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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Jul 1967, p. 23

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500 ROSSLAND RD. W. OSHAWA yen Wed., Thurs., & Fri, Till 9:30 Sot. Till 1am URDAY, JULY 15th, Requirements -- KNOW S. 10 LINE' 362 ir stores vething. } again. ve have import- eir dis- thing in > Power sident's for our 12 some u, dial r. And | OR trpattttTTITITITIVIT TT TY Sit tiit ISSRERRRARERAROKRARRRRBRARBAS i I By THE CANADIAN PRESS SECURITIES DOWN Canadians bought back a net amount of $6,800,000 worth of foreign-held Canadian securities during April, barely a third of the March total, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics reported in Ottawa Tuesday. But net capi- trading in Canadian and foreign outstanding securities rose to almost $12,400,000 from $3,000,- BUSINESS BRIEFS tal outflow due to international | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 12,1967 23 two bleached paper mills, one in the northeastern U.S. and the other in the southern U.S., to be completed in early 1970. No specific locations have been de- cided. The plants will have a combined capacity of 450,000 tons annually, ON FIRST RUN The first unit train left for) Sarnia Tuesday from copper Cliff, Ont., a mining community about 300 miles north of Tor- onto, The 37-car train is carry- 000 in March, EXPANSION PLANNED International Paper Co. nounced in New York Tuesday a $190,000,000 expansion pro- gram for the next two years. President Edward B. Hinman said principal projects will be an- | $4,000,000,000 to $5,000,000,000 de- velopment program for Can- ada's north, including a north- ern transcontinental railway and a second Trans - Canada Highway, was unveiled Tuesday in a study published by Acres Research and Planning Ltd. The study, commissioned by Toronto lawyer Richard Roh- |program would serve as Can- mer, estimates the project's cost at $200,000,000 annually over a 20-to-25 year period. The proposal calls for a devel- jopment corridor stretching from | Newfoundland to Goose Bay, |across northern Quebec, through "™~)|the Ontario clay belt and into |the Athabasca Great Slave Lake-Yellowknife region. Heading westward, it would | branch out in three directions-- | south to Prince Rupert in Brit-| jish Columbia, northwest to |Whitehorse in the Yukon and|new towns be identified and that| cents, to Inuvik on the Arctic Ocean. |Moosonee and Churchill on Hud- |son Bay. The 4,000-mile corridor would vary in width from about 150 miles in northern Quebec to about 750 miles in the Peace Mr. Rohmer, speaking to an 2% to 29, after touching a rec-jinter-club meeting of Civitan! Clubs here Tuesday, said- there j\dians to develop the north. He suggested the development ada's national project for its next 100 years and help Cana- dians submerge preoccupation with ethnic and cultural divi- sorption by the U.S. | Mr. Rohmer, who will seek jthe federal Prog' ive C Development Proposal Unveiled Includes Far-North Railway TORONTO (CP)--A proposed|v ative nomination for York ling 3,700 tons of sulphuric acid \from the Copper Cliff plant of | Canadian Industries Ltd. It is j}expected to make the trip to the CIL fertilizer plant at Sarnia twice weekly, later expanding service to various Ontario and Quebec points. 