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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Jul 1967, p. 17

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Apartments. for Rest MMEDIATE POSSESSION BEDROOM APARTMENT In Four-Plex | facilities included in rent, ults, See to appreciate, 725-8393 After 5 ' Stacey Avenue nue after 5 5 p.m. TTING room, centrally located, | and parking facilities, Suitable jady. Call 728-4646 between 9-5 -- Large 1 and 2-bedroom apart. near all schools and shopping, ces optional. Telephone 942-0130. EDROOM apartment in modern ex. Stove and refrigerator in- $105 monthly. Adults enly 728- -ROOM apartment, private en private bath. Immediate posses tlephone 728-6840. ' EDROOM APARTMENT -- entrance, private driveway. Ref- required. One or twe children tlephone 668-5413, LOR APARTMENT, or, laundry facilities. Parking. entrance. Unturnished. Immedi- upancy. 822 King East after § ve, re BUILDING in Whitby, Mow renting one- and Ss, extra large suites af most cal rates, Rent includes free fuss parking, etc, Call 284-6813, HED APARTMENT with TV. st area, suitable for two gentle. irking available. Telephone 778- , sound- two- ETELY PRIVATE -- two-bed- pariment, $110. monthly, heat available now. Phone 723-0318 e. E, furnished apartment, living- itchen, one bedroom and bath. vite working couple or gentie- ply 306 Pacific Ave., (side -- three-room "apartment, pri- h and entrance, heat and hydro. for working. couple or two 5 monthly. Telephone 668-6360. 200M basement 'apartment, A. south plant. Telephone 725- OOM apartment, and private vate entrance. Available August jone 723- "2842. WN, 30 Colborne Street | East, om apertment. Refrigerator, oadioom, free laundry facilities, | yApartment 1. IROOM "apartment, private en: colored bath, available July 15, 725-7682. 1 two-bedroom apartment. rigerator, drapes, no down de- ne child welcome. Available 170 Park Road South or 723- ISHED basement "apartment refrigerator and stove, suitable Wilson-Olive district. Telephone PROOMS, kitchen, front room 'oom, private entrances, stove, 4. Apply 374 Wilson Road or 728-1491 anytime, ROOM apartment ding, 787 King St. efrigerator, stove. oF appointment. ND TWO-BEDROOM = apart- apartment building, vacancies re a only, Telephone 668- In apart. £., washer, plephone LY for bachelor apartment ent buliding. Stove, refrigera- ig, laundry Siacilities Ideal for © adults. 728-2949 IT APARTMENT - -- three living room, kitchen, bathe ) monthly, heat and hydro in- Hephe 576-2349. 100M a ai ey. me Simcoe Street t one child. Telephone Mas.4aed 4535 eveni at modera' ve, refrigerator and laund Ww cue time. Call 728-5282, "UPPI jable hy, 1 tral leeation. ee ae Telephone ROOM apariment, siove and oe floor, close to south 3 -- 1, Telephone Bay Sasi RAGTUGRT. Ig ree andar 'rapes. ince: oe '@partment, iiapecge ui sult twe le, or la by Ae ett Stree ene child, ROOM , _ Splece artment buitdi ef 8 in in rooklin, 655-3611. $60 mon thly. , ARTMENT -- i te rooms, 1 bath. Whitby central. Quiet, referred, Telephone oe +6416, N vicinity Oni ond, unfurnished perinints pri- entrance. Suit middle-aged le August 1, $65 month- @ 723-7530. ) BACHELOR -- apariment. 9 room, dinette, kitchenette, rivate entrance. Five min- sd Shopping Centre. Apply e s tment in ~ apartment jailable August 1. Wilson- _Telephone 725.3296. 'D one bedroom apart. and fridge, private = it coup! lable now, OM besemente apartment. rator, laundry facilities. peneral Motors, Telephone ~~ BACHELOR itchenette and fivi ppd i private vin Tele- ~ furnished apartment near mont Including heat, water, Telephone 79388. VILLE -- One - bedroom Jy icattigerator and stovi relephone 725-93 iy ' "apartment, pri private bath, 9. Telephone 723-1389 after ree ee Unfurnished three reoma $80 econd floor, centr: phone 668-3577. S FOR RENT. Appi pt. 9% = 725-3938, ies ROOM Speriment, In new » fridge, Be a, washer, riment, sepi wl entrance. door, stores in 1 block, and garden, Rent to wi- fi ee ee down- (07 after yp Ane geiad bedroom apariments ¢ ond: floors. Includes ts on heat and hydro, Washi ple 'eferred. Centraty 7 or Telephone 725-3947 | apartment faci facing ment block, $90. monthly, coe Street South, 'Apart: tment in due New! Phd lewly deco- ms, two bedrooms, and fay bedrooms, Possession OM ai central lon July 21, sie al Telephone 0 = room apart iment, twe two acta eal FA Street E erally. q caRee furnished room for rent. Apartments for Rent |30--Automobiles for Sale 33--Automobiles Wanted 36--Legal 38--Coming Events 0-BEDROOM peerinent, ny Bs steve. or ee 78 Park Rd. BAERS Ta Room an apartment offer. Call 725-0383. grund floor. Telephone 668-2776. 