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Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Jul 1967, p. 21

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OSHAWA TIMES, uly 13, 1967 [DGE JAY BECKER -Holder in Masters' 'hampionship Play) Pr. vulnerable. ad - ten of hearts. see the defenders® you are declarer, yrogresses it some- 2s possible to diag- xact holdings and » hand to the best 1 example of how uth is in five dia- gets a heart lead. es the ten with the ntinues with the ffs high and enters a diamond to lead to the queen. After ucceeds, as he ex- the bidding, South his trumps to pro- owing position; Shire opes to find the 3-3, but he knows are not he is still > the hand, There ation of cards that im. , he cashes the and continues with queen. East shows reed to discard a not spare a spade would pern.it de- i a low spade to drop the king. s that East has vades and king of realizes that East precisely five » diamonds, two nce, three spades, e leads the nine | discards his los- st wins with the compelled to re- . permitting South st two tricks with ace. East scoreg cks, but no more a Priest 3 of Show ITY, B.C. (CP)-- an Massey, a 43- ' who since boy- "| his idle hours ays he would like 'man exhibition if tearing down the | Westminster Ab- sion City in the east of Vancou- covered with Fa- paintings, ceram- art, all on ec mes. really had- the mall easel paint- work fs on a big ind this sort of his very good. I n a big scale." ey said his work ed with the build- 1eans practically € monastery" in a showing. is planning a crucifixion for the monastery's rch. It will be 29 0 feet wide and pveral years to k with specially- er of pure lime a technique em- 1elangelo. tine priest has ever since his m a roll of paper hile he was con- a childhood ill- HER COAT (AP)--Olimpio up some cats to ; and mice that ckens in this Al- fter the pussy e its work Borz und one of the his attic peace- two baby mice ie campaign. lp--church, can- cross, etc. ll recognize here tter is doubtful. on't. But maybe s.; Common veg- > the only stabil- ers approved for » cheese (these any food prod- e your worries Variations in curd can change from one batch this does not af- meness. PORPERT Ee EP ETE a leete ; A ak | Ue OR SRR SEs EAD eee - Tobacco Board Requires Markets Before Expansion TODAY'S STOCKS Business SPOTLIGHT wea, TILLSONBURG, Ont. (CP)--| He said Ontario Bxowers have The Ontario Flue-Cured To-|demonstrated thei, ip! willingness bacco Growers' Marketing|to meet market' demand by Board will need long - term | Spending considerable capital TORONTO (CP) -- to retail carton eggs average) weighted prices quoted by the department of agriculture as of| Wednesday: medium 32.3; A small 24.4, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 13, 1967 2] PRODUCE | Eggs: Wholesale price to {country stations fibre ge |quoted by the Toronto Board o! Wholesale) |Trade from wholesale egg deal- ers: Butter; Canadian Dairy Com- |mission tenderable carlots: A large 40.0; A|Buying 39 score 62; buying 40 'score 63; selling 63. Badal) ld 'yer "Risisad Stock Sales High Low Hin c'ge| lagreement with domestic and|this year on barns, kilns and Toronte Stock xchal uly 19 | N Dav 13000 1B' 17% 174-- Va} {export markets before it can| greenhouses, to handle