1 | North, said he endorses the pro- | ject as an individual Canadian. The published report says: |"Canada's future is inseparably |linked with the development of trolling interest of York Lamb- Bank Of Western Canada Faces Death This Weekend TORONTO (CP) -- A Toronto|the Canada Gazette giving no- investment dealer who madej|tice of the winding up. Deadline several attempts to sell the con-|for the notice is this weekend, York Lambton holds a 50.2- ton Corp. in the fledgling Bank|per - cent interest in the bank of Western Canada to western|amounting to about $6,500,000, investors confirmed Tuesday the|A 180-day note for $3,000,000 is company plans to wind up the| due to be paid by York Lamb- bank unless the shares are sold|ton in September to Marc Bien- by the weekend. jvenu, Montreal financier, who B, F. Tanner, a partner in|0ught control of York Lambton Wisener Mackellar and Co., con-\2"@ its parent, British Internas firmed a report from Winnipeg, |tional Finance (Canada) in the bank's headquarters, that|March. York Lambton is planning to) wind up the bank. The report! said York Lambton will post a! notice in the July 22 issue of DOFASCO ANNOUNCEMENT Sanatorium Calls For Tenders | BRANTFORD (CP) -- The Brant Sanatorium has called tenders for a $120,000 40-bed| unit for mentally and physically! [natural resources, transporta- |tion and defence in the north. | It is a vast, undeveloped but most important area with the potential to support millions of people."* The transcontinental railway | would provide better accessibil- ity to the north and is a major requirement for redevelopment, | it says. It suggests the railway should /|@ea, run from Newfoundland to} Great Slave Lake with links to Prince Rupert, Whitehorse and| |Tukoyaktuk on the Arctic! | Ocean. | | The report recommends that a jnumber of growth centres and north up the Mackenzie River/national and provincial policies|record July 14. |be aimed at directing economic Extensions would reach up tolactivity and capital in specific |Ltd., lareas in the corridor. | Exchange Seeks | retarded children. | Plans for expansion of the 71-| | bed hospital, which have to re-| ceive government approval, call for demolition of a 15-bed ward on the site of the new self-con-| tained unit. | The new facilities, slated to} be ready by next winter, in-| clude a nursing station, bath) isolation and iis "4 areas, "DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS GS: WHETHAM |Gerry $. Whetham has been appointed Craigmont Mines Lt a., 25 Manager, Sales-Service, Dominion Foune plus 25 cents, July 28,|dries and Steel, Limited: The appointe iment was announced by W. D, Simon, |Assistant General Sales Manager. jIn his new capacity, Mr, Whetham will 10 cents, August 18, rec-|draw on his extensive experience 'in Dofasco's sales and production planning departments since joining Dofasco in 1938. He is presently o director of Madsen Red Lake Gold Mines ord July 19. M.E.P.C, Canadian Proper- ties Ltd., ordinary 5 cents, |!nstitute of Steel Construction and the : : '|Canadian Steel Industries Construction Sept. 15, record Sept. 1. Enel saat | | Cure For Fever | NEW YORK (AP)--Ralph S. |Saul, president of the American} |Stock Exchange, warned Tues-| day that "market conditions Ss} dicate a serious level of specu- \lative activity." He called on members to jadopt "'firm sales policies and) |procedures." His statement was| ithe latest of a series of moves} | sions and preoccupation with ab- the exchange has made to cool| the market's fever, It already |has imposed 100-per-cent mar- requirements on 26 stocks. FRED R. JONES. BARRASITER and SOLICITOR ANNOUNCES THAT HIS OFFICE 1S NOW LOCATED 130 KING ST. E. PHONE 728-6246 Se bet TODAY'S STOCKS TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS 10:40 Net Torun mee et ce i Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Duntatioa Ke canth st dd ly J Cons Gas 2347 $181 18% 1812 +- Ye * a: Wehr xacaeton reveled tata $.