1955 CHEV Bel-Air, f WELY one- or two-bedroom ~ furnish- 3035, basement apartment with private. , entrance, Te een '61 RAMBLER olabid GIRL ished |9Uaranteed original miles. Show: heat, light, |'58 SIX-CYLINDER standard, black and entrance.|white Chevrolet Delray with white walis and trailer hitch, Highest cash Classic, four-door, CARS WANTED Buying A New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted". Talk 'Cash' to the New Cor Dealer and "Save". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 droom alo al to 3 with |condition, $10, down, $11. weekly. Well: other girl. Reasonable rent, in nice|™Man Rambler, 728-7351, tion. Call 728-2776 after 5 p. .m, '51 PONTIAC - asking $78 or best of- REE-BEDROOM apartment on. Sim- fer. Call 723-991. St, N. Telephone 723-7620. Hd CHEV sedan. FE ai with Firs JARTMENT for couple, three rooms, rfect car. Lic. ecieted, dowrtonn laiaiion: rent St, 575bi9. Evenings 9425693 Nephone 725-3501. 1961 WOLESLEY, 699 series, automatic. or nearest offer. Reconditioned In excellent catia Telephone 6A--Expo Accommodation mor SERVATIONS for September _and|ALL USED PARTS, tires, wheels, redi- tober taken now for large double room| a' 'Springs. 509 modern, private home In Montreal. $10|Bloor Stré couple, $15 two couples, $10 for|; RPE To € 64 CHEVROLET ss < convertinle 327, iy_oF tour 722 Used four . Many extras, 34,000 original a Excellent condition. 1042 King Eas ig oe SELL. 1962 Ford Galaxie, V2, automatic, in fair running condition. Asking $350. Telephone 728-4772. n, two-door auto- at MINUTES from Expo site. '310 and up up couple, specia amily rates. lease eae aaa Wve now. Mrs. M. MacKenzie, 7538/8874 buys "60 Falcon, - amplain, Ville LaSalle, P.Q.' matic, Lic, 383264, Easy to finan so ec aati Nicols in Whitby. 668-3331. i7-----Rooms for Rent 4s7 CHEVROLET, good | runner. ver. Apply 465 Crerar Avenue. 4) CHEVROLET | od ATTRACTIVELY top, Ar. shape, 310" down 12 weekly: by roc! ir FURNISHED ROOM wean Available in private home, CONVERTIBLE: 0 Lark automatic, radio, power top, clean, low mileage, low price. Mittons' Supertest, Simcoe Street North. a oe '61 CORVAIR 700 series, black, red In- terior, perfect condition. 262 Ritson Road | North after 5 or Saturday. ROWERS |SAVE DOLLARS! Several good used vedeana i dacealh i ars, '55's and up, Trades accepted. ------ \ Terms aie R. B. Motor Sales, 509 Coll between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 'OR NT -- M ralephone 728-7906, _ 863 Ritton ($2272 buys brand new '67 Rambler. Easy to eaueid finance at Nicols Motors in Whitby. bed - sifting roo wa |e Jabs me - sitting room -- 7 cK 55 ot-cold water, refrigerator. Also one|6 BUICK, <iye| Mercury motor, tra Half-ton_ truck, bedroom, with hot and cold water. "ive : Centre, Gentle-|BOx and sleeping trailer. 723-7088, eve. 728-7288 Soe eal eer %§ VOLVO, light bive color, good condi- tion. Telephone 942-1766. 960 CORVAIR, 4-door, no '67 licence, licence, $250 or best offer. Telephone 655-4679. 1§9 CHEVROLET bus, 15 SINGLE room tor oF gentleman. Close'GMC _ half-ton V-8, '63 Ponti to South General Motors. Telephone 576-|ibie. 723-5238. ey AEE OU Sito '42 PONTIAC Parisienne id inutes to Shopping King West. LI DROOM with two single eds, suitable for two gentlemen. Kitch- in privileges. Teachers preferred. No! moker. Abstainer. Apply 164 Steve jon Road North. ba convert e convertible, v4 1$10 MOTEL rooms to share, private $16, rand new suites $25 and $35; also monthly rates. | with Walker Continentals, new tires. Ask- -- 668-5201. 800 Brock St. N. ing $1,300, Telephone 7 728-5 5580. i BEDS for roomei $1074 buys ; 63 Plymou tomatic. yr uth | Lic. 239104, Easty to finance at Nicols In Whitby. 668-3331. tgs ey eee "65 CHEVROLET Impala convertible, 3 whitewalis, tered all conveniences, . Close to Shopping Centre. Available now.|HP, 327 cubic inch, radio, Parking. Apply 368 Pine Avenue, in automatic, Telephone 728- 3995 after | 5:30. pdb itbacnatnhcabi 499 CHEVROLET convertible, power top, $475. condition. housekeep-|6, standard, excellent Telephone 723-5705. 1967 GRAND P. mileage, very rei n '39 CHEVROLET in excellent mechan- ical condition, needs a little body were: Best offer. Call Jerry. 728-5223 or 1 3. FURNISHED ROOMS, light | ing, central, Telephone 728-8402. <r SELF - CONTAINED bed-sitting room private entrance, toilet and driveway. Ritson - Dean. Telephone 725-6280. _ LARGE FURNISHED room, _ kitchen priveleges, close to hospital and down- town, suitable for lady telephone 728- Hace ~|like new, - | 728-2834. {$1,574 "full "price | buys 162 y Chevrolet im- pala convertible, V-8, with power. 