the ex- Se weet oR ee | DAC eria eac ing encourage more growers and pected record erop. | rights, ee warrants, Net chai Petrol 1000 64 64 64 | farms into the industry. For the "health of our Cana-| from previous board-lot closing clea ® "9 " 1% mt i Board Chairman George De- | dian tobacco industry on a long- Ranger 710 264 264 264 | meyere made the prey state-| term and expanding basis,' it MINES |i ait» Copper Traces From mer tury nn harder ate area, ah wie aig | annual meeting. ithe one-year commitments of-| Stock -- Sales High ea oe nee) ee ee oe ae ke Expansion of Ontario's flue- | f ; : ial ered by domestic and United! pom bee te ew en Ce ee le te Man t sick mi td. 0} Ai 100 fost poo Hay ai, a ee the|was drastically p. Pens) "ant cured tobacco growing industry |Kingdom manufacturers for the | cine Inv 2100 8 8 cane OUnt Picker Anne. 6 P 4 a d to 49/became an immediate concern] past two years, he said. 200 77 «75 «7S tion near this southern Vancou-| bacteria will work on the cop-|production costs dropped to h llot- DUSTRIALS | f 3.40 d. Mr,|this year when the crop allot-| re en IN ver Island city soon will be in-|per. cents trom $5.40: 9 Eau F-| ment to meet forecast demands| Mr. Demeyere said he felt ex- | 1100" B56 25ie ase 4+ t4| AbIIDI = = 1008 SPM Oe lfested with bugs and the com- SPAIN STARTED IT |Brooks said a ae change) - sme to more than 90 per cent Perts were the most important 400 600 600 400 +10 | Acklands -- joo sia 384 30. uiPany loves the idea. 3 will occur at the Duncan site.! 1. Jicensed tobacco land in|immediate concern for the to- | ve it ie we +1 | Ale Gasp 125 92 92 | 92 | In another attempt to wrest' Although the process is new MADE POOR START the province. bacco board, Besides attempt-| Reet 7500 30 29 30 + 2| Ala Cas w iD sls 20% 20%" \the last traces of copper from to local mining, Rio Tinto Mines : d the board ing to maintain or increase its| Brow Alta Nat 100 $20'2 20% 20 1 Mine President C, B. Field) Mr. Demeyere sai e boar Brunswk 200 4 e a 5) Aigo Cent 100 38 8 s+ il |the well-worked mine, the com-jin Spain have used bacteria is When the" wies wirl could not justifiably encourage|U-K. markets, he said the board| Bunker 7 +1] Algoma St 477 $23% 23 h ted to bacterial leaching for more than four cen-|58 n ; should continue to "knock on| ic Mines 13800 70 66 67 + Ga *|pany as resor' d the first time, the cart}more people to invest large) Camp Chip 900 850 @50 850 --5| Alcan 2S Ss Bs ma + leaching. turies. However, the bacteria|opene |doors" by making regular trips| RL 400 $21% 21% 21% -- %| Alcan pr Us sere A a tT : s h|was put before the horse be- amounts of capital to venture! cone. 8 iene tae la" 145 | Anines _A He da ey Hes ula leaching, bacteria are in-|exist eg! in pally orn lease extensive exqlora-|into tobacco growing--probably | other countries importing | can eee A ee St MA AES OF '2 10% ole vitroduced into the ore with an|mines. They have to be intro- d esent|large quantities of tobacco. Wy AF aay AN Sugar iS Sia ee eee VO) |tions were never carried out,| jeopardizing many pr Bee ae maa yf 2'| Auto Elec 290 $6%e 6% 4 jacid solution. It breaks down | duced to the local workings. sland & laree low grade ore body Ztowers operating with a mort-| "It is these markets we need r '00 18 18 18 +1 | Bahama SS lthe ore in much the same way| Mine Superintendent Jac psssidies j | Candore 4| Bank MM 2218 $13 12% 12% the " was never touched.' gage--with long - term agree- to cultivate, convincing them of} Salle jap is 18 is "| Bank NS 700 $l#% 14%. 