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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Jul 1967, p. 2

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Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 12, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Ham Radio Operator Picks Up Calls For Help CARACAS (CP-AP)---A Vene- zuelan doctor expressed hi thanks for the efforts of '"'the many Canadians" who helped speed a newly-developed drug here for treatment of a patient. the help," said Dr. Harry Acqua- tela, "and we hope the patient will respond to treatment in the "We do appreciate all coming week." Last Friday night, Ivan Morin, a ham-radio operator in Winni- peg, heard a call for assistance on his radio. A Venezuelan ham was putting out an urgent call by Dr. Acquatela for the drug, Imuran. Because he could not under- stand all of the message in Spanish, Morin radioed a friend in Peru who relayed the call for help from Lima to Winni- peg. After a series of further con- relayed tacts, here. the drug was Plan Naval Show VANCOUVER (CP)--A total of 5,700 sailors, representin three navies, plus seamen from merchant ships in port will take part in the 10-day fifth annual Vancouver Sea Festival which starts Saturday. The sailors will be aboard 13 naval ships from the United States, Japanese and Canadian fleets. There will b band concerts, parades, other waterfront activities. Aid For Kenya OTTAWA (CP)--A five-year Canadian aid program for for- in Kenya has entered its final stages with extension of five contracts held estry development by Canadian technical experts the external square miles of forests, timber and making recom- fire- works, a beauty pageant, boat show, water ski show, illumi- nated ships and a variety of ,|ative candidate for Riverdale aid office an- nounced Tuesday. The one-yearjeral election. extensions will allow the men to prepare an inventory of 820 in- cluding mapping the types of| eae . Britain Apologizes LONDON (AP)--Britain has apologized to the Chinese gov- ernment for violations of Chi- nese air space by British heli- copters last month, a foreign of- fice spokesman reported Tues- day night. But at the same time the British have disclaimed knowledge of a Chinese com- plaint that British planes have overflown their territory re- cently. Van Doos Approach! TIMMINS (CP) -- It's all} journey north to Moosonee. talion, are duplicating the 80-| Bay. The soldiers who left Mont- | real June 1 are on the 41st day| jof their canoe trip. The six canoes are approxi- mately 120 miles from their des- tination, with the rivers they} Barker, downstream now for 12 Van|zewitz, Doos on the last leg of their! idea. "I can't describe the The men, members of the|man because no man is ideal," Royal 22nd Regiment's ist Bat-|was her only comment. Miss Universe will be crowned day d'Iberville expedition of |Saturday night. 1686 from Montreal to James|~-- cated the Manitoba capital is also interested in obtaining the bridge. } Ideal Man MIAMI BEACH (AP)--Donna Toronto stenographer representing Canada in the Miss Universe contest, neering' men can't get to first base with her. The 20-year-old Miss Canada, a brunette with statistics of 36- 23-36, was among several Miss Universe hopefuls Tuesday on their tastes in men. Miss Germany, Fee von Zit- scoffed at the whole HE says domi- questioned ideal NEWPORT NEWS, Va. (AP) More than 3,000 striking ship- builders, massed outside the gates of Newport News Ship- building and Dry Dock Co., merged into a rioting mob early today. The crowd turned on about 30 yard. Some rioters overturned one police car, set it afire, and looted stores in a two-block area across from the shipyard. The crowd began to disperse als. One, treated for police. ing members of | policemen in front of the ship- at about 2 a.m., as five fire- trucks wheeled in to douse the blazing auto. About 20 persons were treated for minor injuries and released from four hospit- a bullet wound in his foot,-told hospital authorities he had been shot by Police refused immediate comment on the cause of the riot, which broke out as strik- the Penin- ers shift. GRIEVANCES AN ISSUE The association, which repre- on the shipyard's night workers, began