20841L. ation ly mec anleaty Al. Telephone URNISHED ROOM with sink, | sion outlet, South - east area, suitable for single gentleman. Close to bus ser-! vice, Vetepnore arene: |Basy to finance at Nicols in Whitby 668- COMPLETELY 1 FURNISHED bedroom, | 13331. two single beds, kitchen with sink, re-|; cara frigerator and range, TV. outlet. Suit-| '84 (PONTIAC able for one or we gentlemen. Apply 237 Athol 725-01 €omP LY 7 pURATENED ) bedsitting room, sink, and refrigerator. Residential 1» Close to buses. Telephone 728-1914, FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman. BL tages and telephone Included. Pri- ate entrance and bathroom. Parking faciilties, Telephone 728-1059. t, hardtop, 327 four- condition stom _ Sport, power steering, power brakes, speed, reverberator, excellent throughout, $1,650. 725-8470. 31,174 full price buys "61 Oldsmobile, two- door hardtop. Immaculate condition. 34900H, Easy to finance at Nicols in Whitby 668-3337. '4 PONTIAC convertible, 2 matic, power steering and bra' new tires, low mileage. $1,685. Telephone 576- 13. 'auto- WANTED: Cars and trucks for wreck- Ing. No charge for towing. Best prices [sagt Pier aaaed 728-4549 anytime. Rob- SHAW AUTO WRECKERS CO. Cars parts for sale. Iron and metals bought, 89 Bloor Street East. Osa 34--Automobile "epair AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CENTRE TENDERS for the PAINTING of various schools for the above board will be received by the undersigned until, JULY 21, 1967. Forms and information are available from the Board Office, Hampton. W. G. Dallas, Business Administrator. 37--Auction Sales 1038 Simcoe St. N., 728-7339 Transmissions ore Our Only Business -- Repairs, Adjust- ments, Exchanges, All Work Guaranteed. FRED STONE Brooklin --- 86 Queen St. E. REBUILT ENGINES 6 CYL. Exchange Price as low as $175.00 8 CYL. Exchange Price as low os $210.00 35--Lost and Found Lost - < - Gril's wrist watch | in Vicinity or Ceasarea, Reward. Call 725-9490. SMALL BEAGLE, bieck-white. -- have same by payment of pound fe "hla aca at the Dog Control.) 98 ar The Hydro- Electric. Power Commission of Ontario Construction of an Extension to the Area Office Building Markham SEALED TENDERS, in tripli- cate, addressed to the under- signed, 620 University Ave- nue, Toronto 2, Ontario, and clearly marked: "TENDER FOR AN EXTENSION TO THE AREA OFFICE BUILDING AT MARKHAM" will be received up to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1967 for the construction to full completion of an electrically heated frame building with a single-storey, concrete block, partial basement approxim- ately 48 ft. by 30 ft. The building is to be complete in all trades ond ready for oc- cupancy by December 29, 1967. Tendering documents may be obtained on or after July 12, at the office of the Director AUCTION Evening auction sale of complete GARAGE EQUIPMENT the property of Edgers Bro- thers Ltd, 23 Mill Street, Port Hope, Wednesday Evening July 19th ot 6:30 p.m. Owner retiring from business. Murray C. Noble, Paul Lean--Auctioneer. -- May 38--Coming | Events _ MUSI 7 In The Park 8:30 P.M. McLaughlin Bandshell Memorial Park TUES., JULY 18 Featuring BERNARD TIERNEY and his ORCHESTRA Come and bring the whole family to a Free Concert of Modern Music, under the stars. You'll hear the best of Broadway and popular Hit Songs as played in "Big Band" arrangements. Concerts sponsored jointly by General Motors of Canada Ltd. and the Toronto Musi- cians Associations with. a grant from the Trust Fund of the Recording Industry. M.C. Barry Sarazin of CKLB Meet the BAND NIGHT Featuring members of the band in solo, also a lead the barid contest. 28--Room and Board Room ane BOARD | for 1962 PONTIAC convertible, standard, ve New body work and paint job, good jentleman. ue ce Telephone Sree Between 6-8 of Supply, 620 University Avenue, Toronto, on payment of $50 per set, which sum will be refunded on the return of each set of documents in good condition, within 30 Telephone 728-6) tiemen, very|/e™ roan ne t's rock 'Street oF reet|1959 FORD sedan, four - door, 6 cylin- East or telephone 725-2938. Hide Good ROSSLA' IMCOM area, large bow tao ond room, tor be entiaman, 'good "meals, pare 19st PONTIAC. | two - fone | oreen, 8 stop. 728-4845. ristens accessori good - wa aa Gitton, Will 'take best offer. Nwst sell OOM 1 after 6.30. eoeone Mos |within week. 623-362 Recs eit iy EVROLET Bel Alr hardtop, 6, ae needs body and motor work, A-1 tires. Best offer. Apply 401 Brent- wood Street or 725-771 rk Ri solute Ben Phe chlth coR Lar ih ad ARE ON OOO Ue. CONVERTIBLE, 1958 CHEVROLET, V-8 automatic, power steering and gerne 29---Wanted to Rent radio, discs, new top. Very good ome Maplntced Eh tent eantes ve 'ojand paint. $450, 576-2151. Mer Ratgieol 668-3351 31--Compact Cars for Sale iar ae oe ceced wane By Shtect "Mr Rergusqn at 6683381.