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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Jul 1967, p. 21

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RY HAM SALAD 4 oked ham cut in %%4- ubes yoked peas yn minced onion ms chopped pickle ons chopped green dressing the ingredients to- itly and chill for one low the flavor to de- ange a scoop of the | lettuce cup on the TORONTO will phases of hair- it certificate of 15, 1967 ON CALL (A day 9 a.m. that 'many emendous. difference. sses 99 99 99 99 4.99 UITS he lot. 4 OFF ; ouses 242. ishers f styles by better PUSHERS ces, Sizes 2- School dress and iu Blouses, Skirts, Etc., Etc, » selection ns -- ng Charges California Court Drops Charges|---- "fee CPP awvagey THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 12,1967 2] all because there was not Against Famous Ballet Dancers enough evidence to determine who among the 18 possessed the SAN FRANCISCO (AP)--Thejrested at a noisy party in a|™arijuana or was contributing charges that jailed Dame Mar-|shabby flat near Golden Gate|'® disturbance of the peace. got Fonteyn and Rudolf Nur-|Park had been charged with dis-| The decision to drop all eyev, famous ballet partners,|turbing the peace and visiting a|Charges, Whisman said, "has for five hours after a tour of|place where marijouana was|nothing to do with the identity Hippieville, were dropped Tues-| used. day. The British Royal Ballet Com- of any of the persons arrested." Frederick J. Whisman, assis-| "I feel there was reasonable tant district attorney, said the| cause for the arrests," Whisman "I'm not talking to anyone," Dame Margot said through her closed hotel room door when reporters asked her comment on dismissal of the charges. Nureyev would not acknow- ledge questions shouted through his closed hotel room door. The maximu _ penalty on each of the misdemeanor BRYAN PLANCKE + « » College Hill Hong Kong Officials Ponder iii) ts.s tr ait Be 'Mao tse-tung's Part In Riots By JOSEPH MacSWEEN Canadian Press Staff Writer | Kong with a minimum of effort.|which it has contracted, plus|'! and 80. and can be used against Hot,|has delivered all the water for |g eight women, were between|tridges and send them to Wis-| pany stars and 16 others ar-|charges were dropped against! declared. charges is six months in jail. "INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE' Continue Your Education This Year and Increase Your Earning Power For All of Your Business Life ERIC PANTERMOELLER SHARON NEUMAN ...E. A. Lovell School . South Simcoe ELDERLY IN TROUBLE PHEASANTS IMPORTED | D HH AM WINNIPEG (CP)--There are) REGINA (CP)--Live pheas- ANNE CAMOZZ1 . + + Beau Valley RON WOJTYK . Cedardale | this city with a penchant for|wildlife branch of the Saskat- the shadier side of life. Of the}chewan natural resources de- 8,961 people arrested by city po-|partment and released in hunt- lice in 1966, three were over 80|ing areas. In return the prov-| |years of age. Another 61, includ-|ince will trap Hungarian par-| consin next winter. Among Mao Tse-tung's many | sayings is one succinct homily ' about Hong Kong. It is to the ' effect that China's Communist . party chief needs to make only 'one telephone call to oust the ' British from Hong Kong. With Hong Kong's troubles 'again taking a turn for the , worse, the inevitable question arises: Has Mao, at last, picked * up the phone? British officials say they do * not think that he has, although , aspects of the new incidents are » ominously different from those of earlier riots and demonstra- tions. The killing of five policemen , at the border Saturday, partic- ularly, was a reminder that the . Chinese tiger's teeth are sharp But there are signs that Pe- king is fully occupied in trying to control the cultural revolution that has uprooted so many so much damage on China's economy. CHINA NEEDS OUTLET This hardly seems the time for Mao to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs -- Hong Kong supplies China with £250,- 000,000 ($750,000,000) or more in much-needed foreign exchange each year. Officials also profess to be not overly disturbed that Chinese authorities have failed to reply to Hong Kong's request for ad- ditional water, They emphasized that China Metro Building Strike End Announced by Government TORONTO (CP) -- A settle- » ment has been reached between the Toronto Construction Asso- ciation and Local 506 of the La- borers International Union, W. | H. Dickie, director of concilia- tion services of the department of labor, announced Tuesday. Settlement terms will be re- ferred to the membership for The association's general manager, Norman Fraser, said the seven contractors will ap- pear before TCA directors July 26 "to show cause why they should not be expelled." Expulsion would mean many firms would be denied a num ber of services offered by the TCA and could affect their in- young Communists and inflicted 1 }cal Communists have sought to |exploit. But generally it appears | some additional supplies. There was no indication Peking would refuse to renew the water agree- ment on the regular date, Oct. Hong Kong, meanwhile, could get along with water rationi Norm Fisher's Meat Market 22 Simcoe St. N. Phone 723-3732 which would not be any more severe than was imposed by natural drought causes in 1963- 64. Rainfall