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Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Jul 1967, p. 2

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Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thundey, July 13, 1967 A GLANCE AROU ND THE GLOBE 'McCutcheon Stands Firm On Decision To Quit Senate LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Senator Wallace McCutcheon said Wed- nesday night he will leave the Senate no matter what happens at the National Progressive Conservative leadership con- vention in September. He said he was tired of per- sons questioning his "serious- ness" as a candidate. "I will leave the Senate whether I am elected or not." He has already been named Conservative candidate in York- Simcoe when a federal election is calied. "T have assured the riding's executive in writing that I will he a candidate no matter what happens at the convention." Mr. McCutcheon was here to promote his leadership candi- dacy Siamese Twins DOBOJ (AP)--Siamese twins were reported born Tuesday to the 21-year-old wife of a farmer in a village near this central Yugoslay town. The twin girls were said to | | \ | SENATOR MeCUTCHEON - « « tired of questioning 'Four Hurt On Ferry | fered when a passenger ferry Hydro Talks Again be connected at the abdomen|sons were taken to hospital and weighed six each. |Wednesday with injuries suf The mother and the twins were reported well. The twins|ran hard against a dock are to be sent to a Belgrade|Toronto Island. Another 12 clinic for surgery and eventual/among the 700 separation. Quadruplets } | |was not damaged. A_ harbor jis 5 Royal Visit Brief OTTAWA (CP) -- A federal government official ved with _ preparations Pan-American Games in Winni peg July 22, jtive arrival time at Winnipeg CDT July 22 and tentative departure time about p.m. 10:30 p.m. CDET July 23. Pollution Tour executives farms Wednesday in the Dunnville, area jabout 25 miles south of Hamil- ~ ton, collecting information for a proposed provincial conference on air pollution as it affects ag riculture. The conference is to be held in Toronto this fall. OFA officials said Maitland since 1962, TORONTO (CP) -- nesday--the day |were slightly injured. The ferry ers reopened negotiations of | MELBOURNE (AP)--The 32-| most seriously injured passen- reached last weck were to have year-old wife of a pets In| wom were a man, a pregnant gave birth to quadruplets in this Australian city today. jwho suffered chest They were three girls and a woman and two other women injuries. boy. All were well. Put Off Space Probe The mother is Mrs. Joanna} been released. Rowland Hill, chairman of the 13 - union Allied Construction Council, said meetings were re- sumed to work out a few prob- lems. He said he did not know Jones, a former airline stew-| CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) when results of the vote will be ardess. Her husband, Barry, 30, is a Victoria state police detec. | tive, te tiin. | NEW YORK (AP) -- Colum- bia University will announce to- day what it calls a method for "reducing the health hazard of rigarette smoking." It was learned Wednesday Foiled by an elusive rocket problem, the U.S. space agency Friday plans to launch the Surveyor IV spacecraft toward the moon. Gouging Fine released Hydro officials declined com- |late Wednesday postponed until Ment. Black Brants Soar SASKATOON (CP) -- Two Black Brant rockets and a huge invol- for Prince Philip's opening of the said Wednesday the prince will spend only about DUNNVILLE, Ont. (CP)--On-} \tario Federation of Agriculture toured farmers have complained of crop losses due to air pollution from two | TORONTO (CP) -- Four per- fertilizer plants at nearby Port Repre- passengers sentatives of Ontario Hydro and 'aboard the ferry Sam McBride 4,000 striking construction work- results of a |commission spokesman said the vote on terms of a settlement 1 | 'The State of Alaska is 100 | years old this year, and 19- year-old Collen Pettit, of Alaska Methodist Univer- 292,000 People Un IT'S ALASKA'S CENTENNIAL ALSO sity was in Ottawa Wed- nesday to drum up _busi- ness for Fairbanks' 40-acre exhibition called A-67. Miss WEATHER FORECAST Pettit,. chosen Miss Alaska recently, will visit Expo 67 and New York before re- turning home. employed As Employment Increases balloon soared into the atmo- MONTREAL (CP) -- E sphere above the Churchill, Gagnon, a ahicea' oan shore |Man-, rocket range Tuesday; gTTaWA (CP) -- Employ-|was providing jobs for 38,000|the 14-19 bracket were job-hunt- motel operator, was fined $1,000 cigarette filter which, the uni-|City couple who visited Mont. "gS are designed to provide|anq women still without jobs. versity believes, cuts by two- thirds or more the intake of tar and nicotine. The filter is not expected to increase materially real in May to see Expo. Mr. Gagnon was also asses- sed court costs and given two " |days to pay the fine, with the the cost of cigarettes. option of going