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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Jul 1967, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA Times, Wednesday, July 12,1967 7 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) West dealer, North-south vulnerable, <CHERRY, GRAPE COPPER, GINGER, PEACHY |< STRAWBERRY BANANA, ] | PUMPKIN, PEPPERMINT, nun PMC RASPBERRY, WALNLIT, CHOCOLATE, PISTACHIO, [----"\_ALMOND, PECAN,)| |PINEAPPLE, AAAPLE AND py \ COCONUT... ° < SL! HMM-L THINK VLL STICK BUZ SAWYER DONALD DUCK & 1 YORE THIS RIGRT...WEEL REACH TOWN AFTER DARK... JANE ARDEN LJ Pass SNT Pass 66) Opening lead--ten of spades. It is estimated that the top experts reach the best contract MAYBE YOU DIDNT HEAR MR. ACE. in only slightly over 90 per cent HE SAID VERY ANXIOUS: . of the hands they play. 0 = A ef Probably many people think a ; that the best players ought to have a higher percentage of success than 9 per cent, but, actually, this is about as high a standard of efficiency in bid- ding as it is possible for any- one. to reach. When you consider that you and your partner may be dealt any one of 5§,157,850,293,780,- 950,462,400 combinations of hands to bid, you begin to real- ize that even the best of part- nerships are bound to miss out on the best contract in at least a few billion of them. The hand shown in the dia- gram was played in the match between Switzerland and Leb- anon in 1952. It is rather re- markable that the Swiss North- South pair (Besse and Durou- venoz) were able to reach @ very sound contract of six dia- monds despite East's nuisance bid of three spades. The three notrump bid by Durouvenoz had its natural meaning and showed willing- ness to play at that contract if North was willing to go along. Besse was faced with a some- MAMMY=) NOT SO SHANKS, FAST-- ME OUTS") SLOBI? MR. SOUTHSIDE AND T WERE ASSOCIATES OF YOUR FATHER IN THE STATES... MINUTE, MISS FALCON. WE'RE VERY ANXIOUS. mB TOTALK TO you! SECRET AGENT X9 BUT I DONT FEEL \g UP. TO TALKING THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. PONTIACS SUMMER SELL OUT G. M. C. LOW BUICKS BEAUMONTS VAUXHALLS G.M.A.C. PRICES FINANCING HIGH TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE SUMMER HOURS: MON. TO THURS. 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. FRI, 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. SAT, 8 A.M. TO 1 P.M, HUBERT lwhat difficult decision--whether TELEVISION LOG 'or not to pass three notrump-- jbut finally decided to try for Channel 2--Rutale 4--Green Acres @Flying Doctor | a slam in one of his three suits. abies Ves | 3-Famly "Game Accordingly, he cuebid spades Channel 8--Barrie : j f ° aa 4--Ruttate &-Gomer Pyle | $2ea" alien Time to force his partner to choose | 9-4-12--Talent Festival 2-4--Hollywood Squares the suit. Ce Nematte CHAR: i Bhasa Durouvenoz, with ample val- Channel 7---Buftale 4_Steve Allen A ey wea the his previous bid, was Chane 8--Rochester ein ToManey Movie, happy to co-operate with the Channel 9--Toronte n sae ernie Z i-News, Weather end slam idea, but, being reluctant to to six diamonds with a Channel 11---Hamilton es ak Bef Hage satay sone os ee e 12 Peterborough 11:00 P. 12:30 P.M. ni further cuebid in spades -- 12-1)-9-4-7-4-43-4 -- Mews, | @--Eye Guess a 3 fs geen | Weather, Sports 46--Searcn fer Te to force North to select 8 ape See 11:20 P.M. 12.3" News} Weather But Besse, still in great doubt 4:00 P.M, | eg | Sports ' as to which suit was best, oe | \celea Reser, pais asi ay ee again transferred the choice of acy blow Patrol 4--News, Weather, Sports ak-ouaie Hi trumps back to his partner by Forest Rangers ne 1:00 P.M bidding five notrump, Durouve- $12--Woedy Woodpecker | 11:38. P.M. FRPP deen 'nox th six diam 5:20 PM. 1--Marriage : a 4Movie 4 1 7--News or ven ae | et Dollars taking : Eee Cannes Wee |e twit | Virginia: Graham | 11:40 PAM, | Eeugiive maetttt, [miter | Rm | NEWS IN BRIEF 3-1 nee ae | Sere Report TioMevie,, & oon --- ow - =f t--Green Hornet 12:00 PM. La-Ks the: World Turne NEW DELHI: (AP)--The In- they | amunsony | ey apm Mie att es Reape fas fa , : predict , aos fi Peeey 12~Ed iit ame mer chief justice, would be 12--Road West 4-Captain Kangaroe ea vig bat oad '¢ elected president in February's Tao News, Weathers BAM. | coPaseword: | national elections explains as- 44 j Sports ee a | eect at Ow Live | trologers really need ee , News ae Boller 2: M, H : wih. Erm | RHEE il at B| eorudanlw 7:00 PLM, $0) AM *--People in Con' . Fit] SAVE IT. BOTH OF OUR. 11Littlest Hobo 9 a RIAA I | #-2--Tne Doctors } dia . CAN'T ANSWER YOU YET, ARE HANGING * 9--Batman . | 7--Dream Girl | Pkg ¢ fos 'TINY, AT LEAST NOT UNTIL PUN STHE BALANCE. LET | | &--Lowell Themes cn Sl ce | scene aa a ay te of } mi) 1'VE HAD A CHANCE TO THOSE TWO TALK Sree thas | ¢_Forest Rangers tala 1. . SALEM, ; : oD PRIVATELY FOR A &--Daktarl | Topper Words and Muse | burglar alarm rang in an Ore- eee F) i ee "VE. DONE LITTLE WHILE, f--News, Weather, (Ge PHB ar 5 7--Genaral Hospital | YOUR HEALTH s gon bank vault all day but po- ' a sper PM | 8--Uncle Bobby Ce | . lice ignored it. They said it was 1--News Weather Breer? 4-2-Another World | accidentally set off during the '] C fe Fr P.M . tees tanh | 3:25 P.M, | * t vice morning, of, the publle holiday vee te ce pees is Expert Ad morning of, the public holida 'SS etvwred Palace Peet 'arent 1 espouses | ome x er a timing device opened the ¢ pre Candia 'Camere pea vaull the ness Sey. i 10:90 A.M, cele eoge ion | i DELAYED s-Malority cdot pee | eels Sage. oF. Miah rT MAIL WAS DE yl aia j MABLETHORPE, Eng el 4--Lost in Space 9--Cartoon Playhouse | | 4:00 PM, d sent to a Not- gy ee 100 P.M. Z--Dateline: | Hollywo | 3 | Love Lucy | ne ae pick hie "J ¢ Temenos | Me conmmration | Steere arm | By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD acheashire elie See a y --Green er * | 3-1 | ACOMIUN Ca | eis) $:90 PLM, ae RE ae eer Mike Douglas | Remember the letter from the| mal. Thus there is no reason - years late. vies avery Hillbillies any Gente | \scaluneiors ie girls at the P. L. Co.," who had|you to be harmed by them, bu CUT THE COST 24-12--Bnb Hope $4 Pateonsilly | Movie | heen filled full of so many wild/only helped. COALVILLE, England (cP) 1. read me nN mciie' prises a Me vacation time |Stories of what awful things De. Molner! Vt ote tm- A Leicestershire page igo c ph matin Sd aeiasa adie scien sees i pregnancy could do to their fig-| Dear Dr. Molner: r company offered to clean mini- Ib ures? Seems to me the writer|dergoes an operation for com-|.1irt; at twopence an inch but CROSSWORD : of the following note deserves|plete removal of hay -- be! the manager said: "Some of atl | w to be called an expert on the|umbilical hernia, oes thislthose we've had are not lon S ACROSS = 47. "Snicle 17.Behold (EJOFF ABS! subject. jmean a person never can have! enough to cover our expenses. r y i=} 1.Top of and ----" 19. At all (AIRIRIA pas | Molaers: 1am | Children?--M. Le LEADS IN CREMATION = ate 48.Pronounce 20.Rxist RCMAHMITAIA) | Dear Dr. Molner: I am a| No, it has nothing to do with! BASTROURNE, England 6.At a holy 22,Hawk- (o/p] ime practical nurse. It may help having children. The navel, or| (¢p)_pritain is in the slightly tod distance DOWN eye gon FF] aa girls to know about my fe umbilicus, is the spot to which| "..ybre position of being the iw 10. Large 1. Gruel-like state: Bay wee I am the mother of 10 chil-!i4¢ umbilical cord was attached ec tale in eae, artery of drink a ie os dren. until a baby was born. Once