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Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jul 1967, p. 8

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DONALD DUCK | | WiLL YOU SIGN~ YOUR ALITOGRAPH FOR US, UNCA LUDWIG? I CAN'T~ Tt LosT. my} : (¢ a sy WHO 1S THIS LUDWIG VON DRAKE WHO SIGNED YOUR REPORT CARDS? ONE = «,(OF OUR 4 PONTIACS LOW PRICES BUZ SAWYER MERELY FAINTED, © King Features Syndicate, lnc, 1967. World rights BUT DOKTOR KARL OULD VANT ME 70, HE 15S HER FIANCE, JANE ARDEN Ell But MAMMY--WHAT ABOUT THAT CRATE? -- AX ISTH FUST HOOMIN BEAN TO EVAH SEE. A EMERGIN' THE CLIFF MILLS sila j > U SECRET AGENT X9 p: BEAUMONTS CoN S am UMMER SELL OUT HES TAKEN FRED GORDON'S WIFE HOSTAGE, THE OSHAWA TIMES,' Tuesday, July 11, 1967 BRIDGE By B, JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play): South dealer. Neither side vulnerable, © NORTH 9853 31084 'The bidding: South West North East 1¢ Pass 19 Pass INT Pass 3NT ry Opening lead--six of spades. There is a certain amount of bold required from time 'o vik THE SYNDIC cit TO WOULDN'T SEND ITS TOP HATCHET MEN JUST TO MOURN AN > OLD FRIEND... ATE NY VAUXHALLS ...AND THAT GIRL SEEMS TO BE. 4 apt ATTRACTING THEIR ATTENTION, Tag i ACCORDING TO OUR FILES,FA\ HAD A DAUGHTER. S$ LTD. ASSU SHE'S ACE THE QUESTION | 1S--WHAT DO SOUTHSIDE WANT WITH MING. THE ONE, \ AND time in the play of the cards. It happens fairly often that » play which superficially ap- pears to be hazardous turns out, upon inspection, to be nothing more nor less than a completely logical play." . For example, take this hand where West had to defend well to beat the contract. He led a spade and declarer won East's jack with the queen. South could count eight win- ners at this point and his only possible source for a ninth tric was in hearts. So he cashe the A-K, hoping the queen would drop. When it didn't, he entered dummy with a dia- mond and led the jack of hearts, losing to the. queen. West thereupon led the king of clubs! When East followed with the three (the highest card he could spare to. signal for a continuation), West led G.M.A.C. FINANCING HIGH TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE 1'0 LIKE TO BORROW A HAMMBR, NAILS, GOME BOARDS @ King Fenteres Syadicain, lan. 167" 'World rights room red. Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel 2--Butfale 3--Barrie 4--Buffalo é--Toeronto 7--Butfalo * Channel &--Rochester Channel 9%--Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton Channel 12--Peterborough TUESDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M, 12--Cartoons Vi--Family Theatre 7. ig! y Patrol JULIET JONES MICKEY MOUSE I KNOW LOTS ABOUT FLOWERS, 6--Sunshine Canada Hobo MUGGS AND SKEETER GRANDMA, WON'T THUMP ME WITH HER BROOM WHEN I HAND HER A FISTFUL OF BILLS TODAY fh ing Fescsme Sy npate tae 067 ell chen nerve THIS IS NOT THE TIME OF 24 Day FOR You To SiT INSIDE WATCHING TELEVISION ... sserred @ King Faron Syndicate, ae, 1069. Poa sights 2--Littlest 5:30 P.M. @--McHate's Navy 7--News, 6--Film Feature 3--Trailmaster Lands and Seas 6:00 P.M, @--How's Business 7--Movie 4--Reach for the Top 412--News, Sports, Weatner 6:30 P.M, 12--Star Route Ni--Pierre Berton jews; Weather; Sports 8--Huntley, Brinkley jews 2--News, Weather Sports 7:00 P.M. 1i--Lost in Space 9--F Troop 4--Honeymooners 2-3-6-8-12--All - ball Game 7:30 P.M, %--Star Trek 7--Combat 4--Daktari 8:00 P.M. W--Daktari * 8:30 P.M, 4--Spotlight 9:00 P.M. 1--Occasional Wite 9:3 P.M. . 