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Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Jul 1967, p. 5

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PARK edible isation hulman N O"HEARN -- Toronto's de- yoroner, Dr. More is noted for ree lements. he most incredible 'ion he has made College of Phyasi- rgeons of Ontario. e college has not tain doctors be- been afraid the might take away owers. where officials ef might be naive r this. Apparently rm did threaten the 30s which is nd professional le for little knowl+ nsequent fear, of r of loss of rights present govern. ye completely un- 'URBING stration is not one status quo, if it ecessive PC gov the past two dec- ouraged self-gov> y professions. It inconceivable sit- fe any Conserva- pre move to take rning power from spokesmen for earing before the the Healing Arts ewhat the suspi- ership of the On- Association is not of true feelings of rofession in the } of the college at the thought ight ever be @ ors in the prov. y indicated that ke quick action loctors who did 1g voices in the é, from time to ked in terms of 'ement that Dr, be an NDP can. ice to the next OR NEWS coroner fs, if f those colorful make news by ose. good his can the NDP, how é time to assess, makes news but strong reactions. getting a lot of rent controversy nment, At least reaction to. this earings of the sion should per- r new candidate nated eccentric 'tion could build d. do the NDP 28 - FOOT SEA SKIFF SITS READY FOR RESCUE OPERATIONS AT MOMENT'S NOTICE e « » Rescue Boat Is Manned By Volunteer Help Whenever Emergency Arrives Invaluable Service Provided By PERU PICKERING (Staff) --Three sailboats overturned in French- man's Bay last weekend and were recovered by PERU. Two children were reported far 'out into Lake Ontario in a small boat one day last week, and PERU arrived within min- utes. PERU is the Pickering Emer- gency Rescue Unit which, in its three weeks of volunteer service, has provided an in- valuable service to the resi- dents of Pickering Township. PERU {ts always on duty for emergencies, and patrols the water on a regular basis 48 hours each week. PERU was created by the ef- forts of. water safety conscious boat and yacht owners, with the backing of the township council and police chief Reg- inald Parker: At the beginning of this year, township council cut its police budget, and the police commis- sion advised the township that the 16-foot patrol boat could no longer be manned by the town- ship police because of inade- quate manpower. Police had long claimed that the 16-foot craft was unsea- worthy in the rough waves of the open lake and had been largely restricted to the bay. After the decision by the com- mission and council, police chief Parker contacted local marinas and yacht clubs with an eye to setting up a rescue unit. The response was en- thusiastic, ering District Board is awaiting approval of as well as providing dock space for the skiff. More than 200 boats and sail- ing craft. are anchored in Frenchman's Bay, and the in- flux of weekend boaters made many ship owners aware of the need of a water safety unit. As a result, the membership list in the PERU organization grew overnight. Men from _ the Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club, the Power Squadron and the Searboro Yacht Club, experi- enced boaters, heeded the call, Today, the experiment, less $3,500,000 Cost For Addition PICKERING (Staff) -- Pick- High School sketch plans for a proposed 32- room addition to the Dunbarton High School. The addition is expected to cost $3,500,000, and is forecast for completion before the Sep- tember 1969 school year. Meanwhile, the $3,000,000 addition to the Ajax high school is still suffering a setback in schedule because of strikes, The board decided at a meet- ing Tuesday night that a deci- sion would be made next month on the question of a shift sys- tem in the school if the project is delayed further. It is already apparent to the paddling their way of schedule and the trip. Mrs. Trenton because of rain, Centennial Park. completed 180 miles of their 475 and are thrée days ahead of schedule, despite hav- ing to spend an extra day in The group left Trenton yes- terday and arrived at Deser- A difficult three mile portage was includ. ed in this leg of the journey, members travelled guests at the reception which followed at the Canadian motor Perry for a picnic, held at the/hotel. park. The departure was from Whitby centennia} building. Upon arrival, various groups played games and investigated the town, The 31 members