alci- sohn Cameron, president of = heart 2.Forms of 26.Card = fRieley IEIRIS] I am 5 feet 4 inches tall,| child is born, the navel has no the British Cremation Society, = UL. Wide- verse _. game [OR AMAL | weigh 119. \further purpose. te ae cae er mouthed 3. Sea eagles bp cha Measurements 34-28-34, wear 8 | aa e's Sana aan onsum: * m= o ys , t " on 5 Dietigure, ishen Yesterday's Anewer (ne ee tay 7 pounds|, Dear, Dr. Molner: My danzh-|national cremation figure was 12. Long, 5. igure ; I had twin boys, one 7 pounds ter, 101%, is a very active child alnicat 49 pan: con 4 BUT VERY STRONG ) Lesigad mere een 39. Large [8 ounces, the other 7 pounds § land enjoys running, dancing, STOM DRAWS CROWDS k_, FOR HIS AGE rugs _ eae as Gn Dsiphde -. foe 7 weighed 9]hire riding, etc. Every time cua Posi ial ; 42. Wi jpounds 3 ounces. she does a deep knee bend or rg : poor ~-- " - won had | All my children are married] auats, her knees crack. She|(CP)--The ae ern nly "a. stool 33.Foot digits ame jand T enjoy 21 grandchildren. | does as many as 15 continuous|ime of ia a ne hah Pires pigeon 85.River in 45. Com» _ Tam a widow and enjoy work-| tee bends, each one producing ee ge A to sean One team 12. Bellow France pass jing. the same cracking sound in the |ha an th a driveller, or pole 13. Court term 36, Toward point Ad people and thrive on knee. Is this normal or should as ae na i fae activity. 1 to it?--Mrs. W. 5. y ; Peer tee 1 Best of luck to the girls of the|" The cracking is due to certain|soaked cloth, tries to hit a a a w P. L. Co.--Mrs. A. B. W. tendons riding over prominences|member of the other side. In r of the bones, or the ends of the|olden times the penalty for be- \ 2 i . Dear Dr. Molner: [ am 45 and|hones moving in the joint socket|ing hit with a dwile war > VA, have heen taking thyroid pills) under tension. It may be annoy-/drink a chamber-pot ful | is ie [7 for a year and a half because ing but is not abnormal. The beer--that -part of the game of an underactive thyroid. My|¢act that she is active and with-|was out for the church fete. = mom --| ® Y lea doctor tells me I'll probably} out joint pain or swelling implies COW COST DOUBLE pen end /, |_| |need them the rest of my life.|that there is ne serious condi-| HERTFORD, England (CP) of 5 or more Tins oi! D bid Y wa Now [ hear that these pills can| tion involved. The makers of a malted-milk trawberry, Grape | affect your heart. drink had to pay double fare x orey « 24 GY Does a thyroid condition ever} ear Dr. Moine¥: My husband |for a pedigree cow sent by sea et change so that one can dispense) had rectal surgery for fissures|from the Channel Islands to the iS : : J inches with the pills?--Mrs. D. K. and has had a successful re-|company's Hertfordshire farm er | Thyroid activity can change,|coyery. However, friends were|_the cow calved during the se $ | igs Y, but don't count on it. astonished to hear that the doc-| trip. oc ge eau ty lhe As to thyroid pills affecting)tor had him take showers in- pon and { hd UY the heart, that is true only if|stead of baths. The doctor pre-| sais most comforting, but of @ 16 Ox. Ww they are used in excess, speed-| scrjhed three showers a day and ed get almost the same effect eo ST | ing up the body's metalbolism|my husband enoyed them, but ae s Wand Or ee wssil I a5 77a _\'0 a harmful degree. I wonder what therapeutic good) 0M 4 vent been abandoned Ys In your case, your thyroid is /showers do.--C. 8. for this purpose, but good re- Rich { 7 Y not active enough, and the pills b had with iswere G are being used to bring your| The moist heat !s what counts. sults can be > 67 $ j thyroid requirements up to nor- A sitz bath is the most direct as you have seen, } \ t " \ \ \

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