1--Merv Griffin 4--Petticoat Junction 10:00 P.M, 4--CBS News Special 3-6-12--Expo this week 28--NBC News Special 10:30 P.M. 4--Mayor Reports 3-6-12--Disordered Mind 8-6-12--Inside Quebec 11:00 P.M. 12-4-2-8-3-6-11-9--News. Weather and Sports 12-4-2-3-6-11--News 8--News Weather Sports 9--News 14:20 P.M, --Viewpoint 14:25 P.M, V--Plerre Berton é--News, Weather, Sports 4--Greatest Headlines le 2-4--Johnny Carson 11:35 P.M, 3--Plerre Berton 11:40 P.M, 9--This is Expo 11:45 P.M, 12--Movie 6--Movie 12:00 P.M, i--Mystery Theatre 12:10 A.M, 9--NMovie WEDNESDAY 8:00 A.M. 4--Captain Kangaroo 8:30 A.M. 9--University of The Air 8:55 A.M, | %--Dialing for Doliars, Virginia Graham 9:00 A.M. N--Ed Allen Time Star Base. | 9--Romper Room 8--Biography 4--Forest Rangers 3:20 P.M, ¥--News, Weather, Sports | 2--Topper 9:30 A.M, ll--Hawkeye 4--Love of Life 9--Uncle Bobby 8--Gloria 2--sack La Lenne 10:00 A.M. 1i--Little People 8-2--Snap Judgment. '--Candid Camere 10:30 A.M, 11--Expo People 9--Cartoon Playhouse &-2--Concentration 7--Dateline: Hollywood (Beverly Hillbillies 11:00 A.M, 'Ti--It'¢ a Match 9--Fractured Phrases 24--Personality 7--Supermarket Sweep 4--Anay Griffith 11:30 A.M. 1--Bonnie Prudden 9--Fiying Doctor 7--Family Game | 4-Dick Van Dyke | 3-Ed Allen Time 2-4--Hollywood Squares 12 NOON , 9--Toronto Today 3-6--Luncheon Date 4--News, Weather, Sports 2-8--Jeopardy 12:30 P.M, 3-12--News; Weather; rts | port: 8--Eye Guess 6-4--Search tor Temerrew Merv. Griffin 12:45 P.M, 64--@viding Light 1:00 P.M, ther age Confidential ov! &--Dialing for Dollars, Virginia Graham J--Fugitive 3-12-6--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers 1:30 P.M, N--Movie 64--As The World Turns 8--Let's Make A Deal 2--Matches and Mates 2:00 P.M. 12--Ed Alien Time ?--Newlywed Game 4--Password 6--Let's Talk Music 8-2--Days of Our Lives 2:30 P.M. 12--Summer Scene %--People in Contiier &-2--The Decters 7--Dream Girl 6--Coronation Street 3-6-12--Queen Elizabeth 4--House Party 3:00 P.M, 9--Words and Musi¢ 8-2--Another World | 7--General Hospital | 4--To Tell the Truth |9-6-12-- Take 30 3:25 P.M, (News 3:30 P.M. 1i--Mike Douglas 9--Iit's Your Move 2-8--You Don't Say 7--Superman Show 4--Edge of Night 4:00 P.M, N--Super Comics 9--1 Love Lucy 8--The Match Game 3-6-12--Royal Salute 4--Secret Storm 2--Mike Douglas Movie ~ ACROSS CROSSWORD SUMMER HOURS: MON. TO THURS. 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. FRI. 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. SAT. 8 A.M. TO 1 P.M. TELEVISION LOG HUBERT It GIVE US A HAND WITH THE GROCERIES, WILL YOU, DEAR P Features Syniieata, toe 1967. World sights rmeefved. ther club. East cashed his clubs and the result was that South went down two. West's club shift has all the appearanee of being a lucky shot in the dark, but, actualty, the play was. well reasoned. South had already shown up with the A-Q of spades and A-K of hearts -- 13 points -- at the point when West made the startling lead of the. king. of clubs. West knew further that de- clarer could not have the ace of clubs, since that would bring his count to 17 points -- impos- sible in the light of South's minimum bidding. And, most important of all, West knew that South had nine running tricks (two spades, three hearts and four diamonds) un- less the defence could grab five tricks first. i. To make the. "safe", apse of the king of spades 'was there- fore out of the question, since this would amount to a con- cession of the contract. West's OH,DARN! WE FORGOT TO PUT THE SIGN BACK SIDEWALK! YOUR HEALTH Breast Feeding Dear Dr. Molner: I am ex- pecting my first baby soon and thinking about breast feeding, but am deeply concerned about one thing: , What does a mother do when she has to go out someplace where she can't take the baby with her? Is it possible to bottle feed at such a time? My husband doesn't like the idea of breast feeding because he says it's too inconvenient. My mother said they don't breast feed any more like they did years ago.