| Coronatn 100. 165 165 165 V V O or wee XG EXaividend, | xr--Ex.| Couvrel P 200 $514 St4_ 51h 'previous rls wpe change Is} Crain R © 220 $5014 50% 504 from ird-lot closing sale, sshd 1 aes we ba + 0 Va 19V4 19M e MINES Dist! Seag 200 $38% 38% 384 + Ve ' Dome Pete 7177 $60 5912 60 +1% 10:40 Net | D Electro 200 $13%% 1348 13% oe in en an tm i Cee ee cer. '8 i : . ' 7 Re bw oe te kt ee Ya] D Scotish p 25 $45 4545 By LARRY DWORKIN ations," says Alan Etchen, vice-| This meant a loss of about Aren 200 320 320 320 4 § Roe any ane ve M4 ' TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario|chairman and managing direc-| $5,000,000 a year to the commu- owes yoo 4; fg 8S 2] Emp Lite 222 $10% 10%. 10% | Sovernment is meeting the|tor of the Ontario Development|nity, which is in Mr, Mac- Ail ¢ Cop 1500 71 71 7) 44 Fata ig nis $861 a 51 ;Space age half way by develop-|Corp., which will manage the! Naughton's riding. i h 851% ate: aie a f ; ; cian a2it Ada ya 2 Fam Play 170 $36% 36¥2 3644+ ¥|1M& its first industrial park--| park. ' The province bought the site Black Bay 3000 74 m4 "yi -- |, FOS, Farm 25 210 210 210 complete with runways, The runways will accommo-|for $600,000 and is spending an- Roa ee tess Fleet Mig 1000 160 160 160 +8] The rin oe i "gee | Pigg alles ie ote A 13 +1 | Ford USA 240 $54 54 5, | @ runways were part of a/date small jet aircraft. other $600,000 to put it into Broul Reet S000. 2% 'sniq ey, 7~ 1 | Ford Cnda joo sie9 349 149 41 | Package deal the government; Mr. Etchen says the park 18|shape for industry. 274 24 27a--1 | Fraser 250 $21% 21% 21% | i i i | C Mines 1000 69 4769 4 2| Eraser oD $21 21% 2194 | got when it decided to buy the|in a good location because it is) -p, k © ses 80 build- Cemtla ia 250 $1612 16la l6la | ~ i ' @ park comprises ul Camp Chib 250 Bas ass ans re 273 $854 @5 a5 4 |former RCAF base at Centralia|close to major United States and/ ines of various sizes, ranging ¢ Tung 500 224 224 224 Gl Paper 300 sanee 42 Ma--14land turn it into an industrial) Canadian cities, good highways|trom seven of some 40,000 Sine ae. e Le 2 SL Power 1050 $28 2178 2178 oe ile, a5 oll and to shipping on Lake Erie|cquare fect each to industrial Q es ri 2 y H Nr i Gdn Nisto 9000 25 aim 25 $11 Hard Crp' A 250 Stat ak on Condon ine Otte eer of|and Lake Huron, The CNR also) and office areas of 10,000 square Sandor 4 Wa Ie 174-2! Hawker $200 340 340 | 340 jLondon in western Ontario, is|runs a line into the base. \feet or less. Chestrvile 3500 3% and y| Hays. Ona 200 $1198 1158 tise + 9) ON the fringe of the provinces ce Sia : ' Chimo te 78 8 mal tee ee 450 $21 21 2) --v/main industrial corridor. It is CLOSED LAST YEAR ; eo the gue a" ~ lorne Pi 50 345 340 345 +10 : ¢ : 7 loy 2, ersons, with a mini- Siro 28 200 280 200 HB Oil Gas 754 $17! 37% 47/4 + 14| 4180 designated as a low-income; The idea of buying the LUE bea miei Seal at $11.000,. Pgh era 24 8 rluaky ue Ws $1812 184 1844 -- ve area by the government. jacre base was initiated bY! 500 phan it ie fully operational ; z 5) 51 " i & i s i § ae" aay _ 1 | fut Ber a i S04 Sm lrace eunways will be'a big time:|vinclal treasurer, after ine fed-| within three to five years," Mr. Mogul 400. 