Monday the yard's first general strike in its 8l-year history. It was called on grievances involving incen- tive benefits, job ratings and the suspension of three workers. The association has lodged a complaint of unfair labor prac- tices by the company with the National Labor Relations Board in Baltimore. The union also has a hearing today in the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Alexandria in its attempt to transfer legal proceedings from state to fed- eral courts. Assaults on non - striking workers, tire slashings and la sula Shipbuil rs A p jon awaited the exit of non - strik- CITY COLORS White, blue and gold are the ing room for the family court. Council adopted a recommenda- indshi shatierings outside gate plants began Monday night. Nearly 20 persons have been ar- rested. Union officials have pleaded for those marching in picket sents 15,000 of the yard's 21,500) EDT |Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake On- Striking Shipbuilders Riot WESTER FOREAS In Newport News, Virginia| Cool Tonight, Thursday | Some Showers Possible TORONTO (CP) Official forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m. Synopsis: Cooler and less hu- mid weather is sweeping south across Ontario this morning be- hind a slow - moving storm centred over James Bay. The showers and thunderstorms) which pounded most sections of Onario Tuesday now have moved east of the province. Cooler temperatures are indi- cated for tonight and Thursday. Scattered showers in the cool weather over northwestern On- tario are also likely to swing southward across the Great Lakes and visit southern On- tario Thursday. Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, westerly 10 northwesterly Thursday. but less humid today. Cooler to- night and Thursday. Winds to 20 becoming} Northern Georgian Bay, Ti- magami, Algoma regions, North Bay, Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie: Variable cloudiness and cooler today and Thursday. Scattered showers today and tonight. Winds westerly 10 to 20 today and northwesterly Thursday. Cochrane, White River, west- ern James Bay regions: Mainly cloudy and cooler today and Thursday. Scattered showers to- day. Winds northwest to north- erly 15 to 25. Montreal and Ottawa region: Cloudy with occasional showers tario, southern Georgian Bay, Haliburton, Killaloe, Windsor, London, Toronto, Hamilton: Sunny with a few cloudy periods today. Variable cloudiness and a few scattered showers Thurs- LEWIS OPTICAL Established for over 30 yeors 10% --_ Street West 725-0444 or thundershowers be- coming cloudy this afternoon|Killaloe .. 68 with clear periods and chanceé|Muskoka ... 55 68 of a shower. ae sunny| North Bay .- 55 68 with cloudy periods. Near sea- : 55 68 pramnaigg a ag ---- eager Enron ee oe atures. Winds light except gust- ing to 30 in thundershowers. ves ad gi o 4 . pea "aaa 15 to 20 in the aiite iver... is w Ferceass tease es | Timmins ... 60 | Kingston London ... Kitchener . St. Catharines Toronto ...-+- Peterborough seeee Fast Action HOUSE SALES! Call «@ Member of the OSHAWA end DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD end List Photo meals MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE vi CANADA'S LAF HEALTH SPAS OPEN SOON OSHAWA day. Little temperature change lines to 'remain law - abiding citizens and continue picketing | g|must travel all running north.|City of Oshawa's colors, and|tion that the union be advised|i 8" orderly, non - violent| blue is the centre color. This|the city council is providing ac- neta cer Oremen Senator Gets Post |was the official recommenda-|commodation in the temporary | jtion of the social services andjemployees lounge adj it to BR ga beady -- Senator} general purposes committee,/the lower floor of the city hall. fetes, nae ei! vey, former Canadian| adopted by city council in Football League commis- sioner, and Michael Hind-Smith, former vice - president of pro- e ing Ltd. of Toronto. The firm was ranked fifth among 45 Ca- nadian advertising companies| jin 1964, with $20,000,000 worth| | Of billings a year. Name Candidate | TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto school trustee Ying Hope was nominated Tuesday as Conserv- riding in the