\4 VOLVO and PEUGOT 30--Automobiles For Sole [x MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and GUS BROWN Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage MOTORS LIMITED R. No. 3, Oshawa 449 Ritson Rd, South R. TRADE UP OR DOWN, Top Oshawa 728-0921 Price paid for Good Clean ZOLTAN and NICK'S Cars, liens paid. TERMS. Your Authorized Datsun Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 AND Sonne for hrs Shopping Centre. Tel ROOM or and meals for two meme, on quiet home, parking. , ond Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkeswagen days from the closing date for tenders. Telephone enquiries are to be directed to Toronto 368-6767, local 22158. The tendering documents may be inspected at the offices of the Daily Commercial News and Building Record, Toronto, the Toronto Construction Asso- ciation, and the Oshawa and District Construction Ex- change. Each tender must be accom- panied by a certified cheque drawn on a Canadian chart- ered bonk payable to the order of The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario for 10 per cent of the amount of the tender. Provision for the return of the cheque ap- pears in the tendering docu- ments. The successful tenderer may be required to furnish a per- WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO EVERY MONDAY Admission ticket gives you free chance on door prize. TWO JACKPOTS 55-57 IN 52 NOS. OR LESS $200. In announced Nos. $50 Consolation Prize $10 per line in both games $150 JACKPOT $20 A HORIZONTAL LINE 5 $50 FULL CARD $200 in 52 Nos. or less 5 SPECIAL GAMES AT $30 $45 in 17 Nos. or less 20 GAMES AT $20 Regular. games pay double in Nos. or less EARLY BIRD GAME $100 Door Prize EXTRA BUSES RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA Children Under 16 Not Admitted IN MEMORIAM | McGHEB -- In ever loving memory Dept. of Recreation Country & Western of my dear husband, Tom, who 4 away July 16, 1961, Jamboree Deep p the nest oe ® picture Of a loved one laid to rest, Wed., July 19 In memory's frame | shall keep It, Because he was one of the best. 8 p.m. Sunshine fades and shadows: fail, ; ; But love and remembrance ouvilasts Dominion Store Parking Lot aie . --Sadily missed and ever remembered BOWMANVILLE by his wife, Elizabeth McGhee A LASTING TRIBUTE | For Permanence and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Pork Office, 723-2633 CARD OF THANKS | Civic Holiday weekend. Contact fe 93.|. BURNETT -- The family of the lat travel agent or Burley Bus Lines, 123 Gordon C, Burnett wish to thank. the! ~|friends and neighbors for their kind ex- A MARITIME tour July 29 - August pressions of sympathy following the lo 12, Places of interest, New Brunswick,|of a beloved husband, father and grand- Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island,/father, Special thanks to Rev. Mellow for Cape Breton, State of -Maine, U.S.A. and his comforting _Words. Quebec. Also a visit to Expo, For In- formation telephone 623-3265 or 623-3093. | Colmer Travel Servic Bowmanville. Tom Seymour, M.C. J. C. Coule Sr., Caller CHARTERED: BUS TO EXPO August 1-3 (3 days) Air con- ditioned motor coach. Excel- lent accommodations. Fare $35. includes everything ex- cept meals. 725- 8470 anytime. TRIPS To WHEELING, West Virgina, | for Western Jamboree, August 4 ' Archery Team ~|Goes For Third: | 39--Notices ATTENTION. SPECIAL G.M. UNIT MEETING SUNDAY, JULY 16th, 7 P.M. TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian} Archery Association officials jare predicting a third-place fin- ish for their team in the world, championships at Amersfoort, Holland, July 25-28. "It's certainly the strongest Canadian team ever to compete internationally and we're hop- ing they'll finish, somewhere) among the top five -- possibly) third,' Ron Leonard, a CAA of- ficial, said Thursday. | More than 30 countries will compete with England and the U.S. rated the top contenders. Canada's eight-member team jwill leave here by air Monday.) | Don Jackson of Lindsay, Ont., is expected to make the strong-| lest showing for Canada. Jack- son, 34, has shot 1,243 of a pos- jsible 1,440 in practice. "That's more than. 40 Points better than the world record," said Leonard. CIVIC | | AUDITORIUM | eirst Shek ine toast Claim. | | jing. Maiden three- and four-year-olds. | At The One and one-sixteenth Miles 6-Missy's Gem, Brownell 9.50 4,70 2.90) 2-Miss Marianne H., Grubb 7.20 2.50) 7-Melville, Gomez 2.10 Also Ran in Order: Buckminster, Deal | Around, Monreal, Chimar and Suzy Jon.| SECOND RACE--Purse $2,200. Clalm- To Discuss | Amendments for F - Ing. Three-year-olds, About 1 Mile on turf course. orthcoming 5-Randy Sue, Bowcut 6.30 3.60 2.20 6-Aberfoyle, Gomez 3.70 2.40 j j 3-DQ-Vinny's Redhead, Harrison 2.40 | Negotiations Also Ran in Order: Whistier's Wife and |A--J L Agro and Mrs H A Luro Entry.