305 BS reaming Hasar raion i ate C Merino ae a a | Tueky Dw $00 850 ° 850,650, |saver for executives who want/eral government decided to|#tchen said. © Neg ne "0300 4 3 M4 +1 | imp oil 610 $6% 6 63 It ly in to check plant oper-|close it in June, 1966. | The Centralia plan is not the Gop Fisies | 495 396 isa tae Ind Accept 250 $227" 227% 22% i smear " |first of its kind in Canada. The Cop Man B m2 ing Aotes 100 $7 7 Tm | former United States air base Coules; 278 3757-57 aval Ilnnd ean oe ghee tee . |at Stephenville, Nfld., is also b Craigmt 200 $11% 11% i%e-- a) rand Gas 800 Sliva 11% Mia + va jBt Stephenville, Ntld., 1s also be- ciao fe Si 1% y ar "gi elvan oe 165 165 5 1 jing converted into an industrial Crowpat 1000 8 8 8 eee 14 $10594 105 105% | park. D'Aragon 3000 20 20 «20 + 4%) Int Util ott a a | pr 500 b sver. at Ste , Bree) Mpa WM oh ine blew ts r . Siehsit Hikunion AEA patainee Dick: 32 i S as | oo a = gh ms | inter Stee! 800 405 400 400 -- s or 0 co in es ax \cial field, which is not the case | Donalds 1000 16 «1616S Jee oat! £20 255, 455 355 at Centralia } Dunraing 1500 6066 2 | Jertera wou) $3804 tm 8+ Ve SASRNEE RRS AES Fiwest T4000 15 Wd 15. + Val Jockey Coos rt ee Ct #)| HULL, Que. (CP)--Thirty-one|ting to collect the tax on a 45- Gat Masct eh eM i +2) Kelly DA 550 85 5 5 +20 Hull merchants who boycotted|cent screwdriver. Poulin was) STOCK MARKET Goldray 1000 70 70 70 Be ro ren Bo Sie fie. tote 's|the Quebec sales tax for two|fined $100. Three others, who/ Goldrim wh 4i¥a 4a -- Ya] Laura Sec 300 $124 "T2'4 'I2ie * 5 |weeks last month appeared injhad not advertised the boycott TORONTO (CP)--Good gains Gunnar 35 219 28 79 1] Lau E hs 00 ao'? {0'2 10% |court Tuesday and were fined| with window poster, were fined). ong western oils paced the Holler. - | Gey sara Siw Sead tal LaNy S185 $22 23 $341 -4,|fr their action. $50. In all, 43 were charged; the| market higher in a day of light Hydra Ex 210 18 1s is Pe MO BR ae ge The merchants had refused tojremainder will appear in court aging on the Toronto Stock } Int Bibis T 1200 63, 63 +8] Lowney See 4 + % collect the eight-per-cent tax be-|later. Exchange Tuesday | ave axe 2% is + 2+ 2) MB Lid 140 $28%4 2854 28% cause they said it was driving} The merchants will also have Tt ; l ee Kam Kotla 200 275 275 275 4 8'| mente § 450 $18\2 lea tela customers across the river to ; |, ae western oll index rose Kerr Add 1305 $15 {47% 14% * tee Sag mit tas a shop in Ottawa to repay the province for the/2.1§ to 186.30, down from the Kid Coper 2100 a7 m+) Met Stores 100 s2sie sane ~seslad In a test - case. judgment,|two weeks' sales tax they cacaa yi high of 186.88 earlier in --% et Stors p 100 y 1 tae : if | the y, Kirk Twne 1000 1717 17 | Molson A" 150 sane ans 39!4--™ | Avila Labelle found Oscar Pou-|to collect. : me Gey ee Lakehead, 1000 25°95 '98 yvm| (Moore | 1075 $31%4 31% 3i%44 % lin, a hardware store owner,| Judge Labelle said that after) Dome advanced 1 to aS 4, Ca- is 5 a DM) $255-- 2 ans . ; r 7\, i ba bei ee aes ae | More © pr ps + Se ie guilty of neglecting and omit-|<tudying evidence in the case) "@dian Superior 1 to 4714, Hud Macken "RS ee NB Tel 266 $15 15 «15 et ee, suaea + ies | Son's Bay 5 to 37 and Scurry- Mact. "Meh 2100 rs a 'a | New a 2 iO tine eee ih oa btapenatives he Han 72 1) rl_ G 6680 $11%4 1 it oe | , : y, ; Madsen 500 168 163 163 +8 | Nor Tar pr 7225 $21 Bi. BOND MARKET the Quebec tax was mandatory.| Western Broadcasting, a Van-|River area. 100 $10 10 10 + | - y ination' -- Tao 3m 1384 Teme] PMNS 4300 $108 134 1344 te) TORONTO (CP)-- The Cana. PRODUCE a a air eee f k 2 + x : McWat 1300 2 alo? +2 Pembina 350 $13%4 13% 1342. 