to jail for a month SIU Negotiations | TORONTO (CP) -- Negotia-| tions continue today for the third straight day to try and reach an agreement between 5,000 sailors represented by the| Seafarers' International Union| and 33 shipping companies. + Louis Fine, federally - a {Pointed chairman of the concil- 'iation board, made no comment Wednesday on the progress of the negotiations except to say they would continue. : Re - opening of negotiations |! this week has held up comple- tion of the conciliation board re- port. The SIU wants a 40-hour work week, paid leave, a manning schedule covering the number of sort area, Niagara Falls, Ont. claimed more lives. jand Mrs, Louis Nadeau. The Crown said Mr. and Mrs. day stay at Motel Gagnon. Tourist Home Fire CRYSTAL BEACH, Ont. (CP} Four unidentified persons died in a fire this morning in a tour-| ist home in this Lake Erie re-| 16 miles south of Firemen were still searching 35-room Twentieth Century tour-| st home to see if the fire! The home was owned by Mr the home.\ officials information that may lead to a better understanding of weather patterns. Electrocuted PORT CREDIT, Ont. (CP)-- Edward Renaud, 41, sion of Radyne Ltd. at chener, was electrocuted Tues day cal cabinet plant, He is cabinet. Port Credit is about five miles west of Toronto. Use GO Trains TORONTO (CP)--A total of show an average of seamen required for different|Mrs. Nadeau collapsed at the 9.417 persons used the service vessels, minimum guarantee of six work' pita}. days a week with time-and-a- half for overtime. | HERE AND THERE THIEVES GET JEWELRY Thieves. netted $200 worth of jewelry and cigarettes they broke into Butch's Bond Street East, Bar, last night. Oshawa police constable L. W.|pond four miles south of here (Queen and Avery answered a call report- ing a broken window at the shop) town, Robert Glen Newcombe,' Was idle because it had outlived Apparently |17, also of Ridgetown, died in aj its life expectancy of 5,000 fly- motorcycle-car crash. He was a ing hours. Canadian authorities and investigated. thieves had broken the window! to the right of the front door to gain admission RECEIVES BRUISES A four-year-old boy received bruises when he was struck by) a car on Rossland Road West at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday. Police re- ported Steven Mittler, 656 Car- negie St., ran across the road and was struck by a car dirven by Barbara Jean. Nurczek, 24, of 400 Central Park Blvd. S. The boy was taken to his family doctor for treatment ASSISTANT CROWN Ken Stubington, Newcastle, was appointed assistant Crown Attorney for the United Coun-| ties of Durham and Northum- berland, effective July 1. PA STOLEN | The public address system of | E. A. Fairman Public School in| Whitby was stolen from the) principal's office sometime be-| fween the 3rd and the 11th of} July. Whitby' Police, who are investizating the theft, have been 'unable to discover any signs of a forcible entry. The Dukane Corporation PA system is valued at $965 dollars new. Joey Stephens, 9, of Ridge- when |town, drowned when he slipped developer for less than $1,000,- 'from a makeshift feet of water in a raft into 15 gravel pit A few minutes later, in Ridge- passenger on a motorcycle driven by William Stephens, 19, a brother of the drowned boy. Ridgetown. is about 15 miles east of Chatham CANADA S LARGEST AND FINEST CHAIN OF It was the only item stolen. MOVING TO We heve room for 3 te 5 OSHAWA te WINDSOR Van leaving Oshawa July UNITED VAN LINES Local Agent: CITY CARTAGE 725-2621 WINDSOR? rooms of furniture from er intermediate points. 14th, Saris of re al scene and was taken to hos- daily in the first week after the number of trains was doubled . June 26. Two Die RIDGETOWN, Ont. (CP)-- Sell Plane been sold to a Florida property | 000, it was announced Wednes- day. The plane--used to fly the Prince Philip on 1964-- their Canadian tour in would not give it a licence. while inspecting an electri- believed to have touched a 100,000-volt line in the | workers, The jobless represented 3.7 per cent of the labor force. In dune last year unemployment ind- provement that left 292,000 men) with jobs was higher by 264,000 on 3.6 per cent than in June, 1966, a substantial increase. | Biggest |the service industries, up 131,- night and Wednesday carrying| ment in Canada increased by|fewer men than a year earlier.