| |DQ--Finished second but was disquall- | fied and placed third. DAILY DOUBLE, 6 AND 5, PAID $27.80 Consolation Double, 6 and 4, paid $7.90 Chairman, G.M. | | THIRD RACE -- shetbe $2,200. Maiden \two-year-olds. 5 Furlongs. \1-Prince Brother, G'b \S-Aye Aye, Harrison |4-Rolly Octo, Gomex Royal Turban, B IR THS | Elataimiss, Vat vast Opportuniiye end 'south | STEVE NIMIGON Bargaining Committee \victory over Richn.ond Braves. lf FORT ERIE RESULTS A-Dark Freedom | "45.90 7.30 4.00|Solar Park and Dreamalot. 9.90 §5.10)A--P Fuller and Gardiner 'Farms Entry.) 3.10, 1D $6.20 | FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,400.|7-Wthy Craft, Gomez : , GAY -- Robert and Gwen finally an- Ile Three-year-olds and up. 612/8- E Righteous, ie. 4.40 289) nounce the arrival of Leanne Michelle,|1\choir' Beauty, Grubb 7.90 3.00 2.20| Also Ran. in Order: Kerry's Imp,| ® sister for Sheron, Cindy en Ks to Spike C C, Barroby 2.70 2.20 Nearctic Myth, Ever Onward, Aged Se rere eo Oe Toes 1?) ewitiow Twig, (Kel 2.60 Dust, No Discard, . E. King and fourth floor staff. Also Ran in Order: Rough Record and} I shining Wings. NAYLOR -- Grant and Heather wish EXACTOR, S AND 1, PAID $17.60 | |to announce the arrival of their daugh- |ter, Karen Elizabeth, on Friday, July 7,/ 1967, at the Oshawa General Hospital. | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, July 15, 1967 cd Back On Road, 'Leafs Falter By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Toronto Maple Leafs appar- ently can't stand prosperity. | The Leafs won two consecu- | tive baseball games in com-| pleting a home stand Thursday! night. On the road Friday, they| |jumped ahead of Buffalo Bisons' |5-L in the first four innings.) Then their fortunes turned. The Bisons cut the margin to' a single run by the sixth inning, | tied the International League shed 5-5 in the eighth on Bob) Perry's 10th home run of tie) season and won it in an extra nning on Clyde Mashores | single. In other action, Syracuse) | Chiefs won their fourth straight} from league-leading Rochester Red Wings, 6-1; Columbus Jets) 'continued their recent surge) |with a 2-1 victory over Toledo) Mud Hens:and Jacksonville Suns replaced Toronto in fourth spot in the team standings with a 3-2 GET RELIEF HELP A key to the Buffalo victory was the strong relief job by Jim Duffalo, Aubrey Gatewood) and Joe Pena, who blanked Tor-| onto on three hits for the last 6 1-3 innings. Stan Bahnsen, who threw a perfect game in his last start, limited Rochester to five hits| Friday as the Chiefs won their sixth straight. Syracuse got two runs in the/ first and broke open. a tight bat-| tle between Bahnsen and Lloyd| Fourroux of Rochester with four' jmore in the eighth. Strong pitching also featured) the Columbus-Toledo game with) both winner Jim Shellenback| and loser Daryl Patterson toss-| ing four - hitters. Shellenback/| struck out a dozen men and| 'Patterson nine. \ ! FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,000. Ciaim-| \Early Week Money Saving Features AT "Dominion's Own Brand" Bayside FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALMON Save 10c! 49° 734 02, Tin "Dominion's Own Brand" Hilltop ing. Four-year-olds and up, foaled In Canada. 6 Furlongs. i |5-Winning Cue, Kelly 12.90 6.20 5.30) 8-Portmaker, Grubb 4.50. 3.70} 3-Sweet Polly, Turcotte 7.00 Also Ran in Order: Chopmar, Top Cadet, Broth Of A Boy, Artista and $ A) Boy. SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,500. Claim-| |Ing. Two-year-olds. 5 Furlongs. |4-Mighty Me, Barroby 16.30 6.20 3.60 6-Moody Marty, Turcotte 3-Dual Personality, Gordon Also Ran in Order: Dream and Gay Penn. Cloncurry, Doc' 3} SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $3,000. Al- |lowances, Fillies and mares, three-year- olds and up. About 7 Furlongs on turf cours Varlee Water, Gomez A-True Blue, Grubb 3 -Anxlous Age, Inouye Al Ran in Order: Sharon Market, EXACTOR, 1A AND 1A, P. EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,000. Clalm- Ing. Four-year-olds and up, foaled In {Canada. 6 Furlongs. | 9.00 4.00 2.70) Needlin Al. | |Attendance 5,786. Total Handle sia danmerson tm aoe wwe oe = FORT ERIE ENTRIES |happy to announce the birth of a daugh-| |ter, on Thursday, July 13, at the Osh-| | MONDAY, JULY 17 jer. Omreret Hospital. A sister for Clear and Fast | SMITH -- Douglas and Lorene are, FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim | | ing (3000). Maiden three- and four-year- [ra ning eis. Sonne et July 43, (Olds, foaled in Canada. 6 Furlongs (18) 1967 at the Oshawa General Hospital.