1,/dian bond market was iB in 0 UC Jord 2934. err! : _ iNlips 5 $55 5. : fairly iv i y. | ' : " i igati Ar hetaht #000 "8 % 2 ee | pike ce 250 $12\0 12M ia? Bey Bone igen neces f TORONTO (CP)-- Wholesale) In industrials, Famous Play-|is a moral obligation for Cana- , 1 M a > : } ne A "7 Mia Mole ie ie es pe 86 $10 94 94 Bont' : byl ip tirergs oh to retail carton eggs average|ers rose %4 to 38% and Levy New Bid 1500 3% 3% 3i4 | Rothman 40 2% me ok | Canada bonds strengthened With | Veichted prices quoted by the|Industries 1% to 23. | New Cal 2100 24 24. 24 | Royal Bnk 856 Sign toy 3s, "|the' 44-per-cent April 1, 1968 - B t a 1 y | x a - , > T + N Harri 1000 1919 +144! SIL Corp p 1810 $90 90 909 issue closing at 99.70 bid and department of agriculture as of) Uranium issues closed the day N Hosco | 1400 194 193 194 +41 St Maurice 200 35 35 35 199 Tuesday: A large 39.3; A me-\mixed with Preston up % to W imperet 100 310 310, 310 Sco! Mis pr 26 $14 la ia |99.75 asked. dium 31.2; A small 24.3. 194 and Denison down % to Nee ti toe Sk ee Bale 10080 tase. 1336 a+ ve Long-term Canada and prov-| Eggs: Wholesale price to 7014. & New Teky 00 24% 24M eee Shell Inv w 325 $1158 114% Tite + tw incial bonds were up with the|country stations fibre cases) Speculative activity was gen- N Shell Can 257 $29.4 29 -29%m -- 14 | 444-per-cent Sept. 1, 1983, issue ted by the T to Board of lly li ri idri Novbasks" 1520 57577 shop Save 135 size fru Wey Ml pene ape Paty quoted by the Toronto Board of erally light with Midrim up 24 Normetel 200 375. 375 78 Simpsons 3 Mose wo closing at 85% bid and 85%4/\Trade from wholesale egg deal-|cents to 1.65 and PCE Explora- mpso: 139 7) * . \tj N Coldsim 1800 73 73 73 -- 4 Mew a eee ee j asked. ers: Extra large 36-37; large|tions 6 cents to 1.25. lorthgat 7850 575 565 $70 +10 | SKD Mig 200 $514 5¥4 Sa~\|. Day-to-day money traded at|34-36; medium: 26-28; small 18;| On index, industrials rose .69 North Cen 000 ae vi iy ' sie: an 260 $98 95_ 958 3% per cent. B 26-27; C 20. to 166.19 and base metals .05 to} ore Sa 2) st Racin, as suet tod Jas 4 | Treasury bills remained un-| Butter: Canadian Dairy Com-|99.93. Golds lost 1.91 to 165.81. Rain: a Ag a ae eye Stee! Can 385 $22 22 22 -- | changed with the 91 - day bills|mission tenderable carlots:| Volume was 3,779,000 shares Pato 100 470. 47 am +20 | qupesl oo 210 ie oe on {closing at 4.27 per cent and the|Buying 39 score 62; buying 40/compared with 3,027,000 traded Pex int 30340 13 13 13 +! tha CGlnv 218 $11. 10% 11 182-day bills at 4.51. score 63; selling 63. | Monday. Pee Exp 64200 135 125 133. + Thom NP 100 $31 30% 31 : : -- Pine Point 2130 $48% 48% 48% Tor Dm Bk 425 $134 134 13% Placer 300 $35¥2 35% 35% Ts A ot a kk | Preston 275 $1914 19% 19% Transair 0 $5 os Ss | Pyramid 1100 340 335 340 +20 | Tr Can PL 424 $31% 31% 31% + Wl Q Mattgm! 4850 122 114 122 +111 Tr Can Pip 150 $44 a a te Quemont 300 800 800 800 --§5 | TrCanPw 200 92 915 915 --5 Radiore np Ss 2 Trans Mt 1230 $19% 19% 19% Rio Algom 856 $35 34+ 1) Trans PPL 1150 $7% Te Th Roman 1005 $199 19 199% + Un Carbid 410 $20% 20Ve 20Ve jowan $6100 16¥2 15 15%a+ Yl Un Gas 240 $14% 14% 14% + Ve San Antonl 500 24 24 24 U Corp pr 220 $26Ya 26% 26Ve Satel 1 31 90) 31 +] U Sections 100 $5% StH Ste Ve Sherritt 700 425 420 420 +8 | Versata' 500 $7% 3 4M Sil Eureka 200 125 125 125 Venez pr = 100 240 240 240 +10 | Silvrfids 1900 430 430 430 | Mersatile WS $41 4) 4) + Ma] Svea 1000 30 30 30 -- 'he! Walk GW 2825 $35Ve 34% 35 + % Site 100 440 440 440 -- 5 | West ind 100 220 220 220 --5 sore 1000 440 440 440 +5 | West Ind A 100 390 390 390 +10 rer ce pe 575 575 --§ | W Brdcast 250 $28% 28% 287% -- Ve Feven z 39S 395 W Pacific 450 $64 6% 6%--V exm 5300 98 = 95 97 +4 | Weston A 500 $185 185% 185% | Texore 2125 264 26 2% «+ '%4| Weston B 225 819% 19% 19% Tombill 1500 102 100 101 --3 1 White Pas 100 $i8 18 18 | gees a as 56 4 ay Woodwd A 1135 $15% 15' 15%% 4 Ve = ; : Y Buffadn 3500 42 414 Aa nm eo es Un Keno 700 430. 