next Ontario gen- Traffic Tied Up | TORONTO (CP) -- Five per- sons were taken to hospital mendations on forest develop- Tuesday after seven collisions ment, Protect Otter VICTORIA (CP)--A_ centen- duced one of the worst traffic|'® be erected at the site of theltion of Ald, Bruce Mackey, rec-| tie-ups this year in the Tor-|'ity hall addition, giving detai construction. F. onto area. A truck apparently sideswiped a car, setting off a told of answere to the architect for the addition to the city hall who wanted the information so that gramming of the CTV network, /he could use the colors on the Monday were appointed vice-|poarding around the new con- presidents of Foster Advertis-| struction, i EMPLOYMENT During April single girls were by the National Employ- |ment Service to seek work in Toronto because there was nothing for them in the city. Ald. R. Bestwick told city council she was commenting on the employment of married wo- men by council. In reply, Con. Frank McCallum said he could }not answer for the personnel manager, but he understood his | instructions | Oshawa citizens where possible. were CITY HALL SIGN The city's board of control is; Monday Aug. 7 as a public on rainswept highway 401 pro- planning a sign with picture,| civic holiday and at the sugges- the to employ HOSPITAL REPORT births. were given and 47 casts applied. The physiotherapy department gave 570 treatments and madg 495 visits. The occupational ther- apy department handled 116 cases. CIVIC HOLIDAY City council has adopted nial project to undo the actions|chain reaction of minor acci-|S4id this at a city council meet-/ schools. of pioneer fur traders in deplet- ing the sea otter from the Brit- ish Columbia Coast will be at- tempted by the federal and provincial governments. Ken- neth Kiernan, B.C. minister of dents that had traffic backed up more than two miles. 'Sue Home - Owners MONTREAL (CP)--The city recreation and _ conservation,|0f Montreal is preparing legal) says attempts will be made this|Proceedings against 200 propri-|tario Gazette reports the grant-|the break-in found that an entry autumn to trap sea otters in|etors housing visitors to Expo|ing of letters patent of incorpo4|was made by the forcing of a Alaska waters and reintroduce|67 who have "transformed non-|ration to Ajax TV Limited and] window at the rear of the snack them to parts of the B.C. Coast,|Tesidential buildings into|Lordon Tire Sales Limited,/bar. A toolbox worth $25, a homes," Lucien Saulnier, chair-| Pickering Township. SPACE PROBLEM Accommodation for the juv- Artist Dies LONDON (Reuters) -- Brit-|$#id fices, ain's Grandma Moses, rep yp to ay. Miss Alle, whore clon London Bridge Sale patchwork pictures astonished the art world two years money to art student Bridget Poole, who "'discovered" her. | China Protests PEKING (Reuters) -- China Tuesday night protested strongly to Britain over the al- leged arrest in Hong Kong of a correspondent of the official New China news agency, the agency reported. The protest|_ man of the city's executive committee, said Tuesday. He garages, warehouses, of- , factories and hangers have been temporary lodgings. ag VICTORIA (CP)--Victoria is po: left a fortune in pictures and|"¢@dy to vie with Winnipeg and|ed other centres for the right to the buy London Bridge and put it}Em back together again. Within hours of a report from | - London that the famous bridge|D. Spanning the River Thames | LETTERS PATENT The current issue of the On-jice officers who nnvestigated the fifth floor lounge as a wait-| ing in reply to Ald, Bruce Mackey, who suggested some-! thing should be done to inform strangers coming into the city. |snack Bar on Highway 2 nerg| BREAK-IN Thieves broke into Robbie's Garrard Road Tuesday night. Whitby Ontario Provincial Pol- Three hundred and ninety patients were discharged, and 311 admitted by the Oshawa Ge- neral Hospital during the week ending July 8. There were 47 Eighty-eight major, 98 minor and 66 eye, ear, nose and throat operations were perform- ed. Three hundred and ninety} treatments and examinations) §,|/Ommended that where possibl, Crome, commissioner of works,|flags should be flown at public} \ wristwatch, and $29 from @ ci- |garette machine, were