par- ticipating brought box lunches, which they shared. Mrs, John Nixon was in charge of bus Joan Elmvale, are grandmother, and Cathy Whitfield, visiting Mrs. K, Cowie, 306 Brock | St. N. Venturers Still Intact; Tour Centennial Caravan WHITBY (Staff) -- The Fifth Whitby Venturers, who started) mile tri to Expo Saturday, are three days ahead are still in- tact as a unit, according to Mrs. Ben LaHay, whose husband and two sons are participating injonto, where they camped in LeHay is tele- phoned daily by her husband. Thus far, the Ventureres have WHITBY - AJAX PERSONALS Whitby Senior Citizens' Club to Port however, they rested for lunch in Belleville and toured the} Centennial Caravan. The Venturers target today's paddling is Kingston, Mrs. LaHay reported all of the boys who started are still with the group and no one ex- pects to drop out before they reach Expo. Nineteen Venturers and two aides, who travelled by car to set up camp and cook for the group, are making the trip. They have been given free Expo passes and Mayor Des- mond Newman of Whitby has | duction along the way. When they set out, the boys | expected to do the trip in 15) -|days, averaging a little over' 30 miles per day, than a month old, has proved its need. Eight crews of five patrol the bay from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekends, and from 6 p.m. until 10 in the evening during working days. A motor mechanic and radio mechanic in the area volunteer- ed their services free of charge; others promised to keep their vessels in trim; Robert Town- send of Markham was voted as searchmaster, while Reginald Parker accepted the position of secretary. From donations, the boat was | equipped with life rings, first! aid equipment, life vests and| dragging equipment. A life-giv- | ing resuscitation unit is expect- | ed in the near future. PERU, with its 185-horse- power boat, claims it can reach Women Discuss Year's Program WHITBY (Staff) - The pro. gran. for the coming year for Whitby Women's Institute was discussed at an executive meeting held at the home of Mrs, Earl Ward. Taking part in the program will be: Mrs. Nettie Fletcher, in charge of historical research; Mrs. Harriett Bayes, agricul- ture and Canadian industries; Mrs. Kathleen McKelvie, resolu- arrangements, WHITBY Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Collin-| son, 910 Bayview Ave., attend-if .. é ed the Drenan-Shot te A truly ' held in Scarborough, and were sien iny spot along the Pickering and Ajax lakefront within 10|Canadian Power Squadron ex- ninutes of a call. nitial investment of the boat,| pose simply: he service will not cost town-|pay for the saving of one per- ship ratepayers a cent. Skipper Leslie Daniels of the ey After the|plained the organization's pur- nee, "No money could bid son's life". Reasonable \ Retes, Repair Specialist. Tanks installed Fest Denseneee Rete, Dispotched Plum! jee, SERVICE MADE US. Call 723-1191 BROCK Evening Programs At 6:55 - 9:05 Feature Starts At 6:55 - 9:20 % extraordinary motion picture! WALT DISNEY presents EVERYBODY CAN'T BUY... When the Model is New and "PRICES « HIGH" BUT YOU CAN SAVE A "BUNDLE"' now! aa TANKS brooklin concrete products 1. "Available for immediate delivery In the following capacities" 460 GALLONS 525 GALLONS 600 GALLONS 700 GALLONS 1000 GALLONS IN SINGLE OR DOUBLE CHAMBER PHONE bo-ddTl " ten given the boys letters of intro-| to mayors of cities| z| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, July 13, 1967 § BUY YOUR @ SUNBEAM @ IMP @ ARROW @ ALPINE @ SIMCA All With $ Year 8,000 Mile Power Train Warranty BELL'S GARAGE DUNDAS fy WHITBY ; siti LW. FREE 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE By Our Local Service Contractors SAWDON'S |) FUELS FURNACE OIL -- STOVE OIL AND COAL 244 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-3524 INIGOLS Offers These EXCEPTIONAL 1962 Goloxie $00 Tudor hardtop, V custom radio, Lie. Ne. 196638 64.0.3. 1962 Volkswagen, Redio, Lie. No. $ 3ea8s4 ........ 1962 Meteor, twe door tedan, radle, Economy. Lie. Ne, $ s7e8i0. .... 