420 430 T 11:00 a.m, 1,0234 Utd Pore 1000 8 a4 Ba + sell Uh oe | adele RE Uf Re FOREIGN TRADING Vesper ae ee | Aone 1500 145 140148 | Weal Mine 1 a te A Conk Pop at ate wie, 1 2.3. 8 Cochenour 900 140. 150-150 --§ oy 350 74 70 70 Conan 1 RS Ts Windfall 3700 27) -26'a 27 $1 en fy mo os es ae +9 I 5 5 7 oe eee ee aa ie Tech Corp 100 S15 515 SIS. +5 OILS, GAS Alminex 700 475 475 (475 MONTREAL (CP) -- About Asamera 133 470 470 470 ; i # Sort Pi at 32,000,000 items of mail are CS Pete 3000 225 225 225 handled each week by the post £ cues ia any an 4 office system in Montreal dur- x as ry " : € Gridoil 300 650 650 650 ing Expo 67, an increase of Cdn Sup @ ied $474 ae Pichi * 2,000,000 over last year's weekly Cdn Tricnt 100 875 875 = j Cent Del 1350 $13% 13% 13% volume. The operations mana-| Dynamic 0 120 118 118 +2 \ger of the Montreal post office Fargo 400 515 515 $15 ' i Sk pt AG a ae de tS |says about 300,000 pieces of Gr Plains 115 $13% 13% 13%@-+ ve| Mail are posted each week from Gt COllsds 1925 $15% 15¥2 15% + Va i fat Hellon mip 200 a9 ge" 4 [Expo itself. | Mill City 1200 138135135 | Hehe! HS. Tw tu tia | gg AICRON IB COOLER | Vv - n Numac 100 380 380 380 KELOWNA, B.C. (CP) -- A Numac wt 7400 87 87 87 : report issued by the Kelowna ey eae ay ae 'ranch of the Okanagan re- Ranger 600 270 267 2 gional library says readers' de-| Scurry Rn 2250 $3958 38% 31 Va oti i Sane 200 81 78 80 mand for fiction seems to grow | Triad Ol 200 188 188 188 in the hot summer months. | Canso 1000 325 325 325 +5 i i D cae w las ee a ae During the winter readers catch Vandoo 1400 6 6 +1 Up on their heavy reading. | Wespac 2300 14 «14 «(14 --_--------- -------- | Wstates U4 495 495 495 | W Decalta 400 288 286 26 --4 DOFASCO W Decit w 250 130 130 130 | INDUSTRIALS =| ANNOUNCEMENT» Abitibi 305 $9% 9% 9% Acklands 600 $9¥2 9% 2+ Ve Acklands p 72% $23 23 23 | Alta Gas T 173 $3858 38% 385% + Ve Alta Gas w 150 910 910 910 +58 Algo Cent 241 $8%4 75% 7% Algoma St 407 $23%4 23% 23% Alcan 10% $2958 2% 295% Anthes A 600 $2634 26Va 26Ve Anthes B 100 $262 262 26¥2 +4¥4 Argus C pr 750 $11% 1% W% Ashdwn B 500 $7%4 7% 7% Atl Sugar 2110, $1034 10% 10% Auto Elec 400 $6¥2 62 6¥2-- Ve Bank Mtl 360 $12% 12% 127%0-- Ye Bank NS 350 $14%@ 14% 1456 -- Ve Bell Phne 811 $48" 4814 4814-- Ve Bow Valy 70 $15 15 15 Bramaiea 90) $1012 10% 0A-- Ve Brazilian 252 $122 12%2 12', BA Constr $6¥2 6a 6M BA Oil 385 $38¥e 38 38 -- BC Phone 194 $67%4 673%" 6734 + % CAE Ind 1045 $10% 9% 10 + Ye Calgary P 200 $23% 23% 23V%4 | Can Cem 75 $38% 38% 38% -- Va | Can Iron p 7215 $86 86 86 | Can Malt 100 $22 22 2 + Cdn Brew 740 $7 7 7%' CB AL Aw 50 135 135 (135 ¢ Chem w 100 400 400 400 --5 C Curtiss 2000 66 65 --2 Cdn Equty 1000 305 300 300 --5 C Imp Bnk 320 $6614 66Ym 66% € Marcon! 850 $5! 5% 5%4-- Ve CPR 476 $71% 71 71 --Ve CPR pr 650 $8% Be 8% €' Pelrofin. 475 sive Vase aa | We H.. MULVENEY Cdn Tire A 750 $23% 23% 23% : C Util S pr 25 $87 8787 The appointment of W. H. Mulveney CWN G 4 pr 725 $15 1515 to Assistant Manager -- Galvanized CWN 5S'2 p 100 $19!4 19% 1914-- % Sales, Dominion Foundries and Steel, Chemcell 350 $1058 10% 105 Limited, is announced by C. E. Doering, | Clairton 500 $10% 10% 10%-- WiAssistant General Sales Manoger. | Columbia 200 480 475 480 Mr. Mulveney has held sales respon- Columbi p 165 $17 «7 «OW sibilities since joining Dofasco in 1958, Cominco 206 $30%. 