at Hong Kong was only one-half of the annual av- erage so far this year, and drought conditions probably pre- | vailed in some South China| areas as well as Hong Kong. CUTTING BACK WATER The colony's residents have been restricted to a four-hour water supply every other day. After Thursday, it will be four! hours every fourth day. Anyway, the water cutoff has | done nothing to endear Peking to Hong Kong's 3,600,000 inhabi-| tants. | The British government is} well aware of the economic and | political grievances that the lo- that Mao's supporters have not made the broad impact they ex- pected, | Agitators have turned away | from their previous policy of | merely fomenting labor unrest. | British and American sailors in Hong Kong have frequently been denounced by radio from Peking, but now, for the first time, they have been molested. BY THE BOLOGNA '< 3.1.00 CHICKEN WINGS 3.:1.00 Skinless WIENERS 3.1 00 BREAKFAST BACON 1 tb. Thrifty Pkg. i 49° HAMBURG PATTIES 5 Lb. Poly Beg SHOULDER Pork Chops 2 ws. 5] Minced Chuck STEAK us. 65¢ PORK RIBLETS uw. 39 RIB STEAKS 79c¢/\b. BLADE STEAKS 69c¢/\b. @ FREEZER SPECIALS @ BEEF HOGS @ CUT AND WRAPPED FREE @ HIND QUARTERS FRONT QUARTERS ..... 1 Ya OR WHOLE | Is accepting applications for enrolment from people interested in equipping them- | selves for good jobs in business and industry. Courses In Technology, Mechanical Drafting, Electronics Business Secretarial, Accounting, Marketing, Computer Science And Business Administration Will Commence This September. Further Information, Brochures And Application Forms Can Be Obtained From: -- The Registrar, Durham College, 304, Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontorio. 64 SIMCOE ST. N. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Franklin's of Oshawa summer (Clearance 9 AM. THURSDAY -- JULY 13th ' and industrial projects in Met- ' by the strike. * members of Local 183 of the La- borers Union returned to heavy : lished in the current issue of - the Canadian Medical Associa- ' tion Journal proposed that "to- ratification as soon as possible,|terests, a TCA official said. Details of the proposed agree- ment were not released. About 500 construction work- ers employed on commercial 7! ropolitan Toronto were affected 'The tirst settlement in the six- week construction paralysis was reached Sunday when 3,000 construction on subways, sew- ers, roads and bridges. ACCORD INCOMPLETE Agreements still must be worked out for about 1,000 ready-mix concrete workers represented by Local 230, Inter- national Teamsters Union, and several hundred iron workers, members of the International Association of Bridge, Struc- tural and Ornamental Iron Workers. | Earlier Tuesday the Toronto | Construction Association sus- pended membership of seven contractors accused of signing labor agreements during the current strikes and lockouts. Heart First - Aid Should Be Taught TORONTO (CP) -- Represent- atives of 10 Canadian medical and social service organizations have recommended that se- lected groups of the public be trained in life-saving techniques for heart-attack victims. A report by a committee pub- | } | tal cardiopulmonary resuscita- tion" be taught initially to doc- ' tors, nurses, dentists and other para-medical personnel and spe- ' cially - trained rescue squads - such as firemen and ambulance attendants. ' 'The course would include ex- ternal heart massage and mouth-to- mouth or mouth-to- nose artificial respiration. The committee also proposed "carefully constructed pilot studies" among selected groups of the public to determine the suitability of a standard in- structional program for the "Jay * population." ISSUES CAUTION However, it cautioned against heart-massage techniques being ' taught "indiscriminately to the general public." : Signatories to the report in- * cluded .the Canadian Heart Foundation, the Canadian An- aesthetists' Society, the College : of General Practice of Canada, « the Canadian Thoracic Society, * the Canadian Amateur Swim- * ming Association, the Canadian Association for Health, Physical . Education and Recreation, the * Canadian Red Cross Society, the National Council of YMCAs, the Royal Life Saving Society of ' Canada and the St. John Am- bulance Association. 1 €HICAGO BIG PRODUCER | Chicago has 14,000 factories ' with a $6,000,000,000 annual '| payroll, New! Super Shake from Salada. Free Shaker in every package. Makes delicious frothy milkshakes every time. Franklin's of Oshawa announces their great Storewide Sale. This season's newest Spring and Summer stock . . . all tickets clearly indicate the former and present price of our choice merchandise . . . nothing has been added from other sources, for this sale. ALL REDUCED TO CLEAR ... FABULOUS SAVINGS, @ DRESSES @ COATS @ SUITS . @ KNITTED SUITS @ RAINCOATS @ SPORTSWEAR Se | ALL SALES FINAL ACMA RA NEES STRAWBERRY 10 creamy milkshakes plus free Shaker | SFR ES FLEA, @ NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS @ RAN ES Se es Franklin's of Oshawa 64 SIMCOE ST. N. FRIDAY OPEN TO 9 CHOCOLATE 10 creamy milkshakes plus free Shaker FREE SHAKER WITH EVERY PACKAGE Break-Proof Plastic Shaker [ = : with milk measuring line © and leak-proof cover. \ Salada) SALADA - SHIRRIFF » QUALITY FOODS geal a oe La eae anda

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