|ing. In June this figure had that Columbia has acquired|--the maximum -- Wednesday 'bree University of Sask-|j58 000 in June, a modest im-| 'The total number of people|jumped to 111,000. rights to a revolutionary new/for 'overcharging a New York @tchewan payloads. The Unemployed persons in the | 20-64 bracket were more suc-} cessful in finding work in June. | jumps occurred in|Their numbers decreased to 174,000 from 218,000, but the re-| jstood at 230,000, a rate of 3.1/900, in the group covering trans-|port said that even this im- iper cent. in the labor force. Jobs increase than is usual for this time. of year,"' bringing total jemployment im the country to a The 12,000 decrease in un- employment was below-average) 234,875 people used the Govern-|for the same month in recent ment of Ontario transit system | years. during the first 1% months of" Firemen could not determine operation ending July 7. Statis-| immediately how many guests tics released Wednesday by GO| were registered in June May June 1967 1967 1966 7,859 7,713 7,533 7,567 7,409 7,303 292 304 230 CONSTRUCTION LOWER The report said seasonal em- ployment increases were gen- eral, but in the big construc- tion industry employment was Labor force Employed Unemployed Two persons died in separate HAMILTON (CP)--A former p a6 z : laccidents only minutes apart in RCAF royal tour plane, a De below normal, continuing the| TEENS SEEKING JOBS the Ridgetown area Wednesday. Havilland Comet Mark I, has pattern _of recent nonths. It} In May 78,000 teen-agers in opened up for 158,000)sonal factors, the June unem: "a somewhat smaller|ployment rate was 4.4 per cent, portation, communication and} A joint report today by the|other utilities, up 56,000, and in mal general|manpower department and the/trade, up 39,000. Se |A. Davis paid $64.50 for a two- manager of the Canadian divi-|Dominion Bureau of Statistics Kit-| All regions had a bigger labor! said a normal flood of students force, ranging from a 6.9-per- -}into the labor market during|cent increase in British Colum- |June provided 70 per cent of|bia to 1.3 per cent in the Atlan- at a Port Credit|an estimated increase of 146,000| tic region. | Adjusted to account for sea-| highest since October, 1964. On an unadjusted basis, the |3.7-per-cent rate compared with |3.9 per cent in May, 3.1 per 'cent in June, 1966, and.3.5 per cent in June, 1965. Of the 292,000 unemployed, six out of eight had been out of work for Jess than four months. A seventh had been unemployed for four to six months, and an eighth had been looking for work for more than seven months. The entry of 110,000 young people of 25 or under into the labor force served to inflate both the total labor force and the unemployed ranks. CROSS CANADA PAVING has 3 YEARS GUARANTEE also 6-12-18-20 Do-it-yourself with new Easy-to-install Aloyntl \A PATIOS Use new Alsynite te modemize your present home . .. or in the construction of a new one... 8 hos a housetul of uses! it resists weather! Nails, saws, drills easily! Lightweight, yet will not shatter! Shimmering colours are bonded tight! in! . . . lets light in, keeps glare out. See Alsynite Translucent Panels todey! *T™ REGD all , | PAINTEGLASS CENTRE Canadian Pittsburgh Ind. Ltd. 273 Simcoe St. $. -- Oshawe 723-1181 No Payment For 2 Months After Completion @ FREE ESTIMATE... Call 728-9292 Oshawa - 36 months to pay ae Will Plan ... Pens 4) a What Can Our Trust Department Do For You ? «.. Personal Trust ... Investment Management ..: Investment Planning Assistance «-. Retirement Savings EVENING and SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS ARRANGED Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation Head Office: 19 Simeoe St. N. and Estate ning ion Plans OSHAWA, 723-5221 King St. W. Bowmenville 623-2527 provement was less than nor- a day and Friday. A few scattered showers today and possibly early Friday also. Winds west} to northwest 15 to 25. Bay regions: Cloudy and cool EDT: and Friday. Brief rain showers are expected in southern On- tario later today and possibly into Friday also. Lake St. Clair, tario, Georgian Bay, Haliburton, Killalée, Windsor, London, Tor-| onto, Hamilton, North Bay, Sud- | North Bay | Sudbury .... Earlton ......000. 45 Sault Ste. Marie .. 45 70 Kapuskasing ..... 45 70 bury: Mostly cloudy and cool to- "4 ¥ .| Trenton ...+ Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake On-) fomon «+ | Muskoka ... Cloudy, Cool, Forecast For Today And Friday TORONTO (CP) -- Official) St. Thomas ....... 55 72 forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m.|London |Kitchener ....+.+. 50 72 Synopsis: Cloudy skies and|Mount Forest . cool temperatures are forecast Wingham .. for all regions of Ontario today] jamiliton ... St. Catharines Toronto Peterborough ...+ 50 72 Lake Erie, | Kingston seeeeeees DD 72 sscecceces OO 72 seesceccee SD 72 oooe 55 72 45 70 Algoma, Timagami, Cochrane, Wits miver +4 be White River, Western James|Moosonee ......, 65 Timmins ......... 45 70 with a few light showers or periods of drizzle today, Mainly | cloudy and continuing cool on) Friday. Winds northwest to northerly 15 to 25. Montreal and Ottawa region: Sunny with a few cloudy periods becoming mainly cloudy this afternoon with a few showers. Friday sunny with cloudy periods and chance of a shower in the afternoon, Cool. Winds light overnight otherwise west-| erly 15. Forecast Temperatures SPECIAL WEEKLY MESSAGE TO MEMBERS RE JULY BULLETIN Chambers. FOOD CLUB Low overnight, High Friday IB BX 8 WINNBOL 4 cecicecss BO 72 a 144 271-- 68 rae -- Bie Sohn Ovens 0.D.