|J've Win, No Boy Jin The Ring, Grubb X110 Special thanks to Dr. Spragge end the) iii. "Waldemar, Harrison 110 RAMBLER Repair ond Service formance bond, in the form SALES SERVICE 3 approved by the Commission d PAINT 160 Simcoe South and issued by o bonding com- an i ] pany licensed as such in the New ond Used Cars ae se = Province of Ontario and ac- Easy to Finance at i , Meta] ceptable to the Commission voakly. Wellman Rambler, 728-7351, for 100 per cent of the NICOLS MOTORS LTD. WHITBY -- 668-3331 MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH 465 TIGER. Dunlop SP41 radials, 2 Lucas Quartz- Tate SY bad lamps, PL 700 after 5. '58 TeaURN 5 automatic, blue, red leather Interior, very good shape. Must sell, leaving for for U.S. Telephone Poa 2573. %2 ENVOY. Excellent condition. $10 down, $8 weekly, J and B Motor Sales, 146 Brock Street North, 668-6889. '@ VAUXHALL, good condition, $250 or best offer, Telephone 725-4069. amount of the contract. WHITBY 723-9421 '64 MGB good condition, accept eny offer. 725-2951. $75. 60 Austin Cambridge. Good con- dition, Telephone 942-1396. Ask for for_Den- $674 buys 62 Volkswagen. Lic. 364- 854, Easy to finance at Nicols in Wnitby, OSHAWA TRANSMISSION SERVICE New Convenient Location 116 BOND ST. W. 8-333 Transmissions are still our {1964 MINI specialty, but we do now _ |Price $ have facilities to do all gen- |'64 SWAGEN deluxe, eral repairs, All work guar- |*Tas. Reasonable. Telephone 576-2119. anteed 1962 VOLKSWAGEN, good motor, tires, i body. Offers. Claremont 649-2426 eve- nings, "66 CORVAIR Spyder, 9,000 miles, super- Minor, excellent condition. ._ Telephone 728-7263, EN many ex- 576-2610 62 RAMBLERS, three from which to choose, excellent summer transporta-|charger, posi-traction, wood steering fully reconditioned. $10 down, $9|wWheel, radio, four-speed, wire wheels. weekly. Wellman for Rambler, 728-7351. en finance. Days 725-6559; after 6, 725- 4576. 953 FORD - G tran: sg new Mates $i08 or heer offer, "61 SPRITE, condition, $550 or 728-1246. best offer. Telephone 728-8415. 1954 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder standard, |'59 PORSCHE, five new Dunlop SP tires, 723-7129. Good condition. Telephone pital td Super 90 motor. $1,500. 3 after 6. 1 VROLET, 6 cyili sith Tel : Tara. -- 1957 MGA good condition. Telephone be- "ea GME. alt fon step. sides "a2. [twee = ae ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ONTARIO "HOSPITAL SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived, until 3:00 p.m, Local Time on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9th, 1967 for the construction of the overhead Electrical Distribu- tion System at the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, Ontario. Tender. Documents may be obtained from Room 1704 (Tower), Department of Pub- lic Works, Whitney Block, Parliament Buildings, Tor- KINSMEN BINGO 2--$200 JACKPOTS 52 - 50 |One Must Go | PLUS $10 per line Both Games $25 Consolation $150 Jackpot Game 20 REGULAR GAMES AT $20. Last 5 Games $30. per Game Early Bird 7:45 Sharp $25 full card Guaranteed $5 a line TUESDAY Admission 50c fda setts |Just Sailed, Steve 110 | WORSLEY -- Ronald and Doreen (nee|Muncey Boy, Bowcut 115 |Martin) wish to announce the ae rd a|Eternal Flight, Steve 4 |daughter, Rhonda | May, 4\Quick Bid, Bell eae lounces, on Friday, July 14, '96re| im Osh-|Lady, Schreibe, No ay |awa General Hospital. First grandchild |Art Abstract, Bell A ae for Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Martin and|Copperhammer, No Boy, | @ grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Thomas |Fieet Scholar, Kelly X11 Worsley, Cameron, {Fable Quest, No Boy 110 | Also Eligible: Wallaceburg, Bell, X110; | {Good Sunday, No Boy, 122; Winshot, No| |Boy, 110; I'm A_ Devil, Kelly, X117;) |straindale Leo, Hale, 115; Dreamy Jo,| DEATHS i" |A--L Toffoli, H G McCann, and Mrs. R T Crichton Entry. MIDDLETON - Winnifred Violet 4 SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,200. Suddenly at the Port Perry Community |ciaiming (3000). Three- and four-year- Hospital on Thursday July 13, 1967 Win-loids. One and one-sixteenth Miles (7). nifred Violet Drew, beloved wife Of/Daring Daryl, No Boy 104 Fred C. Middleton and dear mother of/Eniyn Sun, Turcotte 111 Reginald, Cooksville, Robert of Oshawa); ast Duchess, No Boy 104 Ronald and Kenneth of Port Perry, Rest-|Miss Telso, Bell X105 ing af the chapel of McDermott Pana-|ninilist, Turcotte 108 baker, Port Perry for service on Mon-|Moonlight Mambo, Inouye 110 day at 2 p.m. Interment Pine Grove|Bronselene, Fitzsimmons 101 Cemetery. TURNER, Harry William, WO 2 feJing (5000). tired EDCD 5 Furlongs (15). Entered into rest at the Oshawa General|Grey Empress, No Boy 112 Hospital on Friday, July 14, 