14% --aldigestive juices break down|Brooks said the bacteria will) ments, particularly with over-|the worth and stability of the| catslor OM slo lee te Baie Wo ATE Te ae 5 food. The copper, a by-product, |double population every 10| Mr. yey roel ng Se oral séas canons 4 Canadian product, and the rea-| Cent Pat 210 137-«(137---«137 Becker B @ 200 $84 sie Bt d off in solution. hours once introduced to the op- arount of material in the ore) S€ eres th ahs f ina kath Peecst trvil $000 35 35 35 Bell Phne 617 848% Ae an is drawn a stockpiles alone is expected to It appears to me that hav- | sons for entering into long-term | Ene me 7 M3) few 8 oe ae Be More than 1,700 people livedjeration. -- : { the Uni- ote pinadininaetbed $2 000, oon, ing a reasonable assurance of agreements with Canadian to-| C Mog) uso 0 8 | Bramal_w 100 425. 42542548 lin the mining community when| Prof. C. L, Emery 0 i bia,| The leaching pad now is be- Continuity of markets is to a bog ee ranted anced c fi mee 8 1 | BA: Oi 894 $384 38 384 + % it was at its peak 60 years ago.\versity of British Columbia, joaded ihe 90.600 f equally as important as contin-| after year, a specified percent. con Niche 1000 15 48 15 + i] BE: Boreet. We Ae. Ie: lee Only 14 workers operate the/vice- president of the miningjing loaded wi ONS OF ite ot supply is to the manu-|age of thelr annual require- JC Rambler 500 126 125 125 orapree Fa 4 d of penetrat-\company and president of the|ore and the bacteria and sul- f 11000 34. 34 «34 -- 14, BCPh 5% p 108100 jmine now. Instead of penetrat-)/company facturer," he said. "ments. Ayla 7500 25 25 25 + Br Intl Fin 200 170 170, 170, 5 ling into the scarred body of the| process consultants, Bio Metal! |phuric acid medium have al-| Pos acihsadsceass Anta ace enemas Krowpat 1) 7m | Chbury © 290 Sas 236 nd "/old mountain, they operate dig-|Corp., said he became inter-|Teady been raving ' Raisers smo las tae a8 Calgy 540 p 108107 107 107 ging n.achines and trucks which/ested in leaching in 1958 at the '. come ge ef og lt in New Hi h Volta e i rm Lines Denison 1240 $70%% 70V2 70% + %) Ean Com it Saale 244 24e--Velhaul ore material from the|uranium mine at Elliot Lake,|September when the anys cas g g y' | Dicknsn 1900 300 290 290 | gen ene ee aie se ie Ont. from the ore will drain ij a Bey oak | C Satway p 74 $90'a 90% 90m a ---- trough. This solution will finally | Dunraine 7) © 6 | Can Brew 210 sre 7 re \flow into a precipitator to pro- ill Carry Power n anito a | west' T 5000 Nin oo | CB ALB w 120 195 135 135 1 1 duce high grade 95 per cent) | Frobex Tit Ae ASS Aa" 8) CON Re eee ay inanc a rm n @ar > sagan copper for industrial) oppawa (CP)--The world's|power site to Winnipeg, passing | lenn 10000 25% 24% 25 -- '2, CC Manag 150 $68la 682 ! y i n * oldrim -- 7000 7g 1¥2| C Curtiss 2030 66 65 2 highest voltage transmis-|west of Lake Winnipeg. Power origin, wm oe fs 2m +15) C Bound 2) ee oth Mining the ore' with conven-|cion system, costing an esti-|transmission is expected to start! Gradore = 2300 '19--s19ssP | mor = og 16s jtional methods would cost more 00.00) 1 before i 0, 1971. | randroy 5500 43 42 42 +1 | CGE pr 1 sone pkg ie a u $2,500,000, but the b lit. jmated $170,000,000, will supply|on or before Nov. 3 | IGranduc 100 815 IS IE 5 | CO et OF on oe me 1 m |than ut the busy lit-\hydroelectric power from the| Manitoba has. already started) reen.Pnt $100 1 8) ee ae tle bacteria will cut this to yo) Ri thern M tine f t-| 'Deel TS Ae C imp Bnk 652 $66 65% elson River in northern Man-|construction of power-genera' 1 OL 256 $1913 19Ve 19% | $100, 000. i cy eon | cee 380 $71%8 71% 71%+ "| TORONTO (CP)--British In-|market value of its underlying! "It is expected, said Mr. Fila |itoba to the southern part of the|ing facilities at sane Pai to ma ee gl ot | CP eorin "200 sisi isis 1sv¢ + Ye ternational Finance Canada Ltd.| investments"; 'o take 15 years to exhaust the Phe enerey derbi as: Sate: ose ee be High. Chmci 13030 $10% 10% 10%--%) ft ecial charges | P on of $149, 079 sed Int Bibis T 7220 44 44 44 Yr ada loss after sp 3. rovisi lcopper * deposits in Duncan. | Pit" BB fin Son tn) ne, "UEP" aby the year ended De, 31,165 |poy "recoverable tnvesments 7 =sr___.|aounced Wedneaday, tho fedeallThe orovince will ato drat lee" 3500 » cone ta ak 16 of $1, 974, 51d compared sohbs a/and advances to sssoclatd| agreement with Manitoba to/Nelson River system near va ith 2000 ne Hi Ti = Cominco ho S20" 30 ee | profit of $37, ao jaye r6| | companies. | STOCK MARKET construct and own the 600-mile| Thompson, Man., and construct pron re Con Paper 105 $2614 36% 36% + Ye} 'This includes the company Mere Bienvenu, company| . | a rete ee ag tk ci | Con Pep we dae daa or the yea to a the profitability) TORONTO (CP) -- Western|link. regulatory works to control the| or Ae ae ee as = 4 | CON PaRE ® 625 Sze anh "ase -- ¥ operating |president, said the pr |oils made advances Wednesday,| Twin lines, to be leased by/outflow from Lake Winnipeg. | ne 8 8 ach cee ce Mn cee oe ge (telling Sit, or ves. of $1,962,837, 01 BIF's subsidiary companies), Gay of active trading, on the|Manitoba Hydro, will carry di-| Total cost of the first phase| Dutault. 28 SiMe 1 Wet Me) Coby 8 70 $30 30 30 | epecel Shares annuai|W2S_ adversely affected by a Toronto Stock Exchange. rect current at 900,000 volts|including transmission facilitles ertur "210 iq frm 128 crore |S ae oe boven! easy, Intel: \corabination of haw gehen Seal The western oil index rose 5.09/from the new Kettle Rapids/will exceed $400,000,000. | a a + heel . -- vy repor ditions, excessive developmen 60 590 400 +10 | Crestbrk 250 87g a") 1. $913,758 in non - recurring 4 overextended in-|'® a" all-time high of 191.39 as Ss 4) Crt int '2m $2 12 12 (Igsses. in' subsidiaries, including| CO's. at saition ** |Scurry-Rainbow gained 5% to| | p » S| 1 18 i --4| Bist Seen at ee, aot com -- vei write-off of branch establish-| jyORHeray BO 43%, Dome Petroleum and Hud-| International Office Takes Over! ee YR | Bofasco 400 S2ive 2398 2394 -- Ye ment and preliminary expenses, | "No developments an pags son's Bay 1% en 6014 anh. 38% | $14 14 % 1% 1%44+% d to|sion plans will be taken in the/and Great Canadian Oil San 2 9 -- Dom) Gets. OS Te and write-off of advances n pi | 50 Dosco so AES | ies; |foreseeable future, and these|5g to 16. 