\) R= & B= OPTOMETRIST |] Oe i a PHONE. 723-4811 8 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA |! PHONE 723-1163 ) Lutheran Synod Presents Medal NEW YORK (CP)--Rev. F. A. Schole, president of the Lu- theran Church in Canada, Wed- |nesday presented a gold medal- \lion commemorating Canada's jcentennial to Dr. Oliver R. |Harms, president of the Lu- theran Church-Missouri Synod, lat the synod's annual conven- tion here. The special medal, struck as a centennial project of the Lu- therans in Canada, pictures a cross arising from Fort Church- ill, Man., where Christian serv- ices were held in 1619. The other side of the medal \|has an image of Martin Luther, commemorating the 450th an- niversary of the Lutheran Re- formation. BIG APPETITE A woodcock may consume half its weight of worms a day. | é CANADA'S LARGEST AND FINEST CHAIN OF HEALTH SPA'S TAKE NOTICE THAT: sonita Nome of Street From Property Line of Wentworth St. &. Wentworth St. E. 977.25' West of Property Line of Forewell Street The special assessment is to foot frontage is 30c. Wilson Road South Wilson Rood South LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE 1, The Council of 'The Corporation of the City of Oshawo intends to construct, as local improvements, sewers in the following street between the points mentioned and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work: Te Wentworth St. £, 717.0' West. of West Wilson Road South 351.89' East of East Property Line of Wilson Road South West Farewell Street The estimated cost of the work is $20,800.00 ef which $10,952.02 Is te be paid by the Corporation, be paid in fifteen equal annual instalments and the annual rate per . Application will be made by the Corporation to The Ontario Municipal Board for its approvol ef the undertaking of the said work and any owner may, within twenty-one days ofter the first publication of this notice, file with the City Clerk his objection to the said work being undertaken. 4, The said Board may approve of the soid work being undertaken, but before doing so it may eppoint 0 time and place when ony objection to the work will be considered. DATED at Oshawa this 13th day of July, 1967 ae ee 10" $9,900.00 $13.00 " 2,500.00 8.74 " 8,400.00 949 L. R. BARRARD, Clerk, City ef Oshowe, ESTIMATED cost Per Lineal Foot MOLSON EXPORT ALE FROM MOLSON'S-INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786 Canada's largest selling Quebe Medic QUEBEC (CI versity training resident doctors described as " nesday by a ro on health whic! radical revi. teaching in the The commissi« in the legislatu Daniel Johnson, bec is 50 years its doctors as c indicates most pitals are not ¢ It recommend committee to ov university progr bec College of Surgeons, the ex whose practic wanting. It also says t' bec saying only | gen may practi: the province s! ished, permittin; migrant docto after two years pitals. CRITICAL OF § The commissic task is an inquil care, went to we versity training | pute that saw r and interns cone sions in Januar sorts. it says hospi generally made ; sion for teaching titioners and sp though entrusted 95 Are For Em OTTAWA (CP) dated list of 95 ar for special empl tives was issued Industry Ministe: bodying previous! changes in the 19 Fifteen district and one, the nor Halifax County ir was removed fro cause of improv ployment conditio The new areas i hill, N.S.; Baie ¢ ingham, Foresty St. Jerome, Ste. Isles and the cour in Quebec; Haw! land Lake, New I, Bay and Timmin Selkirk, Man. CREATE NEW J A system of « was instituted in | facturing and pro tries that establi: ties in designated | Soviet U Victory | By JACK Canadian Press The Soviet Unio a battle, may be | ward snatching a from the upheaval East. Intense Soviet 4 military activity suggests that the scenting paydirt standing drive to with the Arabs int turns in the form warm-water ports terranean. That would mea tion of a dream asians have been d early czarist day ernments are rep over the possibilit Last month's lis victory over Arab desert was __ int about everywhere trous defeat for I equally as for Eg Jordan. The Soviets ha lions of dollars ° tary equipment it Syria -- equipme wiped out in a fev kreig. Through clums and a dismal fai stand the man th ing with, the Sovi abetted President bellicose actions that contributed | Finally, the Sov spicuously to com of the Arabs eve height of the tumt publicly chargin and the U.S. hac One month ha: the end of hostilit the Russians appe higher in the Mic ever before. They have be; the Arabs--thou: according to rej on a major say | would affect use ments. They are als have begun dicke tian naval bases. Nothing could | ative of Russia mood of cockir statement of a who led 12 Sovie Egyptian waters effect that they to 'repel any ag¢ against the Arab The Arabs, cle dependent on Rt than they ever ¥ fighting began, a been sharp enou this. Tt is acting of someone tryir on a rare opportt his interests.

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