1967, Harry|iori Be, No Boy 112 William Turner beloved husband of Eve- Maiden two-year-old fillies. Come On Maggie, Griffo 117 lyn Chesebrough, father of John Turner,|Senior Service, Gordon 112 Scarboro, brother of Mrs. Robert Doyle/Eve Darby, No Boy 117 (Violet), Toronto, in his 59th year. Rest- Bry Jan, Bell X107 ing at the Armstrong Funeral Home,|Amber Hill, Gordon A-112 Oshawa with funeral service in the/Patricia G.G., Dittfach 117 chapel, Tuesday, July 18 at 2 p.m. Inter-|Catacol, No Boy 117 ment Oshawa Union Cemetery. Friends|Control Data, Fitzsimmons 112 are asked not to call at the funeral home |Sweet Gable, Dittfach 112 before Sunday afternoon. Queen's Wild, Grubb -X107 Also Eligible: Fleet Wren, Grubb, X107;_ Restful Thought, Kelly,: X112; Kindness beyond Price, yet | Undy Merit, sGordon, A-112. within reach of all A-Stafford Farms Entry. GERROW | |, covnne nce - re usec FUNERAL CHAPEL rutin crn 390 KING STREET WEST {Rownre Gores Grito 120 Telephone 728-6226 Ace Countess, No Boy 117 LOCKE'S FLORISTS Judge~ Beau, No Boy 115 |Mizzen, Grubb XX108 . onto 2, Ontario, (Telephone No. 365-1079). 'isa, (0 oyltecats "wif cloned "wigs 32--Trucks for Sale Pei ytinder, M chev. Ya ton fleetside with rack; '56 Ford |REpAIRABLE WRECKS with 65 most step ~ side pickup; '63. Pontiac four te r, Chev. convertible, door automatic Strato Chief. Telephone|/e4" Spantiac two-door. Courtice Aut 986-4971 Blackstock. Wreckers, 723-5238. tires, re|7, <T wan: tk. 2 "A '38 INTERNATIONAL dump truck, 8 Telephone! yard box, we. Apply Wanda's Variety We erg rene re 744 Simcoe Hs PONTIAC Parisienne Convertible,|j9gq CHEV. Fieetside van, 2500 miles. V-8 + 283, Marina ive, power steer- aed CHEV._risa bases a idly '§5 OLDSMOBILE Sedan good il brake job. Best offer. 42-0986, A_ $1,000.00 Bid Bond, o 100% Performance Bond and a 50% Payment Bond will be required as specified. A Deposit of $15.00 MONEY ORDER, OR CERTIFIED CHEQUE made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario, will Ing, brakes; anaes, int Uni - royal Master tires. Radio - gphek $2995. Financing arranged. 725-2062 a' 7 7 Pm, ae JEEP (ARMY) 4 WH. D. Rebuilt motor had hydraulic brake ra Removable cab, best offer. Newcastle 987-4553. p "63 CHEVROLET, 2-door coach, radio,|'61 CORVAIR Van, good running con- whitewalls, four new tires, excellent con-|dition. Suitable for camper or service dition, Telephone 623-3109. truck. Telephone 725-5132. '61 CHEVROLET Impala ay Sec eee 1967 CHEVROLET "2-ton truck. Tele- wagon, automatic, power idjphone after six 668-2453. steering, $10. down, $12, iu Ww "133--Automobiles Wanted man Rambler, 728-7351, '63 RAMBLER American, "63 INTERNATIONAL pick-up. Also '62 ler |Corvair Handy Van, '57 GM Tandem, '60 Chevrolet Tandem dump truck. 757 Willys, Call 725-2156. blade,|'63 ECONOLINE, new paint, good run- or|ning condition, $750 or best offer. Tele- phone 576-2151. = 3 a d per set of tender documents, which will be refunded if documents are returned in good condition within thirty days of above closing date, otherwise for- feited. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. T. R. Hilliard, Deputy Minister. 1, JOSEPH M. Kelemen, 753. Glenforest He will not responsible for any debts careea In my name by any- One on or after this date July 14, 1967, without my written consent. Signed Jos- BINGO St. Gertrude's PARISH HALL 690 KING ST. E. Every Monday ot 8:00 P.M. 20 'games--Jackpot-- Snowball and Share the Wealth Free Admission No Children under 16 Funeral arrangements and floral arrangements for all occasions. FRIDAY, JULY 14 OSHAWA SHOPPING FIRST RACE -- Mile Pace. Condi-| CENTRE tioned. Purse $800. 5 i 8-Narciss, Davies 10 4.20 3.40} 728 6555 | 2-Andy Ellis, Furness 3.50 2.70) SF arnege sits oece 4 Val y Also ja Hi lomestea alent ina, STAFFORD Sully's Dillon, Ensign Philip, and May BROTHERS LTD. Direct Authorized Dealers SECOND RACE -- Mile Pace. Condi- ROCK OF AGES tioned. urse $800. FAMILY MONUMENTS -- [sua meck'macone, 7° te dap And tom, 3. 318 Dundos St. E. 668-3552 |? "08% Sorted Trotwood Waldo, Wyn- Whitby, Ont. sor, Black Cloud, and Eddie B. Creed. {DAILY DOUBLE, 8 AND 1, PAID $31.60 id 1 Double, 8 and 7, $7.10 3 THIRD RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse $800. Claiming. 