7 125 $17% 17% 17% nwtual fund sales compan : : | iit iis O44) Bomar 1405 $108 a Jkt _ | 2. $900,000 to cover a proba-|will be taken only when BIF ard Bg og co Gas at ecirica OrkKers LOCa | 2 31 31. +1 | Dupont Fr ldo Mi ler guarantee of ajsidiary companies are 0 11% on shares, : ; | e118 18 +3 cule 100 $7 "a Vee ' poles Ao cl owned sub-/nancially sound and producing|000 of which changed hands in) HAMILTON (CP)--Local 105 tional and corrective, has es, 4 4 14 +l Fleer Mg 3450 160 150 150 | BIF Management Corp.| sufficient earnings flows to sup- special transactions. of the International Brother-|/necessary 62 62 6 170 170 sidiary, a FF ue | Ford Cnda 50 $170 i" au c "decline in "the | port stich ch plans, "he said. Shop and Save, a Montreal-|0od of Electrical Workers has| Terry Fraser, business agent | sm sos 51) -- 8) Erenen, ee ak ae jptd,; "due toa -- \based food wholesaler, rose %4|been placed in trusteeship by|for Local 105, said he had no| 15 5 | the union's international office jcomment to make on the take-| 193 186 1970 --2 GMC MRE |to 12% following a company re 310 310 nig) 2 ot Were eee . eae |port of record sales and profits|on grounds it has failed to or-| |comment to make on the take-| 3000 16% 16% ion) ee Yee | eer ess e 1 es. an | | lectri in the area|over. | Greb_ind 100 $8% t% [for the fiscal year ended March|8anize electricians ea) 100 515 sus -- | | GL Power 210 $22¥e Paty 2% {under its jurisdiction. 1009 & "5 (27% 27% ha " 25, 1967 joo 3 7 8? Greyhnd 75 $ a | Guar Trst 240 $9% 9% Uraniums made small gains| The Local represents about =e 2 8 'a 500 size 1a 128 | . ba : ; z\ : i ici 0 2000 (82 8 B+ va) Hard Crp A om eee sas mo Denison and Preston up %4|770 construction electricians be-| rp ase '¢ hia Have Doe 20 Sime 2136 hast ve o unlie ates rl each to 70% and 19. |tween Oakville and Port Rowan.| py wy CANADIAN PRESS | TN Coldstm -- 3025 7 +N ee 213 $22 22 On index, industrials rose .23| William Ladyman of Toronto, | Northget = 4375 ra 575 390 +10 | [OMe Cie 2500 ms + " > ; deat ot] Bruck Mills, class A 30 cents, N Rock 2700 4 43 +31) Bsy Co 250 $20 20 20 HANOVER, Ont. (CP)--Peer-,an undisclosed amount to ajto 166.42. Golds slid 1.16 to|international vice - president o |Sept. 15, record: Apgust i, Nees ae 2 'so 42 |, HE ON Ges 700 $19 4 3 Ls Textile Products Co. Ltd.,|United States firm, it was an-|164.65 and base metals .57 to/the union said: Cochanaa Daag nartineie: Obaska 2200 5 5 OM Husky Ol} 225 $18%4 18% 18%-- | with plants here, in Collingwood! nounced -here Wednesday. be 36. Volume was 4,149,000! 'we have warned the local on |class 'A 20 cents, August 15, rec- Green yim 210 210 210 Husky © pr 225 a ee and Toronto, has been sold for| James Lambrakis, western|shares compared with 3,779,000 several occasions that theyjord July 28. | Ovisko 2000.55 " --¥1 TmpYon " a838 soite es34 eae + Ontario district manager, said/traded Tuesday. ra up to their ob-| Eastern and Chartered Trust| Paramaq 2000-8. imp Tob 700 $15. 