as to convey the land, | Reeve George Brooks took) strong exception to the convey- ance of the lots. He said they were worth $6,000 each, or a | total of $12,000 and as far as he |was concerned he was not giv-| Town Asked awa barristers stating that un-|Tent whether the town is forced to) turers." They stopped at noon for a light lunch and one hour rest at Bobcaygen,. Although the Ven- jturers are a little tired, they jare happy, and already well |tanned, Mr, LaHaye reported. The call from Trenton, Mon- |day evening was made at 6:30 24 Hour Service Installed Fast Dependable Radio Dispatched Plumbing Service. SERVICE MADE US, Coll 723-1191 p.m, and advisor LaHaye said See ... and Test Drive These RECOMMENDED QUALITY USED CARS These cars are thoroughly reconditioned and safe for the road, as per safety regulations, 1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA Four door sedan, finished in lustress black, red interior, automatic transmission, 8 cylinder engine, power steering, power brakes, custom radio, white wall tires, | owner, priced to sell. Lic. No. J79564, 1962 CHEVROLET BELAIR n medium blue top and snow white body, matching blue interior, equipped with power steering, automatic transmission, custom rodio, many other extras, with big six economy and performance, test drive today can be yours for only $ 0 Finished Lie, No, J74072, ..... 918 BROCK 72 BE ON TALKS CARS I McCallum in costereg Sylva Koscina Harvey Korman Domenico Modugno Tammy Grimes 'WPANAVIBION ° and METROCOLOR: BEGINS 9:15 "RIDE THE WILD With FABIAN -- Also -- SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION -- Begins 7:30 SURF" in COLOR SHELLEY FABRAES STRAWBERRIES -- STRAWBERRY FARM AUDLEY RD. lit was decided to bypass the| ----=--_--_--_____s1:»,:1:;9«; -- {rest of the canal system '"'for! | the safety of the boys and peace jof heart of parents'? as the {water was high and overflowing the dams and could be a threat to canoes caught in the cur- Arrangements were made | OFFICE 668-8841 ACCIDENT NOTICE Anyone witnessing the accident involving a mo- torcycle and car on Sun- |] day, July 2 at about 9 p.m. at the corner of Athol and Dundas in Whitby, please call 668- jf) 4296. jing that amount of money} haway. | Coun, Thomas Edwards said| convinced Messrs, | jhe was Moyle and Sefmour had acted jin good faith when they ap-! | proached council about the mat- | ter. Council had assured them | |they would be informed before | council took any action. That! FAST SERVICE REALTOR _ FOR SALE RAE R. JONES RESIDENCE 668-4003 DUPLEX -- NORTH OSHAWA Holiday. |the matter had been placed in SALARIES jthe hands of solicitors was en-| Three readings were given to\tirely contrary to council feel- Custom Tailored roperty asking that improve-|,__ AR bos e phage made to the site. Coun. lB dog : pwd oe Donald McQuay said a telegram covered by the dine Scanian' had been received stating that) ..4 in GEER Kk sokle Gt LL ings. "Mason Drive is laid out as a street but it is not used as such. We passed a bylaw not Mortgage Loans Six-roomed apartment and recreation room, Three-roomed apartment. Large deep lot, two car garage. Custom built by a local contractor with many extras such as two fireplaces, large family size kitchen with lots and lots of cup- boards, powder room, paved drive. Hot Water Oil heat. Landscaping com- R CONSTRUCTION Sustnver TAUNTON RD. ANY TIME PICK YOUR OWN BRING CONTAINERS LOWER PRICES BiG SELECTION Immediate Delivery SAVE NOW... arrangements had been com-|,,; : too long ago opening it as 0 l pleted. pleted by the principles in the|*"°S for eee employees. ree al ed Hugh | No Bonuses Brock Rpehag ? lenge cong bh MM tr i O'Connell. interests in New York for the e tra ce bylaw was | ' | provision of a mortgage to|amended to prohibit parking on | No Hidden Charges. aa erect the building. He said the|both sides of King Street and BUY YOUR final papers would be drawn up|Chestnut Street. sere are lege GORDON OSBORNE HOSPITAL GRANT Warren G. Mowat, who was| @ IMP VICTORIA and GREY Reeve George Brooks said|Tecently appointed fire chief, @ ARROW Ontario County Council at its|tendered his resignation as a e@ ALPINE TRUST H | REAL ESTATE LTD. next meeting would approve the| member of the planning board @ SIMCA H grant to the Whitby pt ge hit pol new duties | WHITBY, ONT. TORONTO WHITBY Hospital, Approval for the) é consuming. Ail With $ Year 5,000 | . ts passage of the bylaw had been|COMPLETES COURSE Mile Power Train Warranty 668-5897 364-6622 668-8826 received from the Ontario Hos-/ Council was informed that BELL'S GARAGE 218 DUNDAS ST. E. pital Services Commission, Victor H. VanLuven had 'ob-! LORNE REID WHITBY tained Grade B standing in the 668-3693 | WAY MEET QUEEN intermediate sew : MORTGAGE OFFICER NO. 2 HIGH Reeve George Brooks anders couree works op DUNDAS E. WHITBY | Coun. Donald McQuay attended} _ the ceremony in Ottawa at) which a new guidon was pre-| sented to the Ontario Regiment. | Following the ceremony they) had the honor of being pre- sented to Her Majesty Queen' Elizabeth. CONSUMER'S GAS | Council will endeavor to have its solicitor obtain information relative to the date when the town's action against the Con- sumers' Gas Co. will be heard in the Supreme Court in the fall. CONGRATULATED | Mayor D. G. Newman ex- tended council's congratulations to George Thwaites, social serv- ices administrator, on his re- ceiving a certificate from the Ryerson Institute of Tech- nology on the completion of a course in welfare administra- tion. SIDEWALKS Council approved of the con- struction of sidewalks on Atho! Street but asked the engineer tc submit a further report on thr it of such work on Annes anc | Kent Streets, Council concurred on Powell Road. This six room brick home with three bedrooms, a separate dining room, large family kitchen and 24' living room, attached garage and a lot 99' by 230'. This home is only a short walk to the K-Mart and bus service. BEAUTIFUL RANCHER HOLIDAY SPECIALS IMPALA HARDTOPS BELAIR SEDANS ALL REDUCED FOR THIS SALE G.MA.C. TERMS } j 300 Dundas St. E; Whitby |

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