1963 Pontiae 4 door ned 8, eutemetic 1963 Falcon, 2 door tedon, 6 cylinder, aute matic a radio. Lie. No. $90600, ... And Own a Deluxe Model Too... SEE US TODAY SUMMER CLEARANCE is, Dr. Shulman 'andidate. He is personable and is r. In whatever s he will have ian t - agi y agri a -- tions; Mrs. Ida Simpson, home A comm was set up an ready for students in Sep- : council was petitioned to pur-|tember, but the shop wing in the a - . W. chase a new boat capable of|school is expected to be com-| C®™pbell, citizenship an ca- riding the sometimes turbulent | pleted. tion; Mrs. Earl Ward, public For Your doer, mission. ig Ne, K2364, | ae ALE | "8 196 ENTIRE STOCK OF LADIES' GENTS' & CHILDREN'S good chance to YY IN ORY ADIAN PRESS e between the and Canada 1@ Rush-Bagot jing armament zakes 45 years 1922. The ori- nt of 1817 was Richard Rush i States and t of Britain e number and ships on the greement was ermit building s and'tfaining Peter Ill was | coup in Rus- Greeks de- 'ks in the bate pylae. rid War ago today--in Russians ad- cia on a front miles to the hype eer repu! ' on Chemin idge west orld War years ago to- 2 -- German through the ons at Voro- Navy bom- sa Matruh; r Macdonald ounced the ee merchant Lawrence by Ps. LE the Lord's, and of; the world, well therein." lake. The committee promised to take care of all expenses once the boat was bought. Council agreed to buy a used 28-foot skiff at a price of $6,000, and received $2,000 for the old police boat. A direct hookup was made to the police station by way of radio on the craft, and Marina owner Henry Moore agreed to take care of emergency calls, Whitby Knights Start New Term WHITBY (Staff) -- Newly el- ected officers and members of Whitby Council 4895 Knights of Columbus held their first meet- ing, conducted by Grand Knight William Goverde, who outlined his program for the coming six months. Deputy Grand Knight, John} Kahn gave the rules of the! "Fishing Derby" for fathers xc sons, held on the South Shore of the Bay of Quinte. An executive meeting and one general meeting will be held in The board will decide on the shift system at its next meeting Aug. 15. relations and history, Mrs. Russell Saunders is plan- ning a ial Christmas pro- Bridge Winners At Curling Club WHITBY - Winners of the Whitby curling club duplicate bridge evenings held in_ the lounge each Monday were: East and West - Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Baker, 6144; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Sorichetti, 49%; Mr. and Mrs. John Dowghty, 48%; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howe, 47. North and South - Mady Wil- son and Mabel Irwin, 63; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Winter, 57; Mr. and Mrs. Frand Wells, 564 Eileen Beeton and John McColl, 4814. gram, and the roll call will be answered by giving a gift for a retarded child. The January meeting will be) in the form of a pot luck lunch- eon, The 1968 June meeting will] be a strawberry social, All members were invited to the summer cottage of Mrs. Donna Martin for a_ picnic, Aug. 2. The draw for the institute quilt will be made at the Sept. 27 meeting. Another gesture from mem- bers of Whitby Women's Instit- ute is to have their yearly pro- school for retarded children iam Tactene' in. Whitby. | CHEVELLE HARDTOP CAMARO CUTLASS IMPALA Wide Choice ef Medels, Colors end Equipment. CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE |i LTD GM gram printed by the Glenholme 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST * WHITBY * PHONE 0308 SPEEDY TAXI SERVICE | 668-6841 WHITBY DAY & NIGHT August. RAE R. JONES REALTOR STRAWBERRIES STRAWBERRY FARM Benen Mf TAUNTON RD. OFFICE 668-8841 RESIDENCE 668-4003 FOR SALE SUMMER CLOTHING REDUCED 2.0% or morz MANUFACTURERS END-OF-SEASON SALE ON MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS Extra Trousers FREE with every suit BRING YOUR AMERICAN VISITORS TO SEE US... 7% mx @ OPEN FRI. UNTIL 9 P.M. @ FREE PARKING EVE. AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT 1963 Plymouth 4 door seden, V-8 engine, sten- dard transmission. 1961 Pontiae Perisionne 4 door hardtop, eutome- tie transmission, radio. Lie, Ne. N97741, .... 1959 Chevrolet % ton age re long , 33290. 1963 Chrysler Saratoga, 4 door hardtop, 4 way power. Lic. No. 551691. i} YOUR AREA RAMBLER DEALER NICOLS Hwy. Ne, 2 et Thickson WHITB Psalms 24:1 rship is estab- dn't have any % Acre Lot -- Taxes $400 Six,.Rooms -- Large living room with log-burning fireplace, raised hearth, broadloom, three bedrooms all with wardrobe closets. Custom styled kitchen with built-in stove. Dining-room, WHITBY | | | | | | PICK YOUR OWN BRING ience. 'Ye are . " "We have not with gold ) the precious ANY TIME CONTAINERS powder room, 4-pc. tiled bath. Recreation room presently partially finished with stone fire- ploce. All electric heat, two-cor garage. Spotless condition throughout and 'very ertistically decorated with appointments you only find in a custom built home. di WHITBY PLAZA ONT. 668-3331

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