14a 15 + % 9% 29% 29% ~ ve|the company was taken over by jwere not living. up |Co. Ltd., common 35 cents, Oct. Patino 300 910, thant 10] Ind Accept 280 $22% 2746 22% Shell ay, too size 12% 12% Salant and Salant Inc., of New i ae ligations. The number of justi- Is second Kept 13. Pax is F-4 ae re Irene ee ee ee | dipeaen 570 $287 id sida "M ss -- Wednesday and Distiller hag complaints has increased! ' Falconbridge Nickel, 75 cents, | Bk cee Me os os as til ee 50 $35 35 35 --1]| simpson $ 249 $17 will operate under the new Pine Point 250 $4834 48%4 48% iat Nickel 674 $106Ya 106» 106% Simp Srs rt 275 50 4 50 +2 name of Buckeye Peerless Tex-| and reached ar ogg -- August 31, record August 4. Preston 150 $18%4 18% 18% -- %4) int util 535 $35¥2 35¥2 35V2 y,| Slater Stl 300 $9% 9% 9+ Ye il Co. Ltd ' | ane action 0 constitu- Kelly Douglas Co., class A 6% Pyramid 800 370 265 370 +5:| Int Util pr 200 $25% 35/2 Bet vo) Slater SN OO) sieMas ass 4 § | tiles Co. Ltd. cents, August $1, record Auntst oe we ee | ee One oe me | kee 1 $16 1 Noe +) Mr. Lambrakis said no arnin S 8 int Pip Rio: Algom "B68 $34%e 34% 346+ Vel Intpr Stl pr 150 S18 IBV 1B, Stafford 100 340 = va | Change is foreseen in the com- NET EARNINGS he 'iekdene tit, Godel Rio Alg ¢ W 200 $18Y2 18% 18% ITL Ind 577 $36¥2 36% 362+ Ya] st Radio 175 reo 35a 354 + | |pany' s Canadian operations al- a-per-cen: pei 7500 lA wn 1s" banc 100 50 a0 a iy pieen aN 20 Sioa inva lad e ough production increases} WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Hiram| gy THE CANADIAN PRESS |pref. ng 32, 'August 15, record locke' er i z wi Rowen cre iw ne wate Jockey Ap 25 99 9 9 copter od = 225 $21% 21% mc ales enlargement of personnel|Walker-Gooderham and Worts| Chromium Mining and Smelt- phe! dard Radio Ltd., 10 baa dal Isak oe eer hae iL net At 40 | vexaco 345 $27%4 27% 274-- | here and in. Collingwood have|Ltd. Wednesday announced net inp Co year ended: April 30:1 andard Radio 10 cents, Sarimco 2100 10 10 10 Lee ee ee a wae ose + | Thom NP 21D $0 So Wl |been indicated. earnings of $28,737,836 (U.S.),|'"& Corp. Dp Oct. 10, record Sept. 20. Sherri, m0 0 ans 00 418] Levy A pr 10 31! 1 TMM) Tor Dm Bk 2585 $132 1" e+ v| About 110 men and womenjor $1.67 a share for the nine| Share; 1966, $1,601,329, 45 cents.| Western Pacific Products, 3 a 33Y Silvrfids 150 425 425425. 410) Te ven Daas 15 128 a. ae as jare employed at the Hanover|months ended May 31, 1967, A. J. Freiman Ltd., year/common 6% cents, August 14, Siseoe, ts aA i Lob co A 200 $7 7m 7 Transair 300 355 |plant and about 80 at Colling-|compared with $26,988,200 orjended Jan. 31: 1967, $586,986, 77 record July 28. Stanrek 735 430 430 430 | bob co Be Soy toa iad! If Can Pl 410 silts dim 2 | ood. Both manufacture work/$1.57 in the similar: period last cents a share; 1966, $478,032, 62, ------- Suitiven Soo 370 370 mo MB Lia 155 $284 282 7834 | - ean Pp a 2105 900 890 900 clothing. The Canadian head| year. ents, Teck Corp 425 475 470 475 Magne IUD St ev Wisc ae| Trans Mt 2478 $19% 19% 19% | office will continue to be in Tor- | | Earnings in the third quarter 'ie amd Save 1957 Lid., Tiibes "00 0 110 10 ei | Mass-Fer 135 $22% 22% 22% + Ya) Trans PPL 1650 $8 ps By yp/ onto. |were $8,195,737. or 48 cents ajyear ended March 25: 1967,| | ave 2. y i V fe Leck 500 32«32=«32 Met stores 1 Sia 2a ae | Un Corps Us at 14% 14--%, Hanover is about 30 miles|share compared with $7,735,562 | $866,980, 82 cents a share; 1966, BEG d . h U Mie on Moon B 15 $237 23% 23% | Wburn $00 490 490 490 southwest of Owen Sound. lor 45 cents a year