stolen. airplane/jenile and family courts in Osh- turned into/awa is abominable, said Ald. Gilbert Murdoch at a city coun- |cil meeting this week. He was speaking on the report of the social services and general pur-} se committee which contain- a protest from Local 251 of Canadian Union of Public Ployees against the use of Did You Know That | co ---- 24 Hour Tanks Service Installed Fast Dependable Radio Dispatched PI i Service, bin: SERVICE MADE US, Cell 723-1191 5-Year , Guaranteed Investment Certificates NOW EARN 614% per annum for five years by investing in Guerenteed Investment Certificates which are Gusranteed--aos te Principo! and Interest. Flexible--may be used as Col- lateral for loons. Redeemable--by Executors in the event of death, Authorized--as Trustee Act In- vestments, CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshewe 723-5227 23 King St. W., Bowmanville 'asia OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS and SATURDAYS LOOKING FOR A COMMFORTABLE QUIET RENDEZVOUS DOWTOWN? THEN GO TO THE Tally-Ho Room Hotel Lancaster 27 KING ST. WEST FIBERGLASS It's glass, doesn't sag, rust or stain! to or ta' of a of in Public this time to moke a statement on behalf of one of our locals, Local Oshawa General Hospital. This local has asked for our $ support, in any way possible and the sup- port of all unions in this area to obtain « fair wage increase ond better their members. | At this present time this local| has been forced to ask for com- pulsory arbitration as barts and company have seen fit take away their right to strike]. hour, hour as these rates ore The immediate following is a reprint C.U.P.E., in The Oshawa Times, 'Readers Write' column on TI We the Oshawo District Coun- | of the Canadian Union of Employees do wish at Number forty-five (45) which is hereby given working conditions for Mr. Ro- any other means legally done by other than hospital unions. As previously stated in The Oshawa Times by our represen- tive from the Canadian Union Public Employees, "'Mr. two-year contract. What the paper did fail to print was that the average employee this local makes $1.19 per not $1.35 to $2.14 per classed skilled trades. With this 24 per cent increase it would leave the members of Local 45, aver- age employee $1.48 per hour, $1.37 per hour ployees of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa are now receiv-| less than em- ig. As we all know because thesejploy. | D.}less in July and August. Lindsay," we are asking only a twenty-four per cent increase with lawa end area now knowing the people have to buy the same] merchandise as everyone else, the|i businessman is not going to say "well you work at the hospital so 1 will give you this 'X' dollars cheaper," no everybody pays the same price whether you make! 1.19 an hour or $3.00 per hour. So far the hospital has not of- fered any improvement on fringe' benefits such as sick leave or re- tirement plans and even some shifts do not get the proper rest of coffee breaks. Also Management is saving | SUPPORT ASKED FOR HOSPITAL UNION of a statement made by the Oshawa District Council, hursday, June 29th., 1967: So in closing we ask you the ndividual to read and study this closely and we are sure you will support us, The Oshawa District Council of the Canadian Union of Public Employees and our Local 45, Oshawa General Hospital in this just and worthy cause. The Oshawa District Council Canadian Union of Public Em- ployees. Peter R. Crawford, Secretary of ODCCUPE thousands of dollars per year by taking away jobs from the mem- bers by not hiring replacements in every field for the summer but using the "'Candy Stripers" to do the work. This fact is easily proven by the membership of this Local, 393 in May, and 300 or We and the members of Local 45 feel that the citizens of Osh- average wage ond some of the working conditions of these Union brothers and sisters should also know that out of their wages Managements expect them and yes "You" the citizens of Osh- awa to support their building campaign for a larger hospital in Oshawa when it seems the Man- agement cannot afford decent liv- ing wages or working conditions }} work, This has been reprinted for the benefit of the citizens of the City of Oshawa