--Mrs. M. B. And just where might you be going that you could give the baby a bottle but couldn't breast feed him? If you are at a friend's house for some hours, the baby ought to be off in another room by himself anyway for nap time, so I see no reason why feeding ishould be any problem. Breast feeding, while doubt- less not as common as it used to be, is still beneficial for both emotional and physical health. You can tell your mother for me that they still do it. You can tell your husband I'm sorry that he thinks it's too inconven- ient for him. And I don't think you'll have any success trying to mix breast and bottle. The baby will soon be all on bottle that way. Dear Dr. Molner: Can _ in- grown toenails, if not infected, be dangerous? I have one which hurts depending on which shoes I wear. The doctor told me to soak the foot every day in plain water. Will this help it? Is there, 2. Tahitian ~~ 20, Prop] 1. Popular national aa drink god 24, Dias 7. Priest 3. Preposition lectal 11,Wandering 4. Music nega- 12. Fly aloft note tive 13. Also 5.Empower 25. Enemy 14, Exclama- 6. Moral 27. Wound tion Philosophy mark 15. Sumatra, 7. Moving 28. Orange squirrel about pekoe shrew 8. Ruth's 30. Cebine 16.R di: hush: a for war 9.Poisonous 31. Buy 19. Before; fruit securities as prefix 10. Expunge 32, Black, wool 1, Open 17. Those not sulphur 38, Keep sore in office alloy 42. Pronoun 22. Exist 18. Allow 33.Fragrance 43. Fuss 23.Competi- 19, Edible 34, Hawaiian 46. Argent: = -- tuber chants sym. Wen of i 6 7 16 P io Baty 27. Classify, 3 - as fruit 29. Compass ks 1) bi point 80. Genuine Y oF oo 19 [20 77a Wa 35. Arabic Fry ry Wes 36. Teleph a parts 26 27 28 . Spoken. 40. City train eae it . Excl: tion m1 ae 4 yy* 44. Mountain ers Evy pool 4&. 4T. Affixes GYimiliZ 48. Bullfighter faz on foot DOWN ey 2. Feline any ch it could be re- moved?--Mrs. L. D. Infections is always the haz-| Presents No Problems By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Babies even slight pressure: can break thé skin and lead to infection. Such nails can be removed if necessary, but if there is a good prospect of getting the nail to grow out properly by simpler means, that usually is tried. first. Soaking helps. Many times tiny tufts of cotton can be tucked under the nail to guide it out into its proper course. After it grows out, the nail should be cut straight across, not curved. Depending on the shape of the nail, it may be necessary to remove part of the ail. 4 Dear Dr. Molner: It seems that my metabolism has been geared or programmed to my detriment. I suffer from mild lethargy in the morning hours and this becomes a serious bur- den in the afternoon. However, my energy picks up at about 6 p.m. and is at its peak at about 9. Then I have a difficult time getting to sleep and I wake at 6:30 the next morning feeling very fatigued. I am a teacher. What can I do to remedy this trouble?