ago. ' $759,812, 72. cents. | .r. VOOarIC As Vise oO aS Tie | Moore 1520 $31%% 31% 31% -- ye) UP Weurn OM ere Th Th | Un eet ie} 0 cH 0 t te Morse A 335 $26 26) 26 + Ya) Nh kl 1405 $422 42 42% + Ml | Un' Keno 100 420 420 40 ---§ | Morse Bz $2514 28K A | walk GW 610 $3514 35% 358+ We . ar © 0 0 --1 y tc Pp 200 $658 630 6% -- %e| Weldwod 425 $934 92 94 wir 'aug 1000 ue " "4 ae Nat Drug 125 $12%4 12% 12% | Westc'st 575 $26¥a 26%2 26¥4 . Willroy prt 375 370 «375 Windfelt 1000 77,777. + th} NAT Hees Pe ein St Sila + 4] We Brdcast 225 $26% 2834 28% Wind = 2500 12% 12% WA-- A) Nor ctl G 2925 Sll¥a 11 11%-- Ve] W Can Seed 100 250 250 250 --5 Nor CHG p 300 $2114 21% 2ie+ Ye! w pacific 200 $6 bie 6% OILS, GAS Osiivie 1100 $1586 134 1396+ | Weston A 24 Sib 18 hat 'ore og Am Lede 1000 15% 184 154+ 14| Oshawa A 10 $4141 at | Meneae wR SU ime u| Anchor 4500 64 yee ee Ra a Nokian A. 75 20 30) 300 M4 18¥0 15Ye dh Cs Pete i pt ie Pag ¢ M4 Derbien x63 225 $132 13%4 1s +! York Lam B 300 170 v9 ve CBR Gos, 4489 5 485 M5 10 | Pow Corp 165 $108. 1036 10% | Zenith 5425 180 180 Cc Homestd P 1 700 145 145 145 | ---- Cdn Sup © 900 $48 47% 48 +4! Brice Com 100 $12%e 12% 12%+ Ve! gales to 11:00 a.m. 1,063,000 Cdn Tricnt 1000 900 QN Gas 133 $9% 9% 9e-- | Cent Del 700 $13% 13% \9%+ | Rank Org 2000 $6% 6% 6% -- "| --_--_--_---- Chlettan D 400 640 450 460 10) Ronald Fd 695 $13 13 134+ %| FOREIGN TRADING et Pt ae yA id ud a 5 Rothman 635 $27% a7 274 + | Kerr Adis 300 $15 by 3s --'%"* Gr Plains 1100 $13%4 13% 13%%¢+ Ye| Roy Bk 10825 $15% 152 154+"! mag R Lk 800 165 165 165 OE ee ae ae iY "4 ark *8 a ie 4 + Pi Multi Min 500 151 151 151 +6 | i ---------------- $000 "49 * " " ee Shell inv v w tr Be $i su" 1% 1 Y Knife Beer | ad 250 250 250 | Maybe for you. Not for us. When it comes to making 5 Star, TT . . | | ee there's only one way. The difficult way. Which means selecting Look te whiskies from our five distilleries across Canada (only MAJOR POOL EQUIPMENT Corp. (Can.) Ltd. For Ev i for pried kl Pool Steel Pool Kits All Steel Pools Block Pool Kits Aqualock Domes Aqualock Covers Multiport Halves Above Ground Pools Sand Filters Diatomite Filters Aluminum Coping @ Vacuumetic Skimmer All Pool Accessories and Pool Maintenance Low Cost No Down Payment ABSOLUTE 10 YEAR GUARANTEE Installed in 3 Days for Nominal Charge a@ part rtan STEEL FINANCING AVAILABLE MAJOR POOL EQUIPMENT a e@ divisian 44 CORP. (canada) LTD. Maen oe Ee RLY" 690 Drake St. Call 725-6582 -- Evenings 576-2287 VIRGINIA STYLE COOKED HAM FIRST QUALITY LEAN & FRESH CUT AS YOU LIKE IT. 99: MAPLE LEAF SIDE BACON un 79: Seagram's has five, by the way). Then blending and re- them to get 5 Star's easy taste. blending Is it worth it? For you, definitely. And once you start telling your friends about this easy whisky they're missing, it'll be worth it for us too. By the way, have you seen our elegant new bottle? Easy on the eye. SEAGRAM'S 5 Star. Easy whis ~eraemernmeer erm n ern eeetan nr te sn eras ky.\ FEARMAN'S BOLOGNA n 39 LOCATED ON HWY. 2, BETWEEN OSHAWA AND WHITBY | SUMMER TIRE PRICE Su NUED DESIGNS waLLs.TU ms on OFF up 10 a 4 good USED TIRES aT LLTYPES- ALSZES B.FGOODRICH HOME & AUTO CENTRE 88 King St. West, Oshawa 725-4543 | s=ar> 268 - ae ~senoe-~

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