and surrounding district who possibly missed reading this column. We also wish to clarify the state- ment of '"Monagement saving thousands of dollars per year by using 'Candy Stripers' to do the It is not only the Candy Stripers doing the work but alse port time employees working twen- ty-four hours or less per week on a call in basis and working these hours the hospital does not have te pay them ony fringe benefits. Since the writing of our original statement, there have been rumors thot the hospital management wishes to reopen negotiations with local 45. If this is true and it te their wish, would they contact the President of Local 45 with @ form- al invitation te do so. If the rumor is not true, would hospital man- agement then Issue @ statement to the Oshawa District Council, CUPE, for the people they already em-! \ Advertisement. Canadian Pittsburgh Ind. Ltd. 273 Simcoe St. $. -- Oshawa 723-1181 A Government ch , non- might be put up for Sale, a} move was staried in Victoria to purchase the bridge, ship it to the B.C. capital and rebuild it over the city's inner harbor. | Reports from Winnipeg indi-| said correspondent Hsueh Ping was arrested when on a normal reporting assignment Tuesday. The agency itself said in a re- port from the correspondent that "British riot police were perpetrating bloody persecu- tion of patriotic Chinese na- PAINT " TONE-CRAFT KING PARK PLAZA tionals"" in the Wan Chai area. »¢ -- DX -- DX -- DX) @ You agree to open a guaranteed savings in your name? BE WISE: @ You withdraw your savings to DX ECONOMIZE! SAVE $$ -- WTH -- Phone 668-3341 $ $ FUEL OlL pay for the first year your child attends university? Providing your child obtains normal passing grades, the next three years of university will be paid for by the Foundation? | For appointment call -- Frank Buchanan Enrollment Officer 723-6832 BONELESS -- TENDER ROUND STEAK OR ROAST 94 SIMCOE ST. NORTH HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS 8 i Sweet ONT. NO. 1 Cherries E : aling 390 Boneless ---- Rolled Beef POT ROAST 39 Fresh Pork Shoulder Roast 49: Boneless -- Rolled Beef Shoulder Roast Fresh Pork BUTT ROAST 39: 6 & 7 Rib--Quality Beef PRIME RIB Leen -- Blade Bone Out BLADE ROAST 69: Ib wy, B¢ | STEAKS Sunglo 100% VEGETABLE OIL MARGARINE Ibs. s] 3 WIENERS FRESH-SKINLESS profit organization? im also 6-12-18-20- No Pay For 2M CROSS CANADA PAVING has 3 YEARS GUARANTEE 36 months to pay @ FREE ESTIMATE... Call 728-9292 Oshawa hs After Compl 16 Homes Needed Coll right now 725-1109. 1363 SIMCOE "URGENTLY" We have 16 families relocating in the Oshawa Area for Fall Possession, Good substantial, all cash buyers. W. L. DOUGAN REALTORS ST. NORTH Take A Drive To VAN BELLE : GARDENS For The... DO-IT-YOURSELF @ FERTILIZER @ TOOLS @ TOPSOILS ® SEEDS, ETC. © Advice o Van Belle "Your Friendi 5 Minutes @ SPREADERS Garden Centre" o On Highway No. 2... 623-5757 nm your Garden Problems Gardens f Oshawa BUEHLER'S JULY VALUES RELAX and ENJOY the SAVINGS LEAN PEAMEAL Cottage ROLLS lb Peameal End Cuts 79 C x 99S 5 TEAK s 13 LEAN SLICED SIDE BACON 79: Seasoned BEEF PATTIES 8 ~~ 59° 5 « 2.75 LEAN SLICED t 39 POLISH SAUSAGE C 39 12 King St. East 723-3633 President Asge son of Iceland finger, chides member of the Twe Pass MONTREAL (CE tendance passed tl mark Tuesday an stil) is being made « as the visitor pas the turnstiles. Each click regi simple adding mec total is read off hourly and telepho. pervisor who helps visors add the total turnstile to provid entry figure. Wildlife Tighten OTTAWA (CP) -- to tighten up gan holes and enforcem: before the federal wildlife conference Changes in regul suggested to clamp legal possession of birds used as decoy: a way around the | lem of "'spite baitin; The conference, ' in hand of a gen spring bird popule the country, also closed session to w son dates and ba; 1967-68. J. E. Bryant of t Wildlife Service ea told the conference tion against posses game birds withou has proved unenfor< instances. This was where evidence that the been captured deli propagation as fot used as live decoy more birds. PROVE BIRDS WI The regulations | gratory bird as a w Bryant said. This ms al Hi wud | ih | AANA HNN HE

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