--J.M.B. You may be correct in inter- preting this as a metabolic problem, but you do not men- tion seeing a physician. You could well have markedly decreased thyroid activity, which can be corrected readily. There may also be an element of low blood sugar (hypogly- cemia) which can be effectively treated by appropriate diet. My suggestion is to have your phys- ician check out these possibili- ties. Dear Dr. Moliner: Is a small amount of blood occasionally only ct was to lead the king of clubs and hope to- find partner with enough club strength to defeat the contract. Churchill's Boer War Captor Dies KRUGERSDORP, South: Af- rica (AP)--Adolf johannes de la Rey, who captured young Winston Churchill during: the Boer War, died here today. He was 91. De la Rey suffered a stroke Friday on the farm where he was born. : Of his capture of Churchill, then a correspondent, he once e said: '"'My finger was on the trigger and I was ready to shoot, but the Englishman re- alized that he was trapped and his hands went up slowly. "He said, "I am Churchill." I did not know who he was.and I was not interested. To. me- he was just another Englishman. They were our enemies and 1 hated them all." Churchill later escaped from a prison camp in Pretoria and got to neighboring Portuguese Mozambique, on the East Afri- can coast. Hees Injured On Expo Visit TORONTO (CP) -- George Hees, a candidate for the fed- eral Progressive Conservative leadership, suffered back and knee injuries Saturday when he was struck by a small delivery truck while visiting Expo. 67 at Montreal. iyi "T was talking with a friend on one of the boulevards when the truck wheeled up and ran into me," Mr. Hees said today. Mr. Hees spent the weekend at his Toronto home, 'moving about on crutches, but said he expects to be able to get around with a stick by Tuesday. es Later this week, the former federal minister of trade: and commerce, plans to begin a grass-roots tour of Ontario and Quebec to meet with PC riding officials and other party: sup- porters in the two province3, also have a blood taste in my mouth. My health is good except for being tired 90 per cent of the time.--A. R. : Blood coming from all three places means something is wrong. In fact, blood from any one of them is sufficient' warn- ing to be examined and find out why. The symptom of fatigue ard of this kind of nail, and the | nail may be so shaped that coming from nose, ear and mouth a serious. condition? I alone is enough to warrant in- vestigation. Offi Retr A decision to | tect to prepare pl retraining centre was delayed last several' board of e tees feared the bo stuck with an esti architect's fee. The board rece! E. L. Kerrid tario Manpower re gram giving the t sion to hire an arc pare plans for a But, trustees h quested the hiring tect to further inve: centre. In discussing Mi letter, trustees de premature, since | arrangements betw eral and province City, Di Will Vi: Twenty - four ' @rea students will of salt sea air whe Grand Falls, News tween July 15 and . A highlight of an excursion t village in the area afternoon at the be House C Art Subj Twenty Canadian lerpret the beauty o hold chair in 'Chair ations," which will t at the Art Gallery starting today. Each artist gives of a chair in the « pared by the Ontaric Artists. _ The June showing and area artists | 1,000 visitors to the i eg ned Street § e gallery is ope Thursday and Frida 5.30 p.m, and 10 p. Sunday, Wednesday day from 2 p.m. to mission is free. GOVERN City The departm has tentatively Oshawa munic buy the federe awa airport for manager Georg Said today. The deal ha works for about given final con: title Oshawa to stantial federal local _cirports' fund. Mr. Slocombe cause the airpor the federal lan year (a grant in

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