2-M'wd Atom, C'bell 13.20 6.20 3.40) 7-Chiet Clyde, Hie 4.20 2.80 DERVENT -- In loving memory of 8|1-Gay Meaden, Fines 2.80 Also Started: Demetryus, Little Timy Pee, Rugged AA ata Brother Dillon $. iyrd, and Miss Nama Wonderful memories, woven in gold, This Is @ picture | tenderly hold. FOURTH RACE -- Mile Trot. Condl- Deep In my heart a memory is kept,|tioned. Purse $1,300. dear husband and father, Wallace R. (Walter) Dervent, who passed away July 16, 1953. eph M. Kelemen. two-door, one a lent mechanical condition, Stee tae; WANTED bler, 726-7351. =| Good clean local cars for CONVERTIBLE, "62 Chevy eal! cosh , automatic, lop, iO, pa dash, Very eed mechanically. $700 or MORLEY STALKER best cash of ofier, 576-1983, 2 ex MOTORS a By oe ie ra od 137 King West er ov 4 '. Telephone igh! ou aha ae © TY 723-6322 | omy sent, Raymond N. Bre) 1 RAYMOND N. R.R. No. 6 Bowmanville, Ontario, ewitl net be respon- sible for any debts contracted in my name, by anyone, on or after this date July 13th 1967, without my written con- wih, The Quick Want Ad Way! Get Fast Cash ° To ti ps cherish, to never forget. 3-Atlantis, Waples 4.10 3.10 2.50 ed by Mabel and!4-Garma Alert, Walker 4.60 2.90) Neri }5-Why Not, McLean 2.90| Also Started: Lightning Dares, Lady) GREEN -- In loving memory of Lorne | Spring, Arawana Lady, and King C. Lee.) Green who passed away July 15, 1966. , ag lust today but everyday FIFTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Claiming. Purse $1,000. In silence we remember. Sadly missed by wife Eileen, 7-Mick's Girl, Curran 94.00 14.40 6,00 THIRD RAC E-- Purse $2,000, Claim-| ling (4000). Three-year-olds. One and lone-sixteenth Miles (9). Free Parking, No Boy 110 fAnn's Gem, Bell X105 |Prompt Response, Kelly A-X105 |Our Gooden, Dittfach 112 |Yumka, Grubb X105 No Boy 117 |Full Force, Kelly A-X105 GREENWOOD RACEWAY All Imaeg, No Boy (EXACTOR " WAGERINO) FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,000 Claim- ing (3000), Three-year-olds. @ Furlongs (18) Golden Jive Inouye: 112 | Football, No Boy 110 | Cool Boy Cool, Bell X105 Break Camp, Bowcut 110 Bernberti, Kelly A-X105 Daddy B. Good, Dittfach 110 Spartan Girl, LeBlanc 112 Valley Queen, Gordon 110 Wemrwood Scrubs, No Boy 117 Three Times Tipped, Grubb A-X112 Saba Court, Grubb X105 usse 'Cafe, Dittfach 112 Ale Eligible: Free Boy, Bell, X112;| Queen's Velvet, No Boy, 107; Chailie Moon, Harrison, 105; Gambari, Gibson, XXX105; Roman Cute, Ne Boy, 1107 |Crimson North, No Boy, 112. A--J W Russell and Y Ww Sifton Entry. SIXTH RACE -- Purse $3,200. Allow: lances. Three-year-olds and up. One and lone-sixteenth Miles, (6) |Cambuslang, Grubb X112 Echo Lad, Fitzsimmons 114 |Don Fernando 2nd, No Boy A-11? | Arctic Canuck, Kelly X109 i |Royal Mattar, No Boy A-117 |Royal Encounter, No Boy 114 | |A--G M Holtsinger and D M Davis Jr.) | Entry. | (EXACTOR WAGERING) SEVENTH RACE--Purse $3,000, Al- lowances, Three-year-olds. About 7 Fur- |longs on turf (7). |Toward, Grubb A-X109 Poor Luke, Harrison 119 Orange Soda Kid, No Boy 112 Dark Secret, Platts XX107 Row Stitch, Mahon 112 Lava" Hill, ce W7 |Gentry, Kelly A |A--Mr 'and Mrs. 7 W Sifton Entry. EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,300. Claim- |Rascoe, No Boy 110 Fleet Imp, Hinojosa 114 Thunder Jay, Grubb X105 A--E Lieberman Entry. | TEA a g 8B AGS Of 100's FRI Save Ile RUIT s2 900 DRINKS i} 'Dominion's Own Brand" Save 6c! | FANCY QUALITY geen Cc o ins TOMATOES ~~. 25 Christies Save 6c! PREMIUM 16 oz sons BO Stokely's -- Fancy Save 6c! ITOMATO 46 of, 35° JUICE 6 "Dominion's Own Brand" Save 16c! COFFEE r 5g BEANS Kraft Save 4c! MARSHMALLOWS C JET PUFF 25 "Dominion's Own Brand" Richmello Save 10c SALAD ates qd DRESSING "Dominion's Own Brand" Domino Save 10c! BLUE DETERGENT POWDER 4 Ib. C Box : "Ontario Grown" Xx. Ibs XXX--10 Ibs AAC |5-May Chief €., Crooks ays Lady, Wellwood Started: May Trust, layer" Miss Trudy Spencer, Sam's and Key Performance. SIXTH RACE -- Mile Trot. Purse $3,500. 4-Kimbo, Waples 5-Protector D'ido, 2 pcg ol Clements Also Started; Nancy Brook B and Betsy Herbert. EXACTOR, 4 AND 5, PAID $35. 10. SEVENTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Condi- | tioned. Purse $1,200. LBleze Oregon, Walker 9.50 4.70 2.90] Belmont Ernie, Holmes 7.20 5-Prince McKlyo, Hayes 0 Also Started: Larry Dillard, Brother | Noble, Lucky Pat, Honest Rocket. EIGHTH RACE -- Mile Pace, Condi- tioned. Purse $2,000. 2-Fr's P, Adios, MacD'ld 3.60 2.90 2.60/ Fe alg! @ Burke, Feagan 470 3.40 Vite glad Millman 3.70 iso Started: Midge Diamond, Rough sketch, J. R. Spencer and Sonny Creed. NINTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Claiming. Purse $1,500. Invitation. VW Holmes , Crowe 7.90 5-Kawartha Star, Feagan |}-Echo 0. Valley, Alexander 4.60 | iso Started: Adiog Ray C., Amber Peg B., Scott's Dominion and Ambrose Attendance 10,345, Handle 6538,677, FIRM GREEN CABBAGE Heads FEARMAN'S 2 Ib. 0 4 Pkg. EVERYTHING GUARANTEED Volues effective Mon., Tues., Wed., July 17, 18, 19 K-Mart Plaza, Midtown Piezo, Whitby Oshawa, We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantity DOMINION STORES LIMITED OMINION

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