30% 30% -- Y%4 | following graduation from the Univer- Con Bidg 500 140 1 140 |sity of Western Ontario. He is a re Con Paper 25 $36% 36% 3656 --- Ye presentative to the Canadian Steel Con Papr p 325 $25 25 25 + Va|Warehouse Association, EXPO BOOSTS MAIL | ATS " > > RR Die SG, SG SS SING s S HOON OOOOOOMN MO OOOO TOSOOONYMOOOOOON 'ER = = | ALL CARPETS Guaranterd AGAINST WEAR at No Extra Cost! 7 OS Daa OEY COTTA COON OU CAI SSS r SOTTO See SS When purchasing Broadloom, the two most important con- siderations are: How Long It Will Wear and What Shade. Angus-Graydon GUARANTEES your broadloom against wear, regardless of cost, and offers 1,246 shades to choose from, Buy With Confidence At... ANGUS-GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY LIMITED 282 KING ST. W, TO CHOOSE FROM 728-6254 gin. Four and one half i pay Denominations: $1,000, $5,000, $25,000, $100,000 and $1,000,000, ISSUE OF $175,000,000 GOVERNMENT OF CANADA BONDS DATED AUGUST 1, 1967 Bank of Canada is authorized by the Minister of Finance to receive subscriptions for a loan, to be issued for cash as follows: --1 year 2 month 5% bonds due October 1, 1968 Issue price: 99.50% Yielding about 5.44% to maturity Interest payable October 1 and April 1 Two months' interest nayable October 1, 1967 Denominations: $1,000, $5,000, $25,000, $100,000 and $1,000,000 and --1 year 8 month 54% bonds due April 1, 1969 Issue price: 99.90% Yielding about 5.56% to maturity Interest payable October 1 and April 1 Two months' interest payable October 1, 1967 Denominations: $1,000, $5,000, $25,000, $100,000 and $1,000,000 and | --4 year 44 month 6% bonds due December 15, 1971 | Issue price: 99.75% | Yielding about 6.06% to maturity Interest payable December 15 and June 15 hs' interest payable D ber 15, 1967 | | Bank of Canada has agreed to acquire a minimum of $50,000,000 of the new Bonds, open as to maturi! ty. | Proceeds of the offering will be used for general purposes of the Government of Canada. The new 5% Bonds due October 1, 1968 are an addition to $441,000,000 of 5°, Bonds due October 1, 1968, dated October 1, 1963 and October 1, 1964. The new 514 % Bonds due | April 1, 1969 are an addition to $280,000,000 of 51%4 % Bonds due April 1, 1969, dated April 1, 1960, October 1, 1962 and December 1, 1965. The new Bonds will be dated August 1, 1967 and will bear interest from that date. Principal and interest are payable in lawful money of Canada. Principal is payable at any Agency of Bank of Canada. Interest is payable at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank | without charge. Definitive bonds will be available on or about August 1, 1967 and thereafter in two forms: bearer form with coupons attached and fully registered form with interest payable by cheque. Bonds of both forms will be in the same denominations and fully interchangeable as to denomination and/or form without charge (subject to Government transfer requirements where applicable.) The new Bonds are authorized pursuant to an Act of the Parliament of Canada and both principal and interest are a charge on the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Canada. | Subscriptions, subject to allotment, may be made to Bank of Canada, Ottawa, through | any investment dealer eligible to act as a primary distributor or through any bank in | Canada. sv4

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